The C++ Input/Output Class Hierarchy

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1 C++ Programming: The C++ Input/Output Class Hierarchy 2018 년도 2 학기 Instructor: Young-guk Ha Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering

2 Contents Basics on C++ I/O The I/O class hierarchy The common base I/O classes High-level I/O classes Manipulators 2

3 Basics on C++ I/O C++ I/O facility is not a part of the language Instead, it is furnished through a class library, which consists of a complex class hierarchy Why we examine such class hierarchy in detail The hierarchy illustrates the power available by combining polymorphism and multiple inheritance The hierarchy provides an excellent example of the use of templates By understanding the details of the hierarchy, a programmer can extend the existing I/O classes 3

4 Basics on C++ I/O (cont.) Stream I/O Input to a program is treated as a stream of consecutive bytes from a keyboard, a disk file, or some other sources Output from a program is also treated as a stream of consecutive bytes to a video display, a disk file, or some other destinations Stream Input Plan 9 From Outer Space Plan 9 From Outer Space Plan 9 From Outer Space Stream output Input 4

5 The Stream I/O Class Hierarchy A clean design can be achieved by having common base classes for derived high-level I/O classes The common base I/O classes ios_base: provides a description of the stream without regard to the character set involved Format attributes of the stream (e.g., output justifications) Status of operations on the stream (e.g., whether EOF is encountered) basic_ios: provides a description of the stream with regard to the character set involved ios_base basic_ios Each class is a template with class param chart except ios_base basic_istream basic_ostream basic_ifstream basic_istringstream basic_iostream basic_ostringstream basic_ofstream basic_stringstream basic_fstream 5

6 The Stream I/O Class Hierarchy (cont.) High-level I/O classes basic_istream, basic_ostream, basic_iostream, and their derived classes Add local members and overloaded operators that are appropriately different for input and output stream respectively Class basic_istream and basic_ostream Adds methods for reading, writing and moving around in the stream Overloads I/O operators >> and << for built-in types Class basic_iostream Derived from both base classes and adds no additional members ios_base basic_ios basic_istream basic_ostream basic_ifstream basic_istringstream basic_iostream basic_ostringstream basic_ofstream basic_stringstream basic_fstream 6

7 Buffered I/O C++ Buffered I/O Classes Data are not directly read or written but rather pass through intermediate storage called buffer Buffered I/O classes basic_streambuf A base class for derived specialized stream buffer classes Having low-level methods for directly accessing the buffer Reading and writing the buffer, and moving around in the stream virtual methods to deal with buffer underflow and overflow basic_filebuf Data to write write chars Buffer basic_stringbuf write buffer (flush by newline or overflow) basic_streambuf Output basic_filebuf Each class is a template Contains constructors and methods for handling files with buffered I/O basic_stringbuf Contains constructors and methods for handling sequence of chars in storage 7

8 Two-Layered I/O Classes Design In C++, the buffered I/O hierarchy is distinct from the stream I/O hierarchy to separate the low-level and high-level I/O methods Low-level methods are in the buffered I/O classes Accesses and handles I/O stream buffers directly High-level methods are in the stream I/O classes Accesses the I/O stream indirectly by making calls to the low-level methods in the buffered I/O classes E.g., basic_ifstream Inherits high-level input methods from basic_istream Adds methods to open and close the file Also adds a data member of type basic_filebuf E.g., basic_ostringstream Inherits high-level output methods from basic_ostream Also adds a data member of type basic_stringbuf 8

9 Two-Layered I/O Classes Design (cont.) Application Application basic_ ifstream read basic_ ostring stream write basic_ filebuf sget basic_ string buf sput Buffer Buffer Read when the buffer underflows Written when the buffer overflows File Storage 9

10 C++ Headers for I/O Classes Header iosfwd iostream ios streambuf istream ostream iomanip sstream fstream Partial Description Contains forward declarations Declares cin, cout, manipulators, etc. Declares ios_base and basic_ios Declares basic_streambuf Declares basic_istream and basic_iostream Declares basic_ostream Declares parameterized manipulators Declares basic_stringbuf and the stringstream classes Declares basic_filebuf and the fstream classes Some of these headers include others 10

11 I/O Classes as Templates As mentioned previously, each I/O class is a template in the standard I/O hierarchy (except ios_base) E.g., the declaration for basic_ios is as follows template<class chart, class traits = char_traits<chart>> class basic_ios : public ios_base { }; //... chart: specifies the type to be use to represent a character Either built-in type char, wchar_t (wide character), or a user_defined type traits: specifies attributes of the character type I.e., template char_traits has typedefs and methods for chart» What is the end-of-file character» How the characters compare to each other» How they are copied or type-cast to/from other types, 11

12 Definitions of Common I/O Types The familiar I/O types are typedefs of the template I/O class instantiations in the <iosfwd> header Template arguments char as the first template argument char_traits<char> as the second argument by default Note cin and cout is declared as an object of istream and ostream respectively in the <iostream> header typedef basic_ios<char> ios; typedef basic_streambuf<char> streambuf; typedef basic_istream<char> istream; typedef basic_ostream<char> ostream; typedef basic_iostream<char> iostream; typedef basic_filebuf<char> filebuf; typedef basic_ifstream<char> ifstream; typedef basic_ofstream<char> ofstream; typedef basic_fstream<char> fstream; typedef basic_stringbuf<char> stringbuf; typedef basic_istringstream<char> istringstream; typedef basic_ostringstream<char> ostringstream; typedef basic_stringstream<char> stringstream; 12

13 The Common Base I/O Classes ios_base and basic_ios The standard I/O hierarchy is headed by two classes ios_base A nontemplate class that provides a description of the stream independent of the character set basic_ios A template class that provides a description of the stream that involves the character set The reason for splitting the basic functionality To minimize the size of the executable code Because code compiled from a nontemplate class is usually smaller than code from a template class 13

14 ios_base Direct or indirect base class for all of the standard I/O classes (except for the buffered I/O classes, basic_filebuf and basic_stringbuf) Declares I/O bitmask types, access methods, and I/O flags For I/O formatting information For describing the status of an open stream For indicating the how to move in a stream In addition, it provides some useful methods related to I/O Methods precision() and width() When invoked with no args, returns the current precision or width When invoked with an arg, sets the precision or width to the given value and returns the old precision or width Static method sync_with_stdio() Synchronizes the C++ I/O with the standard C I/O functions When C++ and C I/O libraries are intermixed, it should be invoked 14

15 Flags for I/O Format Information ios_base declares a bitmask type fmtflags used to specify I/O format information Constants for setting fmtflags Numeric bases: basefield, dec, hex, oct Justifications: adjustfield, left, right, internal Floating-point notations: floatfield, fixed, scientific I/O formats: boolalpha, uppercase, showbase, showpoint, showpos, skipws Etc.: unitbuf (flush any stream after a write) Access methods for fmtflags Accessing fmtflags (replace entire value): flags(), flags(val) Accessing individual bits: setf(val), unsetf(val) setf(val, ios_base::basefield) : val = dec, hex, or oct setf(val, ios_base::adjustfield) : val = left, right, or internal setf(val, ios_base::floatfield) : val = fixed, or scientific 15

16 Examples of Using I/O Formatting Flags // Saves the old flags and formats the cout with the new // flags as follows ios_base::fmtflags old_flags = cout.flags( ios_base::left ios_base::hex ios_base::showpoint ios_base::uppercase ios_base::fixed ); // setting a flag cout.setf( ios_base::showbase ); // is equivalent to cout.flags( cout.flags() ios_base::showbase ); // unsetting a flag cin.unsetf( ios_base::skipws ); // is equivalent to cin.flags( cin.flags() & ~ios_base::skipws ); 16

17 Examples of Using I/O Formatting Flags (cont.) cout.setf( ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield ); cout << "Hex: " << 168 << '\n'; cout.setf( ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield ); cout << "Octal: " << 168 << '\n'; Hex: a8 Octal: 250 cout.setf( ios_base::showbase ios_base::uppercase ); cout.setf( ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield ); cout << "Hex: " << 168 << '\n'; cout.setf( ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield ); cout << "Octal: " << 168 << '\n'; Hex: 0XA8 Octal:

18 Examples of Using I/O Formatting Flags (cont.) cout.width( 6 ); cout << -100 << '\n'; // default is right-justify cout.width( 6 ); cout.setf( ios_base::left, ios_base::adjustfield ); cout << -100 << '\n'; cout.width( 6 ); cout.setf( ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield ); cout << -100 << '\n'; // width reverts to 0 (default) // : effect of setw lasts only for the next I/O OP cout.setf( ios_base::right, ios_base::adjustfield ); cout << -100 << '\n';

19 Examples of Using I/O Formatting Flags (cont.) cout.width(6); cout.setf( ios_base::internal, ios_base::adjustfield ); cout << setfill( '0' ) << -100 << '\n'; const float log10_pi = ; cout.setf( ios_base::scientific, ios_base::floatfield ); cout << log10_pi << '\n'; cout.setf( ios_base::fixed, ios_base::floatfield ); cout << log10_pi << '\n'; // the value is rounded e

20 Other Flags Stream status flags for bitmask type ios_base::iostate (if set) badbit: bad input or output source eofbit: end of stream on input failbit: failure to read input or failure to produce expected output goodbit: input or output OK (the constant zero) Flags for bitmask type ios_base::openmode to describe the status of an open stream (if set) app: open for appending ate: open and move to end of stream binary: read and write as a binary stream in / out: open for input / output trunc: discard stream if it already exists Flags for bitmask type ios_base::seekdir to indicate how to seek (move) in a stream beg: seek from the beginning cur: seek from the current position end: seek from the end 20

21 Examples of Using Other Flags // Create an ofstream object associated with the file // out.dat, which is opened for appending // (writing at the end of the file) ofstream fout( "out.dat", ios_base::app ); // Moves the current position in the stream 10 bytes // forward out.seekp( 10, ios_base::cur ); // Moves the current position in the stream 10 bytes // forward from the beginning out.seekp( 10, ios_base::beg ); 21

22 basic_ios basic_ios is a template class derived from ios_base template <class chart, class traits = char_traits<chart>> class basic_ios : public ios_base { //... }; Contains methods to read, set, and clear the stream status flags rdstate(): returns the stream status clear(val): sets the stream status to val; if no argument, sets to 0 (goodbit) setstate(val): sets specified flags in the stream status good(): returns true if stream status is zero (goodbit); otherwise false eof(): returns true if eofbit is set; otherwise false fail(): returns true if failbit or badbit is set; otherwise false bad(): returns true if badbit is set; otherwise false 22

23 Examples of Using basic_ios Methods // Saves the current state for the cin ios_base::iostate cur_state = cin.rdstate(); Echoing integers from the standard input to the standard output int i; while (!cin.eof() ) { cin >> i; // eof bit set here cout << i << '\n'; // Warning: extra line is // printed } int i; do { cin >> i; // check if eofbit is set // after an input if (!cin.eof() ) cout << i << '\n'; } while (!cin.eof() ); 23

24 Clearing the Stream Status On many systems, a control character is interpreted as end-of-file E.g., [ctrl]+d in UNIX and [ctrl]+z in Windows To receive additional input after an EOF signal from the standard input, the eofbit flag can be cleared with the following statement cin.clear(); // clears all of the status flags for cin // including the eofbit 24

25 Operators Declared in basic_ios Class basic_ios newly declares the following operators template <class chart, class traits = char_traits<chart>> class basic_ios : public ios_base { //... operator void*() const; // type conversion OP bool operator!() const; //! OP //... }; Type conversion operator that converts basic_ios to void* The value of operator void*() is zero (null or false) if failbit or badbit is set Otherwise nonzero (true) Overloaded NOT operator! Returns true if failbit or badbit is set Otherwise false (e.g., (cin == true) (!cin == false)) if (cin >> i) { // check if standard input is ok //... process input } 25

26 Method fill() Class basic_ios has a method fill When invoked with no argument, e.g., fill(), returns the current fill character When invoked with an argument, e.g., fill(val), sets the fill character to val and returns the old fill character This has the same as the manipulator setfill(val) basic_ios::char_type old_fill = cout.fill( '0' ); // changes fill character (char_type : typedef of char) //... write to standard output cout.fill( old_fill ); // restores the original fill character 26

27 I/O Error Handling with the Stream Status Flags If an error occurs on I/O, one of the stream status flags is set A check for an error can be made using one of the basic_ios methods to read the status flags, or one of the operator void*() or operator!() Problem of this method An if statement for checking errors would have to follow every I/O operation cout << "Boola, boola!\n"; if ( ) { cerr << "Output operation failed\n"; //... } 27

28 I/O Error Handling with Exceptions The method exceptions in basic_ios can be used to request that certain I/O conditions throw exceptions When the argument is eofbit, badbit, failbit, or a combination, exceptions throws an exception of type ios_base::failure The argument goodbit can be used to deactivate throwing those I/O exceptions When invoked with no arguments, it returns the current I/O status flags The advantage of using exceptions all exceptions can be checked in a try block, no need to use if statements try { cout.exceptions( ios_base::failbit ); cout << "Boola, boola!\n"; } catch( ios_base::failure ) { cerr << "Output operation failed\n"; //... } 28

29 High-Level I/O Classes High-level I/O classes Base classes basic_istream, basic_ostream, and basic_iostream Derived classes of these classes File I/O classes basic_ifstream, basic_ofstream, and basic_fstream Character stream I/O classes basic_istringstream, basic_ostringstream, and basic_stringstream 29

30 basic_istream A template class derived from basic_ios template <class chart, class traits = char_traits<chart>> class basic_istream }; //... : virtual public basic_ios<chart, traits> { Provides high-level methods for input streams Such as get(), getline(), read(), peek(), putback(), ignore(), gcount(), seekg(), and tellg() Overloads operator >> for formatted inputs of built-in types 30

31 The get Method The method get is overloaded and so can be invoked in various way basic_istream<chart, traits>& get( char_type& c ); The next character, whitespace or not, is read into c Returns the stream on which it is invoked If there is no character to read, failbit is set int_type get(); The next character, whitespace or not, is returned (cf. fgetc in C) If there is no character to read, it returns an end-of-file flag appropriate to chart and sets failbit If chart is char, the end-of-file flag is EOF int_type is a typedef of some integer type, e.g., long int c; while ( ( c = cin.get() )!= EOF ) cout << c; 31

32 The getline Method The method getline is declared as follows basic_istream<chart, traits>& getline( char_type* b, An array b into which to write characters streamsize s, char_type d ); An integer value s that bounds the number of characters (should be equal to the length of b to avoid array overflow) An end-of-line marker d (defaults to a newline if omitted) The method read characters into b until it Reaches end-of-file (eofbit is set and returns 0), encounters end-of-line marker d (discard the marker), or stores s 1 characters (failbit is set) After it stops reading, getline adds a null terminator to the array and returns the stream on which it is invoked 32

33 Example of Using getline #include <iostream> #include <fstream> using namespace std; const int BuffSize = 133; int main() { ifstream in; ofstream out; char buff[ BuffSize ]; "infile.dat" ); "outfile.dat" ); while ( in.getline( buff, BuffSize ) ) out << buff << "\n\n"; // writes double space return 0; } 33

34 The read Method The method read is used to read binary data (cf. fread in C) basic_istream<chart, traits>& read( char_type* a, Reads characters and stores them in the array a until n characters are read, or end-of-file occurs (failbit is set) streamsize n ); After it stops reading, read returns the stream on which it is invoked No terminator character is used, no null terminator is placed in the array a The number of characters actually read can be determined with the method gcount streamsize gcount(); returns the number of characters read by the last unformatted input method 34

35 Manipulating Input Streams The method peek is declared as follows int_type peek(); Returns the next character from the stream but does not remove it from the stream If no characters remain to be read, returns end-of-file The method putback is declared as follows basic_istream<chart, traits>& putback( char_type c ); Put the character c back to the stream (cf. ungetc in C) And returns the stream on which it is invoked The method ignore is declared as follows basic_istream<chart, traits>& ignore( int count = 1, int_type stop ); Removes and discards count characters, or all characters until end-offile, or all characters up to and including stop from the stream And returns the stream on which it is invoked 35

36 Handling Input Stream Position Markers The method seekg sets the position within the input stream (cf. fseek in C) basic_istream<chart, traits>& seekg( off_type off, ios_base::seek_dir dir ); Moves the input stream position marker off bytes from dir (one of ios_base::cur, ios_base::beg, or ios_base::end) And returns the stream on which it is invoked When used with a file, the file should be opened as binary file basic_istream<chart, traits>& seekg( pos_type pos ); Sets the input stream position marker to location pos And returns the stream on which it is invoked When used with a file, the file need not to be opened as binary file The method tellg is declared as follows (cf. ftell in C) pos_type tellg(); Returns the location of the input stream position marker Note that off_type and pos_type are typedefs of integer 36

37 Formatted Input Operator >> The class basic_istream overloads the right-shift operator for formatted input of built-in types, the declaration is as follows basic_istream<chart, traits>& operator>>( built_in_type& v ); A built_in_type value is read into the variable v And returns the stream on which it is invoked The input operator >> can be chained Because operator>> returns the stream and associates from the left E.g., cin >> i >> j; == (cin >> i) >> j; == { cin >> i; cin >> j; } The types can be handled by >> bool int signed char* unsigned int unsigned char* long chart* unsigned long signed char float unsigned char double chart long double short void* unsigned short 37

38 Examples of Using >> // chart = char& is used to read one character // (default is to skip whitespaces unlike scanf in C) char c; while ( cin >> c ) cout << c; // for the input x y z cout << '\n'; // prints xyz // echoes the standard input to the standard output char c; cin.unsetf( ios_base::skipws ); // clear skipws flag while ( cin >> c ) cout << c; cout << '\n'; // chart = char* is used to read a C-stype string char a[ 80 ]; cin.width( 80 ); // avoids overflow in the array a cin >> a; // read all non-ws chars up to the next ws char // or read at most (width 1) characters 38

39 Type Checking for Input Data For integer types If the first non-whitespace character is not a digit or a sign failbit is set, no further data can be read until failbit is cleared For floating-point types If the first non-whitespace character is not a digit, a sign, or a decimal point failbit is set, no further data can be read until failbit is cleared int main() { int val; bool ok; string line; cout << hex; for ( ; ; ) { cout << "Enter an integer (negative to quit): "; ok = true; cin >> val; // if val is illegal, // cin convert to false if (!cin ) { } cout << "Bad input. Redo."; cin.clear(); // clear failbit getline( cin, line ); // clear input stream ok = false; } if ( ok ) if ( val < 0 ) break; else cout << val << '\n'; } return 0; 39

40 basic_ostream A template class derived from basic_ios template <class chart, class traits = char_traits<chart>> class basic_ostream }; //... : virtual public basic_ios<chart, traits> { Provides high-level methods for output streams Such as put(), write(), seekp(), tellp(), and, flush() Overloads operator << for formatted outputs of built-in types 40

41 The put Method The method put writes the character passed to the output stream (cf. fputc in C) basic_ostream<chart, traits>& put( char_type c ); Writes the character c to the output stream Returns the (updated) stream on which it is invoked char c = $ ; cout.put( c ); // is equivalent to cout << c; 41

42 The write and flush Methods The method write is used to write binary data (cf. fwrite in C) basic_ostream<chart, traits>& write( const char_type* a, streamsize m ); Writes m characters from the array a to the output stream If the operation fails, badbit is set Returns the (updated) stream on which it is invoked The method flush flushes the buffer (cf. fflush in C) basic_ostream<chart, traits>& flush(); Returns the (updated) stream on which it is invoked 42

43 Handling Output Stream Position Markers The method seekp sets the position within the output stream (cf. fseek in C) basic_ostream<chart, traits>& seekp( off_type off, ios_base::seek_dir dir ); Moves the output stream position marker off bytes from dir (one of ios_base::cur, ios_base::beg, or ios_base::end) And returns the (updated) stream on which it is invoked When used with a file, the file should be opened as a binary file basic_ostream<chart, traits>& seekp( pos_type pos ); Sets the output stream position marker to location pos And returns the (updated) stream on which it is invoked When used with a file, there is no need to open the file as a binary file The method tellp is declared as follows (cf. ftell in C) pos_type tellp(); Returns the location of the output stream position marker 43

44 Formatted Output Operator << The class basic_ostream overloads the left-shift operator for formatted output of built-in types, the declaration is as follows basic_ostream<chart, traits>& operator<<( built_in_type v ); Write built_in_type value v to the output stream And returns the (updated) stream on which it is invoked The input operator << can also be chained Because operator<< returns the stream and associates from the left E.g., cout << i << j; == (cin << i) << j; == { cin << i; cin << j; } The types can be handled by << bool short const signed char* unsigned short const unsigned char* long const char* unsigned long const chatt* float signed char double unsigned char long double char void* chart 44

45 Examples of Using << float x = ; cout << "x = " << x << \n&x = << static_cast<void*>(&x) << \n'; x = &x = 0012FF7C 45

46 basic_iostream Class basic_iostream publicly inherits from both basic_istream and basic_ostream Its entire declaration is as follows template <class chart, class traits = char_traits<chart>> class basic_iostream }; : public basic_istream<chart, traits>, public basic_ostream<chart, traits> { public : explicit basic_iostream( basic_streambuf<chart, traits>* ); virtual ~basic_iostream(); Provides high-level methods for input/output streams 46

47 Manipulators A manipulator is a function that either directly or indirectly modifies a stream (introduced in sec. 2.2) A manipulator is used with the overloaded input operator >> or output operator << E.g., manipulator hex causes subsequent input or output to be hexadecimal int i = 10; cout << hex << i << \n ; // prints a Note that manipulators with arguments need to include header iomanip, with no arguments iostream 47

48 Manipulators Introduced in Sec. 2.2 A manipulator permanently changes the state of the stream to which it is applied except that effect of setw lasts only for the next I/O operation 48

49 Using I/O Formatting Flags vs. Using Manipulators cout.setf( ios_base::showbase ios_base::uppercase ); cout.setf( ios_base::hex, ios_base::basefield ); cout << "Hex: " << 168 << '\n'; cout.setf( ios_base::oct, ios_base::basefield ); cout << "Octal: " << 168 << '\n'; Hex: 0XA8 Octal: 0250 cout << setiosflags( ios_base::showbase ios_base::uppercase ) << hex << "Hex: " << 168 << '\n' << oct << "Octal: " << 168 << '\n'; Hex: 0XA8 Octal:

50 I/O Operators and Manipulators without Arguments A manipulator without arguments (e.g., endl) can be used as an argument of I/O operators I.e., when used, a manipulator without arguments is passed as a function argument of an I/O operator Then, the operator invokes the manipulator, which has, as a function, one argument of type basic_ostream& or basic_istream& and returns the (updated) stream argument Finally, the operator returns the stream on which the I/O operation is executed 50

51 I/O Operators and Manipulators without Arguments (cont.) Definition of operator<< for manipulators template < class chart, class traits > basic_ostream< chart, traits >& basic_ostream< chart, traits >::operator<<( basic_ostream& ( *f )( basic_ostream& ) ) { return f( *this ); // invokes the manipulator } E.g., cout << endl; Equivalent to cout.operator<<( endl ); Definition of endl as a function ostream& endl( ostream& os ) { os << '\n'; return os.flush(); } 51

52 Writing User-Defined Manipulators without Arguments Using the previously explained technique, it is possible to write our own manipulators with no arguments // a user-defined manipulator that rings // the bell once ostream& bell( ostream& os ) { return os << "\a"; // Linux bell char } //... cout << bell; // rings the bell 52

53 Writing User-Defined Manipulators with Arguments Consider writing a manipulator that takes an argument E.g., manipulator bell( n ) that rings the bell n times Such a manipulator could be invoked as cout << bell( 10 ); Because the function call operator ( ) has greater precedence than <<, the compiler, at first, tries to invoke function bell( n ) with argument 10, then the wrong version of << would be invoked In this case, the compiler invokes bell(10) and then incorrectly invokes operator<<( basic_ostream& ) due to its return value (cout) rather than invokes operator<<( basic_ostream& (*f)( int ) ); So that the compiler can unambiguously choose the correct version of <<, the type of the value returned by bell must be different from the types of arguments expected by all the other versions of << 53

54 Writing User-Defined Manipulators with Arguments (cont.) To avoid the previous problem Define a wrapper class omanip for a manipulator function template< class Typ, // type of manipulator s argument class chart, class traits = char_traits<chart> > struct omanip { Typ n; // actual manipulator s argument n void ( *f )( basic_ostream< chatt, traits >&, Typ ); // actual manipulator f omanip( void ( *f1 )( basic_ostream< chatt, traits >&, Typ ), Typ n1 ) : f( f1 ), n( n1 ) { } }; Overload the operator << as a top-level function for the wrapper omanip, not a manipulator template< class chart, class traits, class Typ > basic_ostream< chart, traits >& operator<<( basic_ostream< chart, traits >& os, const omanip< Typ, chart >& sman ) { ( sman.f )( os, sman.n ); // invoke the actual manipulator return os; 54 }

55 Writing User-Defined Manipulators with Arguments (cont.) // a user-defined manipulator function that rings // the bell n times void bell_ringer( ostream& os, int n ) { for ( int i = 0; i < n; i++ ) os << "\a"; } // a manipulator that returns the wrapper of the // manipulator function omanip< int, char > bell( int n ) { return omanip< int, char >( bell_ringer, int n ); } cout << bell( 10 ); // rings the bell 10 times // operator<<( cout, bell(10) ) invokes // operator<<( basic_ostream&, omanip<int, char> ) 55

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