Bridge. Calculated Fields Guide. Version

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1 Bridge Calculated Fields Guide Version

2 Table of Contents Page i Table of Contents Table Of Contents I Introduction 1 Building Formulas 2 Operators 2 Simple Arithmetic Formulas 2 Placeholders Within Formulas 3 Defining String Data 4 Concatenation (combining data) 5 Placeholders 7 Current Transaction Information 7 Premium Details 7 Commission Details 8 Tax Details 8 Current Term Information 9 Premium Details 9 Commission Details 9 Tax Details 10 Term Period Dates 10 Previous Term Information 12 Premium Details 12 Commission Details 12 Tax Details 13 Policy Number 13 Limits 15

3 Table of Contents Page ii Deductibles 16 Retrieving Premium IDs 17 Functions 18 Defining Multiple Fields in a Function 19 Conditional Results the IF Function 20 The If/Then Conditional Structure 20 The $If() Function 21 Defining the Results 21 Sequential Conditions - the MapValue() function 24 Conditional Selection of Grid Rows - the Where() function 26 Building Conditional Expressions 29 Operators 29 Negative Conditions 30 Combined Conditions 30 Working with Boolean Values 32 Detailed Function Descriptions 34 Verifying User Security Roles 34 Compare Data Against Sanction or Watch Lists 34 Identifying When Fields Have Changed After an Integration 36 Interpolation/Extrapolation 39 Custom Date Format Function 42 Functions to Enter Data Into Grids (Grid Mapping) 46 Basic Processing of Standalone Grids 48 Conditional Processing of Standalone Grids 50 Processing Parent and Child Grids 53 Inserting Additional List Data 58 Dividing String Values Into Rows 59

4 Table of Contents Page iii Converting Multi-Value Fields Into Rows 61 Searching Across Policies 63 Cross Policy Match Functions 63 Cross Policy MatchList Functions 66 Full Function Reference List 72 Reference 107 Appendix A Compliance() Function Parameters 107 Appendix B - Full Placeholders List for Policy Information 110 Client Company Information 110 Individual Client Information 114 Distributor Information 116 Insurer Information 120 Policy Information 125 Transaction Information 128 Compliance Information 133 Quote Information 138 Current Transaction Premium, Commission, Tax Information 140 Current Transaction Limit Information 143 Current Transaction Deductible Information 145 Current Term Information 147 Previous Term Information 150 Billing Workflow Details 151 System Date 155 Other 157 Appendix C - Full Placeholders List for Billing Information 161 Invoice Information 161 Statement Information 163

5 Table of Contents Page iv Client Information 168 Distributor Information 170 Insurer Information 171 Bill To Party Information 173 Policy Information 175 Charge Information 177 Installment Information 179 Billing Integration Fields 180 Appendix D - Full Placeholders List for Claims Information 181 Claim Information 181 Claim Party Information 184 Claim Payment Information, Single Instance 192 Claim Payment Information, Multiple Filtered Payments 209 Appendix E - Full Placeholders List for General System Information 213 Grid Information 213 Index I

6 Introduction Page 1 Introduction Welcome to the Bridge insurance access portal. The system provides a full workflow, from the administration of products and coverage, to the submission and management of individual policies. Access to all features, options, and data are controlled by the settings in your user account. This guide is for users with product design rights, and details the creation of formulas for use in calculated fields. Calculated fields can be used for simple purposes such as displaying a basic system variable, or can perform a complex calculation pulling in a variety of fields and system information and generating a result to be displayed on-screen, used in documentation, or even used in other calculated fields. Calculated fields are not limited to numerical values. They can also work with dates and text, providing a wide range of possibilities. This guide assumes the user is familiar with the general functions of the system. For instructions on logging in and using common features throughout the system, see the User Guide - Introduction document.

7 Building Formulas Page 2 Building Formulas Formulas are assembled using common logic and notation, and should be familiar for users experienced with formulas in spreadsheet and database applications. Operators Bridge uses the following symbols to represent common arithmetic operators. + Add - Subtract * Multiply / Divide ( Open bracket ) Close bracket Simple Arithmetic Formulas The above operators are used to build the basic structure of the formula.

8 Building Formulas Page 3 Example: 3 x 6 ( ) x 0.6 Would be input into a calculated field as: 3 * 6 / ( ) *.6 Note: Spaces are optional, but can be included for clarity. They will be ignored by the system. Placeholders Within Formulas The real power of calculated fields in the Bridge system is the ability to pull in information from the system and from the submission or claims form itself. This is achieved using placeholders. When the system encounters a placeholder while resolving a formula, it replaces the placeholder with the current value from the system or workflow. The placeholders are predefined, and are detailed in the Placeholders section. Placeholders for fields within the submission or claims form are made up of the Code for the field (defined in Field Management), enclosed in double square brackets [[ ]]. Example: Would be input into a calculated field as: 100 x The Number of Trucks * [[NumberOfTrucks]] - 50 Where NumberOfTrucks is the Code for the field The Number of Trucks. Note: In order for any field to be used within a calculated field, it must be included in the workflow with the calculated field.

9 Building Formulas Page 4 Defining String Data Calculated fields are not restricted to using numerical values. Dates and text can also be manipulated using a selection of functions and features. In some situations, however, the formatting of data could be mistaken for calculations. For example, the date format 5 / 15 / 2012 could be interpreted as 5 divided by 15 divided by 2012, or a policy number with dashes, such as could be interpreted as 2012 minus There are two methods for defining string data. The String: formatting notation can be used at the beginning of a calculated field formula, and causes the system to treat all values as text. No calculations are performed, and any operators, arithmetic expressions, and spaces are treated as text. Functions and placeholders still function normally, but the resulting data is treated as text. Example: String:[[field1]]/[[field2]]+[[field3]] If the values of the three placeholders are 8, 4, and 2 respectively, the value of this calculated field would be 8/4+2, and would be displayed as such in the field and any documents or s that pull in this calculated field. Any text, numbers, or symbols enclosed in quotes " will be treated as simple text. No calculations will be performed on content within quotes, spaces in quotes will not be removed, and even functions and placeholders will be treated as text instead of being replaced with system information.

10 Building Formulas Page 5 Example: "The value of " [[field1]] " / " [[field2]] " + " [[field3]] " equals " [[field1]] / [[field2]] + [[field3]] If the values of the three placeholders are 8, 4, and 2 respectively, the result of this calculated field would be: The value of 8 / equals 4 The first set of operators are treated as text and displayed in the output, while the second set are calculated and the result is displayed in the output. Note that the spaces within the quotes are kept, while the spaces outside of the quotes are ignored. Note: All quotes must be straight quotes " or they will not be recognized. Some word processing programs replace straight quotes with angled quotes or "Smart Quotes". These quotes must be replaced with straight quotes, either in the word processor, or within Bridge. Concatenation (combining data) If no Operators are used between placeholders and/or data entered directly in the formula, the system simply pulls in the placeholder data without any modifications. This is useful for merging fields that are collected separately, but need to be used together. Examples: If a user's first name and last name are collected in separate fields, the following formulas could be used: String:[[FirstName]] [[LastName]] -or- [[FirstName]] " " [[LastName]] The value of this field would be FirstName LastName. Note that a space must be included between the placeholders, or the two fields are combined without a space, such as FirstNameLastName.

11 Building Formulas Page 6 Another example would be to assemble an address: String:[[StreetAddress]], [[City]], [[Country]]. -or- [[StreetAddress]] ", " [[City]] ", " [[Country]] "." The commas, spaces, and period are included in the calculated value. For the example using quotes, note that the spaces within the quotes will be kept, while the spaces outside the quotes will be ignored.

12 Placeholders Page 7 Placeholders While the field Code is used in a standard placeholder to pull in information from the submission form, specific placeholders are required to pull in background information about the current submission or policy. This information is available in any status where the quote details have been calculated, and some transaction types may have additional options. Information is available for the Current Transaction and the Current Term, with Previous Term information available when working with renewals. Note: Some placeholders use single quotes ' to identify a specific version of the variable. These must be straight quotes ' or the formula does not recognize them. Some word processing programs replace straight quotes with angled quotes or "Smart Quotes". These quotes must be replaced with straight quotes, either in the word processor, or within Bridge. Current Transaction Information In any status where quote details have been calculated, that quote information is available for use in calculated fields. Premium Details The following placeholders return the premium amount for a specific premium type, identified by name or Id number. [[PremiumInfo[PremiumType='Name']/Amount]] [[PremiumInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/Amount]]

13 Placeholders Page 8 Where Name is the full name or # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. Commission Details The following placeholders return the commission amount for a specific premium type, as well as the gross premium and the net premium after commission. The premium types are identified by Id number. [[PremiumCommissionList/PremiumCommissionInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/GrossPremium]] [[PremiumCommissionList/PremiumCommissionInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/CommissionAmount]] [[PremiumCommissionList/PremiumCommissionInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/NetPremium]] Where # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. Tax Details The following placeholders return the tax information for a specific premium type, identified by Id number. [[TaxDefinition[PremiumTypeId='#']/TaxName]] [[TaxDefinition[PremiumTypeId='#']/CalculatedAmount]] Where # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type.

14 Placeholders Page 9 Current Term Information The Current Term placeholders access the total values for all bound transactions in the current term. The references can access premium values, commissions, and taxes, for individual premium types or a total for all premium types. Premium Details The following placeholders return the term premium amount for a specific premium type, identified by name or Id number. [[CurrentTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumType='Name']/Amount]] [[CurrentTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/Amount]] Where Name is the full name or # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. The following placeholder returns the total bound premium for the term, for all premium types. [[CurrentTerm/Premium/TotalPremiumAmount]] Commission Details The following placeholders return the term commission amount for a specific premium type, identified by name or Id number. [[CurrentTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumType='Name']/CommissionAmount]] [[CurrentTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/CommissionAmount]]

15 Placeholders Page 10 Where Name is the full name or # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. The following placeholder returns the total bound commission amount for the term, for all premium types. [[CurrentTerm/Premium/TotalCommissionAmount]] Tax Details The following placeholders return the term tax amount for a specific premium type, identified by name or Id number. [[CurrentTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumType='Name']/TotalTaxAmount]] [[CurrentTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/TotalTaxAmount]] Where Name is the full name or # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. The following placeholder returns the total tax amount for the term, for all premium types. [[CurrentTerm/Premium/TotalTaxAmount]] Notes: Only values from Bound transactions within the current term are returned. Using these references in a submission may have one value before binding (when the transaction being viewed is not included in the calculation) and a different value after binding (when the transaction being viewed is included in the calculation). Once a transaction in a particular term is bound, the calculated fields are locked for that transaction. They are not updated if other transactions are subsequently bound within the same term. Term Period Dates

16 Placeholders Page 11 The following placeholders return the start and end dates of the current term. [[CurrentTerm/EffectiveDate]] [[CurrentTerm/ExpiryDate]]

17 Placeholders Page 12 Previous Term Information The Previous Term placeholders access the total values for all bound transactions in the previous term. The references can access premium values, commissions, and taxes, for individual premium types or a total for all premium types. Premium Details The following placeholders return the previous term premium amount for a specific premium type, identified by name or Id number. [[PreviousTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumType='Name']/Amount]] [[PreviousTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/Amount]] Where Name is the full name or # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. The following placeholder returns the total bound premium for the previous term, for all premium types. [[PreviousTerm/Premium/TotalPremiumAmount]] Commission Details The following placeholders return the previous term commission amount for a specific premium type, identified by name or Id number. [[PreviousTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumType='Name']/CommissionAmount]] [[PreviousTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/CommissionAmount]]

18 Placeholders Page 13 Where Name is the full name or # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. The following placeholder returns the total bound commission amount for the previous term, for all premium types. [[PreviousTerm/Premium/TotalCommissionAmount]] Tax Details The following placeholders return the previous term tax amount for a specific premium type, identified by name or Id number. [[PreviousTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumType='Name']/TotalTaxAmount]] [[PreviousTerm/Premium/PremiumInfo[PremiumTypeId='#']/TotalTaxAmount]] Where Name is the full name or # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type. The following placeholder returns the total tax amount for the previous term, for all premium types. [[PreviousTerm/Premium/TotalTaxAmount]] Note: When a renewal is created, the values for the previous term are copied into the renewal transaction for use with these placeholders. If the previous term is changed in any way (such as by endorsement), the details saved in the renewal transaction may no longer be valid. If the renewal has not yet been bound, it may be possible to delete it and create a new renewal transaction with the updated values. Policy Number

19 Placeholders Page 14 The following placeholder returns the Policy Number of the previous term. [[PreviousTerm/PolicyNumber]]

20 Placeholders Page 15 Limits The following placeholders return specific limits information defined for the current transaction. The information is available for each premium type, identified by Id number. [[LimitList/Limit[PremiumType='#']/Description]] [[LimitList/Limit[PremiumType='#']/LimitType]] [[LimitList/Limit[PremiumType='#']/Amount]] [[LimitList/Limit[PremiumType='#']/Currency]] Where # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type.

21 Placeholders Page 16 Deductibles The following placeholders return specific deductibles information defined for the current transaction. The information is available for each premium type, identified by Id number. [[DeductibleList/Deductible[PremiumType='#']/Description]] [[DeductibleList/Deductible[PremiumType='#']/Amount]] [[DeductibleList/Deductible[PremiumType='#']/Currency]] Where # is the Id number of the required premium type. See Retrieving Premium IDs for instructions on identifying the Id number of the required premium type.

22 Placeholders Page 17 Retrieving Premium IDs When calling placeholders related to individual premium types, the premium type must be identified. For some placeholders, marked with the 'Name' notation, the name of the premium type is used. The remaining placeholders are marked with the '#' notation, and require the premium type Id number. To retrieve the Id numbers of the premium types you want to work with, open the Product Design menu and select Premium Types. The Premium Type List opens with all available premium types. Point the mouse cursor at the hyperlink in the Name column to display the URL in the status bar at the bottom of the browser window. The URL resembles the one below: Take note of the numerical value after id=, underlined in red in the above example. If the URL does not display, or the status bar is not visible, clicking the link for the premium type opens the Premium Type Management page. The URL is displayed in the address bar, ending with the ID number. If the status bar and address bar are hidden, please check the instructions for your browser to display one or the other.

23 Functions Page 18 Functions The Bridge system provides an advanced set of tools for retrieving and manipulating data within the system. Functions provide ways to retrieve and work with dates, analyze data within a table, set conditional results within a formula, and much more. A function is made up of the function name, which may begin with the $ symbol, followed by round brackets ( ). The $ symbol is optional for some functions, and may be included to help identify functions in complex formulas. The parameters of the function are added within the brackets separated by commas. $Function(p0, p1,...) Some functions require a specific number of parameters, others allow as many as required, and some do not require any parameters at all. Note: Spaces are optional, but can be included for clarity. They will be ignored by the system. All functions are listed in the Full Function Reference List section, which includes descriptions of the functions, parameters, and results of each. This section provides a more detailed introduction to some of these functions.

24 Functions Page 19 Defining Multiple Fields in a Function Some functions evaluate multiple fields to provide a result. These functions may calculate the average of all values in a single column of a grid, the sum of a series of individual fields throughout the submission form, or a mix of fields and columns. For functions that support multiple fields, a comma or Pipe character ( ) can be used to separate the fields in the list. Using commas is considered the best practice for legibility. For columns in a grid, only the field names must be provided. The system automatically retrieves all records in the grid. Examples: To determine the average value of three fields: Avg([[field1]], [[field2]], [[field3]]) -or- Avg([[field1]] [[field2]] [[field3]]) To determine the sum of all records in a column, plus one field outside the grid: Sum([[column]], [[field]]) -or- Sum([[column]] [[field]])

25 Functions Page 20 Conditional Results the IF Function The If function is used to define the value of a calculated field based on other data, such as system information or the content of other fields in the workflow. The condition of the function can either be a pair of values and a comparison operator, or a trigger defined in the system. The function returns one value if the condition evaluates as true, or a different value if the condition evaluates as false. There are two versions of the If statement. The If/Then version, which is formatted as follows. If Condition then TrueValue else FalseValue endif Then there is the $If() version, which is formatted as follows. $If(TriggerCode, TrueValue, FalseValue) The If/Then version is more powerful and flexible, so it is the recommended version. The $If() version will most commonly be encountered when reviewing older calculated fields. The If/Then Conditional Structure The Condition is any conditional expression that evaluates to boolean values (True or False). This can be a simple field containing boolean values, a function that returns a boolean value, a comparison between two values, or even multiple conditions that resolve to a single boolean result. The Trigger() function can also be used to evaluate a trigger with additional conditions. See the section on Building Conditional Expressions for information on operators, negative conditions, and combined conditions.

26 Functions Page 21 The $If() Function The TriggerCode identifies a trigger, which is created in the system and contains all necessary conditions to evaluate as true or false. For details about configuring triggers, see the Managing Triggers section of the User Guide - Product Design document. Notes: The Code for the trigger must be used. The code is based on the name of the trigger, but may not match exactly. If you need a conditional structure that makes use of an existing trigger configuration, the trigger can be referenced in the If/Then version using the Trigger() function. Defining the Results The TrueValue and FalseValue data can include placeholders, formulas, or even other functions (including other If functions). When using the If/Then structure, the else can be omitted which produces no result (null) if the function evaluates as false. When embedding additional If functions within the true or false calculations, each If function must have its own endif parameter. As an alternative, the elseif parameter can be used in place of the else parameter. This allows multiple conditions to be chained together with only one endif for each standalone If function. Examples: The function could return a monthly value as an annual value, or leave it as one month, depending on the conditions. $If(TriggerCode,[[FieldA]]*12,[[FieldA]]) -or- If Value1 operator Value2 then [[FieldA]]*12 else [[FieldA]] endif

27 Functions Page 22 The function could return the user's name (concatenated from two fields with a space to divide them) or their spouse's name (also concatenated). String:$If(TriggerCode,[[UserFirstName]] [[UserLastName]],[[SpouseFirstName]] [[SpouseLastName]]) (The String: option is included to ensure that the spaces are treated as text) If Value1 operator Value2 then [[UserFirstName]] " " [[UserLastName]] else [[SpouseFirstName]] " " [[SpouseLastName]] endif (The spaces between the names are enclosed in quotes, or they would be ignored) Using functions in the True/False values allows these If functions to return the sum of a table column, or the average of the values in that column. $If(TriggerCode,Sum([[Column1]]),Avg([[Column1]])) If Value1 operator Value2 then Sum([[Column1]]) else Avg([[Column1]]) endif Multiple If functions can be included in a single calculated field. The results can be used with arithmetic formulas or simple concatenation to form the final value of the calculated field. ($If(TriggerCode,TrueValue,FalseValue)+[[Value]])*$If(TriggerCode,TrueValue,FalseValue)/2 -or- -or- -or- (If Value1 operator Value2 then TrueValue else FalseValue endif + [[Value]]) * If Value3 operator Value4 then TrueValue else FalseValue endif / 2 These functions take the conditional result of the first If statement and add it to the amount in the Value field, then multiply that by the conditional result of the second If statement, and divide the entire value by 2.

28 Functions Page 23 Multiple If functions can be chained to check one condition, then another, then another, and so on. The elseif function is used to insert a new condition when the preceding condition evaluates as false. The following structure refers to a radio button field with three options. It systematically checks for each value, and returns a specific result when it finds the selected value. If [[Field]] = "Option 1" then "Option 1 selected" elseif [[Field]] = "Option 2" then "Option 2 selected" elseif [[Field]] = "Option 3" then "Option 3 selected" else "No option selected" endif The indented multiple-line structure is recommended to help organize complex conditional formulas. Also, it is best to include a final else statement in case none of the conditions evaluate to true. Tip: When using functions within functions or using brackets to control the order of operations, be sure to close all brackets at the appropriate places. The total number of closing brackets in the entire formula must match the number of opening brackets, any misplaced brackets will cause errors.

29 Functions Page 24 Sequential Conditions - the MapValue() function The MapValue() function allows a calculated field to perform a series of value comparisons until it finds a matching value, then returns a specific value for that result. The function is provided a specific field to evaluate, and one or more sets of paired conditions. An optional Default value can be provided. The function evaluates each condition in order. As soon as a condition evaluates as true, the corresponding value is returned and the operation is complete. Subsequent conditions are not evaluated. The format is as follows: MapValue(p0, p1, p2, p1, p2,, p3, p4) P0 P1 Placeholder for the target field to be evaluated. Each P1 parameter must have a matching P2 parameter. These are the paired conditions and return results. The condition can be a static value, placeholder, or another function. The condition value must match the value of the target field exactly, or the function will move on to the next condition. P2 P3 Each P2 parameter must have a matching P1 parameter. These are the paired conditions and return results. The return result can be a static value, placeholder, or another function. The P3 parameter must have a matching P4 parameter. This parameter is optional, and should contain the text "Default". This condition will be used when all other listed conditions fail. If the P3 and P4 parameters are not included, the function will return null if all other listed conditions fail.

30 Functions Page 25 P4 The P4 parameter must have a matching P3 parameter. This parameter is optional, and returns the default value if all other conditions fail. Tips: Because the condition and target values must match exactly, this function may not be useful for evaluating field types where the user can enter values directly. This is best used with selection fields such as radio buttons and checkbox groups, or calculated fields that produce predictable results. When using target fields that can contain multiple values, such as checkbox groups, multiple values are saved differently than single values. A single selection may be saved as "Value1", while multiple values are saved as "Value1 Value2". Individual condition and return pairs must be created for each combination of values that should produce a result. The Include/Exclude field type allows the selection of multiple values, however the order of the selected values can change while navigating within the workflow. These changes can alter the results of the MapValue function.

31 Functions Page 26 Conditional Selection of Grid Rows - the Where() function When used on their own, most functions or placeholders that reference data in a grid will use all rows in the grid. This may be a calculation function that produces the sum of values in a column, a Grid Mapping function that copies some or all of a row, or just a simple placeholder that pulls all values for reference. The Where() function applies conditions when referencing a grid, so that only rows that meet the conditions will be included. The format is as follows: Subject Where(Condition) The Subject is what will be modified by the Where function. This can be a placeholder, another function, or a single parameter of another function. The Where function will apply to the subject that directly precedes it. For example: [[Placeholder]] Where(Condition) This will return all values from the specified column for each row that meets the conditions. Function(Column1, Column2) Where(Condition) With the Where function outside of the function parameters, it applies to the entire function. The function will evaluate column1 and column2 for each row that meets the conditions. Function(Column1, Column2 Where(Condition)) With the Where function inside the function parameters, it only applies to the preceding parameter. The function will evaluate column1 for every row, but only evaluate column2 for each row that meets the conditions.

32 Functions Page 27 Note: Care should be taken when applying conditions to parameters. Using Where to omit a required parameter will result in an error. However, two versions of a required parameter can be provided with conditions that use one version or the other (do not include additional commas). The Condition is any conditional expression that evaluates to boolean values (True or False). This can be a simple field containing boolean values, a function that returns a boolean value, a comparison between two values, or even multiple conditions that resolve to a single boolean result. In general, at least one of these will be a field in the grid or a calculated value based on a field in the grid, producing separate results for each row. The other value can be a grid field, calculated value, static value, or a top-level field (field outside of a grid). See the section on Building Conditional Expressions for information on operators, negative conditions, and combined conditions.

33 Functions Page 28 Examples: A column in a table has five values, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. The following basic formula is used. Sum([[NumberColumn]]) This sums up all values in the column and displays If the following conditional formula is used instead: Sum([[NumberColumn]]) Where([[NumberColumn]] > 300) Only the fourth and fifth rows are greater than 300, so the calculated field sums those values and displays 900. A column in a table has five values, 100, 200, 300, 400, and 500. A placeholder is used to retrieve the values. The results can be used for display, or as a parameter for another function. [[NumberColumn]] This returns all values in the column, " ". If the placeholder is used with a condition instead: [[NumberColumn]] Where([[NumberColumn]] < 300) Only the first and second rows are less than 300, so the calculated field returns those values, " ". The Round() function uses a parameter to determine how a value is rounded. A condition can be applied to determine if the value should be rounded up or rounded down. Round([[OriginalValue]], 1, 1 Where([[RoundUpOrDown]] = "Up") 2 Where([[RoundUpOrDown]] = "Down")) As this is a required parameter, the conditions must use one value or the other, or the function will fail. In this example, the two values could be pulled from a Radio Button control, ensuring that one or the other is selected. If the condition were instead comparing if a value was more or less than a threshold value, one condition could verify if the value is less (<) than the threshold, but the other condition would need to check if the value is greater than or equal (>=) to the threshold. The Where function is useful when copying data between tables (grid mapping). See the Functions to Enter Data Into Grids section for configuration instructions and samples.

34 Functions Page 29 Building Conditional Expressions Some functions allow multiple results based on conditions, such as the If and Where() functions. The condition is any conditional expression that evaluates to boolean values (True or False). This can be a simple field containing boolean values, a function that returns a boolean value, a comparison between two values, or even multiple conditions that resolve to a single boolean result. The most common format is Value1 operator Value2 which compares one value to another, although more complex comparisons are possible. The Value1 and Value2 data can include placeholders, formulas, or even other functions (including other conditional functions). The operators and other options are detailed below. Operators The operator determines what comparison will be made between the values. = Checks if the two values are exactly equal. < Checks if the first value is less than the second value. > Checks if the first value is greater than the second value. <= Checks if the first value is less than or equal to the second value. >= Checks if the first value is greater than or equal to the second value. <> Checks if the two values are not exactly equal. This can also be achieved using the Not option detailed below.

35 Functions Page 30 Examples: If Sum([[GridColumn]]) > [[Tolerance]] then TrueValue else FalseValue endif Uses the Sum() function to determine the total of all values in a grid column, and checks if it is greater than a maximum value found in the [[Tolerance]] field. If [[RenewalDate]] <= TodayXml() then TrueValue else FalseValue endif Retrieves the value of the [[RenewalDate]] field and checks if it is less than or equal to today's date, retrieved by the TodayXml() function. Negative Conditions Starting the function with If not will check that the conditions are not met. If the conditions evaluate as false, then the TrueValue is returned, else the FalseValue is returned. While using different operators can often achieve the same results, using Not may simplify complex conditions. This can also be used with the Where() function, by adding it to the beginning of the conditions, such as Where(Not Value1 operator Value2). Examples: If 5 < 3 then TrueValue else FalseValue endif returns the FalseValue because we are checking that the first value is less than the second. If not 5 < 3 then TrueValue else FalseValue endif returns the TrueValue because we are checking that the first value is not less than the second. Combined Conditions

36 Functions Page 31 Multiple conditions can be checked within a single expression. Placing multiple Value1 operator Value2 sets, separated by and or or, will evaluate each set individually, then evaluate the and conditions followed by the or conditions. Example: If 5 < 3 and 8 > 4 or 9 = 9 and 4 > 2 then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The individual conditions are evaluated first, producing the following results. If false and true or true and true then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The and conditions are evaluated next. An and evaluates to true if both conditions are true, producing the following results. If false or true then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The or conditions are evaluated next. An or evaluates to true if either condition is true, producing the following results. If true then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The final result is true, so the function returns the TrueValue. In situations where an or condition must be evaluated before an and condition, brackets () can be used to divide entire sections. The contents of the innermost brackets will be completely evaluated first, then the next brackets out, and so on.

37 Functions Page 32 Example: If (5 < 3 and (8 > 4 or 9 = 8)) and 4 > 2 then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The individual conditions are evaluated first, producing the following results. If (false and (true or false)) and true then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The (true or false) is evaluated first. Being an or, it evaluates as true. If (false and true) and true then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The (false and true) is evaluated next. Being an and, it evaluates as false. If false and true then TrueValue else FalseValue endif The remaining and condition is evaluated, producing in a false result, and the function returns the FalseValue. Working with Boolean Values Triggers and certain functions validate one or more conditions and return either "True" or "False", known as Boolean values. These can be used in a variety of ways. When evaluating conditions in a trigger, If statement, or Where() function, the system retrieves the data to be checked and compares it to the condition value to determine if the statement is true or false. If the data to be checked is either a boolean function or a field with a saved boolean value, the condition value can be left out. The system will accept the data as the result. For example, the two following If statements will work exactly the same: If BooleanFunction() = "True" then TrueValue else FalseValue endif

38 Functions Page 33 If BooleanFunction() then TrueValue else FalseValue endif As will the two following Where() calculations: Sum(Value) Where(BooleanFunction = "True") Sum(Value) Where(BooleanFunction) By default, boolean functions return "True" or "False", which will be shown if the results are displayed in the workflow. However, "1" and "Yes" are also recognized as "True", while "0" and "No" are also recognized as "False". These alternate values are mainly supported for compatibility with older calculations, but may be used if necessary. Boolean values are not case-sensitive. The Checkbox field type stores a boolean value, and can be used without condition values as described above.

39 Functions Page 34 Detailed Function Descriptions The following sections provide detailed descriptions of certain functions. Verifying User Security Roles Some situations may change depending on the type of user working in the system. The following functions are used to determine if the current user has a specific security role. For use in the Policy module: $UserContainsRole(UserRole) Where UserRole is the Name of the security role as it appears in the system. For use in the Claims module: UserContainsSecurityRole(UserRole) Where UserRole is the Code of the security role. The functions return True if the user has the role, or False if they do not. The result can be used in a conditional formula, or as a condition within a trigger. Compare Data Against Sanction or Watch Lists

40 Functions Page 35 With the potential consequences of violating international restrictions, it can be very important to validate data and ensure that it is in compliance with regulations. The Compliance() function allows one or more fields to be compared to one or more sanction or watch lists from around the world. Comparing a Field Against a Single List Compliance([[ScanField]],List) Where ScanField is the field to be scanned and List is the code of the list. Comparing a Field Against Multiple Lists Compliance([[ScanField]],List1,List2,List3) Where ScanField is the field to be scanned and each List# is the code of a list. Any number of lists can be included. Comparing Multiple Fields Against Multiple Lists Compliance([[ScanField1]] [[ScanField2]][[ScanField3]],List1,List2,List3) Where ScanField# are the fields to be scanned and each List# is the code of a list. The scan fields are combined and scanned as one large block of text, which is why a space should be added between each field to prevent the text from flowing together. This function outputs a numerical value from 0 (no match) to 100 (perfect match). If a different score is achieved on different lists, the highest score is returned. See Appendix A - Compliance() Function Parameters for a table of all lists and their associated codes.

41 Functions Page 36 Identifying When Fields Have Changed After an Integration Transaction workflows may contain integration configurations that share data with external systems. In some cases, such as when the integration scans data for security concerns, it is important to know if the user has made changes to certain fields since the last time the integration was run. This section describes how to assemble the necessary fields and configurations to identify such changes. Overview: Once configured, each time the calculated fields in a transaction are recalculated, the HashAndModifiedOn() function evaluates the tracked fields and generates a composite value derived from those fields. The first time the function runs within a transaction, it stores the composite value (the Hash value) and the current date and time. Each time it runs after the first time, the function recalculates the composite value and compares it to the stored value. If the value has changed, the old composite value is replaced with the new value and the date and time are updated to the current date and time. Note that this stores the date and time the changes were detected by the function, and not when the changes actually occurred. In the background, whenever an integration is completed successfully, the system stores the date and time the integration was performed. Each different integration configuration is tracked separately, so the most recent date and time information is available for each. These dates and times can be retrieved using a calculated field, providing a reference date to determine if the data was changed since the last time the integration was performed. With the date of the integration, and the date that changes were detected in the tracked fields, the IsDateGreaterThan() function is used to compare the dates. If the tracked fields were changed after the last integration, the function returns "True". This result can be used in a trigger to re-run the integration, activate a validation, or affect any other feature that uses the trigger. Configuration:

42 Functions Page Identify and create the necessary fields. Tracked Fields These are the fields that will contain the data that will be monitored for changes. These fields may already be part of the workflow, or may be new fields created specifically for tracking. All field types can be tracked. Note: Use caution when tracking fields that may be changed by the integration. That change will be detected and trigger the integration again, creating a loop. Hash Reference Field Detected Changes Timestamp Field Hash Function Field This field will contain the generated composite value from the HashAndModifiedOn() function. This should be a Text Area field with no default value. This field will contain the date and time that the HashAndModifiedOn() function detected changes to the tracked fields. This field will contain the HashAndModifiedOn() function. This should be a standalone Text Area field containing just this function. HashAndModifiedOn(p0, p0, p0,..., p1, p2) P0: Placeholders for all Tracked Fields to be included in the hash calculation should be provided, separated by commas. P1: The Code of the Hash Reference Field must be the second-to-last parameter after all of the tracked fields. This condition is literal and must contain the Code of the field without any square brackets, no placeholders or functions can be used here. P2: The Code of the Detected Changes Timestamp Field must be the last parameter. This condition is literal and must contain the Code of the field without any square brackets, no placeholders or functions can be used here. Example: HashAndModifiedOn([[tracked field 1]], [[tracked field 2]], [[tracked field 3]], HashReferenceFieldCode, DetectedChangesTimestampFieldCode)

43 Functions Page 38 Date Comparison Field This field retrieves the date of the integration and compares it to the last detected changes date from the HashAndModifiedOn() function. This field will resolve to "True" if changes are detected after the integration, or "False" if no changes are detected. IsDateGreaterThan(p0, p1, p2) P0: Placeholder for the Detected Changes Timestamp Field. P1: Placeholder containing the date and time the relevant integration was last completed successfully. The following placeholder can be placed directly in the function, or can be included in a calculated field that is then referenced in the function. If using a field, a Date Picker field should not be used or the time component will be lost. A Textbox field should be used. [[Integrations/Integration[Code='code']/StartTime]] The code should be the code of the integration configuration defined for the workflow. P2: Tolerance in milliseconds. The system date/time format is accurate to a ten-millionth of a second. Even dates that seem to be calculated at the same time will have a small difference. If the P0 date is only greater than the P1 date by less than the provided tolerance, it will not be considered a difference and the function will return false. Example: IsDateGreaterThan([[Detected Changes Timestamp Field]], [[Integrations/Integration[Code='IntegrationConfigurationCode']/StartTime]], 1000) With this configuration having a tolerance of 1000 milliseconds, if the Detected Changes Timestamp Field date is earlier than the integration timestamp or less than one second after, it will not be considered a change. Integration Flag Field If the relevant integration has not yet been performed, the IsDateGreaterThan() function will try to compare the Detected Changes Timestamp Field with a non-existent date, and return

44 Functions Page 39 an incorrect "true" value. This field can be any type of field, but must be updated by the relevant integration when it runs. Any triggers created to detect the changes should also check this field to confirm the integration has been performed at least once in the current transaction. Tip: Any of the fields used in this configuration can be hidden. Since many of the fields will only contain raw data used in the functions, it is probably best to hide them. 2. Once the fields have been configured, the results can be used in triggers. The trigger conditions should check the Date Comparison Field for a true result (Field - Equals - 1) AND the Integration Flag Field should equal the value inserted by the integration. 3. The triggers can then be used to reactivate the integration or for any other controls. Interpolation/Extrapolation The process of interpolation or extrapolation involves taking a known set of paired values, like the x and y-values of points in a grid, and determining unknown y-values from known x-values. Determining values within the known range is called interpolation, while determining values beyond the known range is called extrapolation. The $InterpolatedLookup() function takes a lookup table already defined in Bridge as the known set, and will interpolate or extrapolate a value of y for a specific value of x. The function is constructed as follows: $InterpolatedLookup(p0,p1,p2) P0 (text): The Code of the table containing the data. The first column of the table must be a numeric column to be used as the y- values.

45 Functions Page 40 P1 (text): The name of the column containing the x-values. This must be a numeric column with unique values. P2 (numeric): The x-value for which to calculate the y-value. The function sorts the points by the x-values in the P1 column, and then finds the two points nearest to the x-value provided as P2, shown as the dotted vertical line in the examples below. For x-values within the known range, the function finds the closest points above and below the x-value. For x-values lower than the known range, the function finds the two points with the lowest x-values, and for values higher than the range, it finds the two points with the highest x-values. Those two points are used to determine a linear rate of increase or decrease, shown as the dashed line in the examples below.

46 Functions Page 41 Examples: Sample Data X Y This graph shows the source data. The x-axis comes from the column identified in P1, and the y-axis comes from the first column of the table provided in P0. With an x-value of 2.5, the function selects the points at (2, 2.3) and (3, 3.4) as the nearest points. With an x-value of -1, the function selects the points at (1, 2) and (2, 2.3) as the nearest points. With an x-value of 7, the function selects the points at (5, 5) and (6, 4) as the nearest points. The point where the dashed line crosses the dotted line is the interpolated or extrapolated point. The value of y at that point is determined using the following calculation. Where (x 1, y 1 ) and (x 2, y 2 ) are the two nearest points.

47 Functions Page 42 The calculated value of y is then returned by the function. Some exceptions exist: If the P2 value exactly matches an x-value in the P1 column, the function returns the associated y value. If the table only contains one row of data, interpolation/extrapolation is not possible. The function will return the single y-value. If the P0 lookup table is empty, the function will return 0. Custom Date Format Function While there are several functions to format dates, sometimes a date needs to be presented in a very specific manner. The Custom Date Format function uses formatting codes that can be mixed and matched to provide an exceptional level of control. The function is constructed as follows: CustomDateFormat(Date,"{0:Code}") Date is the date to be formatted. This can be a constant value or a placeholder. The date must be provided in the full system date format, such as " T14:55: :00". Date picker fields automatically save the date in this format. Code is the formatting code. See the table of codes below. Some codes must be used alone, while others can be combined. The formatting code can be pulled from a placeholder. There are two ways to achieve this.

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