C++ 프로그래밍실습. Visual Studio Smart Computing Laboratory

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1 C++ 프로그래밍실습 Visual Studio 2015

2 Contents STL Exercise

3 Practice1 STL

4 Practice 1-1 : Sets The insert method of set class ensures that the set does not contain duplicate keys Without specified position s.insert(123); // insert somewhere of set s It can also be invoked in similar fashion to a vector s, s.insert(s.begin(), 66) // insert at the beginning of set s s.insert(s.end(), 99); // insert at the end of set s Unlike a vector, keys of a set do NOT ordered or accessed directly by index The set provides the find method It checks whether a set contains a specified key If so, it returns an iterator that marks the key Otherwise, returns an iterator that marks the end it = s.find(123); if (it == s.end()) throw string( key not found );

5 Practice 1-1 : Sets #include<iostream> #include<set> using namespace std; int main() { set<int> s; { s.insert(40); s.insert(10); s.insert(80); s.insert(30); s.insert(70); s.insert(60); s.insert(20); s.insert(50); set<int>::iterator iter; for (iter = s.begin(); iter!= s.end(); iter++) cout << *iter << " "; cout << endl; // 존재하는원소찾기 iter = s.find(30); if (iter!= s.end()) { cout << *iter << ": 존재 " << endl; else { cout << " 존재하지않음 " << endl; // 존재하지않는원소찾기 iter = s.find(3333); if (iter!= s.end()) { cout << *iter << ": 존재 " << endl; else { cout << " 존재하지않음 " << endl; { // 중복값넣어보기. s.insert(20); for (iter = s.begin(); iter!= s.end(); iter++) cout << *iter << " "; cout << endl; Execution Result: : 존재존재하지않음

6 Practice 1-2 : Maps A map is an association list, i.e., a list that associates a key with a value Thus, it is instantiated with two parameters key and value map<string, int> m1; map<int, float> m2; // string key, int value // int key, float value A map provides two ways to insert and access (key, value) pairs Like all other basic containers, it provides an insert method and as an associate container, it provides a find method In addition, it overloads subscript operator [] for both insertions and accesses m1[ one ] = 10; // == m1.insert( one, 10) m1[ two ] = 20; // == m1.insert( two, 20) m2[1] = 10.0; // == m2.insert(1, 10.0) m2[2] = 20.0; // == m2.insert(2, 20.0) cout >> m1[ one ] >> endl >> m2[1] >> endl; // prints 10 and 10.0

7 #include<iostream> #include<map> #include<string> using namespace std; int main() { map<int, string> m; m.insert(pair<int, string>(20, " 대학교 ")); m.insert(pair<int, string>(50, "c++")); m.insert(pair<int, string>(10, " 건국 ")); m.insert(pair<int, string>(30, " 컴퓨터 ")); m.insert(pair<int, string>(40, " 학과 ")); m.insert(pair<int, string>(60, " 프로그래밍 ")); m.insert(pair<int, string>(70, " 수업 ")); map<int, string>::iterator iter; Practice 1-2 : Maps // 접근방법 1 for (iter = m.begin(); iter!= m.end(); iter++) { cout << "[" << iter->first << "," << iter->second << "]" << " "; cout << endl; // 접근방법 2 for (iter = m.begin(); iter!= m.end(); iter++) { cout << "[" << (*iter).first << "," << (*iter).second << "]" << " "; cout << endl; Execution Result: [10, 건국 ] [20, 대학교 ] [30, 컴퓨터 ] [40, 학과 ] [50,c++] [60, 프로그래밍 ] [70, 수업 ] [10, 건국 ] [20, 대학교 ] [30, 컴퓨터 ] [40, 학과 ] [50,c++] [60, 프로그래밍 ] [70, 수업 ]

8 Practice 1-3 : stack Adaptor Adapts a deque container by default Definition stack<char> s; is equivalent to stack<char, deque<char>> s; We could force to adapt a vector stack<char, vector<char>> s; Methods push(e): inserts given element e into the stack pop(): removes the top element from the stack (returns void, normally follows top) top(): returns the top element of the stack without removing it empty(): returns whether the stack is empty or not (returns bool)

9 #include <stdio.h> #include <iostream> #include <stack> using namespace std; int main() { Practice 1-3 : stack Adaptor stack<int> stack; //int type stack create stack.push(4); //push 4, 5, 6 to stack stack.push(5); stack.push(6); cout << "stack size : " << stack.size() << endl; //stack size cout << stack.top() << endl; //get top element of stack stack.pop(); // remove top element of stack cout << stack.top() << endl; stack.pop(); cout << stack.top() << endl; stack.pop(); if (stack.empty()) { // check if stack is empty cout << "stack is empty " << endl; Execution Result: stack size : stack is empty

10 Practice 1-4 : queue Adaptor Adapts a deque container by default Definition queue<int> q; is equivalent to queue<int, deque<int>> q; We could also force to adapt a vector queue<int, vector<int>> q; [ An object of a derived class ] Methods push(e): inserts given element e into the queue pop(): removes the front element from the queue (returns void, normally follows front) front(): returns the front element of the queue without removing it empty(): returns whether the queue is empty or not (returns bool)

11 Practice 1-4 : queue Adaptor #include<iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; int main() { queue<int> q; cout << endl << "***** empty *****" << endl; cout << "size : " << q.size() << endl; cout << "empty : " << q.empty() << endl; q.push(10); q.push(20); q.push(30); q.push(40); q.push(50); q.push(60); q.push(70); cout << endl << "***** push *****" << endl; cout << "size : " << q.size() << endl; cout << "empty : " << q.empty() << endl; cout << "fornt : " << q.front() << endl; cout << "back : " << q.back() << endl; cout << endl << "***** front & pop*****" << endl; while (!q.empty()) { cout << q.front() << endl; q.pop(); ***** empty ***** size : 0 empty : 1 ***** push ***** size : 7 empty : 0 fornt : 10 back : 70 ***** front & pop***** Execution Result:

12 Practice 1-5 : priority_queue Adaptor Adapts a vector container by default Definition priority_queue<int> s; is equivalent to priority_queue<int, vector<int>> s; Ensures that a priority order is maintained during removals E.g., a priority_queue of integers might removes the integers in a descending order by value (i.e., large value first) Methods push(e): inserts given element e into the priority_queue pop(): removes the next priority element from the priority_queue (returns void, normally follows top) top(): returns the next priority element of the priority_queue without removing it empty(): returns whether the priority_queue is empty or not (returns bool)

13 Practice 1-5 : : priority_queue Adaptor #include<iostream> #include<queue> using namespace std; int main() { priority_queue<int> pq; cout << "empty : " << pq.empty() << endl; pq.push(20); cout << "empty : " << pq.empty() << endl; cout << "top : " << pq.top() << endl; pq.push(10); cout << "top : " << pq.top() << endl; pq.push(30); cout << "top : " << pq.top() << endl; pq.push(50); pq.push(40); cout << "top : " << pq.top() << endl; cout << "size: " << pq.size() << endl; pq.pop(); cout << "top : " << pq.top() << endl; while (!pq.empty()) { cout << pq.top() << endl; pq.pop(); empty : 1 empty : 0 top : 20 top : 20 top : 30 top : 50 size: 5 Execution Result: top :

14 Practice 1-6 STL Algorithms STL has rich assortment of algorithms for processing containers, which fall into some standard categories Sorting and searching Numerical processing Set operations Copying Algorithms are implemented as template functions STL containers are implemented as template classes STL algorithms processes a container by using iterators to traverse the container It does NOT require any container-specific information Works the same way on each container to be processed

15 Practice 1-6 : STL Algorithms #include<iostream> #include<algorithm> #include<vector> #include<string> using namespace std; class Student { public: string name; int age; Student(string name, int age):name(name), age(age){ ; void Print(vector<Student> &v) { cout << "Student : "; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { cout << "[" << v[i].name << ", " << v[i].age << "]"; cout << endl; bool compare(student a, Student b) { if (a.name == b.name) // 이름이같으면, 나이가적은순 { return a.age < b.age; else // 이름이다르면, 이름사전순 { return a.name < b.name; int main() { vector<student> v; v.push_back(student("cc", 10)); v.push_back(student("ba", 24)); v.push_back(student("aa", 11)); v.push_back(student("cc", 8)); //cc 는이름이같으니나이기준오름차순 v.push_back(student("bb", 20)); Print(v); // 정렬전출력 sort(v.begin(), v.end(), compare); // compare 함수기준정렬 Print(v); // 정렬후출력 Execution Result: Student : [cc, 10][ba, 24][aa, 11][cc, 8][bb, 20] Student : [aa, 11][ba, 24][bb, 20][cc, 8][cc, 10]

16 Exercise 1. 2 차원평면위의점 N 개가주어진다. 좌표를 y 좌표가증가하는순으로, y 좌표가같으면 x 좌표가증가하는순서로정렬한다음출력하는프로그램을작성하시오. - 좌표는항상정수 - 위치가같은두점은없음 ex

17 Submit Teaching assistant: 장성수 Office: 신공학관 1216 호 ( 대학원 SCLab 연구실 ) pik1100@naver.com Title of the [2018][Practice#]_student# _ student _ name Ex) [2018][Practice12]_ _ 장성수 Create zip file. (C++ project folder) - 주의 : 메일양식이잘못될경우채점이되지않을수있음. 질문메일 : pik1100@naver.com : 장성수


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