4. FVS Module. Overview. Module Components

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1 1 4. FVS Module Overview This module, the second in a sequence of four workflow modules managed by the BioSum Manager software, connects the FIA forest inventory data with the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS; USDA Forest Service 2007) and its Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE; Rebain 2010). These models are developed and maintained by the USDA Forest Service, with detailed documentation and model software available at ( Because of the bridging role played by this BioSum module, terminology shifts here towards what is standard in the FVS model; hence, the forested conditions loaded in module 1 (Database) become stands from the perspective of FVS simulation. By the completion of this module, the FVS simulation will have been applied to every stand (forested condition) loaded in module 1 to assess the effects of a series of one or more silvicultural treatments scheduled over a 15 or 30 year time horizon (three 5-year cycles or three 10-year cycles). These sequences of silvicultural activities are referenced in this users guide, equivalently, as sequences or packages. Package effects, that is to say, the outcomes of applying the specified sequence of activities, are characterized as stand attributes (e.g., metrics of crown fire potential, stand density, and tree size) both pre- and post-treatment, and flows of materials, at each of 4 time points (e.g., 0, 10, 20 and 30 years, in a 30-year simulation). Stand attributes are estimated or predicted using both standard outputs from and custom-computations conducted in FVS and FFE. BioSum Manager generates most of the required input for FVS, such as the stand list file, the location file, and the tree files, as ASCII text files formatted to be read directly by FVS or via the FVS PREDISPOSE application. BioSum also generates rudimentary keyword script (KCP) files containing instructions to direct simulation outputs to the appropriate BioSum project database, specify output types, and create a base-year potential fire (POTFIRE) report in FVS. A BioSum analyst must flesh out these KCP files with scripting code (mainly keywords and associated parameters), for executing stand management activities at the appropriate times and is responsible for understanding FVS including its operation, internal functioning, and limitations. A very rudimentary introduction to operating FVS is provided in this documentation. Analysts not deeply acquainted with FVS should consider taking FVS training (which is available via the Forest Management Service Center at Ft. Collins) or, at minimum, reading all available FVS documentation and completing FVS tutorials, which are available on the FVS web site ( After silvicultural sequences have been modeled in FVS, the BioSum Manager extracts and processes data from the FVS output databases, building the foundations for running Processor, the next step in the BioSum workflow, which estimates the costs of each silvicultural sequence applied to each stand and the volume and value of products that result from implementing these treatments. Module Components This module includes six component tasks, all of which should be completed before proceeding with the next module: (1) Plot FVS Variants review FVS variant-plot assignments, (2) Rx define or edit each silvicultural prescription (treatment) that will be applied, (3) Rx Package

2 2 define or edit each package of treatments (silvicultural sequence) to be applied over a three FVS cycles, (4) Tree Species inspect, audit, edit and assign FVS trees species codes and species specific parameters such as wood density, (5) Create FVS Input create the files that will be used during FVS processing, and (6) Process FVS Outputs import FVS outputs to build the foundation for running Processor. Plot FVS Variant FVS simulations rely on equations and computation code that differ among geographic areas, known as variants in FVS parlance (Figure 4.1). FiguFiFigure 4.1 FVS variant map. Source: USDA Forest Service In general, the equations, such as those that predict diameter and height growth, were developed using growth data from trees within a variant. Surface fuel model assignment, site class calculation, mortality estimation, crown ratio and crown width parameters, and fuel moisture content assumptions are a few of the many other items that differ among variants. Thus it is very important that each plot, and the stands (conditions) that it contains be assigned to the variant in which it geographically resides. The fiadb_fvs_variant table in the ref_master database contains the correct variant assignments for all plots in the FIA database in the states of CA, OR, WA, ID, MT and UT, so for analyses within those states, this step is more of an opportunity to review and conduct quality assurance, than to assign variants. 1. To assign the appropriate variant to plot records or to review the current assignments, select <Plot FVS Variants>. 2. The Plot FVS Variants window will appear, with a list of plots and their existing FVS variant assignment in a sienna-brown colored, editable column. This table can be

3 3 browsed, sorted (indexed) or filtered, via functions available from the right click menu when right clicking while the cursor is placed in the desired column. For example, one could specify a particular value to filter on in the county column (Filter by Entered Value) to list all plots in that county, or filter by entered value the fvs_variant column (leaving the entered value blank) to list all plots that lack a variant assignment. However, it is easier to find cases of plots that lack a variant assignment by running an audit on the plot. The prudent analyst will run audits whenever they are offered in a BioSum window to identify potential issues that, if ignored, could corrupt or invalidate the BioSum analysis. Figure 4.2 Plot FVS Variants window containing a list of plots and existing FVS variant assignments. 3. To run an audit select the button labeled <Check For Plots Without Variant Codes>, which initiates a script that identifies plots without a variant assignment. A message box will indicate whether the audit passed or failed, and if it failed, those plots without variant assignments will appear in the table in the upper half of this task window, provided they exist in the fiafb_fvs_variant table in the database C:\Program Files (x86)\fia PNW Portland Forestry Sciences Lab\FIA Biosum 5.7.6\db\ref_master.mdb. 4. Select the records to be updated using the <Check All> button, or manually select individual plot records. After records are selected, update plot table using the <Update Plot Records With FIADB FVS Variant Table> button to automatically make variant assignments based on the values in the fiadb_fvs_variant table in the ref_master database.

4 4 Inspect and sort the fvs_variant column of the Plot Table to make sure that fvs variants have been assigned for all plots. To confirm that all plots have been assigned a variant, the audit can be re-run by selecting <Check For Plots Without Variant Codes>. 5. If plots exist outside the states for which the fiadb_fvs_variant table contains variant assignments, it will be necessary to correct NULL values manually. It may be helpful to consult the FVS website ( for information on assigning an appropriate variant code. 6. Click <Save>, then <Close> to save the FVS variant assignments and exit the task window. Rx The next step is to define and label the silvicultural prescriptions (treatments) to be simulated in FVS. We refer to treatments as Rx throughout this guide. Treatments ultimately consist of a file of keywords and parameters provided to FVS to guide what happens at a particular time. For example, one might define treatment 200 as thin across diameter classes (a constant harvest proportion applied to all diameter classes) to a residual density of 85 sq. ft basal area per acre, while cutting no trees larger than 36 in diameter, using mechanized whole tree harvest on gentle slopes and cable manual logging on steep slopes. To model a different residual density or upper diameter limit, you would create additional prescriptions (e.g., 201 with residual basal area=100, upper dimeter limit 36, etc.). Treatments may also include activities that take place in the stand that are not harvest per se, for example, piling and burning or masticating harvest residues.. Once treatments are defined, they can be assigned to one or more treatment packages, which are simply sequences of either the same or different prescriptions, implemented over 4 cycles. Note that some cycles in a package may have Rxs that are essentially grow-only and harvest no trees. 1. Define silvicultural treatments to be applied in FVS by clicking <Rx> to load the Rx task window. 2. For each treatment to be added to the project: a. Select <New> to open the Treatments window, which will display four tabs: Treatment, Harvest Method, Harvest Costs, and Associated FVS Command(s), which we explain below. b. Treatment: After selecting the treatment tab, choose a category, sub-category, and ID number. Each treatment must be assigned a value between 001 and 999. Treatment ids 001 to 699 represent pre-defined treatment categories, and treatment ids 700 to 999 can be used to label any custom-defined treatment. After choosing one

5 5 for the new Rx, enter a brief description of that treatment. These will be important, later in the BioSum workflow, to help recall what the Rx is intended to accomplish. Apply your edits by clicking <Select>. Figure 4.3 Treatment tab of the FVS:Treatment window. Treatment category, sub-category, ID #, and description are assigned at this stage. c. Harvest Method: Choose the Harvest Method tab. Select a harvest method for low slopes and a harvest method for steep slopes. Percent slope threshold at which a slope is categorized as steep will be specified later in the Processor module of BioSum (chapter 4). Once a harvest method is selected, a brief description of the method will appear in the Description text box. Refer to Appendix A for a list and description of harvesting methods available for selection.

6 6 Figure 4.4 Harvest Method tab of the FVS:Treatment window. Select harvest methods for low and steep slopes. d. Harvest Costs: Add any additional harvest cost components i.e., those that are not accounted for by the OpCost model, such as the cost for conducting prescribed fire or pile and burn operations. The actual costs (in dollars per acre) of these components will need to be assigned during the Processor phase of BioSum (Chapter 5). To define a cost component, select <New> and enter the name for the cost component and a brief description in the window that pops-up Figure 4.5 Harvest Cost tab of the FVS: Treatment window. Add any additional harvest cost components associated with this treatment. e. Associated FVS Commands: A user may wish to enter FVS management keywords for the treatment for documentation purposes; if so, click this tab and then <New>. An interactive window will prompt you for FVS keywords and

7 7 parameter values. Select <OK> when finished. This step is not required; the function is supported for possible future development of semi-automated FVS kcp file generation. Figure 4.6 Associated FVS Command(s) tab of FVS: Treatment window. Enter FVS management keywords specific to the treatment. f. When all desired information has been entered (treatment and harvest method are required; others are optional), select <OK> in the upper left hand corner to return to the Treatment List. Your treatment will not be saved in the project until clicking <Save> at the bottom of the treatment list. 3. To make changes to a treatment already displayed in the treatment list, select it (it will show as highlighted) and then click <Edit>. 4. When finished creating or editing treatments, click <Save>, then <Close>, to exit Treatments window. Rx Package In BioSum a series of treatments applied to a stand over a 15 or 30 year time period (three 5-year cycles or three 10-year cycles) is referred to as an Rx package. In subsequent modules these Rx packages will be evaluated and compared to one another and/or to a grow only (no treatment) package, depending upon the objectives of the user. An Rx package consists of a sequence of one or more of the Rxs already defined with the possibility that some cycles will have no Rx assigned or a prescription of grow only. 1. Assemble a sequence of silvicultural prescriptions to be applied in FVS by clicking <Rx Package> to load the Treatment Packages task window. 2. To create a new package: a. Select <New> to open the Treatment Package Item window, which has three tabs: Package, Harvest Costs, and Associated FVS Command(s). b. Package: To create a new package: i. Select an available package ID number from the <Package ID> dropdown list.

8 ii. Write a brief description of the package in the text box next to <Description>. iii. Next, specify whether your projection will utilize 5- or 10-year cycles by selecting the radio button next to the cycle length of choice in the <FVS Cycle Length> box. (Note: all packages within a BioSum project must have the same cycle length.) iv. To add a treatment to a cycle year, select the year: 00, 10, 20, or 30, and click <Edit>. v. Uncheck the box next to <Skip Treatment> (by default, each cycle will be populated with a skip treatment via the check box). vi. Assign a prescription from the dropdown list next to <Rx ID>. You will see a list of prescription ids that have been defined in this project within in the dropdown window.select the prescription to assign. vii. Select <OK> to add the treatment to the package. The treatment selected should appear next to the desired year along with its description. viii. To add another treatment to the package, return to step IV. If no treatment is to be administered in a cycle year, no action is necessary; BioSum will assume no treatment as indicated by the skip treatment box being checked. ix. An FVS.kcp file can be attached to the package by selecting <Assign KCP File>. This allows the user to save a link in the BioSum project to the location of the KCP file used to run the FVS simulation for a given package. By establishing these links (for each package), the user can easily view, or edit, the details of what happens in a package via the Open KCP file to view/edit contents. A brief introduction to FVS.kcp files is included later in this chapter; for now note that it is possible to pair BioSum packages and FVS keyword component files in this manner. 8

9 9 Figure 4.7 Package tab of the FVS: Treatment Package window. Define a package as a sequence of previously defined Rxs. c. Harvest Costs: This window contains a list of harvest costs, assigned during Rx creation, for each prescription in the package. These items are read-only since they are bound to the treatment. Remember, the cost per acre values will be specified at a later stage in the analysis. Figure 4.8 Harvest Costs tab of the FVS: Treatment Package window. View a list of harvest cost components associated with Rxs in this package. d. Associated FVS Commands: A list of the FVS commands assigned during Rx creation for all prescriptions in the package. You can add package specific

10 10 keywords by selecting <New> and choosing a command from the drop down menu. e. Click <OK> to close the Treatment Package Item window. 3. Repeat step 2 for each package you wish to create. When finished, click <Save> then <Close> to exit. 4. To make changes to a treatment package you have already created, simply select the package from the Treatment Package List table and click <Edit>. Select <Delete> to delete a package from your project. Remember that no changes, including deletions, are saved as final until clicking <Save> at the bottom of the Treatment Package List. 5. To display full documentation of prescriptions and packages in the project, (warning: this can take several minutes to complete) click <Properties> from the Treatment Packages window to open an html file in your default browser. The page will open in your browser and display details for every treatment assembled for this project database. Clicking the hyperlink <Printer Friendly> in the upper left hand corner will display a printable version of the summary table. 6. Click <Close> to exit the Treatment Packages window. Tree Species, FVS predictions are customized to both geography and tree species, via allometric, regional and tree species specific equations for tree growth, mortality, and volume. These equations are embedded in the FVS framework and result in a geographic variant of FVS. Therefore, each tree in a BioSum analysis must be assigned an FVS tree species code. The FIA database, however, has a greater number of tree species than are specifically simulated in FVS. The tree_species table in the project s ref_master database contains FVS species code assignments for many FVS variant and FIA species combinations. If you have a tree species in your data that is not recognized by the FVS variant used for prediction, the tree_species reference table may be customized to map that species to one that FVS does recognize for that variant. This step in the FVS module offers an opportunity to ensure all trees in your study area are assigned an appropriate FVS species code. Trees that have not been assigned a FVS species code valid for the variant in which they are modeled can lead to unpredictable results, including invalid predictions of growth and biomass and volume that disappear from the analysis. 1. Open the Tree Species window by selecting <Tree Species> from the side menu. 2. The Tree Species window will appear, with the tree_species reference table visible at the bottom. This table can be browsed, sorted, or filtered to, for example, find specific tree and variant combinations, or reference oven dry weight and dry to green values for

11 11 specific tree species. To sort or filter, right click in a cell under the desired column type and select the desired type of filtering. 3. To ensure every FIA tree species and FVS variant combination in your project has an assigned FVS species code, select <Run Audit> from the Tree Species window. Figure 4.9 Tree Species window. Run an audit to check for records without an FVS species code assignment. 4. A list of species\variant combinations without an assigned FVS species code will appear in the Audit Results table in the upper half of the window, and a pop-up window will appear with audit details. If there are no missing values in your project database, a pop-up window will appear stating that the audit has passed. If your project contains tree species that do not have a corresponding FVS species code in the Tree Species table, an error message will be displayed to alert you that the audit failed (Figure 4.10).

12 12 Figure 4.10 Tree Species audit window. Audit will fail if a variant\species code combination is not found in the tree_species table. 5. To add the records with null values (missing or invalid FIA/FVS species code combinations) to the tree species table, select the check boxes next to each record, or use the <Check All> button to add all records with null values, and then click <Add Checked Items To Tree Species Table>. To clear any selected records in the Audit Results table click <Clear All>. 6. Once records are in the tree_species table, a record can be edited by clicking the <Edit> button to open the Procesor Tree Species Edit window to edit the FVS variant, FIA tree species code, common name, oven dry weight, and other descriptors associated with the selected entry. 7. Save edits to the tree_species table by clicking on the <Save> button. Changes to the table will not be updated until saved. 8. If duplicate tree species\variant combinations are found within the table, a warning will appear when changes are saved (Figure 4.11). Close the warning window using the <OK> button, select one of the duplicate records in the table, and click <Delete>. Be sure to <Save> your update.

13 13 Figure 4.11 If BioSum identified duplicate FIA species/fvs variant combinations, it will not allow the tree_species table to be saved. Duplicate records must be deleted before continuing. FVS Input Data The next step is to create the files necessary for FVS growth projection: input tree and plot files, destination Microsoft Access databases, and variant-specific KCP files. While there are several pre-processing tools that can be used to create the input files needed to run a simulation in FVS, it is recommended that when using BioSum, these files are created using the FVS Input Data tool to ensure consistancy throughout the workflow. As noted in the Database chapter of this user guide, all data fields required for FVS projections, including fields that are to be used to calibrate growth projections (e.g. increment data, seedling records, tree defect values) will need to be added before the initial import of plot data into BioSum. Otherwise, these fields will not be included in FVS input files created by BioSum. To create FVS input files: 1. Open the Create FVS Input window by selecting <FVS Input Data> from the side menu. 2. The top section of the interactive window contains information about the BioSum project up to this point. Four interactive buttons (Plot Missing FVS Variant Value, Tree Species Missing FVS Variant Value, Number of Treatments, and Number of Packages) can be used to jump to previously completed steps; next to each is a value representing the number of times that event occurs in the project. Double check these numbers to ensure their accuracy. To make edits, simply click the appropriate button. a. Selecting the <Plots Missing FVS Variant Value> will pull up the Plot FVS Variant window. The number next to this button lists the number of tree species assigned an FVS variant. This number should be zero after completing the Plot FVS Variant step in this module. b. <Tree Species Missing FVS Variant Value> will open the Tree Species table. The number next to this button lists the number of plots not assigned an FVS species code. This number should be zero after completing the Tree Species step in this module.

14 14 c. <Number of Treatments> launches the Treatments List window. Treatments can be added, edited, or deleted here. d. The Treatment Packages window can be accessed from the <Number of Packages> button. Treatment packages can be added, edited, or deleted here. Figure 4.12 Create FVS Input window. 3. The Action Items drop-down menu contains seven executable functions integral to the FVS input file creation process. These functions are only executed for variant/rx package combinations selected in the Create FVS Input table. Click<Check All> to selectall variant/rx package combinations or select the desired Rx package(s) by clicking on the check box next to each package. To execute a function from the drop down menu simply select the tool and click <Execute Action>. A recommended order of operations is outlined here. a. Create FVS input text files: Create the stand list file, location file, and tree files for each variant. These files are required FVS input. The tree file provides data such as plot and tree identification, tree species code, and tree measurements for each tree record. The stand list file (extension.slf) contains attributes for a particular stand, derived from information in the FIA Condition table. It lists all the stands available for inclusion within a simulation and points to the location of

15 15 the input files containing tree-level data (i.e., those with file extension.fvs ). One location file is created per variant in the project. The location file is used by FVS to tell the model where the stand list file is located. These input text files can be found in the folder path specified as the Data Directory at the top of the Create FVS Input window, within the corresponding variant folder. b. Create FVS output MDB files: Create the empty database to which FVS output files will be directed (by the KCP file produced in the next step) once the simulation is complete. File names are created by combining vital package and variant information to help the user quickly identify the contents of each file. The format is FVSOUT_variant_packageid-rxid-rxid-rxid-rxid.mdb. 000 is coded for cycles that have no treatment (rxid) assigned. Figure Dababase files are created by combing vital package and variant information to help user quickly identify contents of each file. c. Write KCP template scripts: This action creates two types of keyword script (.kcp) files. i. The first type is a package specific.kcp created for every package in every variant. For example, if a project consisted of three packages and the study area spanned four variants, BioSum will create twelve.kcp files. These files are named FVSOUT_variant_packageid-rxid-rxid-rxid-rxid.kcp. They contain keywords that direct output files to the appropriate output database, define time cycles of project treatments, and specify output tables to be generated. ii. Unlike the previous.kcp file, the second type is a variant specific file. (If the study area spans four variants, BioSum will create four.kcp files.) These files are named FVSOUT_variant_POTFIRE_BaseYr.kcp and will be used to produce base year (year of inventory) potential fire (POTFIRE) values in FVS. More details on the reasoning behind and use of this file are included in the following section.

16 16 Figure 4.14 A sample of the template.kcp file created by BioSum. This file will be used when running a simulation in FVS. d. Delete standard FVS output tables, Delete POTFIRE base year output tables, Delete both standard and POTFIRE base year output tables: If tables have already been appended via the FVS Output Data window, it is imperative that these tables be deleted before rerunning a simulation in FVS. If FVS output tables are not deleted before data is re-appended, duplicate records will be added, corrupting the FVS output databases. Select the appropriate function from the three delete options above and select <Execute Action> to delete unwanted output tables. e. View KCP Template Scripts: This actionopens the KCP file created for the selected variant/rx package combination in the default text editing application. f. Once the FVS input text files, the FVS output MDB files, and the KCP template scripts have been created the user can close out of the FVS Input Data window. FVS The next step in the BioSum process is to run growth and treatment simulations with the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS) application created by the USDA Forest Service. The following instructions assume that the user is running the FVS growth model through the SUPPOSE interface. All documentation and the most recent version of the SUPPOSE interface can be found on the FVS website (

17 17 Before jumping into the main procedure, it is important to mention that FVS is a complex application. Model performance can be greatly improved by adjusting the default settings to better represent inventoried stand conditions. A detailed outline of how to calibrate FVS projections using increment data is included in Appendix B of this user guide. For more information on modifying model performance by establishing baseline trends refer to Vandendriesche (2010). In addition to calibration, accounting for regeneration in FVS growth projections is essential if attributes like ladder fuels and sustainability of stand structure are to be considered. Currently, the only areas for which FVS provides a full establishment model are western Montana, central and northern Idaho, and coastal Alaska. The remaining states are equipped with only a partial establishment model, meaning that only regeneration from planting or stump sprouting is included in the growth projections (Vanendriesche 2010). For these areas, an understory estimation procedure has been developed to import seedling/sapling recruitment (Vanendriesche 2009). See Appendix C for an overview of how to include regeneration in FVS growth projections using this method. Potential Fire (POTFIRE) Base Year Values The potential fire report is an optional output of the Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE) of FVS. The report contains information about the potential impact of fires under extreme and moderate fire conditions (as defined by the user), and can be useful in assessing how management impacts stand and fuel conditions. Stand attributes predicted by via request for a POTFIRE report are generated after any harvest or salvage operations scheduled for each year, but before any prescribed fires (Rebain 2010). Therefore, if a mechanical treatment is scheduled to occur in the first year of the simulation, the POTFIRE table would not contain base year values for each stand but rather values present after treatment. Because it is often desirable to assess fuel conditions before and after treatment, BioSum assists the user in generating a base year POTFIRE table and facilitates appending these values to the main FVS output database, if desired. The use of these values is specified in Step 1 of the FVS Join and Append process described later in this chapter. Note: The Core Analysis module in BioSum is designed to facilitate the comparison of attribute values pre- and post-treatment to help assess the effectiveness of management activities. If POTFIRE values are to be assigned as one of these indicators of effectiveness, it is highly recommended that the following procedure be implemented; otherwise attribute values will not properly reflect the change in fuel conditions before and after treatment. The process of generating a base year POTFIRE report is outlined below; appending the resulting table to package specific FVS POTFIRE tables is covered in the FVS Output Data section. The following steps should be repeated for each variant.

18 18 1. During FVS input creation, several.kcp files were generated using the Write KCP Template Scripts tool. In addition to the package specific files, BioSum created an FVSOUT_variant_POTFIRE_BaseYr.kcp.template file for each variant. The.kcp file contains all the keywords necessary to create a base year (no treatment) POTFIRE report in using FVS Fire and Fuels extension. Figure 4.15 A sample of the POTFIRE base year template.kcp file created by FBM. 2. Navigate to a variant folder in the fvs/data directory. Right click on the FVSOUT_variant_POTFIRE_BaseYr.kcp.template file and delete.template from the end of the filename. 3. Running the.kcp file as written will assume default FVS Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE) parameters. Users are encouraged to add keywords to the.kcp file that will change default parameters to those that more closely match conditions in the region. See the FFE Model documentation for more details and keyword descriptions: 4. Run the FVS SUPPOSE application. On the top tool bar select <File> <Select Locations File>. Navigate to the BioSum project files folder. Then go to the fvs\data\variant folder and select the listed locations (.loc) file for that variant. 5. After selecting the locations file, the Select Simulation Stands window will open. By default, the <Pick Locations First> radio button is selected. Click on the two-letter variant code listed in the left window pane. Then click the <All Stands> button on the bottom right of the window to select all stands within the variant. Then select <Add {count} Stands> in the lower left corner to add all stands to the simulation and <Close> out of the window.

19 19 Figure 4.16 FVS SUPPOSE interface. Select all stands in the variant and add them to the simulation. 6. In the main window of the SUPPOSE interface, select <Insert From File>. Navigate to the current variant folder, select the FVSOUT_variant_POTFIRE_BaseYr.kcp file and click <Open>. This will add the keywords specified in the.kcp file to the FVS simulation.

20 20 Figure 4.17 Add the FVSOUT_variant_POTFIRE_BaseYr.kcp file to the simulation. 7. Use <File> <Save As> to save the key file. Give the key file a recognizable name, such as FVSOUT_variant_POTFIRE_BaseYr.key. Then <Run Simulation>. Confirm by selecting <Run> in the pop-up window. Figure 4.18 Cmd.exe window as FVS executes. 8. When complete, the FVS_variant_POTFIRE_BaseYr.mdb will be populated with a base year record of POTFIRE values for each stand. This table will later be appended to the package specific POTFIRE table created in the following steps. 9. Complete steps 1-7 for each variant in the study area.

21 21 BioSum and FVS Cycle Interval Length When creating Rx treatment packages in BioSum, the user is given the option of selecting 5 or 10 year cycles; projections will cover 3 cycles (either 15 or 30 years). All packages within a BioSum project must be simulated with a common cycle length (5 or 10 years) have the same cycle length.) BioSum will then adjust the time interval keyword in each of the package-specific template.kcp files to reflect this user specification. A 10 year cycle length will produce a.kcp file with the following keyword parameters: TIMEINT 0 10 # all projection cycles have a length of 10 years NUMCYCLE 4 # 4 cycles to be projected A 5 year cycle length will produce similar keywords, with an obvious deviation: TIMEINT 0 5 # all projection cycles have a length of 5 years NUMCYCLE 4 # 4 cycles to be projected FVS projections based on either of the above cycle parameters result in output statistics for the beginning and end of each cycle. In the case of 10 year cycles, predictions are made for year 0, 10, 20, and 30. If the user is interested in obtaining stand estimates for the year directly after a treatment in addition to stand estimates for the years of treatment (for 10 year cycles this would mean year 0, 1, 10, 11, 20, 21, 30, and 31), modifications to the package-specific.kcp file are required. Please note that these adjustments are only necessary if variables from the POTFIRE table are required. If FFE outputs are not integral to analysis, the default FVS Summary table output contains pre- and post-treatment variables for each stand and modifications to the cycle pattern are not required. To make cycle adjustments for use with FFE, delete the default TIMEINT and NUMCYCLE keywords from each package-specific.kcp file and replace them with the following keywords and keyword parameters. TIMEINT 1 1 # cycle 1 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 2 8 # cycle 2 to have a length of 8 years TIMEINT 3 1 # cycle 3 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 4 1 # cycle 4 to have a length of 1 years TIMEINT 5 8 # cycle 5 to have a length of 8 year TIMEINT 6 1 # cycle 6 to have a length of 1 years TIMEINT 7 1 # cycle 7 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 8 8 # cycle 8 to have a length of 8 years TIMEINT 9 1 # cycle 9 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 10 1 # cycle 10 to have a length of 1 years TIMEINT 11 9 # cycle 11 can have a length of 1-9 years NUMCYCLE 11 #11 cycles to be projected

22 22 To obtain a similar output for 5 year cycles (stand statistics for year 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 11, 15, 16), the following keyword parameters are required. TIMEINT 1 1 # cycle 1 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 2 3 # cycle 2 to have a length of 3 years TIMEINT 3 1 # cycle 3 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 4 1 # cycle 4 to have a length of 1 years TIMEINT 5 3 # cycle 5 to have a length of 3 year TIMEINT 6 1 # cycle 6 to have a length of 1 years TIMEINT 7 1 # cycle 7 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 8 3 # cycle 8 to have a length of 3 years TIMEINT 9 1 # cycle 5 to have a length of 1 year TIMEINT 10 1 # cycle 6 to have a length of 1 years TIMEINT 11 3 # cycle 11 can have a length of 1-3 years NUMCYCLE 11 #11 cycles to be projected For the remainder of this document, this post-year cycle pattern will be referred to as a modified cycle sequence. In many cases, this will be the preferred method of cycle delineation because it allows stand characteristics and FFE variables to be assessed within BioSum one year after treatment, rather than 5 or 10. Note: when using a modified cycle sequence, treatments should be administered in cycle 1, 4, 7, and/or 10. The POTFIRE table mentioned earlier in this chapter already calculated stand conditions prior to the cycle 1 treatment. In this modified cycle sequence, pretreatment conditions for cycle 4 are calculated in cycle 3, pretreatment conditions for cycle 7 are calculated in cycle 6, and pretreatment conditions for cycle 10 are calculated in cycle 9. Post-treatment years are represented by cycles 2, 5, 8, and 11. Running Rx package simulations in FVS After FVS variants have been assigned, Rx Packages constructed, Tree Species mapped, FVS Input Data created, FVS calibration/regeneration considered, and POTFIRE base year values generated (if applicable), it is finally time to run the Rx package FVS growth projections. The package-specific.kcp file generated by BioSum during FVS Input Data creation can be useful in this process. Each file template contains the following keywords: Comments: Lines in the script beginning with!! are comments, used simply to communicate with the user. TimeInt: Specifies the length, in years, of any or all projection cycles. NumCycle: Specifies number of cycles to run the projection. FMIn: Signifies the Beginning of keywords for the Fire and Fuels Extension. This extension has its own unique set of keywords. PotFire: Requests the potential fire report.

23 23 BurnReport: Requests the burn conditions report output. CarbRept: Requests the stand carbon report. CarbCut: Requests the harvested products report. TreeList: Prints a list of tree records to an output treelist file. AtrtList: Generates an after treatment tree list file. StrClass: Requests that structural class calculations are done by FVS. NoTriple: Suppresses record tripling. Database: Signifies the beginning of keywords for the Database Extension. This extension has its own unique set of keywords. The keywords following the Database keyword list the output tables that will be exported to the specified Access database file. 1. Two potential methods for utilizing the auto-generated keywords in a.kcp file are explained here. If you are familiar with FVS and plan on running simulations in a different manner, be sure to include the keywords listed above, along with their specified parameters. If using the kcp files provided, be sure to be sure to delete template from the end of the file name after making changes. a. Method 1: i. One method is to enter treatment specific keywords directly into the.kcp file. In a text editor, scroll to the bottom of the file to the section titled Treatment Thinning Keywords. ii. Every cycle for which a treatment was assigned (for this specific package) will have a comment prompt. Enter treatment specific keywords and parameters directly into the text editor. It is recommended the user develop a set of pre-tested treatment specific text files that can be used for BioSum scenarios by simply modifying keyword parameters. See Figure 4.19 for what this would look like in this example. Figure 4.19 An example of a.kcp in which treatment specifc keywords and parameters were entered directly into the.kcp file. iii. Save the.kcp file. Be sure to delete.template from the end of the file name. iv. This step must be repeated for each variant and package used in the analysis. v. Jump to step 2 to begin running the FVS model. b. Method 2: i. Another method is to add treatment specific keywords within the SUPPOSE interface and save them to the.kcp file from there. At this point, the only

24 24 necessary step is to delete.template from the end of the.kcp file names. Be sure to do this for every package in every variable. For more information on downloading and using the SUPPOSE interface visit the FVS website at ( ii. Follow the instructions for step 2 to begin running the FVS model. 2. Run the FVS SUPPOSE application. On the top tool bar select <File> <Select Locations File>. 3. Navigate to the BioSum project files folder. Then go to the fvs\data\variant folder and select the listed locations (.loc) file. 4. After selecting the locations file, the Select Simulation Stand window will open. By default, the <Pick Locations First> radio button is selected. Click on the two-letter variant code listed in the left window pane. A list of all available stands will appear in the right window pane, as in Figure Add all stands to the simulation using the <All Stands> button on the lower right of the window or use pre-defined groups to filter which stands are added. Finalize selection by clicking <Add {count} Stands>. <Close> the window. Figure 4.20 Suppose interface showing how plot data is added to a simulation. 5. Before proceeding, verify that the Fire and Fuels Extension (FFE) is turned on for the simulation. From the SUPPOSE toolbar menu, select <Simulation Preparation>. Click <Select Variant and Extensions>. From the list of FVS extensions, highlight <Fire and Fuel Extension> if not already selected. Click <Close> when done. 6. Now that all stands have been selected, the next step is to add the.kcp to the current simulation. The Simulation file contents window lists all stands in the simulation. Clicking on any stand will expand the list to show all FVS keywords that will be applied to this stand during the simulation. This is where the.kcp file will be attached in the simulation. Click <Insert from file>. Browse to the folder where.kcp files have been

25 25 saved and select the.kcp file you wish to include for this simulation. As soon as the.kcp file has been added, it should be displayed in the window. By default, FVS applies all keywords within the.kcp file to all plots selected for this simulation. Figure 4.21 Suppose interface displayed attached KCP file. 7. If treatment specific keywords have already been entered into the.kcp file via Method A, continue on to step 9. If not, the next step is to add treatment FVS keywords to the simulation. From the main window of SUPPOSE, click <Select Management> then add your treatments using the interactive interface. Be sure to add all the assigned treatments for every cycle. 8. Keywords created by SUPPOSE during the last step can be saved to the.kcp file already attached to the simulation. To do so, select the recently added treatment from the Simulation file contents window and click <Append>. The current.kcp file should be open in the browser window. If not, browse to the appropriate folder and select the correct file. Click <Open> to save the treatment keyword and parameters to that file. Do this for all added keywords. To recreate this simulation in the future, the updated.kcp file could simply be added in SUPPSOE. Treatment keywords would not need to be reentered. 9. FVS is now ready to run the simulation. From the Main window, click on <Run Simulation>. Name the.key file and click <Save>. Click <Run> from the pop-up window to begin the simulation. 10. When the simulation is complete, the DOS window will close and all output data will be exported to the Access database file defined in the.kcp file. 11. Repeat this procedure for each treatment for each variant. 12. When complete, the database files are stored in the corresponding fvs\data\variant folder

26 26 FVS Output Data The last step in the FVS module of BioSum is to append and reformat all FVS output so that it can be used as input to the BioSum Processor and Core Analysis modules. These data are used to calculate potentially available biomass and merchantable wood volume, and costs of implementing treatment packages and potential revenues from sales of wood, and to provide preand post- treatment stand attributes that can be a basis for evaluating management effectiveness. 1. Open the current project in BioSum Manager. 2. Click <FVS> on the left side-bar, then click <FVS Output Data>. 3. The Join and Append FVS Out Data window will open, showing a list of all variant and package combinations, similar to the window displayed when creating FVS input files. Additonal information is also provided, such as the output database file name, Rx package specifics, whether the file was successfully found, and the number of records in the FVS summary, cut tree, standing tree, and potential fire tables. 4. Important Note: If tables have previously been appended and the simulation has been rerun in FVS, you must first return to the FVS Input Data window and delete the previously appended tables using the <Delete FVS Output Tables> tool from the Action Items drop-down menu. If FVS output tables are not deleted before data is re-appended, duplicate records will be created, corrupting the BioSum database. Figure 4.22 Join and Append FVS Out Data window. Displays a list of all variant and package combinations.

27 5. Manually select output databases to be appended or click <Check All> to select all variant-package combinations. 6. To append FVS output into a dataset that can be used by BioSum Processor, five steps must be completed: a. First, select <Define PRE/POST Table SeqNum>. The resulting window enables BioSum user to define a desired sequence of FVS cycles, extracting the correct records to obtain pre and post treatment values in each case. i. In the PRE/POST Sequence Numbers window, select the name of the table for which you want to alter pre- and post- year assignments, and click <Edit>. Unless a modified cycle pattern is being used, the Option 2 default will work in most cases. To use the Option 2 default, select Option 2 from the Default SeqNum Options drop-down menu. Then click <Assign Default>. Do this for all tables, clicking <Done> to save changes. ii. If FFE POTFIRE variable outputs are required and the modified cycle pattern is being used, a customized pre/post sequence number assignment will be vital to achieving correct designation of pre- and post-treatment year. See Appendix D in this User Guide for recommended sequence number assignments to ensure that pre/post-year values correspond between POTFIRE and other FVS output tables such as SUMMARY. Simply select a table, click <Edit> and enter the suggested sequence number assignments for each cycle. Click <Done> to save changes. iii. To use an alternate customized sequence number assignment scheme, just select a table, click <Edit> and use the drop down menus to assign sequence numbers for each cycle. Sequence number assignments can be displayed via the <View Sequence Number Assignments> button. Navigate to the project FVS folder, and select an output FVS database. This window contains three tables. 1. FVS table CURRENT PREPOST SEQNUM ASSIGNMENTS: Current pre-post cycle assignments based on SeqNum Definition for the FVS table being edited. 2. FVS table with FVS table RowCounts: SeqNum assignments and row counts. 3. FVS table: Sequence number assignments for the FVS output table. 27

28 28 Figure 4.23 View Sequence number assignments before committing. iv. Close window, saving changes. b. Next select the variant/rx package combinations to be appended and click <Translate FVS Alpha Code To FIA Numeric Code>. This converts the alpha codes used by FVS to the numeric codes used in the FIA database. c. Next, select <Pre-processing Audit Check> to run an audit on the output databases. During this audit each table in the FVS output is analyzed and PRE and POST year is assigned to each cycle. The analysis is written to several tables with the table name format of audit_pre_post_rx_year_fvsoutputtablename. Additionally, the data from the FVS_summary table is analyzed to determine if the year in the table is represented in the other tables. If BioSum detects an error or inconsistency in the data, a pop-up window will appear. If there are errors not significant enough to affect processing, the audit will pass with a warning. It is up to the user to determine if warnings require action. More significant errors will return a failed audit result. The user must address the specified error before continuing. Packages that don t contain mechanical thinning (such as a grow-only simulation) and therefore do not contain a CUTLIST, will receive a message asking if you want to continue without a cutlist. Select <Yes> to to continue. Figure 4.24 Cutlist error message.

29 29 d. After a successful audit, press the <Append FVS Output Data> button. It is during this stage that FVS output files are formatted for BioSum use and POTFIRE base year values are appended to package specific FVS database tables. See FVS Data Append Process later in this section for more detail. e. When complete, run a <Post-Processing Audit Check> to ensure all necessary data are present and formatted correctly. If errors exist, evaluate and rectify before moving on to the Processor module. FVS Data Append Process POTFIRE Base Year Append When the Base Year POTFIRE record is assigned as the Cycle 1 value in the Pre-Post Sequence Number Definition window, the process that occurs is relatively straightforward. It is perhaps most important to note that 1 year is added (YEAR + 1) to every record in the standard FVS POTFIRE table. As mentioned previously, values in the POTFIRE report are produced after any harvest or salvage operations scheduled for each year, but before any prescribed fires (Rebain 2010). However, stand records in the FVS SUMMARY table are produced before any harvest or salvage operations scheduled for that year. By adding +1 year to the POTFIRE records, and then appending base year values, it is possible to synchronize output for the POTFIRE table and other tables, such as SUMMARY. Data Append Process As part of the FVS output task, pre\post record values for all FVS output tables (except the atrlist, treelist, and cutlist tables) are appended to tables in the fvs\db\biosum_fvsout_prepost_rx.mdb file. For example, pretreatment SUMMARY records are written to PRE_FVS_SUMMARY table and post treatment records to POST_FVS_SUMMARY table. The BioSum Core Analysis module then uses these tables to define cycle 1 pre-post treatment effectiveness. Biomass and volume of the trees specified as harvested in the FVS cutlist table are calculated using regional and species specific formulas. This process runs within the FIADB Oracle schema, included within the BioSum installation package. Because Oracle cannot process MS Access tables, data from the FVS cutlist table are appended to the oracle table biosum_volume. After the Oracle process has finished, BioSum updates the fvs\data\ variant\biosumcalc\variant_pkg_tree_cutlist.mdb tree table with the calculated volumes and biomass. Calculated volumes and biomass are written to the VOLCFNET, VOLCFGRS, VOLCSGRS, DRYBIOM, and DRYBIOT columns. These values are used to calculate harvest value and costs in BioSum Processor. The steps that occur when the user appends FVS output are:

1. To create a new project, start the FIA BioSum Manager application and select <File><New Project> (see Figure 2.1).

1. To create a new project, start the FIA BioSum Manager application and select <File><New Project> (see Figure 2.1). 2. Database The Database module is the first step in the BioSum workflow. This section describes how to navigate the BioSum menu, create a new project, open an existing project, add and delete forest inventory

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