A-1 LISTING PROGRAM. Halaman Koneksi. Universitas Sumatera Utara

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1 A-1 LISTING PROGRAM Halaman Koneksi Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports System.Data.OleDb.OleDbCommand Module koneksi Public con As OleDbConnection Public cmd As OleDbCommand Public dtr As OleDbDataReader Dim mydatatable As DataTable Dim adapter As OleDbDataAdapter Private bindingsource1 As New BindingSource() Public Function _TesDB(ByVal src As String) As Boolean con = New OleDbConnection con.connectionstring = ("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=skripsi.accdb") Try con.open() Return True Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Terjadi Error : " & ex.message) Return False Finally con.close() End Try End Function Public Function OpenDB() As Boolean con = New OleDbConnection con.connectionstring = ("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=skripsi.accdb") Try con.open() Return True Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Terjadi Error : " & ex.message) Return False End Try End Function Public Sub _TableData(ByVal sql As String, ByVal obj As Object) OpenDB() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) Try 'obj.datasource = Nothing dtr = cmd.executereader obj = New DataTable obj.load(dtr) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Terjadi Error : " & ex.message) Finally dtr.close() con.close() End Try Public Function _DataToValue(ByVal sql As String) As String OpenDB()

2 A-2 cmd = New OleDbCommand Try Dim p As String p = "" cmd.connection = con cmd.commandtype = Data.CommandType.Text cmd.commandtext = sql dtr = cmd.executereader If dtr.hasrows Then dtr.read() p = (dtr.item(0)) Return p.tostring Catch ex As Exception Return ex.message Finally 'dtr.close() con.close() End Try End Function Public Sub _RunSQL(ByVal sql As String) OpenDB() cmd = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) Try cmd.executenonquery() Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) Finally con.close() End Try Public Sub _BindingView(ByVal sql As String, ByVal obj As DataGridView) OpenDB() Dim da As New OleDbDataAdapter Dim ds As New DataSet Dim str1 As String = sql da.selectcommand = New OleDbCommand(sql, con) da.fill(ds) con.close() obj.datasource = ds.tables(0) Function _isbof(byval table As String, ByVal field As String, ByVal wherevalue As String) As Boolean Dim p As Integer p = _DataToValue("Select count(" & field & ") from " & table & " Where " & field & "='" & wherevalue & "'") If p < 1 Then Return True Else Return False End Function Function _isbof2(byval sql As String) As Boolean Dim p As Integer p = _DataToValue(sql) If p < 1 Then Return True

3 A-3 Else Return False End Function Function _CreateNumber(ByVal fieldname As String, ByVal tablename As String, ByVal UniqeFirstChar As String) As String OpenDB() cmd = New OleDbCommand Dim Hitung As String Dim p As String p = "" Try cmd.connection = con cmd.commandtype = Data.CommandType.Text cmd.commandtext = "Select " & fieldname & " from " & tablename dtr = cmd.executereader If dtr.hasrows Then dtr.read() Hitung = Right(dtr.Item(fieldname), 5) + 1 p = UniqeFirstChar & "-" & Right("0000" & Hitung, 5) Else p = UniqeFirstChar & "-" & "00001" Return p.tostring Catch ex As Exception Return ex.message Finally 'dtr.close() con.close() End Try Return p End Function Public Sub _TxtNull(ByVal frm As Object) For Each ctrl As Control In frm.controls If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then CType(ctrl, TextBox).Text = String.Empty ctrl End Module Halaman Login Public Class FormMasuk Private Sub btntutup_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btntutup.click Dim keluar As MsgBoxResult keluar = MsgBox("Tutup Aplikasi?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo, "Informasi") If keluar = MsgBoxResult.Yes Then Close() Private Sub btnmasuk_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnmasuk.click If txtadmin.text = "smaistiqlal" And txtsandi.text = "delitua" Then FormAwal.Show() Me.Hide()

4 A-4 txtadmin.text = "" txtsandi.text = "" lblinfo.visible = False Else txtadmin.text = "" txtsandi.text = "" txtadmin.focus() lblinfo.visible = True End Class Halaman Awal Public Class FormAwal Private Sub btntutup_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btntutup.click FormMasuk.Show() Me.Hide() Private Sub btnsiswa_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsiswa.click FormSiswa.Show() Me.Hide() Private Sub btnguru_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnguru.click FormGuru.Show() Me.Hide() Private Sub btninfo_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btninfo.click FormInfo.Show() Me.Hide() Private Sub btnproses_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnproses.click FormProses.Show() Me.Hide() End Class Halaman Siswa Public Class FormSiswa Sub kosong() txtnis.text = "" txtnama.text = "" ComboBoxJK.Text = "" ComboBoxKelas.Text = "" ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Text = "" ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Text = "" txtmm.text = "" txtbindo.text = "" txtbing.text = ""

5 A-5 txtipa.text = "" lblmm1.text = "" lblfis1.text = "" lblkim1.text = "" lblbio1.text = "" lblbsi1.text = "" lblbsing1.text = "" lblba1.text = "" lblant1.text = "" Sub tampilisi() btnsimpan.visible = True btnubah.visible = False btnhapus.visible = False txtnis.enabled = True txtnama.enabled = True ComboBoxJK.Enabled = True ComboBoxKelas.Enabled = True Private Sub awal() koneksi._bindingview("select * from siswa", Me.dgsiswa) 'menampilkan isi dari database skripsi, table siswa _TxtNull(Me) dgsiswa.sort(dgsiswa.columns(3), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending) dgsiswa.sort(dgsiswa.columns(0), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending) Private Sub FormSiswa_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load awal() Me.Show() Application.DoEvents() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() ComboBoxJK.Items.Add("Laki-laki") ComboBoxJK.Items.Add("Perempuan") ComboBoxKelas.Items.Add("10.3") ComboBoxKelas.Items.Add("10.4") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Matematika") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Fisika") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Kimia") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Biologi") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Bahasa Arab") ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Items.Add("Antropologi") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Matematika") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Fisika") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Kimia") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Biologi") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Bahasa Arab") ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Items.Add("Antropologi") Private Sub btnsinkron_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsinkron.click

6 A-6 lblmm1.text = txtmm.text lblfis1.text = txtipa.text lblkim1.text = txtipa.text lblbio1.text = txtipa.text lblbsi1.text = txtbindo.text lblbsing1.text = txtbing.text lblba1.text = "0" lblant1.text = "0" Private Sub dgsiswa_cellclick(byval sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgsiswa.cellclick On Error Resume Me.txtnis.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(0).value Me.txtnama.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(1).value Me.ComboBoxJK.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(2).value Me.ComboBoxKelas.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(3).value Me.ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(4).value Me.ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(5).value Me.txtmm.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(6).value Me.txtbindo.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(10).value Me.txtbing.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(11).value Me.txtipa.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(7).value Me.lblmm1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(6).value Me.lblfis1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(7).value Me.lblkim1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(8).value Me.lblbio1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(9).value Me.lblbsi1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(10).value Me.lblbsing1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(11).value Me.lblba1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(12).value Me.lblant1.Text = dgsiswa.rows(e.rowindex).cells(13).value Me.btnsimpan.Visible = False Me.btnubah.Visible = True Me.btnhapus.Visible = True Me.txtnis.Enabled = False Me.txtnama.Enabled = False Me.ComboBoxJK.Enabled = False Me.ComboBoxKelas.Enabled = False Private Sub btnhapus_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnhapus.click If Me.txtnis.Text <> vbnullstring Then _RunSQL("Delete from siswa where nis =" & Me.txtnis.Text & "") awal() kosong() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() Private Sub btnsimpan_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsimpan.click _RunSQL("Insert into siswa values ('" & Me.txtnis.Text & "','" & Me.txtnama.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBoxJK.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBoxKelas.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Text & "','" & Me.lblmm1.Text & "','" & Me.lblfis1.Text & "','" & Me.lblkim1.Text & "','" & Me.lblbio1.Text & "','" & Me.lblbsi1.Text & "','" & Me.lblbsing1.Text & "','" & Me.lblba1.Text & "','" & Me.lblant1.Text & "')")

7 A-7 awal() kosong() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() Private Sub btnkembali_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnkembali.click FormAwal.Show() Me.Hide() Private Sub btnubah_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnubah.click _RunSQL("Update siswa set mapel_siswa='" & Me.ComboBoxMapelSiswa.Text & "', mapel_ortu='" & Me.ComboBoxMapelOrtu.Text & "', nilai_mm='" & Me.lblmm1.Text & "', nilai_fis='" & Me.lblfis1.Text & "', nilai_kim='" & Me.lblkim1.Text & "', nilai_bio='" & Me.lblbio1.Text & "', nilai_bsi='" & Me.lblbsi1.Text & "', nilai_bsing='" & Me.lblbsing1.Text & "' Where nis=" & Me.txtnis.Text & "") awal() kosong() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() Private Sub btnreset_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnreset.click kosong() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() End Class Halaman Guru Public Class FormGuru Private Sub awal() koneksi._bindingview("select * from guru", Me.dgguru) 'menampilkan isi dari tabel guru _TxtNull(Me) dgguru.sort(dgguru.columns(0), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending) Sub kosong() txtnama.text = "" txtniy.text = "" ComboBoxJKGuru.Text = "" ComboBoxMapel.Text = "" ComboBoxMapelGuru.Text = "" Sub tampilisi() btnsimpan.visible = True btnubah.visible = False btnhapus.visible = False txtniy.enabled = True txtnama.enabled = True ComboBoxJKGuru.Enabled = True

8 A-8 ComboBoxMapel.Enabled = True ComboBoxMapelGuru.Enabled = True Private Sub btnkembali_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnkembali.click FormAwal.Show() Me.Hide() Private Sub FormGuru_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load awal() tampilisi() ComboBoxJKGuru.Items.Add("Laki-laki") ComboBoxJKGuru.Items.Add("Perempuan") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Pendidikan Agama") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Bahasa Indonesia") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Bahasa Inggris") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Matematika") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Fisika") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Kimia") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Biologi") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Sejarah") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Geografi") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Ekonomi") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Sosiologi") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Seni Budaya") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Pendidikan Jasmani") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Bahasa Arab") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Tata Boga") ComboBoxMapel.Items.Add("Bimbingan Konseling") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Matematika") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Fisika") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Kimia") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Biologi") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Bahasa Arab") ComboBoxMapelGuru.Items.Add("Antropologi") Private Sub btnsimpan_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsimpan.click _RunSQL("Insert into guru values ('" & Me.txtniy.Text & "','" & Me.txtnama.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBoxJKGuru.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBoxMapel.Text & "','" & Me.ComboBoxMapelGuru.Text & "')") awal() txtniy.text = "" txtnama.text = "" ComboBoxJKGuru.Text = "" ComboBoxMapel.Text = "" ComboBoxMapelGuru.Text = "" txtnama.focus() Private Sub dgguru_cellclick(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgguru.cellclick Me.txtniy.Text = dgguru.rows(e.rowindex).cells(0).value

9 A-9 Me.txtnama.Text = dgguru.rows(e.rowindex).cells(1).value Me.ComboBoxJKGuru.Text = dgguru.rows(e.rowindex).cells(2).value Me.ComboBoxMapel.Text = dgguru.rows(e.rowindex).cells(3).value Me.ComboBoxMapelGuru.Text = dgguru.rows(e.rowindex).cells(4).value Me.btnsimpan.Visible = False Me.btnubah.Visible = True Me.btnhapus.Visible = True Me.txtniy.Enabled = False Me.txtnama.Enabled = False Me.ComboBoxJKGuru.Enabled = False Me.ComboBoxMapel.Enabled = False Private Sub btnhapus_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnhapus.click If Me.txtniy.Text <> vbnullstring Then _RunSQL("Delete from guru where niy =" & Me.txtniy.Text & "") awal() kosong() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() Private Sub btnubah_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnubah.click _RunSQL("Update guru set mapel_guru='" & Me.ComboBoxMapelGuru.Text & "' Where niy=" & Me.txtniy.Text & "") awal() kosong() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() Private Sub btnreset_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnreset.click kosong() tampilisi() txtnama.focus() End Class Halaman Proses Public Class FormProses Private Sub nilai() 'untuk mengambil nilai dari database siswa dan guru With dgnilai.columncount = 6.Columns(0).Name = "Mata Pelajaran".Columns(1).Name = "Nilai Siswa".Columns(2).Name = "Minat Siswa".Columns(3).Name = "Rekomen Guru".Columns(4).Name = "Jumlah Guru".Columns(5).Name = "Rekomen Ortu" With dgnilai Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"Matematika"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"Fisika"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"Kimia"}

10 A-10 Indonesia"} Inggris"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"Biologi"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa Arab"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"Antropologi"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8) With dgnilai dgnilai.item(1, 0).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_mm) from siswa") dgnilai.item(1, 1).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_fis) from siswa") dgnilai.item(1, 2).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_kim) from siswa") dgnilai.item(1, 3).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_bio) from siswa") dgnilai.item(1, 4).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_bsi) from siswa") dgnilai.item(1, 5).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_bsing) from siswa") dgnilai.item(1, 6).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_ba) from siswa") dgnilai.item(1, 7).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select avg (nilai_ant) from siswa") dgnilai.item(2, 0).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='matematika'") dgnilai.item(2, 1).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='fisika'") dgnilai.item(2, 2).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='kimia'") dgnilai.item(2, 3).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='biologi'") dgnilai.item(2, 4).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia'") dgnilai.item(2, 5).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='bahasa dan Sastra Inggris'") dgnilai.item(2, 6).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='bahasa Arab'") dgnilai.item(2, 7).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_siswa) from siswa where mapel_siswa='antropologi'") dgnilai.item(3, 0).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='matematika'") dgnilai.item(3, 1).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='fisika'") dgnilai.item(3, 2).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='kimia'") dgnilai.item(3, 3).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='biologi'") dgnilai.item(3, 4).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia'")

11 A-11 dgnilai.item(3, 5).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='bahasa dan Sastra Inggris'") dgnilai.item(3, 6).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='bahasa Arab'") dgnilai.item(3, 7).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_guru) from guru where mapel_guru='antropologi'") dgnilai.item(4, 0).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='matematika'") dgnilai.item(4, 1).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='fisika'") dgnilai.item(4, 2).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='kimia'") dgnilai.item(4, 3).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='biologi'") dgnilai.item(4, 4).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='bahasa Indonesia'") dgnilai.item(4, 5).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='bahasa Inggris'") dgnilai.item(4, 6).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='bahasa Arab'") dgnilai.item(4, 7).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (guru_mapel) from guru where guru_mapel='antropologi'") dgnilai.item(5, 0).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='matematika'") dgnilai.item(5, 1).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='fisika'") dgnilai.item(5, 2).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='kimia'") dgnilai.item(5, 3).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='biologi'") dgnilai.item(5, 4).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia'") dgnilai.item(5, 5).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='bahasa dan Sastra Inggris'") dgnilai.item(5, 6).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='bahasa Arab'") dgnilai.item(5, 7).Value = koneksi._datatovalue("select count (mapel_ortu) from siswa where mapel_ortu='antropologi'") Private Sub sinkron() 'mengubah nilai awal menjadi nilai yang sudah diintervalkan With dgnilaii 'tabel nilai yang sudah diintervalkan.columncount = 6.Columns(0).Name = "Mata Pelajaran".Columns(1).Name = "Nilai Siswa".Columns(2).Name = "Minat Siswa".Columns(3).Name = "Rekomen Guru".Columns(4).Name = "Jumlah Guru".Columns(5).Name = "Rekomen Ortu" With dgnilaii Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"Matematika"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"Fisika"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"Kimia"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"Biologi"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia"}

12 A-12 Inggris"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa Arab"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"Antropologi"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8) With dgnilaii Dim n_s As Double Dim m_s As Double Dim r_g As Double Dim j_g As Double Dim r_o As Double n_s = dgnilai.item(1, i).value() If n_s < 21 Then dgnilaii.item(1, i).value = 1 ElseIf n_s >= 21 And n_s < 41 Then dgnilaii.item(1, i).value = 2 ElseIf n_s >= 41 And n_s < 61 Then dgnilaii.item(1, i).value = 3 ElseIf n_s >= 61 And n_s < 81 Then dgnilaii.item(1, i).value = 4 Else dgnilaii.item(1, i).value = 5 m_s = dgnilai.item(2, i).value() If m_s <= 5 Then dgnilaii.item(2, i).value = 1 ElseIf m_s >= 6 And m_s < 11 Then dgnilaii.item(2, i).value = 2 ElseIf m_s >= 11 And m_s < 16 Then dgnilaii.item(2, i).value = 3 ElseIf m_s >= 16 And m_s < 21 Then dgnilaii.item(2, i).value = 4 Else dgnilaii.item(2, i).value = 5 r_g = dgnilai.item(3, i).value() If r_g <= 3 Then dgnilaii.item(3, i).value = 1 ElseIf r_g >= 4 And r_g < 7 Then dgnilaii.item(3, i).value = 2 ElseIf r_g >= 7 And r_g < 10 Then dgnilaii.item(3, i).value = 3 ElseIf r_g >= 10 And r_g < 13 Then dgnilaii.item(3, i).value = 4 Else dgnilaii.item(3, i).value = 5

13 A-13 j_g = dgnilai.item(4, i).value() If j_g <= 1 Then dgnilaii.item(4, i).value = 1 ElseIf j_g = 2 Then dgnilaii.item(4, i).value = 2 ElseIf j_g = 3 Then dgnilaii.item(4, i).value = 3 ElseIf j_g = 4 Then dgnilaii.item(4, i).value = 4 Else dgnilaii.item(4, i).value = 5 r_o = dgnilai.item(5, i).value() If r_o <= 5 Then dgnilaii.item(5, i).value = 1 ElseIf r_o >= 6 And r_o < 11 Then dgnilaii.item(5, i).value = 2 ElseIf r_o >= 11 And r_o < 16 Then dgnilaii.item(5, i).value = 3 ElseIf r_o >= 16 And r_o < 21 Then dgnilaii.item(5, i).value = 4 Else dgnilaii.item(5, i).value = 5 Private Sub priokriteria() 'untuk memberikan nilai prioritas setiap kriteria With dgkriteria.columncount = 2.Columns(0).Name = "Kriteria".Columns(0).Width = 110.Columns(1).Name = "Bobot Prioritas" With dgkriteria Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"Nilai Siswa"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"Minat Siswa"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"Rekomen Guru"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah Guru"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"Rekomen Ortu"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5) With dgkriteria dgkriteria.item(1, 0).Value = txtkriteria1.text dgkriteria.item(1, 1).Value = txtkriteria2.text dgkriteria.item(1, 2).Value = txtkriteria3.text dgkriteria.item(1, 3).Value = txtkriteria4.text dgkriteria.item(1, 4).Value = txtkriteria5.text

14 A-14 Private Sub nilaiw() 'menghitung nilai Wi (WP) With dgperbot 'tabel perbaikan bobot.columncount = 2.Columns(0).Name = "Kriteria".Columns(0).Width = 110.Columns(1).Name = "W(i)" With dgperbot Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"Nilai Siswa"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"Minat Siswa"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"Rekomen Guru"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah Guru"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"Rekomen Ortu"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5) With dgperbot Dim w As Double Dim sumw As Double For i = 0 To 4 sumw = sumw + dgkriteria.item(1, i).value() For i = 0 To 4 w = dgkriteria.item(1, i).value() dgperbot.item(1, i).value = w / sumw Private Sub nilais() 'menghitung nilai Si (WP) With dgsi.columncount = 2.Columns(0).Name = "Mata Pelajaran".Columns(1).Name = "S(i)" With dgsi Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"Matematika"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"Fisika"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"Kimia"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"Biologi"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa Arab"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"Antropologi"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7)

15 A-15.Rows.Add(row8) With dgsi Dim si As Double = 1 For n = 0 To 7 For m = 1 To 5 si = si * (dgnilaii.item(m, n).value() ^ dgperbot.item(1, m - 1).Value) dgsi.item(1, n).value = si si = 1 Private Sub nilaiv() 'menghitung nilai Vi (WP) With dgvi.columncount = 2.Columns(0).Name = "Mata Pelajaran".Columns(1).Name = "V(i)" With dgvi Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"Matematika"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"Fisika"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"Kimia"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"Biologi"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa Arab"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"Antropologi"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8) With dgvi Dim vi As Double Dim sumvi As Double sumvi = sumvi + dgsi.item(1, i).value() vi = dgsi.item(1, i).value() dgvi.item(1, i).value = vi / sumvi Private Sub ranking() 'merangkingkan mata pelajaran dari nilai Vi (WP) With dgrank.columncount = 3.Columns(0).Name = "Mata Pelajaran"

16 A-16.Columns(0).Width = 200.Columns(1).Name = "V(i)".Columns(2).Name = "Ranking" Indonesia"} Inggris"} Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"Matematika"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"Fisika"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"Kimia"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"Biologi"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa dan Sastra Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"Bahasa Arab"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"Antropologi"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8) For j = 0 To 7 dgrank.item(1, j).value = dgvi.item(1, j).value() dgrank.sort(dgrank.columns(1), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending) dgrank.item(2, i).value = (i + 1) Private Sub kriteriasederhana() 'penyederhanaan kriteria (AHP) With dga 'tabel penyederhanaan kriteria.columncount = 7.Columns(0).Name = " ".Columns(0).Width = 50.Columns(1).Name = "K1".Columns(1).Width = 50.Columns(2).Name = "K2".Columns(2).Width = 50.Columns(3).Name = "K3".Columns(3).Width = 50.Columns(4).Name = "K4".Columns(4).Width = 50.Columns(5).Name = "K5".Columns(5).Width = 50.Columns(6).Name = "Eigen Vektor" With dga Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"K1"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"K2"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"K3"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"K4"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"K5"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah"}

17 A-17.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6) With dga Dim suma, sumb, sumc, sumd, sume, sum, sumev, lbla As Double For i = 1 To 5 For j = 0 To 4 dga.item(i, j).value = dgkriteria.item(1, j).value() / dgkriteria.item(1, (i - 1)).Value() For i = 0 To 4 suma = suma + dga.item(1, i).value() sumb = sumb + dga.item(2, i).value() sumc = sumc + dga.item(3, i).value() sumd = sumd + dga.item(4, i).value() sume = sume + dga.item(5, i).value() dga.item(1, 5).Value() = suma dga.item(2, 5).Value() = sumb dga.item(3, 5).Value() = sumc dga.item(4, 5).Value() = sumd dga.item(5, 5).Value() = sume For i = 0 To 4 For j = 1 To 5 sum = sum + (dga.item(j, i).value() / dga.item(j, 5).Value()) dga.item(6, i).value = sum / 5 sum = 0 sumev = sumev + dga.item(6, i).value() dga.item(6, 5).Value() = sumev For i = 1 To 5 lbla = lbla + (dga.item(i, 5).Value() * dga.item(6, (i - 1)).Value()) lblpeva.text = lbla lblcia.text = (lbla - 5) / (5-1) Private Sub kriteria1() 'tabel matriks untuk kriteria 1 (AHP) With dgb.columncount = 10.Columns(0).Name = " ".Columns(0).Width = 50.Columns(1).Name = "A1".Columns(1).Width = 50.Columns(2).Name = "A2".Columns(2).Width = 50.Columns(3).Name = "A3".Columns(3).Width = 50.Columns(4).Name = "A4".Columns(4).Width = 50.Columns(5).Name = "A5"

18 A-18.Columns(5).Width = 50.Columns(6).Name = "A6".Columns(6).Width = 50.Columns(7).Name = "A7".Columns(7).Width = 50.Columns(8).Name = "A8".Columns(8).Width = 50.Columns(9).Name = "Eigen Vektor" With dgb Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"A1"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"A2"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"A3"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"A4"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"A5"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"A6"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"A7"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"A8"} Dim row9 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8).Rows.Add(row9) With dgb Dim suma, sumb, sumc, sumd, sume, sumf, sumg, sumh, sum, sumev, lbla As Double For i = 1 To 8 For j = 0 To 7 dgb.item(i, j).value = dgnilaii.item(1, j).value() / dgnilaii.item(1, (i - 1)).Value() suma = suma + dgb.item(1, i).value() sumb = sumb + dgb.item(2, i).value() sumc = sumc + dgb.item(3, i).value() sumd = sumd + dgb.item(4, i).value() sume = sume + dgb.item(5, i).value() sumf = sumf + dgb.item(6, i).value() sumg = sumg + dgb.item(7, i).value() sumh = sumh + dgb.item(8, i).value() dgb.item(1, 8).Value() = suma dgb.item(2, 8).Value() = sumb dgb.item(3, 8).Value() = sumc dgb.item(4, 8).Value() = sumd dgb.item(5, 8).Value() = sume dgb.item(6, 8).Value() = sumf dgb.item(7, 8).Value() = sumg dgb.item(8, 8).Value() = sumh For j = 1 To 8

19 A-19 sum = sum + (dgb.item(j, i).value() / dgb.item(j, 8).Value()) dgb.item(9, i).value = sum / 8 sum = 0 sumev = sumev + dgb.item(9, i).value() dgb.item(9, 8).Value() = sumev For i = 1 To 8 lbla = lbla + (dgb.item(i, 8).Value() * dgb.item(9, (i - 1)).Value()) lblpevb.text = lbla lblcib.text = (lbla - 8) / (8-1) Private Sub kriteria2() 'tabel matriks untuk kriteria 2 (AHP) With dgc.columncount = 10.Columns(0).Name = " ".Columns(0).Width = 50.Columns(1).Name = "A1".Columns(1).Width = 50.Columns(2).Name = "A2".Columns(2).Width = 50.Columns(3).Name = "A3".Columns(3).Width = 50.Columns(4).Name = "A4".Columns(4).Width = 50.Columns(5).Name = "A5".Columns(5).Width = 50.Columns(6).Name = "A6".Columns(6).Width = 50.Columns(7).Name = "A7".Columns(7).Width = 50.Columns(8).Name = "A8".Columns(8).Width = 50.Columns(9).Name = "Eigen Vektor" With dgc Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"A1"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"A2"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"A3"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"A4"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"A5"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"A6"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"A7"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"A8"} Dim row9 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8).Rows.Add(row9)

20 A-20 With dgc Dim suma, sumb, sumc, sumd, sume, sumf, sumg, sumh, sum, sumev, lbla As Double For i = 1 To 8 For j = 0 To 7 dgc.item(i, j).value = dgnilaii.item(2, j).value() / dgnilaii.item(2, (i - 1)).Value() suma = suma + dgc.item(1, i).value() sumb = sumb + dgc.item(2, i).value() sumc = sumc + dgc.item(3, i).value() sumd = sumd + dgc.item(4, i).value() sume = sume + dgc.item(5, i).value() sumf = sumf + dgc.item(6, i).value() sumg = sumg + dgc.item(7, i).value() sumh = sumh + dgc.item(8, i).value() dgc.item(1, 8).Value() = suma dgc.item(2, 8).Value() = sumb dgc.item(3, 8).Value() = sumc dgc.item(4, 8).Value() = sumd dgc.item(5, 8).Value() = sume dgc.item(6, 8).Value() = sumf dgc.item(7, 8).Value() = sumg dgc.item(8, 8).Value() = sumh For j = 1 To 8 sum = sum + (dgc.item(j, i).value() / dgc.item(j, 8).Value()) dgc.item(9, i).value = sum / 8 sum = 0 sumev = sumev + dgc.item(9, i).value() dgc.item(9, 8).Value() = sumev For i = 1 To 8 lbla = lbla + (dgc.item(i, 8).Value() * dgc.item(9, (i - 1)).Value()) lblpevc.text = lbla lblcic.text = (lbla - 8) / (8-1) Private Sub kriteria3() 'tabel matriks untuk kriteria 3 (AHP) With dgd.columncount = 10.Columns(0).Name = " ".Columns(0).Width = 50.Columns(1).Name = "A1".Columns(1).Width = 50.Columns(2).Name = "A2".Columns(2).Width = 50.Columns(3).Name = "A3".Columns(3).Width = 50.Columns(4).Name = "A4".Columns(4).Width = 50

21 A-21.Columns(5).Name = "A5".Columns(5).Width = 50.Columns(6).Name = "A6".Columns(6).Width = 50.Columns(7).Name = "A7".Columns(7).Width = 50.Columns(8).Name = "A8".Columns(8).Width = 50.Columns(9).Name = "Eigen Vektor" With dgd Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"A1"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"A2"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"A3"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"A4"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"A5"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"A6"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"A7"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"A8"} Dim row9 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8).Rows.Add(row9) With dgd Dim suma, sumb, sumc, sumd, sume, sumf, sumg, sumh, sum, sumev, lbla As Double For i = 1 To 8 For j = 0 To 7 dgd.item(i, j).value = dgnilaii.item(3, j).value() / dgnilaii.item(3, (i - 1)).Value() suma = suma + dgd.item(1, i).value() sumb = sumb + dgd.item(2, i).value() sumc = sumc + dgd.item(3, i).value() sumd = sumd + dgd.item(4, i).value() sume = sume + dgd.item(5, i).value() sumf = sumf + dgd.item(6, i).value() sumg = sumg + dgd.item(7, i).value() sumh = sumh + dgd.item(8, i).value() dgd.item(1, 8).Value() = suma dgd.item(2, 8).Value() = sumb dgd.item(3, 8).Value() = sumc dgd.item(4, 8).Value() = sumd dgd.item(5, 8).Value() = sume dgd.item(6, 8).Value() = sumf dgd.item(7, 8).Value() = sumg dgd.item(8, 8).Value() = sumh

22 A-22 For j = 1 To 8 sum = sum + (dgd.item(j, i).value() / dgd.item(j, 8).Value()) dgd.item(9, i).value = sum / 8 sum = 0 sumev = sumev + dgd.item(9, i).value() dgd.item(9, 8).Value() = sumev For i = 1 To 8 lbla = lbla + (dgd.item(i, 8).Value() * dgd.item(9, (i - 1)).Value()) lblpevd.text = lbla lblcid.text = (lbla - 8) / (8-1) Private Sub kriteria4() 'tabel matriks untuk kriteria 4 (AHP) With dge.columncount = 10.Columns(0).Name = " ".Columns(0).Width = 50.Columns(1).Name = "A1".Columns(1).Width = 50.Columns(2).Name = "A2".Columns(2).Width = 50.Columns(3).Name = "A3".Columns(3).Width = 50.Columns(4).Name = "A4".Columns(4).Width = 50.Columns(5).Name = "A5".Columns(5).Width = 50.Columns(6).Name = "A6".Columns(6).Width = 50.Columns(7).Name = "A7".Columns(7).Width = 50.Columns(8).Name = "A8".Columns(8).Width = 50.Columns(9).Name = "Eigen Vektor" With dge Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"A1"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"A2"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"A3"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"A4"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"A5"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"A6"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"A7"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"A8"} Dim row9 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8)

23 A-23.Rows.Add(row9) With dge Dim suma, sumb, sumc, sumd, sume, sumf, sumg, sumh, sum, sumev, lbla As Double For i = 1 To 8 For j = 0 To 7 dge.item(i, j).value = dgnilaii.item(4, j).value() / dgnilaii.item(4, (i - 1)).Value() suma = suma + dge.item(1, i).value() sumb = sumb + dge.item(2, i).value() sumc = sumc + dge.item(3, i).value() sumd = sumd + dge.item(4, i).value() sume = sume + dge.item(5, i).value() sumf = sumf + dge.item(6, i).value() sumg = sumg + dge.item(7, i).value() sumh = sumh + dge.item(8, i).value() dge.item(1, 8).Value() = suma dge.item(2, 8).Value() = sumb dge.item(3, 8).Value() = sumc dge.item(4, 8).Value() = sumd dge.item(5, 8).Value() = sume dge.item(6, 8).Value() = sumf dge.item(7, 8).Value() = sumg dge.item(8, 8).Value() = sumh For j = 1 To 8 sum = sum + (dge.item(j, i).value() / dge.item(j, 8).Value()) dge.item(9, i).value = sum / 8 sum = 0 sumev = sumev + dge.item(9, i).value() dge.item(9, 8).Value() = sumev For i = 1 To 8 lbla = lbla + (dge.item(i, 8).Value() * dge.item(9, (i - 1)).Value()) lblpeve.text = lbla lblcie.text = (lbla - 8) / (8-1) Private Sub kriteria5() 'tabel matriks untuk kriteria 5 (AHP) With dgf.columncount = 10.Columns(0).Name = " ".Columns(0).Width = 50.Columns(1).Name = "A1".Columns(1).Width = 50.Columns(2).Name = "A2".Columns(2).Width = 50.Columns(3).Name = "A3".Columns(3).Width = 50.Columns(4).Name = "A4"

24 A-24.Columns(4).Width = 50.Columns(5).Name = "A5".Columns(5).Width = 50.Columns(6).Name = "A6".Columns(6).Width = 50.Columns(7).Name = "A7".Columns(7).Width = 50.Columns(8).Name = "A8".Columns(8).Width = 50.Columns(9).Name = "Eigen Vektor" With dgf Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"A1"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"A2"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"A3"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"A4"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"A5"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"A6"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"A7"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"A8"} Dim row9 As String() = New String() {"Jumlah"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8).Rows.Add(row9) With dgf Dim suma, sumb, sumc, sumd, sume, sumf, sumg, sumh, sum, sumev, lbla As Double For i = 1 To 8 For j = 0 To 7 dgf.item(i, j).value = dgnilaii.item(5, j).value() / dgnilaii.item(5, (i - 1)).Value() suma = suma + dgf.item(1, i).value() sumb = sumb + dgf.item(2, i).value() sumc = sumc + dgf.item(3, i).value() sumd = sumd + dgf.item(4, i).value() sume = sume + dgf.item(5, i).value() sumf = sumf + dgf.item(6, i).value() sumg = sumg + dgf.item(7, i).value() sumh = sumh + dgf.item(8, i).value() dgf.item(1, 8).Value() = suma dgf.item(2, 8).Value() = sumb dgf.item(3, 8).Value() = sumc dgf.item(4, 8).Value() = sumd dgf.item(5, 8).Value() = sume dgf.item(6, 8).Value() = sumf dgf.item(7, 8).Value() = sumg dgf.item(8, 8).Value() = sumh

25 A-25 For j = 1 To 8 sum = sum + (dgf.item(j, i).value() / dgf.item(j, 8).Value()) dgf.item(9, i).value = sum / 8 sum = 0 sumev = sumev + dgf.item(9, i).value() dgf.item(9, 8).Value() = sumev For i = 1 To 8 lbla = lbla + (dgf.item(i, 8).Value() * dgf.item(9, (i - 1)).Value()) lblpevf.text = lbla lblcif.text = (lbla - 8) / (8-1) Private Sub nilaiahp() 'menghitung nilai untuk setiap alternatif (AHP) With dgg.columncount = 3.Columns(0).Name = "Mata Pelajaran".Columns(0).Width = 80.Columns(1).Name = "Nilai".Columns(1).Width = 60.Columns(2).Name = "Ranking".Columns(2).Width = 70 With dgg Dim row1 As String() = New String() {"A1"} Dim row2 As String() = New String() {"A2"} Dim row3 As String() = New String() {"A3"} Dim row4 As String() = New String() {"A4"} Dim row5 As String() = New String() {"A5"} Dim row6 As String() = New String() {"A6"} Dim row7 As String() = New String() {"A7"} Dim row8 As String() = New String() {"A8"}.Rows.Add(row1).Rows.Add(row2).Rows.Add(row3).Rows.Add(row4).Rows.Add(row5).Rows.Add(row6).Rows.Add(row7).Rows.Add(row8) With dgg dgg.item(1, i).value = (dga.item(6, 0).Value() * dgb.item(9, i).value()) + (dga.item(6, 1).Value() * dgc.item(9, i).value()) + (dga.item(6, 2).Value() * dgd.item(9, i).value()) + (dga.item(6, 3).Value() * dge.item(9, i).value()) + (dga.item(6, 4).Value() * dgf.item(9, i).value()) dgg.sort(dgg.columns(1), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Descending)

26 A-26 dgg.item(2, i).value = (i + 1) Sub ulang() dgnilai.rows.clear() dgnilai.columns.clear() dgnilaii.rows.clear() dgnilaii.columns.clear() dgkriteria.rows.clear() dgkriteria.columns.clear() dgperbot.rows.clear() dgperbot.columns.clear() dgsi.rows.clear() dgsi.columns.clear() dgvi.rows.clear() dgvi.columns.clear() dgrank.rows.clear() dgrank.columns.clear() dga.rows.clear() dga.columns.clear() dgb.rows.clear() dgb.columns.clear() dgc.rows.clear() dgc.columns.clear() dgd.rows.clear() dgd.columns.clear() dge.rows.clear() dge.columns.clear() dgf.rows.clear() dgf.columns.clear() dgg.rows.clear() dgg.columns.clear() btnsinkron.visible = False btnperbot.visible = False btnvi.visible = False btnsi.visible = False btnrank.visible = False btna.visible = False btnb.visible = False btnc.visible = False btnd.visible = False btne.visible = False btnf.visible = False btng.visible = False txtkriteria1.text = "" txtkriteria2.text = "" txtkriteria3.text = "" txtkriteria4.text = "" txtkriteria5.text = "" lblpeva.text = "" lblcia.text = "" lblpevb.text = "" lblcib.text = "" lblpevc.text = "" lblcic.text = "" lblpevd.text = "" lblcid.text = "" lblpeve.text = "" lblcie.text = ""

27 A-27 lblpevf.text = "" lblcif.text = "" Private Sub btnproses_click_1(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnproses.click nilai() //memasukkan nilai dari database ke tabel btnsinkron.visible = True btnprosesulang.visible = True Private Sub btnsinkron_click_1(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsinkron.click sinkron() //mengintervalkan nilai btnperbot.visible = True btna.visible = True Private Sub btnkriteria_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnkriteria.click If txtkriteria1.text > 5 Or txtkriteria2.text > 5 Or txtkriteria3.text > 5 Or txtkriteria4.text > 5 Or txtkriteria5.text > 5 Then MessageBox.Show("Nilai Prioritas Kriteria Harus Bernilai 1-5", "Pesan", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) ElseIf txtkriteria1.text < 1 Or txtkriteria2.text < 1 Or txtkriteria3.text < 1 Or txtkriteria4.text < 1 Or txtkriteria5.text < 1 Then MessageBox.Show("Nilai Prioritas Kriteria Tidak Boleh 0 dan Minus", "Pesan", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning) Else priokriteria() //memasukkan nilai kriteria Private Sub btnkembali_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnkembali.click FormAwal.Show() Me.Hide() Private Sub btnperbot_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnperbot.click nilaiw() //mencari nilai wi (WP) btnsi.visible = True Private Sub btnsi_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnsi.click nilais() //mencari nilai si (WP) btnvi.visible = True Private Sub btnvi_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnvi.click nilaiv() //mencari nilai vi (WP) btnrank.visible = True Private Sub btnrank_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnrank.click

28 A-28 ranking() //melakukan perankingan (WP) Private Sub btna_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btna.click kriteriasederhana() //penyederhanaan nilai kriteria (AHP) btnb.visible = True Private Sub btnb_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnb.click kriteria1() //membuat tabel matriks untuk kriteria 1 (AHP) btnc.visible = True Private Sub btnc_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnc.click kriteria2() //membuat tabel matriks untuk kriteria 2 (AHP) btnd.visible = True Private Sub btnd_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnd.click kriteria3() //membuat tabel matriks untuk kriteria 3 (AHP) btne.visible = True Private Sub btne_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btne.click kriteria4() //membuat tabel matriks untuk kriteria 4 (AHP) btnf.visible = True Private Sub btnf_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnf.click kriteria5() //membuat tabel matriks untuk kriteria 5 (AHP) btng.visible = True Private Sub btng_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btng.click nilaiahp() //membuat perankingan (AHP) Private Sub btnprosesulang_click(byval sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnprosesulang.click ulang() nilai() btnsinkron.visible = True Private Sub FormProses_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load btnprosesulang.visible = False End Class

29 CURRICULUM VITAE DATA DIRI Nama : Ammazizzaky Tarigan Tempat / Tanggal Lahir : Deli Tua / 19 September 1993 Alamat / Kode Pos : Jl. Kolam No. 54 Delitua / Agama : Islam Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki arafat.avatar@gmail.com Nomor HP : PENDIDIKAN FORMAL : D3 Teknik Informatika : SMA Swasta Istiqlal Delitua : MTs Swasta Istiqlal Delitua : SD Swasta YPI Delitua : TK Swasta Singosari Delitua SEMINAR / KURSUS 2014 : Seminar Nasional Literasi Informasi 2014 Fakultas Ilmu Komputer dan Teknologi Informasi, Universitas Sumatera Utara 2011 : Workshop 3 Hari Bisa Web di Fakultas Matematika dan IPA 2011 : Seminar Teknologi Informasi The Development of ModernOperating System Technology: Android - The New Trend in Modern Operating System di 2010 : International Seminar on Mathematics and Its Applications di KEAHLIAN Bahasa Bahasa Pemrograman DBMS : Indonesia, Inggris : Visual Basic : MySQL PENGALAMAN ORGANISASI 2013 : Anggota Bidang Pendidikan IMMTIKA FMIPA USU 2012 : Angg. Bid. Pendidikan UKMI Al-Falak FMIPA USU 2009 : Ketua OSIS SMA Istiqlal Delitua

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