Bits and Bytes. Bit Operators in C/C++

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1 Bits and Bytes The byte is generally the smallest item of storage that is directly accessible in modern computers, and symbiotically the byte is the smallest item of storage used by modern programming languages. We could think of the byte as the atomic level of data. But there is a subatomic story. A byte consists of eight bits, where a bit is the electronic equivalent of a bivalent entity. In other words, a bit is capable of being in exactly two states. We can think of these two states as true/false, +1/-1, or 1/0. The machine has electronic representations of bits, in groups of eight, and makes these groups of eight bits directly accessible as bytes. A byte, being the atomic data type, is the space used to store char data. You learn a lot more about this in our course CDA 3100 Computer Organization I. One of the many legacies of C, inherited by C++, is an ability to access subatomic data, data at the bit level, indirectly through bit operators. Moreover, all modern general-purpose computers have hardware support for these bit operators, which makes them extremely fast. Many C programmers use bit operators to implement various bitlevel access utilities, the most popular being the bitvector. The C++ class allows us to descend to the bit level carefully and then encapsulate this sub-atomic programming behind a public interface. We will illustrate this entire process later in the chapter by constructing a bitvector class, a class that stores and retrieves vectors of bivalent values at the bit level. The byte can store any eight-digit unsigned binary number (the binary digits are usually called bits). The range of such numbers begins with 0 (10) = (2) and ends with (2) = 255 (10). Here is the range of numbers representable in one byte, expressed in various notations: Name Base 1-Byte Range Binary Octal Decimal Hexadecimal FF The hexadecimal, or hex, representation is perhaps the most convenient to use for byte values, since it consists of exactly two hex digits. The hex digits are A B C D E F and the range of two-digit hex numbers corresponds to the decimal range = For further reading, see Number Systems, Appendix C of Dietel. Bit Operators in C/C++ The following table summarizes the bit operators C++ inherits from C: operation symbol type infix version accumulator version and & binary z = x & y z &= y or binary z = x y z = y xor ^ binary z = x ^ y z ^= y not ~ unary z = ~y (na) left shift << binary z = y << n (na) right shift >> binary z = y >> n (na) The first four bit operators listed in the table are based on the AND, OR, XOR, and NOT operators for single bits, given by the following tables: AND x y x&y OR x y x y XOR x y x^y NOT x ~x /9

2 Such tables are often called truth tables, a term from symbolic logic for the table of truth values of a logical expression based on truth/falsity of the variables in the expression. This is one of the areas where logic, math, electrical engineering, and computer architecture intersect. The table represents: (1) all possible values of a logical expression (logic), (2) a table of values for a binary function (math), (3) a table of electrical charge input/output for a circuit (electrical engineering), and (4) a basic component of a digital computer (computer architecture). In the modern computer, these bit-level operations have one-clock-cycle hardware implementations. The C/C++ bit operators &,, ^, and ~ are defined for any integral type (such as char, short, size_t, and long) by applying the single-bit operations bitwise. In other words, these operators simply apply the single-bit operations in parallel for each bit of the operand. The parallel application of the single-bit operations is also supported by hardware, so that the bitwise operators also operate in one clock cycle -- fast. The other two bit operators shown are the left shift (operator << ()) and right shift (operator >> ()). These twoargument operators take an integral type as the left operand and a non-negative integer as the right operand, and return the same integral type as the left operand. The prototypes for the shift of unsigned long, for example, are: unsigned long operator << (unsigned long, int); unsigned long operator >> (unsigned long, int); The shift operators move the bits of the left argument the number of times given by the right argument and return the (shifted) left argument as a value. Bits that are shifted out of the left operand are lost (it is said that these bits go into the "bit bucket") and bits uncovered by shifting are replaced by bit 0. Left and right shift also have hardware support, so that they execute much more quickly than standard arithmetic operators. Notes: 1. A point not to be confused over is the term "binary" as it is often applied to operators. A binary operator is an operator that takes two arguments. Similarly, a unary operator is an operator that takes only one argument. In this usage, the term "binary" is referring to the number of arguments, not their type. 2. Left shift <<() and right shift >>() are native C/C++ operators. The C++ input and output operators are overloads of these natives of C. 3. Shift operators are generally recommended only for unsigned integer types. Some shift operator behaviors on signed type are machine dependent, making their use unpredictable. 4. The shift operators are undefined when the right argument is negative or is larger than the number of bits in the binary representation of the first argument. Examples of Bit Operator Calculations This table shows some examples of bit operations in action. value of x value of y statement value of z z = x << y z = x >> y z = x & y z = x & y z = x y z = x y z = x ^ y (na) z = ~x You should be able to perform such calculations yourself. Some practice might be called for to ensure this. Defining Class BitVector Our goal in the remainder of this chapter is the development of a bit vector class, which we will call BitVector. Following the established pattern, we need a public interface and an implementation plan. BitVector Public Interface There are not that many things one can do to a bit: a bit can be set (meaning give it the value 1) or unset (meaning 2/9

3 give it the value 0); and one can flip a bit, (meaning change its value from 0 to 1 or from 1 to 0). An ability to test the value of a bit is necessary if access is to be useful. The return value of a test needs to be an integer type, which we will interpret as a bit value. These four functions form the core of the user interface for our BitVector class. namespace fsu public: void Set (size_t index); // make index bit = 1 void Unset (size_t index); // make index bit = 0 void Flip (size_t index); // change index bit int Test (size_t index) const; // return index bit value ; // // namespace fsu Note that we have placed the BitVector class in the namespace fsu. The public interface should also include constructors, a destructor, assignment operator, and a method Size() which is intended to return the number of bits stored in a BitVector object. (Due to implementation details, the unsigned integer Size() will always be a multiple of eight.) A design decision (that could be reversed later, without harm to existing client programs) is that will not have a default constructor: The size requirement (number of bits) of a BitVector object must be known in advance and passed to the constructor as a parameter. public: explicit BitVector (size_t); // construct a BitVector with specified size BitVector (const BitVector&); // copy constructor ~BitVector (); // destructor BitVector& operator = (const BitVector& a); // assignment operator size_t Size () const; // return size of bitvector ; We will also overload the Set(), Unset(), and Flip() methods so that they apply to the entire BitVector object when invoked without an index parameter: public: void Set (); // make all bits = 1 void Unset (); // make all bits = 0 void Flip (); // change all bits ; These components are collected into a summary at the end of this chapter. BitVector Implementation Plan The implementation plan for BitVector is clever, embodying many of the bit manipulation tricks invented and used by C programmers over the years. Don't feel inadequate if you didn't immediately conceive a good implementation plan. But be certain you understand the plan, as well as the details of the implementation itself. You will need to demonstrate and use this knowledge several times in this course as well as in succeeding courses and your professional life. The basic storage facility for bits will be a vector of bytes. A vector of n bytes contains 8n bits (hence the size of a BitVector object is a multiple of 8). The challenge is to index and access at the bit level. The math of this is fairly straightforward: to get to the index k bit, we divide k by 8 to get the byte and then count up to the bit in that byte corresponding to the remainder. Here is an example: Suppose we have a array v of bytes and we want the 29th bit. There are 8 bits in v[0], 8 bits in v[1], and so on. 3/9

4 Indexing these bits (beginning with index 0), bits 0 through 7 are in byte v[0], bits 8 through 15 are in byte v[1], bits 16 through 23 are in v[2], and bits 24 through 31 are in v[3]. Therefore, bit 29 is bit 5 in v[3]. Note that 29/8 = 3 (the byte number) and 29%8 = 5 (the bit number). To get to the bit with index k, we first divide k by 8 (integer division) obtaining a quotient q and remainder r. (That is, k = 8*q + r.) Then bit[k] is the rth bit of the qth byte, i.e., bit r of v[q]. We have now reduced the challenge to two problems: 1. Find the bytearray_ index for bit index k (the quotient) 2. Access the bit for bit-index k (the remainder) Problem 1 is essentially solved, just return the value k/8. To solve problem 2 we must finally "byte the bullet" and do some subatomic programming using the concept of mask. The Mask A mask for a pattern of bit locations in an integral type is a word of that type whose binary representation has bit 1 in the specified locations and bit 0 elsewhere. For our purposes here, we may as well assume the type is char, so that a word consists of a single byte, or eight bits. (Alternative approaches replace bytes with 32-bit words, and use masks for unsigned long, a 32-bit word.) Assuming type char, there are eight possible 1-bit masks, as follows: = << 0 // == 1 == 0x = << 1 // == 2 == 0x = << 2 // == 4 == 0x = << 3 // == 8 == 0x = << 4 // == 16 == 0x = << 5 // == 32 == 0x = << 6 // == 64 == 0x = << 7 // == 128 == 0x80 Notice that each of these can be obtained from (2) = 1 (10) = 0x01 (16) by applying the left shift operator, as indicated in the list above. (The decimal and hexadecimal representations of the mask are also shown above.) A mask can be used to access an individual bit of a byte. Suppose, for example, that we want to access the third bit from the right of byte x. Calculate the value y = 4 & x = & x Note that y can have only two values: = 4, or = 0. The test (y!= 0) and the third bit of x have essentially the same value, true or false. In effect, the value of the third bit (bit index 2, relative to the byte) of x is equal to the value returned by the boolean expression (((1 << 2) & x)!= 0). The mask (1 << 2) allows us to access the bit value indirectly using a test. The access is also very fast, because all of the operations have direct hardware support. We have now solved problem 2. To access bit index k, we use Mask = 1 << (index % 8) applied to the byte bytearray_[bytenumber (index)]. This completes the implementation plan for BitVector. The following private section of the BitVector class facilitates this implementation plan: private: // data unsigned char * bytearray_; size_t bytearraysize_; ; // methods size_t ByteNumber (size_t indx) const; unsigned char Mask (size_t indx) const; The two private methods ByteNumber() and Mask() capture the two main ideas for locating a particular bit in the bit vector. 4/9

5 Implementing BitVector Implementations of the BitVector member functions are not lengthy, and for the most part are straightforward applications of the ideas expressed above combined with appropriate use of the bit operators discussed earlier. Exceptions are the two private methods, whose implementations use clever ideas for optimizing the computations that make them a "bit" difficult to comprehend. (This is one good reason for building the BitVector class, so that these precious details can be committed to computer, rather than human, memory.) Class Definition Here for reference is the complete class definition: public: explicit BitVector (size_t); // construct a BitVector with specified size BitVector (const BitVector&); // copy constructor ~BitVector (); // destructor BitVector& operator = (const BitVector& a); // assignment operator size_t Size () const; // return size of bitvector void Set (size_t index); // make index bit = 1 void Set (); // make all bits = 1 void Unset (size_t index); // make index bit = 0 void Unset (); // make all bits = 0 void Flip (size_t index); // flip index bit (change value of bit) void Flip (); // flip all bits int Test (size_t index) const; // return index bit value private: // data unsigned char * bytearray_; size_t bytearraysize_; ; // methods size_t ByteNumber (size_t indx) const; static unsigned char Mask (size_t indx) const; BitVector::ByteNumber The implementation of ByteNumber() is a good example of "clever". We have already established that the private method ByteNumber(index) should return index/8, but the code below seems to return something different: index >> 3. This is actually an optimization that executes faster while accomplishing the same result. The critical observation is that 8 = 2 3, and for powers of 2 the right shift operator achieves the same result as integer division: each right shift has the same effect as division by 2, so right shifting 3 is the same as division by 8. (The reader should verify this using pencil and paper.) But, because right shift has hardware support, it is much faster than integer division, hence, the optimization. size_t BitVector::ByteNumber (size_t index) const // return index / 8 // shift right 3 is equivalent to, and faster than, dividing by 8 index = index >> 3; if (index >= bytearraysize_) std::cerr << "** BitVector error: index out of range\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); return index; BitVector::Mask 5/9

6 A similarly clever trick is used in to implement the Mask method. This time, the observation is that the remainder when dividing a number by a power k of 2 is equal to the last k bits of the number in binary representation. (These are the bits that are lost to the bit bucket during the right shift by k.) Thus, the remainder when dividing by 8 is just the last 3 bits of the number, which we can access by bitwise AND with a mask of 7 = 0x07 = Again, using the mask and the AND operator is much faster than division because of the hardware support for the bit operators. Then, we shift = 0x01 = 1 by that amount to have the mask for index. unsigned char BitVector::Mask (size_t index) const // return mask for index % 8 // the low order 3 bits is the remainder when dividing by 8 size_t shiftamount = index & 0x07; // low order 3 bits return 0x01 << shiftamount; Note:The Mask method is declared as static. The connotation is that the method does not use any (non-static) class variables. It is good software engineering practice to declare any method that does not need access to objectlevel variables static. This results in improved compiler optimizations and provides protection against inadvertant access to object data in the implementation of the method. Here is a picture of the bitvector, layed out with the bytevector elements right to left so that the order of the bits increases from right to left (like a number): i = b = v = ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** ******** where i = bit index (showing only the first digit of i) b = byte number (aka bytevector index) v = bytearray (spaces just for readability) So for example if i = 19 then i = 19 b = 19/8 = 2 and m = (0x01 << 19%8) = (0x01 << 3) = , and the specific picture is: b = v = ******** ******** ******** ****x*** ******** ******** i = 1 m = In words: bit 19 is in the array element 2 and has mask Note that mask & v[2] = 0000x000: the byte 0000x000 is zero iff the bit x is zero, which is the way Test(i) is implemented: Test(11) = 1 if x = one and Test(11) = 0 if x = zero Thus we have a way of detecting the value of bit 11 without having direct access to it. BitVector Constructor The constructor takes a size parameter and calls operator new unsigned char with parameter equal to the integer that is just larger or equal to numbits/8. BitVector::BitVector (size_t numbits) // constructor bytearraysize_ = (numbits + 7)/8; bytearray_ = new unsigned char [bytearraysize_]; if (bytearray_ == 0) std::cerr << "** BitVector memory allocation failure -- terminating program.\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); for (size_t i = 0; i < bytearraysize_; ++i) bytearray_[i] = 0x00; 6/9

7 BitVector Assignment Operator The assignment operator follows the typical pattern: BitVector& BitVector::operator = (const BitVector& bv) // assignment operator if (this!= &bv) if (bytearraysize_!= bv.bytearraysize_) delete [] bytearray_; bytearraysize_ = bv.bytearraysize_; bytearray_ = new unsigned char [bytearraysize_]; if (bytearray_ == 0) std::cerr << "** BitVector memory allocation failure -- terminating program.\n"; exit (EXIT_FAILURE); for (size_t i = 0; i < bytearraysize_; ++i) bytearray_[i] = bv.bytearray_[i]; return *this; BitVector API The BitVector API consists of the public methods Set, Unset, Flip, and Test (two versions of each of the first three). The Test(index) method, like the remaining methods taking an index parameter, is a one-liner. But the line isclever. The idea is to isolate the indexed bit with a mask and test for non-zero result, as we established earlier. Look carefully at the computation shown and be certain you understand it. int BitVector::Test (size_t index) const // return specified bit value return 0!= (bytearray_[bytenumber(index)] & Mask(index)); Our final example is the Set(index) method, another one-liner: void BitVector::Set (size_t index) // set specified bit bytearray_[bytenumber(index)] = Mask(index); The rest of the implementation of BitVector is left as an assignment. Enjoy. Sample BitVector Client Appended below is source code for a straightforward functionality test client for BitVector. Here are some key attributes of the program: The program allows the user to set the bitvector size at the beginning of the test. To allow the user to set the bitvector size, dynamic allocation must be used (operators new and delete). The user is presented a simple interface that gives access to most of the public interface of BitVector. Assignment and copy constructor are not tested by this program. The test client can also be used as a device to discover by experiment how bitvectors behave. An executable of this client may be accessed in area51. If you want to get the feel of bitvector use, give this a try. Copy the executable into your directory and run it by typing the name. 7/9

8 /* fbitvect.cpp */ testing BitVector #include <xbitvect.cpp> void display_menu(unsigned int size); int main() char selection; size_t size, index; std::cout << "Welcome to fbitvect. Enter size of BitVector: "; std::cin >> size; fsu::bitvector * bvptr = new fsu::bitvector (size); display_menu(size); do std::cout << " Enter [op][index] (m for menu, x to exit): "; std::cin >> selection; switch(selection) case 'S': bvptr->set(); case 'U': bvptr->unset(); case 'F': bvptr->flip(); case 's': std::cin >> index; bvptr->set(index); case 'u': std::cin >> index; bvptr->unset(index); case 'f': std::cin >> index; bvptr->flip(index); case 't': case 'T': std::cin >> index; std::cout << " v[" << index << "] == "; if (bvptr->test(index)) std::cout << "1\n"; else std::cout << "0\n"; case 'd': case 'D': std::cout << " v == " << *bvptr << '\n'; case 'm': case 'M': display_menu(size); case 'x': case 'X': default: std::cout << " command not found\n"; while (selection!= 'x' && selection!= 'X'); delete bvptr; std::cout << "Thank you for testing BitVector\n"; return 0; void display_menu(unsigned int size) 8/9

9 std::cout << " BitVector (" << size << ") v;\n" << " operation entry\n" << " \n" << " v.set (). S\n" << " v.set (index).. s\n" << " v.unset (). U\n" << " v.unset (index).. u\n" << " v.flip (). F\n" << " v.flip (index).. f\n" << " v.test (index).. t\n" << " cout << v.. d\n" << " display this Menu m\n" << " exit program.. x\n"; This harness does not test the copy constructor and assignment operator. To expand the program to include test of the assignment operator would require defining three bitvector objects (instead of one as above) and adding for each of these objects all of the options above plus assignment plus three-way assignment. A function call (passing a bitvector by value) and return would be a good test of the copy constructor. 9/9

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