This chapter describes: AssetBean AssetMgr AssetMgrEJB AssetMgrHome AssetTagAssociationBean AssetTypeBean AssociationBean AssociationMgr

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1 $VVHW9LVLELOLW\ 6HUYLFHV$3, 1 This chapter describes: AssetBean AssetMgr AssetMgrEJB AssetMgrHome AssetTagAssociationBean AssetTypeBean AssociationBean AssociationMgr AssociationMgrEJB AssociationMgrHome CommissionActivity CommissionActivityEJB CommissionActivityHome DefaultActivity DefaultActivityEJB DefaultActivityHome DefaultPostActivity DefaultPostActivityEJB DefaultPostActivityHome DomainData DomainDataParser

2 GenericActivity GenericActivityEJB GenericActivityHome InfoBean NotifiableObject PostActivityIF PropertyBean Shipment ShipmentEJB ShipmentFactsUpdate ShipmentFactsUpdateEJB ShipmentFactsUpdateHome ShipmentHome ShipmentManager ShipmentManagerEJB ShipmentManagerHome ShipReceive ShipReceiveEJB ShipReceiveHome StatelessBase StatelessBaseEJB StatelessBaseHome TagBean

3 $VVHW%HDQ $VVHW%HDQ public class AssetBean extends InfoBean java.lang.object -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.infobean -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.assetbean An instance of this class represents an individual asset. &RQVWUXFWRU6XPPDU\ AssetBean() Default constructor.,qvwdqfh0hwkrgv6xppdu\ String long String String String long long getaccountcustomerid() Retrieves the customer reference account ID of the asset. getaccountid() Retrieves the account ID of the asset (the primary key of the account table). getassetcustomerid() Retrieves the customer ID of the asset. getassetdescription() Retrieves the description of the asset. getassetguid() Retrieves the Global Unique ID. getassetid() Retrieves the primary ID assigned by the database system. getassetsitestatus() Retrieves the asset site status, an indicator of whether the asset has been received or is in transit.

4 $VVHW%HDQ long String long long long Timestamp long long Hashtable long getassettypeid() Retrieves the primary key from the avs_asset_type table. getassettypename() Retrieves the name of the asset type. getisload() Returns (long) TRUE if the asset is loaded with items and (long) FALSE if not. getisparent() Returns (long) TRUE if this asset has a child asset and (long) FALSE if not. getlastactionid() Retrieves the ID of the last action performed on this asset (one of SHIP, RECEIVE, or EXIT). getlastactiontime() Retrieves the time of the last action performed on this asset. getlastdatapointid() Retrieves the ID of the datapoint at which the last action occurred. getparentassetid() Retrieves the asset ID of the parent asset into which this asset was loaded. getpropertycollection() Retrieves the list of properties for this asset (a table of PropertyBeans stored by parameter name). getstatus() Retrieves the status of soft deletion. setaccountcustomerid(string) Sets the customer reference account ID of the asset. setaccountid(long) Sets the account ID of the asset (the primary key of the account table).

5 $VVHW%HDQ setassetcustomerid(string) Sets the customer ID of the asset. setassetdescription(string) Stores the description of the asset. setassetguid(string) Stores the Global Unique ID. setassetid(long) Sets the primary ID assigned by the database system. setassetsitestatus(long) Sets the asset site status. setassettypeid(long) Sets the [[what is this? awaiting definition for getassettypeid()]] setassettypename(string) Sets the name of the asset type. setisload(long) Sets whether the asset is loaded with items. setisparent(long) Sets whether this asset has a child asset. setlastactionid(long) Stores the ID of the last action performed on this asset. setlastactiontime(timestamp) Stores the date of the last action performed on this asset. setlastdatapointid(long) Stores the ID of the datapoint at which the last action occurred. setparentassetid(long) Stores the asset ID of the parent of this asset. setpropertycollection(hashtable) Stores a list of properties for the asset.

6 $VVHW%HDQ setstatus(long) Sets the soft deletion status of the AssetBean. &RQVWUXFWRU $VVHW%HDQ Default constructor. public AssetBean(),QVWDQFH0HWKRGV JHW$FFRXQW&XVWRPHU,' Retrieves the customer reference account ID of the asset. public String getaccountcustomerid() JHW$FFRXQW,' Retrieves the account ID of the asset (the primary key of the account table). public long getaccountid() JHW$VVHW&XVWRPHU,' Retrieves the customer ID of the asset. public String getassetcustomerid() JHW$VVHW'HVFULSWLRQ Retrieves the description of the asset. public String getassetdescription() JHW$VVHW*8,' Retrieves the Global Unique ID. public String getassetguid()

7 $VVHW%HDQ JHW$VVHW,' Retrieves the primary ID assigned by the database system. public long getassetid() JHW$VVHW6LWH6WDWXV JHW$VVHW7\SH,' Retrieves the asset site status, an indicator of whether the asset has been received or is in transit. [[what does a value of -1 represent?]] public long getassetsitestatus() Retrieves the primary key from the avs_asset_type table. [[true?]] public long getassettypeid() JHW$VVHW7\SH1DPH JHW,V/RDG JHW,V3DUHQW JHW/DVW$FWLRQ,' Retrieves the name of the asset type. public String getassettypename() Returns (long) TRUE if the asset is loaded with items and (long) FALSE if not. public long getisload() Returns (long) TRUE if this asset has a child asset and (long) FALSE if not. public long getisparent() Retrieves the ID of the last action performed on this asset (one of SHIP, RECEIVE, or EXIT). public long getlastactionid() JHW/DVW$FWLRQ7LPH Retrieves the time of the last action performed on this asset.

8 $VVHW%HDQ See also AssetBean.getLastActionID(). public Timestamp getlastactiontime() JHW/DVW'DWDSRLQW,' JHW3DUHQW$VVHW,' Retrieves the ID of the datapoint at which the last action occurred. See also AssetBean.getLastActionID(). public long getlastdatapointid() Retrieves the asset ID of the parent asset into which this asset was loaded. [[true?]] public long getparentassetid() JHW3URSHUW\&ROOHFWLRQ JHW6WDWXV Retrieves the list of properties for this asset (a table of PropertyBeans stored by parameter name). public Hashtable getpropertycollection() Retrieves the status of soft deletion. public long getstatus() VHW$FFRXQW&XVWRPHU,'6WULQJ Sets the customer reference account ID of the asset. public setaccountcustomerid(string straccountcustomerid) String straccountcustomerid The customer reference account ID. VHW$FFRXQW,'ORQJ Sets the account ID of the asset (the primary key of the account table). public setaccountid(long laccountid) long laccountid The account ID.

9 $VVHW%HDQ VHW$VVHW&XVWRPHU,'6WULQJ Sets the customer ID of the asset. public setassetcustomerid(string strassetcustomerid) String strassetcustomerid The customer ID. VHW$VVHW'HVFULSWLRQ6WULQJ Stores the description of the asset. public setassetdescription(string strassetdescription) String strassetdescription The description. VHW$VVHW*8,'6WULQJ VHW$VVHW,'ORQJ Stores the Global Unique ID. public setassetguid(string strassetguid) String strassetguid The Global Unique ID. Sets the primary ID assigned by the database system. public setassetid(long lassetid) long lassetid The asset ID. VHW$VVHW6LWH6WDWXVORQJ Sets the asset site status. public setassetsitestatus(long lassetsitestatus) long lassetsitestatus The asset site status, an indicator of whether the asset has been received or is in transit. [[what does a value of -1 represent?]] VHW$VVHW7\SH,'ORQJ Sets the [[what is this? awaiting definition for getassettypeid()]] public setassettypeid(long lassettypeid)

10 $VVHW%HDQ VHW$VVHW7\SH1DPH6WULQJ VHW,V/RDGORQJ VHW,V3DUHQWORQJ long lassettypeid [[what is this? awaiting definition for getassettypeid]] Sets the name of the asset type. public setassettypename(string strassettypename) String strassettypename The name of the asset type. Sets whether the asset is loaded with items. public setisload(long lisload) long lisload Whether the asset is loaded with items ((long) TRUE or (long) FALSE). Sets whether this asset has a child asset. [[or is it better to say "Sets whether this asset is loaded with a child asset."?]] public setisparent(long lisparent) VHW/DVW$FWLRQ,'ORQJ long lisparent Whether the asset has a child asset ((long) TRUE or (long) FALSE). Stores the ID of the last action performed on this asset. public setlastactionid(long llastactionid) long llastactionid SHIP, RECEIVE, or EXIT. VHW/DVW$FWLRQ7LPH7LPHVWDPS Stores the date of the last action performed on this asset. public setlastactiontime(timestamp datelastactiontime) Timestamp datelastactiontime Timestamp.

11 $VVHW%HDQ VHW/DVW'DWDSRLQW,'ORQJ Stores the ID of the datapoint at which the last action occurred. public setlastdatapointid(long llastdatapointid) long llastdatapointid The ID of the datapoint. VHW3DUHQW$VVHW,'ORQJ Stores the asset ID of the parent of this asset. public setparentassetid(long lparentassetid) long lparentassetid The asset ID of the parent of this asset. VHW3URSHUW\&ROOHFWLRQ+DVKWDEOH VHW6WDWXVORQJ Stores a list of properties for the asset. public setpropertycollection(hashtable opropertycollection) Hashtable opropertycollection A hashtable of PropertyBeans, stored by parameter name. Sets the soft deletion status of the AssetBean. public setstatus(long lstatus) long lstatus The status. [[what are allowed values?]]

12 ,QWHUIDFH$VVHW0JU,QWHUIDFH$VVHW0JU public abstract interface AssetMgr implements EJBObject This is the remote interface for the remote/ejb/home combination for the activity bean. Even if the corresponding EJB bean class has more methods, only the methods of this interface can be activated on a remote system. $OO,PSOHPHQWHG,QWHUIDFHV EJBObject,QVWDQFH0HWKRGV6XPPDU\ InfoBean AssetBean Vector AssetBean InfoBean deleteasset(assetbean) Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. getasset(assetbean) Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. getassettypes(long) Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. insertasset(assetbean) Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. updateasset(assetbean) Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. updateassetproperty(object, String, DomainData) Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB.

13 ,QWHUIDFH$VVHW0JU,QVWDQFH0HWKRGV GHOHWH$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. See also AssetMgrEJB. public InfoBean deleteasset(assetbean oassetbean) throws RemoteException AssetBean oassetbean The asset. JHW$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. See also AssetMgrEJB. public AssetBean getasset(assetbean oassetbean) throws RemoteException AssetBean oassetbean The asset. JHW$VVHW7\SHVORQJ Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. See also AssetMgrEJB. public Vector getassettypes(long laccountid) throws RemoteException long laccountid The account ID. LQVHUW$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. See also AssetMgrEJB. public AssetBean insertasset(assetbean oassetbean) throws RemoteException AssetBean oassetbean The asset. XSGDWH$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB.

14 ,QWHUIDFH$VVHW0JU See also AssetMgrEJB. public InfoBean updateasset(assetbean oassetbean) throws RemoteException AssetBean oassetbean The asset. XSGDWH$VVHW3URSHUW\2EMHFW6WULQJ'RPDLQ'DWD Required method signature for remote interface for AssetMgrEJB. See also AssetMgrEJB. public updateassetproperty(object ocustominfo, String strassetid, DomainData odomaindata) throws RemoteException Object ocustominfo The CustomInfo object. String strassetid The asset ID. DomainData odomaindata The DomainData object.

15 $VVHW0JU(-% $VVHW0JU(-% public class AssetMgrEJB extends StatelessBaseEJB implements SessionBean java.lang.object -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.ejb.statelessbaseejb -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.ejb.assetmgrejb This class provides asset services. $OO,PSOHPHQWHG,QWHUIDFHV SessionBean &RQVWUXFWRU6XPPDU\ AssetMgrEJB() Default constructor.,qvwdqfh0hwkrgv6xppdu\ InfoBean AssetBean deleteasset(assetbean) Deletes an asset from the avs_asset table. ejbactivate() Overrides with an empty method body. ejbcreate() Empty implementation of the SessionBean method. ejbpassivate() Overrides with an empty method body. ejbremove() Overrides with an empty method body. getasset(assetbean) Retrieves the complete asset corresponding to the basic identification information in the supplied asset.

16 $VVHW0JU(-% Vector AssetBean InfoBean getassettypes(long) Retrieves all asset types for the supplied account ID. insertasset(assetbean) Adds the asset as a new record in the avs_asset table. setsessioncontext(sessioncontext) Sets the context. updateasset(assetbean) Updates an asset in the avs_asset table, replacing the attributes of the database asset with those of oassetbean. updateassetproperty(object, String, DomainData) Updates an asset s properties based on information in the domain data. &RQVWUXFWRU $VVHW0JU(-% Default constructor. public AssetMgrEJB(),QVWDQFH0HWKRGV GHOHWH$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ HME$FWLYDWH Deletes an asset from the avs_asset table. public InfoBean deleteasset(assetbean oassetbean) AssetBean oassetbean The asset. This must contain at least the account ID, customer ID and type name of the asset. Overrides with an empty method body. public ejbactivate() 6SHFLILHG%\ ejbactivate() in javax.ejb.sessionbean

17 $VVHW0JU(-% HME&UHDWH HME3DVVLYDWH Empty implementation of the SessionBean method. public ejbcreate() Overrides with an empty method body. public ejbpassivate() 6SHFLILHG%\ ejbpassivate() in javax.ejb.sessionbean HME5HPRYH Overrides with an empty method body. public ejbremove() 6SHFLILHG%\ ejbremove() in javax.ejb.sessionbean JHW$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Retrieves the complete asset corresponding to the basic identification information in the supplied asset. public AssetBean getasset(assetbean oassetbean) AssetBean oassetbean The asset, containing at least the account ID, customer ID and type name of the asset. JHW$VVHW7\SHVORQJ Retrieves all asset types for the supplied account ID. public Vector getassettypes(long laccountid) long laccountid The account ID of the asset (the primary key of the account table). LQVHUW$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Adds the asset as a new record in the avs_asset table. public AssetBean insertasset(assetbean oassetbean)

18 $VVHW0JU(-% AssetBean oassetbean The asset. VHW6HVVLRQ&RQWH[W6HVVLRQ&RQWH[W Sets the context. public setsessioncontext(sessioncontext ctx) SessionContext ctx The session context. 6SHFLILHG%\ setsessioncontext(sessioncontext) in javax.ejb.sessionbean XSGDWH$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Updates an asset in the avs_asset table, replacing the attributes of the database asset with those of oassetbean. public InfoBean updateasset(assetbean oassetbean) AssetBean oassetbean The asset. XSGDWH$VVHW3URSHUW\2EMHFW6WULQJ'RPDLQ'DWD Updates an asset s properties based on information in the domain data. public updateassetproperty(object ocustominfo, String strassetid, DomainData odomaindata) Object ocustominfo The CustomInfo object. String strassetid The ID of the asset to be updated. DomainData odomaindata The DomainData object containing information about the asset, for use in updating the asset.

19 ,QWHUIDFH$VVHW0JU+RPH,QWHUIDFH$VVHW0JU+RPH public abstract interface AssetMgrHome implements EJBHome The home interface participates in the instantiation of the corresponding EJB class. $OO,PSOHPHQWHG,QWHUIDFHV EJBHome,QVWDQFH0HWKRG6XPPDU\ AssetMgr create(),qvwdqfh0hwkrg Implement this method to instantiate the bean. FUHDWH Implement this method to instantiate the bean. This method is called by the client program. Refer to J2EE specifications for more details. public AssetMgr create() throws CreateException, RemoteException

20 $VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ $VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ public class AssetTagAssociationBean extends InfoBean java.lang.object -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.infobean -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.assettagassociationbean This class represents the association of one or more tags with a single asset. &RQVWUXFWRU6XPPDU\ AssetTagAssociationBean() Default constructor.,qvwdqfh0hwkrgv6xppdu\ AssetBean Vector long String boolean boolean getassetbean() Returns the asset of this association. getassociationcollection() Retrieves a vector of AssociationBeans (one bean for each tag). getdatapointid() Retrieves the ID of the datapoint where association occurred. getdomaindata() Retrieves the XML representation the domain data for the association event. getforceassociation() Returns true if an association is to be made between an asset and tag, even if that would replace an existing association. isforceassociation() Returns true if an association is to be made between an asset and tag, even if that would replace an existing association. setassetbean(assetbean) Sets the asset of the association event.

21 $VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ setassociationcollection(vector) Sets a collection of AssociationBeans. setdatapointid(long) Sets the ID of the datapoint where association occurred. setdomaindata(string) Sets the domain data for the association event. setforceassociation(boolean) Sets whether an association is to be made between an asset and tag, even if that would replace an existing association. &RQVWUXFWRU $VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ Default constructor. public AssetTagAssociationBean(),QVWDQFH0HWKRGV JHW$VVHW%HDQ Returns the asset of this association. public AssetBean getassetbean() JHW$VVRFLDWLRQ&ROOHFWLRQ Retrieves a vector of AssociationBeans (one bean for each tag). public Vector getassociationcollection() JHW'DWDSRLQW,' Retrieves the ID of the datapoint where association occurred. public long getdatapointid()

22 $VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ JHW'RPDLQ'DWD Retrieves the XML representation the domain data for the association event. public String getdomaindata() JHW)RUFH$VVRFLDWLRQ Returns true if an association is to be made between an asset and tag, even if that would replace an existing association. LV)RUFH$VVRFLDWLRQ public boolean getforceassociation() Returns true if an association is to be made between an asset and tag, even if that would replace an existing association. public boolean isforceassociation() VHW$VVHW%HDQ$VVHW%HDQ Sets the asset of the association event. public setassetbean(assetbean oassetbean) AssetBean oassetbean The asset. VHW$VVRFLDWLRQ&ROOHFWLRQ9HFWRU Sets a collection of AssociationBeans. public setassociationcollection(vector oassociationcollection) Vector oassociationcollection A vector of AssociationBeans, which include the tags. VHW'DWDSRLQW,'ORQJ Sets the ID of the datapoint where association occurred. public setdatapointid(long ldatapointid) long ldatapointid The datapoint ID. VHW'RPDLQ'DWD6WULQJ Sets the domain data for the association event.

23 public setdomaindata(string strdomaindata) $VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ String strdomaindata An XML representation of the domain data. VHW)RUFH$VVRFLDWLRQERROHDQ Sets whether an association is to be made between an asset and tag, even if that would replace an existing association. public setforceassociation(boolean bforceassociation) boolean bforceassociation Whether an association is to be forced.

24 $VVHW7\SH%HDQ $VVHW7\SH%HDQ public class AssetTypeBean extends InfoBean java.lang.object -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.infobean -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.assettypebean This class represents types of assets. Sample types: pallet, chair style 1, chair style 2. &RQVWUXFWRU6XPPDU\ AssetTypeBean() Default constructor.,qvwdqfh0hwkrgv6xppdu\ long String long String getaccountid() Returns the account ID of the asset type. getassettypedescription() Returns the description of the asset type. getassettypeid() Returns the ID of the asset type, the primary key of the avs_asset_type table. getassettypename() Returns the name of the asset type. setaccountid(long) Sets the account ID. setassettypedescription(string) Sets the description of the asset type. setassettypeid(long) Sets the ID of the asset type.

25 $VVHW7\SH%HDQ setassettypename(string) Sets the name of the asset type. &RQVWUXFWRU $VVHW7\SH%HDQ Default constructor. public AssetTypeBean(),QVWDQFH0HWKRGV JHW$FFRXQW,' Returns the account ID of the asset type. public long getaccountid() JHW$VVHW7\SH'HVFULSWLRQ Returns the description of the asset type. public String getassettypedescription() JHW$VVHW7\SH,' Returns the ID of the asset type, the primary key of the avs_asset_type table. public long getassettypeid() JHW$VVHW7\SH1DPH Returns the name of the asset type. public String getassettypename() VHW$FFRXQW,'ORQJ Sets the account ID. public setaccountid(long laccountid) long laccountid The account ID.

26 $VVHW7\SH%HDQ VHW$VVHW7\SH'HVFULSWLRQ6WULQJ Sets the description of the asset type. public setassettypedescription(string strassettypedescription) String strassettypedescription The description of the asset type. VHW$VVHW7\SH,'ORQJ Sets the ID of the asset type. public setassettypeid(long lassettypeid) long lassettypeid The ID of the asset type. VHW$VVHW7\SH1DPH6WULQJ Sets the name of the asset type. public setassettypename(string strassettypename) String strassettypename The name of the asset type.

27 $VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ $VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ public class AssociationBean extends InfoBean java.lang.object -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.infobean -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.infobean.associationbean This class represents the association of a single tag with an asset. [[true?]] &RQVWUXFWRU6XPPDU\ AssociationBean() Default constructor.,qvwdqfh0hwkrgv6xppdu\ Timestamp long TagBean getactiontime() Returns the time of the tag read. getassociationid() Returns the ID of the association, the primary key of the avs_asset_property table. gettagbean() Returns the tag of this association. setactiontime(timestamp) Sets the time of the tag read. setassociationid(long) Sets the ID of the association, the primary key of the avs_asset_property table. settagbean(tagbean) Sets the tag of this association.

28 $VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ &RQVWUXFWRU $VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ Default constructor. public AssociationBean(),QVWDQFH0HWKRGV JHW$FWLRQ7LPH JHW$VVRFLDWLRQ,' JHW7DJ%HDQ Returns the time of the tag read. public Timestamp getactiontime() Returns the ID of the association, the primary key of the avs_asset_property table. public long getassociationid() Returns the tag of this association. public TagBean gettagbean() VHW$FWLRQ7LPH7LPHVWDPS Sets the time of the tag read. public setactiontime(timestamp dateactiontime) Timestamp dateactiontime The time of the tag read. VHW$VVRFLDWLRQ,'ORQJ Sets the ID of the association, the primary key of the avs_asset_property table. public setassociationid(long lassociationid) long lassociationid The association ID.

29 $VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ VHW7DJ%HDQ7DJ%HDQ Sets the tag of this association. public settagbean(tagbean otagbean) TagBean otagbean The tag.

30 ,QWHUIDFH$VVRFLDWLRQ0JU,QWHUIDFH$VVRFLDWLRQ0JU public abstract interface AssociationMgr implements EJBObject This is the remote interface for the remote/ejb/home combination for the activity bean. Even if the corresponding EJB bean class has more methods, only the methods of this interface can be activated on a remote system. $OO,PSOHPHQWHG,QWHUIDFHV EJBObject,QVWDQFH0HWKRGV6XPPDU\ AllocationBean AssetTagAssociationBea n InfoBean InfoBean AssetTagAssociationBea n AssetTagAssociationBea n AssetTagAssociationBea n allocate(allocationbean) Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. associatetagasset(assettagassociationbean) Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. modifyassociation(assetbean, TagBean) Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. unassociateasset(assetbean) Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. unassociatetagasset(assettagassociationbean) Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. verifyassociation(assetbean) Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. verifyassociation(tagbean) Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB.

31 ,QWHUIDFH$VVRFLDWLRQ0JU,QVWDQFH0HWKRGV DOORFDWH$OORFDWLRQ%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. See also AssociationMgrEJB. public AllocationBean allocate(allocationbean oallocationbean) throws RemoteException AllocationBean oallocationbean The results of a buy/sell transaction. DVVRFLDWH7DJ$VVHW$VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. See also AssociationMgrEJB. public AssetTagAssociationBean associatetagasset(assettagassociationbean oassettagassociationbean) throws RemoteException AssetTagAssociationBean oassettagassociationbean The association of asset and tag. PRGLI\$VVRFLDWLRQ$VVHW%HDQ7DJ%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. See also AssociationMgrEJB. public InfoBean modifyassociation(assetbean oassetbean, TagBean vectagbean) throws RemoteException AssetBean oassetbean The asset. TagBean vectagbean A collection of tags to be associate with the asset. XQDVVRFLDWH$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. See also AssociationMgrEJB. public InfoBean unassociateasset(assetbean oassetbean) throws RemoteException

32 ,QWHUIDFH$VVRFLDWLRQ0JU AssetBean oassetbean The asset. XQDVVRFLDWH7DJ$VVHW$VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. See also AssociationMgrEJB. public AssetTagAssociationBean unassociatetagasset(assettagassociationbean oassettagassociationbean) throws RemoteException AssetTagAssociationBean oassettagassociationbean The association of asset and tag. YHULI\$VVRFLDWLRQ$VVHW%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. See also AssociationMgrEJB. public AssetTagAssociationBean verifyassociation(assetbean oassetbean) throws RemoteException AssetBean oassetbean The asset. YHULI\$VVRFLDWLRQ7DJ%HDQ Required method signature for remote interface for DefaultActivityEJB. See also AssociationMgrEJB. public AssetTagAssociationBean verifyassociation(tagbean otagbean) throws RemoteException TagBean otagbean The tag.

33 $VVRFLDWLRQ0JU(-% $VVRFLDWLRQ0JU(-% public class AssociationMgrEJB extends DefaultActivityEJB implements SessionBean java.lang.object -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.ejb.statelessbaseejb -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.ejb.defaultactivityejb -- com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.ejb.associationmgrejb This class supports association of tags with assets. A tag can only be associated with one asset, and one asset can be associated with multiple tags. Tags and assets can be reused and re-associated by dropping old associations. AVS supports the creation of asset/tag association when association events arrive from the site server. If tags or assets do not yet exist in the system, they are created in real-time. For AVS to receive and process events dispatched from a site server as association/dissociation events, the user must configure a datapoint with an association or commission activity. $OO,PSOHPHQWHG,QWHUIDFHV SessionBean &RQVWUXFWRU6XPPDU\ AssociationMgrEJB() Default constructor.,qvwdqfh0hwkrgv6xppdu\ AllocationBean AssetTagAssociationBea n allocate(allocationbean) Allocates a range of asset IDs and returns the starting serial number to be allocated. associatetagasset(assettagassociationbean) Associates a tag with an asset. ejbactivate() Overrides with an empty method body.

34 $VVRFLDWLRQ0JU(-% InfoBean InfoBean AssetTagAssociationBea n AssetTagAssociationBea n AssetTagAssociationBea n ejbcreate() Performs super.ejbcreate() and retrieves the AssetMgr for use in associatetagasset(). ejbpassivate() Overrides with an empty method body. ejbremove() Overrides with an empty method body. modifyassociation(assetbean, TagBean) Modifies an association (deprecated). setsessioncontext(sessioncontext) Stores the session context provided by the system. unassociateasset(assetbean) Dissociates an asset from all of its tags. unassociatetagasset(assettagassociationbean) Dissociates one or more tags from an asset. verifyassociation(assetbean) Determines the association information from the supplied asset. verifyassociation(tagbean) Determines the association information from the supplied tag. &RQVWUXFWRU $VVRFLDWLRQ0JU(-% Default constructor. public AssociationMgrEJB(),QVWDQFH0HWKRGV DOORFDWH$OORFDWLRQ%HDQ Allocates a range of asset IDs and returns the starting serial number to be allocated.

35 $VVRFLDWLRQ0JU(-% public AllocationBean allocate(allocationbean oallocationbean) AllocationBean oallocationbean The results of a buy/sell transaction. DVVRFLDWH7DJ$VVHW$VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ HME$FWLYDWH Associates a tag with an asset. This method takes an AssetTagAssociationBean and returns a version of it that contains messages regarding any errors in the association process. public AssetTagAssociationBean associatetagasset(assettagassociationbean oassettagassociationbean) AssetTagAssociationBean oassettagassociationbean A tag and asset that are to be associated. Overrides with an empty method body. public ejbactivate() 6SHFLILHG%\ ejbactivate() in javax.ejb.sessionbean HME&UHDWH HME3DVVLYDWH Performs super.ejbcreate() and retrieves the AssetMgr for use in associatetagasset(). public ejbcreate() throws RemoteException Overrides with an empty method body. public ejbpassivate() 6SHFLILHG%\ ejbpassivate() in javax.ejb.sessionbean HME5HPRYH Overrides with an empty method body. public ejbremove()

36 $VVRFLDWLRQ0JU(-% 6SHFLILHG%\ ejbremove() in javax.ejb.sessionbean PRGLI\$VVRFLDWLRQ$VVHW%HDQ7DJ%HDQ Modifies an association (deprecated). public InfoBean modifyassociation(assetbean oassetbean, TagBean vectagbean) AssetBean oassetbean The asset. TagBean vectagbean A collection of tags to be associate with the asset. VHW6HVVLRQ&RQWH[W6HVVLRQ&RQWH[W Stores the session context provided by the system. public setsessioncontext(sessioncontext ctx) SessionContext ctx The session context. 6SHFLILHG%\ setsessioncontext(sessioncontext) in javax.ejb.sessionbean XQDVVRFLDWH$VVHW$VVHW%HDQ Dissociates an asset from all of its tags. If dissociation is successful, this method returns null. Otherwise, it returns an InfoBean containing the error message. public InfoBean unassociateasset(assetbean oassetbean) AssetBean oassetbean The asset. XQDVVRFLDWH7DJ$VVHW$VVHW7DJ$VVRFLDWLRQ%HDQ Dissociates one or more tags from an asset. public AssetTagAssociationBean unassociatetagasset(assettagassociationbean oassettagassociationbean) AssetTagAssociationBean oassettagassociationbean The tag/asset association information.

37 YHULI\$VVRFLDWLRQ$VVHW%HDQ Determines the association information from the supplied asset. $VVRFLDWLRQ0JU(-% public AssetTagAssociationBean verifyassociation(assetbean oassetbean) AssetBean oassetbean The asset. YHULI\$VVRFLDWLRQ7DJ%HDQ Determines the association information from the supplied tag. public AssetTagAssociationBean verifyassociation(tagbean otagbean) TagBean otagbean The tag.

38 ,QWHUIDFH$VVRFLDWLRQ0JU+RPH,QWHUIDFH$VVRFLDWLRQ0JU+RPH public abstract interface AssociationMgrHome implements EJBHome The home interface participates in the instantiation of the corresponding EJB class. $OO,PSOHPHQWHG,QWHUIDFHV EJBHome,QVWDQFH0HWKRG6XPPDU\ AssociationMgr create(),qvwdqfh0hwkrg Implement this method to instantiate the bean. FUHDWH Implement this method to instantiate the bean. This method is called by the client program. Refer to J2EE specifications for more details. public AssociationMgr create() throws CreateException, RemoteException

39 ,QWHUIDFH&RPPLVVLRQ$FWLYLW\ public abstract interface CommissionActivity implements DefaultActivity, NotifiableObject,QWHUIDFH&RPPLVVLRQ$FWLYLW\ This is the remote interface for the remote/ejb/home combination for the activity bean. Even if the corresponding EJB bean class has more methods, only the methods of this interface can be activated on a remote system. $OO,PSOHPHQWHG,QWHUIDFHV DefaultActivity, NotifiableObject,QVWDQFH0HWKRG6XPPDU\,QVWDQFH0HWKRG UHFHLYH(YHQWORQJ+DVKWDEOH receiveevent(long, Hashtable) Required method signature for remote interface for CommissionActivityEJB. Required method signature for remote interface for CommissionActivityEJB. See also CommissionActivityEJB. public receiveevent(long instanceid, Hashtable oparams) throws CreateException, RemoteException long instanceid The instance of the activity at a datapoint. The number is the primary key of the avs_datapoint_activity table. Hashtable oparams A table of parameters. 6SHFLILHG%\ receiveevent(long, Hashtable) in com.smartchain.datacenter.avs.notifiableobject

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