Mimicking the Data Step Dash and Double Dash in PROC SQL Arlene Amodeo, Law School Admission Council, Newtown, PA

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1 ABSTRACT Mimicking the Data Step Dash and Double Dash in PROC SQL Arlene Amodeo, Law School Admission Council, Newtown, PA The SQL procedure is a powerful and versatile procedure in SAS that allows the programmer to utilize SQL syntax to perform data set merges (joins), update data sets (tables), and update observations (records). Its main use is to duplicate the functionality of the MERGE BY statements in the DATA step, but most of its worth comes from its expansion upon these functionalities and its shorter processing time. It allows the user to utilize a wide range of summary functions without having to code PROCs and to merge on variables without the restrictions inherent in the BY statement. However, there are two shortcuts in the DATA step that are not available in PROC SQL: the dash (-) for selecting a range of suffixed variables, and the double dash (--) for selecting a range of variables from a data set. This paper shows how to integrate PROC SQL, dictionary members, and character functions to mimic the functionality of the dash and double dash. This method can be utilized easily to gather several ranges of variable names and rearrange the ordering of columns in the output data set. Examples of how to use this code are given in the context of the LSAC National Longitudinal Bar Passage Study data. Macro programs are provided in the Appendices to enable the reader to implement these methods quickly without hard-coding. This code was developed using SAS 9.2 for PC execution of this code requires licenses for Base SAS and SAS/STAT. The intended audience of this paper has some awareness of SAS macro programming and PROC SQL syntax. INTRODUCTION The inconceivably large potential for data manipulation is a chief advantage of choosing SAS over similar software: If you can think it, you can probably do it in SAS and usually with half the battle you d face with other software. Two basic procedures for manipulating data sets are available in SAS: the DATA step (native to SAS), and the SQL procedure (based on the Structured Query Language used by several other commercial software, such as Oracle). PROC SQL incorporates most of the functionality of the DATA step. It allows the programmer to utilize all SAS character functions and also perform the same types of merges (joins) as with DATA steps, using a more universal nomenclature. In many situations, PROC SQL has several advantages (and relatively few disadvantages) over the DATA step. PROC SQL not only performs functions across rows (as the DATA step does), but it can also perform functions down observations, an endeavor that is typically code-intensive and requires caution when implemented in the DATA step. PROC SQL also makes merging data sets a less stressful task it does not have the strict restrictions on the merging variables that the MERGE-BY method in the DATA step has. Data merges (joins) in PROC SQL can be performed on merging variables with different names (e.g. NAME and FULL_NAME), different cases (join records on LOWCASE(FIRST_NAME)), and even with several variables serving as one merging variable (CATX(, FIRST_NAME, LAST_NAME) matched to FULL_NAME)). In addition to having powerful and versatile data manipulation capabilities, the SAS program contains several shortcuts to help eliminate tedious coding. Two of these shortcuts are the dash (-) and the double dash (--), each of which generates lists of variables. The (single) dash allows the programmer to specify that all variables that are similarly structured in name with a prefix and a numeric suffix should be processed (e.g., ANSWER1 through ANSWER30). The double dash allows the programmer to quickly specify that all variables in the program data vector that lie between two variables should be processed (e.g., NAME through PHONE_NUMBER, for specifying that NAME, ADDRESS, and PHONE_NUMBER should be included). 1 Unfortunately, the dash and double dashes can only be used in DATA steps, data set options, and SAS statements they cannot be used within the SELECT clause of PROC SQL. This is a rare example of a functionality that is lost when moving from the DATA step to PROC SQL. A consequence of this is that when a user utilizes PROC SQL to select variables, he or she must type each variable individually, even in cases where the dash or double dash would automatically generate the list in another context. However, as another example of SAS s versatility, a combination of procedures and data views can be integrated to duplicate the functionality of the dash and double dash for use in PROC SQL. The first four sections of this paper introduce the basic nomenclature, concepts, and code that can be utilized to mimic the variable list shortcuts in PROC SQL. The last three sections describe code for each of the shortcuts (the dash for a range of suffixed variables, and the double dash for a range of variables between two specified names). The motivation is discussed for developing a method of mimicking both the single and double dashes a short example of the code to accomplish this is provided and macros are provided in the appendices, along with short descriptions in the text. The Bar Passage Study data collected and published by LSAC is cited in short examples. 1 Typically, this means that the variable list will contain all variables that were created between NAME and PHONE_NUMBER chronologically when those variables were first created. 1

2 PROC SQL: BASIC SYNTAX The SQL procedure is based on the Structured Query Language (SQL) used by products such as MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft Access. The most basic purpose of the language is to query data from tables sometimes imposing particular criteria and to join one or more tables into one table (or temporary view). When SQL code is written to act upon a table (data set), it is said that the table is being queried. PROC SQL can be used to create data sets and views through typical methods such as concatenation, subsetting, and merging. For several key components of the DATA step, there are analogous features in PROC SQL that have their own names unique to PROC SQL. Table 1 shows the equivalent names for DATA step components and associated data set attributes whose essences are also mimicked in PROC SQL. Table 1: Equivalent SAS terms Between the DATA step and PROC SQL DATA step term/method PROC SQL term/method Data set Table Statement Clause (CREATE TABLE/CREATE VIEW, SELECT, INTO, FROM, WHERE, GROUP BY, HAVING, ORDER BY) Observation Row Variable Column Merge Join RENAME oldvarname = newvarname SELECT oldvarname AS newvarname CALL SYMPUT(macrovariable, value) newvarname is referred to as an alias In general, the INTO clause is used within the SELECT statement. This can be utilized to create one or more macro variables very efficiently. An example appears below. This example creates one macro variable that holds each value encountered in column, where the elements within the variable are separated by a comma and a space: Williams, SESUG 2008 SELECT DISTINCT columnname1 INTO : macrovariable SEPARATED BY, FROM datasetname QUIT Figure 1 shows the syntax for PROC SQL. Only the SELECT and FROM clauses are required. In general, the SELECT clause indicates which variables should be placed into the table (or view) from the table(s) indicated in the FROM statement in contrast to the DATA step, multiple variables are separated by commas, not spaces. The WHERE statement is used to select only certain rows and to execute joins between multiple data sets specified in the FROM statement: the variable that would be in the BY statement of a MERGE BY would appear in the WHERE statement. Additional code can be used to specify what type of join(s) should be performed, using specific SQL syntax and the ON keyword rather than the WHERE clause. For more information on SQL joins, reference the paper PROC SQL: Tips and Translations for Data Step Users (Marcella and Jorgensen, 2010). Just as each DATA step completes with a RUN statement, each CREATE ORDER BY block ends with a semicolon, and each SQL block ends with a QUIT statement. The RUN Statement is not necessary. Several CREATE TABLE ORDER BY blocks can be created within one SQL procedure, each ending with a semicolon. It is important to note that by default, the results of a query that does not use the CREATE clause will be printed to output to prevent this, use the NOPRINT option in the PROC SQL statement. Fig. 1 PROC SQL syntax PROC SQL noprint/print CREATE TABLE/ CREATE VIEW newtablename AS SELECT tablename.var1 AS alias1, tablename.var2 AS alias2 FROM tablename WHERE <condition> GROUP BY varname HAVING <condition> ORDER BY varname QUIT 2

3 Just as the DATA step can create macro variables with CALL SYMPUT, PROC SQL can also create macro variables. Within the SELECT clause, the user can specify that a column value (or a function of a column value) should be inserted into one or more macro variables this is done using the INTO clause. For example, if a programmer wanted to have one macro variable that contained the average value of age from the SASHELP.CLASS data set, he or she could code as in Figure 2. In this code, AVG is called an aggregate function it works down rows in the table to find the average value of age, just as PROC MEANS would when the VAR statement is specified as VAR age The average value for age is inserted into the macro variable average_age. Fig. 2 Example PROC SQL code PROC SQL SELECT AVG(age) INTO: average_age FROM SASHELP.CLASS QUIT Table 1 above briefly shows how one macro variable can be created to hold all of the values found in a column. In conjunction with automatic data sets called dictionary members, this code can be utilized to help mimic the dashes in PROC SQL. Dictionary members are described briefly in the next section, and the last three sections of this paper discuss how to put it all together. In addition to several NESUG papers, the manual SAS SQL Procedure User s Guide -- published by the SAS Institute gives an excellent summary of the various ways in which PROC SQL can be utilized. DICTIONARY MEMBERS AND THE DICTIONARY.COLUMNS TABLE During each SAS session there exist automatic data views called dictionary members. These data sets contain information about the data sets that are in the current SAS session. For example, DICTIONARY.TABLES has one row to describe each data set in the current SAS session (one row for SASHELP.CLASS, one row for SASHELP.SALES, etc.). The data set DICTIONARY.COLUMNS contains one row to describe every variable in the data sets (one row for each variable in SASHELP.CLASS, one row for each variable in SASHELP.SALES, etc.). Table 2 displays the contents of this data set. Table 2: Contents of DICTIONARY.COLUMNS Column Name libname memname memtype name type length npos varnum label format informat idxusage sortedby xtype notnull precision scale transcode Column Label Library Name Member Name Member Type Column Name Column Type Column Length Column Position Column Number in Table Column Label Column Format Column Informat Column Index Type Order in Key Sequence Extended Type Not NULL? Precision Scale Transcoded? 3

4 Marcella and Jorgensen, NESUG 2010 As seen in Table 2, DICTIONARY.COLUMNS contains the library name ( libname ) and data set name ( memname ) in which each column resides. It also contains the position of the variable in the data set in the context of a table with rows and columns for example, varnum = 3 indicates that the variable is in the third column from the left. In conjunction with PROC SQL, the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS table can be used to generate a single macro variable that contains a list of column/variable names from a certain data set/table, where the column/variable names have certain characteristics, or are located in a certain position in the SAS data set. This forms a foundation for mimicking the dash shortcuts in PROC SQL. It is worth noting that the columns in the dictionary members may have trailing blanks in their values, and this needs to be taken into consideration when generating macro variables whose values are intended to be used as SAS code. Each variable list shortcut is discussed in turn in the remaining sections of this paper. SAS CHARACTER FUNCTIONS SAS contains a wide variety of character functions to manipulate character variables, extract substrings from character variables, and count occurrences of substrings and characters within character variables. These three tasks are conducted by many more than just three functions, and many more tasks on character functions can be performed. The book SAS Functions by Example by Ronald Cody details many of these with excellent clarity and organization. For the purposes of mimicking the dash and double dash, this paper will utilize the LENGTH, CAT, and SUBSTR functions, as described generally below. 1. LENGTH : counts the number of characters used in a character variable, ignoring trailing blanks. For each observation, the result varies according to the value of the character variable for that observation. This does not return the length property of the character variable as created in the SAS data set (that can be determined by querying the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS view, as seen in the previous section). 2. CAT(string1, string2, stringn) : concatenates string1, string2,, stringn with each substring taken verbatim (i.e. the strings are not trimmed for leading or trailing blanks). Each string can be a SAS variable (numerical or character) or a string expressed within quotation marks. CATT also concatenates strings with the same syntax as CAT, but trims the leading blanks from each element mentioned in the list CATX will trim and concatenate each entry and place a specified delimiter between each entry. 3. SUBSTR(varname, start_position, length) : creates a substring from string, that is extracted from starting at the position start_position of string, and having length length. String can be a SAS character variable or a string within quotation marks, while start_position and length must be positive integer numbers (e.g. a SAS numeric variable containing such a value, a SAS function that resolves to resolves to such a value, or simply a constant positive integer number). For example, SUBSTR( LSAC, 3, 2) would resolve to AC, and SUBSTR( LSAC, 1, 1 + 2) would resolve to LSA. METHOD FOR MIMICKING THE VARIABLE SHORTCUTS IN PROC SQL The code below describes how PROC SQL, dictionary members, and character functions can be integrated to mimic the variable shortcuts in the SELECT clause. This basic structure is used throughout this paper. PROC SQL SELECT <function of MEMNAME and NAME> INTO: macrovar FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE libname = libraryname AND memname = datasetname AND memtype = data *We will call this our target select clause in which we want to use the dash/double dash shortcuts QUIT SELECT &macrovar. FROM libraryname.datasetname DATA FOR EXAMPLES: LSAC NATIONAL LONGITUDINAL BAR PASSAGE STUDY From 1989 through 1996, the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) conducted a longitudinal study of law school matriculates that collected data regarding a variety of subjects relevant to aspiring lawyers, such as their Law School Selection and Expectations and their Aspirations in their law career. Four surveys were administered throughout the legal education careers of these matriculates: an Entering Student Questionnaire (ESQ), a First-Year Follow-up Questionnaire (FSQ), a 4

5 Second-Year Follow-up Questionnaire (SFQ), and a Third-Year Follow-up Questionnaire (TFQ). Being a longitudinal study, many of the items on the surveys were identical or nearly identical in order to allow analyses of changes in the goals, educational statuses, and employment statuses and the progress in passing the State Bar Exams of aspiring lawyers. The data collected during this study was released in 1999 and is available upon request from LSAC. Variables (columns) from the Bar Passage Study are used in the examples in this paper. Figure 3 shows the relevant excerpts of the ESQ that are referenced (repeated on the subsequent three surveys as well) and the demographic variables that are also used in examples. Figure 4 shows some of the contents of DICTIONARY.COLUMNS for a subset of the Bar Passage Study data, inputted from a flat data file by means of a DATA step. Readers can explore further examples by using the SASHELP.PRICEDATA data set. Fig. 3 Select Demographic Variables and Responses 67a Through 67k to Question 67 of the Entering Student Questionnaire of the Longitudinal Bar Passage Study (also duplicated in the other three surveys of this study) 5

6 Fig. 4 Select Contents of the Bar Passage Study Data Set 6

7 MIMICKING THE SINGLE DASH FOR SUFFIXED VARIABLES MOTIVATION FOR DEVELOPING NEW CODE FOR PROC SQL If a data set contains N variables each named with the same prefix and a numerical suffix then references to these N variables can be made using the single dash in DATA steps, data set options, and procedures to convey that each variable with this naming convention should be processed. For example, in the Bar Passage Study, each respondent was asked to rate (on a scale from 1 to 5) how appealing a certain employment setting in their field seems to them (Figure 3). The 12 coded responses to these 12 options within this item can be named as ESQ_E4_1, ESQ_E4_2, ESQ_E4_12, and the DATA step in Figure 5 could be used to input the data succinctly. In Figure 5, the single dash indicates that 12 variables should be created: ESQ_E4_1, ESQ_E4_2, ESQ_E4_12, and the 1. indicates that each variable is numeric with one digit. We will refer to ESQ_E4_ as the prefix part of these suffixed variable names. Fig. 5 Example of Using the Single Dash to Input Data of Same Type, Length, and Informat DATA BPS INFILE "&filepath.\bps.txt" LRECL = 1000 missover pad obs = 10 student_id 5. (ESQ_E4_1 - ESQ_E4_12) (1.) If a programmer desired frequencies on each, he or she could code as shown in Figure 6. Fig. 6 Example of Using the Single Dash to Process Data in a Procedure PROC FREQ DATA = BPS TABLES ESQ_E4_1 - ESQ_E4_12 RUN Additionally, if he or she wanted to KEEP or DELETE these variables or a subset of these new variables in a new data set, the variable list shortcut using the dash can be used yet again, as seen in Figure 7. Fig. 7 Example of Using the Single Dash to Select a Range of Variables to Input Into a Data Set DATA ESQ_BPS SET BPS (KEEP = ESQ_E4_7 - ESQ_E4_12) RUN When moving to PROC SQL, the dash cannot be used again in this manner in the SELECT clause to query those columns from the BPS table. Because arithmetic functions can be used in the SELECT clause, SAS would interpret this as a minus sign and subtract the two variables ESQ_E4_1 and ESQ_E4_12. The single dash can be used in the FROM clause as a data set option, as shown in Figure 8. However, if the programmer additionally wishes to rename the columns prior to creating the new data set say, using the prefix E4_ instead of ESQ_E4_ the programmer cannot do this easily with the RENAME statement in the same data set option. 7

8 Fig. 8 Example of a Simple Method for Mimicking the Single Dash in PROC SQL PROC SQL noprint CREATE TABLE ESQ_BPS AS SELECT * FROM BPS (KEEP = ESQ_E4_1 - ESQ_E4_12) QUIT EXPLANATION OF HOW TO ACCOMPLISH MIMICRY OF THE SINGLE DASH The trick to enabling both the renaming of the columns and easily selecting the columns involves creating a short program that saves a function of the data in the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS view into a macro variable. The output of this method is a global macro variable that contains the oldvarname AS newvarname codes with the proper placement of the required keywords, spaces, and commas. Then, the macro variable can be quoted in the SELECT clause of a new PROC SQL block where the dashed list was desired (we ll call this the target SELECT clause ). Figure 9 shows the basic code for accomplishing this. As coded in this figure, this macro variable can be referenced in the SELECT clause only during the current SAS session. Fig. 9 Basic Code for Mimicking the Single Dash in PROC SQL Using Dictionary Members and Enabling Dynamism and the Renaming of Suffixed Variables PROC SQL PROC SQL CREATE TABLE BPS_COLUMNS AS SELECT *, INPUT(SUBSTR(name, 1 + LENGTH("ESQ_E4_"), LENGTH(name) - LENGTH("ESQ_E4_") ), 3.) AS suffix FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE LOWCASE(memname) = LOWCASE("BPS") AND LOWCASE(memtype) = "data" AND libname = "WORK" AND SUBSTR(LOWCASE(name), 1, LENGTH("ESQ_E4_")) = LOWCASE("ESQ_E4_") ORDER BY suffix *Create a macro variable to hold the SELECT code we want to generate and use SELECT CAT(trimn(memname),., trimn(name), " AS ", "E4_", SUFFIX) INTO : suffixed_list SEPARATED BY ", " FROM BPS_COLUMNS WHERE SUBSTR(LOWCASE(name), 1, LENGTH("ESQ_E4_")) = LOWCASE("ESQ_E4_") ORDER BY SUFFIX CREATE TABLE ESQ_BPS AS SELECT student_id, &suffixed_list. FROM BPS In, a new table called BPS_COLUMNS is created. Only the rows of DICTIONARY.COLUMNS that correspond to the suffixed variables are saved to the new table. The specification for this selection is made by the WHERE clause: the SUBSTR function uses the length of the original prefix to compare a substring of NAME with the original prefix, and if this substring matches it ( ESQ_E4_ ), then the record is placed into the new table BPS_COLUMNS. The SELECT clause places a new column called suffix into this table. Assured by the WHERE statement that the value of variable name contains the name of a suffixed variable in data set BPS, the SUBSTR function within the SELECT clause determines what the suffix is by using the 8

9 length of NAME and the length of the original prefix ( ESQ_E4_ ). In addition to the suffix, all other columns from DICTIONARY.COLUMNS are saved into this new table, as indicated by the use of the asterisk (*) in the SELECT clause. In, this new table BPS_COLUMNS is queried to create a macro variable called suffixed_list, that will contain the old names of the suffixed variables and the desired new names placed into proper SELECT syntax. 2 The CAT function places the AS keyword, spaces, commas where necessary so that the macro variable suffixed_list contains exactly the code that is needed by the target SELECT clause in to query and rename the suffixed variables from BPS. It is worth noting here that the trailing blanks in the memname and name columns are trimmed by the TRIMN function before concatenation. The CAT function is used rather than the CATT function to preserve the trailing blank after the AS keyword. The first term of the CAT function contains the dataset name, followed by a period and the prefix for the original variable names. The next term is the suffix, followed by the AS keyword, the new prefix, and the suffix again. The new prefix and the suffix form an alias for each column that will be created using the macro variable suffixed_list in the target SELECT statement, in block 3 () Figure 9. Figure 10 shows the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS printout for the new data set (ESQ_BPS) created in this can be compared to Figure 4, which shows some of the original data set (BPS) contents. The macro variable suffixed_list resolves to: BPS.ESQ_E4_1 AS E4_1, BPS.ESQ_E4_2 AS E4_2, BPS.ESQ_E4_3 AS E4_3, BPS.ESQ_E4_4 AS E4_4, BPS.ESQ_E4_5 AS E4_5, BPS.ESQ_E4_6 AS E4_6, BPS.ESQ_E4_7 AS E4_7, BPS.ESQ_E4_8 AS E4_8, BPS.ESQ_E4_9 AS E4_9, BPS.ESQ_E4_10 AS E4_10, BPS.ESQ_E4_11 AS E4_11, BPS.ESQ_E4_12 AS E4_12 Fig. 10 Contents of New Data Set ESQ_BPS Using the Code in Figure 9 () %MIMIC_DASH: A MACRO TO MIMIC THE SINGLE DASH IN PROC SQL The code in Figure 9 can be made more dynamic by modifying it for inclusion in a macro program. Each hard-coded string that is referenced in Figure 9 can be turned into a macro variable that a user specifies in a macro invocation. Appendix I includes a macro, called MIMIC _DASH, that will accept data set name, library name, current prefix for the suffixed variables, and the desired new prefix for the variables the user wishes to select and rename in the target SELECT clause. Although it is certainly not recommended that a programmer use any data file without first referencing its code book, the beginning and ending suffixes are automatically determined in this code simply for the sake of dynamism. To enable efficiency in renaming more than one list of suffixed variables in a SELECT clause, the macro accepts a positive integer iteration number that is used to create the macro variable suffixed_list_# Table 3 summarizes some key properties of this code that must be considered before the macro is put into use. As evidenced by the length of the program, checks are included to be sure that the input parameters entered by the user are valid. Note that if a variable exists with a name that is strictly the prefix that the user specifies without a numerical suffix the variable will be ignored. 3 Because the scope of a macro variable created within a macro program is generally local (that is, can 2 These first two SELECT blocks could be combined into one using nested queries, where the SELECT clause in would appear within the FROM clause of. Instead, the two queries are separated here to provide easier dissection of the purpose of each block of code. For more information on nested queries, see Williams, For an example of such a circumstance, see the price variable and the suffixed price variables in SASHELP.PRICEDATA. 9

10 only be used within the current macro), a line of code is used to declare the variable as global so that it can be referenced in any coding environment during the current SAS session. Table 3: Features of the Macro Program MIMIC_DASH in Appendix I Feature Check that library and data set exist, variables exist, and suffix list is unbroken prior to execution of key code Reference table and column names in the SELECT clause Prevent rewrite of macro variable after subsequent invocations by allowing input of a suffix for the outputted macro variable Rename columns (can keep the names the same by re-specifying the same prefix) Include a variable named with only the specified prefix, but no suffix Assign new suffixes to the current suffixed list Use the outputted global macro variable suffixed_list_# in another SAS session Macro invocation %MIMIC_DASH(iteration_num, lib_name, dataset_name, old_prefix, new_prefix) Feature of macro --- Figure 11 shows an example of how this macro can be invoked and how the macro variables can be utilized with the Bar Passage Study data, using the variables described in Figure 3 from the four surveys that were administered. Figure 12 displays the contents of DICTIONARY.COLUMNS for the new data set ESQ_BPS, created by the outputted macro variable from the macro. The macro variable resolves to: BPS.ESQ_E4_1 AS E4_1, BPS.ESQ_E4_2 AS E4_2, BPS.ESQ_E4_3 AS E4_3, BPS.ESQ_E4_4 AS E4_4, BPS.ESQ_E4_5 AS E4_5, BPS.ESQ_E4_6 AS E4_6, BPS.ESQ_E4_7 AS E4_7, BPS.ESQ_E4_8 AS E4_8, BPS.ESQ_E4_9 AS E4_9, BPS.ESQ_E4_10 AS E4_10, BPS.ESQ_E4_11 AS E4_11, BPS.ESQ_E4_12 AS E4_12 %MIMIC_DASH(iteration_num = 1, lib_name = WORK dataset_name = BPS, old_prefix = ESQ_E4_, new_prefix = E4_) Fig. 11 Example Invocation of Macro MIMIC_DASH PROC SQL CREATE TABLE ESQ_BPS AS SELECT student_id, &suffixed_list_1. FROM BPS QUIT Fig. 12 Contents of New Data Set ESQ_BPS, Created Using the Variable List Provided by the Macro MIMIC_DASH 10

11 MIMICKING THE DOUBLE DASH FOR A LIST OF SEQUENTIAL VARIABLES MOTIVATION FOR DEVELOPING NEW CODE FOR PROC SQL As discussed above, the single dash in SAS allows a programmer to easily specify that each variable in a list of suffixed variables should be processed within a particular statement or option. The double dash (--) in SAS allows a programmer to specify that every variable found between two variables should be included for processing. For example, in the BPS data set, the first three variables in the file are as given in Figure 3: student_id, sex, and ethnicity.. If a programmer wanted to request that only these variables (i.e., every variable between the student ID and the self-reported race/ethnicity) be kept in a new data set, he or she could code as in Figure 13. In this figure, the data set BPS_DEMO contains only these three variables student_id, sex, and ethnicity. Fig. 13 Example of the Use of the Double Dash to Select Variables Into a New Data Set DATA BPS_DEMO SET BPS (KEEP = student_id -- ethnicity) RUN Unfortunately, there is no shortcut in PROC SQL for such a variable list. Attempts to use the double dash will result in a SAS error. This can be inconvenient when a significant number of the columns of a table should be included in a SELECT clause, especially when two or more tables are being merged or concatenated. Here again is a situation where the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS table is useful. This table contains a column named varnum that holds the position number of the variable. For example, if the variable was the third variable created in the program data vector, then the value for varnum the associated row in DICTIONARY.COLUMNS would be 3. Figure 14 shows an example of how this can be utilized to help create a macro variable string that holds the desired variable list. Figure 15 shows the data from DICTIONARY.COLUMNS that is related to the new table BPS_DEMO. Fig. 14 Basic code for mimicking the double dash in PROC SQL using a macro variable to hold the variable list PROC SQL noprint *Find the position number for the first variable name SELECT varnum INTO :begin_var_num FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE LOWCASE(memname) = LOWCASE("BPS") AND libname = "WORK" AND memtype = "data" AND LOWCASE(name) = LOWCASE("student_id") *Find the position number for the second variable name SELECT varnum INTO :end_var_num FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE LOWCASE(memname) = LOWCASE("BPS") AND libname = "WORK" AND memtype = "data" AND LOWCASE(name) = LOWCASE("ethnicity") *Now create a macro variable sequential_list to hold the SELECT clause we desire SELECT CATT(memname,., name) INTO :sequential_list SEPARATED BY ", " FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE varnum >= &begin_var_num. AND varnum <= &end_var_num. AND LOWCASE(memname) = LOWCASE("BPS") AND libname = "WORK" AND memtype = "data" *Create data set BPS_DEMO with only those variables between - and including - student_id and ethnicity CREATE TABLE BPS_DEMO AS SELECT &sequential_list. FROM BPS 11

12 Fig. 15 Contents of Data Set BPS_DEMO, Created Using the Macro Variable Created in Fig. 14 () EXPLANATION OF HOW TO ACCOMPLISH MIMICRY OF THE DOUBLE DASH In Figure 14, the varnum value of the variable that begins the desired list is determined using DICTIONARY.COLUMNS and the WHERE clause then, this value is saved into a local macro variable called begin_var_num (). Subsequently, this is also done for the variable that concludes the desired list, and the value is saved into a local variable called end_var_num (). In the next PROC SQL block (), each variable that is found to have a varnum value between these two values is identified using the WHERE statement and local macro variables begin_var_num and end_var_num. Each distinct name (column/variable name) that occurs between these two variables in the program data vector is saved into one global macro variable called sequential_list, preceeded by its table name, with each entry separated by commas. This is indicated in the SEPARATED BY clause. Because the global macro variable sequential_list was created with the syntax required by the SELECT clause, this variable can be referenced in a future SELECT clause to mimic the double dash that is used within the KEEP of a DATA step, as seen in. This macro variable created in Figure 14 resolves to: BPS.student_id, BPS.sex, BPS.ethnicity As seen in Figure 8, the mimicry of the variable list shortcut (--) can be accomplished by using the KEEP option in the FROM clause. However, the method used in Figure 13 has one small advantage: when utilized in a dynamic fashion, multiple variable lists can be created to be used in PROC SQL, and the placement of the resulting macro variables can used to rearrange columns. In contrast, the KEEP statement will not rearrange any columns it will maintain their relative positions in the new table. An efficient way to take advantage of this additional benefit of rearranging columns is to create multiple variable lists quickly using a macro program. The next subsection describes such a macro that is provided in Appendix II. %MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH: A MACRO TO MIMIC THE DOUBLE DASH IN PROC SQL A macro for the double dash appears in the appendices of this paper. As is true in the macro for the single dash, this macro allows the user to specify an iteration number to prevent overwriting of the global macro variable sequential_list in subsequent invocations of the macro. Again, the macro variables produced can only be used in the current SAS session. As was done in the macro MIMIC_DASH, the scope of this variable is declared as global so it can be used during the current SAS session in open code. The key features of this macro are briefly summarized in Table 4. Table 4: Features of the macro program MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH in Appendix II Feature Check that library and data set exist, variables exist, and the specified first variable in the list occurs before the specified last variable in the program data vector Reference table as well as column names Prevent rewrite of macro variable after subsequent invocations by allowing input of a suffix for the outputted macro variable Rename columns Create a suffixed variable list from a specified list Use the outputted global macro variable sequential_list_# in a new SAS session Macro invocation %MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH(iteration_num, lib_name, dataset_name, begin_var, end_var) Feature of macro --- Figure 16 shows an example of how to invoke this macro to produce the data set seen in Figure 15. The macro variable sequential_list_1 resolves to: BPS.student_id, BPS.sex, BPS.ethnicity 12

13 Fig. 16 Example Invocation of Macro MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH %MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH(iteration_num = 1, lib_name = WORK, dataset_name = BPS, begin_var_name = student_id, end_var_name = ethnicity ) PROC SQL CREATE TABLE BPS_DEMO AS SELECT &sequential_list_1. FROM BPS QUIT INTEGRATING THE OUTPUT FROM THE MACROS Because the user can help define the name of the output macro variable that contains the variable list, these two macros MIMIC_DASH and MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH can be invoked repeatedly without the outputted macro variables being written over. This allows the user to mix-and-match the variable lists within a SELECT clause. Figure 16 shows how this can be done using the Bar Passage Study data set. In this code, the user wanted to rename the variables that contain responses to the basic survey item in Figure 3, using a brief description of what the item contained. The user also wanted to select just a few variables from the first 15 displayed in the file and rearrange the ordering of the columns versus the original arrangement in the data set BPS. Figure 17 shows the contents of the new data set BPS_SUBSET, which can be compared to the original Bar Passage Study data described in Figures 3 and 4. 13

14 Fig. 17 Several Invocations of the Macros MIMIC_DASH and MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH to Create a New Data Set with Renamed Suffixed Variables and Rearranged Columns *rename the questionnaire item codes to a vernacular phrase %MIMIC_DASH(iteration_num = 1, lib_name = WORK, dataset_name = BPS, old_prefix = ESQ_E4_, new_prefix = ESQ_HOW_APPEALING_WORK_) %MIMIC_DASH(iteration_num = 2, lib_name = WORK, dataset_name = BPS, old_prefix = SFQ_E6_, new_prefix = SFQ_HOW_APPEALING_WORK_) *select the first three demographic variables only %MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH(iteration_num = 1, lib_name = WORK, dataset_name = BPS, begin_var_name = student_id, end_var_name = ethnicity) *select the number of bar attempts and the outcomes and dates of the first and last bar exam attempts, and place them at the end of the table %MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH(iteration_num = 2, lib_name = WORK, dataset_name = BPS, begin_var_name = num_bar_attempts, end_var_name = last_bar_mm) PROC SQL NOPRINT CREATE TABLE BPS_SUBSET AS SELECT &sequential_list_1., &sequential_list_2., &suffixed_list_1., &suffixed_list_2. FROM BPS QUIT Fig. 18 Contents of the New Data Set BPS_SUBSET, Created by the Code in Figure 16 14

15 CONCLUSIONS The use of the single and double dash operators is a very convenient way to quickly generate variable lists within SAS statements and options. Neither of these list generators is duplicated by similar syntax in the SELECT clause of the SQL procedure. However, using PROC SQL, dictionary members, character functions, and macro variables in conjunction with each other, the functionalities of the dash and double dash can be mimicked using a macro variable that holds the desired variable list. The journey to implementing this method integrates and enlightens the programmer to many useful and efficient SAS tools, such as macros, dictionary members, and character functions. While both the dash and double dash can be used in the KEEP option with the table specified in the FROM, this shortcut does not allow the columns to be rearranged when the CREATE TABLE clause generates the new table, nor does it allow variables to be renamed. The two macros provided in this paper MIMIC_DASH and MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH help introduce these benefits to allow the user to take fuller advantage of the alias specification and column reordering that is normally available via the SELECT statement. Readers can explore this technique with the SASHELP.PRICEDATA data set available in PC versions of SAS. 15

16 APPENDIX I: MIMIC_ DASH MACRO /* ********************************************************************************************************** MACRO: MIMIC_DASH GOAL The goal of this program is to enable the programmer to easily create a variable list of suffixed variable names in PROC SQL's SELECT clause. This will mimick the dash shortcut that is commonly used when working in native SAS code (DATA steps and procedures). PURPOSE Create a global macro variable to hold proper SELECT syntax for a variable list with suffixed variable names. Ultimately allow the programmer to produce a variable list of suffixed variable names in PROC SQL's SELECT clause without hand-typing each. INPUT PARAMETERS iteration_num A positive integer that will be used to name a global macro variable that accomplishes the PURPOSE of this macro lib_name The name of the library that contains the data set dataset_name The name of the data set that contains the suffixed variables OUTPUT old_prefix new_prefix The current prefix of the suffixed variable names The prefix that will be used to create aliases. This can be the same as the old_prefix. A global macro variable called &suffixed_list_&iteration_num. that allows the programmer to achieve the GOAL An intermediate data set called &dataset_name._columns that holds the names of the columns of &dataset_name. that held the suffixed variable names. This data set is deleted upon completion of the macro execution. MISC. IMPORTANT NOTES The macro variable that is created can only be used in the current SAS session. ********************************************************************************************************** */ %MACRO MIMIC_DASH(iteration_num, lib_name, dataset_name, old_prefix, new_prefix) OPTIONS SYMBOLGEN SPOOL MPRINT MLOGIC MERROR VALIDVARNAME = V7 *create lowercase macro variables from the inputted parameters, to ease comparison to DICTIONARY.COLUMNS %LET LC_lib_name = %LOWCASE(&lib_name.) %LET LC_dataset_name = %LOWCASE(&dataset_name.) %LET LC_OLD_PREFIX = %LOWCASE(&old_prefix.) *find length of the old prefix %LET LEN_OLD_PREFIX = %LENGTH(&old_prefix.) 16

17 *extract the prefix from the dictionary.columns entry %LET EXTRACT_PREFIX = SUBSTR(LOWCASE(name), 1, &len_old_prefix.) %let EXTRACT_suffix = input(substr(name, 1 + &LEN_old_prefix., length(name) - &LEN_old_prefix. ), 3.) *check that the variable and data set exist before trying to process %LOCAL ERROR_COUNT %LET ERROR_COUNT = 0 *check that the new_prefix entered is a valid SAS variable name %IF %SYSFUNC(NVALID(&new_prefix.)) = 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) The user-specified new prefix %upcase(&new_prefix.) is not a valid SAS variable name %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *check that the iteration number is an integer digit %IF %DATATYP(&iteration_num.) ^= NUMERIC %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Iteration number entered by user is not a number. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating %LET ERROR_COUNT = 1 %ELSE %DO %IF %SYSFUNC(MOD(&iteration_num.,%SYSFUNC(FLOOR(&iteration_num.)))) ^= 0 OR &iteration_num. < 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Iteration number entered is not an integer %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *check that the library exists %IF %SYSFUNC(LIBREF(&lib_name.)) ^= 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Library %upcase(&lib_name.) does not exist. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) TERMINATING. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *check that the data set exists and also that it is contained within the library %IF %SYSFUNC(EXIST(&lib_name..&dataset_name.)) ^= 1 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Data set %upcase(&lib_name..&dataset_name.) does not exist. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) TERMINATING. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) 17

18 %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *check that the old prefix is actually used in a variable name PROC SQL NOPRINT SELECT N(name) INTO :NUMBER_VARS_FOUND FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE &extract_prefix. = "&LC_old_prefix." AND LOWCASE(memname) = "&LC_dataset_name." AND LOWCASE(libname) = "&LC_lib_name." AND LOWCASE(memtype) = "data" QUIT %IF &number_vars_found. = 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Variable with prefix %upcase(&old_prefix.) not found %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *dynamically determine the start and stop point of the suffixed variable list %put NOTE: Dynamically determining the variables with prefix %upcase(&old_prefix.) from dataset %upcase(&dataset_name.) *find the beginning of the suffixed variables, and the end PROC SQL NOPRINT *For now, we create this new table -- from DICTIONARY.COLUMNS -- to find the beginning and ending suffix values *Later, we will use this new table again the generate the variable list create table &dataset_name._columns as SELECT *, &EXTRACT_suffix. AS suffix FROM dictionary.columns WHERE length(name) ne %length(&lc_old_prefix.) AND &EXTRACT_prefix. = "&LC_old_prefix." AND lowcase(memname) = "&LC_dataset_name." AND lowcase(libname) = "&LC_lib_name." AND lowcase(memtype) = "data" SELECT MIN(SUFFIX) INTO :BEGIN_SUFFIX FROM &dataset_name._columns WHERE SUFFIX NE. *the end 18

19 QUIT SELECT MAX(SUFFIX) INTO :END_SUFFIX FROM &dataset_name._columns WHERE SUFFIX NE. %put NOTE: %put NOTE: BEGIN_SUFFIX dynamically determined as : &begin_suffix. END_SUFFIX dynamically determined as : &end_suffix. *check that the suffixes are numeric %IF %DATATYP(&begin_suffix.) ^= NUMERIC OR %DATATYP(&end_suffix.) ^= NUMERIC %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Suffixes are NOT numeric %put Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *Be sure that the interval increases by 1 %DO LOOP_SUFFIX = &begin_suffix. %TO &end_suffix. %LET OPEN_&dataset_name. = %SYSFUNC(OPEN(&lib_name..&dataset_name.,i)) %IF %SYSFUNC(VARNUM(&&OPEN_&dataset_name.., &old_prefix.&loop_suffix.)) = 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) There is not a continguous range of variable between %upcase(&old_prefix.%left(&begin_suffix.)) and %upcase(&old_prefix.%left(&end_suffix.)) %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. %LET CLOSE_&dataset_name. = %SYSFUNC(CLOSE(&&OPEN_&dataset_name..)) %IF &error_count. ^= 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Errors encountered. See log for details. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %ELSE %DO *now select the variables in PROC SQL (rename if the user requested it that way) *and put into global macro variable string_of_suffixed_var_names_# %GLOBAL suffixed_list_&iteration_num. 19

20 PROC SQL NOPRINT SELECT CAT("&dataset_name..", "&old_prefix.", SUFFIX, " AS ", "&new_prefix.", SUFFIX) INTO : suffixed_list_&iteration_num. SEPARATED BY ", " FROM &dataset_name._columns WHERE &extract_prefix. = "&LC_old_prefix." AND SUFFIX NE. ORDER BY SUFFIX QUIT %put NOTE: Here is a global macro variable that you can use in the current SAS session %put NOTE: within the PROC SQL SELECT clause to select suffixed variables %put NOTE: that are renamed as you specified in the macro invocation %put NOTE: MACRO VARIABLE suffixed_list_&iteration_num.: &&suffixed_list_&iteration_num. *erase the data set we created while we performed these tasks: dataset_name._columns PROC DATASETS LIBRARY = WORK MEMTYPE = DATA NOLIST DELETE &dataset_name._columns RUN QUIT %MEND APPENDIX II: MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH MACRO /* ********************************************************************************************************** MACRO: MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH GOAL The goal of this program is to enable the programmer to easily create a list of variable names that would be created by the double dash (--) in SAS DATA steps and procedures, in a PROC SQL SELECT clause that precludes the use of this shortcut. PURPOSE Create a global macro variable to hold proper SELECT syntax for a variable list. Ultimately allow the programmer to produce a variable list in PROC SQL's SELECT clause without hand-typing each variable name. INPUT PARAMETERS iteration_num A positive integer that will be used to name a global macro variable that accomplishes the PURPOSE of this macro lib_name The name of the library that contains the data set dataset_name The name of the data set that contains the suffixed variables begin_var_name The first name in the variable list that would be produced by --. end_var_name The last name in the variable list that would be produced by

21 OUTPUT A global macro variable called &sequential_list_&iteration_num. that allows the programmer to achieve the GOAL MISC. IMPORTANT NOTES The macro variable that is created can only be used in the current SAS session. ********************************************************************************************************** */ %MACRO MIMIC_DOUBLE_DASH(iteration_num, lib_name, dataset_name, begin_var_name, end_var_name) OPTIONS SYMBOLGEN MPRINT MLOGIC *create lowercase macro variables from the inputted parameters, to ease comparison to DICTIONARY.COLUMNS %LET LC_lib_name = %LOWCASE(&lib_name.) %LET LC_dataset_name = %LOWCASE(&dataset_name.) %LET LC_begin_var_name = %LOWCASE(&begin_var_name.) %LET LC_end_var_name = %LOWCASE(&end_var_name.) *check that the iteration number is an integer digit %LOCAL ERROR_COUNT %LET ERROR_COUNT = 0 %IF %DATATYP(&iteration_num.) ^= NUMERIC %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Iteration number entered by user is not a number. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating %LET ERROR_COUNT = 1 %ELSE %DO %IF %SYSFUNC(MOD(&iteration_num.,%SYSFUNC(FLOOR(&iteration_num.)))) ^= 0 OR &iteration_num. < 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Iteration number entered is not an integer %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *check that the library exists %IF %SYSFUNC(LIBREF(&lib_name.)) ^= 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Library %upcase(&lib_name.) does not exist. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) 21

22 %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *check that the data set exists %IF %SYSFUNC(EXIST(&lib_name..&dataset_name.)) ^= 1 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Data set %upcase(&lib_name..&dataset_name.) does not exist. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *check that the two variables exist %LET OPEN_&dataset_name. = %SYSFUNC(OPEN(&lib_name..&dataset_name.,i)) %IF %SYSFUNC(VARNUM(&&OPEN_&dataset_name.., &begin_var_name.)) = 0 OR %SYSFUNC(VARNUM(&&OPEN_&dataset_name.., &end_var_name.)) = 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Variable %upcase(&begin_var_name.) or %upcase(&end_var_name.) does not exist in data set %upcase(&dataset_name.). %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. *now check that the beginning variable is before the ending variable in the data set PROC SQL NOPRINT *find the first number for the first variable name SELECT VARNUM INTO :BEGIN_VAR_NUM FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE LOWCASE(memname) = "&LC_dataset_name." AND LOWCASE(name) = "&LC_begin_var_name." AND LOWCASE(libname) = "&LC_lib_name." AND LOWCASE(memtype) = "data" QUIT *find the second number for the second variable name SELECT VARNUM INTO :END_VAR_NUM FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE LOWCASE(memname) = "&LC_dataset_name." AND LOWCASE(name) = "&LC_end_var_name." AND LOWCASE(libname) = "&LC_lib_name." AND LOWCASE(memtype) = "data" *if the first variable name entered actually was created AFTER the second... *then terminate *otherwise, continue onward to select the variables indicated 22

23 %IF &begin_var_num. > &end_var_num. %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) (&sysmacroname.) User-supplied first variable occurs after second variable name in dataset %upcase(&dataset_name.) %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) (&sysmacroname.) Terminating. %LET ERROR_COUNT = %EVAL(&error_count. + 1) %ELSE %DO %LET ERROR_COUNT = &error_count. %LET CLOSE_&dataset_name. = %SYSFUNC(CLOSE(&&OPEN_&dataset_name..)) %IF &error_count. ^= 0 %THEN %DO %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) See log for details. %put ERROR: (&SYSMACRONAME.) Terminating. %ELSE %DO *declare the string that will hold the variable list as a global variable %GLOBAL sequential_list_&iteration_num. PROC SQL NOPRINT SELECT CATX(".", memname, name) INTO :sequential_list_&iteration_num. SEPARATED BY ", " FROM DICTIONARY.COLUMNS WHERE VARNUM >= &begin_var_num. AND VARNUM <= &end_var_num. AND LOWCASE(memname) = "&LC_dataset_name." AND LOWCASE(libname) = "&LC_lib_name." AND LOWCASE(memtype) = "data" QUIT %put NOTE: Here is your list of variable names to use in the PROC SQLs SELECT clause %put NOTE: This is a global macro variable you can use in the current SAS session %put NOTE: MACRO VARIABLE sequential_list_&iteration_num.: &&sequential_list_&iteration_num.. %MEND 23

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