Exsultet C/D. œ Nœ. w w C/D. œ œ œ œ. Asus4

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2 Keyoard 10 17 /D INTRO (h = 72 7) Ex 2 2 Deacon/Priest/antor /D B /D - ult, let them ex - ult, the hosts of heav-en, ex - ult, let n - gel /D B /D /D min-is-ters of God ex - ult, let the trum-pet of sal -va -tion sound a - loud, /D B /D /D sus sound a -loud our might - y King s tri-umph! hrist our light is ris-en sus # 7 N m7 Paul Hillerand B Note: Parentheses around text indicate that it is to e sung y a Deacon or Priest only Text 2010, International ommission on English in the Liturgy orporation (IEL) ll rights reserved Used ith permission Music 2012, Paul Hillerand Pulished y OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved Pulished ith the approval of the ommittee on Divine Worship, United States onference of atholic Bishops Edition 011769

2 29 Soprano/ll lto Tenor Bass 5 2 hrist our light is floods her, /D a earth e glad, sus hrist our light is 7 m7 N ris - en Be glad, let earth e glad, as glo - Deacon/Priest/antor /D /D B /D ry - laze ith light from her e - ter -nal King, let all cor-ners of the /D B /D /D kno -ing an end to gloom and dark-ness sus # ris - en hrist our light is ris - en Re - B hoir/ll Deacon/Priest/antor /D

7 oice, let Moth-er hurch al -so re -oice, ar -rayed ith the light-ning of his 5 59 65 /D B /D /D glo - ry, let this ho - ly uild -ing shake ith B /D /D filled ith the might -y voic-es of the peo-ples hoir/ll nd ith your spir-it) sus Deacon/Priest/antor Lift up your hearts We # hoir/ll oy, sus lift them up to the /D (The Lord e Deacon or Priest only: reely ith you Deacon/Priest/antor Lord Let us give B m7 B

5 71 77 8 89 thanks to the Lord our ust, /D /D Lord, ith his God It is hoir/ll right and m7 ust B Deacon/Priest/antor: In tempo It is ar -dent love of mind and heart and ith de-vot -ed ser-vice of our B /D /D tru - ly right and /D voice, B /D to ac -claim our God in - vis -i -le, the al-might - y a -ther, and Je -sus hrist, our Son, B 6 B ma7 sus his On -ly Be - got-ten hrist our light is ris -en sus # 7 N m7 B

6 95 101 107 hoir/ll hrist our light is /D ris -en Who for our sake paid d-am s det to the e -ter-nal a - ther, and, pour - ing /D out /D his Deacon/Priest/antor on B /D dear /D Blood, /D B /D iped clean the rec-ord of our an-cient sin - ful -ness hrist our light is ris -en B 6 sus # 7 m7 N B

7 11 119 125 10 hoir/ll hrist our light is /D in ris -en These then are the feasts of Pass -o - ver, hich is slain the door-posts of e - liev -ers sus /D Lam, /D # the Deacon/Priest/antor one B /D true This is the Lam, /D /D hose night, hen B /D Blood a - noints the Più mosso (h = ca 78) fore-ears, Is -ra-el s chil-dren, from slav - er -y in E-gypt B once you led our B and

8 16 made them pass dry - shod through the Red Sea This is the night that 11 18 15 ith a night part B that sus pil -lar of fire an -ished the dark -ness of B # sin B N This is the e - ven no, through-out the orld, sets hris -tian e - liev-ers a - B from orld -ly vic -es and from the gloom of sin, lead - ing them to sus grace and

9 160 167 17 179 oin -ing them to hisholy - ones This is the night, hen hrist roke the pris-on- ars of death and rose sus # N vic - to - rious from the un - der -orld sus # B hrist our light is 7 m7 N ris -en hrist our light is ris-en Oonder - ofyour hum-le care for us! B 2 2 2 hoir/ll O love, O U U U /D U (h = q ) Deacon/Priest/antor: In a recitative style 9 char -i -ty e-yond all tell-ing, to ran-som a slave you B /E /E 2 2 2 2

10 18 187 190 gave a-ay your Son! Otrulynecessary - - - - sin of d-am, de -stroyed com-plete-ly y the / B Death of hrist! / 19 2 2 2 B O hap-py fault that earned so great, so glo -rious a Re - /E m/ deem - er! The sanc - ti - fy - ing po - er of this night dis-pels B ma7 sus ick-ed -ness, ash-es faults a - ay, re-stores in -no-cence to the fall -en, and oy B /E B ma7 to

11 197 201 207 21 J mourn-ers vine B ma7 /D O to the hu-man sus tru -ly less-ed night, hen things of heav-en are ed to those of earth, and di- (q = h) 2 In tempo 2 2 2 # Tempo primo Deacon/Priest/antor On this, your night of hrist our light is 7 m7 N grace, /D O ho B /D B ris -en hrist our light is ris -en B hoir/ll - ly a-ther, ac - cept this can-dle, a /D sol -emn of-f ring, the ork of ees and of your ser-vants hands, eve-ning B /D /D sus an /D

12 221 sac -ri -fice of praise, this gift from your most ho -ly hurch 228 25 21 hrist our light 7 m7 N sus is pray you that this B sus ris -en hrist our light is ris -en There-fore, B hoir/ll /D can -dle, hal-loed to the hon - or of your # Deacon/Priest/antor name, B O Lord, e may per -se - vere un - dimmed, to o - ver-come the dark-ness of this sus

1 27 night sus 255 262 269 pleas /D # hrist our light is 7 m7 N ris-en hrist our light is ris-en Re -ceive it B hoir/ll Deacon/Priest/antor /D - ing fra-grance, and let it min -gle ith the lights of heav-en May this # the B /D /D flame e found still one N /D B /D urn-ing y the Morn -ing sus Morn-ing Star ho nev - B er sets, hrist your /D Son, as a Star: sus ho,

1 276 281 288 com -ing ack from death s do-main, has shed his peace-ful light on hu - man - i -ty, B and hoir/ll lives hrist our light is and reigns for sus ev-er and ev -er hrist our light is ris -en sus # 7 N ris - en - men - Deacon/Priest/antor rit rit 7 rit m7 B ẇ hoir/ll molto rit m7 molto rit molto rit B U men # u D U # # U

(Guitar/Vocal) 15 Paul Hillerand Note: Parentheses around text indicate that it is to e sung y a Deacon or Priest only Text 2010, International ommission on English in the Liturgy orporation (IEL) ll rights reserved Used ith permission Music 2012, Paul Hillerand Pulished y OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved Pulished ith the approval of the ommittee on Divine Worship, United States onference of atholic Bishops



18 181 B tell-ing, /E to ran-som a slave you / B gave a - ay your Son! O tru-ly nec-es-sa-ry / 2 185 B sin of d - am, de-stroyed com-plete-ly y the Death of hrist! 2 189 19 197 201 /E m/ earned so great, so glo-rious a Re - ick-ed-ness, ash- es faults a - mourn-ers J O B ay, B ma7 sus 2 vine to the hu- man 207 Deacon/Priest/antoṛ 215 /D /D On of- f ring, Tempo primo the B ma7 deem-er! re-stores tru - ly less-ed night, hen things (q = h) In tempo 7 this, your night of ork of /D m7 hrist our light grace, O ees and of your O hap-py fault sus The sanc-ti - fy-ing po-er of this night in - no-cence is B /E to the of heav-en are B ris - en B /D /D ho - ly sus ser-vants hands, B ma7 that dis-pels fall- en, and oy to ed to those of earth, and di - ll a-ther, ac - cept hrist our light is an this /D can- dle, eve-ning a ris - en B /D sol - emn sac - ri-fice of 222 sus praise, this gift from your most ho - ly sus hurch 7 m7 hrist our light is B ris - en


20 ssemly Edition EXSULTET Paul Hillerand & 2 1st time: Deacon/Priest/antor, ll repeat hrist our light is ris - en & Deacon or Priest only (The Lord Deacon/Priest/antor & Lift e up your hearts & thanks to the Lord our ith you ll We 1st time: Deacon/Priest/antor, ll repeat Text 2010, International ommission on English in the Liturgy orporation (IEL) ll rights reserved Used ith permission Music 2012, Paul Hillerand Pulished y OP, 556 NE Hassalo, Portland, OR 9721 ll rights reserved Pulished ith the approval of the ommittee on Divine Worship, United States onference of atholic Bishops ll nd ith your lift them up God It is & hrist our light is ris - en ll right to the and Lord spir - it) ust Deacon/Priest/antor Let us give 1st time: Deacon/Priest/antor, ll repeat - men or reprint permissions, please visit OneLicensenet or contact us at 1-800-66-1501 omposer Notes This setting of the short form of the is an alternative to the chant setting in the Roman Missal It includes an optional response that is easy for the assemly to repeat lthough the response is not part of the actual text of the, it may e sung as ritten or omitted ccompaniment is effective y organ or piano ith STB choir supporting the assemly Happy Easter Vigil! hrist our Light is Risen! Paul Hillerand