Through Heaven's Eyes Oldham County Youth Theatre

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Voice Choir Piano 6 Medium Tempo E & bb b Percussion b b Through Heaven's Eyes Oldham County Youth Theatre b Œ Ó E Stephen Schartz b b Œ Ó &b b b b n n n b b Œ Ó Œ Ó 10 D & n n n? n Œ Ó n n Œ Ó n n 1 ethro: A A Ó Œ j n n n j sin-gle thread in a tap-es- try, though its col-or bright-ly shine, can n A E n? j j j n n j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt OCYT 015 D n n n j V.S.

17 n n? j j n Œ Ó j nev-er see its pur-pose in the pat-tern of the grand de- sign. And the B G B D/G E G E j j n n n j n n n j n n j 0 n n stone that sits on the ver - y top of the moun-tain's might - y face, does it? n n Ó n j j j n n D j? OCYT 015 j j Œ think its more im-por-tant than thestones that formthe base? So B D/G B D/G E B D/G E n j j n n n j n n n j n n j j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt

5 7 B?? ho can you see hat your life is orth or here your val - ue lies? You can B A F 7 EŒ Š7/G A F 7 E/G A j j Ó nev-er see through the eyes of man. You mustlook at your life, j EŒ Š7/G C 7 B/D E B/D E j 0 look at your life through heav - en's eyes. Moderately Fast? n CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt OCYT 015 C Lai I' lai lai lee la lai E/G A D( ) B 7 E Moderately Fast n C Œ Ensemble:octaves n Ó n V.S.

& n n n lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai D B G B 7 G( ) E & n n n? n n n j n n j Add ethro: n 5 D? n n Lai I' lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lee la lai D E D B G n n n n n n n 8 n j n OCYT 015 b lai lai lai lai lai Lai Lai I' lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai B 7 G( ) E F E b b? n n b b j n n b b j b b CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt

1 &b ethro: Ó Œ j A 5 <b> & b lai lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai C A C A Œ Š7 F C A F & b <b> b & b E lake of gold in the des - ert sand is less than a cool fresh spring. And to F E b b j b j E b b b b j b j j b b n b b bn b b 6 b b Ó j one lost sheep a shep-herd boy is great-er than the rich-est king. If a C A C A Œ Š7 F C A F &b b b b b n? b b b j b b b b j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt OCYT 015 V.S.

6 9 j b n j man lose ev - 'ry thing he ons, has he tru - ly lost his orth? Or &b F j b nb j b b j j j b b E 51 & b j Œ is it the be-gin-ning of a ne and bright-er birth? So C E /A C E /A F C A Œ Š7 F & b b j b b b b b b j b j 5 F F &b ho OCYT 015 Tempo I do you meas-ure the orth of a man? In ealth or strength or size? In ho B Tempo I G 7 FŒ Š7 B G 7 FŒ Š7/A B n j n j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt

56 j Œ j much he gainedor ho much he gave? The an-ser ill come, the 7 & b A D 7 C/E F C/E F j 59 & b j an-ser ill come to him ho tries to look at his life through heav - en's & b F/A B F/C A7/C D B Œ Š7 F 7 F/A A Ó j n j j 6 &b G eyes. And that's hy e share all e have ith you, though there's G D B G 7 FŒ Š7/A B j n n j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt OCYT 015 V.S.

8 6 lit tle to be found. When all you;ve got is noth-ing there's a lot to go a- round. & b F 7 FŒ Š7/A B E 7(b5) A 7 D B G 7 C j j 67 & b Ó Œ b b So life can e-scape be-ing blon a bout by theinds of change and chance. And & b B G 7 C A F 7 E Œ Š7/G A F 7 G 7 C b b b b b b j b j 70 &b b OCYT 015 though you nev-er kno all the steps, you must learn to join the dance B /E A D A D B G 7 C b n Œ j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt

7 ΠΠrit. you must learn to join the dance. B G 7 C C/B A C/G D rit. &b n 9 75 Moderately Slo H poco accel. & & Ensemble: b n n n n j Lai I' lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai? b n n n n Moderately Slo H poco accel. G F D B D B G & b n n n n j? j n n n b b j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt OCYT 015 V.S.

10 79 & b n n n? Lai I' lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lee la lai b n n n F D B & b n n n? j n n b n 8 n b? n b n n OCYT 015 Moderately Fast lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai Lai I' lai lai lee la lai µ E n b? n b b n I Moderately Fast I n n n j CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt

8 lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lai lee la lai lai lai lai lai lai lai? n n n rit. Ó Œ n n n n n n So, 11 rit. D B G B 7 G( ) E & n n? j n n n n n n n n 87? Moderately Slo ho do you judge hat a man is orth? By hat he builds or buys? You can j Aah Aah You can Moderately Slo A F 7 EŒ Š7/G A F 7 EŒ Š7/G A? CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt OCYT 015 V.S.

1 89? Ó nev-er see ith your eyes on Earth;look through heav en's eyes. Look at your life. nev-er see ith your eyes on Earth;look through heav en's eyes. j Ó look through heav en's eyes. Ó Ó? F 7 EŒ Š7/G C D C A E/G A E/G j n j n 9? Ó Look at your life. Look at your life through heav - en's n Look at your life Look at your life through heav - en's Look at your life through heav - en's? OCYT 015 B E/G B/F E/G E/G A F 7 D n n CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt

95?? Moderately Fast eyes. eyes. eyes. Moderately Fast E D B G E n j j j n n n n n.> n n 1 CMS Studio - Craig M. Satt OCYT 015