Chapter 11. Dynamic Programming

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1 Chapter 11 Dynamic Programming Summary of Chapter 11- from the book Programming Challenges: The Programming Contest Training Manual By: Steven S. Skiena, and Miguel A. Revilla 2003 Springer-Verlag New York, Inc. ISBN:

2 Dynamic Programming: Dynamic programming is both a mathematical optimization method and a computer programming method. In both contexts it refers to simplifying a complicated problem by breaking it down into simpler sub-problems in a recursive manner. In computer science, a problem which can be broken down recursively is said to have optimal substructure. There are two key attributes that a problem must have in order for dynamic programming to be applicable: optimal substructure and overlapping sub-problems which are only slightly smaller. When the overlapping problems are, say, half the size of the original problem the strategy is called "divide and conquer" rather than "dynamic programming". This is why mergesort, quicksort, and finding all matches of a regular expression are not classified as dynamic programming problems. Optimal substructure means that the solution to a given optimization problem can be obtained by the combination of optimal solutions to its sub-problems. Consequently, the first step towards devising a dynamic programming solution is to check whether the problem exhibits such optimal substructure. Such optimal substructures are usually described by means of recursion. For example, given a graph G = (V, E), the shortest path p from a vertex u to a vertex v exhibits optimal substructure: take any intermediate vertex w on this shortest path p. If p is truly the shortest path, then the path p 1 from u to w and p 2 from w to v are indeed the shortest paths between the corresponding vertices (by the simple cut-and-paste argument described in CLRS). Hence, one can easily formulate the solution for finding shortest paths in a recursive manner, which is what the Bellman-Ford algorithm does. As an example of a problem that is unlikely to exhibit optimal substructure, consider the problem of finding the cheapest airline ticket from Buenos Aires to Moscow. Even if that ticket involves stops in Miami and then London, we can't conclude that the cheapest ticket from Miami to Moscow stops in London, because the price at which an airline sells a multi-flight trip is usually not the sum of the prices at which it would sell the individual flights in the trip. Overlapping sub-problems means that the space of sub-problems must be small, that is, any recursive algorithm solving the problem should solve the same sub-problems over and over, rather than generating new sub-problems. For example, consider the recursive formulation for generating the Fibonacci series: F i = F i-1 + F i-2, with base case F 1 =F 2 =1. Then F 5 = F 4 + F 3, and F 4 = F 3 + F 2. Now F 3 is being solved in the recursive sub-trees of both F 5 as well as F 4. Even though the total number of sub-problems is actually small (only 5 of them), we end up solving the same problems over and over if we adopt a naive recursive solution such as this. Dynamic programming takes account of this fact and solves each sub-problem only once. Note that the sub-problems must be only 'slightly' smaller (typically taken to mean a constant additive factor) than the larger problem; when they are a multiplicative factor smaller the problem is no longer classified as dynamic programming. This can be achieved in either of two ways: Top-down approach This is the direct fall-out of the recursive formulation of any problem. If the solution to any problem can be formulated recursively using the solution to its subproblems, and if its sub-problems are overlapping, then one can easily memoize or store the solutions to the sub-problems in a table. Whenever we attempt to solve a new sub-problem, we first check the table to see if it is already solved. If a solution has been recorded, we can use it directly; otherwise we solve the sub-problem and add its solution to the table. Bottom-up approach This is the more interesting case. Once we formulate the solution to a problem recursively as in terms of its sub-problems, we can try reformulating the problem in 2

3 a bottom-up fashion: try solving the sub-problems first and use their solutions to build-on and arrive at solutions to bigger sub-problems. This is also usually done in a tabular form by iteratively generating solutions to bigger and bigger sub-problems by using the solutions to small sub-problems. For example, if we already know the Fibonacci values of F 41 and F 40, we can directly calculate the value of F 42. Fibonacci sequence: Suppose we have a simple map object, m, which maps each value of Fibonacci that has already been calculated to its result, and we modify our function to use it and update it. The resulting function requires only O(n) time instead of exponential time. var m := map(0 0, 1 1) function fib(n) if map m does not contain key n m[n] := fib(n 1) + fib(n 2) return m[n] This technique of saving values that have already been calculated is called memoization; this is the top-down approach, since we first break the problem into sub-problems and then calculate and store values. #include <iostream> #include <map> using namespace std; int fib(int); map<int,int> mymap; pair<int,int> w; void main( ) { mymap.insert(pair<int,int>(0,0)); mymap.insert(pair<int,int>(1,1)); int n = 8; cout << "fib(" << n << ") is " << fib(n) << endl; } int fib(int n) { int f1, f2; if(n == 0 n == 1) return n; if(n == 2) { mymap.insert(pair<int,int>(2,1)); return 1; } f1=fib(n-1); 3

4 w=*(mymap.find(n-2)); f2=f1 + (int)w.second; mymap.insert(pair<int,int>(n,f2)); } return f2; Sample output: In the bottom-up approach we calculate the smaller values of Fibonacci first, then build larger values from them. This method also uses O(n) time since it contains a loop that repeats n 1 times, however it only takes constant (O(1)) space, in contrast to the top-down approach which requires O(n) space to store the map. function fib(n) var previousfib := 0, currentfib := 1 if n = 0 return 0 else if n = 1 return 1 repeat n 1 times var newfib := previousfib + currentfib previousfib := currentfib currentfib := newfib return currentfib Measuring potential partners: In this example David Smith investigated the problem of finding the best potential partner from a fixed number of potential partners, assuming that each potential partner has a beauty score. Helen of Troy is fabled to have had "a face that could launch a thousand ships". There's an old joke that: one Helen is the beauty needed to launch a thousand ships, one millihelen is therefore the beauty required to launch just one ship! Suppose we use this scale to measure each potential partner's score from 0 millihelens up to a maximum of 1000 millihelens with all values equally likely. We must now search for a rule which will make sure that the average score of the partner we choose is as large as possible. The obvious way to look at this would be to think about what you would do when you met the first potential partner. Then you would compare this partner's score with what you might expect to get later on if you rejected them. Unfortunately, working out what you might expect later on is a complicated mixture of all the possible decisions you could make that becomes too much to work out. Instead, a mathematical way of thinking about it is to look at what you should do at the end, if you get to that stage. So you think about the best decision with the last potential partner (which you must choose) and then the last but one and so on. This way of tackling the problem backwards is Dynamic programming. 4

5 The word Programming in the name has nothing to do with writing computer programs. The word is used to describe a set of rules which anyone can follow to solve a problem. They do not have to be written in a computer language. The dynamic programming approach to the potential partner problem starts by thinking about what happens when faced with the last partner. If you need to make a decision about potential partner number N then you must accept their score (which we'll call X N ) and live happily ever after! When you encounter potential partner number N-1 all that you know are the values X N-1 and what you expect to get if you wait. You expect to get the average value of X N = 500 because X N varies from Common sense says that you take the better of these, so your rule will be: If X N-1 is more than 500, accept that potential partner. If not, go on to potential partner number N When you encounter potential partner number N-2, you know X N-2 and the average value of the score you will get by waiting. Half the time, waiting will mean that you accept potential partner number N-1, whose score will be between 500 and 1000, averaging 750; the other half of the time, you will pass over that potential partner and you will expect a score of 500. So, waiting will give you an average score of 625, and taking the better will give the rule: If X N-2 is more than 625, accept that potential partner If not, go on to potential partner number N-1 Assuming that the score of 10 partners are given in the following table: It is much simpler than starting with potential partner number 1 and trying to think of all the possible sequences of decisions, and working forwards. For each potential partner that you meet, the best set of decisions afterwards will give a critical value for comparison; if the potential partner does better than it, choose that partner. If not, go on, even though the future is not certain. The critical values when N=10 are: Longest Common Subsequence: The Longest Common Subsequence (LCS) problem is as follows. We are given two strings: string S of length n, and string T of length m. Our goal is to find their longest common subsequence: the longest sequence of characters that appear left-to-right (but not necessarily in a contiguous block) in both strings. For example, consider: S = ABAZDC T = BACBAD 5

6 In this case, the LCS has length 4 and is the string ABAD. Another way to look at it is we are finding a 1-1 matching between some of the letters in S and some of the letters in T such that none of the edges in the matching cross each other. For instance, this type of problem comes up all the time in genomics: given two DNA fragments, the LCS gives information about what they have in common and the best way to line them up. Let s now solve the LCS problem using Dynamic Programming. As sub-problems we will look at the LCS of a prefix of S and a prefix of T, running over all pairs of prefixes. For simplicity, let s worry first about finding the length of the LCS and then we can modify the algorithm to produce the actual sequence itself. So, here is the question: say LCS[i, j] is the length of the LCS of S[1..i] with T[1..j]. How can we solve for LCS[i, j] in terms of the LCS s of the smaller problems? Case 1: what if S[i] T[j]? Then, the desired subsequence has to ignore one of S[i] or T[j] so we have: LCS[i, j] = max(lcs[i 1, j], LCS[i, j 1]). Case 2: what if S[i] = T[j]? Then the LCS of S[1..i] and T[1..j] might as well match them up. For instance, if a common subsequence that matched S[i] to an earlier location in T, for instance, then it could be matched to T[j] instead. So, in this case we have: LCS[i, j] = 1 + LCS[i 1, j 1]. So, we can just do two loops (over values of i and j), filling in the LCS using these rules. Note that LCS[i, j] = 0 for i, j < 1 Here s what it looks like pictorially for the example above, with S along the leftmost column and T along the top row B A C B A D 0 φ φ φ φ φ φ φ 1 A φ φ φa=a A A φa=a A 2 B φ φb=b A, B A, B AB AB AB 3 A φ B BA BA AB, BA ABA ABA 4 Z φ B BA BA AB, BA ABA ABA 5 D φ B BA BA AB, BA ABA ABAD 6 C φ B BA BAC BAC ABA, BAC ABAD B A C B A D A B A Z D C We just fill out this matrix row by row, doing constant amount of work per entry, so this takes O(mn) time overall. The final answer (the length of the LCS of S and T) is in the lower-right corner. 6

7 How can we now find the sequence? To find the sequence, we just walk backwards through matrix starting the lower-right corner. If either the cell directly above or directly to the right contains a value equal to the value in the current cell, then move to that cell (if both do, then chose either one). If both such cells have values strictly less than the value in the current cell, then move diagonally up-left (this corresponds to applying Case 2, i.e. the sequence must have had a common element), and output the associated character. This will output the characters in the LCS in reverse order. For instance, running on the matrix above, this outputs DABA. Here is another example on how to find the sequence. Compare the sequence XMJYAUZ with MZJAWXU M Z J A W X U X M J Y A U Z Starting from cell (7, 7): Go to cell (6, 7) without any decrease in value so Z is not in the sequence. Go to cell (5, 6) with a decrease in value so U is in the sequence. Go to cell (4, 5) with a decrease in value so A is in the sequence. Go to cell (3, 5) without any decrease in value so Y is not in the sequence. Go to cell (2, 4) with a decrease in value so J is in the sequence. Go to cell (1, 3) with a decrease in value so M is in the sequence. So the longest common sequence is MJAU. We have been looking at what is called bottom-up Dynamic Programming. Here is another way of thinking about Dynamic Programming, that also leads to basically the same algorithm, but viewed from the other direction. Sometimes this is called top-down Dynamic Programming. This view of Dynamic Programming is often called memoizing. For example, for the LCS problem, using our analysis we had at the beginning we might have produced the following exponential-time recursive program: LCS(S,n,T,m) { if (n==0 m==0) return 0; if (S[n] == T[m]) result = 1 + LCS(S,n-1,T,m-1); // no harm in matching up else result = max( LCS(S,n-1,T,m), LCS(S,n,T,m-1) ); return result; } 7

8 This algorithm runs in exponential time. In fact, if S and T use completely disjoint sets of characters (so that we never have S[n]==T[m]) then the number of times that LCS(S,1,T,1) is recursively called equals. In the memoized version, we store results in a matrix so that any given set of arguments to LCS only produces new work (new recursive calls) once. The memoized version begins by initializing array[i][j] to unknown for all i,j, and then proceeds as follows: LCS(S,n,T,m) { if (n==0 m==0) return 0; if (array[n][m]!= unknown) return array[n][m]; if (S[n] == T[m]) result = 1 + LCS(S,n-1,T,m-1); else result = max( LCS(S,n-1,T,m), LCS(S,n,T,m-1) ); array[n][m] = result; return result; } Edit Distance: When a spell checker encounters a possible misspelling; it looks in its dictionary for other words that are close by. What is the appropriate notion of closeness in this case? A natural measure of the distance between two strings is the extent to which they can be aligned, or matched up. Technically, an alignment is simply a way of writing the strings one above the other. For instance, here are two possible alignments of SNOXY and SUNNY: S _ N O X Y _ S N O X _ Y S U N N _ Y S U N N Y cost 3 cost 5 The _ indicates a gap ; any number of these can be placed in either string. The cost of an alignment is the number of columns in which the letters differ. And the edit distance between two strings is the cost of their best possible alignment. Do you see that there is no better alignment of SNOXY and SUNNY than the one shown here with a cost of 3? Edit distance is so named because it can also be thought of as the minimum number of editsinsertions, deletions, and substitutions of characters - needed to transform the first string into the second. For instance, the alignment shown on the left corresponds to three edits: insert U, substitute O by N, and delete X. There are three natural types of changes: Substitution Change a single character from pattern s to a different character in text t, such as changing shot to spot. Insertion Insert a single character into pattern s to help it match text t, such as changing ago to agog. Deletion Delete a single character from pattern s to help it match text t, such as changing hour to our. 8

9 Properly posing the question of string similarity requires us to set the cost of each of these string transform operations. Setting each operation to cost one step defines the edit distance between two strings. Other cost values also yield interesting results. But how can we compute the edit distance? We can define a recursive algorithm using the observation that the last character in the string must either be matched, substituted, inserted, or deleted. Chopping off the characters involved in the last edit operation leaves a pair of smaller strings. Let i and j be the last character of the relevant prefix of s and t, respectively. There are three pairs of shorter strings after the last operation, corresponding to the strings after a match / substitution, insertion, or deletion. If we knew the cost of editing the three pairs of smaller strings, we could decide which option leads to the best solution and choose that option accordingly. We can learn this cost, through the magic of recursion. In general, there are so many possible alignments between two strings that it would be terribly inefficient to search through all of them for the best one. Instead we turn to dynamic programming. When solving a problem by dynamic programming, the most crucial question is, what are the subproblems? As long as they are chosen so as to have the following property: There is an ordering on the sub-problems, and a relation that shows how to solve a sub-problem given the answers to smaller sub-problems, that is, subproblems that appear earlier in the ordering. It is an easy matter to write down the algorithm: iteratively solve one sub-problem after the other, in order of increasing size. Our goal is to find the edit distance between two strings x[1 m] and y[1 n]. What is a good sub-problem? Well, it should go part of the way toward solving the whole problem; so how about looking at the edit distance between some prefix of the first string, x[1 i], and some prefix of the second, y[1 j]? Call this sub-problem E(i, j). Our final objective, then, is to compute E(m, n). E X P O N E N T I A L P O L Y N O M I A L Sub-problem E(4, 3) For this to work, we need to somehow express E(i, j) in terms of smaller sub-problems. Let's see - what do we know about the best alignment between x[1 i] and y[1 j]? Well, its rightmost column can only be one of three things: x[i] - x[i] or or - y[j] y[j] The first case incurs a cost of 1 for this particular column, and it remains to align x[1 i-1] with y[1 j]. But this is exactly the sub-problem E(i-1, j). In the second case, also with cost 1, we still need to align x[1 i] with y[1 j-1]. This is again another sub-problem, E(i, j-1). And in the final case, which either costs 1 (if x[i] y[j]) or 0 (if x[i] = y[j]), what's left is the sub-problem E(i-1; j-1). In short, we have expressed E(i, j) in terms of three smaller sub-problems E(i-1, j), E(i, j-1), E(i-1, j- 1). We have no idea which of them is the right one, so we need to try them all and pick the best: E(i, j) = min{ 1 + E(i-1, j); 1 + E(i, j-1); diff(i, j) + E(i-1; j-1)} where for convenience diff(i, j) is defined to be 0 if x[i] = y[j] and 1 otherwise. 9

10 For instance, in computing the edit distance between EXPONENTIAL and POLYNOMIAL, subproblem E(4; 3) corresponds to the prefixes EXPO and POL. The rightmost column of their best alignment must be one of the following: O - O or or - L L Thus E(4, 3) = min{ 1 + E(3, 3), 1 + E(4, 2), 1 + E(3; 2)}. The answers to all the sub-problems E(i, j) form a two-dimensional table, as in the following Figure. In what order should these sub-problems be solved? Any order is fine, as long as E(i-1, j), E(i, j-1), and E(i-1, j-1) are handled before E(i, j). For instance, we could fill in the table one row at a time, from top row to bottom row, and moving left to right across each row. Or alternatively, we could fill it in column by column. Both methods would ensure that by the time we get around to computing a particular table entry, all the other entries we need are already filled in. P O L Y N O M I A L E X P O N E N T I A L With both the sub-problems and the ordering specified, we are almost done. There just remain the base cases of the dynamic programming, the very smallest sub-problems. In the present situation, these are E(0,.) and E(., 0), both of which are easily solved. E(0, j) is the edit distance between the 0-length prefix of x, namely the empty string, and the first j letters of y: clearly, j. And similarly, E(i, 0) = i. At this point, the algorithm for edit distance basically writes itself. for i = 0; 1; 2; ;m: E(i; 0) = i for j = 1; 2; ; n: E(0; j) = j for i = 1; 2; ;m: for j = 1; 2; ; n: E(i; j) = min{e(i - 1; j) + 1;E(i; j - 1) + 1;E(i - 1; j - 1) + diff(i; j)} return E(m; n) This procedure fills in the table row by row, and left to right within each row. Each entry takes constant time to fill in, so the overall running time is just the size of the table, O(m n). And in our example, the edit distance turns out to be 6. The underlying diagram 10

11 Every dynamic program has an underlying dag structure: think of each node as representing a subproblem, and each edge as a precedence constraint on the order in which the sub-problems can be tackled. Having nodes u 1,, u k point to v means sub-problem v can only be solved once the answers to u 1,, u k are known. In our present edit distance application, the nodes of the underlying diagram correspond to subproblems, or equivalently, to positions (i, j) in the table. Its edges are the precedence constraints, of the form (i-1, j) (i, j), (i, j-1) (i, j), and (i-1, j-1) (i, j). In fact, we can take things a little further and put weights on the edges so that the edit distances are given by shortest paths in the diagram. To see this, set all edge lengths to 1, except for {(i-1, j-1) (i, j) : x[i] = y[j]} (shown by a thick diagonal line), whose length is 0. The final answer is then simply the distance between nodes s = (0, 0) and t = (m, n). One possible shortest path is shown, the one that yields the alignment we found earlier. On this path, each move down is a deletion, each move right is an insertion, and each diagonal move is either a match or a substitution. E X P O N E N - T I A L - - P O L Y N O M I A L By altering the weights on this diagram, we can allow generalized forms of edit distance, in which insertions, deletions, and substitutions have different associated costs. Knapsack: During a robbery, a burglar finds much more loot than he had expected and has to decide what to take. His bag (or knapsack ) will hold a total weight of at most W kilograms. There are n items to pick from, of weight w 1,, w n and dollar value v 1,, v n. What's the most valuable combination of items he can fit into his bag? For instance, take W = 10 and Item Weight Value 1 2 $9 2 3 $ $ $30 11

12 There are two versions of this problem. If there are unlimited quantities of each item available, the optimal choice is to pick item 1 and two of item 4 (total: $48). On the other hand, if there is one of each item (the burglar has broken into an art gallery, say), then the optimal knapsack contains items 1 and 3 (total: $46). As we shall see neither version of this problem is likely to have a polynomial time algorithm. However, using dynamic programming they can both be solved in O(nW) time, which is reasonable when W is small, but is not polynomial since the input size is proportional to logw rather than W. Knapsack with repetition Let's start with the version that allows repetition. As always, the main question in dynamic programming is, what are the sub-problems? In this case we can shrink the original problem in two ways: we can either look at smaller knapsack capacities w W, or we can look at fewer items (for instance, items 1, 2,, j, for j n). The first restriction calls for smaller capacities. Accordingly, define K(w) = maximum value achievable with a knapsack of capacity w: Can we express this in terms of smaller sub-problems? Well, if the optimal solution to K(w) includes item i, then removing this item from the knapsack leaves an optimal solution to K(w - w i ). In other words, K(w) is simply K(w - w i ) + v i, for some i. We don't know which i, so we need to try all possibilities. max : where as usual our convention is that the maximum over an empty set is 0. We're done! The algorithm now writes itself, and it is characteristically simple and elegant. K(0) = 0 for w = 1 to W: K(w) = max {K(w - wi) + vi : wi w} return K(W) To find the most valuable combination of items that can fit into a knapsack of capacity 10 we follow the steps below: K(0) = 0 K(1) = 0 K(2) = max{k(2-2) + 9} = max{k(0) + 9}=max{0 + 9} = 9 K(3) = max{k(3-2) + 9, K(3-3) + 14} = max{9, 14} = 14 K(4) = max{k(4-2) + 9, K(4-3) + 14, K(4-4) + 16} = max{18, 14, 16} = 18 K(5) = max{k(5-2) + 9, K(5-3) + 14, K(5-4) + 16} = max{23, 23, 16} = 23 K(6) = max{k(6-2) + 9, K(6-3) + 14, K(6-4) + 16, K(6-6) + 30} = max{27, 28, 25, 30} = 30 K(7) = max{k(7-2) + 9, K(7-3) + 14, K(7-4) + 16, K(7-6) + 30} = max{32, 32, 30, 30} = 32 K(8) = max{k(8-2) + 9, K(8-3) + 14, K(8-4) + 16, K(8-6) + 30} = max{39, 37, 34, 39} = 39 K(9) = max{k(9-2) + 9, K(9-3) + 14, K(9-4) + 16, K(9-6) + 30} = max{41, 44, 39, 44} = 44 K(10) = max{k(10-2) + 9, K(10-3) + 14, K(10-4) + 16, K(10-6) + 30} = max{48, 46, 46, 48} = 48 12

13 Knapsack without repetition On to the second variant: what if repetitions are not allowed? Our earlier sub-problems now become completely useless. For instance, knowing that the value K(w - w n ) is very high doesn't help us, because we don't know whether or not item n already got used up in this partial solution. We must therefore refine our concept of a sub-problem to carry additional information about the items being used. We add a second parameter, 0 j n: K(w, j) = maximum value achievable using a knapsack of capacity w and items 1,, j The answer we seek is K(W, n). How can we express a sub-problem K(w, j) in terms of smaller sub-problems? Quite simple: either item j is needed to achieve the optimal value, or it isn't needed: K(w, j) = max{k(w - w j, j - 1) + v j, K(w, j - 1)} (The first case is invoked only if w j w) In other words, we can express K(w; j) in terms of subproblems K(., j - 1). The algorithm then consists of filling out a two-dimensional table, with W + 1 rows and n + 1 columns. Initialize all K(0, j) = 0 and all K(w, 0) = 0 for j = 1 to n: for w = 1 to W: if wj > w: K(w, j) = K(w, j - 1) else: K(w, j) = max{k(w, j - 1), K(w wj, j - 1) + vj} return K(W, n) 13

14 Some useful links:

15 Problems Distinct Subsequences 15

16 PC/UVa IDs: /10069 Popularity: B Success rate: average Level: 3 A subsequence of a given sequence S consists of S with zero or more elements deleted. Formally, a sequence Z = z 1 z 2... z k is a subsequence of X = x 1 x 2... x m if there exists a strictly increasing sequence < i 1, i 2,..., i k > of indices of X such that for all j = 1, 2,..., k, we have. For example, Z = bcdb is a subsequence of X = abcbdab with corresponding index sequence < 2, 3, 5, 7 >. Your job is to write a program that counts the number of occurrences of Z in X as a subsequence such that each has a distinct index sequence. Input The first line of the input contains an integer N indicating the number of test cases to follow. The first line of each test case contains a string X, composed entirely of lowercase alphabetic characters and having length no greater than 10,000. The second line contains another string Z having length no greater than 100 and also composed of only lowercase alphabetic characters. Be assured that neither Z nor any prefix or suffix of Z will have more than distinct occurrences in X as a subsequence. Output For each test case, output the number of distinct occurrences of Z in X as a subsequence. Output for each input set must be on a separate line. Sample Input 2 babgbag bag rabbbit rabbit Sample Output 5 3 Cutting Sticks 16

17 PC/UVa IDs: /10003 Popularity: B Success rate: average Level: 2 You have to cut a wood stick into several pieces. The most affordable company, Analog Cutting Machinery (ACM), charges money according to the length of the stick being cut. Their cutting saw allows them to make only one cut at a time. It is easy to see that different cutting orders can lead to different prices. For example, consider a stick of length 10 m that has to be cut at 2, 4, and 7 m from one end. There are several choices. One can cut first at 2, then at 4, then at 7. This leads to a price of = 24 because the first stick was of 10 m, the resulting stick of 8 m, and the last one of 6 m. Another choice could cut at 4, then at 2, then at 7. This would lead to a price of = 20, which is better for us. Your boss demands that you write a program to find the minimum possible cutting cost for any given stick. Input The input will consist of several input cases. The first line of each test case will contain a positive number l that represents the length of the stick to be cut. You can assume l < 1,000. The next line will contain the number n (n < 50) of cuts to be made. The next line consists of n positive numbers c i (0 < c i < l) representing the places where the cuts must be made, given in strictly increasing order. An input case with l = 0 represents the end of input. Output Print the cost of the minimum cost solution to cut each stick in the format shown below. Sample Input Sample Output The minimum cutting is 200. The minimum cutting is 22. Chopsticks 17

18 PC/UVa IDs: /10271 Popularity: B Success rate: average Level: 3 In China, people use pairs of chopsticks to eat food, but Mr. L is a bit different. He uses a set of three chopsticks, one pair plus an extra; a long chopstick to get large items by stabbing the food. The length of the two shorter, standard chopsticks should be as close as possible, but the length of the extra one is not important so long as it is the longest. For a set of chopsticks with lengths A, B, C (A B C), the function (A B) 2 defines the badness of the set. Mr. L has invited K people to his birthday party, and he is eager to introduce his way of using chopsticks. He must prepare K + 8 sets of chopsticks (for himself, his wife, his little son, little daughter, his mother, father, mother-in-law, father-in-law, and K other guests). But Mr. L s chopsticks are of many different lengths! Given these lengths, he must find a way of composing the K + 8 sets such that the total badness of the sets is minimized. Input The first line in the input contains a single integer T indicating the number of test cases (1 T 20). Each test case begins with two integers K and N (0 K 1,000, 3K + 24 N 5,000) giving the number of guests and the number of chopsticks. Then follow N positive integers L i, in non decreasing order, indicating the lengths of the chopsticks (1 L i 32,000). Output For each test case in the input, print a line containing the minimal total badness of all the sets. Sample Input Sample Output 23 Note: A possible collection of the nine chopstick sets for this sample input is (8, 10, 16), (19, 22, 27), (61, 63, 75), (71, 72, 88), (81, 81, 84), (96, 98, 103), (128, 129, 148), (134, 134, 139), and (157, 157, 160). Adventures in Moving: Part IV 18

19 PC/UVa IDs: /10201 Popularity: A Success rate: low Level: 3 You are considering renting a moving truck to help you move from Waterloo to the big city. Gas prices being so high these days, you want to know how much the gas for this beast will set you back. The truck consumes a full liter of gas for each kilometer it travels. It has a 200-liter gas tank. When you rent the truck in Waterloo, the tank is half-full. When you return it in the big city, the tank must be at least half-full, or you ll get gouged even more for gas by the rental company. You would like to spend as little as possible on gas, but you don t want to run out along the way. Input The input begins with a single positive integer on a line by itself indicating the number of test cases, followed by a blank line. Each test case is composed only of integers. The first integer is the distance in kilometers from Waterloo to the big city, at most 10,000. Next comes a set of up to 100 gas station specifications, describing all the gas stations along your route, in non-decreasing order by distance. Each specification consists of the distance in kilometers of the gas station from Waterloo, and the price of a liter of gas at the gas station, in tenths of a cent, at most 2,000. There is a blank line between each two consecutive inputs. Output For each test case, output the minimum amount of money that you can spend on gas to get from Waterloo to the big city. If it is not possible to get from Waterloo to the big city subject to the constraints above, print Impossible. The output of each two consecutive cases will be separated by a blank line. Sample Input 1 Sample Output

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