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1 More data analysis examples

2 R packages used library(ggplot2) library(tidyr) library(mass) library(leaps) library(dplyr) ## ## Attaching package: dplyr ## The following object is masked from package:mass : ## ## select ## The following objects are masked from package:stats : ## ## filter, lag ## The following objects are masked from package:base : ## 2 / 101

3 The windmill data Engineer: does amount of electricity generated by windmill depend on how strongly wind blowing? Measurements of wind speed and DC current generated at various times. Assume the various times to be randomly selected aim to generalize to this windmill at all times. Research questions: Relationship between wind speed and current generated? If so, what kind of relationship? Can we model relationship to do predictions? Do analysis in R. 3 / 101

4 The data Some of it: windmill=read.csv("windmill.csv",header=t) head(windmill,n=10) ## wind.velocity DC.output ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## / 101

5 Strategy Two quantitative variables, looking for relationship: regression methods. Start with picture (scatterplot). Fit models and do model checking, fixing up things as necessary. Scatterplot: 2 variables, DC.output and wind.velocity. First is output/response, other is input/explanatory. Put DC.output on vertical scale. Add trend, but don t want to assume linear. g=ggplot(windmill,aes(y=dc.output,x=wind.velocity))+ geom_point()+geom_smooth(se=f) 5 / 101

6 Scatterplot g 2.0 DC.output wind.velocity 6 / 101

7 Comments Definitely a relationship: as wind velocity increases, so does DC output. (As you d expect.) Is relationship linear? To help judge, lowess curve smooths scatterplot trend. ( Locally weighted least squares which downweights outliers. Not constrained to be straight.) Trend more or less linear for while, then curves downwards. Straight line not so good here. 7 / 101

8 Fitting a straight line Let s try fitting a straight line anyway, and see what happens: DC.1=lm(DC.output~wind.velocity,data=windmill) summary(dc.1) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = DC.output ~ wind.velocity, data = windmill) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## wind.velocity e-12 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 23 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: ,Adjusted R-squared: / 101

9 Comments Strategy: lm actually fits the regression. Store results in a variable. Then look at the results, eg. via summary. Results actually pretty good: wind.velocity strongly significant, R-squared (87%) high. How to check whether regression is appropriate? Look at the residuals, observed minus predicted. Can plot the regression object; get 4 plots, at least 2 of which are mysterious. Can obtain residuals and predicted values directly and plot them. We go second way: windmill$fit.linear=fitted(dc.1) windmill$res.linear=resid(dc.1) g=ggplot(windmill,aes(y=res.linear,x=fit.linear))+ geom_point()+geom_smooth(se=f) 9 / 101

10 Plot of residuals against fitted values g res.linear fit.linear 10 / 101

11 Comments on residual plot Residual plot should be a random scatter of points. Should be no pattern left over after fitting the regression. lowess curve should be more or less straight across at 0. Here, have a curved trend on residual plot. This means original relationship must have been a curve (as we saw on original scatterplot). Possible ways to fit a curve: Add a squared term in explanatory variable. Transform response variable (doesn t work well here). See what science tells you about mathematical form of relationship, and try to apply. 11 / 101

12 Parabolas and fitting parabola model A parabola has equation y = ax 2 + bx + c for suitable a, b, c. About the simplest function that is not a straight line. Fit one using lm by adding x 2 to right side of model formula with +: DC.2=lm(DC.output~wind.velocity+I(wind.velocity^2), data=windmill) The I() necessary because ^ in model formula otherwise means something different (to do with interactions in ANOVA). This actually multiple regression. Call it parabola model. 12 / 101

13 Parabola model output summary(dc.2) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = DC.output ~ wind.velocity + I(wind.velocity^2), ## data = windmill) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) e-06 *** ## wind.velocity e-11 *** ## I(wind.velocity^2) e-08 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 22 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: ,Adjusted R-squared: ## F-statistic: on 2 and 22 DF, p-value: < 2.2e / 101

14 Comments on output R-squared has gone up a lot, from 87% (line) to 97% (parabola). Coefficient of squared term strongly significant (P-value ). Adding squared term has definitely improved fit of model. Parabola model better than linear one. But... need to check residuals again: windmill$fit.parabola=fitted(dc.2) windmill$res.parabola=resid(dc.2) g=ggplot(windmill,aes(y=res.parabola,x=fit.parabola))+ geom_point() 14 / 101

15 Residual plot from parabola model g 0.2 res.parabola fit.parabola 15 / 101

16 Or, with lowess curve g+geom_smooth(se=f) 0.2 res.parabola fit.parabola 16 / 101

17 Scatterplot with fitted line and curve Residual plot basically random. Good. Lowess curve not flat, but might be deceived by few residuals above 0 in middle. Scatterplot with fitted line and curve like this: g=ggplot(windmill,aes(y=dc.output,x=wind.velocity))+ geom_point()+geom_smooth(method="lm",se=f)+ geom_line(aes(y=fit.parabola)) This plots: scatterplot (geom_point); straight line (via tweak to geom_smooth, which draws best-fitting line); fitted curve, using the predicted DC.output values, joined by lines (with points not shown). Trick in the geom_line is use the predictions as the y-points to join by lines, instead of the original data points. Without the aes in the geom_line, original data points would be joined by lines. 17 / 101

18 Scatterplot with fitted line and curve g 2 DC.output wind.velocity Curve clearly fits better than line. 18 / 101

19 Another approach to a curve There is a problem with parabolas, which we ll see later. Go back to engineer with findings so far. Ask, what should happen as wind velocity increases? : Upper limit on electricity generated, but otherwise, the larger the wind velocity, the more electricity generated. Mathematically, sounds like asymptote. Straight lines and parabolas don t have them, but eg. y = 1/x does: as x gets bigger, y approaches zero without reaching it. What happens to y = a + b(1/x) as x gets large? y gets closer and closer to a a is asymptote. Fit this, call it asymptote model. Alternative, y = a + be x, approaches asymptote faster. 19 / 101

20 How to fit asymptote model? Same idea as for parabola: define new explanatory variable to be 1/x, and predict y from it. x is velocity, distance over time. So 1/x is time over distance. In walking world, if you walk 5 km/h, take 12 minutes to walk 1 km, called your pace. So call 1 over wind.velocity wind.pace. Make a scatterplot first to check for straightness (next page) windmill$wind.pace=1/windmill$wind.velocity g=ggplot(windmill,aes(y=dc.output,x=wind.pace))+ geom_point()+geom_smooth(se=f) and run regression like this (page after): DC.3=lm(DC.output~wind.pace,data=windmill) 20 / 101

21 Scatterplot for wind.pace g 2.0 DC.output wind.pace That s pretty straight. 21 / 101

22 Regression output ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = DC.output ~ wind.pace, data = windmill) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) <2e-16 *** ## wind.pace <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 23 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.98,Adjusted R-squared: ## F-statistic: 1128 on 1 and 23 DF, p-value: < 2.2e / 101

23 Comments R-squared, 98%, even higher than for parabola model (97%). Simpler model, only one explanatory variable (wind.pace) vs. 2 for parabola model (wind.velocity and vel2). wind.pace (unsurprisingly) strongly significant. Looks good, but check residual plot: windmill$fit.asymptote=fitted(dc.3) windmill$res.asymptote=resid(dc.3) g=ggplot(windmill,aes(y=res.asymptote,x=fit.asymptote))+ geom_point()+geom_smooth(se=f) 23 / 101

24 Residual plot for asymptote model g 0.1 res.asymptote fit.asymptote 24 / 101

25 A diversion: gather Sometimes, things are in different columns in a data frame, when we want them in the same column, eg.: group.1=c(10,13,13,14) group.2=c(12,15,15,19) d=data.frame(group.1,group.2) ; d ## group.1 group.2 ## ## ## ## These are made-up scores for 8 different people in 2 different groups. Want one column of scores, and another column labelling groups (eg. for drawing boxplots). 25 / 101

26 Making gather work Use gather from package tidyr: long=gather(d,group,score) This makes one long column of scores, each one identified by group it came from (right): long ## group score ## 1 group.1 10 ## 2 group.1 13 ## 3 group.1 13 ## 4 group.1 14 ## 5 group.2 12 ## 6 group.2 15 ## 7 group.2 15 ## 8 group.2 19 Then eg: g=ggplot(long,aes(x=group,y=score))+geom_boxplot() 26 / 101

27 The boxplot g 17.5 score group.1 group group.2 27 / 101

28 Plotting trends on scatterplot Residual plot not bad. But residuals go up to 0.10 and down to 0.20, suggesting possible skewness (not normal). I think it s not perfect, but OK overall. Next: plot scatterplot with all three fitted lines/curves on it (for comparison), with legend saying which is which. Trickery: need all fits in one column, with a second one labelling model they were fits for: gather: w2=gather(windmill,model,fit, c(fit.linear,fit.parabola,fit.asymptote)) g=ggplot(w2,aes(y=dc.output,x=wind.velocity, colour=model))+geom_point()+geom_line(aes(y=fit)) 28 / 101

29 What s in w2 str(w2) ## 'data.frame': 75 obs. of 8 variables: ## $ wind.velocity: num ## $ DC.output : num ## $ res.linear : num ## $ res.parabola : num ## $ wind.pace : num ## $ res.asymptote: num ## $ model : chr "fit.linear" "fit.linear" "fit.linear" "fit.linea ## $ fit : num / 101

30 Scatterplot with fitted curves g wind.velocity DC.output model fit.asymptote fit.linear fit.parabola 30 / 101

31 Comments Predictions from curves are very similar. Predictions from asymptote model as good, and from simpler model (one x not two), so prefer those. Go back to asymptote model summary: 31 / 101

32 Asymptote model summary summary(dc.3) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = DC.output ~ wind.pace, data = windmill) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) <2e-16 *** ## wind.pace <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 23 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.98,Adjusted R-squared: ## F-statistic: 1128 on 1 and 23 DF, p-value: < 2.2e / 101

33 Comments Intercept in this model about 3. Intercept of asymptote model is the asymptote (upper limit of DC.output). Not close to asymptote yet. Therefore, from this model, wind could get stronger and would generate appreciably more electricity. This is extrapolation! Would like more data from times when wind.velocity higher. Eyeballed 95% CI for asymptote: 3 ± 2(0.05) = (2.9, 3.1). Slope 7. Why negative? As wind.velocity increases, wind.pace goes down, and DC.output goes up. Check. 33 / 101

34 Checking back in with research questions Is there a relationship between wind speed and current generated? Yes. If so, what kind of relationship is it? One with an asymptote. Can we model the relationship, in such a way that we can do predictions? Yes, see model DC.3 and plot of fitted curve. Good. Job done. 34 / 101

35 Job done, kinda Just because the parabola model and asymptote model agree over the range of the data, doesn t necessarily mean they agree everywhere. Extend range of wind.velocity to 1 to 16 (steps of 0.5), and predict DC.output according to the two models: wv=seq(1,16,0.5) wv ## [1] ## [15] ## [29] R has predict, which requires what to predict for, as data frame. The data frame has to contain values, with matching names, for all explanatory variables in regression(s). 35 / 101

36 Setting up data frame to predict from Linear model had just wind.velocity. Parabola model had that as well (squared one will be calculated) Asymptote model had just wind.pace (reciprocal of velocity). So create data frame called with those in:, wind.pace=1/wv) 36 / 101

37 Doing predictions, one for each model Use same fit. names as before: fit.linear=predict(dc.1, fit.parabola=predict(dc.2, fit.asymptote=predict(dc.3, Put it all into a data frame for plotting, along with original data: my.fits=data.frame(,fit.linear,fit.parabola,fit.asymptote) head(my.fits) ## wind.velocity wind.pace fit.linear fit.parabola fit.asymptote ## ## ## ## ## ## / 101

38 Making a plot To make a plot, we use the same trick as last time to get all three predictions on a plot with a legend: fits.long=gather(my.fits,model,fit, fit.linear:fit.asymptote) g=ggplot(fits.long,aes(y=fit,x=wind.velocity, colour=model))+geom_line() The observed wind velocities were in this range: vels=range(windmill$wind.velocity) ; vels ## [1] DC.output between 0 and 3 from asymptote model. Add lines to graph: g2=g+geom_hline(yintercept=0)+geom_hline(yintercept=3)+ geom_vline(xintercept=vels[1])+ geom_vline(xintercept=vels[2]) 38 / 101

39 The plot g2 4 2 fit 0 model fit.asymptote fit.linear fit.parabola wind.velocity 39 / 101

40 Comments (1) Over range of data, two models agree with each other well. Outside range of data, they disagree violently! For larger wind.velocity, asymptote model behaves reasonably, parabola model does not. What happens as wind.velocity goes to zero? Should find DC.output goes to zero as well. Does it? For parabola model: coef(dc.2) ## (Intercept) wind.velocity I(wind.velocity^2) ## Nope, goes to 1.15 (intercept), actually significantly different from zero. 40 / 101

41 Comments (2) What about asymptote model? coef(dc.3) ## (Intercept) wind.pace ## As wind.velocity heads to 0, wind.pace heads to +, so DC.output heads to! Predicted DC.output crosses 0 approx when (w is wind.pace and v wind.velocity) 3 7w = 0, ie. w = 3/7 and v = 7/3, and is negative below that nonsense! Also need more data for small wind.velocity to understand relationship. (Is there a lower asymptote?) Best we can do now is to predict DC.output to be zero for small wind.velocity. Assumes a threshold wind velocity below which no electricity 41 / 101

42 Summary Often, in data analysis, there is no completely satisfactory conclusion, as here. Have to settle for model that works OK, with restrictions. Always something else you can try. At some point you have to say I stop. 42 / 101

43 Electricity: peak hour demand and total energy usage

44 Another regression example (SAS) Electric utility company wants to relate peak-hour demand (kw) to total energy usage (kwh) during a month. Important planning problem, because generation system must be large enough to meet maximum demand. Data from 53 residential customers from August. Read in data and draw scatterplot: data util; infile '/folders/myfolders/utility.txt'; input usage demand; proc sgplot; scatter x=usage y=demand; 44 / 101

45 Scatterplot 45 / 101

46 Fitting a regression Concern: outlier top right (though appears to be legit values) Trend basically straight, and outlier appears to be on it. So try fitting regression: proc reg; model demand=usage; 46 / 101

47 Regression output The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: demand Root MSE R-Square Dependent Mean Adj R-Sq Coeff Var Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > t Intercept usage < / 101

48 Comments R-squared 70%: not bad! Statistically significant slope: demand really does depend on usage. But should look at residuals. SAS way: obtain output data set, then do something with that: proc reg; model demand=usage; output out=util2 r=res p=fit; Output data set contains residuals, called res, fitted values, called fit. (Plus all same output as before.) Now make scatterplot of residuals against fitted values: proc sgplot; scatter x=fit y=res; 48 / 101

49 Residual plot 49 / 101

50 Comments No trend but: residuals for demand close to 0 are themselves close to zero and: residuals for larger demand tend to get farther from zero at least up to demand 5 or so. One of the assumptions hiding behind regression is that residuals should be of equal size, not fanning out as here. Remedy: transformation. 50 / 101

51 But what transformation? Best way: consult with person who brought you the data. Can t do that here! No idea what transformation would be good. Let data choose: Box-Cox transformation. Scale is that of ladder of powers : power transformation, but 0 is log. SAS: proc transreg: proc transreg data=util; model boxcox(demand)=identity(usage); 51 / 101

52 Output (graph) 52 / 101

53 Comments SAS finds best transformation, here power Also gives you a CI for power, here 0.50 to Ideal transformation should be defensible power. Here that would be power 0.5, which would be square root. Try that and see how it looks. Create another new data set by bringing in everything from old one and make a scatterplot: data trans; set util; rtdemand=sqrt(demand); proc sgplot; scatter x=usage y=rtdemand; 53 / 101

54 New scatterplot 54 / 101

55 Regression with new response variable Scatter plot still looks straight. Data set trans is most recently-created (default) one, so used in scatterplot above and proc reg below. We save residuals and fitted values in output data set, which then becomes default: proc reg; model rtdemand=usage; output out=outrt r=res p=fit; 55 / 101

56 Output The REG Procedure Model: MODEL1 Dependent Variable: rtdemand Root MSE R-Square Dependent Mean Adj R-Sq Coeff Var Parameter Estimates Parameter Standard Variable DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > t Intercept <.0001 usage < / 101

57 Comments R-squared actually decreased (from 70% to 65%). Slope still strongly significant. Should take a look at residuals now: proc sgplot; scatter x=fit y=res; 57 / 101

58 Residual plot for 2nd regression 58 / 101

59 Comments; scatter plot with line on it Better. No trends, constant variability. One mildly suspicious outlier at the bottom. Can trust this regression. Better a lower R-squared from a regression we can trust than a higher one from one we cannot. Make scatterplot of rtdemand against usage with regression line on it. proc sgplot; scatter x=usage y=rtdemand; reg x=usage y=rtdemand; 59 / 101

60 Scatterplot with fitted line 60 / 101

61 Predictions When we transformed the response variable, have to think carefully about predictions. Using usage=1000: int= slope= pred=int+slope*1000 pred ## [1] It s a prediction, but of the response variable in regression, which was rtdemand, square root of demand. To predict actual demand, need to undo the transformation. Undoing square root is squaring: pred^2 ## [1] / 101

62 More predictions For usage 1000, 2000, 3000 all at once: usage=c(1000,2000,3000) rt.demand=int+slope*usage demand=rt.demand^2 demand ## [1] Transformations are non-linear changes. Here, though the usage values equally spaced, predicted demand values are not. Larger gap between 2nd and 3rd than 1st and 2nd. 62 / 101

63 Asphalt

64 The asphalt data 31 asphalt pavements prepared under different conditions. How does quality of pavement depend on these? Variables: The percentage of asphalt in the surface layer pct.a.base The percentage of asphalt in the base layer fines The percentage of fines in the surface layer voids The percentage of voids in the surface layer rut.depth The change in rut depth per million vehicle passes viscosity The viscosity of the asphalt run 2 data collection periods: run 1 for run 1, 0 for run 2. rut.depth response. Depends on other variables, how? R this time. 64 / 101

65 Getting set up Read in data: asphalt=read.table("asphalt.txt",header=t) head(asphalt) ## pct.a.base fines voids rut.depth viscosity run ## ## ## ## ## ## Quantitative variables with one response: multiple regression. Some issues here that don t come up in simple regression; handle as we go. (STAB27 ideas.) 65 / 101

66 Plotting response rut depth against everything else Same idea as for plotting separate predictions on one plot: as2=gather(asphalt,xname,x,c(,viscosity:run)) sample_n(as2,8) # 8 random lines from data frame ## rut.depth xname x ## ## pct.a.base ## pct.a.base ## fines ## pct.a.base ## voids ## ## viscosity g=ggplot(as2,aes(x=x,y=rut.depth))+geom_point()+ facet_wrap(~xname,scales="free") 66 / 101

67 The plot g fines pct.a.base rut.depth run viscosity voids x 67 / 101

68 Interpreting the plots One plot of rut depth against each of the six other variables. Get rough idea of what s going on. Trends mostly weak. Viscosity has strong but non-linear trend. Run has effect but variability bigger when run is 1. Weak but downward trend for voids. Non-linearity of rut.depth-viscosity relationship should concern us. Take this back to asphalt engineer: suggests log of viscosity. 68 / 101

69 Log of viscosity : more nearly linear? Create new variable in data frame to hold log of viscosity: asphalt$log.viscosity=log(asphalt$viscosity) ggplot(asphalt,aes(y=rut.depth,x=log.viscosity))+ geom_point()+geom_smooth(se=f) 20 rut.depth log.viscosity 69 / 101

70 Comments and next steps Not very linear, but better than before. In multiple regression, hard to guess which x s affect response. So typically start by predicting from everything else. Model formula has response on left, squiggle, explanatories on right joined by plusses: rut.1=lm( voids+log.viscosity+run,data=asphalt) 70 / 101

71 Regression output summary(rut.1) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = rut.depth ~ + pct.a.base + fines + voids + ## log.viscosity + run, data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## ## pct.a.base ## fines ## voids ## log.viscosity ** ## run ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 24 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.806,Adjusted R-squared: ## F-statistic: on 6 and 24 DF, p-value: 1.743e / 101

72 Comments At bottom: R-squared 81%, not so bad. F -statistic and P-value assert that something helping to predict rut.depth. Table of coefficients says log.viscosity. But confused by clearly non-significant variables: remove those to get clearer picture of what is helpful. Before we do anything, look at residual plots: (a) of residuals against fitted values (as usual) (b) of residuals against each explanatory. Problem with (a): fix response variable; problem with some plots in (b): fix those explanatory variables. 72 / 101

73 Add fits and residuals to data frame asphalt$fit.1=fitted(rut.1) asphalt$res.1=resid(rut.1) Construct plot of residuals against fitted, normal way: g=ggplot(asphalt,aes(y=res.1,x=fit.1))+geom_point()+ geom_smooth(se=f) Plot residuals against all six x s in one go. Same strategy as before, but noting that now want log.viscosity instead of viscosity: as2=gather(asphalt,xname,x, c(,run:log.viscosity)) g2=ggplot(as2,aes(y=res.1,x=x))+geom_point()+ facet_wrap(~xname,scales="free") 73 / 101

74 Residuals vs. fitted g 10 5 res fit.1 74 / 101

75 Residuals vs. x s g2 fines log.viscosity pct.a.base run voids x res.1 75 / 101

76 Comments There is serious curve in plot of residuals vs. fitted values. Suggests a transformation of y. The residuals-vs-x s plots don t know any serious trends. Worst probably that potential curve against log-viscosity. Also, large positive residual, 10, that shows up on all plots. Perhaps transformation of y will help with this too. If residual-fitted plot OK, but some residual-x plots not, try transforming those x s, eg. by adding x 2 to help with curve. 76 / 101

77 Which transformation? I have no idea what would be a good transformation. Box-Cox again? boxcox( log.viscosity+run,data=asphalt) 77 / 101

78 Box-Cox plot log Likelihood % λ 78 / 101

79 Comments on Box-Cox plot Best single choice of transformation parameter λ is peak of curve, close to 0. Vertical dotted lines give CI for λ, about ( 0.05, 0.2). λ = 0 means log. Narrowness of confidence interval mean that these not supported by data: No transformation (λ = 1) Square root (λ = 0.5) Reciprocal (λ = 1). So new response variable is asphalt$log.rut.depth=log(asphalt$rut.depth) 79 / 101

80 Relationships with explanatories As before: plot response (now log.rut.depth) against other explanatory variables, all in one shot: as2=gather(asphalt,xname,x, c(,run:log.viscosity)) g3=ggplot(as2,aes(y=log.rut.depth,x=x))+geom_point()+ facet_wrap(~xname,scales="free") 80 / 101

81 The new plots g3 fines log.viscosity pct.a.base run voids x log.rut.depth 81 / 101

82 Modelling with transformed response These trends look pretty straight, especially with log.viscosity. Values of log.rut.depth for each run have same spread. Other trends weak, but are straight if they exist. Start modelling from the beginning again. Model log.rut.depth in terms of everything else, see what can be removed. Check resulting residual plots. Off we go: rut.2=lm( fines+voids+log.viscosity+run,data=asphalt) 82 / 101

83 Output summary(rut.2) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log.rut.depth ~ + pct.a.base + fines + ## voids + log.viscosity + run, data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## * ## pct.a.base ## fines ## voids ## log.viscosity e-07 *** ## run ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 24 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: 0.961,Adjusted R-squared: ## F-statistic: on 6 and 24 DF, p-value: 1.059e / 101

84 Taking out everything non-significant Try: remove everything but and log.viscosity: rut.3=lm(,data=asphalt) Check that removing all those variables wasn t too much: anova(rut.3,rut.2) ## Model 2: log.rut.depth ~ + pct.a.base + fines + voids + l ## Analysis of Variance Table ## ## Model 1: log.rut.depth ~ + log.viscosity ## run ## Res.Df RSS Df Sum of Sq F Pr(>F) ## ## H 0 : two models equally good; H a : bigger model better. Null not rejected here; small model as good as the big one, so prefer simpler smaller model rut / 101

85 Take out least significant in sequence summary(rut.2) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log.rut.depth ~ + pct.a.base + fines + ## voids + log.viscosity + run, data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## * ## pct.a.base ## fines ## voids ## log.viscosity e-07 *** ## run ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 85 / 101

86 Take out pct.a.base: rut.4=lm(, data=asphalt) summary(rut.4) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log.rut.depth ~ + fines + voids + log.viscosity ## run, data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## * ## fines ## voids ## log.viscosity e-07 *** ## run ## / 101

87 Update Another way to do the same thing: rut.4=update(rut.2,.~.-pct.a.base) summary(rut.4) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log.rut.depth ~ + fines + voids + log.viscosity ## run, data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## * ## fines ## voids ## log.viscosity e-07 *** ## run / 101

88 Take out fines: rut.5=update(rut.4,.~.-fines) summary(rut.5) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log.rut.depth ~ + voids + log.viscosity + ## run, data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## * ## voids ## log.viscosity e-08 *** ## run ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## 88 / 101

89 Take out run: rut.6=update(rut.5,.~.-run) summary(rut.6) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log.rut.depth ~ + voids + log.viscosity, ## data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## * ## voids * ## log.viscosity <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 27 degrees of freedom 89 / 101

90 Comments Here we stop:, voids and log.viscosity would all make fit significantly worse if removed. So they stay. Different final result from taking things out one at a time (top), than by taking out 4 at once (bottom): coef(rut.6) ## (Intercept) voids log.viscosity ## coef(rut.3) ## (Intercept) log.viscosity ## I like one-at-a-time method better, as general strategy. Point: Can make difference which way we go. 90 / 101

91 Comments on variable selection Best way to decide which x s belong: expert knowledge: which of them should be important. Best automatic method: what we did, backward selection. Do not learn about stepwise regression! See notes for a reference. R has function step that does backward selection, like this: step(rut.2,direction="backward") Gets same answer as we did (by removing least significant x). Removing non-significant x s may remove interesting ones whose P-values happened not to reach Consider using less stringent cutoff like 0.20 or even bigger. Can also fit all possible regressions, as over (may need to do install.packages("leaps") first. 91 / 101

92 All possible regressions leaps=regsubsets( log.viscosity+run,data=asphalt,nbest=2) s=summary(leaps) data.frame(s$rsq,s$outmat) ## s.rsq pct.a.base fines voids log.viscosity run ## 1 ( 1 ) * ## 1 ( 2 ) * ## 2 ( 1 ) * * ## 2 ( 2 ) * * ## 3 ( 1 ) * * * ## 3 ( 2 ) * * * ## 4 ( 1 ) * * * * ## 4 ( 2 ) * * * * ## 5 ( 1 ) * * * * * ## 5 ( 2 ) * * * * * ## 6 ( 1 ) * * * * * * 92 / 101

93 Comments Problem: even adding a worthless x increases R-squared. So try for line where R-squared stops increasing too much, eg. top line (just log.viscosity), first 3-variable line (backwards-elimination model). One solution (STAB27): adjusted R-squared, where adding worthless variable makes it go down. 93 / 101

94 All possible regressions, adjusted R-squared data.frame(s$adjr2,s$outmat) ## s.adjr2 pct.a.base fines voids log.viscosity run ## 1 ( 1 ) * ## 1 ( 2 ) * ## 2 ( 1 ) * * ## 2 ( 2 ) * * ## 3 ( 1 ) * * * ## 3 ( 2 ) * * * ## 4 ( 1 ) * * * * ## 4 ( 2 ) * * * * ## 5 ( 1 ) * * * * * ## 5 ( 2 ) * * * * * ## 6 ( 1 ) * * * * * * Backward-elimination model comes out best again. 94 / 101

95 Revisiting the best model Best model was our rut.6: summary(rut.6) ## ## Call: ## lm(formula = log.rut.depth ~ + voids + log.viscosity, ## data = asphalt) ## ## Residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## ## ## Coefficients: ## Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(> t ) ## (Intercept) ## * ## voids * ## log.viscosity <2e-16 *** ## --- ## Signif. codes: 0 '***' '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1 ## ## Residual standard error: on 27 degrees of freedom ## Multiple R-squared: ,Adjusted R-squared: ## F-statistic: on 3 and 27 DF, p-value: < 2.2e / 101

96 Revisiting (2) Regression slopes say that rut depth increases as log-viscosity decreases, increases and voids increases. This more or less checks out with out scatterplots against log.viscosity. We should check residual plots again, though previous scatterplots say it s unlikely that there will be a problem. Get residuals and fitted values, add to data frame: asphalt$res.6=resid(rut.6) asphalt$fit.6=fitted(rut.6) Plot against each other: g=ggplot(asphalt,aes(y=res.6,x=fit.6))+geom_point() 96 / 101

97 Residuals against fitted values g res fit.6 97 / 101

98 Plotting residuals against x s Do our trick again to put them all on one plot: as2=gather(asphalt,xname,x, c(,run:log.viscosity)) g2=ggplot(as2,aes(y=res.6,x=x))+geom_point()+ facet_wrap(~xname,scales="free") 98 / 101

99 Residuals against the x s g2 fines log.viscosity pct.a.base run voids x res.6 99 / 101

100 Comments None of the plots show any sort of pattern. The points all look random on each plot. On the plot of fitted values (and on the one of log.viscosity), the points seem to form a left half and a right half with a gap in the middle. This is not a concern. One of the values is low outlier (4), shows up top left of that plot. Only two possible values of run; the points in each group look randomly scattered around 0. Residuals seem to go above zero further than below, suggesting a mild non-normality, but not enough to be a problem. 100 / 101

101 Variable-selection strategies Expert knowledge. Backward elimination. All possible regressions. Taking a variety of models to experts and asking their opinion. Use a looser cutoff to eliminate variables in backward elimination (eg. only if P-value greater than 0.20). If goal is prediction, eliminating worthless variables less important. If goal is understanding, want to eliminate worthless variables where possible. Results of variable selection not always reproducible, so caution advised. 101 / 101



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