Новоселов Даниил Евгеньевич

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1 Работа победителя заключительного этапа командной инженерной олимпиады школьников Олимпиада Национальной технологической инициативы Профиль «Создание систем протезирования (Нейротехнологии)» Новоселов Даниил Евгеньевич Класс: 7 Школа: МБОУ "СОШ 5" Уникальный номер участника: Параллель: 9 класс Город: Нефтеюганск Регион: Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ - Югра Команда на заключительном этапе: НБК Результаты заключительного этапа:

2 Индивидуальная часть Персональный лист участника с номером

3 Решения задач по биологии:


5 Решения задач по информатике: Решения задач участника написаны на языке Python. Ниже представлены решения участника. Задача 1 count = int(input()) exs = [] for _ in range(count): exp = input().split(' ') exp[1] = int(exp[1]) start = exp[0].split(':') start = list(map(int, start)) start = (start[0] * 60) + start[1] exp[0] = start exs.append(exp) for idx in range(len(exs)): exs[idx] = sum(exs[idx]) exs.sort() for (idx, line) in enumerate(exs): hours = line // 60 minutes = line % 60 hours = hours % 24 hours = str(hours) minutes = str(minutes) hours = '0' * (2 - len(hours)) + hours minutes = '0' * (2 - len(minutes)) + minutes line = hours + ':' + minutes

6 exs[idx] = line for _ in range(len(exs)): exp = exs[_] start = exp.split(':') start = list(map(int, start)) start = (start[0] * 60) + start[1] exs[_] = start exs.sort() for (idx, line) in enumerate(exs): hours = line // 60 minutes = line % 60 hours = hours % 24 hours = str(hours) minutes = str(minutes) hours = '0' * (2 - len(hours)) + hours minutes = '0' * (2 - len(minutes)) + minutes line = hours + ':' + minutes exs[idx] = line for line in exs: print(line) Задача 2 count = int(input()) tree = {1: [0, []]} for num in range(count - 1): prednum = int(input())

7 pred = tree[prednum] history = pred[1].copy() history.append(prednum) tree[num + 2] = [pred[0] + 1, history] maxs = [] mx = max([len(tree[key][1]) for key in tree.keys()]) for key in tree.keys(): if len(tree[key][1]) == mx: maxs.append(key) print(mx) print(len(maxs)) print(' '.join(map(str, maxs))) Задача 3 count = int(input()) inp = list(map(int, input().split(' '))) for idx, value in enumerate(inp): inp[idx] = [value, idx] c = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] % 2 == 0, inp)) c = [e[0] for e in c] c.sort() nc = list(filter(lambda x: x[0] % 2 == 1, inp)) d = {} for line in nc: d[line[1]] = line[0] inp = []

8 i = 0 for idx in range(count): if idx in d: inp.append(d[idx]) else: inp.append(c[i]) i += 1 print(' '.join(map(str, inp))) Задача 4 s = input() t = input() if all(((c in s) for c in t)): res = [] for i in range(len(s)): ts = s[i:] temp = 'yes' for l in t: if l not in ts: temp = 'no' res.append(temp) for line in res: print(line) else: for _ in range(len(s)): print('no')

9 Задача 5 t = input() s = input() ls = len(s) lt = len(t) res = 0 if s.count(t) > 0: for i in range(ls): if ls - i < lt: continue temp = 1 for idx in range(lt): if s[i + idx]!= t[idx]: temp = 0 break res += temp print(res)

10 Командная часть Результаты были получены в рамках выступления команды: НБК. Личный состав команды: Новоселов Даниил Евгеньевич Бережная Ольга Михайловна Команда НБК показала лучший результат среди команд профиля. Командной была успешна реализована система управления макетом протеза с обратной связью как на основе механической части задачи (на основе датчиков изгиба ), так и на основе биосигналов человека (электромиограмма, электроэнцефалограмма). Команда успешно справилась со всеми заданиями на полный балл, кроме заданий 5.2 и 5.3. В задании 5.2 команде не удалось реализовать дополнительный бонусный жест так, чтобы его можно было стабильно воспроизвести. В задании 5.3 команде не хватило времени для демонстрации реализации обратной связи используя биосигналы человека (электромиограмма и электроэнцефалограмма). Стоит отметить, что после окончания стендовых испытаний у команды получилось продемонстрировать задание (баллы за это, конечно, не ставились). Даниил себя проявил как программист, однако у него возникали вопросы по физиологии человека: где лучше расположить электроды, почему сигнал принимает именно такую, а не иную форму и т.д. По физиологически вопросам Даниилу помогала его напарница - Ольга, в тандеме с Ольгой ему удалось успешно решить почти все задачи. Ниже представлены фотографии команды НБК во время выполнения заданий Олимпиады и код программ, который команда использовала при сдаче заданий. Отметим, что некоторые программы включают в себя решения нескольких задач из задания. Итоговые программы для Arduino Nano и Arduino Uno включает в себя решения нескольких задач (т.к. каждая последующая задача была связана с предыдущей), а именно: 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, , Прогресс команды по дням можно отследить по ссылке (решения команд в конце каждого дня):

11 На фото: команда НБК после выдачи оборудования На фото: Результаты работы команды НБК после первого дня работы

12 На фото: команда НБК при сдаче задания

13 На фото: команда НБК готовится к сдаче заданий из блока 5 Итоговая программа для Arduino Nano (перчатка): const int motors[] = {3, 6, 9}; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinmode(a5, INPUT);//Channel 0 pinmode(a6, INPUT);//Channel 1

14 pinmode(a7, INPUT);//Channel 2 pinmode(3, OUTPUT);//Channel 0 pinmode(6, OUTPUT);//Channel 1 pinmode(9, OUTPUT);//Channel 2 Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: byte input[2]; if (Serial.available() >= 2) { Serial.readBytes(input, 2); byte channel = input[0]; byte value = input[1]; analogwrite(motors[channel], value); } byte data[6]; data[0] = map(analogread(a5), 0, 1023, 0, 255); data[1] = map(analogread(a6), 0, 1023, 0, 255); data[2] = map(analogread(a7), 0, 1023, 0, 255); data[3] = map(analogread(a1), 0, 1023, 0, 255); data[4] = map(analogread(a2), 0, 1023, 0, 255); data[5] = map(analogread(a0), 0, 1023, 0, 255);//EMG for (int idx = 0; idx < 6; idx++) { Serial.write(idx); Serial.write(data[idx]); }

15 } Итоговая программа для Arduino Uno (макет протеза руки) #include <Servo.h> Servo big, touch, middle, unknown, small; void setup() { // put your setup code here, to run once: pinmode(a5, INPUT);//Channel 0 pinmode(a3, INPUT);//Channel 1 pinmode(a4, INPUT);//Channel 2 pinmode(3, OUTPUT); small.attach(5); unknown.attach(6); middle.attach(9); touch.attach(10); big.attach(11); small.write(180); unknown.write(0); middle.write(25); touch.write(45); big.write(180); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.flush(); } void loop() { // put your main code here, to run repeatedly: byte input[2];

16 while (Serial.available() >= 2) { Serial.readBytes(input, 2); digitalwrite(3, HIGH); byte channel = input[0]; byte value = input[1]; switch (channel) { case 0: big.write(value); break; case 1: touch.write(value); break; case 2: middle.write(value); break; case 3: unknown.write(value); break; case 4: small.write(value); break; } digitalwrite(3, LOW); } byte data[3]; data[2] = map(analogread(a5), 0, 1023, 0, 255); data[0] = map(analogread(a3), 0, 1023, 0, 255);

17 data[1] = map(analogread(a4), 0, 1023, 0, 255); for (int idx = 0; idx < 3; idx++) { Serial.write(idx); Serial.write(data[idx]); } delay(250); } Далее представлены программы на Python. Программа к задаче 1.3 import serial, struct, time import psutil, os proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) data = [] while len(data) < 5: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not (data[0][0] < 9 and data[1][0] < 9 and data[2][0] < 9): glove.read(1)

18 data.clear() while True: while glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value] buff = [] if len(channels) > 0: for idx in range(min([len(channels[key]) for key in channels.keys()])): buff.append([channels[key][idx] for key in channels.keys()]) for line in buff: line = map(str, line) print('\t'.join(line)) buff.clear() data.clear() channels.clear()

19 time.sleep(1) Решение к задаче 1.4 import serial import psutil, os, time proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) channels = {0: False, 1: False, 2: False} while True: for key in channels.keys(): value = channels[key] if value: arr = bytearray([key, 0]) glove.write(arr) channels[key] = False else: arr = bytearray([key, 200]) glove.write(arr) channels[key] = True time.sleep(1) Решение к задаче 2.5 import psutil, os, struct, time proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) import serial hand = serial.serial('com6', , timeout=none)

20 data = [] hand.flushinput(); while len(data) < 5: if hand.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(hand.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not (data[0][0] < 9 and data[1][0] < 9 and data[2][0] < 9): hand.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big'))

21 data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value] return channels def send(channel, value, device: serial.serial): print('send on %d %d' % (channel, value)) arr = bytearray([channel, value]) device.write(arr) poss = [180, 45, 25, 0, 180] maxs = [5, 180, 180, 180, 20] mins = [180, 45, 25, 0, 180] st = 5 while True: data = get_data(hand) if len(data) > 0: if max([data[key][-1] for key in data.keys()]) > 20: print(data) import sys sys.exit(1) if poss[4] > maxs[4]: send(4, poss[4] - st, hand) poss[4] -= st

22 if poss[3] < maxs[3]: send(3, poss[3] + st, hand) poss[3] += st if poss[2] < maxs[2]: send(2, poss[2] + st, hand) poss[2] += st if poss[1] < maxs[1]: send(1, poss[1] + st, hand) poss[1] += st if poss[0] > maxs[0]: send(0, poss[0] - st, hand) poss[0] -= st time.sleep(0.05) Решение к задаче 3.3 import psutil, os, struct, time proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) import serial glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) data = [] glove.flushinput() while len(data) < 5: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat)

23 foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not (data[0][0] < 9 and data[1][0] < 9 and data[2][0] < 9): glove.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value] return channels while True:

24 data = get_data(glove) print(data) for key in range(len(data)): print(data[key][-1], end='\t') print() time.sleep(0.5) Решение к задаче 3.4 import psutil, os, struct import serial from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import numpy as np proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) data = [] glove.flushinput() while len(data) < 5: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2))

25 for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not (data[0][0] < 9 and data[1][0] < 9 and data[2][0] < 9): glove.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value]

26 return channels fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 1) print(axs) for ax in axs: ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, 120) ax.grid() N = 120 line1, = axs[0].plot(np.arange(n), np.ones(n, dtype=np.float) * np.nan, animated=true, lw=2, label='emg1') line2, = axs[1].plot(np.arange(n), np.ones(n, dtype=np.float) * np.nan, animated=true, lw=2, label='emg2') line3, = axs[2].plot(np.arange(n), np.ones(n, dtype=np.float) * np.nan, animated=true, lw=2, label='eeg') line = [line1, line2, line3] def init(): return line def animate(in_data): data = get_data(glove) print(data) old = line1.get_ydata() new = np.r_[old[1:], data[3][-1]] line1.set_ydata(new) old = line2.get_ydata() new = np.r_[old[1:], data[4][-1]] line2.set_ydata(new) old = line3.get_ydata() new = np.r_[old[1:], data[5][-1]]

27 line3.set_ydata(new) return line for ax in axs: ax.legend() print('start') anim = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n, interval=0, blit=true, repeat=true) plt.show() Решение к задаче 3.5 import psutil, os, struct import serial from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import numpy as np proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) data = [] glove.flushinput() while len(data) < 5: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2))

28 for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not (data[0][0] < 9 and data[1][0] < 9 and data[2][0] < 9): glove.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else:

29 channels[channel] = [value] return channels N = 120 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, N) ax.grid() line1, = ax.plot(np.arange(n), np.ones(n, dtype=np.float) * np.nan, animated=true, lw=2, label='emg1') line = [line1] def init(): return line window_size = 20 def animate(in_data): data = get_data(glove) print(data) window = data[3][-window_size:] old = line1.get_ydata() new = np.r_[old[1:], (max(window) - min(window))] line1.set_ydata(new) return line ax.legend() print('start') anim = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n, interval=0, blit=true, repeat=true) plt.show() Решение к задаче 3.6

30 import psutil, os, struct import serial from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import numpy as np proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) data = [] glove.flushinput() while len(data) < 5: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not (data[0][0] < 9 and data[1][0] < 9 and data[2][0] < 9): glove.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2))

31 for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: else: channels[channel].append(value) channels[channel] = [value] return channels N = 120 fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, N) ax.grid() line1, = ax.plot(np.arange(n), np.ones(n, dtype=np.float) * np.nan, animated=true, lw=2, label='emg1') line = [line1] def init(): return line window_size = 20 def animate(in_data): data = get_data(glove) print(data)

32 window = data[3][-window_size:] old = line1.get_ydata() new = np.r_[old[1:], (max(window) - min(window))] line1.set_ydata(new) return line ax.legend() print('start') anim = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n, interval=0, blit=true, repeat=true) plt.show() Решение к задаче 4.1 import serial, struct, time import psutil, os proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) hand = serial.serial('com6', , timeout=none) data = [] glove.flushinput() hand.flushinput() while len(data) < 10: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data):

33 dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not all([data[key][0] < 9 for key in range(len(data))]): glove.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value] return channels

34 def send(channel, value, device: serial.serial): print('send on %d %d' % (channel, value)) arr = bytearray([channel, value]) device.write(arr) s = {0: 0, 1: 0, 2: 0} input() data = get_data(glove) print(data) for channel in range(3): s[channel] = data[channel][-1] data.clear() print(s) def calc(d): d[0] = s[0] - d[0][-1] d[1] = s[1] - d[1][-1] d[2] = s[2] - d[2][-1] return d poss = [180, 45, 25, 0, 180] while True: data = get_data(glove) if len(data) > 0: data = calc(data) print(data[0], ' ', data[1], ' ', data[2]) value = abs(data[1]) send(0, min(max(poss[0] - int(value * 4), 10), 180), hand)

35 value = abs(data[2]) if abs(value - 0) > 15: send(1, min(poss[1] + int(value * 2.25), 255), hand) send(2, min(poss[2] + int(value * 2), 255), hand) else: send(1, poss[1], hand) send(2, poss[2], hand) value = abs(data[0]) send(3, min(poss[3] + int(value * 3), 255), hand) send(4, max(poss[4] - int(value * 4), 15), hand) time.sleep(2) Решение к задаче 4.2 import serial, struct, time import psutil, os proc = psutil.process(os.getpid()) proc.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) hand = serial.serial('com6', , timeout=none) data = [] while len(data) < 5: if hand.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(hand.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data):

36 dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not (data[0][0] < 9 and data[1][0] < 9 and data[2][0] < 9): hand.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value]

37 return channels def send(channel, value, device: serial.serial): print('send on %d %d' % (channel, value)) arr = bytearray([channel, value]) device.write(arr) while True: data = get_data(hand) if len(data) > 2: for channel in range(3): send(channel, data[channel][-1], glove) Решение к задаче 4.3 import psutil import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import serial import struct import time process = psutil.process(os.getpid()) process.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) hand = serial.serial('com6', , timeout=none) data = []

38 glove.flushinput() hand.flushinput() while len(data) < 10: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not all([data[key][0] < 9 for key in range(len(data))]): glove.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo

39 channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value] return channels def send(channel, value, device: serial.serial): print('send on %d %d' % (channel, value)) arr = bytearray([channel, value]) device.write(arr) n = 120 fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.grid() ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, 120) ax.legend() line1, = axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='emg1') line2, = axs[0, 1].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='emg2') line3, = axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='eeg') line4, = axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='amplitude 1') line5, = axs[1, 1].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='amplitude 2')

40 line6, = axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='alpha') line = [line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6] for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.grid() ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, 120) ax.legend() axs[1, 2].set_ylim(0, 3000) def amplitude(arr): return max(arr) - min(arr) def init(): return line old_time = [time.clock(), time.clock()] window_size = 20 poss = [45, 25, 0, 180] maxs = [180, 180, 180, 20] mins = [45, 25, 0, 180] def control(): global poss

41 ampl1 = np.array(line4.get_ydata()[-window_size//2:]) ampl2 = np.array(line5.get_ydata()[-window_size//2:]) alpha = np.array(line6.get_ydata()[-window_size:]) if any([x > 150 for x in ampl1]): print('up') poss = maxs if any([x > 150 for x in ampl2]): print('down') poss = mins if any([x > 800 for x in alpha]): send(0, 200, glove) send(1, 200, glove) send(2, 200, glove) else: send(0, 0, glove) send(1, 0, glove) send(2, 0, glove) for channel in range(len(poss)): send(channel + 1, poss[channel], hand) def animate(input_data): data = get_data(glove) if len(data) == 6: old_time[0] = old_time[1] old_time[1] = time.clock() t = old_time[1] - old_time[0]

42 old = line1.get_ydata() line1.set_ydata(np.r_[old[1:], data[4][-1]]) old = line2.get_ydata() line2.set_ydata(np.r_[old[1:], data[3][-1]]) old = line3.get_ydata() new = np.r_[old[1:], data[5][-1]] line3.set_ydata(new) old = line4.get_ydata() window = data[4][-window_size:] line4.set_ydata(np.r_[old[1:], amplitude(window)]) old = line5.get_ydata() window = data[3][-window_size:] line5.set_ydata(np.r_[old[1:], amplitude(window)]) signal = np.array(new, dtype=int) fft = np.fft.fft(signal) size = signal.size timestep = t / size freq = np.fft.fftfreq(size, d=timestep) fft = fft[:size//2] freq = freq[:size//2] amp = [] for i in fft: amp.append(pow(i.real*i.real+i.imag*i.imag, 1/2)) mx = 0 for idx, f in enumerate(freq): if 8 <= f <= 13: mx = max(mx, amp[idx])

43 if mx < 25: mx = 0 old = line6.get_ydata() line6.set_ydata(np.r_[old[1:], mx]) control() return line animation = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n, interval=0, blit=true, repeat=true) plt.show() Решение к задаче 5.2 import psutil import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import serial import struct import time process = psutil.process(os.getpid()) process.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class) glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) hand = serial.serial('com6', , timeout=none) data = [] glove.flushinput() hand.flushinput() while len(data) < 10:

44 if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not all([data[key][0] < 9 for key in range(len(data))]): glove.read(1) data.clear() data = [] while len(data) < 10: if hand.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(hand.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not all([data[key][0] < 9 for key in range(len(data))]): hand.read(1)

45 data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value] return channels def send(channel, value, device: serial.serial): print('send on %d %d' % (channel, value)) arr = bytearray([channel, value]) device.write(arr) n = 1024 fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.grid()

46 ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, n) ax.legend() line1, = axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='emg1') line2, = axs[0, 1].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='emg2') line3, = axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='eeg') line4, = axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='amplitude 1') line5, = axs[1, 1].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='amplitude 2') line6, = axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='alpha') line = [line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6] for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.grid() ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, n) ax.legend() axs[1, 2].set_ylim(0, 32000) def amplitude(arr): return max(arr) - min(arr) def init(): return line old_time = [time.clock(), time.clock()] window_size = 40 poss = [180, 45, 25, 0, 180] maxs = [0, 180, 180, 180, 20] mins = [180, 45, 25, 0, 180] unknown, touch, middle = False, False, False

47 def control(): global poss, unknown, touch, middle, maxs, mins ampl1 = np.array(line4.get_ydata()[-window_size//4:]) ampl2 = np.array(line5.get_ydata()[-window_size//4:]) alpha = np.array(line6.get_ydata()[-window_size:]) if any([x > 70 for x in ampl1]): unknown = not unknown if any([x > 70 for x in ampl2]): touch = not touch if any([x > 70 for x in ampl1]) and any([x > 70 for x in ampl2]): middle = not middle if touch: poss[1] = maxs[1] else: poss[1] = mins[1] if unknown: poss[3] = maxs[3] poss[4] = maxs[4] else: poss[3] = mins[3] poss[4] = mins[4] if middle: poss[2] = maxs[2] else: poss[2] = mins[2] if any([x > for x in alpha]): poss[0] = maxs[0]

48 else: poss[0] = mins[0] for channel in range(len(poss)): send(channel, poss[channel], hand) def animate(input_data): control() data = get_data(glove) data_hand = get_data(hand) if len(data) == 6: old_time[0] = old_time[1] old_time[1] = time.clock() t = old_time[1] - old_time[0] print(len(data[5])) old = line1.get_ydata() line1.set_ydata(np.r_[old[5:], data[4][-5:]]) old = line2.get_ydata() line2.set_ydata(np.r_[old[5:], data[3][-5:]]) old = line3.get_ydata() l = len(data[5]) new = np.r_[old[min(n, l):], data[5][-min(n, l):]] line3.set_ydata(new) old = line4.get_ydata() signal = data[4][-window_size:] window = [] for idx in range(window_size // 5, window_size + 1, window_size // 5): window.append(signal[idx - window_size // 5:idx])

49 amp = [] for i in window: amp.append(amplitude(i)) line4.set_ydata(np.r_[old[len(amp):], amp]) old = line5.get_ydata() signal = data[3][-window_size:] window = [] for idx in range(window_size//5, window_size + 1, window_size // 5): window.append(signal[idx - window_size//5:idx]) amp = [] for i in window: amp.append(amplitude(i)) line5.set_ydata(np.r_[old[len(amp):], amp]) signal = np.array(new, dtype=int) fft = np.fft.fft(signal) size = signal.size timestep = t / l freq = np.fft.fftfreq(size, d=timestep) fft = fft[:size//2] freq = freq[:size//2] amp = [] for i in fft: amp.append(pow(i.real*i.real+i.imag*i.imag, 1/2)) mx = 0 for idx, f in enumerate(freq): if 8 <= f <= 14: print(amp[idx])

50 mx = max(mx, amp[idx]) if mx < 25: mx = 0 old = line6.get_ydata() line6.set_ydata(np.r_[old[1:], mx]) # line6.set_data(freq, amp) if len(data_hand) > 2: for channel in range(3): send(channel, data_hand[channel][-1], glove) return line animation = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n, interval=0, blit=true, repeat=true) plt.show() Решение к задаче 5.3 import psutil import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.animation as animation import serial import struct import time process = psutil.process(os.getpid()) process.nice(psutil.realtime_priority_class)

51 glove = serial.serial('com5', , timeout=none) hand = serial.serial('com6', , timeout=none) data = [] glove.flushinput() hand.flushinput() while len(data) < 10: if glove.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(glove.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not all([data[key][0] < 9 for key in range(len(data))]): glove.read(1) data.clear() data = [] while len(data) < 10: if hand.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(hand.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat:

52 foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo if not all([data[key][0] < 9 for key in range(len(data))]): hand.read(1) data.clear() def get_data(device: serial.serial): data = [] while device.in_waiting >= 2: data.append(device.read(2)) for idx, dat in enumerate(data): dat = struct.unpack('c' * 2, dat) foo = [] for bar in dat: foo.append(int.from_bytes(bar, byteorder='big')) data[idx] = foo channels = {} for dat in data: channel, value = dat if channel in channels: channels[channel].append(value) else: channels[channel] = [value] return channels def send(channel, value, device: serial.serial): print('send on %d %d' % (channel, value))

53 arr = bytearray([channel, value]) device.write(arr) n = 1024 fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 3) for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.grid() ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, n) ax.legend() line1, = axs[0, 0].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='emg1') line2, = axs[0, 1].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='emg2') line3, = axs[0, 2].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='eeg') line4, = axs[1, 0].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='amplitude 1') line5, = axs[1, 1].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='amplitude 2') line6, = axs[1, 2].plot(np.arange(n), np.zeros(n), lw=2, animated=true, label='alpha') line = [line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6] for ax in axs.flatten(): ax.grid() ax.set_ylim(0, 255) ax.set_xlim(0, n) ax.legend() axs[1, 2].set_ylim(0, 32000) def amplitude(arr): return max(arr) - min(arr) def init():

54 return line old_time = [time.clock(), time.clock()] window_size = 20 poss = [180, 45, 25, 0, 180] maxs = [5, 180, 180, 180, 20] mins = [180, 45, 25, 0, 180] unknown, touch = False, False def control(): global poss, unknown, touch, maxs, mins ampl1 = np.array(line4.get_ydata()[-window_size//4:]) ampl2 = np.array(line5.get_ydata()[-window_size//4:]) alpha = np.array(line6.get_ydata()[-window_size:]) if any([x > 70 for x in ampl1]): unknown = not unknown if any([x > 70 for x in ampl2]): touch = not touch if touch: poss[1] = maxs[1] else: poss[1] = mins[1] if unknown: poss[3] = maxs[3] else: poss[3] = mins[3] if any([x > for x in alpha]): poss[0] = maxs[0] else:

55 poss[0] = mins[0] for channel in range(len(poss)): send(channel, poss[channel], hand) def animate(input_data): control() data = get_data(glove) data_hand = get_data(hand) if len(data) == 6: old_time[0] = old_time[1] old_time[1] = time.clock() t = old_time[1] - old_time[0] print(len(data[5])) old = line1.get_ydata() line1.set_ydata(np.r_[old[5:], data[4][-5:]]) old = line2.get_ydata() line2.set_ydata(np.r_[old[5:], data[3][-5:]]) old = line3.get_ydata() l = len(data[5]) new = np.r_[old[min(n, l):], data[5][-min(n, l):]] line3.set_ydata(new) old = line4.get_ydata() signal = data[4][-window_size:] window = [] for idx in range(window_size // 5, window_size + 1, window_size // 5): window.append(signal[idx - window_size // 5:idx]) amp = [] for i in window:

56 amp.append(amplitude(i)) line4.set_ydata(np.r_[old[len(amp):], amp]) old = line5.get_ydata() signal = data[3][-window_size:] window = [] for idx in range(window_size//5, window_size + 1, window_size // 5): window.append(signal[idx - window_size//5:idx]) amp = [] for i in window: amp.append(amplitude(i)) line5.set_ydata(np.r_[old[len(amp):], amp]) signal = np.array(new, dtype=int) fft = np.fft.fft(signal) size = signal.size timestep = t / l freq = np.fft.fftfreq(size, d=timestep) fft = fft[:size//2] freq = freq[:size//2] amp = [] for i in fft: amp.append(pow(i.real*i.real+i.imag*i.imag, 1/2)) mx = 0 for idx, f in enumerate(freq): if 8 <= f <= 14: print(amp[idx]) mx = max(mx, amp[idx]) if mx < 25:

57 mx = 0 old = line6.get_ydata() line6.set_ydata(np.r_[old[1:], mx]) # line6.set_data(freq, amp) if len(data_hand) > 2: for channel in range(3): send(channel, 200 if data_hand[channel][-1] > 10 else 0, glove) return line animation = animation.funcanimation(fig, animate, init_func=init, frames=n, interval=0, blit=true, repeat=true) plt.show()

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