Appendix C: GIS Standards and Procedures

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1 APPENDICES Appendix C: GIS Standards and Procedures Akron Sewer Bureau GIS Standards and Procedures

2 Public Utilities Bureau GIS Standards & Procedures








10 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Akron Public Utilities Bureau (APUB) has completed the process of converting its water and sewer underground assets into a GIS geodatabase structure. This structure will be serving as the basis for the Bureau s future asset GIS development. With this idea as the core focus, the APUB/GIS has been fashioned as the central asset core for integration with enterprise applications such as Infor EAM (Enterprise Asset Management), enquesta and CSR. From this point forward, it is critical to maintain asset data in this environment. APUB must ensure that the underground asset data remain trusted, current and accurate. In order to be successful, we must follow a uniform set of procedures that adhere to the structure and processes discussed within this document. Above all else you must understand that this is no longer an individual process but multiple links in the chain. If one link fails, every link will fail over time. Every editor contributes to its strength and weakness. We are a team. This document is provided as a reference to define the procedures by which underground asset data will be edited and maintained. The following sections provide detailed procedures for working within the APUB/GIS integrated environment. If you feel this document is incomplete please feel free to request changes or corrections to this document. APUB GIS Mission Statement To provide an exceptional level of support and services to Utilities Field Operations and the City of Akron Service Department that is accurate, efficient, timely and professional. 9

11 2. GENERAL INFORMATION This section provides general information on file locations and database connections to be used when editing underground asset data. Rules of the Road 1. NEVER EVER, EVER, NEVER MAKE A DECISION IF YOU ARE NOT SURE OF THE CONCEQUESES OF YOUR ACTIONS!!!!!!!!!!! 2. Refer to rule number Never edit the default database version. I repeat NEVER EDIT THE DEFAULT DATABASE VERSION. 4. Refer to rule number 1 then There is no shame in asking. We are all learning at this point. 6. Connectivity must be maintained. This may be easier said then done when working with the original data but is still a must. 7. Your Version is your responsibility. No one else can take care of it. 8. Do not post a project or edit until it is complete. Uncompleted edits can cause data integrity issues if they are posted before being finalized. 9. SAVE, SAVE, SAVE, SAVE, and when you think your safe SAVE AGAIN. 10. After saving, reconcile. Do not wait until large amounts of edits have been made to reconcile. 11. Don t confuse saving for posting your edits. 12. Do not post edits until your project is 100% finished. This will keep the default version for having incomplete information. If this will be multiple days this should be discussed with your supervisor. 13. Delete your version before you leave each day. Recreate it in the morning. There are exceptions to this. 14. Merge will not work on networked features. 10

12 15. This document will not cover everything that is what your education and the user manuals are for. File Locations General knowledge, database designs, tools and Datastream information can be located under the Public Utilities directory. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ All standards manuals, layers, as-builts and MXDs can be found in the Sewer or Water folder on the S drive: S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Sewer\ or S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Water\ This folder should also be mapped into ArcCatalog as a standard folder. ArcSDE Connections Setup the standard SDE (Spatial Database Engine) connections in ArcCatalog. To receive your user name, password, and database connection information, contact the SDE systems administrator. Select the Database Connections folder in the Catalog Tree. Then double click on the Add Spatial Database Connection tool. 11

13 To add a direct connection to the PUB SDE Database, use the connection settings shown below. A direct connection accesses the database directly. This should be used for all editing connections. To add a standard connection to the PUB SDE Database, use the connection settings shown below. Use this connection for your viewing procedures. 12

14 NEVER!! Check the Save Name/Password box. If this box is checked your connection properties will be saved with the MXD that you are working on. This will allow your connection settings to be used by the next operator to open the MXD file. 13

15 3. WORKING IN A VERSIONED ENVIRONMENT Under no circumstances should the sde.default version be edited. The editor should always edit the version created for their username. If you do not have a user name, contact the GIS administrator (Darren Rozenek) to set one up. All versions should be deleted before leaving for the day and recreated first thing in the morning. The only exception to this process is when a complex project is being worked on and cannot be finished during the regular workday. In this case the version can be kept until the project is finished. The GIS Administrator should be consulted in all cases. What Is a Version? With ArcGIS, multiple users can access geographic data in a geodatabase through versioning. Versioning lets users simultaneously create multiple, persistent representations of the database without data replication. Users can edit the same features or rows without explicitly applying locks to prohibit other users from modifying the same data. An organization can use versioning to manage alternative engineering designs, solve complex what-if scenarios without impacting the corporate database, and create point-intime representations of the database. Primarily, versioning simplifies the editing process. Multiple users can directly modify the database without having to extract data or lock features and rows before editing. If, by chance, the same features are modified, a conflict resolution dialog box guides the user through the process of determining the feature's correct representation and attributes. 14

16 The Work Process 15

17 Step 1: Creating a New Version in ArcCatalog 1. In the Catalog tree, right-click your PUB database connection and click Versions. 2. Right-click a version and click New. 3. Type the new version's name. 16

18 4. Type a description, if needed. Click the appropriate permission type; the default is private. All versions are to be Protected unless there are circumstances with the project where it may need to be shared by another analyst. Click OK. Renaming a Version in ArcCatalog 1. Right-click your database connection and click Versions. 2. Right-click the version you want to rename and click Rename. 3. Type a new name and press Enter. Deleting a Version in ArcCatalog 1. Right-click your database connection and click Versions. 2. Right-click the version you want to delete. 3. Click Delete or press Delete on your keyboard. Changing a Version's Properties in ArcCatalog 1. Right-click your database connection and click Versions. 2. Right-click a version. 17

19 3. Click Properties. 4. Type the new description. 5. Click the new permission type. 6. Click OK. Tip Use the Refresh command to update the properties of each version with its current values Step 2: Connecting to Your New Version Changing Versions in ArcMap (This is the preferred method) 1. Click the Source tab at the bottom of the table of contents to list the workspaces in your map. 2. Right-click a version workspace. 18

20 3. Click Change Version. 19

21 4. Click the version to which you want to change. 5. Click OK. The version will change in the list. Changing Versions in ArcCatalog 1. A new version should be created prior to the start of a new edit project. 2. Under no circumstances should you have more than one version at a time. 3. In the Catalog tree, right-click your PUB database connection and click Connection Properties. 4. Verify your connection information and input your user name and password. 5. At the bottom of the Spatial Database Connection Properties dialog there is a Version section. By default it is set to connect to the sde.default version of the database. 6. Under no circumstances should the DEFAULT version be edited unless authorized. 7. Select Change to open the Select Version dialog box. 20

22 8. Click OK. 9. Click OK on the Spatial Database Connection Properties dialog to connect to the versioned database. Step 3: Edit GIS Data in Your New Version Your versioned database features can be edited using the same tools and methods that would be used for the default version. Refer to the Editing sections for these procedures. The guidelines below should be used to understand the relationship between your version, the default version and you fellow analyst s versions. When multiple users simultaneously edit a version or reconcile two versions, conflicts can occur. Reconciling is the process of merging two versions. Conflicts occur when the same feature are edited by two or more users at the same time. and the database is unclear about which representation is valid. Conflicts are rare but can occur when overlapping geographic areas in the database are edited. To ensure database integrity, the geodatabase detects when a feature has been edited in two versions and reports it as a conflict. ArcMap provides the necessary tools for conflict resolution, although you make the final decision as to the feature's correct representation. 21

23 ArcMap provides tools for conflict resolution as well as the necessary tools to reconcile and post versions. The next sections explain these capabilities in more detail. Editing a version provides detailed instructions on these processes. Reconciling The Reconcile button in ArcMap merges all modifications between the current edit session and a target version you select. Any differences between the features in the target version and the features in the edit session are applied to the edit session. Differences can consist of newly inserted, deleted, or updated features. The reconcile process detects these differences and discovers any conflicts. If conflicts exist, a message is displayed, followed by the Conflict Resolution dialog box. Reconciling happens before posting a version to a target version. A target version is any version in the direct ancestry of the version, such as the parent version or the DEFAULT version. In addition, the reconcile process requires that you are the only user currently editing the version and that you are the only user able to edit the version throughout the reconcile process until you save or post. If another user is simultaneously editing the version or attempts to start editing since you have reconciled, an error message will inform you that the version is currently in use. The reconcile process requires that you have full permissions to all the feature classes that have been modified in the version being edited. If a feature class is modified in the version for which you do not have update privileges, an error message appears. You won't be able to reconcile the versions; a user with adequate permissions to perform the reconcile must do this for you. For example, suppose you have completed your changes in a version and need to post the version to the DEFAULT version. You must first reconcile the version with a target version you select, resolve any conflicts if necessary, then post. Automatic Reconciliation Suppose since you started editing a version, another user has saved edits to the same version. Enabling or disabling auto-reconciliation affects whether you are notified of the other user s edits when you save yours. If you want to be notified so you can review the results of the merge before saving your edits, disable auto-reconciliation. If you do not want to be notified and want to save without reviewing the results of the merge, enable auto-reconciliation. Regardless of how you set auto-reconciliation, ArcMap will always notify you if there are conflicts when you save. 22

24 Posting You can post a version after you have first performed a reconcile. Once the edit session has reconciled with a target version, clicking the Post button synchronizes the version with the reconciled version and saves the data. Posting can't be undone because you are applying changes to a version that you are not currently editing. If the reconciled version is modified between reconciling and posting, you will be notified to reconcile again before posting. Conflicts Conflicts occur when the same feature, topologically related feature, or relationship class is modified in two versions: the current version being edited and a target version. Conflict detection only occurs during the reconciliation process. If conflicts are detected, a message appears, followed by the Conflict Resolution dialog box. There are two categories of conflicts: when the same feature has been updated in each version and when the same feature has been updated in one version and deleted in the other. When conflicts are detected, the parent version's feature representation takes precedence over the edit session's representation. Therefore, all conflicting features in the current edit session are replaced by their representation in the parent version. If multiple users are editing the same version and conflicts are detected, the feature that was first saved, the current version's representation, is preserved by replacing the edit session's feature representation. ArcMap ensures database integrity by forcing you to interactively inspect each conflict and resolve the conflict by replacing the feature in the current version with your edit session's representation. Conflict Resolution Once conflicts are detected, the Conflict Resolution dialog box appears, containing all the conflict classes and their features or rows in conflict. This dialog box allows you to interactively resolve conflicts at the level of the feature class or individual feature. Resolving the conflict implies that you will make a decision as to the feature's correct representation; this could mean doing nothing at all if you are satisfied with the current feature's representation. You can choose from three representations of the conflicting feature or row to resolve the conflict. The pre-edit version is the feature's representation when you initially started editing, before making any changes. The edit session version represents the feature as it existed before you performed the reconcile. The last representation is the conflict version, the feature's representation in the conflicting version. 23

25 Selecting a feature class or individual feature displays any of the three representations of the feature in the map. The pre-edit's version is displayed in yellow, the edit session's version is displayed in green, and the conflict's version is displayed in red. You can also optionally enable or disable the display settings for each version (pre-edit, edit session, and conflict) by clicking the Display command on the context menu and checking or unchecking the corresponding version. The following illustrations show the lateral in blue as it existed prior to editing (A), the lateral after being modified (B), and the three representations during conflict resolution (C): When you select a feature in the Conflict Resolution dialog box, each version's representation of the feature's or row's attributes is listed in the bottom half of the box. A red dot to the left of the field name identifies why the feature is a conflict. For example, if the feature's geometry was edited in each version, a red dot appears next to the shape field. The same principle holds true for attribute conflicts. If a feature has been deleted in either version, "<deleted>" appears for that version's attribute value. Therefore, if a red dot marks a column, it signifies an update/delete or a delete/update conflict. Resolving a conflict implies that you made a conscious decision about the feature's correct representation. You can select the feature in the conflict resolution dialog box and replace the current feature in the map with any of the three representations of the feature. This allows you to quickly update and replace conflicting features. If further modifications are required, you can simply use any of the ArcMap editing tools to update the feature. Conflicts with Geometric Networks, Feature-linked Annotation, and Relationships Resolving conflicts with features that are related to other features through geometric networks, feature-linked annotation, and relationship classes is different from resolving conflicts with simple feature classes. Because each of these feature classes has specific geodatabase behaviors that can impact other feature classes, resolving a feature conflict may impact related features. 24

26 Geometric Networks When you edit network features, changes to both the geometric network and logical network may create conflicts. For example, when you add a service to a main, the main will not be physically split in the geometric network, but it will be split in the logical network. Therefore, while you have not directly edited the main's geometry, it has been edited logically. If the target version you are reconciling has also modified the main, the new service you inserted will create a conflict with the main. Resolving a conflict involving geometric network feature classes requires understanding how the Replace With command in the Conflict Resolution dialog box will update the existing network topology present in the edit session. If two users modified a water main, one by changing an attribute and the other by connecting a new service, what would happen? Resolving the conflict would require investigating the differences and seeing that the conflict is valid and further resolution is required. Since the main contains the correct attribute for the diameter, the new service is correctly connected to the main. However, there are cases when resolving conflicts involving junction feature classes will also update the connected network edge. Feature-linked Annotation Working with feature-linked annotation requires remembering one rule: when replacing a feature that has feature-linked annotation, both the feature and annotation are replaced with the new feature and annotation. You may have to further edit the new annotation. For example, you may encounter a conflict in which you have moved a feature and repositioned its annotation. The conflict version has performed the same edit, moving the feature and rotating the annotation. Your decision is to replace the feature with the conflict version's feature. This action will delete the existing feature-linked annotation, insert the conflict feature, and create a new annotation. You will need to further edit the new annotation by moving and rotating it as necessary. Relationships Relationships have similar dependencies to feature-linked annotation. Deleting a feature from an origin relationship class may trigger a message to delete a feature from the destination relationship class. Therefore, be aware of the ramifications of simply replacing conflicts involving feature classes that participate in relationship classes. An example of a conflict arising between relationship classes is if you were to update the origin class primary field, breaking the relationship in version A. Meanwhile, in version B, the destination class-related feature is also updated. When you reconcile the versions, a conflict is detected since the destination class is dependent on the origin class. Another example is if you were to delete a pole that has a relationship to a transformer, the 25

27 transformer is also deleted. In the conflict version, the transformer's attributes are edited. An update/delete conflict would be detected when reconciled. Conflicts with Topologies Because features in feature classes that participate in a topology can share geometry with other features, the process of resolving conflicts between versions of topological feature classes is different from resolving conflicts with simple feature classes. It is also different from the process used to resolve conflicts with geometric networks, relationship classes, and feature-linked annotation. When a feature class that participates in a topology is edited, other topologically related features may be simultaneously changed. The changed features may belong to the same feature class or to one or more other feature classes. To manage the process of detecting new topology errors that may have been introduced by edits, topologies record where edits have been made as dirty areas. Editing features in a topology creates dirty areas in the topology. New topology errors may occur when edited parent and child versions are reconciled, even when the dirty areas within each version have been validated and are free of errors. To detect such topology errors, the dirty areas in a child version are all returned to dirty status after changes from the parent version are brought into it during a reconcile. After the reconcile, these areas can be revalidated, during which any errors will be detected. Reconciling two versions that do not contain active dirty areas may still result in dirty areas. Any dirty area that has been present in the child version, whether it has been validated or not, will be a dirty area after the versions are reconciled. In general, when reconciling a version: Any dirty area the child version inherited from the parent version, whether it is validated in the child version or not, will be a dirty area after the reconcile. Any dirty area that was created for any feature that was created, updated, or deleted in the child version, whether it is validated or not, will be a dirty area after the reconcile. Step 4: Reconcile with the Default Version Reconciling 1. Click the Reconcile button on the Versioning toolbar. 2. Click the target version. 3. Click OK. 26

28 Enabling and Disabling Auto Reconciliation 1. In ArcMap, click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Click Editor and click Options. 3. Click the Versioning tab. 4. Check the check box to enable auto-reconciliation, or uncheck the check box to disable auto-reconciliation. 5. Click OK. Step 5: Post Edits Back to the Default Version Posting 1. Click the Post button on the Versioning toolbar. Displaying Conflicts 1. Click the Conflicts button on the Versioning toolbar. 2. Right-click Conflicts and click Display. 3. Click the appropriate check box to display each conflict category. 4. Click OK. 5. Close the Conflicts dialog box. Resolving Conflicts 1. Click the Conflicts button on the Versioning toolbar. 2. Click a feature class. 3. Click a feature and right-click to display the context menu. 4. Click the appropriate Replace command to resolve the conflict. 5. Close the Conflicts dialog box. Step 6: Deleting your Named Version. 1. The geodatabase is compressed on a nightly basis to finalize all posted edits. 2. You will not be able to delete your version if you have unposted edits in the version. 3. In the Catalog tree, right-click your PUB database connection and click Versions. 27

29 1. Right-click a version and click Delete. 2. Right click on your named version. Select Delete. 3. Your version will not be deleted if there are un-posted edits in the version. If this happens your version must be posted. 28

30 4. EDITING APUB GEOMETRIC NETWORK FEATURES Geometric network features store various mechanisms and behaviors that maintain the topological connectivity between them. ArcMap is tightly integrated with the geodatabase when it comes to editing network features. You can use ArcMap editing capabilities to create new network edges and junctions. By using the ArcMap snapping environment, you can create these features while maintaining network connectivity on the fly. Geometric networks that are projected on the fly cannot be edited within ArcMap. Network feature classes can participate in composite relationships with feature classes within the same geometric network, provided that the features are not connected. Editor Toolbars Overview The following tool bars should be present for editing. For detailed information regarding these tools use the ArcGIS desktop help or visit the following URL for online help: Editor Toolbar Advanced Editing Toolbar Geometric Network Editing Toolbar Versioning Toolbar 29

31 Abandoning Toolbar This is a custom toolbar. All tools are customized for the feature abandonment process. These tools are vital to the process of syncing with Datastream. For complete details of each tool see Section 6 Sewer Data Maintenance Editing Scenarios. PUB Sewer Toolbar This is a custom toolbar. All tools are customized for the sewer editing process. These tools are vital to the process of syncing with Datastream. For complete details of each tool see Section 6 Sewer Data Maintenance Editing Scenarios. ET GeoTools Toolbar This toolbar must be installed and is not part of the out of the box functionality of ArcGIS Desktop. ET Attributes Toolbar This toolbar must be installed and is not part of the out of the box functionality of ArcGIS Desktop. Spatial Adjustment Toolbar Geometric network features store various mechanisms and behaviors that maintain the topological connectivity between them. ArcMap is tightly integrated with the geodatabase when it comes to editing network features. 30

32 Creating connectivity Topological connectivity in a network feature class is based on geometric coincidence. If a junction is added along an edge, or one edge is added along another edge, they will become topologically connected to one another. By using the ArcMap snapping environment, you can create new edge and junction features while maintaining network connectivity on the fly. The ArcMap snapping functionality will guarantee geometric coincidence when adding new network features along existing network features. It is generally critical to maintain connectivity, since your tracing and other networking tasks won't work as expected without it. Since connectivity is based on geometric coincidence, establishing connectivity with coincident features will be indeterminate. For example, if a junction is added along two coincident edges, the junction may connect to either edge. As such, coincident features are not supported within the geometric network. An edge in a geometric network can be either simple or complex. A simple edge in a geometric network has a 1 1 relationship with edge elements in the logical network. A complex edge has a 1 M relationship with edge elements in the logical network. So one complex edge in the geometric network can represent multiple edges in the logical network. If you snap a junction or edge along a simple edge, then the edge being snapped to is split both in the logical network and in the geometric network, giving you two edge features. If you snap a junction or an edge along a complex edge, then that edge is split in the logical network but remains a single feature in the geometric network. It will remain a single feature; however, a new vertex is created at the point where the new junction or edge connects to it. Default junctions When you snap an edge to another edge where there is no junction, a junction is automatically inserted to establish connectivity. If a default junction type has been specified as part of the connectivity rules for the network, that default junction type is used. If there is no edge edge rule between these edge types, an orphan junction is inserted, which is stored in the <network>_junction feature class. Similarly, if you create a new edge in the network that is not snapped to an existing junction or edge at both ends, a junction is automatically created and connected to the free end of the new edge. If there is a connectivity rule in place that defines a default junction type for the type of edge that is being added, that default junction type is the junction that is added to the free end of the new feature. If an edge type does not have a 31

33 default junction type associated with it through a connectivity rule, then an orphan junction is inserted, which is stored in the <network>_junction feature class. Junction Subsumption When you snap a junction to an existing orphan junction, the orphan junction is subsumed by the new junction. That is, the orphan junction is deleted from the network and the new junction is inserted in its place. All network connectivity is maintained. Orphan junctions cannot subsume other orphan junctions. When a junction is snapped to another junction other than an orphan junction, subsumption does not occur and the newly added junction is not connected. When you create a new edge feature in the network that has an end that does not connect to anything, and there is not a connectivity rule stating what type of junction to put at its free end, the network orphan junction type is inserted. This orphan junction can be replaced by snapping another junction to it. Moving Existing Network Features When a network edge or junction is moved, the network features to which it is connected respond by stretching and adjusting themselves to maintain connectivity. When you move a network feature and snap it to another network feature, the features may become connected (as illustrated in the following section, Connectivity models). Connectivity Models Edit operations that involve adding, deleting, moving, and subsuming network features can all affect the connectivity of a geometric network. Each type of operation may or may not create connectivity, depending on the type of network features involved. If connectivity is not created, it can be established by using the Connect command. The following set of diagrams illustrates various editing scenarios and their resulting connectivity or lack thereof. In these diagrams, use the key below to identify what types 32

34 of features are illustrated in each scenario: Stretching and Moving When stretching or moving junctions, any edges connected to them rubber-band to remain connected. When you snap these junctions to other network features, the following illustration summarizes the network connectivity that results: 33

35 Stretching and moving junctions illustration: 34

36 Deleting Deleting network features can affect those features connected to them. When you delete an edge feature, the edge is physically deleted from the geometric network and logically deleted from the logical network; however, its connected junction features will not be deleted. When deleting junction features, if the junction being deleted is not of an orphan junction type, it will not be physically deleted from the geometric network. Rather than being deleted, the junction will become an orphan junction. When you delete an orphan junction, it is physically deleted from the geometric network. When this happens, depending on what type it is and how many edges are connected to it, some edges may 35

37 also is deleted. The following illustration summarizes the results of deleting network junctions: Deleting network junctions illustration: Connecting and Disconnecting Network Features If you want to move a feature without moving all the other features that are connected to it, you should first run the Disconnect command. Disconnecting a feature does not delete it from the database; it removes the topological associations it has to other features in the network. Similarly, connecting a feature to the network creates topological relationships between the feature and its neighboring features. To disconnect or connect a feature, you must add the Geometric Network Editing toolbar. 36

38 How to Connect and Disconnect Network Features Adding the Geometric Network Editing toolbar 1. Click View on the Main menu, point to Toolbars, then click Geometric Network Editing. Connecting network features The following illustration summarizes how connectivity is affected when connecting network features using the Connect command in ArcMap: Connecting network features illustration: 1. Click the Editor menu and click Start Editing. 2. Click the Edit tool. 3. Select the feature to be connected. 4. Click the Connect button. Disconnecting network features The following illustration summarizes how connectivity is affected when disconnecting network edge features and junction features using the Disconnect command in ArcMap: 37

39 Disconnecting network features illustration: 1. Click the Editor menu and click Start Editing. 2. Click the Edit tool. 3. Select the feature to be disconnected. 4. Click the Disconnect button. Creating New Network Features When creating new network features and snapping them to other network junction and edge features, the resulting connectivity and the effects on the features you connect them to are summarized below: Creating new network features illustration: 38

40 39

41 Creating a New Network Edge Along a Simple Edge 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Zoom to the area where you want to add the new feature. 3. Click the tool palette dropdown arrow and click the Sketch tool. 4. Click the Current Task dropdown arrow and click Create New Feature. 5. Click the Target layer dropdown arrow and click the type of edge feature you want to create. 6. Check the appropriate boxes in the Snapping Environment window to set snapping to the edge of the simple edge feature class to which you want to snap the new edge. 7. Move the pointer near the simple edge to which you want to snap this edge until the pointer snaps to it. 8. Click the map to create the new feature's vertices. 9. Double-click the last vertex to complete the feature. You have now created a new network edge. Since you snapped it to the edge of an existing edge, if there is an edge edge connectivity rule between these edges, a new junction is created, which is the default junction type for that rule. If there is no edge edge rule, then the new junction is the default network junction. If there is an edge junction rule for the new edge with a default end junction type specified, this junction type will be added. If there is no edge junction connectivity rule, an orphan junction is added. Because the edge that was snapped to is a simple edge, it is split into two new edge features. The value of the attributes in the new features is determined by their split policies. 10. Click the Edit tool. 11. Click the simple edge to which you snapped your new edge. There are now two edges split at the new junction. Tips You can also snap a junction along a simple edge. Similar to snapping an edge, the junction is connected to the network. The simple edge is split into two new features. You can specify what type of junction is placed at the free end of new edges by creating an edge junction rule. For more information on connectivity rules, see Establishing connectivity rules in the ArcMap Help. 40

42 4. For more information on split policies and how they affect attribute values, see An overview of subtypes and attribute domains in the ArcMap Help. Validating Network Features in ArcMap 1. Click the Edit tool. 2. Click the network features you want to validate. 3. Validate features by clicking Editor and clicking Validate Features. If there are any invalid features, a message box appears telling you how many of the features are invalid. Only those features that are invalid remain selected. 4. Click OK. 5. Click one of the invalid network features. 6. Repeat step 3 you should see a message box informing you that all the features are valid. A dialog box appears informing you why the selected feature is invalid. 7. Click OK. 8. Make the necessary edits to the network to make the feature valid. This may involve performing some of the network editing tasks described above. 9. Repeat step 3 you should see a message box informing you that all the features are valid. 10. Click OK. Tips Network features may have connectivity as well as attribute and relationship validation rules associated with them. To learn more about connectivity rules, see Network connectivity rules in the ArcMap Help. Repairing Network Connectivity Connectivity between network features is maintained on the fly as you create, delete, and modify network features. In some circumstances, the association between certain network features and their logical elements may become out of sync. This can happen, for example, when using a custom tool that does not correctly handle aborting edit operations. This kind of network inconsistency is usually localized to a collection of features in the network. You will be able to see what features have inconsistent connectivity in three ways: 41

43 When moving a network feature, if stretching does not occur with other network features it is connected to, and the edit operation fails, the feature has inconsistent connectivity. Reconciling a version with inconsistent network features will result in an error (see Editing and conflict resolution to learn more about reconciling versions). Using one of the network connectivity verification tools or commands described below. The Rebuild Connectivity tool deletes and rebuilds connectivity for a set of network features that are contained within or intersect a user-defined extent by re-creating their logical elements. Connectivity is established based on geometric coincidence using the same rules as described in An overview of creating geometric networks. The Repair Connectivity command in ArcMap repairs the connectivity within an entire geometric network or the connectivity within the currently edited version in ArcSDE. The Repair Connectivity command can be used if a large number of features have inconsistent connectivity, or if the features extend across a large part of the network. In addition to the Rebuild Connectivity tool and Repair Connectivity command, ArcMap also contains a set of tools and commands for identifying network features with either inconsistent connectivity or illegal network geometry. These are the Network Build Errors, Verify Network Connectivity and Verify Network Geometry commands, and the Verify Network Connectivity and Verify Network Geometry tools. These tools and commands can be accessed from the Geometric Network Editing toolbar. For information on the Network Build Errors command, see An overview of creating geometric networks. Rebuild Connectivity Tool The Rebuild Connectivity tool incrementally rebuilds the connectivity between edges and junctions in the logical network. It can be used to repair any local inconsistency between geometry and network connectivity within a small area. To rebuild connectivity, you must select a layer in the table of contents that participates in the geometric network. You can locate features that have lost network connectivity using the Verify Connectivity tool or command. The Rebuild Connectivity tool works on a user-defined area. Any feature that intersects the defined area will have its connectivity rebuilt. Repair Connectivity command The Repair Connectivity command repairs network connectivity errors in the logical network. In a personal geodatabase, Repair Connectivity will repair the full extent of a 42

44 geometric network. In the versioned environment, network connectivity will be repaired within the version currently being edited. The Repair Connectivity command is intended for use on the Default version of a database once all the child versions have been reconciled and posted to Default. Any future child versions created from Default will benefit from any network inconsistencies that were repaired. Users should be cautious when running the Repair Connectivity command on the Default version while it has outstanding child versions or when running this command on a child version; both can result in large numbers of conflicts when merging outstanding versions. To repair connectivity, you must select a layer in the table of contents that participates in the geometric network. Repair Connectivity will identify and repair several types of network connectivity errors. Types of network connectivity errors include: Network features missing element IDs Network features with more than one element ID An element ID references a feature that no longer exists in the geometric network inconsistent connectivity During the process of repairing network connectivity, Repair Connectivity may perform actions that require user review. If warnings are encountered during repair of the network, a message box listing the type of warning, feature class, and Object ID of the feature is displayed at the end of the process. Types of warnings include: Creation of new orphan junctions Invalid geometries Coincident junctions Coincident vertices Repairing Network Feature Geometry When a feature with illegal network geometry has been identified in the network, the feature can either be deleted or repaired. The steps necessary for repairing a feature's geometry vary depending on the type of illegal geometry. Illegal features which have an empty geometry or zero length cannot be repaired through the user interface. They must either be deleted or repaired programmatically. Features that have the same start stop vertex have one end that is not connected to a junction. To correct the feature's geometry, the end of the feature must be snapped to an existing junction or have a new junction feature snapped to the end of the illegal feature. 43

45 How to Repair Network Connectivity Rebuilding connectivity 1. Click one of the feature classes in the geometric network in the ArcMap table of contents. 2. Click the Rebuild Connectivity tool on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar. 3. Click and drag a box around the network features whose topology you want to rebuild. Tips During the course of editing, network connectivity is maintained on the fly. You do not need to use the Rebuild Connectivity tool unless the network connectivity has become inconsistent for some of your network features. Pressing the Esc key while defining the area of interest for the Rebuild Connectivity tool will cancel the operation. Repairing connectivity 1. In the ArcMap table of contents, select one of the feature classes that participates in the geometric network containing the illegal features. 2. Click the Repair Connectivity command on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar. The progress of Repair Connectivity can be monitored in the lower-left corner of ArcMap.If any warnings were identified during repair of the network, they will be listed in a dialog box after Repair Connectivity completes. Tips Users should be cautious when running the Repair Connectivity command on the Default version while it has outstanding child versions or when running this command on a child version; both can result in large numbers of conflicts when merging outstanding versions. A file listing the errors and warnings generated by Repair Connectivity is created if a string registry setting called "RepairConnectivity" is placed in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ESRI\Geodatabase. For example, "D:\Temp\" will create a log file in the directory D:\Temp\. The name of the log file is the name of the geometric network with the current version, if on ArcSDE. Repairing features with an empty geometry or zero length 1. In the ArcMap table of contents, select one of the feature classes that participates in the geometric network containing the illegal features. 44

46 2. Click the Network Build Errors command on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar to identify the illegal features. 3. Click the Attribute Editor command. 4. In the Editor, right-click one of the illegal features and click Delete. Repairing features with an identical start-stop vertex 1. In the ArcMap table of contents, select one of the feature classes that participates in the geometric network containing the illegal features. 2. Click the Network Build Errors command on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar to identify the illegal features. 3. Delete each feature's network elements (See 'Delete network elements' in ArcObjects Developer Help for sample code). 4. Double-click the feature to edit its geometry. 5. Drag the end vertex and snap it to an existing junction, or move the vertex and snap a new junction to the vertex. 6. Click the Rebuild Connectivity tool on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar and drag a box intersecting or encompassing the edge feature. Rebuilding features with multipart geometry 1. Set snapping to Edit Sketch Vertices. 2. In the ArcMap table of contents, select one of the feature classes that participates in the geometric network containing the illegal features. 3. Click the Network Build Errors command on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar to identify the illegal features. 4. Double-click the feature to modify its geometry. 5. Snap the end vertices of each segment to create one feature, or select and delete any segments you want to discard. 6. Click the Rebuild Connectivity tool on the Geometric Network Editing toolbar and drag a box intersecting or encompassing the edge feature. 45

47 Performance Considerations Connectivity is established for new network features based on geometric coincidence. When you add or move a feature in a network, each feature class in the network must be analyzed so connectivity can be established. Performing a spatial query against each network class will determine if the new feature or moved feature is coincident with other network features at any point. If the network is in an ArcSDE geodatabase, then analyzing for connectivity requires a number of spatial queries against the server. Using the map cache can make your edits many times faster than without the cache, and it does not require as much of the server. 46

48 5. SEWER DATA MAINTENANCE EDITING SCENARIOS Sewer Geodatabase Descriptions This section provides an overview of the feature classes contained in the APUB Sewer Geodatabase. Connection Information Server - NTSDE Port or Direct Connect- sde:sqlserver:ntsde Database - PUB Feature Datasets This dataset contains the feature classes that store the abandoned network features. Features should never be removed from this feature class. 47

49 Features This dataset contains all sewer features that are not part of the sewer geometric network. Example: underground tiles, casing pipe, easements, facility footprints and district lines. Network This dataset contains the features that make up the sewer geometric network. Example: Manholes, Gravity Mains, Laterals and Force mains. This dataset also contains all Feature-Linked annotation. 48

50 This dataset contains the text extracted from the AutoCad conversion process stored in point files. The PUB Sewer Toolbar This is a custom toolbar that must be installed prior to using. Please contact the GIS administrator to have these tools installed on your PC. The PUB Sewer Toolbar is used to prepare the sewer feature classes to be synchronized with Datastream 7i. These tools are used as the final steps in finalizing the addition of features into the sewer network. There cannot be any layers in the map document with the same layer name configuration for these tools to work. Example: ssmanholeanno and ssmanhole For the tools to work the ssmanholeanno must be changed to ManholeAnno. The standard Sewer_edit_base.mxd is preconfigured to work. The following configuration files must be properly setup prior to using the PUB Sewer Toolbar. File location: C:\Program Files\CalcFields\ ConnectionInfo.txt: This file contains the SDE connection information for the tool to access the database. If your connection settings change this code must be changed for the tools to work properly. 49

51 SDE,"SERVER=ntsde;INSTANCE=5153;USER=???????;PASSWORD=??????;V ERSION=sde.default" CalcPipeIDs.txt : This file stores the SDE feature class name for the line features that will use the Calculate Sewer PipeID s tool. PipeEndPoints.txt: This file stores the SDE feature class names for the point features that might be at the node of one of the Line features. These are used to populate the upstream and downstream asset ID s. CalcSequenceIDs.txt: This file stores the SDE feature class names, possible WATER_TYPE, sequence table name and sequence abbreviation used to calculate the ASSET_NUMBER when using the Calculate Sequence ID s. ssmanhole,san,manhole_seq,san ssmanhole,stm,manhole_seq,stm ssmanhole,com,manhole_seq,com ssnetworkstructure,null,netstruct_seq,nts ssinlet,null,inlet_seq,inl ssdischargepoint,null,discharge_seq,dis ssnetworkstructure,null,netstruct_seq,nts sscleanout,null,cleanout_seq,cln Calculate Sequence ID s This tool is used to calculate the ASSET_NUMBER field in the attribute tables of all of the point features (ssmanhole, sscleanout) in the sewer network. There are 2 simple edge features that this tool is used for. These exceptions would be sssanlateralline and ssstmlateralline. The point feature fields must be populated prior to using the rest of the tools in this toolbar. 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Select the point features that need these fields calculated. 50

52 3. Click the tool button to run the process. 4. The ASSET_SEQUENCE and ASSET_NUMBER fields should now be populated. If they are not then contact your supervisor to begin the trouble shooting process. 5. Save your edits. Calculate Sewer PipeIDs This tool is used to calculate the ASSET_NUMBER field in the attribute tables of all of the line features (ssgravity_main, ssforcemain) in the sewer network. The point feature fields must be populated prior to running this process. The point ASSET_NUMBER field is used to populate the upstream and downstream asset for the line features. The line and point features must be connected and verified before this tool will function properly. If the Calculate Sequence ID tool has not been run on the junction features this tool will not calculate the pipe Ids properly. 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Select the line features that need these fields calculated and the point features that are affecting the selected line features. 3. Click the tool button to run the process. 4. The UPSTREAM_ASSET, DOWNSTREAM_ASSET and ASSET_NUMBER fields should now be populated. If they are not then contact your supervisor to begin the trouble shooting process. 5. Save your edits. Calculate Sewer Datastream Fields This tool is used to calculate the ACCOUNT_CODE and PARENT_ASSET fields in all of the sewer network features. The WATER_TYPE field must be populated prior to running this tool or the fields will not be populated. 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Select the point or line features that need these fields calculated. 3. Click the tool button to run the process. 4. The ACCOUNT_CODE and PARENT_ASSET fields should now be populated. If they are not then contact your supervisor to begin the trouble shooting process. 5. Save your edits. 51

53 Sewer Standards S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Sewer\ sewer_asbuilt_survey: This folder contains the GPS projects for the As-Built surveys. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Sewer\Map_Projects: This folder contains the Standard sewer Map documents for printing undergrounds, editing and any other necessary maps. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ Sewer\Sewer_Layers: This folder contains the Standard Layer files for the Sewer feature classes. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ Sewer\Description_calcs: This folder contains the calculation files for use in the field calculator in ArcMap. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ Sewer\sewer_tools: This folder contains the GIS tools for sewer used in ArcMap. Sewer As-Built Process. 1. The Sewer As-Built record drawings will be provided by the Bureau of Engineering. 2. Prior to the project being started in the GIS it must first be As-Built surveyed to collect the new feature with the GPS units. 3. The hard copy of the As-Built drawings will be stored in the marked drawers in the Public Utilities Engineering Technician/GIS office. 4. Refer to section 11 for the proper procedure for using the GPS unit to collect the sewer projects. 5. The GPS location points will be used to place the GIS features in their proper location and the plans will be used to populate the attribute data. 52

54 Calculate the Description field for the Sewer Features. The Description field must be calculated for all new or modified feature classes after the Sewer tools have been run. This field is used by Datastream 7i during the work order process. 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Select the features that need the description field calculated. 3. Select the layer in the table of contents that you wish to calculate the description field for. 4. Right click on the layer name and select Open Attribute Table from the menu pop-up. 53

55 5. Once the Attribute table opens switch the show button to Selected. This will shift the visible attributes to selected features in the table. If you skip this step you will recalculate the entire feature class. This would cause serious problems for the Datastream 7i synchronization process. 6. Scroll to the DATASTREAM_DESCRIPTION field. Right click on the field name. Select the Calculate Values command from the right click menu. 7. From the Field Calculator dialog box select load to navigate to the folder that the pre defined calculations are store. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\sewer\Description_calcs\ 54

56 8. Select the description calculation file that corresponds to the feature class you are using. Click open. 9. Verify that the field calculation is correct and select ok to run the script. 55

57 10. Verify that the fields have been populated with the correct information. 11. Save your edits. Create New Sewer Main at Manhole Location 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Zoom to the area where you want to add the new feature. 3. Click the tool palette dropdown arrow and click the Sketch tool. 4. Click the Current Task dropdown arrow and click Create New Feature. 5. Click the Target Layer dropdown arrow and click the type of edge feature you want to create. 6. Check the appropriate boxes in the Snapping Environment window to set snapping to the vertex of the junction feature class to which you want to snap the new edge. 7. Move the pointer near the junction to which you want to snap this edge until the pointer snaps to it. 56

58 8. Click the map to create the new feature's vertices. 9. Double-click the last vertex to finish the feature. You have now created a new network edge. Since you snapped it to an existing network junction, it is automatically connected to the network. If there is an edge junction rule for the new edge with a default end junction type specified, this junction type will be placed at the free end of the new edge. If there is not an edge junction rule that specifies a default junction, an orphan junction will be placed at the end of the new edge. For information on how to replace the orphan junction with another junction type, see the task 'Subsuming network junctions' below. Tip You can specify what type of junction is placed at the free end of new edges by creating an edge junction rule. For more information on connectivity rules, see Establishing connectivity rules in the ArcMap Help. Create Sewer Main Connected to Sewer Main 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Zoom to the area where you want to add the new feature. 3. Click the tool palette dropdown arrow and click the Sketch tool. 4. Click the Current Task dropdown arrow and click Create New Feature. 5. Click the Target Layer dropdown arrow and click the type of edge feature you want to create. 6. Check the appropriate boxes in the Snapping Environment window to set snapping to the edge of the complex edge feature class to which you want to snap the new edge. 7. Move the pointer over the complex edge where you want the edge to snap until the pointer snaps to it. 8. Click the map to create the new feature's vertices. 9. Double-click the last vertex to finish the feature. You have now created a new network edge. Since you snapped it to the edge of an existing edge, if there is an edge edge connectivity rule between these edges, a new junction is created the default junction type for that rule. If there is no edge edge rule, then the new junction is the default network junction. If there is an edge junction rule for the new edge that has a default end junction type specified, this junction type will be added. If there is no edge junction connectivity rule, an orphan junction is added. Since 57

59 the edge that was snapped to is a complex edge, it remains as a single feature but is split in the logical network. 10. Click the Edit tool. 11. Click the sewer to which you snapped your new lateral. The entire sewer is selected even though another edge and junction are connected along it. It remains a single feature. Tips You can also snap a junction along a complex edge. Similar to snapping an edge, the junction is connected to the network. The complex edge is split in the logical network but remains a single feature. You can specify what type of junction is placed at the free end of new edges by creating an edge junction rule. For more information on connectivity rules, see Establishing connectivity rules in the ArcMap Help. Change Location of an Inlet 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Click the Edit tool. 3. Click the Inlet that you want to move. 4. Click and drag the features to the new location. Other network elements that are connected to the feature rubber-band. This shows how other network elements are affected by moving the selected features. All the features that rubber-banded while you dragged your selected features are automatically updated to maintain network connectivity. If the feature is not properly connected to the network the rubber banding will not take place. Tip If you move a network feature, other network features also move. Clicking the Undo button will undo the edits to all the affected features. Add a Manhole at the end of an existing Gravity main 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Zoom to the area where you want to add the new feature. 3. Click the tool palette dropdown arrow and click the Sketch tool. 58

60 4. Click the Target layer dropdown arrow and click the type of junction feature you want to create. 5. Check the appropriate boxes in the Snapping Environment window to set snapping to the vertex of the junction feature class that you want to subsume. 6. Move the pointer near the junction you want to subsume with a new junction until the pointer snaps to it. 7. Click once to subsume the junction. The original junction is deleted and replaced with the new junction; network connectivity is maintained. Tip Subsumption only applies to orphan junctions. Junctions of any other feature class cannot be subsumed by other junctions. To replace a nonorphan junction with another junction, first delete the junction. This will result in the deleted junction being replaced with an orphan junction. Then, subsume the orphan junction with the desired junction. Adding or Moving a Sewer Lateral Adding a New Sewer Lateral at a distance from a Manhole All new laterals are to be place at a referenced distance from the nearest feature such as a lateral, manhole, cleanout, lamphole or racks. Refer to the as-builts for that information. When finishing the attribute information the reference should always be to the nearest above ground feature. For detailed information regarding the attributes for these features refer to the gerodatabase design HTM or the feature itself. Example: 210 north of Manhole 50 east of lamphole. 25 south of Manhole 1. Start editing. 59

61 2. Select the Target layer to edit from the Editor Toolbar pull down list. 3. Set the task to Create New Feature. This is the default value. 60

62 4. Verify or set the snapping settings by selecting the Snapping Environment menu from the Editor pull down commands. 61

63 5. Ensure that the appropriate layers are set with the snap settings. Remember that the order of the layers here corresponds to the order the snapping will take place. Sewer Manholes is the first layer so it will be snapped to first. Then Cleanouts/Lampholes and so on. 6. Choose the correct edit command from the edit tools menu. 7. For this application we will use the Direction-Distance Tool. 62

64 8. Once the Direction-Distance Tool is activated, snap to the appropriate feature (in this case that is a manhole). An alignment line will appear. Snap this line to the edge of the sewer main to set the direction. 9. Once the alignment is set re-snap to the manhole and the distance arc will appear. You can see the distance meter in the lower left hand corner adjust as the radius of the circle changes. 63

65 10. To set the radius to a specific distance, press the D key to open the distance dialog box. Enter the correct distance needed and press enter to set the radius for that distance. 11. Select the intersection of the circle and alignment line to create the sketch node. The sketch node will appear as a read square as shown above. 64

66 12. Without canceling the command switch the edit tool to the sketch tool. The sketch line will appear connected to the sketch node waiting for you to finalize the command. 13. Using the right click command menu choose the next option. If the service is to be perpendicular to the R/W select the command to set the direction. You can also choose any number of the other options including manually setting the direction. If the service has a set distance, choose the Direction/Length command from the right click menu and enter the correct distance to set the Lateral length. If this is the final step either select Finish Sketch from the right click menu or use F2 to finish the sketch. 65

67 14. Once the sketch is finished, use the Attribute button on the Editor Toolbar to open the Attribute window. 15. Use the Attribute window to modify the attributes. 66

68 16. Using the geometric network tools the new features must be validated and connected into the network. 17. To finish the feature, the Asset_Number, Datastream and Description fields must be calculated. Move an existing Sewer Lateral to a distance from a Manhole 12. Complete steps 1-12 from Adding a New Sewer Lateral at a distance from a Manhole. 13. Click the Edit tool. 14. Double Click the Lateral that you want to move. 67

69 15. Pick and drag the node to the sketch node created by the Direction-Distance Tool. If your snap settings are correct the nodes should snap together. 16. Pick the end node of the selected lateral and move it perpendicular to the gravity main. Split a Sewer main 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Click the Edit tool and select the sewer main you wish to split. 3. Click the Split Tool and Click in the location on the main that you wish to split it at. Make sure that your snapping settings are setup for the appropriate location to split the line. 68

70 4. The main will be split into 2 features with identical attribute information. The most important thing to remember is to empty the GISOBJID and DATASTREAM_ID before saving the edits. 5. In the attribute table empty each field on one of the features leaving the other feature with the original fields. 69

71 6. Once you have added the needed feature to the nodes of the main features recalculate the pipe ID s, pipe length and the Datastream Description. 7. Adjust all annotation as needed. 8. Save your edits then Reconcile & post. Final Steps The following items must be checked prior to finalizing and posting the edited features. 1. Check the WATER_TYPE field. 2. Check the Datastream fields to make sure they are populated. ACCOUNTING_CODE, ASSET_STATUS, DESCRIPTION OR DATASTREAM_DESCRIPTION AND DATASTREAM_PARENT 3. Check the UNDERGROUND_TILE field. 4. Check the SANITARY_SERVICE_DISTRICT field. 5. Check the UNDERGROUND_TILE field. 6. Check the Pipe Length. THESE FIELDS ARE NOT OPTIONS! If they are not populated, they must be prior to finalizing and posting the edits. 70

72 6. WATER DATA MAINTENANCE EDITING SCENARIOS Water Geodatabase Descriptions This section provides an overview of the feature classes contained in the APUB Water Geodatabase. Connection Information Server - NTSDE Port or Direct Connect- sde:sqlserver:ntsde Database - PUB Feature Datasets pub.wat.waterabandonedfeatures This dataset contains the feature classes that store the abandoned network features. Features should never be removed from this feature class. 71

73 pub.wat.water Features This dataset contains all sewer features that are not part of the sewer geometric network. Example: underground tiles, casing pipe, easements, facility footprints and district lines. pub.wat.watercadannotation This dataset contains the text extracted from the AutoCad conversion process stored in point files. 72

74 pub.wat.water Network This dataset contains the features that make up the sewer geometric network. Example: Valves, Hydrants, mains and Fittings. This dataset also contains all Feature-Linked annotation. 73

75 Water Standards S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Water\ ABook: This folder contains the water ABook index database. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Water\ BBook: This folder contains the water BBook index database. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Water\ Designs: This folder contains the water AutoCAD design files. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ Water\Map_Projects: This folder contains the Standard sewer Map documents for printing undergrounds, editing and any other necessary maps. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ Water\ Water_Layers: This folder contains the Standard Layer files for the Water feature classes. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ Water\ Description_calcs: This folder contains the calculation files for use in the field calculator in ArcMap. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\ Water\ Water_tools: This folder contains the GIS tools for sewer used in ArcMap. Add a new Valve Example: On West RW 16 South of NRW 25 West of Bend 1. Verify or set the snapping settings by selecting the Snapping Environment menu from the Editor pull down commands. 74

76 2. Ensure that the appropriate layers are set with the snap settings. Remember that the order of the layers here corresponds to the order the snapping will take place. wbend is the first layer so it will be snapped to first. Then wnormalvalves and so on. 75

77 3. Choose the correct edit command from the edit tools menu. 4. For this application we will use the Direction-Distance Tool. 5. Once the Direction-Distance Tool is activated, snap to the appropriate feature (in this case that is a Bend). An alignment line will appear. Snap this line to the edge of the sewer main to set the direction. 76

78 6. Once the alignment is set re-snap to the Bend and the distance arc will appear. You can see the distance meter in the lower left hand corner adjust as the radius of the circle changes. 77

79 7. To set the radius to a specific distance, press the D key to open the distance dialog box. Enter the correct distance needed and press enter to set the radius for that distance. 8. By clicking at the new node you will place the valve at this location. 9. Once the valve is placed. Use the Attribute button on the Editor Toolbar to open the Attribute window. 10. Use the Attribute window to modify the attributes. 78

80 11. Using the geometric network tools the new features must be validated and connected into the network. 12. Use the Edit Annotation Tool to modify the annotation. 13. To finish the feature, the VALVEID, Location Data, Manufacturer, Close Direction, Diameter, Datastream Description, Account Code and Datastream Parent fields must be filled out prior to a reconcile and post. Calculate the Description field for the Water Features The Description field must be calculated for all new or modified feature classes after the Sewer tools have been run. This field is used by Datastream 7i during the work order process. 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Select the features that need the description field calculated. 3. Select the layer in the table of contents that you wish to calculate the description field for. 79

81 4. Right click on the layer name and select Open Attribute Table from the menu popup. 5. Once the Attribute table opens switch the show button to Selected. This will shift the visible attributes to selected features in the table. If you skip this step you will recalculate the entire feature class. This would cause serious problems for the Datastream 7i synchronization process. 80

82 6. Scroll to the DATASTREAM_DESCRIPTION field. Right click on the field name. Select the Calculate Values command from the right click menu. 7. From the Field Calculator dialog box select load to navigate to the folder that the pre defined calculations are store. S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Water\Description_calcs\ 8. Select the description calculation file that corresponds to the feature class you are using. Click open. 81

83 9. Verify that the field calculation is correct and select ok to run the script. 10. Verify that the fields have been populated with the correct information. 11. Save your edits. Add a new Hydrant 1. A hydrant is needed 200 feet from an existing valve. 2. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 3. Setup your snaps and make sure your target layer is wwatermain. 82

84 4. Choose Direction-Distance tool from the Editor tools. 5. Select the object to start from. In this case it is a valve. If your snapping is setup properly you will snap to the edge of the water main to setup the direction. Next you will again snap to the valve and a circle will appear. Use Ctrl+D to open the distance window and type distance you need to set. 83

85 6. Double click to set the node. Once the red node is set switch to the Sketch tool from the Editor tools to start to draw the line. 7. Place your cursor over the Right of Way or the Water main and right click. This will open the menu to select the Perpendicular command. The line you will run perpendicular to will flash. 84

86 8. Use Ctrl+L to open the length pop up box. Enter the distance to the nodes in the box. Continue the line using the length box to set the next node and Perpendicular, Parallel and Segment Deflection to draw the hydrant run. 9. Check your snapping so that snapping to wwatermain vertex is on. Switch your target layer to the fitting you wish to set and inset it at the correct node. Continue this for every needed feature. 85

87 10. It is easiest if the attributes for these features are edited as they are placed so that no information is lost or forgotten. 11. The next step is to split the main water main and hydrant run lines at every fitting. 12. The final step is to adjust all of the annotation into an appropriate position. 13. If you have not already used the rotate features macro, now would be a good time to use this tool. 14. Save your edits. Create New Water Main Crossover 1. Click Editor and click Start Editing. 2. Zoom to the area where you want to create the crossover. 3. Select the main that the crossover will go around. 86

88 4. Choose Copy Parallel from the Editor drop down menu. 5. The Copy Parallel window appears on the screen. The direction the line is offset is dictated by the start and end direction of the line. If the line offsets to the 87

89 north with a positive number than a negative number will offset the line to the south. This will give you a duplicate construction line on both sides of the water main. 3.0 is used as the standard offset distance to create a clean crossover. 6. At this point both construction lines and water mains need to be removed from the network before continuing. 7. Select both construction lines and choose the trim tool from the Editor toolbar. Select the water main section that is between the construction lines. 88

90 8. Delete the construction lines. 89

91 9. Select one of the sections of split water main and double click on it to see the nodes. To modify a line feature you must start from the end node which is chown as red. If the end closest to the split is a green node right click on the line and select the flip command. 10. Check your snaps to make sure that wwatermain is setup for snapping to the vertex of the line. 11. With the line still double click selected choose the End Point Arc Tool from the tools drop menu on the Editor Toolbar. 12. The tool will start with the end node as the starting point. Snap to the vertex on the end point of the line you are jumping to. This will give you the ability to see and manually adjust the curve and direction of the arc across the gap. We will us a Radius to create the arc. Choose R on your keyboard to bring up the radius pop up window. 90

92 13. This works the same way as the Copy Parallel tool. Positive and negative numbers can be input into this box to choose the side of the line the arc will end up on. Due to precision issues the number that comes up in the radius box will be what you will use, adding a minus if necessary. If you choose to type in your own radius just be prepared to work at it before it works. 14. Once the Arc is set right click and choose finish sketch. At this point you will still have 2 separate lines. 91

93 15. Delete the line that does not have the crossover. 92

94 16. Select the Crossover line and use the sketch tool to finish the line to the nearest node. 17. Double click to finish the sketch. 18. With all features the last step should be to check the connectivity at all nodes. Split a Water main 1. A hydrant is needed 200 feet from an existing valve. 2. Click the Edit tool and select the sewer main you wish to split. 93

95 3. Click the Split Tool and Click in the location on the main that you wish to split it at. Make sure that your snapping settings are setup for the appropriate location to split the line. 94

96 4. The main will be split into 2 features with identical attribute information. The most important thing to remember is to empty the GISOBJID and DATASTREAM_ID before saving the edits. 5. In the attribute table empty each field on one of the features leaving the other feature with the original fields. 6. Recalculate the Datastream Description and pipe length. 7. Adjust all annotation as needed. 95

97 8. Save your edits then Reconcile & post. Final Steps The following items must be checked prior to finalizing and posting the edited features. 1. Check the Datastream fields to make sure they are populated. ACCOUNTING_CODE, ASSET_STATUS, DESCRIPTION OR DATASTREAM_DESCRIPTION AND DATASTREAM_PARENT. 2. Check the UNDERGROUND_TILE field. 3. Check the PIPE_LENGTH. THESE FIELDS ARE NOT OPTIONS! If they are not populated, they must be prior to finalizing and posting the edits. 96

98 7. ABANDONING FEATURES To abandon features there cannot be any annotation layers present in the map document. If they are present the abandon tools will not function. The standard Sewer_ABD_base.mxd and Water_ABD_Base.mxd is preconfigured to work. How to abandon a feature 1. Check that there is no annotation layers present in the map document. 2. Features should not be abandoned until the new project is completed. 3. Click on the Configure Features to Be Abandoned tool. 4. Set the Available Source Layer equal to the feature class that you wish to abandon. In this case 97

99 5. Set the Available Abandoned Layer equal to the feature class that you wish to abandon too. In this case 6. Once the layers are set click the Add Layers button and they will be added into the list boxes. 7. Use the pull down menu to define the Status that you want the abandoned features to be set to. 8. Check the settings and modify any layers or status changes and select Apply. 9. Start an editing session. 10. Set the target layer. 11. Select the features that you wish to abandon. 12. Click on the Abandon Selected Features tool. It may take a few seconds to run if large amounts of features are selected. 98

100 13. If the tool does not function or gives a error message check for annotation layers. 14. Check that the features where moved into the proper feature class and removed from the parent feature class prior to saving your edits. 99

101 8. ANNOTATION There are 2 main categories of annotation that we will use. You will be directly using Feature-Linked annotation as part of the Water and Sewer geodatabase structures. Feature-linked geodatabase annotation If you have an ArcEditor or ArcInfo license, you can create and edit geodatabase annotation that is linked directly to the features being annotated. If you have an ArcView license, you can view feature-linked annotation but not create or edit it. Feature-linked annotation is similar to standard geodatabase annotation but also has some behavior that makes it similar to dynamic labeling. When a new feature is created, new annotation is automatically created. You can turn off this behavior when you create a new feature-linked annotation feature class. If you move a feature, the annotation for that feature moves with it. You can turn off this behavior when you create a new feature-linked annotation feature class. If you change an attribute of the feature on which the annotation text is based, the annotation text changes. If you delete the feature, the annotation is deleted. An annotation class can be linked to only one feature class, but a feature class can have any number of linked annotation feature classes. There are several ways to create feature-linked annotation. First, if you have defined a feature-linked annotation feature class, then as you create new features using the editing tools in ArcMap, annotation will be created for these features automatically. Second, you can also use the Annotate selected features command in ArcMap to add linked annotation to existing features. Finally, you can convert labels to feature-linked annotation in ArcMap or use the ArcToolbox annotation conversion tools to create feature-linked annotation from coverage or CAD annotation. Map document annotation Map document annotation is stored inside the map document (.mxd). If you have a relatively small amount of editable text, and that text will only be used in a single map, you should store your text as map document annotation. Map document annotation is 100

102 best organized using annotation groups. You can create annotation groups in ArcMap by using the Draw toolbar. Modifying features with linked annotation 1. Click the Edit tool. 2. Click the feature you want to edit. 3. Click the Attributes button. 4. Optionally, click the value from which the annotation is derived and modify the attribute value. The annotation is automatically updated to reflect the change. 5. Click the Close button to close the Attributes dialog box. 6. Optionally, click and drag the feature to a new location. The linked annotation feature moves with the feature. 7. Optionally, click the Rotate tool. 8. Optionally, click anywhere on the map and drag the pointer to rotate the feature to the desired location. The annotation rotates with the feature. 9. Optionally, click the Delete button on the Standard toolbar. The feature you selected, along with its linked annotation, is deleted from the database. Updating the text string for feature-linked annotation 1. Add your feature class and feature-linked annotation feature class to ArcMap. 2. Start editing. 3. Click the Edit tool. 4. Select the feature that is linked to the annotation you want to update. Tips 5. Click the Attributes button on the Editor toolbar. 6. Click the value or values from which the annotation is derived and enter your changes. The feature-linked annotation is automatically updated to reflect these changes. 101

103 You can use the Edit Annotation tool to directly edit the text string for featurelinked annotation. However, if an attribute on the linked feature is modified and that attribute is used to derive the annotation text string, your changes will be overwritten by the automatic update. You can use the Edit Annotation tool to move the annotation to the correct locations while maintaining the base point location. 102

104 9. INFOR EAM (DATASTREAM) FEATURE SYNCHRONIZATION PROCESS This is an administrative task to be completed by the GIS Administrator unless you are authorized to do so. Selecting the features to be synchronized 1. You must not be in an edit session to perform this task. 2. Load the Select Features by Last Modified Date tool onto your toolbar. If you need guidance on how to add a tool in ArcMap refer to the ArcMap help documentation. 3. All features that need to be synchronized must be loaded into the map document. There must not be any unique symbology applied to these features due to incompatibility issues with the Datastream tools. 4. Click on the Select Features by Last Modified Date to open the dialog box. 5. Use the calendar drop down to select the date that you wish to select back to. Once selected click the Submit button to run the process. 103

105 6. Once the process is run use the selection tab on the Table of Contents to verify what layers have selected feature in them to be synchronized. 104

106 7. Refer to the Datastream 7i GIS Extension users manual for the Datastream synchronization process using their toolbar. Synchronizing with Datastream 1. The Datastream 7i ArcGIS Desktop extension must be installed to for the tools to be available in ArcMap. Make sure that you are running the proper version of the tools. 2. Turn the extension on in ArcMap. 105

107 3. 4. For the tutorial on the integration and use of these tools within ArcMap refer to the GISAdmin.pdf located at S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\Datastream 7i. Field Mappings For the synchronization process to work properly the Datastream preferences and field mapping must be properly setup. Below is the list of all of the layers and their fields that are mapped into Datastream. The complete field mapping document can be found here: S:\Dept\Service\Utilities\GIS\PublicUtilities\Datastream\FieldMaps.mdb This table is created from the R5GISDATAMAPS field in the Datastream Oracle tables. GIS Feature Class GIS Attribute Asset_Status Asset_Status Asset_Status Asset_Status Asset_Status Asset_Status Asset_Status 106








115 pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.waccesshatch pub.wat.wairreleasevalve ASSET_NUMBER DATASTREAM_PARENT DATASTREAM_ID MATERIAL Stack DISTANCE_FROM_MANHOLE DATASTREAM_ID DATASTREAM_PARENT DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION VALVESHEETNUMBER UNDERGROUND_TILE ACCOUNTING_CODE VALVEID LOC_DIR_2 LOC_DIST_2 VALVENUMBER DIAMETER In_Manhole LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIST_1 Asset_Status LAST_MODIFIED VALVEID 114

116 pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve DATASTREAM_ID ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_PARENT VALVESHEETNUMBER Asset_Status VALVENUMBER Diameter Close_Direction CLOSED Manufacturer LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIR_2 LOC_DIST_1 LOC_DIST_2 Air_Release_Type In_Manhole INSTALLYEAR ValveClass Condition OLDVALVENUMBER OLDVALVESHEETNUMBER UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED 115

117 pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wairreleasevalve pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbend Owner Maintenance_Owner DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION Direction UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED Diameter DATASTREAM_ID Bend_Type DEGREES INSTALLYEAR Asset_Status DATASTREAM_PARENT Orientation pub.wat.wbend pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve DATASTREAM_ID DATASTREAM_PARENT DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION VALVEID Asset_Status VALVENUMBER 116

118 pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve VALVESHEETNUMBER Diameter CLOSED Close_Direction LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIR_2 LOC_DIST_1 pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wbypassvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve In_Manhole INSTALLYEAR UNDERGROUND_TILE Owner Manufacturer LOC_DIST_2 Condition OLDVALVENUMBER OLDVALVESHEETNUMBER Maintenance_Owner ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_ID DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION VALVENUMBER VALVESHEETNUMBER 117

119 pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcheckvalve pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves Diameter Manufacturer LOC_DIR_2 Asset_Status ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_PARENT LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIST_1 LOC_DIST_2 OLDVALVENUMBER OLDVALVESHEETNUMBER UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED Owner Maintenance_Owner VALVEID Check_Valve_Type In_Manhole INSTALLYEAR ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_ID VALVEID VALVENUMBER 118

120 pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves pub.wat.wcorporationvalves VALVESHEETNUMBER DIAMETER Close_Direction CLOSED Manufacturer LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIR_2 LOC_DIST_1 LOC_DIST_2 CorporationType In_Manhole INSTALLYEAR Condition ValveClass OLDVALVENUMBER OLDVALVESHEETNUMBER UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED Maintenance_Owner Owner Asset_Status DATASTREAM_PARENT DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION 119

121 pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.wfitting DATASTREAM_PARENT DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION ACCOUNTING_CODE Diameter2 Fitting_Type INSTALLYEAR Direction DATASTREAM_ID Diameter1 UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED Orientation Asset_Status pub.wat.wfitting pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_ID DATASTREAM_PARENT HYDRANTID UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION Dome_Color PressureRating 120

122 pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.whydrant pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve Dead_End VALVEID HYDRANTSIZE Manufacturer INSTALLYEAR Asset_Status Service_District Maintenance_Owner Owner Asset_Status DATASTREAM_ID CLOSED Manufacturer LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIR_2 LOC_DIR_3 Valve_Type Hydrant_Valve Hydrant_Manufacturer In_Manhole Condition OLDVALVESHEETNUMBER Service_District 121

123 pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.wnormalvalve pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset Owner Maintenance_Owner LOC_DIST_1 LOC_DIST_2 LOC_DIST_3 OLDVALVENUMBER UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED INSTALLYEAR ValveClass ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_PARENT DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION VALVEID VALVESHEETNUMBER VALVENUMBER Diameter Close_Direction Direction INSTALLYEAR LAST_MODIFIED DATASTREAM_PARENT UNDERGROUND_TILE 122

124 pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset Asset_Status DATASTREAM_ID ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffset Orientation Diameter Offset_Distance pub.wat.woffset pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve VALVEID VALVENUMBER VALVESHEETNUMBER CLOSED Manufacturer LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIR_2 LOC_DIR_3 LOC_DIST_1 LOC_DIST_2 LOC_DIST_3 Valve_Type NUT_LAY_DIRECTION_1 NUT_LAY_DISTANCE_1 123

125 pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.woffsetvalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve TURNSTOCLOSE INSTALLYEAR Condition OLDVALVENUMBER OLDVALVESHEETNUMBER Service_District UNDERGROUND_TILE LAST_MODIFIED Owner Maintenance_Owner Diameter Close_Direction In_Manhole Nut_Lay_Direction_2 NUT_LAY_DISTANCE_2 ValveClass Asset_Status ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_ID DATASTREAM_PARENT DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION Asset_Status ACCOUNTING_CODE 124

126 pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpressurevalve pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wpumpstation DATASTREAM_ID DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION VALVEID DATASTREAM_PARENT Close_Direction CLOSED VALVENUMBER LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIR_2 LOC_DIST_1 LOC_DIST_2 In_Manhole Pressure_Valve_Type INSTALLYEAR Maintenance_Owner Owner LAST_MODIFIED VALVESHEETNUMBER Diameter Manufacturer UNDERGROUND_TILE Asset_Status Service_District 125

127 pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wpumpstation pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wreservoirs pub.wat.wstoragefacility pub.wat.wstoragefacility pub.wat.wstoragefacility pub.wat.wstoragefacility pub.wat.wstoragefacility pub.wat.wstoragefacility pub.wat.wstoragefacility pub.wat.wtappingvalve DATASTREAM_PARENT UNDERGROUND_TILE ADDRESS FACILITY_ID DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION REFERENCE_NAME ACCOUNTING_CODE Asset_Status Service_District DATASTREAM_PARENT FACILITY_ID UNDERGROUND_TILE DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION REFERENCE_NAME ADDRESS Asset_Status FACILITY_ID DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION ADDRESS REFERENCE_NAME UNDERGROUND_TILE SERVICEDIST DATASTREAM_PARENT 126

128 pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION VALVENUMBER VALVESHEETNUMBER DIAMETER Sleeve_Diameter Asset_Status ACCOUNTING_CODE DATASTREAM_ID VALVEID LOC_DIR_1 LOC_DIR_2 Service_District Close_Direction Maintenance_Owner Owner UNDERGROUND_TILE pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve CLOSED LOC_DIST_2 ValveClass OLDVALVENUMBER Manufacturer LOC_DIST_1 127

129 pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wtappingvalve pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain Hydrant_Valve Hydrant_Manufacturer In_Manhole INSTALLYEAR Condition OLDVALVESHEETNUMBER LAST_MODIFIED Diameter Material INSTALLYEAR Main_Type Service_Level CleanLine CLEANLINEDATE LAST_MODIFIED ACCOUNTING_CODE Soil_Type DATASTREAM_ID PIPE_DEPTH PIPE_LENGTH Asset_Status UNDERGROUND_TILE Surface_Type 128

130 pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain pub.wat.wwatermain DATASTREAM_PARENT Owner Maintenance_Owner Service_District DATASTREAMDESCRIPTION 129

131 10. INFOR EAM (DATASTREAM) PROCEDURES Your Infor User Inbox 1. Your Infor inbox should be checked every morning for new assigned work orders. As work is assigned to you, the count in the Open Work Orders Assigned To Me will grow. As we grow accustom to the system the queries in your inbox can be customized to better separate the work assigned to you. 2. Double clicking on the Open Work Orders Assigned To Me tab will open the work order screen. The work orders assigned to you will be listed on the screen. 130

132 3. Double click on the selected work order to in the list to open the complete work order. 131

133 Anatomy of the Work Order Screen 1. Standard work order fields. The Dark blue fields must be filled out before the work order can be saved. The Work Order number will be auto generated. The required field past the ID is a description field used to describe the required action for the work order. Make this brief and as explanatory as possible. Main 146 S. High St., New Hydrant on 8 WM north side of Copley RD. or Field inspect Manhole existence 132

134 If this is not enough to fully explain the situation use the Comments tab to fill out a more complex description and check the Documents/Comments box. The Asset ID should be filled out if you have used the GIS viewer to select the feature. If not you can manually enter the asset ID if you know it. The Type pull down will give you many options. We will only use Planned or Reactive. The Department and Organization will automatically fill in depending on the asset that is selected. The Assigned By will need to be filled out with my user name. ROZENDA The Assigned To will be populated by the following names depending on what work is required. Doug Zwahlen (ZWAHLDO) - Utilities Engineering John Thompson (THOMPJO) - Water Distribution Mark Soppi (SOPPIMA) - Sewer Maintenance 2. Work Order Details There are only 2 fields that we need to fill out in this area. The Priority must be set. Most of our work will be 2 Scheduled. 133

135 The Class will setup the custom fields. Refer the section Work Order Classes and Uses. 3. Customer Fields Depending on the Class of the work order these fields will vary. Fill these fields out as needed. 134

136 Anatomy of the Quick Work Order Screen 1. WO Details The Dark blue fields must be filled out before the work order can be saved. The Work Order number will be auto generated. The WO Description field is a field used to describe the required action for the work order. Make this brief and as explanatory as possible. Main 146 S. High St., New Hydrant on 8 WM north side of Copley RD. or Field inspect Manhole existence Main@Market. If Comments are needed you will be forced to finish the quick work order then find the full work order to add them. If this is the case I would suggest you create a full work order not a quick work order. The Class will setup the custom fields. Refer the section Work Order Classes and Uses. The Assigned To field must be filled out or the work order may never reach its destination. All other fields can be filled out if you have the information to do so. 135

137 Work Order Classes and Uses Work order classes are used to define the custom fields that will be displayed for the work order type. Example: If you were writing a work order to locate a manhole you would use the class MNHL. If you want to verify a valves existence you would use VALVE. Class Description Organization 1 NS SERVICE PREM TAP APS 1001 NS SERVICE PREM TAP APS 1011 NS CREATE TAP INFO APS 801 TD Box/Stop Inspection APS 804 TD Raise Lower Pepair Box APS 808 TD Box/Stop Up/DownCust APS 809 TD Box/Stop Rep/Repl APS 810 TD Box Stop Cover Rep/Replace APS 812 TD Locate/Mark Box APS 844 TD Service Transfer APS 847 TD Disconnect Service APS 849 TD Renew Service APS 857 Paid Renewal APS 868 TD Pit Repair/Replace APS 880 TD Add or Remove CMP APS 962 TD Pressure Test Cust APS 963 TD Pressure Test - Reg APS CMTP Curb Meter Pit APS CRBX Curb Box APS 136

138 HYDR Hydrants APS INLT Inlet APS INSP Inspection of Lateral Connections APS LATR Lateral Lead APS MAIN Main APS MNHL Manhole APS PMST Pumpstation APS RACK Rack APS SRVC Service APS TVLATR Televise/Smoke Test Lateral APS VALVE Valve APS VALVEEX Valve Exercise APS WD TRANS Transfer Water Service APS Infor EAM Asset Hierarchy The Asset Hierarchy is used to define the mapping of the GIS feature classes into the structure of EAM. The image below shows the Parent Assets and the corresponding GIS feature classes that make them. 137

139 138

140 11. GPS POCEDURES What GPS units do we use? Leica GPS 1200 pole mounted system: This is the GPS unit that is used for sewer asbuilt data collection. The focus of this section is the use of this system. The post processing software used by this unit is Leica GeoOffice combined. Leica GPS 1200 bag mounted system: This is the GPS unit was used for the street light data collection and is still currently configured in the same manner. The post processing software used by this unit is Leica GeoOffice combined. In this configuration Geospatial technology s Photo-Link software is used for creation of the features after post processing. Ashtech Relience pole mounted system: This is the GPS unit is not currently configured and is now some used for emergency purposes. The post processing software used by this unit is Relience Office suite. Using the Leica GPS Unit 1. Make sure that all of the components of the unit are securely tightened before moving the unit. 2. Verify that all of the cables are securely connected to all of the components. 3. Verify that the pole is set to the proper height. There are 2 blue marks on the pole of the unit. One is 5.5 and the second is Turn the unit on by pressing the PROG key. 139

141 5. Use the arrow keys to move the box over the Manage button and hit the return key. The number keys can also be used to navigate to any command. In this case you could press 3 to navigate to the Manage button and hit the return key. 6. The management screen will appear. 140

142 7. Enter the Jobs screen by hitting the return key. For standard use this will be the only screen that will be used in the Management screen. 8. Select the ESC key at any time to exit a screen. 9. The default job will always be here DO NOT UNDER ANY SURCOMSTANCE DELETE IT. Delete any other existing projects unless you are instructed differently. All projects should be downloaded the day they are completed. 141

143 10. Press F6 to delete the project. 11. On the Jobs screen press F2 to begin creating a new project. 12. On the New Job screen completely fill out the information for your project. 13. Select F6 to go to the Code list screen. 142

144 14. Make sure that the proper code list is being used for your project. 15. Select F1 to store the newly created project. 16. F1 or ESC can be used to return to the main menu screen. 17. From the main menu enter the Survey screen. 18. This will open up the Survey Begin screen. 143

145 19. Switch the job to your new project. In this case Ascot is the name of our project. 20. Verify that the remainder of the information on the Survey Begin screen is correct before selecting F1 to continue to the Survey screen. 21. Highlight the Point ID and enter the ID you wish the point to have. If you want it to auto generate this ID enter a 1 and the ID will sequence as points are taken. 144

146 22. Select F1 (Occupy) to start to take your first point. 23. Once you begin to occupy the point use the F6 to switch to the Code screen. 24. Switch the point code to the appropriate type. If this is not done the point will not automatically store, then you will need to push F1 to store before occupying your next point. 25. If you are done taking points use the ESC button to exit out of the Survey screens back to the main menu. 145

147 26. At the main menu press the USER and PROG buttons at the same time to shut the unit off. 27. Follow the instructions for How to Post Process for your next steps. How to Post Process Using Leica GeoOffice Combines The first step in this process is to create your project folder. This must be done from the Leica GeoOffice Combined software. The shortcut for this software can be found on the desktop of the PUBENG computer. 1. Select the Projects button from the Management bar on the left of the screen. This will open the Projects screen. 2. Select the Projects folder and right click. On this menu select New to create a new project folder. These should be located in the following directory of the computer. C:\data\SEWER_ASBUILTS 146

148 3. The New Project window will open. Verify the proper location and add the Project Name. Make sure that Time Zone is set to 0 hours and 0 minutes. This keeps the system set at survey time. Select OK to finish. 4. Minimize GeoOffice. 5. Insert the memory card from the GPS rover into the card reader. The memory card will automatically open as drive F:\. The DBX file contains all of the projects from the GPS unit. Copy this entire folder from here and past it in you projects folder under C:\Data\SEWER_ASBUILTS. 147

149 6. Create a new folder in your project folder called Rinex. This is the folder that you will download the COR Base station data to. 7. Use the shortcut on the desktop to take you to the CORS website. 8. On the left hand side of the screen select Downloads and Customized Files. This will allow you to select the specific time you where out during data collection. You must wait at least 1 hour after your time before the files will be posted fro your collection time. 9. Follow the instructions on the next 2 screens to begin downloading the Rinex files for your project. Make sure that the time you choose is a long enough duration. The base station we use is OHPO. This is a portage county ODOT COR site. 148

150 10. Once the file is downloaded you must unzip it before you can use it. Once this is done proceed to step Open GeoOffice back up. Double click on your project to open it up. Once open select the Import Raw data tool from the toolbar to import your Rinex and GPS data. 12. This will open the import window. Use the file type pull down to select the file type you wish to import. 13. This image shows us importing the GPS data from DBX folder by selecting the data under your project name. 149

151 14. Once you import this use the tool a second time to load the Rinex data from you COR site. This folder may contain many files. Each Hour that you download will have a few files. Always import the o files. 150

152 15. Once the import is complete the Points tab of your project should contain the list of GPS points and a Reference station point. Uncheck the Reference stations so that they do not get post processed. 16. Make sure that the coordinate systems are setup properly by making sure the buttons in the upper right of the screen are set up for WGS-84 and Geodetic coordinates as shown below. 17. Switch to the GPS-PROC tab. From this tab you can verify that your Base station data covers the same time frame as your GPS data. If it does not you need to verify that you imported the right file or download a new file from the COR site. 151

153 18. Using the Select Mode: Reference and Select Mode: Rover tools to identify the points and station for post processing. 19. If the points are selected properly use the Process tool to process the GPS points against the Base station. 152

154 20. Once processing is done it will automatically switch to the Results tab. 21. Verify that the coordinates are setup properly. 22. The processed points will be displayed. These must be stored to finalize the process. Select all the points and right click. From this menu select Store. 23. Now that the points are stored you can export the processed points into a shapefile. From the Export menu select Shape File 24. This will open the Shape File screen. Locate the folder you wish to save the files to and select Save. This will create a shapefile for every feature type. Inlets, Manholes and Network structures. 153

155 You have now created your shapefiles from your GPS points. It is my suggestion that you modify the name of these files to reflect your project. 154

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