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1 Look at all these toys!

2 Help it s Ruby!

3 All alone

4 Is Ruby dying?

5 Where do Rubyists go?

6 Where do Rubyists go? Tobias pragtob.info


8 673 Responses



11 First Rails Release

12 Rails 1.0

13 Why did you learn Ruby? I had written half of Rails in PHP. Then Rails was announced and it was like a cheat code to a working framework.

14 First Rails Girls Workshop

15 First Rails Girls Berlin Workshop

16 Surveys and Bias

17 Like some bias?

18 Like to do Ruby in 5 years?




22 Omissions

23 Tools

24 Disclaimer

25 Meet & Greet


27 Name: Ruby Popular Rubyists: All of them Known for: Metaprogramming, dynamic, Scripting, web Self-assessment: A dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity.

28 FizzBuzz!

29 1 2

30 1 2 Fizz

31 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz

32 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz

33 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14

34 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz FizzBuzz

35 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz FizzBuzz 16

36 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

37 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

38 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

39 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

40 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

41 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

42 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

43 Name: Crystal Popular Rubyists: Erik Berlin, Piotr Szotkowski, Fabio Akita Known for: Ruby-like, Performance, Type Inference Self-assessment: Fast as C, slick as Ruby

44 def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

45 cp fizzbuzz.rb fizzbuzz.cr def fizzbuzz(n) if (n % 15).zero? "FizzBuzz" elsif (n % 5).zero? "Buzz" elsif (n % 3).zero? "Fizz" else n end end (1..100).each { n puts fizzbuzz(n)}

46 Elixir Name: Popular Rubyists: José Valim, Dave Thomas, Xavier Noria Erlang VM, Actors, Functional, Known for: Phoenix Self-assessment: dynamic, functional language designed for building scalable and maintainable applications.

47 defmodule FizzBuzz do def fizzbuzz(n) when def fizzbuzz(n) when def fizzbuzz(n) when def fizzbuzz(n), do: end rem(n, 15) == 0, do: "FizzBuzz" rem(n, 5) == 0, do: "Buzz" rem(n, 3) == 0, do: "Fizz" n Enum.each(1..100, fn i -> IO.puts(FizzBuzz.fizzbuzz(i)) end)

48 defmodule FizzBuzz do def fizzbuzz(n) when def fizzbuzz(n) when def fizzbuzz(n) when def fizzbuzz(n), do: end rem(n, 15) == 0, do: "FizzBuzz" rem(n, 5) == 0, do: "Buzz" rem(n, 3) == 0, do: "Fizz" n Enum.each(1..100, fn i -> IO.puts(FizzBuzz.fizzbuzz(i)) end)

49 Name: Popular Rubyists: Known for: Self-assessment: Haskell Chad Fowler Type System, Monads, Pure An advanced, purely functional programming language.

50 main = mapm_ (putstrln. fizzbuzz) [1..100] fizzbuzz x x `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz" x `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz" x `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz" otherwise = show x

51 main = mapm_ (putstrln. fizzbuzz) [1..100] fizzbuzz x x `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz" x `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz" x `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz" otherwise = show x

52 main = mapm_ (putstrln. fizzbuzz) [1..100] fizzbuzz x x `mod` 15 == 0 = "FizzBuzz" x `mod` 3 == 0 = "Fizz" x `mod` 5 == 0 = "Buzz" otherwise = show x

53 Go Name: Popular Rubyists: Katrina Owen, Evan Phoenix Goroutines, Simple, No Known for: Exceptions, No Generics Self-assessment: open source programming language that makes it easy to build simple, reliable, and efficient software.

54 package main import "fmt" import "strconv" func FizzBuzz(i int) string { switch { case i%15 == 0: return "FizzBuzz" case i%3 == 0: return "Fizz" case i%5 == 0: return "Buzz" default: return strconv.itoa(i) } } func main() { for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ { fmt.println(fizzbuzz(i)) } }

55 package main import "fmt" import "strconv" func FizzBuzz(i int) string { switch { case i%15 == 0: return "FizzBuzz" case i%3 == 0: return "Fizz" case i%5 == 0: return "Buzz" default: return strconv.itoa(i) } } func main() { for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ { fmt.println(fizzbuzz(i)) } }

56 package main import "fmt" import "strconv" func FizzBuzz(i int) string { switch { case i%15 == 0: return "FizzBuzz" case i%3 == 0: return "Fizz" case i%5 == 0: return "Buzz" default: return strconv.itoa(i) } } func main() { for i := 1; i <= 100; i++ { fmt.println(fizzbuzz(i)) } }

57 Rust Name: Popular Rubyists: Steve Klabnik, Yehuda Katz, Sean Griffin Memory Management, Known for: Compiler, Firefox Quantum Self-assessment: a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety.

58 fn main() { (1..101).for_each( n println!("{}", fizzbuzz(n))) } fn fizzbuzz(n: i32) -> String { match (n % 3, n % 5) { (0, 0) => "FizzBuzz".to_string(), (0, _) => "Fizz".to_string(), (_, 0) => "Buzz".to_string(), _ => n.to_string(), } }

59 fn main() { (1..101).for_each( n println!("{}", fizzbuzz(n))) } fn fizzbuzz(n: i32) -> String { match (n % 3, n % 5) { (0, 0) => "FizzBuzz".to_string(), (0, _) => "Fizz".to_string(), (_, 0) => "Buzz".to_string(), _ => n.to_string(), } }

60 fn main() { (1..101).for_each( n println!("{}", fizzbuzz(n))) } fn fizzbuzz(n: i32) -> String { match (n % 3, n % 5) { (0, 0) => "FizzBuzz".to_string(), (0, _) => "Fizz".to_string(), (_, 0) => "Buzz".to_string(), _ => n.to_string(), } }

61 Name: Popular Rubyists: Known for: Self-assessment: JavaScript Yehuda Katz, Jeremy Ashkenas Quirks, Async, Compile to a lightweight interpreted or JITcompiled programming language with first-class functions.

62 const fizzbuzz = n => { if (n % 15 === 0) { return "FizzBuzz"; } else if (n % 3 === 0) { return "Fizz"; } else if (n % 5 === 0) { return "Buzz"; } else { return n; } }; for (let n = 1; n <= 100; n += 1) { console.log(fizzbuzz(n)); }

63 const fizzbuzz = n => { if (n % 15 === 0) { return "FizzBuzz"; } else if (n % 3 === 0) { return "Fizz"; } else if (n % 5 === 0) { return "Buzz"; } else { return n; } }; for (let n = 1; n <= 100; n += 1) { console.log(fizzbuzz(n)); }

64 const fizzbuzz = n => { if (n % 15 === 0) { return "FizzBuzz"; } else if (n % 3 === 0) { return "Fizz"; } else if (n % 5 === 0) { return "Buzz"; } else { return n; } }; for (let n = 1; n <= 100; n += 1) { console.log(fizzbuzz(n)); }

65 Clojure Name: Popular Rubyists: Russ Olsen, Bozhidar Batsov, Arne Brasseur Rich Hickey, Lisp, JVM, () Known for: Self-assessment: a robust, practical, and fast programming language with a set of useful features that together form a simple, coherent, and powerful tool.

66 (defn fizzbuzz [n] (cond (zero? (mod n 15)) "FizzBuzz" (zero? (mod n 3)) "Fizz" (zero? (mod n 5)) "Buzz" :else n)) (run! println (map fizzbuzz (range 1 101)))

67 (defn fizzbuzz [n] (cond (zero? (mod n 15)) "FizzBuzz" (zero? (mod n 3)) "Fizz" (zero? (mod n 5)) "Buzz" :else n)) (run! println (map fizzbuzz (range 1 101)))

68 (defn fizzbuzz [n] (cond (zero? (mod n 15)) "FizzBuzz" (zero? (mod n 3)) "Fizz" (zero? (mod n 5)) "Buzz" :else n)) (run! println (map fizzbuzz (range 1 101)))

69 What you got?

70 Paradigm

71 Object Object Functional Functional Procedural Procedural Functional Functional Functional Procedural

72 Parallelism

73 Parallelism vs Concurrency

74 Concurrent Concurrent Yes Goroutines + channels Yes Agnostic Yes Actors Yes/No Webworkers+ Yes Mvar, par, STM Yes STM, pmap, Transducers

75 Performance!

76 Type System

77 Dynamic Static Inferred Static Inferred++ Static Inferred Dynamic Optional Inferred++ Static Inferred++ Dynamic Dynamic Optional Optional Inferred++ Inferred++

78 Compiled vs Interpreted

79 Interpreted Compiled Compiled Compiled Compiled Compiled Interpreted Compiled

80 Self-hosted

81 Show me your code

82 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

83 GarbageCollection

84 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes

85 Single File Distribution

86 No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No

87 Ruby-like Syntax

88 Yes Yes Yes No No No No No


90 Parallel

91 Parallel Typing

92 Parallel Typing Fast

93 So, what?

94 Expand Your Mind

95 Why did you learn a new language? Ruby's OO model was brain-expanding, and I was seeking more brain-expanding paradigms that would let me think entirely new thoughts.

96 Joy

97 Domain

98 Tools

99 Where does Ruby go?

100 Rails is strangling Ruby. In the same way that you don't quit because of a bad company, you quit because of a bad boss.

101 Where does Ruby go?

102 Parallel Typing Fast

103 Ruby is the best language I have used over my 30 years programming. I hope Ruby 3 puts an end to the Ruby is slow meme once and for all.

104 I really like Ruby for what it is, and don't think 'adding a type system' or something is the best way to keep Ruby relevant. Don't morph Ruby in to something it's not.

105 We re all great!

106 Explore some new lands!

107 Enjoy Coding & Learning in whatever language... Tobias pragtob.info

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