CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 1

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1 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource CST272 ASP.NET Microsoft SQL Server A relational database server developed by Microsoft Stores and retrieves data for multiuser network-based applications SQL Server databases usually do not stand along Data is accessed through other software applications Creating a New SQL Server Database To create a new SQL Server database: 1. Right-click the website name in Solution Explorer 2. Select the Add command from the shortcut menu 3. Select the command New Item from the sub-menu 4. Project Add New Item Add a SQL Server Database (Page 1) In the Add New Item dialog window: 1. In the Installed Templates pane, accept the default selection Visual C# 2. Scroll down and select SQL Server Database as the item type 3. Enter a Name for the new database 4. Click the <Add> button Add New Item Add a SQL Server Database (Page 2) In the Add New Item dialog window (con.): 5. In response to the question You are attempting to add a special file type (database) to an ASP.NET Web site. In general, to use this type of item in your site, you should place it in the App_Data folder. Do you want to place the file in the App_Data folder? in the dialog box, click the <Yes> button Server Explorer SQL Server database objects appear in the Server Explorer window near the upperleft of the Visual Studio IDE To view Server Explorer hover the mouse over its tab; the window slides out from the side of the IDE; move mouse away, and the window slides back and hides Feature is called Auto Hide which is enabled when the pushpin icon is facing down; click the icon to disable Auto Hide which keeps the window always visible Many database developers prefer to keep Server Explorer hidden providing a larger work area Server Explorer

2 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page SQL Server Objects To drill down and view the list of the SQL Server database objects (including Tables) click the symbol in front of the database name Data Connections Create a Table To create a new table right-click Tables in the list of SQL Server object types and select the Add New Table command from the "shortcut" menu Add New Table Designing a Table To design a table enter the information about each field s configuration: Column name the name given to the field Data type an attribute that specifies what type of data the field can hold (see next slide); to update property, click its value which expands the drop-down list and choose a value Allow nulls identifies fields that can be left blank when a record is saved SQL Server Data Types (Page 1) Each field in a SQL Server table must have a data type, some of which are: char fixed length (ending blanks are part of the length) ASCII (one byte per character) string storage Format: char(n) n is the length of the string between 1 to 4000 characters nchar fixed length Unicode (two bytes per character) string storage Format: nchar(n) SQL Server Data Types (Page 2) Each field in a SQL Server table must have a data type, some of which are: varchar variable length ASCII string storage Format: varchar(n) nvarchar variable length Unicode string storage Format: nvarchar(n) SQL Server Data Types (Page 3) Each field in a SQL Server table must have a data type, some of which are: int an integer in the range -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 money represents monetary or currency (really a decimal data type) bit used to represent Boolean values (only stores values one (1) which is TRUE and zero (0) which is FALSE) The Product Table The Product Table

3 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page The Primary Key The primary key is the field (or in some cases two or more fields joined together) that uniquely identify records in a table To create a primary key for a table: Right-click the column name in the Table Design window for the field to be designated the primary key Select the Set Primary Key command from the shortcut menu The Primary Key Save the Table To save the table design: Click the <Update> button found under the table name In the Preview Database Updates window click the <Update Database> button Save the Table Save the Table The Identity Specification SQL Server lets the developer create integer fields that automatically generate numbers in sequence: 1. Click the row select box in Table Design window for field to be specified as the Identity Specification (usually the primary key) 2. Scroll down to Identity Specification in the Properties window and click to drill down to its properties 3. Update (Is Identity) to True 4. Identity Increment is the amount by which the sequence increments for each new record 5. Identity Seed is the starting value for the first record Identity Specification The Supplier Table Identity Specification The Supplier Table Opening the Table Definition To modify the definition of a table in a SQL Server database: Click the in front of Tables in the list of database objects to drill down and view the table object names Right-click the table name and select Open Table Definition (or double-click the table name) Open Table Definition The Payables Table

4 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page Relationships (Page 1) Relationships are the association between entities which must be enforced in the database In a one-to-many relationship between two tables, one entity in one table is related to several entities in another table Relationships (Page 2) Example of the preceding: No two records may have a duplicate value for the SupplierID (the primary key) in the Supplier table (the one-part of the relationship) However in the Product table there may be multiple (the many-part of the relationship) identical values for the SupplierID (also known as the foreign key) But the values in the Product table must match one of the SupplierID values in the Supplier table Relationships (Page 3) To create and enforce relationships, always enter the Relationship function from the table that contains the foreign key(the many-part of the relationship) In the example of Supplier ID s, this is the Product table, not the Supplier table The data type and field size of columns from both tables in the relationship must be the same E.g. if the field in one table is data type int, the field in the other table must be the same Relationships (Page 4) To create and enforce relationships (always create the relationships between tables before entering any data): 1. In Table Object list right-click Foreign Keys 2. Select the Add New Foreign Key command from the shortcut menu Add Relationships Relationships (Page 5) To create and enforce relationships (con.) 3. Scroll down in the T-SQL window to find the SQL code for the new foreign key CONSTRAINT 4. Begin to update the constraint by giving it a name (convention is to use the letters FK and then name the two tables involved in the foreign key relationship) Table and Column Specifications Relationships (Page 6) Create and enforce relationships (con.) 5. Following the FOREIGN KEY entry, key in the name of the foreign key ColumnName from the list of column names in the table

5 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page The Foreign Key Relationships (Page 7) Create and enforce relationships (con.) 6. Following the SPECIFICATION entry, key in the name of the ToTable which is the table to which the foreign key links 7. Then key in the ToTableColumn which is the name of the primary key in the ToTable The To Table and To Table Column Re-Save the Tables Effected Every time the design of a table is modified (including creating relationships) it must be saved Click the <Update> button on the Database toolbar Entering Table Data To enter data into a SQL Server database table: 1. (If necessary) click the in front of Tables in the list of database objects in Server Explorer to drill down and view the table object names 2. Right-click the table name and select the command Show Table Data from the shortcut menu 3. Key the data (click to another line to commit records) 4. Close the table; data is committed (saved) to the table automatically when you move to a new record, so it does not need to be saved manually Show Table Data Structured Query Language SQL (pronounced see'-quel) A relational database language developed by IBM in mid-1970's Represents any data as one or more tables Non-procedural language... Lets the DBMS determine how the operation is executed Commands can be embedded into procedural language programs Structure Modification in SQL Command line utilities used to create and modify the structure of relational database tables CREATE TABLE statement Creates the structure for a new table in database ALTER TABLE statement Modifies the structure of one or more columns (fields) in an existing table ALTER statements include ADD, DELETE and MODIFY The CREATE TABLE Statement

6 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 6 CREATE TABLE tablename (columnlist w/ datatype ); CREATE TABLE Vendor (VendorNumber VendorName Address City State ZipCode Telephone Contact Fax TermDays CHAR(5), CHAR(25), CHAR(30), CHAR(15), CHAR(2), CHAR(5), CHAR(12), CHAR(25), CHAR(12), SMALL INT, TermPercent DECIMAL (3,2), DateLastOrder DATE); SQL Data Types SMALL INT range: -32,768 to 32,767 INTEGER range: -2,147,483,648to 2,147,483,647 DECIMAL(n1,n2) (number of total digits, number of decimal positions) range: -5.4E79 to 7.2E75 CHAR(n) (number of alphanumeric characters) DATE Format: mm/dd/yy LOGICAL Values:.T..t..F..f..Y..y..N..n. The ALTER/ADD Statement ALTER TABLE tablename ADD (columnlist w/ datatype ); Modifies table structure by adding columns to an existing table ALTER TABLE Vendor ADD (Fax CHAR(14)); Other SQL Structure commands ALTER TABLE inventory DELETE IsBackOrdered; ALTER TABLE Supplier MODIFY City CHAR(20); 'Deletes column 'increases field length

7 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 7 ALTER TABLE inventory MODIFY Quantity INTEGER; 'Changes data type ALTER TABLE Supplier ADD PRIMARY KEY Supplier code ALTER TABLE inventory 'Adds primary key MODIFY Item NOT NULL; 'Requires field value entry Data Maintenance in SQL An important feature of a DBMS (Database Management System) is to keep data current UPDATE/SET statement Modifies contents (value) of one or more fields INSERT INTO statement Adds a new rows (records)to a table DELETE [FROM] statement Removes one or more records FROM a table Updating Data in a Database UPDATE tablename SET columnname = newvalue WHERE columnname = criteria; UPDATE PurchaseOrder SET BillDate = CTOD('02/28/99') WHERE PoNumber = '10001'; UPDATE PurchaseOrder SET DiscountDate = CTOD('03/31/99'); If there is no WHERE clause, all rows will be updated Adding a Row to the Table INSERT INTO tablename [(columnnames)] VALUES (valuelist ); INSERT INTO Payables VALUES ('10004', '650', 1000, 3,.F.); INSERT INTO Payables VALUES ('10004', '701',, 8,.F.); INSERT INTO Payables, (PoNumber, ProductNumber, Quantity, Backordered) VALUES ('10004', '701', 8,.F.); Values must match number of items and data types

8 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page Deleting Rows FROM a Table DELETE [FROM] tablename WHERE columnname = criteria; DELETE WHERE PoNumber = "10004"; DELETE PurchaseOrder WHERE PoNumber = "10004"; Remember to delete all records that refer to PO number "10004" in all related tables Data Retrieval in SQL Reporting both printed form AND on-line (monitor) Basic format of the SQL SELECT command: SELECT columns FROM tables WHERE booleanexpression; SELECT clause limits columns returned (required) FROM clause names tables from which the columns are selected (required) WHERE clause limits rows returned (optional) Basic SELECT Statement ; The * is a wildcard that specifies all columns All rows returned since there is no WHERE clause FROM Vendor; ; ; FROM Product; SELECT with Column List ; Limits which columns are returned in a query SELECT VendorName, City, State, ZipCode FROM Vendor; SELECT PoNumber, VendorNumber, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, DisCOUNT, PoTotal ; SELECT PoNumber, ProductNumber, Quantity ; SELECT with Calculated Column SELECT calculatedcolumn [AS columnname] ; A column in the SELECT list is calculated from values in one or more columns

9 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 9, UnitPrice * Quantity ;, UnitPrice * Quantity AS Extension ; The AS clause gives the calculated column a name (also called an alias) SELECT with Concatenated Column SELECT concatenatedcolumn [AS columnname] ; Uses the concatenation operator (+) to join together char (text) data fields into a single string field SELECT VendorName, City & ", " & State & " " & ZipCode FROM Vendor; SELECT VendorName, City + ", " + State + " " + ZipCode AS Location FROM Vendor; The WHERE Clause WHERE booleanexpression; Base on truth condition, limits rows returned Relational operators are = is equal to > is greater than < is less than >= is greater than or equal to <= is less than or equal to!= is not equal to (or <>) Relation Conditions columnname relationaloperator criteria Examples: PoNumber = "10001" PoNumber > "10001" PoNumber < "10001" PoNumber >= "10001" PoNumber <= "10001" PoNumber!= "10001" WHERE is equal to (=)

10 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 10 WHERE columnname = criteria; Character comparisons usually are case sensitive Those rows will be returned for records in which the relation condition is True FROM Vendor WHERE VendorName = "ACME UTILITIES"; WHERE PoNumber = "10003"; WHERE is greater than (or equal to) (> or >=) WHERE columnname > criteria; (or >=) WHERE Subtotal > 38.15; WHERE Subtotal >= 38.15; FROM Product WHERE Product >= "P"; WHERE is less than (or equal to) (< or <=) WHERE columnname < criteria; (or <=) WHERE UnitPrice < 2; WHERE UnitPrice <= 2; FROM Product WHERE Product < "P"; WHERE is not equal to (<>) WHERE columnname <> criteria; Returns all records except that of the criteria value

11 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 11 FROM Vendor WHERE State <> "NY"; WHERE PoNumber <> "10001"; MiniQuizzes Nos. 1 and 2 1. Display the ProductNumber and Quantity purchased from the Payables table. SELECT ProductNumber, Quantity ; 2. Display the VendorName and Telephone number for VendorNumber in the Vendor table. SELECT VendorName, Telephone FROM Vendor WHERE VendorNumber = '20001'; WHERE with Boolean Columns WHERE [not] booleancolumnname; Requires no relational operator WHERE Backordered; (Equivalent to "WHERE Backordered =.T.") in SQL Server Booleans are the bit (1 or 0) data type WHERE Backordered = 1; WHERE with Calculated Columns WHERE booleanexpressionwithcalculatedcolumn; Calculation is performed prior to relational test WHERE (UnitPrice * Quantity) > 50; WHERE PoDate < GETDATE() - 30; (GETDATE() is the system date function)

12 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page WHERE with BETWEEN WHERE columnname BETWEEN criteria1 AND criteria2; Sets an inclusive range as True WHERE UnitPrice BETWEEN 1 AND 10; FROM Product WHERE Product BETWEEN "P" AND "PZZZZZZZ"; WHERE with IN WHERE columnname IN (criterialist); Specifies a comma-delimited list of values that evaluate as True WHERE PoNumber IN ('10001', '10003'); FROM Product WHERE Product IN ('PENCILS', 'PENS'); WHERE with LIKE WHERE columnname like criteriastring%"; The wildcard character % substitutes for any other character(s) in the criteria FROM Product WHERE Product LIKE "P%"; FROM Product WHERE Product LIKE "%R%"; WHERE with Logical AND WHERE booleanexpression1 AND booleanexpression2;

13 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 13 Both (or all if more than two) conditions must be True WHERE VendorNumber = "20001" AND Subtotal > 30; FROM Product WHERE Product >= "P" AND Product < "Q"; WHERE with Logical OR WHERE booleanexpression1 OR booleanexpression2; only one condition need be True WHERE Shipping > 3 OR Tax <> 0; FROM Product WHERE Product = "PENCILS" ORr Product = "PENS"; WHERE with Logical not WHERE NOT booleanexpression; Best used with logical data type field names WHERE NOT Backordered; WHERE NOT (PoNumber = "10001"); MiniQuizzes Nos. 3 and 4 3. Display all PurchaseOrder records with a DueDate that will come due in the next 45 days (45 days from now or before). WHERE DueDate <= GETDATE() + 45; 4. Display the Product names of records in the Product table with ProductNumber

14 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 14 values 201, 301 AND 501 (use the IN clause). SELECT Product FROM Product WHERE ProductNumber IN ('201', '301', '501'); ORDER BY Clause ORDER BY columnname; Sorts on the named column (field) FROM Vendor ORDER BY ZipCode; ORDER BY VendorNumber; ORDER BY Descending order ORDER BY columnname DESC; Default without keyword DESC is ascending ORDER BY PoDate DESC; ORDER BY UnitPrice DESC; ORDER BY Multiple Columns ORDER BY columnlist ; Sorts by first field in list, then by second field within the list, etc. Each field to be sorted in descending sequence requires a separate keyword DESC ORDER BY VendorNumber, PoNumber; ORDER BY PoNumber, Quantity DESC; MiniQuiz No. 5

15 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page Display the PoNumber, Subtotal, sales Tax, Shipping charge, Discount amount and PoTotal amount from the PurchaseOrder table in ascending order by PoTotal. SELECT PoNumber, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discount, PoTotal ORDER BY PoTotal; MiniQuiz No Display the PoNumber, Quantity, and UnitPrice amount from the Payables table in ascending order by PoNumber as the major sort key and UnitPrice in descending order as the minor sort field. SELECT PoNumber, Quantity, UnitPrice ORDER BY PoNumber, UnitPrice DESC; GROUP BY Clause SELECT columnname GROUP BY columnname; Collapses several rows into a single SUMmary line The only SELECT column name (fieldname) allowed is the GROUP BY name SELECT VendorNumber GROUP BY VendorNumber; SELECT PoNumber GROUP BY PoNumber; GROUP BY with COUNT Function SELECT columnname, COUNT(*) GROUP BY columnname; Column name counted must be same field name as the GROUP BY clause SELECT VendorNumber, COUNT(*) GROUP BY VendorNumber; SELECT PoNumber, COUNT(*) as [# of orders] GROUP BY PoNumber; The COUNT Function Consider the previous example which introduced COUNT AND GROUP BY: SELECT VendorNumber, COUNT(*)

16 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 16 GROUP BY VendorNumber; Aggregate functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, etc.) may be used to summarize all records in a table: SELECT COUNT(*) as [Number of Records] ; The SUM Function The SUM function by itself may be used to provide a total on one column (or calculated column) for all records in a table The syntax of the SUM function requires a specific column name (or calculated column) inside the parentheses of the function SELECT SUM(PO total) AS [Sum of PO Total] ; GROUP BY with SUM Function SELECT columnname, SUM(expression) GROUP BY columnname; Expression summed may be field name or formula SELECT VendorNumber, SUM(PoTotal) GROUP BY VendorNumber; SELECT PoNumber, SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) AS Subtotal GROUP BY PoNumber; GROUP BY with AVG Function SELECT columnname, AVG(expression) GROUP BY columnname; Arithmetic average of grouped rows SELECT VendorNumber, AVG(PoTotal) AS [Average PO] GROUP BY VendorNumber; SELECT PoNumber, AVG(UnitPrice * Quantity) GROUP BY PoNumber; GROUP BY with Multiple Functions SELECT columnname, function1(expression), function2(expression),

17 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 17 GROUP BY columnname; The grouped by column may include more than one aggregate function in the SELECT clause SELECT VendorNumber, COUNT(*) AS [Number of orders], AVG(PoTotal) AS [Average PO Total] GROUP BY VendorNumber; MiniQuiz No Display the PoNumber and sum of extension prices (Quantity * UnitPrice named Subtotal as alias) for each PoNumber group in the Payables table in descending PoNumber sequence. SELECT PoNumber, SUM(Quantity * UnitPrice) AS Subtotal GROUP BY PoNumber ORDER BY PoNumber DESC; HAVING Clause (Page 1) SELECT column_name, functions FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name HAVING relation_condition; Limits rows returned in a query after grouping Condition usually contains a calculated value based on one of the aggregate functions SELECT VendorNumber, SUM(PoTotal) GROUP BY VendorNumber HAVING SUM(PoTotal) >= 50; HAVING Clause (Page 2) SELECT column_name, functions FROM table_name GROUP BY column_name HAVING relation_condition; SELECT PoNumber, SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) GROUP BY PoNumber HAVING SUM(UnitPrice * Quantity) >= 200; If there is an expression (formula) in the function, the expression must be restated in the HAVING clause (aliases not allowed in HAVING clause) WHERE AND GROUP BY Clauses

18 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 18 SELECT column name, functions FROM table_name WHERE relation_condition GROUP BY column_name; WHERE comes before the GROUP BY clause and limits rows before they are grouped SELECT VendorNumber, SUM(PoTotal) WHERE PoDate >= getdate() - 60 GROUP BY VendorNumber; WHERE AND HAVING Clauses SELECT column name, functions FROM table_name WHERE relation_conditon1 GROUP BY column_name HAVING relation_condition2; WHERE limits rows before grouping HAVING limits the grouped rows after grouping SELECT VendorNumber, SUM(PoTotal) WHERE PoDate >= (getdate() 60) GROUP BY VendorNumber HAVING SUM(PoTotal) >= 50; MiniQuiz No Display the PoNumber AND average extension price (Quantity * UnitPrice) for each PoNumber group in the Payables table for average extensions greater than $15 in descending PoNumber sequence. SELECT PoNumber, AVG(Quantity * UnitPrice) GROUP BY PoNumber HAVING AVG(Quantity * UnitPrice) > 15 ORDER BY PoNumber DESC; SELECT with Join SELECT columnlist [ ] List WHERE primarykey = foreignkey; A join operation links related fields FROM more than one table Column names that exist in more than a single table must be prefixed by the table name, e.g. Vendor.VendorNumber PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber

19 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page SELECT with Join (No 1) SELECT columnlist [ ] List WHERE primarykey = foreignkey; SELECT VendorName, Vendor.VendorNumber, PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber, PoNumber, PoTotal FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder SELECT with Join (No 1) SELECT with Join (No 1) SELECT with Join (No 1) SELECT with Join SELECT columnlist [ ] List (No 1--Revised) WHERE primarykey = foreignkey; SELECT VendorName, Vendor.VendorNumber, PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber, PoNumber, PoTotal FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder WHERE Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber; SELECT with Join (No 1) SELECT with Join SELECT columnlist [ ] List WHERE primarykey = foreignkey; (No 1--Revised again) SELECT VendorName, PoNumber, PoTotal FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder WHERE Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber; SELECT with Join (No 1) SELECT with INNER JOIN (No 1) SELECT columnlist [ ] 1 INNER JOIN tablename2 ON primarykey = foreignkey; SELECT VendorName, PoNumber, PoTotal FROM Vendor INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder ON Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber; SELECT with Join (No 2) SELECT columnlist [ ] List

20 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 20 WHERE primarykey = foreignkey; SELECT PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, PoDate, ProductNumber, Quantity, Payables WHERE PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber; SELECT with INNER JOIN (No 2) SELECT columnlist [ ] 1 INNER JOIN tablename2 ON primarykey = foreignkey; SELECT PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, PoDate, ProductNumber, Quantity INNER JOIN Payables ON PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber; MiniQuiz No. 9 (INNER JOIN) 9. Display ProductNumber and Product name from the Product table and the all extension prices (Quantity * UnitPrice named Extension as alias ) from the Payables table SELECT Product.ProductNumber, Product, (Quantity * UnitPrice) AS Extension FROM Product INNER JOIN Payables ON Product.ProductNumber = Payables.ProductNumber; MiniQuiz No. 9 (WHERE) 9. Display ProductNumber and Product name from the Product table and the all extension prices (Quantity * UnitPrice named Extension as alias ) from the Payables table SELECT Product.ProductNumber, Product, (Quantity * UnitPrice) AS Extension FROM Product, Payables WHERE Product.ProductNumber = Payables.ProductNumber; The Primary AND Foreign Keys Additional Table Matching Conditions If the join includes more than two tables, additional table matching conditions are specified in subsequent AND clauses SELECT columnlist [ ] List WHERE primarykey1 = foreignkey1 AND primarykey2 = foreignkey2 [ ]; SELECT with Join (No 3) SELECT VendorName, Address, City, State, ZipCode, PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, Vendor.VendorNumber, PoDate, Product.ProductNumber, Product, UnitPrice,

21 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 21 Quantity, UnitPrice * Quantity as Extension, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, DisCOUNT, PoTotal FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder, Payables, Product WHERE Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber AND PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber AND Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber; Additional INNER JOIN Table Matching Conditions If an INNER JOIN includes more than two tables, specify additional INNER JOIN and ON clauses Take care that each INNER JOIN follows the table definition to which it links SELECT columnlist 1 INNER JOIN tablename2 ON primarykey1 = foreignkey1 INNER JOIN tablename3 ON primarykey2 = foreignkey2 [ ]; SELECT with INNER JOIN (No 3) SELECT VendorName, Address, City, State, ZipCode, PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, Vendor.VendorNumber, PoDate, Product.ProductNumber, Product, UnitPrice, Quantity, UnitPrice * Quantity as Extension, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discount, PoTotal FROM Vendor INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder ON Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber INNER JOIN Payables ON PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber INNER JOIN Product ON Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber; MiniQuiz No. 10 (INNER JOIN) 10. Display VendorName from the Vendor table and the PoNumber from the PurchaseOrder table and all extension prices (Quantity * UnitPrice named Extension as alias ) from the Payables table SELECT VendorName, PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, (Quantity * UnitPrice) AS Extension FROM Vendor INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder ON Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber INNER JOIN Payables on PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber; MiniQuiz No. 10 (WHERE) 10. Display VendorName from the Vendor table and the PoNumber FROM the PurchaseOrder table and all extension prices (Quantity * UnitPrice named Extension as alias) from the Payables table

22 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 22 SELECT VendorName, PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, Extension FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder, Payables (Quantity * UnitPrice) AS WHERE Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber AND PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber; MiniQuiz No. 11 (INNER JOIN) 11. List all ProductNumber values and Product names in the Product table which are have matching records in the Payables table in order by Product name SELECT Product.ProductNumber, Product INNER JOIN Product ON Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber ORDER BY Product MiniQuiz No. 11 (WHERE) 11. List all ProductNumber values AND Product names in the Product table which are have matching records in the Payables table in order by Product name SELECT Product.ProductNumber, Product, Product WHERE Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber ORDER BY Product Join with additional WHERE conditions (No. 1) SELECT columnlist [ ] List WHERE tablematchingcondition(s) AND otherbooleanexpression(s); SELECT PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, BillDate, Payables.ProductNumber, Product, Quantity, Payables, Product WHERE PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber AND Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber AND Payables.ProductNumber = "900"; INNER JOIN with additional WHERE conditions (No. 1 Page 1) SELECT columnlist [ ] 1 INNER JOIN tablename2 ON primarykey1 = foreignkey1 INNER JOIN tablename3 ON primarykey2 = foreignkey2 [ ] WHERE booleanexpression(s); INNER JOIN with additional WHERE conditions (No. 1 Page 2) SELECT PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, BillDate, Payables.ProductNumber, Product, Quantity INNER JOIN

23 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page Payables ON PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber INNER JOIN Product ON Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber WHERE Payables.ProductNumber = "900"; Join with additional WHERE conditions (No. 2) SELECT VendorName, Address, City, State, ZipCode, PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, Vendor.VendorNumber, PoDate, Payables.ProductNumber, Product, UnitPrice, Quantity, UnitPrice * Quantity as Extension, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discount, PoTotal FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder, Payables, Product WHERE Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber AND PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber AND Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber AND PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = "10001"; INNER JOIN with additional WHERE conditions (No. 2) SELECT VendorName, Address, City, State, ZipCode, PurchaseOrder.PoNumber, Vendor.VendorNumber, PoDate, Payables.ProductNumber, Product, UnitPrice, Quantity, UnitPrice * Quantity as Extension, Subtotal, Tax, Shipping, Discount, PoTotal FROM Vendor INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder ON Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber INNER JOIN Payables ON PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber INNER JOIN Product ON Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber WHERE PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = "10001"; MiniQuiz No. 12 (INNER JOIN) 12. Display the VendorName and location (City, State, and ZipCode) as well as Quantity ordered for ProductNumber 501 in the Payables table SELECT VendorName, City, State, ZipCode, Quantity FROM Vendor INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder on Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber INNER JOIN Payables on PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber WHERE ProductNumber = '501'; MiniQuiz No. 12 (WHERE) 12. Display the VendorName and location (City, State, and ZipCode) as well as Quantity ordered for ProductNumber 501 in the Payables table

24 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 24 SELECT VendorName, City, State, ZipCode, Quantity FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder, Payables WHERE Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber AND PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber AND ProductNumber = '501'; MiniQuiz No. 13 (INNER JOIN) 13. Display the VendorName and location (City, State, ZipCode) as well as Quantity ordered and Product name for ProductNumber values 103 AND 501 in the Payables table (use the IN clause) SELECT VendorName, City, State, ZipCode, Product, Quantity FROM Vendor INNER JOIN PurchaseOrder ON Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber INNER JOIN Payables ON PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber INNER JOIN Product ON Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber WHERE Payables.ProductNumber IN ( '103', '501'); MiniQuiz No. 13 (WHERE) 13. Display the VendorName and location (City, State, ZipCode) as well as Quantity ordered and Product name for ProductNumber values 103 AND 501 in the Payables table (use the IN clause) SELECT VendorName, City, State, ZipCode, Product, Quantity FROM Vendor, PurchaseOrder, Payables, Product WHERE Vendor.VendorNumber = PurchaseOrder.VendorNumber AND PurchaseOrder.PoNumber = Payables.PoNumber AND Payables.ProductNumber = Product.ProductNumber AND Payables.ProductNumber in ( '103', '501'); Table Name Aliases SELECT columnlist alias, WHERE booleanexpression; Provides an abbreviation which can be used as table name prefix in the SELECT AND WHERE clauses SELECT V.VendorNumber, VendorName, PoNumber, PoTotal FROM Vendor V, PurchaseOrder PO WHERE V.VendorNumber = PO.VendorNumber; SELECT PO.PoNumber, [Bill date], Product, Quantity PO, Payables P WHERE PO.PoNumber = P.PoNumber; Review of WHERE with IN SELECT column_names

25 CST272 SQL Server, SQL and the SqlDataSource Page 25 FROM table_name WHERE column_name in (criteria_list); FROM Product WHERE ProductNumber in ("101", "103", "201", "301", "501", "900"); These are the six products that are ordered in the Payables table 131 IN Clause and Subqueries (No 1) SELECT column_names FROM table_name WHERE column_name IN (SELECT column _names FROM table_name WHERE ); FROM Product WHERE ProductNumber IN (SELECT ProductNumber ); 139

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