Concurrent Queues, Monitors, and the ABA problem. Companion slides for The Art of Multiprocessor Programming by Maurice Herlihy & Nir Shavit

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1 Concurrent Queues, Monitors, and the ABA problem Companion slides for The Art of Multiprocessor Programming by Maurice Herlihy & Nir Shavit

2 Queues Often used as buffers between producers and consumers Producers enqueue data/request to be processed Consumers dequeue data/request and process it Art of Multiprocessor Programming 2

3 Queues deq()/ enq( ) Total order First in First out Art of Multiprocessor Programming 3

4 Bounded Fixed capacity Good when resources an issue Art of Multiprocessor Programming 4

5 Unbounded Unlimited capacity Often more convenient Art of Multiprocessor Programming 5

6 Blocking zzz Block on attempt to remove from empty queue Art of Multiprocessor Programming 6

7 Blocking zzz Block on attempt to add to full bounded queue Art of Multiprocessor Programming 7

8 Non-Blocking Ouch! Throw exception on attempt to remove from empty queue Art of Multiprocessor Programming 8

9 This Lecture Queue Bounded, blocking, lock-based Unbounded, non-blocking, lock-free Art of Multiprocessor Programming 9

10 Queue: Concurrency enq(x) tail head y=deq() enq() and deq() work at different ends of the object Art of Multiprocessor Programming 10

11 Concurrency enq(x) y=deq() Challenge: what if the queue is empty or full? Art of Multiprocessor Programming 11

12 Bounded Queue head tail Sentinel Art of Multiprocessor Programming 12

13 Bounded Queue head tail First actual item Art of Multiprocessor Programming 13

14 Bounded Queue head tail deqlock Lock out other deq() calls Art of Multiprocessor Programming 14

15 Bounded Queue head tail deqlock enqlock Lock out other enq() calls Art of Multiprocessor Programming 15

16 Not Done Yet head tail deqlock enqlock Need to tell whether queue is full or empty Art of Multiprocessor Programming 16

17 Not Done Yet head tail deqlock enqlock size 1 Max size is 8 items Art of Multiprocessor Programming 17

18 Not Done Yet head tail deqlock enqlock size 1 Incremented by enq() Decremented by deq() Art of Multiprocessor Programming 18

19 Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock Lock enqlock size 1 Art of Multiprocessor Programming 19

20 Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock Read size size 1 OK Art of Multiprocessor Programming 20

21 Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock No need to lock tail size 1 Art of Multiprocessor Programming 21

22 Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 1 Enqueue Node Art of Multiprocessor Programming 22

23 Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 12 getandincrement() Art of Multiprocessor Programming 23

24 Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 82 Release lock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 24

25 Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 2 If queue was empty, notify waiting dequeuers Art of Multiprocessor Programming 25

26 Unsuccesful Enqueuer head tail deqlock enqlock Read size size 8 Uh-oh Art of Multiprocessor Programming 26

27 Dequeuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 2 Lock deqlock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 27

28 Dequeuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 2 Read sentinel s next field OK Art of Multiprocessor Programming 28

29 Dequeuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 2 Read value Art of Multiprocessor Programming 29

30 Dequeuer Make first Node new sentinel head tail deqlock enqlock size 2 Art of Multiprocessor Programming 30

31 Dequeuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 1 Decrement size Art of Multiprocessor Programming 31

32 Dequeuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 1 Release deqlock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 32

33 Unsuccesful Dequeuer head tail deqlock enqlock size 0 Read sentinel s next field uh-oh Art of Multiprocessor Programming 33

34 Bounded Queue public class BoundedQueue<T> { ReentrantLock enqlock, deqlock; Condition notemptycondition, notfullcondition; AtomicInteger size; Node head; Node tail; int capacity; enqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notfullcondition = enqlock.newcondition(); deqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notemptycondition = deqlock.newcondition(); } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 34

35 Bounded Queue public class BoundedQueue<T> { ReentrantLock enqlock, deqlock; Condition notemptycondition, notfullcondition; AtomicInteger size; Node head; Node tail; int capacity; Enq & deq locks enqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notfullcondition = enqlock.newcondition(); deqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notemptycondition = deqlock.newcondition(); } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 35

36 Digression: Monitor Locks Java synchronized objects and ReentrantLocks are monitors Allow blocking on a condition rather than spinning Threads: acquire and release lock wait on a condition Art of Multiprocessor Programming 36

37 The Java Lock Interface public interface Lock { void lock(); void lockinterruptibly() throws InterruptedException; boolean trylock(); boolean trylock(long time, TimeUnit unit); Condition newcondition(); void unlock; } Acquire lock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 37

38 The Java Lock Interface public interface Lock { void lock(); void lockinterruptibly() throws InterruptedException; boolean trylock(); boolean trylock(long time, TimeUnit unit); Condition newcondition(); void unlock; } Release lock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 38

39 The Java Lock Interface public interface Lock { void lock(); void lockinterruptibly() throws InterruptedException; boolean trylock(); boolean trylock(long time, TimeUnit unit); Condition newcondition(); void unlock; } Try for lock, but not too hard Art of Multiprocessor Programming 39

40 The Java Lock Interface public interface Lock { void lock(); void lockinterruptibly() throws InterruptedException; boolean trylock(); boolean trylock(long time, TimeUnit unit); Condition newcondition(); void unlock; } Create condition to wait on Art of Multiprocessor Programming 40

41 The Java Lock Interface public interface Lock { void lock(); void lockinterruptibly() throws InterruptedException; boolean trylock(); boolean trylock(long time, TimeUnit unit); Condition newcondition(); void unlock; } Never mind what this method does Art of Multiprocessor Programming 41

42 Lock Conditions public interface Condition { void await(); boolean await(long time, TimeUnit unit); void signal(); void signalall(); } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 42

43 Lock Conditions public interface Condition { void await(); boolean await(long time, TimeUnit unit); void signal(); void signalall(); } Release lock and wait on condition Art of Multiprocessor Programming 43

44 Lock Conditions public interface Condition { void await(); boolean await(long time, TimeUnit unit); void signal(); void signalall(); } Wake up one waiting thread Art of Multiprocessor Programming 44

45 Lock Conditions public interface Condition { void await(); boolean await(long time, TimeUnit unit); void signal(); void signalall(); } Wake up all waiting threads Art of Multiprocessor Programming 45

46 Await q.await() Releases lock associated with q Sleeps (gives up processor) Awakens (resumes running) Reacquires lock & returns Art of Multiprocessor Programming 46

47 Signal q.signal(); Awakens one waiting thread Which will reacquire lock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 47

48 Signal All q.signalall(); Awakens all waiting threads Which will each reacquire lock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 48

49 A Monitor Lock Lock() waiting room Critical Section unlock() Art of Multiprocessor Programming 49

50 Unsuccessful Deq Lock() waiting room Deq() Critical Section await() Oh no, Empty! Art of Multiprocessor Programming 50

51 Another One Lock() waiting room Deq() Critical Section await() Oh no, Empty! Art of Multiprocessor Programming 51

52 Enqueuer to the Rescue Lock() Yawn! Yawn! waiting room Enq( ) Critical Section signalall() unlock() Art of Multiprocessor Programming 52

53 Monitor Signalling waiting room Yawn! Yawn! Critical Section Awakened thread might still lose lock to outside contender Art of Multiprocessor Programming 53

54 Dequeuers Signalled waiting room Yawn! Critical Section Found it Art of Multiprocessor Programming 54

55 Dequeuers Signaled waiting room Yawn! Critical Section Still empty! Art of Multiprocessor Programming 55

56 Dollar Short + Day Late waiting room Critical Section Art of Multiprocessor Programming 56

57 Java Synchronized Methods public class Queue<T> { int head = 0, tail = 0; T[QSIZE] items; public synchronized T deq() { while (tail head == 0) wait(); T result = items[head % QSIZE]; head++; notifyall(); return result; } }} Art of Multiprocessor Programming 57

58 Java Synchronized Methods public class Queue<T> { } }} int head = 0, tail = 0; T[QSIZE] items; public synchronized T deq() { while (tail head == 0) wait(); T result = items[head % QSIZE]; head++; notifyall(); return result; Each object has an implicit lock with an implicit condition Art of Multiprocessor Programming 58

59 Java Synchronized Methods public class Queue<T> { int head = 0, tail = 0; T[QSIZE] items; Lock on entry, unlock on return public synchronized T deq() { while (tail head == 0) wait(); T result = items[head % QSIZE]; head++; notifyall(); return result; } }} Art of Multiprocessor Programming 59

60 Java Synchronized Methods public class Queue<T> { int head = 0, tail = 0; T[QSIZE] items; Wait on implicit condition public synchronized T deq() { while (tail head == 0) wait(); T result = items[head % QSIZE]; head++; this.notifyall(); return result; } }} Art of Multiprocessor Programming 60

61 Java Synchronized Methods public class Queue<T> { int head = 0, tail = 0; T[QSIZE] items; Signal all threads waiting on condition public synchronized T deq() { while (tail head == 0) this.wait(); T result = items[head % QSIZE]; head++; notifyall(); return result; } }} Art of Multiprocessor Programming 61

62 (Pop!) The Bounded Queue public class BoundedQueue<T> { ReentrantLock enqlock, deqlock; Condition notemptycondition, notfullcondition; AtomicInteger size; Node head; Node tail; int capacity; enqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notfullcondition = enqlock.newcondition(); deqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notemptycondition = deqlock.newcondition(); } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 62

63 Bounded Queue Fields public class BoundedQueue<T> { ReentrantLock enqlock, deqlock; Condition notemptycondition, notfullcondition; AtomicInteger size; Node head; Node tail; int capacity; Enq & deq locks enqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notfullcondition = enqlock.newcondition(); deqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notemptycondition = deqlock.newcondition(); } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 63

64 Bounded Queue Fields public class BoundedQueue<T> { ReentrantLock enqlock, deqlock; Condition notemptycondition, notfullcondition; AtomicInteger size; } Enq lock s associated condition Node head; Node tail; int capacity; enqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notfullcondition = enqlock.newcondition(); deqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notemptycondition = deqlock.newcondition(); Art of Multiprocessor Programming 64

65 Bounded Queue Fields public class BoundedQueue<T> { ReentrantLock enqlock, deqlock; Condition notemptycondition, notfullcondition; AtomicInteger size; Node head; } Node tail; int capacity; Num size: 0 to capacity enqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notfullcondition = enqlock.newcondition(); deqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notemptycondition = deqlock.newcondition(); Art of Multiprocessor Programming 65

66 Bounded Queue Fields public class BoundedQueue<T> { ReentrantLock enqlock, deqlock; Condition notemptycondition, notfullcondition; AtomicInteger size; Head and Tail Node head; Node tail; int capacity; enqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notfullcondition = enqlock.newcondition(); deqlock = new ReentrantLock(); notemptycondition = deqlock.newcondition(); } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 66

67 Enq Method Part One public void enq(t x) { boolean mustwakedequeuers = false; enqlock.lock(); try { while (size.get() == Capacity) notfullcondition.await(); Node e = new Node(x); = e; tail =; if (size.getandincrement() == 0) mustwakedequeuers = true; } finally { enqlock.unlock(); } } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 67

68 Enq Method Part One public void enq(t x) { boolean mustwakedequeuers = false; enqlock.lock(); try { while (size.get() == capacity) notfullcondition.await(); Node e = new Node(x); = e; tail =; if (size.getandincrement() == 0) mustwakedequeuers = true; } finally { enqlock.unlock(); } } Lock and unlock enq lock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 68

69 Enq Method Part One public void enq(t x) { boolean mustwakedequeuers = false; enqlock.lock(); try { while (size.get() == capacity) notfullcondition.await(); Node e = new Node(x); = e; tail =; if (size.getandincrement() == 0) mustwakedequeuers = true; } finally { enqlock.unlock(); } } Wait while queue is full Art of Multiprocessor Programming 69

70 Be Afraid public void enq(t x) { boolean mustwakedequeuers = false; enqlock.lock(); try { while (size.get() == capacity) notfullcondition.await(); Node e = new Node(x); = e; tail =; if (size.getandincrement() == 0) mustwakedequeuers = true; } finally { enqlock.unlock(); } } How do we know the queue won t become full again? Art of Multiprocessor Programming 70

71 Enq Method Part One public void enq(t x) { boolean mustwakedequeuers = false; enqlock.lock(); try { while (size.get() == capacity) notfullcondition.await(); Node e = new Node(x); = e; tail =; if (size.getandincrement() == 0) mustwakedequeuers = true; } finally { enqlock.unlock(); } } Add new node Art of Multiprocessor Programming 71

72 Enq Method Part One public void enq(t x) { boolean mustwakedequeuers = false; enqlock.lock(); try { while (size.get() == capacity) notfullcondition.await(); Node e = new Node(x); = e; tail =; if (size.getandincrement() == 0) mustwakedequeuers = true; } finally { enqlock.unlock(); } } If queue was empty, wake frustrated dequeuers Art of Multiprocessor Programming 72

73 Beware Lost Wake-Ups Lock() Yawn! waiting room Enq( ) Critical Section signal () unlock() Art of Multiprocessor Programming 73

74 Lock() Lost Wake-Up Yawn! waiting room Enq( ) Critical Section unlock() Art of Multiprocessor Programming 74

75 Lost Wake-Up Yawn! waiting room Critical Section Art of Multiprocessor Programming 75

76 Lost Wake-Up waiting room Critical Section Found it Art of Multiprocessor Programming 76

77 What s Wrong Here? waiting room Still waiting.! Critical Section Art of Multiprocessor Programming 77

78 Solution to Lost Wakeup Always use signalall() and notifyall() Not signal() and notify() Art of Multiprocessor Programming 78

79 Enq Method Part Deux public void enq(t x) { if (mustwakedequeuers) { deqlock.lock(); try { notemptycondition.signalall(); } finally { deqlock.unlock(); } } } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 79

80 Enq Method Part Deux public void enq(t x) { if (mustwakedequeuers) { deqlock.lock(); try { notemptycondition.signalall(); } finally { deqlock.unlock(); } } } Are there dequeuers to be signaled? Art of Multiprocessor Programming 80

81 Enq Method Part Deux public void enq(t x) { if (mustwakedequeuers) { deqlock.lock(); try { notemptycondition.signalall(); } finally { deqlock.unlock(); } } } Lock and unlock deq lock Art of Multiprocessor Programming 81

82 Enq Method Part Deux public void enq(t x) { Signal dequeuers that queue if (mustwakedequeuers) is no longer empty { deqlock.lock(); try { notemptycondition.signalall(); } finally { deqlock.unlock(); } } } Art of Multiprocessor Programming 82

83 The Enq() & Deq() Methods Share no locks That s good But do share an atomic counter Accessed on every method call That s not so good Can we alleviate this bottleneck? Art of Multiprocessor Programming 83

84 Split the Counter The enq() method Increments only Cares only if value is capacity The deq() method Decrements only Cares only if value is zero Art of Multiprocessor Programming 84

85 Split Counter Enqueuer increments enqsize Dequeuer decrements deqsize When enqueuer runs out Locks deqlock computes size = enqsize - DeqSize Intermittent synchronization Not with each method call Need both locks! (careful ) Art of Multiprocessor Programming 85

86 A Lock-Free Queue head tail Sentinel Art of Multiprocessor Programming 86

87 Compare and Set CAS Art of Multiprocessor Programming 87

88 Enqueue head tail Enq( ) Art of Multiprocessor Programming 88

89 Enqueue head tail Art of Multiprocessor Programming 89

90 Logical Enqueue head CAS tail Art of Multiprocessor Programming 90

91 Physical Enqueue head tail CAS Art of Multiprocessor Programming 91

92 Enqueue These two steps are not atomic The tail field refers to either Actual last Node (good) Penultimate Node (not so good) Be prepared! Art of Multiprocessor Programming 92

93 Enqueue What do you do if you find A trailing tail? Stop and help fix it If tail node has non-null next field CAS the queue s tail field to As in the universal construction Art of Multiprocessor Programming 93

94 When CASs Fail During logical enqueue Abandon hope, restart Still lock-free (why?) During physical enqueue Ignore it (why?) Art of Multiprocessor Programming 94

95 Dequeuer head tail Read value Art of Multiprocessor Programming 95

96 Dequeuer Make first Node new sentinel head tail CAS Art of Multiprocessor Programming 96

97 Memory Reuse? What do we do with nodes after we dequeue them? Java: let garbage collector deal? Suppose there is no GC, or we prefer not to use it? Art of Multiprocessor Programming 97

98 Dequeuer head tail CAS Can recycle Art of Multiprocessor Programming 98

99 Simple Solution Each thread has a free list of unused queue nodes Allocate node: pop from list Free node: push onto list Deal with underflow somehow Art of Multiprocessor Programming 99

100 Why Recycling is Hard head tail Want to redirect head from grey to red zzz Free pool Art of Multiprocessor Programming 100

101 Both Nodes Reclaimed head tail zzz Free pool Art of Multiprocessor Programming 101

102 One Node Recycled head tail Yawn! Free pool Art of Multiprocessor Programming 102

103 Why Recycling is Hard head CAS tail OK, here I go! Free pool Art of Multiprocessor Programming 103

104 Epic FAIL head tail zomg what went wrong? Free pool Art of Multiprocessor Programming 104

105 The Dreaded ABA Problem head tail Head reference has value A Thread reads value A Art of Multiprocessor Programming 105

106 Dreaded ABA continued head tail zzz Head reference has value B Node A freed Art of Multiprocessor Programming 106

107 Dreaded ABA continued head tail Yawn! Head reference has value A again Node A recycled and reinitialized Art of Multiprocessor Programming 107

108 Dreaded ABA continued head CAS tail CAS succeeds because references match, even though reference s meaning has changed Art of Multiprocessor Programming 108

109 The Dreaded ABA FAIL Is a result of CAS() semantics I blame Sun, Intel, AMD, Not with Load-Locked/Store- Conditional Good for IBM? Art of Multiprocessor Programming 109

110 Dreaded ABA A Solution Tag each pointer with a counter Unique over lifetime of node Pointer size vs word size issues Overflow? Don t worry be happy? Bounded tags? AtomicStampedReference class Art of Multiprocessor Programming 110

111 Atomic Stamped Reference class package Can get reference & stamp atomically Reference address S Stamp Art of Multiprocessor Programming 111

112 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 License. You are free: to Share to copy, distribute and transmit the work to Remix to adapt the work Under the following conditions: Attribution. You must attribute the work to The Art of Multiprocessor Programming (but not in any way that suggests that the authors endorse you or your use of the work). Share Alike. If you alter, transform, or build upon this work, you may distribute the resulting work only under the same, similar or a compatible license. For any reuse or distribution, you must make clear to others the license terms of this work. The best way to do this is with a link to Any of the above conditions can be waived if you get permission from the copyright holder. Nothing in this license impairs or restricts the author's moral rights. Art of Multiprocessor Programming 112

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