ELGIN ACADEMY Mathematics Department Evaluation Booklet (Main) Name Reg

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1 ELGIN ACADEMY Mathematics Department Evaluation Booklet (Main) Name Reg CfEM

2 You should be able to use this evaluation booklet to help chart your progress in the Maths department from August in S1 until Christmas in S2. There is a breakdown of each topic per page. At the end of each topic, or block of topics, your teacher will ask you to think about how you are doing. This will allow you to highlight areas of strengths or areas that require further work. You can then easily identify next steps to help you be well prepared for any future assessments. Topic 1: Topic 2 : Topic 3: Topic 4: Topic 5: CONTENTS Estimation and Rounding Negative Numbers and Co-ordinates* Whole Number Decimal Number* Angles and Bearings* Topic 6: Fractions 1 Topic 7: Topic 8: Topic 9: Topic 10: Topic 11: Topic 12: Topic 13: Topic 14: Topic 15: Topic 16: Ratio Percentages* Speed, Distance and Time* Powers and Roots Algebra Equations and Inequations* Measurements Patterns and Relationships* 2D Shapes and 3D Objects Transformations* Topic 17: Fractions 2 Topic 18: Money* * - Block topic test

3 MNU 2-01a Topic 1 : Estimation and Rounding I can use my knowledge of rounding to routinely estimate the answer to a problem then, after calculating, decide if my answer is reasonable, sharing my solution with others. MNU 3-01a I can round a number to a given degree of accuracy, having taken into account the context of the problem. I can round to the nearest 10, 100 and I can round to the nearest whole number. I can round to a given number of decimal places. I can round to any of the above in context (ie, splitting a restaurant bill).

4 MNU 2-04a I can order negative numbers. Topic 2 : Negative Numbers and Co-ordinates I can show my understanding of how the number line extends to include numbers less than zero and have investigated how these numbers occur and are used. I know what a negative number is and can draw a number line. MNU 3-04a I can use my understanding of numbers less than zero to solve simple problems in context. I can increase and decrease temperatures. I am confident when adding and subtracting integers. I am confident when multiplying and dividing integers. MTH 2-18a and MTH 3-18a I can use my understanding of the coordinate system to plot and describe the location of a point on a grid. I know where the origin is on a coordinate diagram. I understand where the x and y axes are on a coordinate diagram. I can write a coordinate in any of the four quadrants. I can plot a coordinate onto a coordinate diagram in any of the four quadrants. How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

5 MNU 3-03a Topic 3 : Whole Number I can use a variety of methods to solve number problems in familiar contexts, clearly communicating my processes and solutions. I can solve number problems in context, using a variety of methods, communicating my methods. MNU 3-03b I can continue to recall number facts quickly and use them accurately when making calculations. I can continue to recall and use times table number facts and use them to solve problems in context. MNU 2-05a Having explored the patterns and relationships in multiplication and division, I can investigate and identify the multiples and factors of numbers. I can find a common multiple of two or more numbers. (Lowest common multiple) I can find all common factors of a pair (or group) of numbers. (Highest common factor). MNU 3-05b I can apply my understanding of factors to investigate whether to investigate and identify whether a number is prime. I can investigate whether a number or prime or not.

6 MNU 3-03a Topic 4 : Decimal Number I can use a variety of methods to solve number problems in familiar contexts, clearly communicating my processes and solutions. I can solve number problems in context, using a variety of methods, communicating my methods. MNU 3-03b I can continue to recall number facts quickly and use them accurately when making calculations. I can continue to recall and use times table number facts and use them to solve problems in context. How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

7 MTH 2-17a Topic 5 : Angles and Bearings I have investigated angles in the environment, and can discuss, describe and classify angles using appropriate vocabulary. I can describe angles using terms like acute, obtuse, right, half turn, reflex and full turn. MTH 2-17b I can accurately measure and draw angles using appropriate equipment, applying my skills to problems in context. I can measure and draw angles. MTH 3-17a I can name angles and find their sizes using my knowledge of the properties of 2D shapes and the angle properties associated with intersecting and parallel lines. I can name angles. I can find missing angles in a variety of triangles and polygons. I can find missing angles in diagrams of intersecting and parallel lines. MTH 2-17c Through practical activities which include the use of technology, I have developed my understanding of the link between compass points and angles and can describe, follow and record directions, routes and journeys using appropriate vocabulary. I can describe North, South, East and West using three figure bearings. I can describe NE, SE, SW and NW using three figure bearings. I can measure three figure bearings. I can construct basic journeys using three figure bearings. How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

8 MNU 2-07a* Topic 6 : Fractions 1 I have investigated the everyday context in which simple fractions are used and can carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems. I understand how a fraction is constructed. MNU 2-07b* I can show the equivalent forms of simple fractions and can choose my preferred form when solving a problem, explaining my choice of method. I can find equivalent fractions. MTH 2-07c I have investigated how a set of equivalent fractions can be created, understanding the meaning of a simplest form, and can apply my knowledge to compare and order the most commonly used fractions. I can use equivalent fractions to order fractions. I can simplify fractions. MTH 3-07c Having used practical, pictorial and written methods to develop my understanding, I can convert between whole or mixed numbers and fractions. I can change top heavy fractions to mixed numbers and vice versa. MNU 3-07a* I can solve problems by carrying out calculations with a wide range of fractions, using my answers to make comparisons and informed choices for real life situations. I can find a fraction of a quantity.

9 Topic 7 : Ratio MTH 3-08a I can show how quantities that are related can be increased or decreased proportionally and apply this to solve problems in everyday contexts. I can use ratio to compare two different quantities. I can simplify ratios. MTH 4-08a Using proportion, I can calculate the change in one quantity caused by a change in a related quantity and solve real life problems. I can use ratio to calculate missing quantities. I can use ratio to share quantities.

10 MNU 2-07a* Topic 8 : Percentages I have investigated the everyday context in which simple percentages are used and can carry out the necessary calculations to solve related problems. I can find a percentage of a quantity without a calculator. I can find a percentage of a quantity with a calculator. MNU 2-07b* I can show the equivalent forms of simple percentages and can choose my preferred form when solving a problem, explaining my choice of method. I can convert between fractions, decimals and percentages. MNU 3-07a* I can solve problems by carrying out calculations with a wide range of percentages, using my answers to make comparisons and informed choices for real life situations. I can calculate percentage increase and decrease. I can compare percentages to determine the best offer available. How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

11 Topic 9 : Speed, Distance and Time MNU 3-10a Using simple time periods, I can work out how long a journey will take, the speed travelled at or distance covered, using my knowledge of the link between time, speed and distance. I can convert between 12 hour and 24 hour clock. I can calculate time intervals (including those over midnight). I can change minutes into decimal fractions of an hour. I can calculate distance when given speed and time. I can calculate speed when given distance and time. I can calculate speed, distance, or time when given the other two. I can read and interpret speed distance graphs. How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

12 Topic 10 : Powers and Roots MTH 3-06a Having explored the notation and vocabulary associated with whole numbers powers and the advantages of writing numbers in this form, I can evaluate powers of whole numbers mentally or using technology. I can square a number. I can raise a number to any whole number power (using a calculator where appropriate). I can square root any number (using a calculator where appropriate). Topic 11 : Algebra MTH 3-14a I can collect like algebraic terms, simplify expressions and evaluate using substitution. I can collect like terms. I can simplify expressions. I can substitute numbers to evaluate expressions. I can describe numbers using symbols such as > and <.

13 Topic 12 : Equations and Inequations MTH 2-15a I can apply my knowledge of number facts to solve problems where an unknown value is represented by a symbol or a letter. I can solve simple equations. For example x + 3 = 7 and 6y = 42. MTH 3-15a Having discussed ways to express problems or statements using mathematical language, I can construct, and use appropriate methods to solve, a range of simple equations. I can solve two step equations. For example, 3m - 2 = 13. I can solve equations with brackets. For example, 4(q - 7) = 8. I can solve equations with unknowns on both sides. For example, 2r - 7 = r + 9. MTH 2-15b I can create and evaluate a simple formula, representing information contained in a diagram, problem or statement. I can construct an equation from given information and then solve it. MTH 4-15a* Having discussed the benefits of using mathematics to model real life situations, I can construct and solve inequalities I can solve simple inequations. For example, 4q - 7 < 1 How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

14 Topic 13 : Measurement MTH 2-11b I can use the common units of measure, convert between related units of the metric system and carry out calculations when solving problems. I know when to use mm, cm, m, km, g, kg, ml and litres. I can convert between mm, cm, m and km. I can convert between g and kg. I can convert between ml and litres. MTH 3-11a I can solve practical problems by applying my knowledge of measure, choosing the appropriate units and degree of accuracy for the task and using a formula to calculate area or volume when required. I can find the perimeter of any 2D shape. I can find the area of a square and a rectangle using A = l x b. I can find the area of composite squares and a rectangles using A = l x b. I can find the volume of a cube or cuboid by counting cm 3. I can find the volume of a cube or cuboid using V = l x b x h.

15 Topic 14 : Patterns and Relationships MTH 2-13a Having explored more complex number sequences, including well known named number patterns, I can explain the rule used to generate a sequence, and apply it to extend the pattern. I can spot a simple rule in a list of numbers. I can explain this rule fully to others. I can extend a number pattern. I know named sequence (including square numbers, triangular numbers and Fibonacci s sequence) and can explain the rule to others. MTH 3-13a Having explored number sequences, I can establish the set of numbers generated by a given rule and determine a rule for a given sequence, expressing it using appropriate notation. I can extend a number pattern in a table. I can use the table to find a formula for the nth term of the pattern. I can use the formula to find any term of the pattern. How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

16 Topic 15 : 2D Shapes and 3D Objects MTH 2-16a Having explored a range of 3D objects and 2D shapes, I can use mathematical language to describe their properties, and through investigation can discuss where and why particular shapes are used on the environment. I can recognise and name 2D shapes. I can use words like vertex, edge and diagonal to describe 2D shapes. MTH 2-16b You Teacher Through practical activities, I can show my understanding of the relationship between 3D objects and their nets. I can recognise a 3D object from its 2D net. MTH 2-16c I can draw 2D shapes and make representations of 3D objects using an appropriate methods and efficient use of resources. I can draw any quadrilateral using the correct mathematical equipment. I can draw any triangle using the correct mathematical equipment. I can sketch a cube or cuboid. MTH 3-16a Having investigated a range of methods, I can accurately draw 2D shapes using appropriate mathematical instruments and methods. I can draw any polygon using the correct mathematical equipment.

17 Topic 16 : Transformations MTH 2-19a/MTH3-19a I can illustrate the lines of symmetry for a range of 2D shapes and apply my understanding to create and complete symmetrical pictures and patterns. I can draw the line of symmetry on to a shape. I can complete a shape if given the line of symmetry. How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

18 Topic 17 : Fractions 2 MTH 3-07b By applying my knowledge of equivalent fractions and common multiples, I can add and subtract commonly used fractions. I can add and subtract simple fractions. I can add and subtract mixed numbers. I can multiply simple fractions. I can multiply mixed numbers. I can divide simple fractions. I can divide mixed numbers. MTH 4-07b I can solve problems involving fractions and mixed numbers in context, using addition subtraction or multiplication. I can use addition, subtraction and multiplication of fractions to help solve problems. I can use division of fractions to help solve problems.

19 MNU 2-09a Topic 18 : Money I can manage money, compare costs from different retailers, and determine what I can afford to buy. I can compare costs of items and decide which is the best buy for me. MNU 2-09b I understand the costs, benefits and risks of using bank cards to purchase goods or obtain cash and realise that budgeting is important. I know how to use a bank card and the risks and benefits involved. I know to budget effectively is important. MNU 2-09c I can use the terms profit and loss in buying and selling activities and can calculate simple calculations for this. I know the terms profit and loss. I can calculate simple profit and loss. MNU 3-09a When considering how to spend my money, I can source, compare and contrast different contracts and services, discuss their advantages, and explain which offer best value to me. I can find different offers and compare costs of services and decide which is the best buy for me. MNU 3-09b I can budget effectively, making use of technology and other methods, to manage money and plan for future expenses. I can manage my money effectively, taking into account daily expenses and unexpected events. You Teacher How am I doing? How do I know? What do I need to do next? How am I going to do this?

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