RECURSION. Week 6 Laboratory for Introduction to Programming and Algorithms Uwe R. Zimmer based on material by James Barker. Pre-Laboratory Checklist

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1 RECURSION Week 6 Laboratory for Introduction to Programming and Algorithms Uwe R. Zimmer based on material by James Barker Pre-Laboratory Checklist vvskills: You can write any conditional expression. vvknowledge: You know how conditions can be based upon pattern matching, boolean guards, or a mixture of both. vvyou have read the laboratory text below. Objectives In this lab, you will learn how to understand, design and implement recursive functions. You will make use of the submission testing and peer reviewing system frequently this week. Interlude: Recursion So far, you have learnt more about the structure of lists, and written some functions that use the first few elements of a list. The last exercise from last lab already went a bit further and evaluated a whole list of tokens without making much of a point of it. Yet this time you ll learn in more general terms to go through a list, without making any kind of assumptions about how many elements there are. A great first example is the sum function, which returns the total of all elements in a (numeric) list. Here is an alternative definition of the sum function over lists of Integers: (the ' at the end of sum' is needed to distinguish our function from the build-in function sum.) sum' :: [Integer] -> Integer sum' list = case list of [] -> 0 x: xs -> x + sum' xs Before you look at what s returned by this function, check out the patterns which this function attempts to match the input against. Those are the two most generic patterns for lists and the two of them together will match against any list. Convince yourself that this is the case. Go back to the interlude about list patterns in the previous lab, if in doubt. If you re paying attention, you will have also noticed that the sum function is defined in terms of itself. This is called a recursive definition, as it uses recursion: expressing something in terms of itself. At first glance, this probably seems confusing and unintuitive, but it turns out that recursion is an extremely powerful idea. Many formal definitions of computation rely heavily on the idea of recursion, and it is fundamental to how Haskell (and all other functional or logical programming languages) operate. Programming languages of different paradigms (like 1 ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science March 2015

2 imperative languages) will offer other forms of iteration as well, but almost all of them also offer recursion 1. Chances that you will ever use a programming language which does not support recursion are slim. So what does the above function definition actually say? Well, if the input list is empty, then the sum of that list is 0 this makes reasonable sense. If the input list is non-empty, then the sum of that list is calculated by adding the head element to the sum of the tail, i.e. the rest of the list. Although it makes sense, it s instructive to repeatedly expand an expression involving sum to see what happens: sum [1, 2, 3] sum [1, 2, 3] = 1 + sum [2, 3] sum [1, 2, 3] = 1 + sum [2, 3] = sum [3] sum [1, 2, 3] = 1 + sum [2, 3] = sum [3] = sum [] sum [1, 2, 3] = 1 + sum [2, 3] = sum [3] = sum [1, 2, 3] = 1 + sum [2, 3] = sum [1, 2, 3] = sum [1, 2, 3] = 6 You notice that the problem is transformed into a simpler expression which is only evaluated after we found the simple case (or base case) (in red) which we can solve without recursing. Here is another way of doing it which does the calculations while progressing through the list (as we did in lectures already, I also replaced Integer with a placeholder a which represents all numerical types just by adding the constraint (Num a) => more on this in the next lab, yet for this lab you can just read a as type standing in for any numerical type ): sum :: (Num a) => [a] -> a sum list = case list of [] -> 0 [x] -> x x: y: zs -> sum ((x + y): zs) This would expand into the following sequence of expressions: sum [1, 2, 3] sum [1, 2, 3] = sum [3, 3] sum [1, 2, 3] = sum [3, 3] = sum [6] sum [1, 2, 3] = sum [3, 3] = 6 sum [1, 2, 3] = 6 As the function calculated intermediate results while going through the list, we already have the final result when we reach the end of the list. Certainly looks shorter, but did it actually make it faster? Type: :set +s in your GHCi environment to enable statistical displays with every evaluation. Now try to run sum [(1::Integer) ] as well as sum [(1::Integer) ]. Do it a few times to see how reliable your measurements are. What does that mean? Sometimes it is not possible to use one of the existing parameters to accumulate a result, and thus a function with an additional parameter is introduced as an internal helper function. This might then look like this: 1 The programming languages which do not support recursion are either early versions of some mainstream languages (like Cobol in its original form from the 60s) or contemporary, specialized languages for high integrity systems, which might limit or forbid recursion (as they also forbid while-loops and other unbound primitives). 2 ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science March 2015

3 sum :: (Num a) => [a] -> a sum list = sum_with_extra_parameter 0 list where sum_with_extra_parameter accumulator shrinking_list = case shrinking_list of [] -> accumulator x: xs -> sum_with_extra_parameter (accumulator + x) xs This would expand into the following sequence of expressions (sum_with_extra_parameter replaced with swep): sum [1, 2, 3] = swep 0 [1, 2, 3] = swep 0 [1, 2, 3] = swep 1 [2, 3] = swep 0 [1, 2, 3] = swep 1 [2, 3] = swep 3 [3] = swep 0 [1, 2, 3] = swep 1 [2, 3] = swep 3 [3] = swep 6 [] = swep 0 [1, 2, 3] = swep 1 [2, 3] = swep 3 [3] = 6 = swep 0 [1, 2, 3] = swep 1 [2, 3] = 6 = swep 0 [1, 2, 3] = 6 = 6 Did this last version improve or degrade performance? Run sum [(1::Integer) ]. Any better? Any worse? Note that recursive functions do not have to involve lists at all. The canonical example of a simple recursive function is the factorial, i.e. n % k = 1 6n! N0: n! = k = n$ ( n-1) $ ( n-2) $ f$ 2$ 1 You can express factorials recursively: 1 ; n = 0 6 n! N 0 : n! = ) n $ ( n-1)! ; n > 0 Which translates almost one-to-one into a recursive factorial function in Haskell: import Integer_Subtypes factorial :: Natural -> Natural factorial n = case n of 0 -> 1 _ -> n * factorial (n - 1) Always nice of course to see a beautifully working solution, but even more interesting is to understand what traps I just jumped over without telling you. So let s look into what I might have gotten wrong here: Why do I include the case where n = 0? Simple: it tells the function where to stop recursing. For example, imagine that I d defined forgot_base_case :: Natural -> Natural forgot_base_case n = n * forgot_base_case (n - 1) Let s try a sample evaluation out: forgot_base_case 3 = 3 * forgot_base_case (3-1) = 3 * (2 * forgot_base_case (2-1)) = 3 * (2 * (1 * forgot_base_case (1-1))) = 3 * (2 * (1 * (0 * forgot_base_case (0-1)))) *** Exception: 0-1: Out of range for Natural 3 ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science March 2015

4 This expansion will never end, and the computer will never be able to provide an answer. This is called a non-terminating program one of the possibilities when your computer freezes up on you, while flooring the processors at the same time. However, including the case for n = 0 provides a point at which expansion ends, and the result can be computed: factorial 3 = 3 * factorial (3-1) = 3 * (2 * factorial (2-1)) = 3 * (2 * (1 * factorial (1-1))) = 3 * (2 * (1 * factorial 0)) = 3 * (2 * (1 * 1)) = 6 This case, n = 0, is called a base case. Now we have a terminating program, which is usually what we want but not always.. try to think of programs which are not supposed to terminate. The other case is called a step case. (If you studied proof by mathematical induction in high school, these terms should be familiar to you. This is not at all accidental: recursion and induction are two sides of the same coin, and complement each other perfectly.) Yet, the step case can drop the ball as well let s have a look: stepping_on_the_spot :: Natural -> Natural stepping_on_the_spot n = case n of 0 -> 1 _ -> n * stepping_on_the_spot n What happens here? stepping_on_the_spot 3 = 3 * stepping_on_the_spot 3 = 3 * (3 * stepping_on_the_spot 3) = 3 * (3 * (3 * stepping_on_the_spot 3)) =... Again we end with a non-terminating program. What else can go bad? Have a look at this function: stepping_in_the_wrong_direction :: Natural -> Natural stepping_in_the_wrong_direction n = case n of 0 -> 1 _ -> n * stepping_in_the_wrong_direction (n + 1) I leave it to you to figure out what happens here. Yet those three traps are the most common mistakes with recursive functions (or with any form of iteration really). Usually those traps are not quite as obvious as they are here, yet knowing those problem cases intimately will help you avoiding them from the beginning. Relating back to the sum example: Could we also calculate the factorial value while we recurse rather then while we return from the base case? Have a look at this version, where we accumulate the final answer in an extra parameter: factorial :: Natural -> Natural factorial n = factorial_in_parameter n 1 where factorial_in_parameter :: Natural -> Natural -> Natural factorial_in_parameter x fac = case x of 0 -> fac _ -> factorial_in_parameter (x - 1) (x * fac) 4 ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science March 2015

5 Is this version expected to also differ in performance similar to what you measured for the different sum implementations? Give it a try! When the final answer is already at hand when the base case is selected (meaning the base case already returns the final answer), then such a recursive function is called tail-recursive. Many compilers apply optimization if they detect this pattern (basically delete all the code and memory which would be otherwise needed to hand the result back through all the recursive stages which got us there), yet the practical effect will differ depending on a number of other factors (which we need to address later). Your Haskell compiler optimises in multiple other ways which may outperform tail-recursive structures. To be of any use at all, every recursive function must include a base case otherwise, its expansion will never terminate and a step case which takes it one step closer to the base case with every function call. Return to the sum' function above. Here, the base case is the case when the input is an empty list. The sole step case is the case where the input is a non-empty list. Recursive functions are a universal concept which you will find everywhere, once you recognize them as recursive. Try the following function and predict the result before you actually run it with happy_creatures Man: data Creatures = Salmon Puffin Fox Bear Man deriving (Eq, Enum, Show) happy_creatures :: Creatures -> String happy_creatures creature = case creature of Salmon -> the ++ (show creature) ++ who is always happy _ -> the ++ (show creature) ++ who dreams of eating ++ happy_creatures (pred creature) ++ which makes the ++ (show creature) ++ happy We have only scratched the surface of what can be done with recursive functions. In labs and assignments to come, you will learn to make increasingly complex uses of this technique. Exercise 1: List Product Write a function product :: (Num a) => [a] -> a, which multiplies all elements inside a list such that for instance: product [(1 :: Integer), 2, 3] = 6 product [(3 :: Integer)] = 3 product [] = 1 Submit your solution under Lab 6 List Product on the SubmissionApp ( SubmissionApp) and don t forget to have this apostrophe at the end of your function. Exercise 2: Lift them up Write a function convert_to_upper_case :: String -> String. This function should take an input of type String, and return the same String with every character converted to upper-case. The technique you use to do this will be similar, but not identical, to that used for sum. Hint: you will need to use both the attach operator : and the toupper function in the Data.Char module. You can, of course, load this module using the familiar import syntax. Submit your solution under Lab 6 Upper Cases on the SubmissionApp ( SubmissionApp) to see whether all checks out. 5 ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science March 2015

6 Exercise 3: 3 esicrexe Write a function invert which accepts any list and returns a list with the same elements, yet in reverse order. So your function should respond like this: invert [(1 :: Integer).. 10] = [10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1] invert abc = cba Reminder: you can concatenate too lists with the ++ operation. This might come in handy when you implement this function in a short way. Make sure your first shot works for the above examples and submit your solution under Lab 6 Invert on the SubmissionApp ( to see whether all checks out. Exercise 4: Fast version Now also test your function invert for: last (invert [(1 :: Integer) ]) (last being a predefined function to pick out the last element of a list.) If you find yourself hoping the it will get the job done before the lab finishes, then you need to improve your function in this exercise (this should not take longer than 0.1 seconds) otherwise you get a freebie and can submit the same function again and its own fast version under Lab 6 Invert (fast) on the SubmissionApp ( Exercise 5: Pack the rucksack Write a function which accepts a list of natural numbers and a target sum: rucksack :: [Natural] -> Natural -> [[Natural]] such that all subsequences of the original list which add up to the target sum are returned. For instance (sorted by large subsequence start numbers first): rucksack [3,7,5,9,13,17] 30 = [[13,17],[3,5,9,13]] This is a simplified version of the well known knapsack problem. Submit under Lab 6 Rucksack on the SubmissionApp ( (and also include import Integer_Subtypes at the beginning of your submission). Make Sure You Logout to Terminate Your Session! Outlook Next week you will write functions which will work for multiple types (polymorphic functions). 6 ANU College of Engineering and Computer Science March 2015

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