Wireless Model Rocket Igniter, William Grill, Riverhead Systems

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1 Wireless Model Rocket Igniter, William Grill, Riverhead Systems Modified from an earlier Gadget, Gadget Freak Case #124: Controlling the Rocket Fire, the simple controller based igniter monitor published in August 2008, provided the rocket igniter basic functions including an igniter fuse monitor, audio and single discrete LED display. In this re-tooling and new offering you have similar functions but I have included a wireless feature which eliminates both the wired link and the related constraint on the users. In this design an in-expensive encoded/decoded transmitter and receiver was simple purchased on line and integrated to provide a Test and Armed state and a FIRE button

2 feature. The wireless units were featured in a earlier Gadget, Gadget Freak Case #178: Man's Best Friend, identified in that article and purchased from e-china.com, through their EBAY store. Purchasing either a momentary or latched receiver module, the four buttons on the transmitter, shown below, provide a igniter Test, Arming, Fire and Reset/Clear functions. This was prototyped with a latched receiver decoder and the receiver outputs were integrated with new code to both translate the detected button state from the receiver to similar functions, chimes and LED indications as the original Gadget. Transmit and control radius is over 35 feet. Each receiver/transmitter allows the user to manually and uniquely address their units.

3 While not broken out into a dip switch, in this gadget design, the transmit/ receiver sets should be set to the identical address settings. If desired a simple multi-pole switch could be included to allow a single transmitter to address unique/multiple receivers. The units will work together, out of the box, as received. Referring to the schematic, the stacked four AA battery are used to provide the receiver and controller power through a SPST switch. This was changed to eliminate the regulator, shown in the original Gadget. When the switch is enabled, the receiver module uses ~7ma and the LED when active uses ~12ma. Changing the series resistor from 220ohms to 470ohms will reduce the LED load and also the LED intensity. Battery life, as shown, for actively powered operation, is the same battery source as used to fire the rocket igniter, which consumes a large current for a short time. The 10K, discrete resistors are indicated in the BOM and may substituted with multiple in-line resistor PAKs. The exact values shown are more of a guideline and are not particularly critical. The single transistor, shown in the schematic, provides level translation between the controller and igniter voltage. The assemble layout is simple but the audio annunciator should not be located near the receiver and the receiver RF related coils should be oriented outward. The receiver antenna is best accommodated outside the assemble packaging.

4 The hardware may fit nicely in a plastic soap tote, allowing for the slide switch, or alternate SPST switch, the audio and LED to be exposed to the user. I have used simple screw down terminals to connect to the rocket igniter. This may be substituted with a 2 prong header or hard wired directly to the board. While more features are possible, this simple and inexpensive assembly, like the original, should take some of the risk of a pre-mature ignition and provide a portion of a controlled sequence now from a safer distance. I have also coded pin 11 of the controller to be active whenever the alarm is enabled. This can be used to switch a remoted alarm or other indicator. Operation is nearly identical for either both a latched or momentary receiver decoder.

5 Quantity Description Allied part number 2 Resistor 100 ohm 1/8W Resistor 220 ohm 1/8W Resistor 10Kohm 1/8W Diode 1N P+NMOSFET 1 AOP NPN Transistor Controller LED Perf board AA battery holder AA batteries

6 Quantity Description 2 resister 10K SIP3 discrete packaged 1 Xmit/Rcv 3 feet Wire 2 Clips 2 Igniter

7 ROCKET code ;5/2/11 ;wireless rocket igniter ; F505 and e-china transmit/rcvr ;WDT off, MCLR internal, IntOSC w/o output selected TMR0 equ 0x1 STATUS equ 3 #define ZERO STATUS,2 OPTION_R equ 0x81 GPIO equ 6 ; GPIOC equ 7 ;ANSEL equ 0x91 ; #define Alarm GPIOC,0 ; audio out #define Alarm1 GPIOC,1 ; audio compliment #define LED GPIO,1 ; lite #define almsw GPIO,2 ; alarm enb ; #define armout GPIO,0 ; FETctl #define FIRE GPIOC,2 ; FETctl #define conttestin GPIO,4 #define mode GPIO,3 #define testbutton GPIOC,5 #define armbutton GPIOC,4 #define firebutton GPIO,5 #define resetbutton GPIOC,3 ; count equ 0x10 ;0x10 cntl equ 0x11 ;0x13 cnth equ 0x12 ;0x14 armedcnt equ 0x13 ;0x16 temp equ 0x14 ;0x18 count1 equ 0x15 ;0x19 count3 equ 0x16 ;0x1A ; ******************************************************** ; ; via power up initialize init_seq: clrf GPIO

8 movlw 7 movwf 0x19 ; compare off clrf GPIOC clrf count3 movlw 0x6 movwf count1 ; I/O allocation movlw 0x38 ; ; bsf STATUS,5 ;** TRIS GPIOC ; movlw 0x38 ; TRIS GPIO ; movlw 0xC0 ; OPTION ; movwf OPTION_R ; ; clrf ANSEL ; bcf STATUS,5 ;** goto top ; ***************************************************** top1: call two_chirp ; 2 chirps to confirm continuity top: ; clrf GPIO movlw.31 ; ~15*256*256uS: ~2 seconds call delay ; ***************************************************** ; qualcharge: btfsc resetbutton goto init_seq btfsc testbutton ; wait on test goto qual1 btfsc armbutton goto c2 goto qualcharge qual1: bsf armout movlw.1 ; 256*256uS: ~64ms

9 call delay btfss conttestin goto dead_fuse qual3: bcf armout call two_chirp ; 2 chirps to confirm continuity bsf LED nop qual2: movlw.15 movwf armedcnt goto continuearmed ; **************************************** dead_fuse: ; 3 chirps and then re-qual for reset or test bcf armout movlw 8 call delay movlw 3 movwf temp call twoa goto qualcharge ; ******************************************* continuearmed: ; through tested sequence btfsc armbutton ; test arm asserted as qualifier to firing goto c2 btfsc resetbutton ; qual reset goto top goto continuearmed ; c2: ; ********************* set armed bsf armout call two_chirp call two_chirp c2a: btfsc resetbutton ; qual reset goto top btfsc testbutton ; qual reset goto top call chirp movlw.25 ; 256*256uS*25: ~1.6s

10 call delay btfss firebutton ; any button goto c2a ; ******************************************* ; FIRE button detected bcf LED ; turn off LED FIREb: bsf FIRE movlw.255 ; schedule long chirp movwf cntl call chirp1 ; FIRE6: btfsc mode ;@test reset qualify for momentary or latched goto latchedfire ; momentary btfsc firebutton ; test if FIRE still asserted assume fuse conductive goto fire7 bcf FIRE call two_chirp goto top1 ; latched mode latchedfire: btfsc resetbutton ; qual reset goto top1 btfsc testbutton ; qual reset goto top goto fire7 ; fire7: decfsz armedcnt ; test qual timeout goto FIREdec4 ; continue till timeout, DM, FIRE released or fuse blown incf armedcnt ; time out: add extra delay movlw.4 call delay ; ******************************************* FIREdec4: incf count3

11 btfss count3,2 goto FIREb clrf count3 movlw.6 ; every 4th chirp add delay call delay goto FIRE6 ; ******************************************* delay: ; this is general time delay ; pased w * 256us movwf cntl clrf TMR0 delay1: bsf STATUS,5 movlw 0xC7 movwf OPTION_R bcf STATUS,5 btfss TMR0,7 goto delay1 delay2: btfsc TMR0,7 goto delay2 decfsz cntl goto delay1 bsf STATUS,5 movlw 0xC0 movwf OPTION_R bcf STATUS,5 retlw 0 ; ******************************** two_chirp: movlw 2 movwf temp twoa: call chirp decfsz temp goto twob bcf almsw retlw 0 twob: ; put in delay between chirps 8 *.064sec movlw 8

12 call delay goto twoa ; ******************************** chirp: movlw.100 ; sets # CYCLEs in each chirp movwf cntl chirp1: bsf almsw bsf GPIOC,1 bcf GPIOC,0 movlw 0x3 xorwf GPIOC alarm1_clr: movlw.56 movwf count dec2 ; ~6+(n-1*4) nop decfsz count goto dec2 movlw 0x3 xorwf GPIOC movlw.56 movwf count dec3: nop decfsz count goto dec3 decfsz cntl goto chirp1 movlw 0xFC andwf GPIOC ; clear drive bcf almsw retlw 0 ; ******************************** end

13 Rocket wireless : FA : C C CD6 : C0600C00C02000F0A6B096600CE : F0C5A AA706190A A33 : A C5A A06046B09EF : F0C33002C0A C5A0980 : C34006D09120A A67060F0A7D : C0A06056B096B F0AA7060F0A1B : C5A09A607340A FF0C0E : AA6064E0A47046B093D : E0A67060E0AA7060F0A4E0AF302530A53 :1000A000B302040C5A09B E0A C43 :1000B0005A09420A A305C70C2100A304BC :1000C000E1075C0AE106620AF1025C0AA305C00CC2 :1000D A C F402720A1E :1000E C5A096D0A640C E4 :1000F CA701380C F002AC : E0A030CA701380C F002850ABB :0C011000F102770AFC0C AD : FF

14 Source code MPASM 5.11 ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM :41:47 PAGE 1 LOC OBJECT CODE VALUE LINE SOURCE TEXT ;5/2/ ;wireless rocket igniter ; F505 and e-china transmit/rcvr ;WDT off, MCLR internal, IntOSC w/o output selected TMR0 equ 0x STATUS equ #define ZERO STATUS, OPTION_R equ 0x GPIO equ 6 ; GPIOC equ ;ANSEL equ 0x ; #define Alarm GPIOC,0 ; audio out #define Alarm1 GPIOC,1 ; audio compliment #define LED GPIO,1 ; lite #define almsw GPIO,2 ; alarm enb ; #define armout GPIO,0 ; FETctl #define FIRE GPIOC,2 ; FETctl #define conttestin GPIO, #define mode GPIO, #define testbutton GPIOC, #define armbutton GPIOC, #define firebutton GPIO, #define resetbutton GPIOC, ; count equ 0x10 ;0x cntl equ 0x11 ;0x cnth equ 0x12 ;0x armedcnt equ 0x13 ;0x temp equ 0x14 ;0x18

15 count1 equ 0x15 ;0x count3 equ 0x16 ;0x1A ; ******************************************************** ; ; via power up initialize init_seq: clrf GPIO C movlw movwf 0x19 ; compare off clrf GPIOC clrf count C movlw 0x movwf count ; I/O allocation C movlw 0x38 ; ; bsf STATUS,5 ;** TRIS GPIOC ; C movlw 0x38 ; A TRIS GPIO ; 000B 0CC movlw 0xC0 ;

16 MPASM 5.11 ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM :41:47 PAGE 2 LOC OBJECT CODE VALUE LINE SOURCE TEXT 000C OPTION ; movwf OPTION_R ; ; clrf ANSEL ; bcf STATUS,5 ;** 000D 0A0F goto top ; ***************************************************** 000E top1: 000E 096B call two_chirp ; 2 chirps to confirm continuity 000F top: ; 000F clrf GPIO C1F movlw.31 ; ~15*256*256uS: ~2 seconds A call delay ; ***************************************************** ; qualcharge: btfsc resetbutton A goto init_seq A btfsc testbutton ; wait on test A goto qual btfsc armbutton A goto c A goto qualcharge qual1: bsf armout 001A 0C movlw.1 ; 256*256uS: ~64ms 001B 095A call delay 001C btfss conttestin 001D 0A goto dead_fuse 001E qual3: 001E bcf armout 001F 096B call two_chirp ; 2 chirps to confirm continuity bsf LED nop qual2:

17 0022 0C0F movlw movwf armedcnt A2C goto continuearmed ; **************************************** dead_fuse: ; 3 chirps and then re-qual for reset or test bcf armout C movlw A call delay C movlw movwf temp 002A 096D call twoa 002B 0A goto qualcharge ; ******************************************* 002C continuearmed: ; through tested sequence 002C btfsc armbutton ; test arm asserted as qualifier to firing 002D 0A goto c2 002E btfsc resetbutton ; qual reset 002F 0A0F goto top A2C goto continuearmed

18 MPASM 5.11 ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM :41:47 PAGE 3 LOC OBJECT CODE VALUE LINE SOURCE TEXT ; c2: ; ********************* set armed bsf armout B call two_chirp B call two_chirp c2a: btfsc resetbutton ; qual reset A0F goto top A btfsc testbutton ; qual reset A0F goto top call chirp C movlw.25 ; 256*256uS*25: ~1.6s 003A 095A call delay 003B 07A btfss firebutton ; any button 003C 0A goto c2a ; ******************************************* ; FIRE button detected 003D bcf LED ; turn off LED 003E FIREb: 003E bsf FIRE 003F 0CFF movlw.255 ; schedule long chirp movwf cntl call chirp ; FIRE6: btfsc mode ;@test reset qualify for momentary or latched A goto latchedfire ; momentary A btfsc firebutton ; test if FIRE still asserted assume fuse conductive A4E goto fire bcf FIRE B call two_chirp A0E goto top ; latched mode

19 latchedfire: btfsc resetbutton ; qual reset 004A 0A0E goto top1 004B 06A btfsc testbutton ; qual reset 004C 0A0F goto top 004D 0A4E goto fire ; 004E fire7: Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file). 004E 02F decfsz armedcnt ; test qual timeout 004F 0A goto FIREdec4 ; continue till timeout, DM, FIRE released or fuse blown Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file) B incf armedcnt ; time out: add extra delay C movlw A call delay ; ******************************************* FIREdec4:

20 MPASM 5.11 ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM :41:47 PAGE 4 LOC OBJECT CODE VALUE LINE SOURCE TEXT Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file) B incf count btfss count3, A3E goto FIREb clrf count C movlw.6 ; every 4th chirp add delay A call delay A goto FIRE ; ******************************************* 005A delay: ; this is general time delay ; pased w * 256us 005A movwf cntl 005B clrf TMR0 005C delay1: 005C 05A bsf STATUS,5 005D 0CC movlw 0xC7 Message[302]: Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are correct. 005E movwf OPTION_R 005F 04A bcf STATUS, E btfss TMR0, A5C goto delay delay2: E btfsc TMR0, A goto delay2 Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file) F decfsz cntl A5C goto delay A bsf STATUS, CC movlw 0xC0 Message[302]: Register in operand not in bank 0. Ensure that bank bits are correct movwf OPTION_R A bcf STATUS,5 006A retlw ; ********************************

21 006B two_chirp: 006B 0C movlw 2 006C movwf temp 006D twoa: 006D call chirp Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file). 006E 02F decfsz temp 006F 0A goto twob bcf almsw retlw twob: ; put in delay between chirps 8 *.064sec C movlw A call delay A6D goto twoa ; ******************************** chirp: C movlw.100 ; sets # CYCLEs in each chirp movwf cntl chirp1:

22 MPASM 5.11 ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM :41:47 PAGE 5 LOC OBJECT CODE VALUE LINE SOURCE TEXT bsf almsw bsf GPIOC, bcf GPIOC,0 007A 0C movlw 0x3 Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file). 007B 01A xorwf GPIOC 007C alarm1_clr: 007C 0C movlw D movwf count 007E dec2 ; ~6+(n-1*4) 007E nop Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file). 007F 02F decfsz count A7E goto dec C movlw 0x3 Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file) A xorwf GPIOC C movlw movwf count dec3: nop Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file) F decfsz count A goto dec3 Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file) F decfsz cntl A goto chirp1 008A 0CFC movlw 0xFC Message[305]: Using default destination of 1 (file). 008B andwf GPIOC ; clear drive 008C bcf almsw 008D retlw ; ******************************** end

23 MPASM 5.11 ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM :41:47 PAGE 6 SYMBOL TABLE LABEL VALUE Alarm GPIOC,0 Alarm1 GPIOC,1 FIRE GPIOC,2 FIRE FIREb E FIREdec GPIO GPIOC LED GPIO,1 OPTION_R STATUS TMR ZERO STATUS,2 16F alarm1_clr C almsw GPIO,2 armbutton GPIOC,4 armedcnt armout GPIO,0 c c2a chirp chirp cnth cntl continuearmed C conttestin GPIO,4 count count count dead_fuse dec E dec delay A

24 delay C delay fire E firebutton GPIO,5 init_seq latchedfire mode GPIO,3 qual qual qual E qualcharge resetbutton GPIOC,3 temp testbutton GPIOC,5 top F top E two_chirp B twoa D twob

25 MPASM 5.11 ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM :41:47 PAGE 7 MEMORY USAGE MAP ('X' = Used, '-' = Unused) 0000 : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0040 : XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 0080 : XXXXXXXXXXXXXX All other memory blocks unused. Program Memory Words Used: 142 Program Memory Words Free: 882 Errors : 0 Warnings : 0 reported, 0 suppressed Messages : 13 reported, 0 suppressed

26 Error[173] : Source file path exceeds 62 characters (D:\ARTICLES\ROCKET_IGNITER\WIRELESS ROCKET\ROCKET_WIRELESS (2).ASM)

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