Nu: Towards a Flexible and Dynamic Aspect- Oriented Intermediate Language Model

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1 Computer Science Technical Reports Computer Science 2007 Nu: Towards a Flexible and Dynamic Aspect- Oriented Intermediate Language Model Robert Dyer Iowa State University, Rakesh Bangalore Shivarudra Setty Iowa State University, Hridesh Rajan Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Programming Languages and Compilers Commons, and the Software Engineering Commons Recommended Citation Dyer, Robert; Setty, Rakesh Bangalore Shivarudra; and Rajan, Hridesh, "Nu: Towards a Flexible and Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Intermediate Language Model" (2007). Computer Science Technical Reports. Paper This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Computer Science at Digital Iowa State University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Computer Science Technical Reports by an authorized administrator of Digital Iowa State University. For more information, please contact

2 Nu: Towards a Flexible and Dynamic Aspect-Oriented Intermediate Language Model Technical Report # 07-06, Dept. of Computer Science, Iowa State University, June 03, 2007 Robert Dyer Rakesh B. Setty Hridesh Rajan Dept. of Computer Science, Iowa State University {rdyer, rsetty, ABSTRACT The contribution of this work is the design, implementation and evaluation of a new aspect-oriented intermediate language model that we call Nu. The primary motivation behind the design of the Nu model is to maintain the aspect-oriented design modularity in the intermediate code for the responsiveness of incremental compilers and source-level debuggers. Nu extends the object-oriented intermediate language model with two primitives: bind and remove. We demonstrate that these primitives are capable of expressing statically deployed constructs such as AspectJ s aspect, dynamic deployment construct such as CaeserJ s deploy as well as dynamic control flow constructs such as AspectJ s cflow by presenting compilation techniques from high-level languages to Nu for these constructs. Moreover, these compilation techniques also serve to show that aspect-oriented design modularity is indeed preserved in the Nu intermediate code. We also present the design and implementation of a prototype extension of the Sun Hotspot virtual machine that supports the Nu model, which serves to show that it is feasible to implement Nu in a production level virtual machine. A key concern for dynamic language models is the performance overhead of their implementation. Our performance analysis results show that method dispatch time is not degraded in our prototype implementation. Also, advice dispatch time remains fairly close to the manually inlined version. Categories and Subject Descriptors D.1.5 [Programming Techniques]: Object-oriented Programming; D.3.4 [Programming Languages]: Processors Code generation; Incremental compilers; Run-time environments General Terms Design, Human Factors, Languages Keywords Nu, invocation, incremental, weaving, aspect-oriented intermediate languages, aspect-oriented virtual machines Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Copyright 200X ACM X-XXXXX-XX-X/XX/XX...$ INTRODUCTION Aspect-oriented (AO) techniques provide software engineers with new possibilities for keeping crosscutting conceptual concerns separate at the source code level [10, 18]. The compilers for some AO approaches then transform the aspect-oriented source code to object-oriented intermediate code by inserting calls to and fragments from (the now modularized) crosscutting concerns into other concerns [7, 12]. This is done to produce intermediate code that is compliant with current object-oriented virtual machines. The design decision to remain compliant with current objectoriented virtual machines was made to encourage early adopters, who may not want to change their virtual machines. Early adoption, in turn, facilitated a large scale empirical evaluation of new language design ideas. Now that aspect-oriented software development techniques have shown promise [8, 33], it makes sense to ask whether relaxing the requirement to remain compliant with current intermediate languages can be beneficial. In this work, we propose an extension of object-oriented intermediate language (IL) models to better support aspect-oriented languages. Our extension, which we call Nu, consists of two new atomic primitives: bind and remove. The effect of these primitives is to manipulate what we call advising relationships. For the purpose of this paper, we define an advising relationship as a manyto-one relation between points in the execution of a program and a delegate. If a point in the execution of a program and a delegate are in an advising relationship, the execution of the point is followed by the execution of the delegate. The effect of the bind primitive is to dynamically create an advising relationship. The effect of the remove primitive is to destroy the specified advising relationship. Our intermediate language extension is both simple and flexible enough to be able to accommodate the requirements of a broad set of source language constructs. Our results show that the combination of the two primitives in our intermediate language design allows us to model statically deployed constructs such as AspectJ s aspect [17], dynamic deployment constructs such as CaesarJ s deploy [26] as well as control flow constructs such as AspectJ s cflow. Another nice property of the Nu model is that it allows compilers to maintain the conceptual separation that was present in the source code, in the object code as well. The intermediate code now mirrors the design, which among other things is important for incremental compilation, source-level debugging, and dynamic adaptation of aspect-oriented programs. We have extended the Sun Hotspot Java Virtual Machine (Hotspot JVM) [29] to support our intermediate language design, which serves to show that it is feasible to support the Nu model in a production level virtual machine. We have also modified the AspectJ [17] compiler to generate Nu code showing that our extended IL can support portions of this widely used language. 1

3 In what follows, we describe our intermediate language design. Section 3 describes strategies to compile various static and dynamic AO language constructs to our intermediate language model. We then describe our implementation strategy to support the Nu intermediate language model in the Hotspot JVM in Section 4. Section 6 discusses related work, Section 7 discusses some benefits of our approach, Section 8 discusses future work and Section 9 concludes. 2. NU: A DYNAMIC AO IL MODEL The key requirements for our IL model is to remain simple, yet flexible enough to be able to support both static and dynamic constructs in AO source languages and at the same time preserve aspect-oriented design modularity in the object code. This section introduces the join point model adopted by our approach. We then illustrate new primitives using an example. 2.1 Nu s Join Point Model The central concept in AO approaches is the notion of a join point. A join point is defined as a point in the execution of a program. For example, in AspectJ [17], the execution of the method Hello.main() in Figure 1 is an example of a join point. This join point may possibly occur at a location in the source code, popularly referred to as the shadow of the join point. The shadow of the join point shown is marked in Figure 1. // Source Code public class Hello { static void main(string[] arguments) { System.out.println("Hello"); // Intermediate Code static void main(java.lang.string[]); /* AspectJ join point shadow for "execution of the method Hello.main" starts here */ getstatic #2; //System.out ldc #3; //String Hello invokevirtual #4; //Method println /* AspectJ join point shadow ends here */ Figure 1: Illustration of the AspectJ Join Point Model Instead of AspectJ s join point model, we adopted a finer-grained join point model for Nu, proposed by Endoh et al. [11]. Endoh et al. called the join point model of AspectJ-like languages a regionin-time model since a join point in these languages represents duration of an event, such as a call to a method until its termination. They proposed a join point model called point-in-time model in which a join point represents an instance of an event, such as the beginning of a method call or the termination of a method call [11]. They showed that this model is sufficiently expressive to represent common advising scenarios. In the point-in-time model, corresponding to AspectJ s call join point there are three join points: call, reception, and failure. Here, failure is when an exception is thrown by the callee. These three join points eliminate the need for three different types of advice: before, after ing, and after throwing advice. The before call, after ing call, and after throwing call become equivalent to call, reception, and failure respectively. Similarly, corresponding to AspectJ s execution join point there are three join points: execution,, and throw. Here, throw is when the executing method throws an exception. At this time, Nu does not support around advice (see Section 8 for more details). For more details about the point-in-time model, please see Endoh et al. [11]. For example, in Figure 2, two join point shadows in the method static void main(java.lang.string[]); /* Join point shadow for the join point "execution of the method Hello.main" */ getstatic #2; //System.out ldc #3; //String Hello invokevirtual #4; //Method println /* Join point shadow for the join point " of the method Hello.main" */ Figure 2: Illustration of the Point-In-Time Join Point Model bind remove Stack Transition..., Pattern, Delegate..., BindHandle..., BindHandle... Description Associates the execution Eliminates the association of all join points matched represented by by Pattern to invoke BindHandle Delegate Exceptions NullPointerEx IllegalArgumentEx - thrown if any argument is - thrown if the null BindHandle passed in has already been removed Figure 3: Specification of Primitives in Nu Hello.main() are marked as being shadows for the join points execution of the method Hello.main() and of the method Hello.main(). Our adoption of this model was in part driven by the clarity it gives to the semantics of dynamic aspect deployment. One issue that arises with the deployment of dynamic aspects is when the aspect being deployed advises a join point already on the stack. With a region-in-time model, it is not very clear whether this new aspect should advise the join point already on the stack and the problem is often left to the semantics of the virtual machine [16]. Using a point-in-time model, this problem is avoided since a join point is never on the stack. 2.2 New Primitives: BIND and REMOVE Our IL model adds only two primitives to the object-oriented IL, bind and remove. The informal specifications including stack transitions and exceptions that might be thrown are shown in Figure 3. As described previously, the effect of these primitives is to manipulate what we call advising relationships. At this time we have explicitly decided not to support static crosscutting mechanisms, such as inter-type declarations in AspectJ [17]. An example use of the Nu primitives and Nu s standard library is given in Figure 4. The figure shows the intermediate code for class AuthLogger. The objective is to record the time of execution of any method named login in the system. Moreover, one should also be able to enable and disable the authentication logger during execution. To implement this logger, we need to specify the intention to select all methods with the name login. In the Nu model, one would create a pattern to represent this intention Patterns in Nu A pattern is an object of type Pattern. It is created by instantiating a set of classes provided by the Nu standard library. It is first-class, in that it can be stored, passed as a parameter, and ed from methods. Note, however, they are immutable. Since patterns are first-class objects available in the high-level language, they are re-usable. This allows for possible optimizations by compilers, such as locating commonly used sub-patterns that can be created once and re-used. Since patterns are immutable, the virtual machine that implements the Nu model does not have to worry 2

4 public class AuthLogger { protected static BindHandle id; protected static Pattern loginpattern; protected static Delegate logdelegate; static {; // Static initializer /* create new Method and Execution objects */.. ldc #4; //String *.login invokespecial #5; //Method.<init> invokespecial #6; //Execution.<init> putstatic #9; //Pattern loginpattern ldc #7; //String AuthLogger ldc #8; //String log invokespecial #10; //Delegate.<init> putstatic #11; //Delegate logdelegate public static void enable(); getstatic #9; //Pattern loginpattern getstatic #11; //Delegate logdelegate bind //Bind putstatic #12; //BindHandle id public static void disable(); getstatic #12; //BindHandle id remove //Remove public static void log(); // record the time of login Figure 4: Bind and Remove in an Example Program Basic Patterns Selected JPs 1. Method Method-related JPs 2. Constructor Constructor-related JPs 3. Initialization Static initializerrelated JPs 4. Field Field-related JPs Patterns 5-10 take a pattern of type 1, 2, or 3 as argument. Patterns take a pattern of type 4 as argument. Filters Selected JPs 5. Execution Method executions 6. Return Method s 7. Throw Method throws 8. Call Method calls 9. Reception Method receptions 10. Failure Method failures 11. Get Field gets 12. Set Field sets Figure 5: Patterns Available in Nu s Standard Library about a pattern instance changing after it has been created. Figure 5 shows some commonly used patterns available in our implementation. The basic patterns on the left (numbered 1-4) serve to select all join points (JPs) related to methods, constructors, fields, etc. For example, the pattern object ed by new Method("*.login") can be used to select execution,, throw, call, reception, and failure join points for all methods named login. The filter patterns on the right (numbered 5-12) expect one of the basic patterns as an argument and further narrow down the set of matching join points. For example, if we want to match the execution of any method named login we would have to first create the Method pattern discussed before. We would then pass this instance as an argument to the constructor of the Execution class. The resulting instance is the pattern for execution of any method named login. In the example shown in Figure 4, the static initializer of class AuthLogger creates this pattern and stores it in the static field loginpattern so that it can be used for enabling the logger using the bind primitive The bind primitive The bind primitive expects two values on the stack: a pattern (discussed previously) and a delegate. The delegate is a first-class, immutable object of type Delegate 1. Both these types are part of Nu s standard library. The pattern serves to select the subset of the join points in the program. The delegate points to a method that provides the additional code that is to execute at these join points. In Figure 4, the static initializer of class AuthLogger creates a delegate to the method AuthLogger.log() and stores it in the static field logdelegate so that it can be used for enabling the logger using the bind primitive. The enable() method uses the bind primitive to create an advising relationship between the join points matched by the pattern loginpattern and the delegate logdelegate, which enables logging authentication attempts in the system. After the bind primitive finishes, the top of the stack contains an immutable, unique identifier representing the advising relationship. This unique identifier is an object of type BindHandle, which is also part of Nu s standard library. This identifier may only be created by the virtual machine. If the pattern and/or delegate is null, a NullPointerException is thrown by the virtual machine. The bind primitive dynamically creates an advising relationship between the join points matched by the pattern and the supplied delegate. The runtime effect of creating this advising relationship is that the method pointed to by the delegate is invoked when execution reaches any join point matching the pattern. When a join point executes, each delegate supplied with a pattern that matches that join point will be invoked. Delegates are invoked in the same order in which they were bound. Future language extensions may allow ordering constructs; however, at this time we believe they are not necessary since compilers generating Nu intermediate code could re-order the bind calls (for example when modeling the static deployment model of AspectJ and implementing the declare precedence construct). Delegates are invoked at most once per join point. Upon completion of a call to bind, any join point that executes and matches the supplied pattern will invoke the delegate. This behavior is intentional. Consider a tracing aspect, which will output a trace at the entry and exit of a method. If a bind call is used to enable the tracing, we want it to take effect immediately (thereby tracing the method exit of the method containing the bind call). The language is defined with a per-thread semantics. This means that calls to bind and remove only affect the advising relationships on the same thread that the primitives were called from. This semantics is selected to avoid the need to make groups of bind/remove calls atomic (note, however, that individual calls are atomic). The termination of a thread causes all associations created by that thread to be automatically removed, since reaching a join point in the context of that thread is no longer possible The remove primitive The remove primitive expects the unique, immutable identifier representing the advising relationship on the stack. It destroys the advising relationship corresponding to the identifier. If the advising relationship corresponding to the supplied identifier is already removed, an IllegalArgumentException is thrown. For example, in Figure 4 the disable() method uses the remove primitive to destroy the advising relationship corresponding to the BindHandle instance stored in the static field id, effectively ceasing logging. 1 A limitation of our current implementation is that delegate constructors take method names and class names as strings. In the future, we will use Kniesel s approach for type-safe delegates [19]. 3

5 3. COMPILING AO CONSTRUCTS TO NU In this section, we will describe strategies for compiling static and dynamic AO constructs to the Nu IL model. The rationale for this section is to demonstrate that our model is flexible enough to support static, dynamic and dynamic control flow constructs in AO languages. Moreover, it also shows, by giving a translation, that compilation of these constructs generates modular object code, which is the primary motivation behind the design of the Nu intermediate language model. 3.1 Compiling AspectJ Constructs To illustrate the compilation strategies from AspectJ constructs to the Nu IL model, consider a simple extension of the Hello program shown in Figure 1. Now let us assume that we were to write an aspect that would extend the functionality of the method main() so that instead of printing Hello it prints Hello followed by World on successive lines. aspect World that implements this simple functionality is shown in Figure 6. The generated object code for this aspect follows in Figure 7. public aspect World { pointcut main(): execution(* Hello.main(..)); after ing(): main() { System.out.println("World"); Figure 6: The World Aspect public class Hello { static void main(java.lang.string[]); 0: getstatic #21; //Field System.out 3: ldc #22; //String Hello 5: invokevirtual #28; //Method println 8: goto 20 //Code inserted for aspect invocation 11: astore_1 12: invokestatic #38; //Method World.aspectOf 15: invokevirtual #41; //Method World.ajc$0 18: aload_1 19: athrow 20: invokestatic #38; //Method World.aspectOf 23: invokevirtual #41; //Method World.ajc$0 26: public class World { public static final World ajc$persingletoninst; static {; // Static initializer 0: invokestatic #14; //Method ajc$postclinit 3: goto 11 6: astore_0 7: aload_0 8: putstatic #16; //Field ajc$initfailurecause 11: //Advice ajc$0, constructor World, and methods //hasaspect, aspectof and ajc$postclinit elided. Figure 8: An AspectJ Aspect Compiled to Standard Bytecode: the Generated Code for the World Concern is in Gray public class World { public static final World ajc$persingletoninst; static {; // Static initializer aload_0 //Method java/lang/object.<init> invokespecial #1; //Create the static instance of the aspect //Method World.<init> invokespecial #12; //Store in ajc$persingletoninst putstatic #9; //Create the pointcut as pattern ldc #6; //String main //Method org/nu/lang/pattern/method.<init> invokespecial #7; //Method org/nu/lang/pattern/execution.<init> invokespecial #8; //Create the delegate getstatic #9; // instance ldc #10; //String ajc$0 //Method org/nu/lang/delegate.<init> invokespecial #11; bind.. //Synthetic method generated for the advice public void ajc$0(); getstatic #13; //Field System.out ldc #9; //String World invokevirtual #14; //Method println //Constructor World, and helper methods hasaspect, //and aspectof elided for presentation purposes. Figure 7: Compiling an AspectJ Aspect to Nu IL Compiling Aspects, Pointcuts and Advice Aspects are compiled into intermediate code units in the following way: pointcuts are compiled into pattern object instances, advice code is compiled into delegate methods, and bind primitives are generated in a static initializer of the aspect to associate the delegate code to the joint points matched by the patterns. In the example shown in Figure 7, the generated object code for the method ajc$0() contains the advice code. The generated intermediate code for the static initializer of aspect World contains additional code to first create an instance of the pattern Method. This instance is then used to create an instance of the pattern Execution. After creating the pattern instance, the delegate is created. One interesting property of the Nu IL model is that the intermediate code for the aspect class World and the base class Hello remain separate in their own object code modules. Also, the object code for the base class Hello remains free from the aspect related intermediate code. On the other hand, in order to remain compliant to OO intermediate languages, the intermediate code generated by current compilers for AspectJ is not able to maintain this separation. We compiled our HelloWorld application using one AspectJ compiler, ajc. We disassembled the class files using javap, the disassembler for Java. Figure 8 shows the disassembled intermediate code. We used the Java byte code notations to represent the disassembled code. The generated code for the advice, constructor, and the helper methods hasaspect(), aspectof(), and ajc$postclinit() is similar in both the Nu version as well as ajc s version, so we elide it for presentation purposes. Unlike Nu s version, the generated code for the static initializer does not contain any additional instructions. The intermediate code to invoke ajc$0() at join points, however, is inserted into class Hello in the method main(). As a result, the concern modularized by aspect World ends up being scattered and tangled with the Hello concern in the object code. The separation of the Hello and World concerns at the source level is thus lost during the compilation phase. The Nu version requires generating a few extra instructions, but the intermediate code preserves the design modularity of the World concern. 4

6 3.1.2 Compiling Complex Aspects The illustrative AO application compiled in the previous section served to provide an example of a basic translation. To preserve the semantics of an aspect in the AspectJ language, compilation of an aspect in a real world AO application needs to account for two additional conditions: deployment as a single unit and whole program deployment of aspects. First, aspects are deployed as a single unit at the beginning of the program. This requirement is addressed by generating all bind instructions for an aspect inside a transaction in the static initializer or in a synthetic static method ajc$preclinit(). A dummy reference to all aspects is inserted in the static initializer of the main application class as the first few instructions. This causes all aspects to initialize before the application execution begins. Second, aspects in AspectJ advise all threads in the program. In Java, when a thread is created it must be permanently bound to an object with a run() method. When the thread starts by calling Thread.start(), it will invoke the object s run() method. The strategy to deploy aspects for all threads in the program is to generate a set of instructions that execute between the methods Thread.start() and the object s run() method. These instructions are calls to the static method ajc$preclinit() on all aspects in the program. As mentioned previously, the bind instructions are generated in the ajc$preclinit() as a transaction. Executing this method deploys the aspects for the new thread. 3.2 Compiling Deployment Constructs Some aspect languages such as CaesarJ [26] provide declarative constructs for dynamic deployment, such as deploy and undeploy. These constructs are naturally supported by our two primitives. Figure 9 shows a strategy for compiling such constructs. For presentation purposes, instead of the generated intermediate code the equivalent source code is shown. In the source code a notation such as id = bind(p,d) represents generating two push instructions for the pattern p and the delegate d followed by generating the bind primitive, followed by a store instruction to store the result in id. Furthermore, remove(id) represents generating a remove primitive after an instruction to push id on the stack. class World { public static World ajc$persingletoninst; static Pattern p = new Execution(new Method("*.main")); static Delegate d = new Delegate(World.aspectOf(), "ajc$0"); static BindHandle id; static {.. public void deploy() { id = bind(p, d); public void undeploy() { remove(id); public void ajc$0() { System.out.println("World"); //Elided generated code for hasaspect() //and aspectof() helper methods Equivalent intermediate code: (=> means translates to) id = bind(p, d) => {getstatic p; getstatic d; bind; putstatic id; remove(id) => {getstatic id; remove; Figure 9: Compiling dynamic deployment constructs The deploy and undeploy constructs are modeled by generating methods that contain the code to bind and remove the pointcuts and delegates in the aspect. The call to deploy and undeploy in the program is replaced by World.aspectOf().deploy() and World.aspectOf().undeploy() respectively. The strategies discussed in Section also apply in this case. This strategy for compiling dynamic deployment constructs also maintains the separation of the aspect modules and base modules. 3.3 Compiling Control Flow Constructs A more surprising result for us was to be able to compile control flow constructs cflow and cflowbelow in AspectJ-like languages. Moreover, each of these strategies produced modular object code. In this sub-section, we describe these compilation strategies. Like the previous section, the equivalent source code is shown for presentation purposes. The AspectJ language provides a construct called cflow to separate crosscutting concerns based on the control flow of the program. The AspectJ programming guide [2] informally defines a cflow pointcut as follows: The cflow pointcut picks out all join points that occur between entry and exit of each join point P picked out by Pointcut, including P itself. Hence, it picks out the join points in the control flow of the join points picked out by Pointcut. The cflowbelow construct is similar, except it does not pick out the join points matched by the pointcut itself. The compilation strategy for the cflow and cflowbelow constructs are similar. We will discuss the cflowbelow case as it is slightly more interesting, pointing out differences from cflow as necessary. An example usage of this pointcut expression is shown in Figure 10. In this example, aspect Counting uses the cflowbelow construct to count the number of calls to the method Bit.Set() below the control flow of the method Word.Set(). The pointcut expression will select all calls to the method Bit.Set() that occur in any join point that occurs between entry and exit of the method Word.Set(). aspect Counting { int count; before(): cflowbelow(execution(* Word.Set())) && call(* Bit.Set()) { count++; Figure 10: An example usage of the cflowbelow construct An example of a current compilation technique for cflow constructs [2] for this example is as follows: first, generate a stack in aspect Counting, second, insert instructions to push and pop a unique identifier into this stack at the entry and exit of the method Word.Set() and third, insert instructions to check whether that identifier is present on the stack at every point in the program where a call to the method Bit.Set() is possible [25]. Our compilation strategy for the cflow and cflowbelow constructs is as follows: first, generate two new methods, say cflow$bind() and cflow$remove(), making sure that the names are unique in the class (since the class may already contain other methods), second, bind these two methods to execute at the entry and exit of the method Word.Set(), respectively, and third, generate code in cflow$bind() and cflow$remove() to bind and remove the code to the actual advice to execute whenever Bit.Set() is called. A stack is used to track multiple bind calls to Word.Set(), allowing the code to remove the proper association. Note that since a delegate is invoked at most once per join point, binding the same association relationship multiple 5

7 class Counting { static int count; private static Stack /*BindHandle*/ ids; private static Call p; //Static pattern instance private static Delegate d; //Advice s delegate private static int initialdepth; static { ids = new Stack(); p = new Call(new Method("Bit.Set")); d = new Delegate( ajc$persingletoninst, "ajc$0"); Method meth = new Method("Word.Set"); Execution exec = new Execution(meth); Delegate delbind = new Delegate( ajc$persingletoninst,"cflow$bind"); bind(exec, delbind); Delegate delremove = new Delegate( ajc$persingletoninst,"cflow$remove"); Return ret = new Return(meth); bind(ret, delremove); Failure fail = new Failure(meth); bind(fail, delremove); private void cflow$bind() { BindHandle handle = bind(p, d); ids.push(handle); initialdepth = Thread.currentThread().countStackFrames(); private void cflow$remove() { remove(ids.pop()); public void ajc$0() { if (initialdepth >= Thread.currentThread().countStackFrames()) ; count++; Figure 11: The generated code for cflowbelow times will not cause the VM to invoke the delegate multiple times at matching join point shadows. Some bookkeeping is required to keep track of the execution stack depth in the variable initialdepth. Inside the advice body, a check is generated to determine if the stack depth is the same. If the stack depth is the same, then any call being made to Bit.Set() is being performed from the initial call to Word.Set() we are not below the control flow of Word.Set(). In this case, the delegate simply s without executing the advice body. If the stack depth is larger, then we are below the control flow of Word.Set() and may continue executing the advice body. Figure 11 shows the results of the code generation for the example program in Figure 10. As previously mentioned, the equivalent source code is shown for ease of presentation. The only difference between the compilation of cflow and cflowbelow is that the bookkeeping code for stack depth is not generated in the case of cflow. 4. PROTOTYPE VM IMPLEMENTATION We have extended the Sun Hotspot Java virtual machine (or Hotspot for short) to support the bind and remove primitives. In our prototype implementation, we mimic these instructions as native methods inside the VM. In the rest of this section, we describe the relevant aspects of Hotspot, our extensions, and a comparison of their runtime performance that serves to support our claim that it is feasible to support Nu in an industrial strength VM implementation without significant performance degradation. In Section 4.3 we describe the dispatch at join points. Section 4.5 describes our delegate invocation technique. Section 4.4 details our evaluation of the implementation. Section 4.6 describes the implementation specific details for the bind and remove primitives. 4.1 Background: Sun Hotspot JVM Hotspot uses mixed-mode execution for faster performance [1]. There are three modes of bytecode execution: an interpreter, a fast non-optimizing compiler and a slow optimizing compiler. It uses runtime profiling to identify a set of performance-critical methods in the Java program. The compilation efforts are then focussed on these performance critical methods and the rest of the code is interpreted [29]. The insight is based on Hölzle and Ungar s work on adaptive optimization of Self [15], where a profile-based technique called type feedback is used to direct dynamic optimizations. For the few parts of the Java program that are executed most often, the adaptive optimizing compiler produces optimized native code. The key idea is that there are often no gains achieved by compiling the entire program to produce the native code before running it. The interpreter uses a macro-assembler to generate generic stubs for the entry of Java methods. These stubs include a check to see if a compiled version of the method exists and if so, directly jumps to the compiled code. If not, the stub will continue executing inside the interpreter. The mixed-mode execution strategies and the preference to use the interpreter loop for execution of most of the program are precisely the reasons for selecting Hotspot for our prototype. The ease of extending the interpreter loop and small number of compilations make it easy to efficiently support dynamic intermediate language designs such as Nu. 4.2 Our VM Implementation Strategy Previous studies of Java programs, for example by Krintz et al. [21], show that up to 57% of the methods loaded by the VM are never executed. These studies and the results on adaptive optimization led us to our implementation strategy that in the common case we should interpret a join point instead of statically weaving it like traditional AO compilers that modify the join point shadows in the bytecode. Only frequently executing join point shadows should be dynamically woven. Our current VM implementation provides a dispatch mechanism at each join point. The focus of the prototype presented in this paper is to optimize this dispatch mechanism. This mechanism handles matching the join point to existing patterns and invoking any corresponding matched delegates. We take advantage of the stub generation code of Hotspot, adding in additional code to perform our dispatch for the join points. We have implemented code for method execution and join points. At this time, we have only tested the interpreter loop. We plan to continue our investigation into the Hotspot compilation process. Based on an initial review of the Hotspot compiler code, we have determined that the compiler also uses the interpreter stubs for method entry and exits and therefore extending our strategies should be feasible. 4.3 Join Point Dispatch in Nu s VM At each appropriate point in the interpreter corresponding to the execution of a join point shadow, we added code that performs three checks, implemented as three mov, three cmpl, and three jcc assembly instructions. These assembly instructions are emitted in the assembly code stubs generated by the VM. The first check is a filtering check to prevent JRE and Nu runtime join point shadows from being advised. The second check is a cache validation check that determines if the cached pattern matching results for the join point shadow are valid. If the results 6

8 are not valid, an incremental pattern match is performed for the join point shadow and the pattern matching results are cached. The third check determines if there are any cached delegates that need to be invoked at this join point shadow, pending check of any dynamic residues. If the check passes, the delegates are invoked, otherwise the join point shadow execution continues. This code is designed to maximize the use of branch prediction algorithms implemented by most modern processors. If a join point is executed frequently, these checks will be optimized away by the (correct) branch prediction, minimizing the dispatch overhead Caching technique in Nu s VM Matching a join point with a list of bound patterns at runtime is an expensive operation that is a separate research topic on its own; however, caching techniques can be used to minimize the amortized cost of this operation. To that end, we have implemented a two-level caching algorithm for dynamic matching at a join point shadow. Following the terminology of the computer architecture community, hereon we refer to these two caches as the L1 cache and L2 cache. A join point shadow match result being present or not present in a cache is referred to as a hit or miss respectively. The L1 cache is maintained at the join point shadow in the form of a list of references to the (delegate, pattern) pairs that have already matched with that join point shadow. In the previous section, the cache validation check that we described pertains to the L1 cache. The L2 cache for each join point kind is maintained inside the pattern matcher in the form of a hash map from the join point shadow signatures to a list of current patterns that match that signature. Similar to L1 and L2 caches inside a processor, a L1 hit is the least costly operation, followed by a L2 hit, then followed by a match. We implemented a very simple algorithm for detecting a L1 cache hit/miss. Each join point shadow contains a counter that is initialized to zero, when the class containing the join point shadow is loaded. There is also a global counter for each join point kind that is initialized to zero when the VM is initialized. The global counter for a join point kind is incremented on bind/remove operations, if the bound/removed pattern may match that join point kind. Patterns internally maintain the information about possible join point shadow kinds that may match during their construction using an iterative scheme. All patterns maintain a fast-match flag. All concrete patterns such as Execution, Call, etc, statically assign values to this flag that represents matching their specific join point shadow kinds. All dynamic patterns such as This, Target, etc, match selective join point kinds. When constructed, all And/Or composite patterns retrieve the fast match flags from inner patterns supplied as arguments to their constructors and set their own fast match flag to the logical and/or of their inner pattern s flag. This scheme is similar to the fast-match technique used by the AspectJ compiler during compile-time [2]. At join point dispatch time, the check for L1 cache hit/miss is simply an equality test between the local counter for the join point shadow and the global counter for that join point kind. At join point match time, the local counter is reinitialized to the current value by the join point matcher. We suspect that better checking techniques might be possible; however, we were able to implement this check using two mov, one cmpl, and one jcc instruction and therefore we did not investigate further in this direction. One nice property of our L1 cache checking algorithm is that it does not require keeping track of all join point shadows of a specific kind that we have seen so far and invalidating their caches during a bind operation. This alternative scheme would have reduced the cache check to one mov, one cmpl, and one jcc instruction, but with a significantly expensive bind operation. Figure 12: Comparison of Join Point Dispatch times Using the Java Grande Benchmark (larger bars are better) Figure 13: Comparison of Join Point Dispatch times Using the SPEC JVM98 Benchmark (smaller bars are better) When a join point shadow incurs an L1 cache miss, the pattern matcher is called to perform incremental pattern matching. The overhead of calling the incremental pattern matcher is the cost of an L1 cache miss. Incremental matching refers to a simple technique of only matching patterns that have not already been matched. The join point stores the bindhandle of the last pattern it was matched against. When an incremental match is performed, only patterns with newer bindhandles need matched. The incremental match must also check the list of cached delegates to verify none have been removed and if so they are taken out of the join point s L1 cache. At the end of the incremental match, the join point s L1 cache is set to valid. We compared the performance of our improved join point dispatching technique with a previous version of our runtime with no caching and the unmodified Sun JVM. The results are described in the next section. 4.4 Runtime Performance of Nu s VM To evaluate the runtime performance of our implementation of JVM Nu (initial) % of JVM Nu (current) % of JVM check % % compress % % jess % % db % % javac % % mpegaudio % % mtrt % % jack % % Average % % Figure 14: Comparison of Join Point Dispatch times Using the SPEC JVM98 Benchmark (smaller is better) 7

9 JVM Nu (initial) % of JVM Nu (current) % of JVM Same Instance 16,765, ,194, % 16,105, % Same Synchronized Instance 4,497, ,148, % 4,518, % Same Final Instance 15,709, ,961, % 15,537, % Same Class 16,032, ,801, % 14,554, % Same Synchronized Class 4,613, ,108, % 4,457, % Other Instance 15,571, ,921, % 15,055, % Other Instance of Abstract 14,240, ,002, % 15,181, % Other Class 15,449, ,817, % 15,909, % Average 12,859, ,744, % 12,664, % Figure 15: Comparison of Join Point Dispatch times Using the Java Grande Benchmark (larger is better) Nu, we evaluated the performance of the system in the case where no bind calls have occurred to determine the dispatch overhead of our VM implementation. We used two standard Java benchmarks for our evaluation: SPEC JVM98 and Java Grande. Since we are advocating modifying a production level VM, it is important that the modifications do not significantly affect the performance of existing applications. To measure the overhead in these cases, we ran the SPEC JVM98 and Java Grande method benchmarks on our modified VM. There were no bind/remove calls in these benchmarks. We measured the performance of the unmodified JVM, our initial implementation of Nu, and our current implementation of Nu as described in this paper. The results for the Java Grande method benchmark are shown in Figures 12 and 15. Since the Java Grande method benchmark executes simple methods repeatedly to obtain the average number of method calls possible per second, this is where our caching implementation really shows up. Our initial version had to perform matching on each method call (even though there were no binds). With caching in place, this match is performed once. Our implementation went from 21.3% to 98.5% of the method calls achieved by the unmodified JVM. The results for the SPEC JVM98 benchmark are shown in Figures 13 and 14. This benchmark measures the time to execute a set of realistic applications. These results were similar to the Java Grande benchmark. Our implementation went from a 37% execution time overhead to a little over 1% overhead. 4.5 Delegate Invocation in Nu s VM Due to the lack of delegates in Java, our initial implementation made use of the reflection API and Java Native Interface (JNI) methods. Users passed in strings representing the name of a class and the name of the delegate method and the runtime created a reflection Method object representing the specified delegate. This object was then passed into bind calls. JNI methods available inside the VM were then used to invoke the delegate where necessary. Our current strategy still makes use of the reflection API Method class for passing in a delegate to bind calls. The bind implementation makes use of data structures already available inside the VM to keep track of information regarding the delegate, such as class, instance, method, etc. When the VM initially loads, template code for invoking delegates is generated inside the method stubs. This code makes use of the stored information about the delegate, avoiding the need to use expensive JNI methods. To measure the performance of our delegate invocation code, we created a benchmark that calls a simple test method repeatedly. A delegate method that increments a static counter is then used to create an advising relationship with our test method. A copy of the test method is created with manually inlined calls to the delegate method. The number of manually inlined calls is equal to the number of advising relationships created using bind. Both copies of the test method (one with manually inlined calls and one with advising relationships to the delegate) are then executed and timed. Figure 16: Invoke Benchmark - Varying Number of Patterns A comparison to AspectJ s advice invocation code was not made, since most typical AspectJ compilers generate two methods at the call site (one to get an instance of the aspect and one to call the advice method). Figure 16 varies the total number of bind calls while keeping the percent that match the test method at 100%. Figure 17 varies the percentage of bind calls that match the test method while keeping the total number of bind calls at 256. As can be seen from the figures, our delegate invocation technique went from around 4% as efficient as the manually inlined version to around 82%. We believe that as we refine our technique, our invocation mechanism should approach relatively the same efficiency as manually inlining calls to delegate methods. 4.6 Handling Bind/Remove Calls in Nu s VM The modified VM handles bind calls by storing the pattern and delegate objects into a list. There is one list for each type of join point and the pattern indicates which join point(s) it applies to. It also performs some simple sanity checks (like verifying neither object are null, if the delegate is non-static then an instance object was passed in, etc). The VM then stores the pair into all applicable lists, generates and s a unique BindHandle to the caller. The BindHandle is an instance of the immutable Java class BindHandle, which may only be instantiated by the VM. For remove calls, the modified VM simply removes the pattern/delegate pair matching the passed in BindHandle from all lists. Any join point that previously cached the delegate will lazily, on its next execution, recognize the cache is invalid and remove the delegate from the cache. The class file processor was modified to initialize data structures used at each join point. These data structures consist of several flags for use in caching, a local cached delegate list, and storage 8

10 Figure 17: Invoke Benchmark - Varying % Matching Patterns for the join point s static reflective information (which is created lazily upon first use). The class file processor already accesses the bytecode of potential join point shadows, so no additional iterations were needed for initializing these data structures. 4.7 Summary Our current prototype implementation serves as a proof of concept of our claim that support for the Nu IL model in production level virtual machine is feasible. Starting from our very inefficient implementation, we have improved our join point dispatch by reducing the overhead from 37% to 1.27% for the SPEC JVM98 benchmark and increased our performance on the Java Grande benchmark from 21.34% of the unmodified Hotspot to 98.48% of the unmodified Hotspot. Delegate invocation improved from around 4% as efficient as the manually inlined version to around 82% as efficient. 5. COMPILER IMPLEMENTATION The strategies for compiling AspectJ constructs were implemented by modifying the AspectJ compiler ajc to generate Nu intermediate code as described in Section 3. We will refer to this compiler as ajc-nu from here onwards. The version of ajc modified was Please note that at the time of this paper, version of the AspectJ compiler was available but was not used due to various problems when performing incremental compiles. Their are two key differences between our compiler, ajc-nu, and the original AspectJ compiler, ajc. First, our compiler does not have to weave advice constructs. Note that at this time, we let the original parts of the ajc compiler related to weaving inter-type and declare constructs intact in ajc-nu. Some additional work is added to a pass that analyzes and transforms AspectJ s aspect into classes in the object code. This code now also performs the translation of the AspectJ constructs into Nu primitives as previously described. Finally, we have tested our compiler on large-scale projects such as Eclipse IDE and the Azureus P2P system by adding aspects to these system [9]. 6. RELATED WORK Three closely related and complimentary research ideas are runtime weaving, load-time weaving and virtual machine support for AOP. We discuss these ideas in detail below. 6.1 Run- and Load-Time Weaving There are several approaches for run-time weaving such as PROSE [31], Handi-Wrap [5], Eos [32], etc. A typical approach to runtime weaving is to attach hooks at all join points in the program at compile-time. The aspects can then use these hooks to attach and detach at run-time. An alternative approach is to attach hooks only at potentially interesting join points. In the former case, aspects can use all possible join points, excluding those that are created dynamically so the system will be more flexible. The disadvantage is the high overhead of unnecessary hooks. In the latter case, only those aspects that utilize existing hooks can be deployed at run-time, but the overhead will be minimal for a runtime approach. Eos uses the second model, i.e. only instrument the join points that may potentially be needed. Handi-Wrap uses the first model, making all join points available through wrappers. PROSE indirectly uses the first model, exposing all join points through the debugger interface. PROSE allows aspects to be loaded dynamically without restarting the system. An additional advantage of indirectly exposing join points through a debugger interface is that new join points (created by reflection) are registered automatically. As observed by Popovici et al. [31] and Ortin et al. [27], however, performance in both cases is a problem. A load-time weaving approach delays weaving of crosscutting concerns until the class loader loads the class file and defines it to the virtual machine [24]. Load-time weaving approaches typically provide weaving information in the form of XML directives or annotations. The aspect weaver then revises the assemblies or classes according to weaving directives at load-time. A custom class loader is often needed for this approach. There are load-time weaving approaches for both Java and framework. For example, AspectJ [17] recently added loadtime weaving support. Weave.NET [22] uses a similar approach for framework. The JMangler framework can also be used for load-time weaving [20]. It provides mechanisms to plugin class-loaders into the JVM. A benefit of the load- and run-time weaving approaches is that they delay weaving of AO programs. A contribution of our approach might also be perceived as delaying weaving, however, we view the interface and corresponding contracts between the language designs and execution model designs as the main contribution of our work. The decoupling between language compilers and the virtual machine achieved by the interface provided by our IL model enables independent research in these areas. Simpler aspect language designs and compiler implementations might be realized without spending significant time on the optimization of the underlying AO execution models. Novel optimization mechanisms for the underlying execution models can be developed independent of the language design as long as it conforms to the interface. The load-time weaving approaches do not provide these benefits. The bind and remove primitives are similar to install and uninstall messages in AspectS [13]. The difference is that install and uninstall messages are sent to aspects in AspectS, whereas bind and remove can be thought of as messages sent to the virtual machine. 6.2 Virtual Machine Support of Aspects Steamloom [6] and PROSE2 [30] both aim to achieve an aspectaware Java VM, to enhance the runtime performance of AOP. 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