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1 lighting

2 Algunas de las decoraciones de nuestras luminarias están realizadas de forma ARTESANAL, esto significa que las piezas así tratadas, son el resultado del trabajo manual, por lo que aún cuidando la exactitud de su acabado, podrían apreciarse diferencias que estarían justificadas por ser ARTE- SANALES; así mismo ocurre con las partes de madera, en las que no se pueden elegir las tramas o nudos por ser materia natural. No obstante cuidamos para que el acabado de estos productos sea siempre lo más exacto posible. Some of the decorations of our lights are MADE BY HAND. This means that the treated pieces are the result of a MANUAL WORK, and still taking care of the accuracy of each finish, they might appreciate differences, justified for being handcrafted pieces. Of the same way, it happens with the pieces of the wood, in which the plots cannot be chosen for being natural matter. Nevertheless, we take care in order that the finish of these products is always as exact as possible. El presente catálogo anula y sustituye los anteriores. La empresa JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L. se reserva el derecho de efectuar modificaciones técnicas, formales y dimensionales en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso. Está prohibida la reproducción total o parcial del presente catálogo sin autorización expresa y por escrito del fabricante. Compruebe la información más actualizada en la web:. JISO ILUMINACIÓN no asume ninguna responsabilidad por los errores que puedan aparecer en este catalogo. This catalogue supersedes all previous catalogues. JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L. reserves the right to modify technical features, dimensions and designs without notice. The partial or total reproduction of this catalogue is forbidden without the manufacturer s express and written authorization. Please, check for the most updated information. JISO assumes no responsability for any errors that may appear in this document. 1

3 INDICE / INDEX Indice / Index Visual Index 4 TECHNICAL. Indoor Architectural. Light Integrated 23 Project. Lights Without Technology 227 TECHNICAL. Industrial Industrial. Light Integrated 273 DECORATIVE. Indoor BEAUTY. Light Integrated 293 ELEGANCE. Lights Without Technology 303 MARKETING PRODUCT. 317 ANNEXED LIGHTING. General issues 322 Trailing Edge. Dimmable V. Dimmable 330 DIRECT. Dimmable 331 DALI. Dimmable 333 emergency. lighting courtesy for emergency cases 334 STR. General issues 337 REFERENCE DRIVER. Equivalence drivers table 349 General Index Table 352 3

4 TECHNICAL Indoor Architectural. Light Integrated l Visual Index Indoor TECHNICAL Visual Index l Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated l Recessed Water-Tight Technical 001 P P P P P P P P P P P P.31 UGR/Ambience P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P. 43 Trimless DC503/4 P P P P P P P P P P /50 P P P P P P P.107 Directional P P P P P P P P P P P /50 P P P P P P P P P P P P P Water-Tight UGR Trimless Directional Technical

5 TECHNICAL Indoor Architectural. Light Integrated l Visual Index Indoor TECHNICAL Visual Index l Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated l Surface ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated l Track Directional Directional P P P. 123 Technical P P.145 ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated l Strip P P P P P. 128 Single P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P.137 Double & RGB/RGBW P P P.141 ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated l Panel Technical 019TW P RGB+W P RGB P RGB P. 183 ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated l Control System for strip Mando 32 P.193 ControlV10 P.194 ControlV20 P.195 ControlV31 P.197 SWITCH10 P P P P P. 155 DC P.157 DC P.157 SWITCH20 P.198 SWITCH31 P.199 PanelTactil10 P.200 PanelTactil20 P.201 PanelTactil31 P.203 DC P.157 DC P.159 DC P.159 DC P.161 DC P DC P.163 DC P.163 DC P.163 DC P.165 TC DALI P.204 TCCONTR03 P.204 PCDimm P. 205 PCHandSen P.205 P.Supply P Water-Tight UGR Trimless Directional Technical

6 TECHNICAL Indoor Architectural. Light Integrated l Visual Index Indoor TECHNICAL Visual Index l Light Without Technology. PROJECT ARCHITECTURAL. Light Without Technology l Profile Surface PROJECTS. Light Without Technology l Recessed Water-Tight 700 P P P P P P P P P.247 UGR/Ambience 714 P P P P P.221 Recessed 510 P P P P P P P P P P P P P.253 BULBS. Light Integrated 438 P P.255 Directional 1LHG-103 P.232 1LHX-123 P.234 1LHG-101 P.236 1LHG-503 P.237 1LHF-101 P.239 Accessories 931 P P. 259 Technical 1DH3 P.240 1DH1 P.240 1PHB P.241 1PHG P P P P P P.266 DCCOND-1 P.241 DCCONT-1 P P P P P P Water-Tight UGR Trimless Directional Technical

7 TECHNICAL Industrial InDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated l Visual Index Indoor DECORATIVE Visual Index l BEAUTY & ELEGANCE Light Integrated l Surface BEAUTY. Lights Integrated l Recessed P P P P P P P P.297 BEAUTY. Lights Integrated l Surface P P P P P P P P P P.281 INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated l Pendant Elegance. Lights Without Technology l Recessed Technical P P.284 INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated l Accessories 4 P P P.307 1RL P.309 Conec67I03 P.285 2RL P P P Technical

8 ANNEXED Information Visual Index JISO COMPANY Introduction Marketing M-18 P. 317 M-03 P. 318 M-07 P.317 M-04 P.319 M-01 P318 M-05 P.319 M-02 P.318 M-06 P.319 Jiso Iluminacion es una empresa familiar. Fue fundada en el año 2001 por los hermanos Giménez, especializada en fabricación y distribución de luminarias técnicos para aplicaciones de interior y parte de exterior. Las oficinas y el centro de producciones se encuentran en Valencia, España y cuenta con una estructura de aprox. 2000sm entre oficinas, fábrica y almacén. Profesionalidad, ética, flexibilidad y respuesta rápida son cualidades Jiso. Estas cualidades se han convertido en las principales características que nos distinguen como una empresa líder en la industria de la iluminación. La calidad y el servicio priman de entre nuestros objetivos. Y uno de nuestros puntos fuertes, además de nuestra amplia gama de productos para proyectos, es la especialidad en acabados artesanales y de alta decoración con precios competitivos. Jiso Iluminacion is a family business. It was founded on 2001 by the Gimenez brothers, specialized in manufacturing and distribution of technical lighting for indoor and outdoor applications The operative offices and the productions center are situated in Valencia, Spain.. JISO is structured with an area of 2000sm for the Offices, factory and warehouse. Professionalism, ethic, flexibility and fast response are Jiso qualities. These qualities have become the main characteristics that distinguish us as a leading company in the lighting industry. In JISO the quality and the service is our main target. One of our strong points is our special finishings in our products but with competitive prices. Technical Support General issues LIGHTING P. 322 Dimmable Trailing Edge P.328 Dimmable 1-10V P.330 Dimmable P.331 Dimmable DALI P. 333 Emergency P.334 Installation STR P.337 Equivalence DRIVER P

9 COMPANY JISO JISO COMPANY Sales & Export Technology & Innovation Operamos en más de 45 países de todo el mundo. Para estar en condiciones de cumplir con los requisitos y preguntas sobre los campos técnicos de nuestros clientes, contamos con empleados con conocimientos electrónicos y formación académica. Nuestro servicio de atención al cliente está compuesto por una amplia red de un equipo de trabajadores del sector. Ofrecen una excelente consultoría a nuestros clientes y ayudar con palabras y hechos si se producen problemas. Los contactos internacionales son atendidos por el Departamento de exportación, además del trabajo específico de cada país y administrativo así como atención en diferentes idiomas, y la preparación de los documentos pertinentes a la exportación. Mostramos nuestros productos en las importantes ferias internacionales, tales como Light & Building Frankfurt, Euroluce Milán, Interlight Moscú, etc Con nuestra red de ventas, Jiso cubre el territorio nacional y gran parte del Mercado internacionales, tanto en Europa como en Asia, Oriente Medio y parte de África y América. Jiso realiza proyectos, vende a distribuidores y tiendas especialistas en iluminación, calificando su producto en una media y alta gama. Por otra parte Jiso ha trabajado 16 años respetando la dinámica comercial de acuerdo con los numerosos clientes, creando relaciones duraderas y ventajosas de largo. We operate in more than 45 countries world-wide. to be in the position to meet with our client s requirements and questions on the technical fields, we turn our attention to employees withc have electronic knowledge, respectively with academic background. Our customer service on the Jiso premises is supported by a comprehensive network of an employed field staff. They offer an excellent consultin to our clients and help with words and deeds if problems occur. International contacts are served by the export department. Besides the country-specific and administrative work as well as superior services in different languages, the preparation of export-relevant documents is within the scope of duties. Caused by a high claim to a best possible cooperation with our partners, current increase of a fair participation of JISO in the countries of principal customers and customer trainings on location and on the Jiso premises, perfect our customer care. We show in the main International Exhibitions like Frankfurt Light+Building, Milano Euroluce, Moscow Interlight, etc Among the great lighting sector, JISO is not only a specialist in recessed lighting but also offers a unique ornamentation or decoration in its field. With our sales network, JISO covers a good part of national and international markets, specially Europe, Middle East, Africa and part of America. JISO is specialized in projects, distributors and shops as we have different levels in medium and high product. Moreover Jiso has been working for 16 years respecting the commercial dynamics agreed with the many customers, creating long lasting and advantageous relationships. Jiso apuesta por la última tecnología y desde el año 2011 cuenta con la nueva colección ARCHITECTURAL, con constante innovación y actualización en productos de led incorporado. Jiso posee una oficina de investigación y desarrollo que colabora con los principales fabricantes de para desarrollar productos cada vez más actuales. Nuestra división de proyectos, apoyado por nuestros laboratorios con certificados internacionales, nos permite proponer adecuaciones y cambios a los productos existentes para satisfacer solicitudes específicas de interioristas, arquitectos y diseñadores de iluminación. Contamos con un equipo joven y motivado. El actual aumento de los recursos humanos, la especialización del personal, el continuo desarrollo de últimas tecnologías y la mejor calidad es lo que hace que Jiso esté presente en casi todo el mundo. El diseño es esencial para la innovación, para poder destacarse de la competencia y valor añadido. Los campos de la investigación y la tecnología son de especial importancia. Últimas tecnologías relacionadas con materiales de clase superior encuentran la base del éxito. JISO bets for the last technology and from the year 2011 it consists with the new collection ARCHITECTURAL, with constant innovation and update in products of integrated led. In the current year 2016, this collection presents novelties, with the main objective to get high level projects both technically and aesthetically. Jiso owns a research and development center that collaborates with the main light producers in order to develop more and more up to date products. Our special project division, supported by our international certified laboratories, allows us to propose adaptations and changes to existing products to satisfy specific request of architects, interior and lighting designers. We have a young and motivated team. The current rise of human resources, the specialization of the staff, the continuous development of latest technology and best quality is what makes that Jiso is present in almost all over the world. Design is essential for innovation, to be able to stand out from the competition and value added. The fields of research and technology are of particular importance. Latest technologies in connetion with high-class materials found the base of success

10 COMPANY JISO Reference JISO COMPANY Communication 2.0 Standard Reference Model Power type Chip K T.ª For special request Optional DEGREE Optional Optional Para satisfacer vuestras exigencias, hemos construido un sistema de herramientas que dan soporte a los distintos niveles de comunicación. El catálogo en soporte papel presenta y describe nuestros productos para interiores y exteriores. Mantenemos contacto con nuestra comunidad a través de nuestras cuentas en redes sociales. Catálogo online, dinámico e inmediato y se actualiza en tiempo real en nuestra web. permite una navegación rápida e intuitiva en los diferentes dispositivos. Descargas de catálogo, fichas técnicas, instrucciones, garantías, certificados, datos fotométricos. Una herramienta para mantenerse al día sobre las novedades en tiempo real y conocer de cerca a JISO Iluminación. To satisfy your needs we have built a stools systme to support the diverse communications levels. Our printed catalogue presents and describes our products for interiors and exteriors. We keep in touch through our social networks. On line catalogue, dynamic and immediate that is constantly updated in our web site. allows an intuitive and quick navigation at site. Catalogue discharges, TDS, instructions, guarantees, certificates, photometrics data,... A stool to keep updated infromations about novelties and meet up closed to JISO Ilumination

11 19

12 TECHNICAL. Indoor by Jorge Giménez & Javier Lacalle Architectural. Light Integrated. 23 Project. Light Without Technology. 227

13 TECHNICAL. Indoor by Jorge Giménez & Javier Lacalle Architectural. Light Integrated. Recessed. 25 Water-tight. 25 UGR/Ambience. 33 Trimless. 45 Directional. 55 Technical. 73 Surface. 119 Directional. 121 Technical. 125 Track. 143 Panel. 147 Strip. 167 Single Colour. 170 Dual Colour. 181 RGB/RGBW. 182 Control System. 187 Profile. 209 Surface. 211 Recessed

14 TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Water-Tight Water-Tight P P P P P P

15 TECHNICAL Indoor Water-Tight Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Water-Tight Downlight fijo estanco Downlight fixed water-tight Downlight fixe étanche Downlight fijo estanco Downlight fixed water-tight Downlight fixe étanche 45 Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K 800 K Tc (K) K K K 4600 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 3years h 65 RT2012 Citizen COB CLASE II 3years h 65 RT2012 Citizen COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 40º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/36 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 40º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 26 27

16 TECHNICAL Indoor Water-Tight Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Empotrable fijo estanco Recessed fixed water-tight Encastré fixe étanche 40 Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K 453 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 65 UGR <19 RT2012 Sanan SMD Ref. K W JISO Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/48 Emergency Kit (page 334) 1EH-3 TCI 1 hora/hour 1EH-4 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 28 29

17 TECHNICAL Indoor Water-Tight Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Water-Tight / Downlight fijo estanco Downlight fixed water-tight Downlight fixe étanche Downlight fijo estanco Downlight fixed water-tight Downlight fixe étanche Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 3 years h 65 RT2012 Samsung SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,95 5 º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0,95 5 º 1/ BOKE AC2O0-240V 50/60Hz >0,95 5 º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0,95 5 º 1/12 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Ref. K W CLASE II 3 years h 65 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 º 1/ BOKE RT2012 AC V 50/60Hz >0,95 5 º 1/4 Samsung SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 30 31

18 UGR/Ambience TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Ambience/UGR P P P P P P P P P P P P P P

19 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Ambience/UGR Empotrable fijo ambiente Recessed fixed ambience Encastré fixe d ambiance 01* (in 3000K & 4000K) Negro / Black Noir / Blanc Technique / 75 K Tc (K) K K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison COB Emergency Kit (page 334) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/50 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 34 35

20 TECHNICAL Indoor UGR/Ambience Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Ambience/UGR / Empotrable fijo ambiente Recessed fixed ambience Encastré fixe d ambiance Empotrable fijo ambiente Recessed fixed ambience Encastré fixe d ambiance Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC22-240V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 60º 1/30 Emergency Kit (page 334) DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison COB Emergency Kit (page 334) BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ Please Consult Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/12 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 36 37

21 TECHNICAL Indoor UGR/Ambience Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Ambience/UGR / / Empotrable fijo ambiente Recessed fixed ambience Encastré fixe d ambiance Empotrable fijo ambiente Recessed fixed ambience Encastré fixe d ambiance Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / x x105 75x75 95x95 K Tc (K) K K Tc (K) K x x x x160 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 2 years Edison COB h 44 A A years + CLASE II CLASE II h 44 Edison COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/30 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/12 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Please Consult Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 38 39

22 TECHNICAL Indoor UGR/Ambience Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Ambience/UGR 518 / Downlight empotrable panel fijo Recessed downlight fixed panel Encastré fixe panel Downlight empotrable panel fijo Recessed downlight fixed panel Encastré fixe panel Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / 04 Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K 1692 Accessories. DC K K K 1815 Panel Antideslumbrante (Difusor Micro Prismático) Page. 96 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Ref. K W CLASE II 3years h ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE 44 Anti-Glare Panel (Micro Prismatic Diffuser) UGR <19 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 UGR<19 Edison SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Ref. K W CLASE II 3years h The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE Panel Antideslumbrante (Difusor Micro Prismático) Anti-Glare Panel (Micro Prismatic Diffuser) 44 UGR <19 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Accessories. DC50322 Page. 97 Edison SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 40 41

23 TECHNICAL Indoor UGR/Ambience Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Ambience/UGR / Downlight empotrable panel fijo Recessed downlight fixed panel Encastré fixe panel Downlight empotrable panel fijo Recessed downlight fixed panel Encastré fixe panel x x Aluminio / / 04 Aluminio / / 220x220 Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / 0 105x x165 K Tc (K) K Tc (K) 0 210x K K K K K 1692 UGR<19 Panel Antideslumbrante (Difusor Micro Prismático) Anti-Glare Panel (Micro Prismatic Diffuser) Accessories. DC50422 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 3years h 44 UGR <19 Edison SMD Panel Antideslumbrante (Difusor Micro Prismático) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Anti-Glare Panel (Micro Prismatic Diffuser) Page JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Reference (page 349) CLASE II 3years h 44 UGR <19 Edison SMD BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Ref. K W Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Reference (page 349) ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) LIFUD No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 42 43

24 TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Trimless Trimless P P P P /50 P

25 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Trimless Empotrable direccionable Trimless Recessed directional Trimless Encastré orientable Trimless. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 117 Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K K 960 Optional Degree A 15º B 25º E 60º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 Cree COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 38º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 46 47

26 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Trimless Empotrable direccionable Trimless Recessed directional Trimless Encastré orientable Trimless. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 136 Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K 2074 Optional Degree A 15º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 D 40º Cree COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 30º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/12 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 48 49

27 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Trimless 69414/69425 Empotrable direccionable Trimless Recessed directional Trimless Encastré orientable Trimless. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / 0 115x115 92x x x K Tc (K) K K K Optional Degree A 15º A 15º B 25º D 40º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 E 60º Cree COB On request only Solo bajo pedido Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 30º BOKE ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 38º ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 50 51

28 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Trimless / Empotrable direccionable Trimless Recessed directional Trimless Encastré orientable Trimless. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir On request only Solo bajo pedido Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / 0 205x x x x K Tc (K) K K K Optional Degree A 15º A 15º B 25º D 40º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 E 60º Cree COB Ref. K W x25 ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 30º x25 BOKE x14 ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 38º 1/ x14 ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ x14 BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/12 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 52 53

29 TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional Directional P P P P P /50 P P P P


31 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional Empotrable direccionable Recessed directional Encastré orientable. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 0101 Negro / Black Noir 117 Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K K 960 Optional Degree A 15º B 25º E 60º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 Cree COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 38º ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 58 59

32 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional Empotrable direccionable Recessed directional Encastré orientable. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 117 Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / 200x K Tc (K) K K K Recuerde eliminar el material sombreado entre los circulos Remind to remove the material remarked between the circles Optional Degree A 15º B 25º E 60º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 Cree COB On request only Solo bajo pedido Ref. K W x14 ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 38º x14 ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º x14 BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 60 61

33 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional Empotrable direccionable Recessed directional Encastré orientable. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 136 Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K 2074 Optional Degree A 15º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 D 40º CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 Cree COB Emergency Kit (page 334) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 30º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/12 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 62 63

34 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional Empotrable direccionable Recessed directional Encastré orientable. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 117 Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / 116x116 Blanc Technique / 0 100x100 K Tc (K) K K 960 Optional Degree A 15º B 25º E 60º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 Cree COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 38º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/30 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 64 65

35 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional Empotrable direccionable Recessed directional Encastré orientable. Other s, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 136 Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanc Technique / 152x x135 K Tc (K) K 2074 Optional Degree A 15º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 D 40º CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 Cree COB Emergency Kit (page 334) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 30º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/12 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 66 67

36 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional / Empotrable direccionable Recessed directional Encastré orientable On request only Solo bajo pedido. Other s, please consult. Optics 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanc Technique-Noir 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / x x Blanc Technique / 0 100x x K Tc (K) K K K Optional Degree A 15º A 15º B 25º D 40º Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 E 60º CLASE II 360º º 3years h >95 23 Cree COB Ref. K W x25 ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 30º x25 BOKE x14 ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 5 38º x14 ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º x14 BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 68 69

37 TECHNICAL Indoor Directional Recessed I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Directional / Downlight Direccionable Downlight directional Encastré orientable Downlight Direccionable Downlight directional Encastré orientable Blanc Technique / 01 Negro / Black Noir / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K Tc (K) K 2958 *Option 3000 K, on request only CLASE II 360º º 2years h 20 Epistar COB Ref. K W Emergency Kit (page 334) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 45º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 45º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/24 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Please Consult CLASE II 360º º 2years h 20 Epistar COB BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 45º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 45º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/12 Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 45º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/6 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 70 71

38 TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed. Technical Technical 001 P P P P P P P /20 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P.95 DC503/4 P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P.117

39 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed Basic I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed BASIC. Technical 001 Micro empotrable fijo Micro recessed fixed Micro Encastré fixe Micro empotrable basculante Micro recessed swivel Micro Encastré basculant Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K 65 K Tc (K) K 320 CLASE II 2years h 20 Epistar COB CLASE II 3years h 30º 20 Epistar COB Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 30º 1/100 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 3 30º 1/100 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) 74 75

40 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed Basic I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed BASIC. Technical Empotrable fijo Recessed fixed Encastré fixe Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel Encastré basculant 40 Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K 453 K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years RT2012 UGR years 2 65 <19 Sanan SMD h h CLASE II 30º 20 UGR <19 Sanan SMD Ref. K W JISO Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/48 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 1EH-3 TCI 1 hora/hour 1EH-4 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Ref. K W JISO Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/48 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 1EH-3 TCI 1 hora/hour 1EH-4 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) 76 77

41 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed BASIC. Technical Empotrable direccionable asimétrico Recessed wallwasher downlight Encastré orientable Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 15º 20 Epistar COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 60º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/50 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 78 79

42 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed Basic I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed BASIC. Technical 50212/ / 50520* Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlinght Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Níquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / Blanc Technique / 12 Níquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / Blanc Technique / RING K Tc (K) K K K K Tc (K) K O Round Recessed Empotramiento redondo 215x x250 CLASE II 2years h 44 20W- Die Casting 12W-Steel Epistar SMD *50520 Until stock finishs CLASE II 2years h 44 Epistar SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Reference (page 349) ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Reference (page 349) BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 80 81

43 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed BASIC. Technical Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe 01 Negro / Black Noir / Blanc Technique / 53 K Tc (K) K K K CLASE II 2years h 44 Epistar COB Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 60º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 82 83

44 NARROW 84 85

45 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed NARROW I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed NARROW. Technical 56306/ Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 21 Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K K Tc (K) K K CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison SMD BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Reference (page 349) Ref. K W Emergency Kit (page 334) Consult ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 86 87

46 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed NARROW I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed NARROW. Technical / Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 21 Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / 225x225 x 0 78x78 145x x130 K Tc (K) K K K Tc (K) K K x210 CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison SMD ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Reference (page 349) Ref. K W Emergency Kit (page 334) Consult ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 88 89

47 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed SLIM I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed SLIM. Technical / Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Blanc Technique / 04 Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K Tc (K) K K Accessories. DC50308 Page. 96 CLASE II 3years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h JISO No Dimm. AC85-265V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Epistar SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 91

48 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed SLIM I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed SLIM. Technical Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed downlight fixed Downlight Encastré fixe Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / 04 Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K K 1815 K Tc (K) K K Accessories. DC50322 Page. 97 CLASE II 3years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W CLASE II 3years h The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 44 Edison SMD Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 92 93

49 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed SLIM I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed SLIM. Technical 50408/ Downlight empotrable fijo panel Recessed downlight fixed panel Downlight Encastré fixe panel Downlight empotrable fijo panel Recessed downlight fixed panel Downlight Encastré fixe panel x x Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / 04 Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / 220x x x165 K Tc (K) K K K Tc (K) K K K x210 Accessories. DC50422 CLASE II 3years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W CLASE II 3years h The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ LIFUD No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE 44 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Page. 97 Edison SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 94 95

50 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed I Accessories. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Accessories I Recessed. Technical DC50308 DC50322 Aro embellecedor redondo para ref Round trim ring for ref Cadre enjoliveur rond pour ref Aro embellecedor redondo Round trim ring Cadre enjoliveur rond 04 Aluminio / / 04 Aluminio / / 0,5 Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / 0, years 150 Ref. Material DC /1 250 DC50422 Aro embellecedor cuadrado Square trim ring Cadre enjoliveur carré 04 Aluminio / / Blanc Technique / 0,2 2years 2years 0 200x x x250 Ref. Material Ref. Material DC /1 DC /

51 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed CONFORT. Technical Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed Downlight fixed Encastré fixe Blanc Technique / 30 0 K Tc (K) K K Other s temperature consult GYPSUM EFFECT Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 3years h 44 Edison SMD OFF 3000K 4000K Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) 98 99

52 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed CONFORT I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed CONFORT. Technical Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed Downlight fixed Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed Downlight fixed Encastré fixe 30 Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K 1061 K Tc (K) K K K Other s temperature consult Other s temperature consult 215 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 3years years 3 CLASE II h 44 Edison SMD CLASE II h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

53 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed CONFORT I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed CONFORT. Technical / Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed Downlight fixed Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable fijo Recessed Downlight fixed Encastré fixe Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K K K 1932 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 3 years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Ref. K W CLASE II 3years h 44 Edison SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Reference (page 349) ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

54 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed CONFORT I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed CONFORT. Technical / Downlight empotrable Recessed Downlight Encastré fixe Downlight empotrable Recessed Downlight Encastré fixe Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / x x x220 x 145x x K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K K K 1889 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 3 years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 3years h 44 Edison SMD BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Reference (page 349) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

55 8 direct indirect Único e innovador / Unique and innovative Dos fuentes de luz. Combinando consigue tres formas de iluminacion: indirecta (ambiente), directa y completa; consiguiendo cubrir las necesidades estéticas, de luz y consumo del cliente. Fácil control mediante interruptor normal. Fácil instalación. 2 light sources. Combining it obtains 3 forms of lighting: indirect lighting, direct and complete; managing to cover the needs of design, light and consumption of the client. Easy control by means of normal switch. 547 Downlight fijo triple encendido Downlight fixed three lights Downlight fixe Triple allumage Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed TROIS. Technical Blanc Technique / Sequential ignitions. Pulsate the switch repeatedly and you will change the type of light 3 switch on switch off switch off Turn off the switch, wait for 15 seconds and pulsate the swicht again. It will begin the ignition base indirect light 2 *Until stock finishs CLASE II 2years h 20 complet 8 switch on 1 switch off 8 switch on Ref. W K Includ. Input Voltage PF GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

56 8 direct indirect Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed TROIS. Technical 548 Downlight fijo triple encendido Downlight fixed three lights Downlight fixe Triple allumage Blanc Technique / Único e innovador / Unique and innovative Dos fuentes de luz. Combinando consigue tres formas de iluminacion: indirecta (ambiente), directa y completa; consiguiendo cubrir las necesidades estéticas, de luz y consumo del cliente. Fácil control mediante interruptor normal. Fácil instalación x x x light sources. Combining it obtains 3 forms of lighting: indirect lighting, direct and complete; managing to cover the needs of design, light and consumption of the client. Easy control by means of normal switch x x x160 Sequential ignitions. Pulsate the switch repeatedly and you will change the type of light 3 switch on switch off switch off *Until stock finishs complet 8 switch on 1 Turn off the switch, wait for 15 seconds and pulsate the swicht again. It will begin the ignition base indirect light switch off 8 2 switch on CLASE II 2years h Ref. W K Includ. Input Voltage GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 120º 1/ GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 120º 1/ GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 120º 1/ GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 120º 1/20 20 PF GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 120º 1/ GENESIS COB / EPISTAR SMD JISO AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 120º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

57 Luz Invisible / Invisible light Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed DOME. Technical 546 / Donwlight fijo boveda luz invisible Downlight fixed vault invisible light Downlight fixe voûte lumière invisible. Other s, pag. 293 Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/60 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

58 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed DOME I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed DOME. Technical / Donwlight fijo boveda luz invisible Downlight fixed vault invisible light Downlight fixe voûte lumière invisible Donwlight fijo Grand Dome boveda luz invisible Downlight fixed Grand Dome vault invisible light Downlight fixe Grand Dome voûte lumière invisible Other s, pag Other s, pag Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/8 Emergency Kit (page 334) DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 20 Edison SMD ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ Emergency Kit (page 334) BOKE ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/8 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 Please Consult Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

59 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed HIGH POWER I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed HIGH POWER. Technical / / Downlight empotrable basculante Recessed downlight swivel Encastré basculant Downlight empotrable basculante Recessed downlight swivel Encastré basculant Blanc Technique / Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h 30º ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 23 Genesis COB Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h 30º 23 Genesis COB Emergency Kit (page 334) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 18º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 45º 1/20 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Reference (page 349) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 45º 1/20 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour BOKE ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 35º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 35º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 45º 1/ BOKE ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 2 45º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ Please Consult Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

60 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Recessed HIGH POWER. Technical 535 Downlight empotrable fijo - Altas Potencias Recessed downlight fixed - High Powers Downlight Encastré fixe - Hautes Puissances Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K K HIGH POWER To 50W Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 5years h 44 CREE COB Ref. K W. > Consult ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ LIFUD No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, 3 60º 1/ TCI No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

61 TECHNICAL Indoor Architectural. Light Integrated I Surface Surface P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P P

62 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface Directional Superficie direccionable Surface directional Spot sur patère. Others, please consult. 01 Blanco Técnico-Negro / Technical White-Black Blanche Technique-Noir Optics 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / 155 Blanche Technique / 60 K Tc (K) K K 960 Optional Degree A 15º B 25º E 60º Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 Ref. CLASE II K W º º years h >95 A A+ 23 Dimmable Input Voltage PF JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 3 Cree COB Reference (page 349) 38º 1/30 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

63 TECHNICAL Indoor Directional Surface I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface Directional Superficie direccionable Surface directional Spot sur patère Superficie direccionable Surface directional Spot sur patère 01 Negro / Black Noir Blanche Technique / 01 Negro / Black Noir Blanche Technique / K Tc (K) K 845 K Tc (K) K x170 65x170 Optional Degree Optional Degree A 15º B 25º E 38º A 15º B 25º E 38º CLASE II 3 years 20 years h Epistar COB CLASE II 365º º h 20 Epistar COB Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 3 38º 1/24 Reference (page 349) Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 38º 1/24 Reference (page 349) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

64 TECHNICAL Surface Indoor Technical NARROW I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface NARROW Technical Narrow / Panel fijo superficie Narrow Surface Narrow fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Narrow 04 Aluminio / / Blanche Technique / K Tc (K) K K CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison SMD Without screws & hole, fixed to ceiling by rotation system Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

65 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface NARROW I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface NARROW Technical Panel fijo superficie Narrow Surface Narrow fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Narrow Panel fijo superficie Narrow Surface Narrow fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Narrow Aluminio / / Blanche Technique / 04 Aluminio / / Blanche Technique / K Tc (K) K K 23 K Tc (K) K K Without screws & hole, fixed to ceiling by rotation system Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 44 Edison SMD Reference (page 349) Without screws & hole, fixed to ceiling by rotation system Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison SMD Reference (page 349) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

66 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface NARROW I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface NARROW Technical Panel fijo superficie Narrow Surface Narrow fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Narrow Panel fijo superficie Narrow Surface Narrow fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Narrow 04 Aluminio / / 04 Aluminio / / 41 Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / 43 K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K K K x x170 Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/40 44 Edison SMD Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W 2years h ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE CLASE II 44 AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Edison SMD Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

67 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface NARROW I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface NARROW Technical Panel fijo superficie Narrow Surface Narrow fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Narrow Panel fijo superficie Narrow Surface Narrow fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Narrow 04 Aluminio / / 04 Aluminio / / 43 Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / 43 K Tc (K) K K 2355 K Tc (K) K K x x300 Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 44 Edison SMD Reference (page 349) Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h 44 Edison SMD Reference (page 349) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

68 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface SLIM I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface SLIM Technical Panel fijo superficie Surface fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Panel fijo superficie Surface fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Blanche Technique / 04 Aluminio / / 40 Blanche Technique / K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K K 476 CLASE II 3years h 33 Edison SMD Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h JISO No Dimm. AC85-68V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 23 Epistar SMD Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

69 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface SLIM I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface SLIM Technical Panel fijo superficie Surface fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Panel fijo superficie Surface fixed panel Plafonnier fixe 04 Aluminio / / 04 Aluminio / / Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / 180 K Tc (K) K 937 K Tc (K) K K K 1773 CLASE II 3years years h 33 Edison SMD CLASE II h 3 33 Edison SMD Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

70 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface SLIM I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface SLIM Technical / Panel fijo superficie Surface fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Panel fijo superficie Surface fixed panel Plafonnier fixe Aluminio / / 04 Aluminio / / x x180 Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / 220x K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K K K 1597 CLASE II 3years h 33 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Reference (page 349) CLASE II 3years h 33 Edison SMD JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/10 Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

71 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface DOME Technical 246 Downlight fijo superficie Downlight fixed surface Downlight fixe apparent * Blanche Technique / *Decorative line check page K Tc (K) K 280 Without screws & hole, fixed to ceiling by rotation system CLASE II 3years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W Reference (page 349) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/60 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

72 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface DOME I Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Surface DOME Technical Downlight fijo superficie Downlight fixed surface Downlight fixe apparent Downlight fijo superficie Downlight fixed surface Downlight fixe apparent Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / *Decorative line check page *Decorative line check page K Tc (K) K 982 K Tc (K) K 1307 Without screws & hole, fixed to ceiling by rotation system Without screws & hole, fixed to ceiling by rotation system CLASE II 3years h 20 Edison SMD CLASE II 3years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W Reference (page 349) Ref. K W Reference (page 349) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/8 Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

73 TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Track Directional Track P P.145 RACK

74 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Track Directional / Track direccionable Trimless Track directional Trimless Spot sur rail. Other, please consult. 01 Negro / Black Noir Blanche Technique / K Tc (K) K K Optional Degree D 24º E 38º F 60º CLASE II 355º º 2years h 20 Epistar COB Ref. K W Reference (page 349) JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

75 TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Panel. Technical Panel P P P P. 155 DC P.157 DC P.157 DC P.157 DC P.159 DC P.159 DC P.161 DC P.161 DC P.163 DC P.163 DC P.163 DC P.165 ANEL

76 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Panel. Technical Panel para techo Armstrong 600x600 Panel Led for Armstrong ceiling 600x600 Panneau 600x600 Blanche Technique / x595 K Tc (K) K K K 3681 W NE Ref. K CLASE II W years h 44 A A+ Dimmable Input Voltage PF Sanan SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/6 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

77 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Panel. Technical Panel para techo Armstrong 300x1200 Panel Led for Armstrong ceiling 300x1200 Panneau 300x Blanche Technique / 295x1195 K Tc (K) K 3602 W NE Ref. K CLASE II W years h A A+ 44 Dimmable Input Voltage PF Sanan SMD Emergency Kit (page 334) ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/6 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

78 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Panel. Technical Panel para techo Armstrong 600x1200 Panel Led for Armstrong ceiling 600x1200 Paneau 600x Blanche Technique / 595x1195 K Tc (K) K 6978 CLASE II 3years h 44 San an SMD Ref. K W Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/4 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

79 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Light Integrated I Panel. Technical Downlight empotrable fijo panel Recessed downlight fixed panel Downlight Encastrable fixe panel Blanche Technique / 35 K Tc (K) K K CLASE II 3years h 44 Edison SMD Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/4 Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

80 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Accessories I Panel Recessed Confort. Technical DC Accesorio UGR/Ambience para Panel 600x600 UGR/Ambience accessory for Panel 600x600 Accessoire UGR/Ambience pour 600x Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanche Technique / 40 Other color consult DC Accesorio UGR/Ambience para Panel 1200x300 UGR/Ambience accessory for Panel 1200x300 Accessoire UGR/Ambience pour 1200x x1195 DC Accesorio UGR/Ambience para Panel 1200x600 UGR/Ambience accessory for Panel 1200x600 Accessoire UGR/Ambience pour 1200x x1195 Ref. Material Valid for recessed accessory DC (page 159) DC /1 Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 DC /1 2years UGR DC /1 <19 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

81 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Accessories I Panel Recessed. Technical DC Set de accesorios para empotramiento de paneles Accessories set for panels embedding Set d accessoires pour encastrer les panneaux 0 5x5 2years Ref. Material DC /1 DC Marco de empotramiento para panel 600x600 Embedding frame for panel 600x600 Cadre pour encastrer panneau led 600x years 0 615x615 Ref. Material 635x635 DC /1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

82 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Accessories I Panel Recessed. Technical DC Marco de empotramiento para panel 1200x300 Embedding frame for panel 1200x300 Cadre pour encastrer panneau led 1200x x x335 2years Ref. Material DC /1 DC Marco de empotramiento para panel 1200x600 Embedding frame for panel 1200x600 Cadre pour encastrer panneau led 1200x = 2years x x635 Ref. Material DC /

83 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Accessories I Panel Surface. Technical DC Marco de superficie para panel 600x600 Surface frame for panel 600x600 Cadre apparent pour panneau 600x years Ref. Material DC /1 DC x605 Marco de superficie para panel 300x1200 Surface frame for panel 300x1200 Cadre apparent pour panneau 300x years 1205x305 Ref. Material DC /1 DC Marco de superficie para panel 600x1200 Surface frame for panel 600x1200 Cadre apparent pour panneau 600x years Ref. Material DC /1 1205x

84 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Accessories I Panel Pendant. Technical DC Accesorio para suspensión panel 600x600, 1200x600, 1200 y 300 (set 2 pieces) Accessory for pendant panel 600x600, 1200x600 and 1200x300 (set of 2 pieces) Accesoire pour panneau en suspension 600x600, 1200x600 et 1200x300 (set 2 pièces) MAX x595 MAX x1195 2years Ref. Material DC /

85 TECHNICAL Indoor STR. Light Integrated Technical Single Colour P P P P P P P.177 Dual P P TW P.181 RGB/RGB+W RGB P RGB+W P RGB P. 183 TR

86 TECHNICAL Indoor Opciones de regulación de tiras de / Strip regulation options Indoor TECHNICAL Strip regulation options / Opciones de regulación de tiras de 7 Sistemas de Regulación Monocolor 7 Regulation Systems Single Colour 4 Sistemas de Regulación Doble 4 Regulation Systems Dual Colour (Tuneable White) 1. Regulación mediante Mando 1. Regulation by Remote Ref.: MANDO32 (Pag. 193) 5. Regulación mediante fuente de alimentación regulable 0-10V ó 1-10V 5. Regulation by 0-10V or 1-10V Dimmable Power Supply Units 1. Regulación mediante Mando 1. Regulation by Remote + + Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) 2. Regulación mediante Pulsador Inalámbrico Monocolor 2. Regulation by Wireless Single Colour Push Button Ref.: 3***-4524V (Pag. 206) Ref.: MANDO32 (Pag. 193) Ref.: CONTROL-V20 (Pag. 195) 2. Regulación mediante Pulsador Inalámbrico Doblecolor 2. Regulation by Wireless Dual Colour (Tuneable White) Push Button 3. Regulación mediante Panel Táctil Doblecolor 3. Regulation by Dual Colour (Tuneable White) Touch Panel PANELTACTIL20 (Pag. 201) + Ref.: CONTROL-V20 (Pag. 195) 4. Regulación mediante controladores DALI 4. Regulation by DALI Dimmable Power Supply Units SWITCH10 (Pag. 198) 3. Regulación mediante Panel Táctil Monocolor 3. Regulation by Single Colour Touch Panel PANELTACTIL10 (Pag. 200) 4. Regulación mediante Pulsador normalmente abierto 4. Regulation by Wall Push Button 6. Regulación mediante fuente de alimentación regulable DALI/ 6. Regulation by DALI/ Dimmable Power Supply Units Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) Pulsador normal o Master DALI Wall Push Button or DALI Master 7. Otros tipos de regulación 7. Other kind of controllers for Strips + Ref.: 3***-4424V (se completa en función de la potencia) Ref.: 3***-4424V (it is completed with the power number) SWITCH20 (Pag. 198) 4 Sistemas de Regulación RGB/RGBW 4 Regulation Systems RGB/RGBW 1. Regulación mediante Mando 1. Regulation by Remote Ref.: MANDO32 (Pag. 193) + Ref.: CONTROL-V20 (Pag. 195) Ref.: CONTROL-V31 (Pag. 197) Ref.: TC-DALI (Pag. 204) 3. Regulación mediante Panel Táctil RGB/RGBW 3. Regulation by RGB/RGBW Touch Panel PANELTACTIL31 (Pag. 203) + Ref.: CONTROL-V31 (Pag. 197) Pulsador normal Wall Push Button + Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) Pulsador normal Wall Push Button For ex. Regulation Module DINUY RE PLA Para regulación mediante APP para ios o ANDRIOD, por favor, consulte con JISO ILUMINACIÓN (Ej.: TCCONTROLLER-03 por WIFI o 3BLUE + TCDALI por Bluetooth). For regulation by APP for ios or ANDRIOD, please, consult with JISO ILUMINACIÓN (Ex.: TCCONTROLLER-03 via WIFI or 3BLUE + TCDALI via Bluetooth). 2. Regulación mediante Pulsador Inalámbrico RGB/RGBW 2. Regulation by Wireless RGB/RGBW Push Button SWITCH31 (Pag. 199) + Ref.: CONTROL-V31 (Pag. 197) 4. Regulación mediante controladores DALI 4. Regulation by DALI Dimmable Power Supply Units Ref.: TC-DALI (Pag. 204)

87 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical 20 Single l Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I Single 20 Technical flexible strip Chip /m 4,8 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available flexible strip Chip /m 9,6 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available 5 m 10 cm 1,5 mm Bare 20 Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Bare 20 5 m 5 cm 1,5 mm K Tc (K) /m K Tc (K) /m K K K K 734 5m rolls 3 years h 20 Epistar SMD 3 years Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) 5m rolls h 20 Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) Epistar SMD cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Fast Connectors: Do Not Use Inside Profiles (Do Not Fit) cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Fast Connectors: Do Not Use Inside Profiles (Do Not Fit) HC02801 HC02802 HC02803 Installation instructions Strip HC02801 HC02802 HC02803 (page 337) Custom made cut service Custom made cut service Accessories Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage HC M1 4,8 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Reference Control System (page 187) Accessories Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage HC M1 9,6 W/m 1 5 cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Reference Control System (page 187) TCCABLE1C-2 TCCABLE2C-2 TCCABLE3C-2 TCCABLE1C-2 TCCABLE2C-2 TCCABLE3C-2 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

88 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical 20 Single l Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I Single 20 Technical flexible strip Chip /m 14,4 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available flexible strip Chip SMD /m 18 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available 5 m 10 cm 1,7 mm Bare 20 Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Bare 20 5 m 5 cm 1,2 mm K Tc (K) /m K Tc (K) /m K K K K K K m rolls 3years h 20 Epistar SMD 5m rolls 3years h 20 Epistar SMD Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Fast Connectors: Do Not Use Inside Profiles (Do Not Fit) cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Fast Connectors: Do Not Use Inside Profiles (Do Not Fit) HC05001 HC05002 HC05003 Installation instructions Strip HC02801 HC02802 HC02803 (page 337) Custom made cut service Custom made cut service Accessories Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage HC M1 14,4 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Reference Control System (page 187) Accessories Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage HC M1 18 W/m 1 5 cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Reference Control System (page 187) TCCABLE1C-2 TCCABLE2C-2 TCCABLE3C-2 TCCABLE1C-2 TCCABLE2C-2 TCCABLE3C-2 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

89 Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I Single 20 Technical 025 flexible strip Chip SMD /m 25 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Bare 20 5 m 10 cm 1,2 mm K Tc (K) /m K K 2500 Epistar SMD 5m rolls Custom made cut service Accessories 3years h 20 Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage HC M1 25 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Profile (page 209) Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Reference Control System (page 187) TCCABLE1C-2 TCCABLE2C-2 TCCABLE3C-2 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

90 TECHNICAL Indoor Water-Tight 65 Single l Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I Single 65 Water-Tight m 10 cm 5 mm flexible strip Chip /m 4,8 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Included 10 pcs. DCCLS65 Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 5 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended flexible strip Chip /m 9,6 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Included 10 pcs. DCCLS65 Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 5 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended 5 m 5 cm 5 mm 1,20m 1,20m 5m 5m 65 K Tc (K) /m K 292 K Tc (K) /m K 668 1,20m 1,20m 5m 5m 65 5,00m 6,40m 1,40m K K 704 5,00m 6,40m 1,40m 20 5m rolls Accessories 2 years years h º Epistar SMD Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Profile (page 209) 5m rolls Accessories h 65 Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage cm No DC 24V 120º 1 120º Profile (page 209) Epistar SMD TCCLS TCFINAL TCGLUE65 TCCLS TCFINAL TCGLUE65 Custom made cut service Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Max. Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Custom made cut service Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Max. Installation instructions Strip (page 337) HC M1 4,8 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 10 m 44 HC M3 4,8 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 5 m 65 Reference Control System (page 187) HC M1 9,6 W/m 1 5 cm No DC 24V 10 m 44 HC M3 9,6 W/m 1 5 cm No DC 24V 5 m 65 Reference Control System (page 187) Accessories Accessories TCCABLE2C-2 TCCABLE2C-2 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

91 TECHNICAL Indoor Water-Tight 65 Single l Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I Single 65 Water-Tight cm flexible strip Chip /m 14,4 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Included 10 pcs. DCCLS65 Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available flexible strip Chip SMD /m 18 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Included 10 pcs. DCCLS65 Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available 5 cm 5 m 5 mm Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 5 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 5 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended 5 m 5 mm 1,20m 1,20m 5m 5m 65 K Tc (K) /m K 1003 K Tc (K) /m K ,20m 1,20m 5m 5m 65 5,00m 6,40m 1,40m K K ,00m 6,40m 1,40m K years h º Epistar SMD 2years h º Epistar SMD 5m rolls 5m rolls Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) cm No DC 24V 120º cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Accessories Accessories TCCLS TCFINAL TCGLUE65 TCCLS TCFINAL TCGLUE65 Custom made cut service Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Max. Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Custom made cut service Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Max. Installation instructions Strip (page 337) HC M1 14,4 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 10 m 44 HC M3 14,4 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 5 m 65 Reference Control System (page 187) HC M1 18 W/m 1 5 cm No DC 24V 10 m 44 HC M3 18 W/m 1 5 cm No DC 24V 5 m 65 Reference Control System (page 187) Accessories Accessories TCCABLE2C-2 TCCABLE2C-2 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

92 Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I Tuneable White 20 Technical 019-Dual (Tuneable White) flexible strip Chip /m 19,2 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available Dual (2700K to 6000K) Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Bare 20 5 m 10 cm 1,2 mm Epistar SMD 5m rolls 3years Ref. K W m h Power Supply 20 Input Voltage TW cm No DC24V 120º 1 Fast Connectors: Do Not Use Inside Profiles (Do Not Fit) Profile (page 209) Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Reference Control System (page 187) HCTW2801 HCTW2802 HCTW2803 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

93 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical 20 RGB l Light Integrated. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I RGB 65 Water-Tight 014-RGB RGB 5 m 10 cm 1,7 mm Bare 20 flexible strip Chip /m 14,4 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended flexible strip Chip /m 14,4 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Included 10 pcs. DCCLS65 Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 5 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended 5 m 10 cm 5 mm 1,20m 1,20m 5m 5m 65 5,00m 6,40m 1,40m 20 3years h 20 Epistar SMD 5m rolls 2years h º Epistar SMD 5m rolls Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Profile (page 209) R cm No DC 24V 120º R cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Accessories Fast Connectors: Do Not Use Inside Profiles (Do Not Fit) TCCLS TCFINAL TCGLUE65 HC0R5001 HC0R5002 HC0R5003 Custom made cut service Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Custom made cut service Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage Max. Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Ref. K W m Power Supply Input Voltage HC R-M1 14,4 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 120º 1 Reference Control System (page 187) HC R-M1 14,4 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 10 m 44 HC R-M3 14,4 W/m 1 10 cm No DC 24V 5 m 65 Reference Control System (page 187) Accessories Accessories TCCABLE1C-4 TCCABLE2C-4 TCCABLE3C-4 TCCABLE2C-4 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

94 Indoor TECHNICAL STR. Light Integrated I RGBW 20 Technical 019 RGBW flexible strip Chip /m 19,2 W/m 3M adhesive tape double side Require 24VDC Power Supply Supplied in 5m rolls Cutting and supply by meter available Advised to be mounted on aluminium for best heat dissipation. 10 metres in serial conection is the maximum recommended Bare 10 cm 1,9 mm 20 5 m K Tc (K) /m WW NW m rolls 3years Ref. W K m h 20 Power Supply + A A Profile (page 209) Input Voltage WW 96 RGB cm No DC24V 120º NW 96 RGB cm No DC24V 120º 1 Fast Connectors: Do Not Use Inside Profiles (Do Not Fit) Epistar SMD Installation instructions Strip (page 337) Reference Control System (page 187) HC9RGBW5001 HC9RGBW5002 HC9RGBW5003 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

95 Control Systems for Strip TECHNICAL Indoor ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc Mando 32 P.193 Control-V10 P.194 Control-V20 P.195 Control-V31 P.197 SWITCH10 P.198 SWITCH20 P.198 SWITCH31 P.199 PanelTactil10 P.200 PanelTactil20 P.201 PanelTactil31 P.203 TC DALI P.204 TCCONTR03 P.204 PCDimm P. 205 PCHandSen P P.Supply P P.Supply P

96 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc 7 Sistemas de Regulación Monocolor 7 Regulation Systems Single Colour 1. Regulación mediante Mando 1. Regulation by Remote - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación con pilas - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. Battery input 2. Regulación mediante Pulsador Inalámbrico Monocolor 2. Regulation by Wireless Single Colour Push Button - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación con pilas - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. Battery input 3. Regulación mediante Panel Táctil Monocolor 3. Regulation by Single Colour Touch Panel - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación AC - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. AC Input 4. Regulación mediante Pulsador normalmente abierto 4. Regulation by Wall Push Button - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control mediante cableado - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wiring control Ref.: MANDO32 (Pag. 193) SWITCH10 (Pag. 198) PANELTACTIL10 (Pag. 200) Pulsador normal Wall Push Button Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) Ref.: CONTROL-V10 (Pag. 194) 5. Regulación mediante fuente de alimentación regulable 0-10V ó 1-10V 5. Regulation by 0-10V or 1-10V Dimmable Power Supply Units - Se debe emparejar con un regulador adecuado - Control mediante cableado - It must be taken into account to add a suitable dimmer - Wiring control 6. Regulación mediante fuente de alimentación regulable DALI/ 6. Regulation by DALI/ Dimmable Power Supply Units - Control mediante cableado - Wiring control 7. Otros tipos de regulación 7. Other kind of controllers for Strips Pulsador normal o Master DALI Wall Push Button or DALI Master Para regulación mediante APP para ios o ANDRIOD, por favor, consulte con JISO ILUMINACIÓN (Ej.: TCCONTROLLER-03 por WIFI o 3BLUE + TCDALI por Bluetooth). For regulation by APP for ios or ANDRIOD, please, consult with JISO ILUMINACIÓN (Ex.: TCCONTROLLER-03 via WIFI or 3BLUE + TCDALI via Bluetooth) Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control mediante cableado - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wiring control Pulsador normal Wall Push Button Ref.: 3***-4524V (Pag. 207) Ref.: 3***-4424V (se completa en función de la potencia) Ref.: 3***-4424V (it is completed with the power number) For ex. Regulation Module DINUY RE PLA LE

97 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc 4 Sistemas de Regulación Doble 4 Regulation Systems Dual Colour (Tuneable White) 4 Sistemas de Regulación RGB/RGBW 4 Regulation Systems RGB/RGBW 1. Regulación mediante Mando 1. Regulation by Remote 1. Regulación mediante Mando 1. Regulation by Remote - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación con pilas Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación con pilas - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. Battery input Ref.: MANDO32 (Pag. 193) Ref.: CONTROL-V20 (Pag. 195) - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. Battery input Ref.: MANDO32 (Pag. 193) Ref.: CONTROL-V31 (Pag. 197) 2. Regulación mediante Pulsador Inalámbrico Doble 2. Regulation by Wireless Dual Colour (Tuneable White) Push Button - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación con pilas - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. Battery input SWITCH20 (Pag. 198) 2. Regulación mediante Pulsador Inalámbrico RGB/RGBW 2. Regulation by Wireless RGB/RGBW Push Button + + Ref.: CONTROL-V20 (Pag. 195) - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación con pilas - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. Battery input SWITCH31 (Pag. 199) Ref.: CONTROL-V31 (Pag. 197) 3. Regulación mediante Panel Táctil Doble 3. Regulation by Dual Colour (Tuneable White) Touch Panel - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación AC - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. AC Input 4. Regulación mediante controlador DALI 4. Regulation by DALI Controller PANELTACTIL20 (Pag. 201) 3. Regulación mediante Panel RGB/RGBW 3. Regulation by RGB/RGBW Touch Panel + + Ref.: CONTROL-V20 (Pag. 195) - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control inalámbrico. Alimentación AC - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wireless control. AC Input 4. Regulación mediante controlador DALI 4. Regulation by DALI Controller PANELTACTIL31 (Pag. 203) Ref.: CONTROL-V31 (Pag. 197) - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control mediante cableado - Se debe tener en cuenta añadir una Fuente de Alimentación no regulable adecuada - Control mediante cableado - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wiring control Ref.: TC DALI (Pag. 204) - It must be taken into account to add an accurate not dimmable Power Supply Unit - Wiring control Ref.: TC DALI (Pag. 204) Para regulación mediante APP para ios o ANDRIOD, por favor, consulte con JISO ILUMINACIÓN (Ej.: TCCONTROLLER-03 por WIFI o 3BLUE + TCDALI por Bluetooth). For regulation by APP for ios or ANDRIOD, please, consult with JISO ILUMINACIÓN. (Ex.: TCCONTROLLER-03 via WIFI or 3BLUE + TCDALI via Bluetooth). Para regulación mediante APP para ios o ANDRIOD, por favor, consulte con JISO ILUMINACIÓN (Ej.: TCCONTROLLER-03 por WIFI o 3BLUE + TCDALI por Bluetooth). For regulation by APP for ios or ANDRIOD, please, consult with JISO ILUMINACIÓN. (Ex.: TCCONTROLLER-03 via WIFI or 3BLUE + TCDALI via Bluetooth)

98 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc SINGLE COLOUR RGB RGBW MANDO 32 Mando Universal Monocolor/Doble /RGB/RGBW & RGB+CCT (Control de tiras RGB/RGBW, Doble, Monocolor y RGB + Doble color) Universal Remote Single Colour/Dual /RGB/RGBW & RGB+CCT (Control Strips RGB/RGBW, Tuneable White, Single Colour & RGB + Tuneable White) Remote Control: RF 2.4GHz Distance: 30m Working Voltage: 3Vdc (2xAAA included) Use: Tactile Chromatic Control Capacity control: 4 zones Working Temperature: -30 C ~ +55 C DUAL COLOUR (Tuneable WHITE) + Para la configuración de las zonas solo se necesita presionar, a la vez, las siguientes parejas de teclas en función de los controladores elegidos Configuration only needs to at the same time the following couples of key depending on the controllers chosen Permite el control de diferentes tipos de controladores (monocolor, RGB, RGBW, etc.) con un solo mando. Un MANDO 32 puede controlar 4 zonas diferentes con el mismo o diferente tipo de controlador en cada zona (para más información consulte, por favor). Es posible configurar cada zona presionando las teclas adecuadas (indicado en el manual de instrucciones). Cada zona puede emparejar un sin límite de controladores del mismo tipo. MANDO32 podría controlar un limitado rango de downlights monocolor (para más información consulte, por favor). It allows to control different kind of controllers (single colour, RGB, RGBW, etc.) with an only remote. One MANDO32 can control 4 different zones with same or different configuration in each zone (for further information please consult). It is possible to configure each zone by pressing the keys appropriately (indicated in the instructions manual). Each zone can be paired with an endless number of controllers with same configuration. MANDO32 could control a limited range of single colour downlight (for further information please consult) Zone 1: single colour Dual RGB RGBW RGB + CCT Tuneable White

99 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc CONTROL-V10 Controlador Monocolor Single Colour Controller CONTROL-V20 Controlador Doble (Blanco Tuneable) Dual Colour Controller (Tuneable White) Control: RF 2.4GHz or Switch Input Voltage: 5-36Vdc Output Voltage: 5-36Vdc Output Current: 1 Channel / 8A (per channel) Size: L97 x W33 x H18 mm Distance: 30m (from remote to controller directly) Working Temperature: -30 C ~ +55 C (JISO recomienda el uso con sus tiras y fuentes de alimentación de 24V) (JISO recommends to use it with its 24V Strips and 24V Power Supply Units) Control: Input Voltage: Output Voltage: Output Current: Size: Distance: Working Temperature: RF 2.4GHz or Switch 12-36Vdc 12-36Vdc 2 Channels / 8A (per channel) L175 x W45 x H27 mm 30m -30 C ~ +55 C (JISO recomienda el uso cons sus tiras y fuentes de alimentación de 24V) (JISO recommends to use it with its 24V Strips and 24V Power Supply Units) - Encendido y regulación suavizados sin parpadeo. - Cada controlador acepta hasta 10 mandos universales (incluidos paneles de control de pared). - Función de auto transmisión, un controlador puede repetir la señal a otro controlador ubicado hasta 15m, concatenando hasta 100m. - Puede ser controlado vía WIFI mediante aplicación IOS o Android cuando se usa asociado al WIFI-Relay Controller (en desarrollo). - Por favor, tenga en cuenta la corriente de salida para dimensionar la longitud y la potencia de las tiras asociadas. (máx. 10m en tira continua, por cada tira, para reducir caída de tensión y evitar sobre temperaturas; si fuera necesario instalar más de 10m, por favor, diseñe dos tiras simétricas; Ej.: Si son 15m, entonces separe 7.5m + 7.5m). - Smooth dimming and switch without any flickering. - Each controller can accept up to 10 remote control (included wall panel remote). - Auto-transmitting function, one controller can transmit the signal from the remote to another controller within 15m, so the remote control distance can be beyond 100m. - Can be WiFi controlled by APP installed on IOS or Android mobile devices while working with WiFi-Relay controller (developing). - Please take into account the current output to define the length of the Strip and its power. (máx. 10m continuously, each Strip, due to voltage drop and overheating; if it is necessary more than 10m please design two Strip symmetric; E.g.: If 15m then separate in 7.5m + 7.5m). - Encendido y regulación suavizados sin parpadeo. - Cuando se conecta un pulsador puede no solo controlar en encendido/apagado y la regulación sino que, también, puede gestionar hasta 8 escenas (consultar manual de instrucciones) - Cada controlador acepta hasta 10 mandos universales (incluidos paneles de control de pared). - Puede utilizarse como controlador monocolor. - Puede ser controlado vía WIFI mediante aplicación IOS o Android cuando se usa asociado al WIFI-Relay Controller (en desarrollo). - Por favor, tenga en cuenta la corriente de salida para dimensionar la longitud y la potencia de las tiras asociadas. (máx. 10m en tira continua, por cada tira, para reducir caída de tensión y evitar sobre temperaturas; si fuera necesario instalar más de 10m, por favor, diseñe dos tiras simétricas; Ej.: Si son 15m, entonces separe 7.5m + 7.5m). - Smooth dimming and switch without any flickering. - Switches can control not only ON/Off and dimming function but also up to 8 scenes (consult instruction manual). - Each controller can accept up to 10 remote control (included wall panel remote). - Can be used as a single colour dimming controller, strong compatibility. - Can be WiFi controlled by APP installed on IOS or Android mobile devices while working with WiFi-Relay controller. - Please take into account the current output to define the length of the Strip and its power. (máx. 10m continuously, each Strip, due to voltage drop and overheating; if it is necessary more than 10m please design two Strip symmetric; E.g.: If 15m then separate in 7.5m + 7.5m). Compatible con tiras monocolor de JISO Compatible with single colour Strip from JISO Compatible con JISO TW (doble color) o tiras monocolor de JISO Compatible with JISO TW (dual colour) or single colour Strip from JISO

100 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc CONTROL-V31 Controlador RGB/RGBW (Compatible con doble color y monocolor) RGB/RGBW Controller (compatible with dual colour (tuneable white) and single colour) Control: RF 2.4GHz or Switch Input Voltage: 12-36Vdc Output Voltage: 12-36Vdc Output Current: 4 Channels / 5A (per channel) Size: L175 x W45 x H27 mm Distance: 30m Working Temperature: -30 C ~ +55 C (JISO recomienda el uso en tiras de y fuentes de alimentación de 24V) (JISO recommends to use it with its 24V Strips and 24V Power Supply Units) - Encendido y regulación suavizados sin parpadeo. - Cuando se conecta un pulsador puede no solo controlar en encendido/apagado y la regulación sino que, también, puede gestionar hasta 8 escenas (consultar manual de instrucciones) - Cada controlador acepta hasta 10 mandos universales (incluidos paneles de control de pared). - Puede, también, utilizarse como regulador de doble color o monocolor con buena compatibilidad. - Función de auto transmisión, un controlador puede repetir la señal a otro controlador ubicado hasta 15m, concatenando hasta 100m. - Auto sincronizado, diferentes controladores pueden regularse a la vez cuanto están asociados al mismo mando, con el mismo modo dinámico y velocidad. - Puede ser controlado vía WIFI mediante aplicación IOS o Android cuando se usa asociado al WIFI-Relay Controller (en desarrollo). - Por favor, tenga en cuenta la corriente de salida para dimensionar la longitud y la potencia de las tiras asociadas. (máx. 10m en tira continua, por cada tira, para reducir caída de tensión y evitar sobre temperaturas; si fuera necesario instalar más de 10m, por favor, diseñe dos tiras simétricas; Ej.: Si son 15m, entonces separe 7.5m + 7.5m). - Smooth dimming and switch without any flickering. - Can connect with external switch to achieve ON/Off and scene change function (consult instruction manual). - Each controller can accept up to 10 remote control (included wall panel remote). - Can also be used as a dual colour or single colour dimming controller, good compatibility. - Auto-transmitting function, one controller can transmit the signal from the remote to another controller within 15m, so the remote control distance can be beyond 100m. - Auto-synchronization function, different receivers can work synchronously when they are controlled by the same remote, under same dynamic mode and same speed. - Can be WiFi controlled by APP installed on IOS or Android mobile devices while working with WiFi-Relay controller. - Please take into account the current output to define the length of the Strip and its power. (máx. 10m continuously, each Strip, due to voltage drop and overheating; if it is necessary more than 10m please design two Strip symmetric; E.g.: If 15m then separate in 7.5m + 7.5m). Compatible con JISO R / R, WW / NW, TW (doble color) o tiras monocolor de JISO Compatible with JISO R / R, WW / NW, TW (dual colour) or single colour Strip from JISO

101 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc SWITCH10 Pulsador Inalámbrico Monocolor (Control de tiras Monocolor con controladores Ref.: CONTROL-V10) Wireless Single Colour Push Button (Control of Single colour Strip with controllers Ref.: CONTROL-V10) SWITCH31 Pulsador Inalámbrico RGB/RGBW (Control de tiras RGB/RGBW con controladores Ref.: CONTROL-V31) Wireless RGB/RGBW Push Button (Control of RGB/RGBW Strip with controllers Ref.: CONTROL-V31) Control: Distance: Input Voltage: Function: Capacity Control: RF 2.4GHz 30m 3Vdc (CR2032 included) Brightness adjustment 2 zones - Permite controlar la intensidad del brillo de la luz en tiras monocolor asociadas a CONTROL-V10. - Posibilidad de colocar en cualquier lugar sin necesidad de cableado. - Cada zona puede emparejar un sin límite de CONTROL-V10 (no es posible emparejar un controlador en las dos zonas). - Emparejado sencillo mediante pulsación del botón Match Key del CONTROL-V10 y posteriormente, antes de 5s, pulsación del botón on/off del SWITCH It is possible to control the brightness of Single Colour Strip coupled with CONTROL-V10. - It is possible to place the switch anywhere without wiring installation. - In each zone can be matched an endless number of CONTROL-V10 (it is not possible to couple a controller in two zones). - Easy matched by pushing Match key of the CONTROL-V10 and after that, within 5s, pushing the on/off button of the SWITCH 10. Control: RF 2.4GHz Distance: 30m Input Voltage: 3Vdc (CR2032 included) Function: Brightness and colour RGB/RGBW adjustment Capacity Control: 1 zone - Permite controlar el color de tiras RGB/RGBW asociadas a CONTROL-V31. - Permite controlar diferentes modos de color, estático, dinámico o ciclo de color. - Posibilidad de colocar en cualquier lugar sin necesidad de cableado. - Permite emparejar un sin límite de CONTROL-V31 en una única zona. - Emparejado sencillo mediante pulsación del botón Match Key del CONTROL-V31 y posteriormente, antes de 5s, pulsación del botón on/off del SWITCH It is possible to control the colour of RGB/RGBW Strip coupled with CONTROL-V31. - It is possible to control different colour modes, static, dynamic or colour cycle. - It is possible to place the switch anywhere without wiring installation. - It is possible to control an endless number of CONTROL-V31 just in one zone. - Easy matched by pushing Match key of the CONTROL-V31 and after that, within 5s, pushing the on/off button of the SWITCH 31. SWITCH20 Pulsador Inalámbrico Doble (Control de tiras Doble con controladores Ref.: CONTROL-V20) Wireless Dual Colour (Tuneable White) Push Button (Control of dual colour Tuneable White Strip with controllers Ref.: CONTROL-V20) Control: RF 2.4GHz Distance: 30m Input Voltage: 3Vdc (CR2032 included) Function: Brightness and colour temperature adjustment Capacity Control: 1 zone - Permite controlar la temperatura de color de tiras Doble asociadas a CONTROL-V20 para conseguir más calidez o para conseguir temperaturas más frías. - Permite controlar la intensidad del brillo de la luz de tiras Doble asociadas a CONTROL-V20. - Posibilidad de colocar en cualquier lugar sin necesidad de cableado. - Permite emparejar un sin límite de CONTROL-V20 en una única zona. - Emparejado sencillo mediante pulsación del botón Match Key del CONTROL-V20 y posteriormente, antes de 5s, pulsación del botón on/off del SWITCH It is possible to control the colour temperature of Double Colour Strip coupled with CONTROL-V20 to get warm ambient or to get cooler temperatures. - It is possible to control the brightness of Double Colour Strip coupled with CONTROL-V20. - It is possible to place the switch anywhere without wiring installation. - It is possible to control an endless number of CONTROL-V20 just in one zone. - Easy matched by pushing Match key of the CONTROL-V20 and after that, within 5s, pushing the on/off button of the SWITCH

102 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc PANELTACTIL10 Panel Táctil Monocolor (Control de tiras Monocolor con controladores Ref.: CONTROL-V10) Single Colour Touch Panel (Control of Single colour Strip with controllers Ref.: CONTROL-V10) PANELTACTIL20 Panel Táctil Doble (Control de tiras Doble con controladores Ref.: CONTROL-V20) Dual Colour (Tuneable White) Touch Panel (Control of Dual colour Tuneable White Strip with controllers Ref.: CONTROL-V20) Control: Distance: Input Voltage: Function: Capacity Control: Control of Scenes: RF 2.4GHz 30m Vac Brightness adjustment 4 zones 3 scenes Control: RF 2.4GHz Distance: 30m Input Voltage: Vac Function: Brightness and colour temperature adjustment Capacity Control: 4 zones Control of Scenes: 2 scenes Permite controlar la intensidad del brillo de la luz en tiras monocolor asociadas a CONTROL-V10. - Permite emparejar un sin límite de CONTROL-V10 en cada zona. - Emparejado sencillo mediante pulsación del botón Match Key del CONTROL-V10 y posteriormente, antes de 5s, pulsación del botón on/off del PANELTACTIL 10. El panel debe estar encendido para el emparejado. - Posibilidad de configuración hasta tres escenas de regulación. - Posibilidad de tener pulsación con tonos de sonido que se activa o desactiva manteniendo pulsado el botón de encendido durante al menos 5s. - It is possible to control the brightness of Single Colour Strip coupled with CONTROL-V10. - In each zone can be matched an endless number of CONTROL-V10. - Easy matched by pushing Match key of the CONTROL-V10 and after that, within 5s, pushing the on/off button of the PANELTACTIL 10. The panel must be switch on to be matched. - It is possible to configure up to three scenes of regulation. - It is possible to have chord tones in the keys. The activation/deactivation of this function can be done pushing the on/off key during 5s. - Permite controlar la temperatura de color de tiras Doble asociadas a CONTROL-V20 para conseguir más calidez o para conseguir temperaturas más frías. - Permite controlar la intensidad del brillo de la luz de tiras Doble asociadas a CONTROL-V20. - Permite emparejar un sin límite de CONTROL-V20 en cada zona. - Emparejado sencillo mediante pulsación del botón Match Key del CONTROL-V20 y posteriormente, antes de 5s, pulsación del botón on/off del PANELTACTIL 20. El panel debe estar encendido para el emparejado. - Posibilidad de configuración hasta dos escenas de regulación. - Posibilidad de tener pulsación con tonos de sonido que se activa o desactiva manteniendo pulsado el botón de encendido durante al menos 5s. - It is possible to control the colour temperature of Dual Colour Strip coupled with CONTROL-V20 to get warm ambient or to get cooler temperatures. - It is possible to control the brightness of Dual Colour Strip coupled with CONTROL-V20. - In each zone can be matched an endless number of CONTROL-V20. - Easy matched by pushing Match key of the CONTROL-V20 and after that, within 5s, pushing the on/off button of the PANELTACTIL 20. The panel must be switch on to be matched. - It is possible to configure up to two scenes of regulation. - It is possible to have chord tones in the keys. The activation/deactivation of this function can be done pushing the on/off key during 5s. Power input AC85-265V Power input AC85-265V Parte Inferior Bottom Case Parte Superior Upper Case Parte Inferior Bottom Case Parte Superior Upper Case Parte Inferior Bottom Case Parte Inferior Bottom Case Parte Superior Upper Case Parte Superior Upper Case

103 Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc PANELTACTIL31 Panel Táctil RGB/RGBW (Control de tiras RGB/RGBW con controladores Ref.: CONTROL-V31) RGB/RGBW Touch Panel (Control of RGB/RGBW Strip with controllers Ref.: CONTROL-V31) Control: RF 2.4GHz Distance: 30m Input Voltage: Vac Function: Brightness and colour RGB/RGBW adjustment Capacity Control: 4 zone Permite controlar el color de tiras RGB/RGBW asociadas a CONTROL-V31. - Permite controlar diferentes modos de color (estático y dinámico). - Permite emparejar un sin límite de CONTROL-V31 en cada zona. - Emparejado sencillo mediante pulsación del botón Match Key del CONTROL-V31 y posteriormente, antes de 5s, pulsación del botón on/off del PANELTACTIL 31. El panel debe estar encendido para el emparejado. - Posibilidad de tener pulsación con tonos de sonido que se activa o desactiva manteniendo pulsado el botón de encendido durante al menos 5s. - It is possible to control the colour of RGB/RGBW Strip coupled with CONTROL-V31. - It is possible to control different colour modes (static and dynamic). - In each zone can be matched an endless number of CONTROL-V31. - Easy matched by pushing Match key of the CONTROL-V31 and after that, within 5s, pushing the on/off button of the PANELTACTIL 31. The panel must be switch on to be matched. - It is possible to have chord tones in the keys. The activation/deactivation of this function can be done pushing the on/off key during 5s. Power input AC85-265V Parte Inferior Bottom Case Parte Superior Upper Case Parte Inferior Bottom Case Parte Superior Upper Case

104 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc TC DALI Controlador DALI DALI Controller Control: DALI Master Input Voltage: 12-36Vdc Output Voltage: 12-36Vdc Output Current: 4 channels / 5A (per channel) Dimensions: L178 x A46 x H22 mm Working temperature: -20 C ~ +50 C PCDIMMER Touch Dimmer STR to Profile Supply Voltage: 12-24VDC Max. 8 Amps. Dimmensions: 10x40mm On-Off and Dimmable Compatible con todas las tiras de JISO ILUMINACIÓN. Dependiendo del tipo de tira de se deberá seleccionar un tipo u otro de configuración de las direcciones DALI (JISO recomienda el uso con sus tiras de y fuentes de alimentación de 24V) (JISO recommends to use it with its 24V Strips and 24V Power Supply Units) Compatible with all strips of Jiso Iluminacion. DALI address will be configured in the strip model - Compatible con todo tipo de sistemas DALI - Configuración de direcciones DALI de forma automática o manual. - Pantalla digital para mostrar las direcciones DALI establecidas. - Posibilidad de tener, 1, 2, 3, 4 canales con la misma dirección o con direcciones independientes. - Posibilidad de conectar con amplificadores para aumentar la señal de control. - Grado de protección Regulación suavizada de 0-100%. 178x Compatible with all types of DALI Systems - Manual/automatically DALI address setting - DALI address digital indicate - Four channels with same or independent address - To work with power repeater to expand output power unlimited - Waterproof grade : 20 - Smooth dimming regulation from 0 to 100% TCCONTROLER-03 Controlador RF & WIFI para Tira RGBW RF & WIFI Controller RGBW strip Control: App via WIFI Imput Voltage: 12-36Vdc Output Voltage: 12-36Vdc Output Current: 4 channels/5a (per channels) Dimensions: L178xA57xH21 mm Working temperature: -20 C ~ +50 C Multiple zones can be controlled separately or svnchronously with endless recivers in each zone. Master & Slave function. Each reciver can be controlled by 8 different remotes maximally. Can be directly controlled by APP installed on IOS or Android mobile devices whitout TCWIFI-03 APP Store (IOS) / Play Store (ANDROID): easylighting PCHANDSENSOR On-Off Hand Sensor STR to Profile Supply Voltage: 12-24VDC Max. 8 Amps. Dimmensions: 10x55mm Can be directly controlled by APP installed on IOS or Android mobile devices by itself or while working with TCWIFI

105 TECHNICAL Indoor Acc Control Systems for Strip. ARCHITECTURAL Indoor TECHNICAL ARCHITECTURAL. Control Systems for Strip Acc 24V 20 Power Supply 24V Dimmable Power Supply 2years 5years DIM Ref. Input Voltage W Measures (mm) Ref. Input Voltage W Measures (mm) V V MEANWELL RS Series x51x V V MEANWELL RS Series x51x V V MEANWELL LRS Series x82x V V/ V JISO x78x V -264V JISO x78x V -305V V -305V V -305V MEANWELL PWM Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 0-10V MEANWELL PWM Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 0-10V MEANWELL PWM Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 0-10V x53x x53x x63x V V/ V JISO x98x V V/ V JISO x98x V V/ V JISO x98x V V V -305V MEANWELL Elg Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 0-10V MEANWELL PWM Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 0-10V x63x x63x V V/ V JISO x98x48 Posibilidad de seleccionar en la fuente de alimentación entre las dos opciones Possible selecting, in the power supply with between the two options V V V -305V MEANWELL Elg Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 0-10V MEANWELL Hlg Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 1-10V x63x x68x39 67 Power Supply Ref. Input Voltage W Measures (mm) V -264V MEANWELL Lp Series x35x V V V -305V MEANWELL Elg Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 0-10V MEANWELL Hlg Series (5 Years ) - Dimmable Option Including 1-10V x71x xx V -264V MEANWELL Lp Series x40x V -264V MEANWELL Lp Series x43x V -264V MEANWELL Lp Series x52x V V V V TRIDONIC (5 Years ) - Daly/Push TRIDONIC (5 Years ) - Daly/Push x43x x43x V V MEANWELL Lp Series x63x V V TRIDONIC (5 Years ) - Daly/Push x43x30 Compatibilities between power supplies and led strips depending on the lenght Compatibilidades entre fuentes de alimentación y tiras led dependiendo de la longitud MODEL POWER (W/m) VOLTAGE (V) 1m 1m < L 2m 2m < L 3m 3m < L 4m 4m < L 5m 5m < L 6m 6m < L 7m 7m < L 8m 8m < L 9m 9m < L 10m 004 4, V 4.8x1x1.2=5.76W V 4.8x2x1.2=11.5W V 4.8x3x1.2=17.3W V 4.8x4x1.2=23W V 4.8x5x1.2=28.8W V 4.8x6x1.2=34.56W V 4.8x7x1.2=40.32W V 4.8x8x1.2=46.08W V 4.8x9x1.2=51.84W V 4.8x10x1.2=57.6W 009 9, V 9.6.x1x1.2=11.5W V 9.6.x2x1.2=23W V 9.6.x3x1.2=34.6W V 9.6.x4x1.2=46.1W V 9.6.x5x1.2=57.6W V 9.6.x6x1.2=69.12W V 9.6.x7x1.2=80.64W V 9.6.x8x1.2=92.16W V 9.6.x9x1.2=103.6W V 9.6.x10x1.2=115.2W , V 14.4x1x1.2=17.3W V 14.4x2x1.2=34.6W V 14.4x3x1.2=51.8W V 14.4x4x1.2=69.1W V 14.4x5x1.2=86.4W V 14.4x6x1.2=103.68W V 14.4x7x1.2=120.96W V 14.4x8x1.2=138.24W V 14.4x9x1.2=155.52W V 14.4x10x1.2=172.8W V 18x1x1.2=21.6W V 18x2x1.2=43.2W V 18x3x1.2=64.8W V 18x4x1.2=86.4W V 18x5x1.2=108W V 18x6x1.2=129.6W V 18x7x1.2=151.2W V 18x8x1.2=172.8W V 18x9x1.2=194.4W V 18x10x1.2=216W , V 19.2x1x1.2=23W V 19.2x2x1.2=46.1W V 19.2x3x1.2=69.1W V 19.2x4x1.2=92.2W V 19.2x5x1.2=115.2W V 19.2x6x1.2=138.24W V 19.2x7x1.2=161.28W V 19.2x8x1.2=184.32W V 19.2x9x1.2=207.36W V 19.2x10x1.2=230.4W x1x1.2=30W V 25x2x1.2=60W V 25x3x1.2=W V 25x4x1.2=120W V 25x5x1.2=150W V 25x6x1.2=180W V 25x7x1.2=210W V 25x8x1.2=240W V 25x9x1.2=270W V 25x10x1.2=300W

106 TECHNICAL Indoor Profile. Light Without Technology Technical Surface P P P P P P P P P P.221 Recessed P P P P. 225 ROFILE

107 Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Surface Technical 700 Pletina de aluminio Superficie BASIC, compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso 20 / 65 BASIC Surface aluminium plate. Compatible with Jiso 20 / 65 Led Strip BASIC Plaque apparent en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau led 20 / 65 Jiso 2,94 12,08 20 Plate (1m) 700P-01 Anodized The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

108 Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Surface Water-Tight 765 Perfil de plástico Superficie 65. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso Surface plastic profile. Compatible with Jiso 20 Led Strip 65 profil apparent en plastic. Compatible avec bandeau Led 20 Jiso 14,9 2m 2m 65 11,3 1,20m 1,20m 17 2,00m 3,40m 1,40m PC Light-Densed PC Frosted PC light-densed Profile (2m) with basic aluminium plate End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole Mounting Clips GLUE 765P T T S-01 TCGLUE65 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

109 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface I Light Without Technology. PROFILE Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Surface Technical Perfil de aluminio Superficie. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso 20 Surface aluminium profile. Compatible with Jiso 20 Led Strip Profil apparent en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau Led 20 Jiso Perfil de aluminio Superficie CURVO. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso Surface aluminium profile EDGE. Compatible with Jiso Led Strip Profil apparent en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau Led Jiso 17,4 Accessories Accessories 6,96 12,43 Milky PC Cover. 710D-03 Milky PC Cover. 720D-03 29,52 12,4 8,2 Trasparent PC Cover. 710D-01 Trasparent PC Cover. 720D Anodized 44 Anodized Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole Mounting Clips 710P D T T S-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole 720P D T T-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

110 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface I Light Without Technology. PROFILE Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Surface Technical Perfil de aluminio Superficie. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso 20 / 65 Surface aluminium profile. Compatible with Jiso 20 / 65 Led Strip Profil apparent en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau Led 20 / 65 Jiso Perfil de aluminio Superficie INTERIOR CLS. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso 20 / 65 INTERIOR CLS Surface aluminium profile. Compatible with Jiso 20 / 65 Led Strip INTERIEUR CLS Profil apparent en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau Led 20 / 65 Jiso 17,4 Accessories 22 16,5 15,7 Milky PC Cover. 710D-03 12,4 19,5 Trasparent PC Cover. 710D Anodized 44 Anodized Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole Mounting Clips 712P D T T S-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole Mounting Clips 714P D T T S-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

111 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface I Light Without Technology. PROFILE Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Surface Technical Perfil de aluminio Superficie RINCONERO. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso 20 CORNER Surface aluminium profile. Compatible with Jiso 20 Led Strip COIN Profil apparent en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau Led 20 Jiso Perfil de aluminio contínuo de pared. Superficie. Para 2 tiras de. Compatible con tiras de JISO 20. Continuous wall surface aluminium profile, for 2 strips. Compatible with JISO 20 strip. Profil de mur continu, en aluminium, pour 2 bandes. Compatible avec Bandeau 20 JISO. Ref.723E-05 Ref.723E-06 Ref.723E-04 Ref.723E ,2 Ref.723E-01 Ref.723E ,6 16 Ref.723S-03 Ref.723S-01 Ref.723S-01 Ref.723S Anodized 44 Anodized Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole Mounting Clips Straight Connector only Vertical corner connector (outside) 723P D T S E E-05 Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole Mounting Clips 715P D T T S-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Vertical corner connector (inside) T-Shape connector Shape surface connector Shape connector mounting clips connector for corner cross connection Connector mounting clips 723E E E S E S

112 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface I Light Without Technology. PROFILE Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Surface Technical Perfil de aluminio superficie FLEXIBLE. Compatible con tiras de JISO 20 FLEXIBLE surface aluminium profile. Compatible with JISO 20 strip FLEXIBLE profil apparent en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau 20 JISO Perfil de aluminio superficie CIRCULAR. Especial Armarios. Compatible con tiras de JISO 20 ROUND surface aluminium profile. Special for cupboards. Compatible with JISO 20 strip REVÊTEMENTS EXTÉRIEURS 67 profil encastrable en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau 20 JISO 16,49 12,2 15,56 0,85 23,8 5, ,3 Ref.722A-02 Ref.722A-01 Ref.721P-01 Ref.722S-01 Ref.722C Anodized 44 Anodized Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole Tweezers 721P D T T S-02 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End cap Cabinet wall mounting bracket Angle adjustable wall clips A3-Cabinet hanging fixtures Hanging Rope 722P D T A S A C

113 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Surface&Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROFILE Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Recessed Technical Perfil de aluminio Empotrable. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso 20 Recessed aluminium profile. Compatible with Jiso 20 Led Strip Profil encastrable en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau Led 20 Jiso Perfil de aluminio Empotrable. Compatible con Tiras de Led Jiso 20 / 65 Recessed aluminium profile. Compatible with Jiso 20 / 65 Led Strip Profil encastrable en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau Led 20 / 65 Jiso Accessories Accessories 23,7 10,3 12, Milky PC Cover. 719D-03 Milky PC Cover. 710D-03 13,6 12,4 15,7 17,4 Trasparent PC Cover. 719D-01 Trasparent PC Cover. 710D Corner surface recessed 44 Anodized 44 Anodized Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole Tweezers 719P D T T S-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole 713P D T T-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

114 TECHNICAL Indoor Water-Tight Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROFILE Indoor TECHNICAL PROFILE. Light Without Technology I Recessed Technical Perfil de aluminio empotrable SUELO EXTERIOR 67. Compatible con tiras de JISO 20 EXTERIOR FLOOR 67 recessed aluminium profile. Compatible with JISO 20 strip REVÊTEMENTS EXTÉRIEURS 67 profil encastrable en aluminium.compatible avec Bandeau 20 JISO Perfil de aluminio empotrable SUELO INTERIOR. Compatible con tiras de JISO 20 INTERIOR FLOOR recessed aluminium profile. Compatible with JISO 20 strip REVÊTEMENTS INTÉRIEURS profil encastrable en aluminium. Compatible avec Bandeau 20 JISO 26 19, ,9 1,2 5,09 8,5 11,2 12,2 Outdoor In-Ground Indoor In-Ground 67 Anodized 65 Anodized Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole 767P D T T-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Profile (2m) Frosted PC Cover 2m End Caps With Hole End Caps Without Hole 754P D T T-01 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

115 TECHNICAL. Indoor by Jorge Giménez Project. Light Without Technology Bulbs & Accessories 229 Recessed. Water-tight. 243 UGR/Ambience. 249 Directional. 257 Technical

116 TECHNICAL Indoor PROJECT. Light Integrated I Bulbs. Technical Bulbs Special Bulbs Request P.230 1LHG-103 P.232 1LHG-104 P.232 1LHG-113 P.233 1LHG-114 P.233 1LHX-123 P.234 1LHX-133 P.235 1LHX-147 P.235 1LHG-101 P.236 1LHG-102 P.236 1LHG-503 P.237 1LHG-504 P.237 1LHG-506 P.237 1LHF-101 P.239 Accessories 1DH3 P.240 1DH1 P.240 1PHB P.241 1PHG P.241 DCCOND-1 P.241 DCCONT-1 P

117 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Bulbs I Light Integrated. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Integrated I Bulbs. Technical Special Bulbs for Special Projects Special Bulbs for Special Projects Compatible size with MR16 halogen downlight Compatible size with MR16 halogen downlight l Watss. From 4W until 20W. Hight Efficiency lumen output version l Optics l Chip Epistar Philips Citizen Cree l Tridonic Philips Lifud TCI ELT l Mains (TRIAC) dimmable available upon request 0/1-10V dimmable, DALI dimmable for option 10º 20º 24º 36º 38º 55º l Temperature Colour (K) º l UGR <19 l Step Macadam l Different Lents Honey comb Frosted Centre... l from until 97 l

118 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Bulbs I Light Integrated. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Integrated I Bulbs. Technical 1LHG-103 / 1LHG-104 Lámpara COB Directo a Red GU-10 No necesita driver externo COB Bulb Direct Network GU-10 External driver is not necessary Ampoule COB Direct au réseau GU-10 externe n est pas nécessaire 1LHG-113 / 1LHG-114 Lámpara COB Regulable Directo a Red GU-10 No necesita driver externo COB Bulb Dimmable Direct Network GU-10 External driver is not necessary Ampoule COB Dimmable Direct au réseau GU-10 externe n est pas nécessaire _ DIM + 2 years years h 20 Genesis COB h 20 Genesis COB Ref. W TC (K) Dimmable Input Voltage Emergency Kit (page 334) Ref. W TC (K) Dimmable Input Voltage Emergency Kit. Please Consult 1LHG No AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/200 1EH-3 TCI 1 hora/hour 1LHG Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/200 1EH-3 TCI 1 hora/hour 1LHG No AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/200 1EH-4 TCI 3 horas/hour 1LHG Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/200 1EH-4 TCI 3 horas/hour Accessories. Lampholder Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

119 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Bulbs I Light Integrated. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Integrated I Bulbs. Technical 1LHX-123 Lámpara COB Incluye COB Bulb Included Ampoule COB Compris 1LHX-133 / 1LHX-147 Lámpara COB Regulable Incluye COB Bulb Dimmable Included Ampoule COB Dimmable Compris _ DIM + 2 years 2 years h 20 Genesis COB h 20 Genesis COB Ref. W TC (K) Dimmable Input Voltage 1LHX JISO No AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/50 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Ref. W TC (K) Dimmable Input Voltage Emergency Kit (page 334) 1LHX ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/50 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour 1LHX BOKE 1-10V//DALI AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/50 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

120 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Bulbs I Light Integrated. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Integrated I Bulbs. Technical 1LHG-101 / 1LHG-102 1LHG-503 / 1LHG-504 / 1LHG-506 Lámpara COB Directo a Red GU-10 No necesita driver externo COB bulb Direct Network GU-10 External driver is not necessary Ampoule COB Direct au réseau GU-10 externe n est pas nécessaire Lámpara SMD Directo a Red GU-10 No necesita driver externo SMD bulb Direct Network GU-10 External driver is not necessary Ampoule SMD Direct au réseau GU-10 externe n est pas nécessaire years h 20 Genesis COB 2years h 20 Ref. W TC (K) Dimmable Input Voltage Edison SMD Ref. W TC (K) Dimmable Input Voltage Emergency Kit (page 334) 1LHG No AC V 50/60Hz 120º 1/200 Emergency Kit (page 334) 1LHG No AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/200 1EH-3 TCI 1 hora/hour 1LHG No AC V 50/60Hz 120º 1/200 1EH-3 TCI 1 hora/hour 1LHG No AC V 50/60Hz 60º 1/200 1EH-4 TCI 3 horas/hour 1LHG No AC V 50/60Hz 120º 1/200 1EH-4 TCI 3 horas/hour Accessories. Lampholder Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

121 Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Integrated I Bulbs. Technical 1LHF-101 Lámpara QR-111 COB Incluye QR-111 lamp COB included Ampoule QR-111 COB Compris years h 20 Epistar COB Ref. W TC (K) Dimmable Input Voltage 1LHF JISO No AC V 50/60Hz 30º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 239

122 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Accessories I PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT I Accessories. Technical 1DH3 Bloque Conexión con portalámpara GU V GU10 Fast Safety connector V Connecteur avec douille GU V 1PHB Lámpara GU10-GZ10 Lampholder GU10-GZ10 Douille GU10-GZ10 1PHG Portalámparas GU V Lampholder GU V Douille GU V 1DH1 Bloque Conexión Fast Safety connector Connecteur rapide DCCONDEN-1 Condensador Condenser Condensateu DCCONTACT-1 Relé Relay Phase Ground Phase Neutre Installation of 4 switches Return Auxiliar Auxiliar Auxiliar Neutre Relay 3-Way 4-Way 4-Way 3-Way

123 TECHNICAL Indoor PROJECT. Lights Without Technology I Recessed. Water-Tight Water-Tight 106 P P P P

124 Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Water-Tight 106 / 107 Empotrable fijo estanco Recessed fixed water-tight Encastrable fixe êtanche Ref Inox / Inox Inox / Blanche Technique / 82x82 84 Ref Inox / Inox Inox / Blanche Technique / Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V For 65. Please consult O Round Recessed Empotramiento redondo Máx. 2years 50W 0 5m 54 RT2012 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 106D- Max. 50 No No No D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI 245

125 TECHNICAL Indoor Water-Tight Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Water-Tight Empotrable fijo estanco Recessed fixed water-tight Encastrable fixe êtanche Empotrable fijo estanco Recessed fixed water-tight Encastrable fixe êtanche (MOQ 50 pcs) 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / 09 (MOQ 50 pcs) Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / O Round Recessed Empotramiento redondo 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / Blanche Technique / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / Blanche Technique / Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V For 65. Please consult Máx. 2years 50W 0 5m 54 RT2012 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 104D- Max. 50 No No No D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI 247

126 UGR/Ambience TECHNICAL Indoor PROJECT. Lights Without Technology I Recessed Ambience/UGR 511 P P P P P P P P P P P

127 TECHNICAL Indoor UGR/Ambience Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Ambience/UGR Empotrable fijo ambiente Atmosphere recessed fixed spotlight Encastrable fixe d ambiance Empotrable fijo ambiente Atmosphere recessed fixed spotlight Encastrable fixe d ambiance Blanche Technique / 01 Negro / Black Noir / 35 Blanche Technique / 35 82x82 82 Accessories. Lampholder Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHG GU V 75x75 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 2 years Máx. Máx. 50W 0 5m W years 0 5m 44 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 511D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 510D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI

128 TECHNICAL Indoor UGR/Ambience Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Ambience/UGR 4 Empotrable fijo ambiente Atmosphere recessed fixed spotlight Encastrable fixe d ambiance 520* Empotrable basculante ambiente con óptica intercambiable Ambience recessed swivel with interchangeable optical (MOQ 150 pcs) 10 Oro / Gold Or / 12 Níquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / Blanche Technique / Ref* Blanche Technique / 521D- Básico-Basic / Aluminio- 523D- Rayado-Striped / Negro-Black 526D- Básico-Basic / Cromo-Chrome D- Básico-Basic / Oro Líquido-Liquid Gold 528D- Rayado-Striped / Blanco Técnico-Techn. White D- Básico-Basic / Pan de Oro-Gold Leaf Accessories. Lampholder Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 Máx. 2years 50W 0 5m 20 Zamak Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 2years 24º Máx. 50W 0 5m 20 Ref. V/Hz W Bulb / Transf. / 4D- 220/ GU10/GZ10 No No 18 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 52 D- Max. 50 No No No 24 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI

129 TECHNICAL Indoor UGR/Ambience Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Ambience/UGR Empotrable fijo ambiente Atmosphere recessed fixed spotlight Encastrable fixe d ambiance Empotrable basculante ambiente Atmosphere recessed swivel spotlight Encastrable basculant d ambiance 01 Negro / Black Noir / 01 Negro / Black Noir / Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or Technique / Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / Accessories. Lampholder Accessories. Lampholder PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 2years Máx. 50W 0 5m 20 2years 24º Máx. 50W 0 5m 20 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 438D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 431D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

130 TECHNICAL Indoor PROJECT. Lights Without Technology I Recessed. Directional Directional 931 P P

131 TECHNICAL Indoor Directional Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Directional Studio QR-111 Study QR-111 Studio QR-111 Студия QR-111 Studio QR-111 Study QR-111 Studio QR-111 Студия QR-111 Inox / 05 Inox / Inox 05 Inox / Inox Inox / Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / 170x O Round Recessed Empotramiento redondo Máx. 2years 50W 365º 45º 45º 0 5m Steel Máx. 2years 50W 365º 45º 45º 0 5m Steel Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / Bulb l Integrated l With driver 931F- 50 No No No 20 1LHF W 3000K 1351Lm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / Bulb l Integrated l With driver 941F- 50 No No No 20 1LHF W 3000K 1351Lm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

132 TECHNICAL Indoor PROJECT. Lights Without Technology I Recessed. Technical Technical 703 P P P P P P P P P P

133 Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 703 Empotrable basculante orientable Recessed swivel and adjustable spotlight Encastrable basculant et orientable 01 Negro / Black Noir / 05 Inox / Inox Inox / Blanche Technique / Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V Máx. 2years 50W 360º 30º 0 5m 20 Natural Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 703D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI

134 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical Empotrable basculante orientable Recessed swivel and adjustable spotlight Encastrable basculant et orientable Empotrable basculante orientable Recessed swivel and adjustable spotlight Encastrable basculant et orientable 01 Negro / Black Noir / 05 Inox / Inox Inox / 80 92x Inox / 05 Inox / Inox Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / 173x92 25 Accessories. Lampholder Accessories. Lampholder O Round Recessed Empotramiento redondo 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 160x82 Máx. 2years 50W 360º 30º 0 5m 20 Natural Máx. 2years 50W 360º 30º 0 5m 20 Natural Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 704D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 724D- Max. 50 No No No 20 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI

135 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 630 / / 635 Empotrable fijo Recessed fixed spotlight Encastrable fixe Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastrable Basculant Ref. 631 Ref Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V Blanco / White Blanche / 11 Cromo / Chrome Chrome / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 16 Cromo Mate / Matt Chrome Chrome Mat / Blanche Technique / Ref (MOQ 112 pcs) 10 Oro / Gold Or / 00 Blanco / White Blanche / 11 Cromo / Chrome Chrome / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 13 Cuero Satinado / Brushed Antique Cuir Satiné / 16 Cromo Mate / Matt Chrome Chrome Mat / Blanche Technique / Ref (MOQ 112 pcs) 10 Oro / Gold Or / PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V Máx. 2years 50W 0 5m 20 Zamak 30º Máx. 2years 50W 0 5m 20 Zamak Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 630D- Max. 50 No No No D- Max. 50 No No No 50 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 634D- Max. 50 No No No D- Max. 50 No No No 112 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI

136 TECHNICAL Indoor Technical Recessed I Light Without Technology. PROJECT Indoor TECHNICAL PROJECT. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 639 Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastrable Basculant 604 / 605 Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastrable Basculant Ref Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 01 Negro / Black Noir / 00 Blanco / White Blanche / 10 (MOQ 112 pcs) Oro / Gold Or / 11 Cromo / Chrome Chrome / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 13 Cuero Satinado / Brushed Antique Cuir Satiné / 16 Cromo Mate / Matt Chrome Chrome Mat / Blanche Technique / 00 Blanco / White Blanche / 11 Cromo / Chrome Chrome / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 13 Cuero Satinado / Brushed Antique Cuir Satiné / 16 Cromo Mate / Matt Chrome Chrome Mat / Blanche Technique / Ref (MOQ 112 pcs) 10 Oro / Gold Or / O Round Recessed Empotramiento redondo x x PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 30º Máx. 2years 50W 0 5m 20 Zamak 30º Máx. 2years 50W 0 5m 20 Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / Zamak Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 604D- Max. 50 No No No D- Max. 50 No No No D- Max. 50 No No No 112 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI


138 TECHNICAL. Industrial by Jorge Giménez Light Integrated Surface. Waterproof Screen. 276 Flood Lights. 278 Pendant. High-bays. 283

139 TECHNICAL Industrial INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated Water-Tight Surface P P P P P P P P.280 Pendant P P P P.284 Connector Conec67I03P

140 Insdustrial TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated I Surface Water-Tight / Pantalla estanca 65 water-proof screen 65 Panneau étanche x80 70 Blanche Technique / x x80 Pantalla estanca 65 water-proof screen 65 Panneau étanche 65 K Tc (K) K Other color temperatures, consult Blanche Technique / Diametro de cable Ø 7 / 10 mm. Cable diabeter Ø 7 / 10 mm. Ref. K W 3years h JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 120º 1/16 K Tc (K) ABS+Policarbonato The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on CLASE II K 1799 Other color temperatures, consult SMD Diametro de cable Ø 7 / 10 mm. Cable diabeterø 7 / 10 mm. Ref. K W 3years h JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 120º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 120º 1/9 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on CLASE II 65 ABS+Policarbonato SMD

141 TECHNICAL Industrial Water-Tight Surface I Light Integrated. INDUSTRIAL Insdustrial TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated I Surface Water-Tight / / Proyector exterior Floodlight Projecteur extérieur Proyector exterior Floodlight Projecteur extérieur 01 Negro / Black Noir / 01 Negro / Black Noir / (ref ) Blanche Technique / Blanche Technique / K Tc (K) K Tc (K) K K x K K x182 Other color temperatures, consult Other color temperatures, consult 194x x286 Connector 67 available Connector 67 available Crital matizado Brushed Glass See page. 285 Crital matizado Brushed Glass See page years San an SMD h 65 A A years h 65 San an SMD Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 100º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 100º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Ref. K W JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 100º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 100º 1/10 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

142 TECHNICAL Industrial Water-Tight Surface I Light Integrated. INDUSTRIAL Insdustrial TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated I Surface Water-Tight / Proyector exterior Floodlight Projecteur extérieur Proyector exterior Floodlight Projecteur extérieur 01 Negro / Black Noir / 01 Negro / Black Noir / K Tc (K) K K Other color temperatures, consult K Tc (K) K K Other color temperatures, consult x x314 Connector 67 available 370x370 Connector 67 available See page. 285 Crital matizado Brushed Glass Ref. K W 2years h JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 100º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 100º 1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 65 San an SMD Crital matizado Brushed Glass Ref. K W 2years h JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 100º 1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 65 See page. 285 San an SMD

143 Insdustrial TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated I Pendant Water-Tight Campana Industrial de Industrial high-bays Suspension tertiaire 01 Negro (Int Blanco) / Black (White Int.) Noir (Int. Blanche) / 175 K Tc (K) K Connector 67 available See page years h 65 San an SMD Ref. K W LIFUD No Dimm AC V 50/60Hz >0,95 120º 1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 283

144 TECHNICAL Industrial Water-Tight Pendant I Light Integrated. INDUSTRIAL Insdustrial TECHNICAL INDUSTRIAL. Light Integrated I Pendant Water-Tight Campana Industrial de Industrial high-bays Suspension tertiaire 01 Negro / Black Noir / K Tc (K) K CONEC67I03 Conector de cable 67 Cable connector 67 Connecteur de câble 67 Connector 67 available Diametro de cable 0 7/8,9 mm Cable diameter 0 7/8,9 mm Diamètre du câble 0 7/8,9 mm 24,8 See page years h 65 San an SMD Ref. K W LIFUD No Dimm AC V 50/60Hz >0,95 120º 1 2years 67 25,7 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

145 DECORATIVE. Indoor

146 DECORATIVE. Indoor by Carmen J. Soriano BEAUTY. Light Integrated. Recessed. Technical. 293 Light Integrated. Surface. Technical. 299 ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology. Recessed. Technical. 303

147 DECORATIVE Indoor BEAUTY l Light Integrated. Technical Technical 546 P.293 Surface P P P P P P P.301 Technical ELEGANCE l Light Without Technology. Technical 4 P P P.307 1RL P.309 2RL P P P

148 Indoor DECORATIVE BEAUTY. Light Integrated I Recessed. DOME Technical 546 / Donwlight fijo boveda luz invisible Downlight fixed vault invisible light Downlight fixe voûte lumière invisible 0193 Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent 93 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or 94 Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre Blanc Technique K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that require UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

149 Indoor DECORATIVE BEAUTY. Light Integrated I Recessed. DOME Technical / Donwlight fijo boveda luz invisible Downlight fixed vault invisible light Downlight fixe voûte lumière invisible 0193 Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre Blanc Technique K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Please Consult Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

150 Indoor DECORATIVE BEAUTY. Light Integrated I Recessed. DOME Technical Donwlight fijo Grand Dome boveda luz invisible Downlight fixed Grand Dome vault invisible light Downlight fixe Grand Dome voûte lumière invisible 0193 Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent 93 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or 94 Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre Blanc Technique K Tc (K) K K Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR<19 CLASE II 2years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Emergency Kit (page 334) 2DCK1 TCI 1 hora/hour 2DCK2 TCI 3 horas/hour Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

151 Indoor DECORATIVE BEAUTY. Light Integrated I Surface. DOME Technical 246 Downlight fijo superficie Surface fixed downlight Downlight fixe apparent 0193 Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre Blanc Technique K Tc (K) K 280 Without screws & hole, fixed to ceiling by rotation system CLASE II 3years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/60 Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on

152 DECORATIVE Indoor Technical DOME Surface I Light Integrated. BEAUTY Indoor DECORATIVE BEAUTY. Light Integrated I Surface. DOME Technical Downlight fijo superficie Surface fixed downlight Downlight fixe apparent Downlight fijo superficie Surface fixed downlight Downlight fixe apparent Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent 93 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or 0193 Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent 93 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre 94 Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K Tc (K) Blanc Technique K K 1307 CLASE II 3years h 20 Edison SMD CLASE II 3years h 20 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/8 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

153 DECORATIVE Indoor Technical DOME Surface I Light Integrated. BEAUTY Indoor DECORATIVE BEAUTY. Light Integrated I Surface. DOME Technical Downlight fijo superficie Surface fixed downlight Downlight fixe apparent Downlight fijo superficie Surface fixed downlight Downlight fixe apparent Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent 93 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or 0193 Negro-Pan de Oro / Black-Gold Leaf Noir-Feuille d Or 92 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Plata / Tech. White-Silver Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille d Argent 93 Blanco Tec.-Pan de Oro / Tech. White-Gold Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuile d Or Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre 94 Blanco Tec.- Pan de Cobre / Tech. White-Copper Leaf Blanc Technique-Feuille de Cuivre Blanc Technique / K Tc (K) K Tc (K) Blanc Technique K K 1307 CLASE II 3years h 33 Edison SMD CLASE II 3years h 33 Edison SMD Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/20 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328) Ref. K W ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/8 The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Reference (page 349) Installation instructions for Dimmable s (page 328)

154 Indoor DECORATIVE ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 4 Empotrable fijo ambiente Atmosphere recessed fixed spotlight Encastré fixe d ambiance Встроенный фиксированный рассеянного света * (MOQ 50 pcs) 10 (MOQ 150 pcs) Oro / Gold Or / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / Blanc Technique / Pan de Plata / Silver Leaf Feuille d Argent / 93 Pan de Oro / Gold Leaf Feuille d Or / New System Valid for all kind of Bulbs Compatible lighting with installations that requiere UGR< years Máx. 50W 0 5m Ref. V/Hz W Bulb / Transf. / 4D- 220/ GU10/GZ10 No No 18 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm Zamak Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm /DALI The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 303

155 Indoor DECORATIVE ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 639 Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastré basculant * (MOQ 112 pcs) 10 Oro / Gold Or / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 69 Wengué / Wengue Wengue / Blanc Technique / 92 Pan de Plata / Silver Leaf Feuille d Argent / 93 Pan de Oro / Gold Leaf Feuille d Or / Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 2 30º 20 years Máx. 50W 0 5m Zamak Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 639D- Max. 50 No No No 112 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI 305

156 Indoor DECORATIVE ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical D-9211 Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastré basculant (MOQ 48 pcs) 1169 Cromo-Wengué / Chrome-Wengue Chrome-Wengue / - 11 Cromo-Blanco Técnico / Chrome-Technical White Chrome-Blanc Technique / (MOQ 96 pcs) Oro-Pan de Oro / Gold-Gold Leaf Or-Feuile d Or / Cromo-Pan de Plata / Chrome-Silver Leaf Chrome-Feuile d Argent / Wengué-Cromo / Wengue-Chrome Wengué-Chrome / - 11 Blanco Técnico-Cromo / Technical White-Chrome Blanc Technique-Chrome / Pan de Plata-Cromo / Silver Leaf-Chrome Feuille d Argent-Chrome / - 425D D (MOQ 96 pcs) Pan de Oro-Oro / Gold Leaf-Gold Feuille d Or-Or / - Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 425D DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 2 30º 20 years Máx. 50W 0 5m Ext. Steel / Int. Zamak Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 425D- Max. 50 No No No 48 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI 425D

157 DECORATIVE Indoor Technical Recessed I Light Without Technology. ELEGANCE Indoor DECORATIVE ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 1RL Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastré basculant 1RLD-9292 (MOQ 48 pcs) 11 Blanco Técnico-Cromo / Technical White-Chrome Blanc Technique-Chrome / Pan de Plata / Silver Leaf Feuille d Argent / 9393 Pan de Oro / Gold Leaf Feuille d Or / Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 1RLD- 2 30º 20 years Máx. 50W 0 5m Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 1RLD- Max. 50 No No No 48 Ext. / Int. Zamak Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1RLD LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI

158 DECORATIVE Indoor Technical Recessed I Light Without Technology. ELEGANCE Indoor DECORATIVE ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 2RL Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastré basculant (MOQ 48 pcs) Blanc Technique / 2RLD Pan de Plata / Silver Leaf Feuille d Argent / 9393 Pan de Oro / Gold Leaf Feuille d Or / x Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V º 20 years Máx. 50W 0 5m Ext. / Int. Zamak 2RLD- Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 2RLD- Max. 50 No No No 48 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 2RLD LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI

159 Indoor DECORATIVE ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 226D Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastré basculant (MOQ 48 pcs) 1093 Oro-Pan de Oro / Gold-Gold Leaf Or-Feuile d Or / Cromo-Wengué / Chrome-Wengue Chrome-Wengue / - 11 Cromo-Blanco Técnico / Chrome-Technical White Chrome-Blanc Technique / x Cromo-Pan de Plata / Chrome-Silver Leaf Chrome-Feuile d Argent / Wengué-Cromo / Wengue-Chrome Wengue-Chrome / Pan de Plata-Cromo / Silver Leaf-Chrome Feuille d Argent-Chrome / - 226D Pan de Oro-Oro / Gold Leaf-Gold Feuille d Or-Or / - 226D-9211 Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 2 30º 20 years Máx. 50W 0 5m Ext. Steel / Int. Zamak Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 226D- Max. 50 No No No 48 Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on 226D D

160 DECORATIVE Indoor Technical Recessed I Light Without Technology. ELEGANCE Indoor DECORATIVE ELEGANCE. Light Without Technology I Recessed. Technical 221 Empotrable basculante Recessed swivel spotlight Encastré basculant (MOQ 48 pcs) 6911 Wengué-Cromo / Wengue-Chrome Wengue-Chrome / - 221D Blanco Técnico-Cromo / Technical White-Chrome Blanc Technique-Chrome / Pan de Plata-Cromo / Silver Leaf-Chrome Feuille d Argent-Chrome / x Pan de Oro-Oro / Gold Leaf-Gold Feuille d Or-Or / - Accessories. Lampholder 1PHG GU V 1PHB GU-10/GZ V 1DH1 Fast Safety connector 1DH3 GU-10 Safety distancing V 221D º 20 years Máx. 50W 0 5m Ext. / Int. Zamak Ref. W Bulb / Transf. / 221D- Max. 50 No No No D D Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 l 7W 1LHG K 486Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 685Lm No Dimm 1LHG K 486Lm Dimmable 1LHG K 512Lm Dimmable 1LHG-101 7W 3000K 450Lm No Dimm 1LHG-102 7W 4000K 476Lm No Dimm 1LHG-503 8W 3000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHG-504 8W 4000K 600Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm No Dimm 1LHX K 936Lm Trailing 1LHX K 936Lm 1-10V/ /DALI The above information is basic. For updated and more accurate information, please consult Technical Data Sheet on Bulb l Integrated l GU-10 Bulb l Integrated l With l 10W 315

161 MARKETING Product MARKETING M-18 Catalogues by Javier Herrero Product Catalogues 317 Vinyl. 317 Display. 318 Banner. 318 Suitcase. 319 Poster. 319 Ref. M M M M M M-07 Vinyl Catalogue Catalogue / English General Castellano Catalogue / Français Global Castellano Global Français Ref. M-07C-001 M-07C-002 Measure 150x105mm 2x205mm Ref. M-07C-003 M-07C-004 Measure 150x150mm 300x300mm 317

162 MARKETING Product MARKETING Product M-01 Stand Display Measure: 60 x 50 x 150 mm M-04 Suitcase for Projects Measure: 66 x 28 x 12 mm HL M-02 Mini Stand Display Measure: 40 x 23 x 60 mm M-05 Sample Bag Measure: 40 x 30 x 12 mm M-03 Banner Measure: 60 x 63 x 167 mm M-06 Rigid Poster Measure: 50 x 69 mm

163 technical support General issues LIGHTING. 322 Dimmable Trailing Edge. 328 Dimmable 1-10V. 330 Dimmable DIRECTO. 331 Dimmable DALI. 333 EMERGENCIES. Led lighting courtesy for emergency cases. 334 STR. Generales. 337 equivalence table. 349 Index table. 352

164 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED LIGHTING General Issues General Issues LIGHTING IMPORTANT NOTE installation (temporary block which works by removing and returning the With the Multimeter or tester using Voltmeter AC 750V function My home network features two active poles ( biphasic ). Might there This document annuls and replaces previous ones. JISO ILUMINACIÓN, switch). Between phase - neutral 220V-240V will be indicated be any incompatibility with JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. luminaries? S.L. reserves the right to make technical, formal and dimensional All these effects existed previously but were not detected because lighting Yes. modifications at any time and without prior notice. Reproduction in technologies were not as efficient; a lot of energy was needed for their In this type of installation, in which the two cables which arrive to the whole or in part of this manual is prohibited without the express written operation and the residual voltages, the induction generated voltages, luminary driver contain voltage, with no difference between phase and permission of the manufacturer. the commuted point installations and the mechanisms with light signal did neutral, it is possible that the drivers will block themselves (in self-protection) Check for the most up to date information on the website: not affect them. or that the light emitted by the luminary is visible even with the switch Most frequent causes of the effects mentioned above: open (since only one of the phases is cut). JISO ILUMINACIÓN is not responsible for any errors that may appear in 1- The switches of the electrical installation cut the neutral whereby the This is because the JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. luminaries which include this document. phase reaches the. the JISO driver have a voltage supply which generally ranges from 100- Remember that electrical installations must be carried out by qualified 2- Current flows through the neutral, due to earthing shunt or other Between neutral and earth 0V. 240V and, like the conductor cables of the installations discussed, have personnel. causes. a potential such that they are capable of activating these drivers at any If your question is not answered in this document, JISO ILUMINACIÓN, 3- Induced current. This can be generated by the presence of large time due to the generation of a voltage, according to potential difference, SL. invites you to make further inquiries related to our products through household appliances or industrial machinery. greater than 100V and less than 240V. This potential difference causes your usual supply warehouse or by contacting us by phone at (0034 ) Pilot signalling switches (Neon or ). This type of switch admits a the driver to activate and powers the SMD chips at low strength or by current of 12 to 30 volts. In order to avoid problems with this type of installation, the following 5- In switched-point installations, a residual voltage may be produced options exist: GENERAL ISSUES LIGHTING Frequently asked questions (FAQ) (due to the length of the crossing lines) which acts as a capacitor generating small voltages which can maintain some brightness, If you have not yet ordered the material: - Select a reference number that incorporates a driver with a voltage Why does my luminary flicker or not turn off (residual light)? flickering or blocking of the luminary driver. And between phase-earth 220V-240V. range between V. This does not mean that the driver will not technology, although apparently similar to traditional lighting, has continue to have a permanently connected active pole (phase) but, differences which must be taken into account for their normal functioning: Possible solutions: since a potential difference greater than V is required for its In points 1, 2 and 5, we recommend checking the electrical installation. activation, the s will not receive power from the driver. General recommendations: Neutral direct to - Phase to switch 1- Firstly, follow the installation and connection order for the different elements: A. Perform line checks, the neutral without direct current to Neutral Phase Ground Junction Box Phase Neutral If you have already ordered the material (choose one of the two options): - Add an omnipolar circuit breaker which, when cutting the two active poles on the switch, will leave the driver completely unpowered whenever DRIVER/LUMINARY and the phases to switch elements. Another possible solution in cases of residual current would be to install a the switch is used to turn off the light. B. Connection order: connect the luminary to your DRIVER, capacitor of 0.47uF 400V (Solution points 3 and 4). - Add a relay to generate an effect similar to that achieved by the then connect the to the Line and finally introduce the Lamp omnipolar circuit breaker. current. 2- Each DRIVER with the appropriate luminary! The power Switch Switch Power connection Can I install a fan on the same line? supplies (DRIVERS) are electronic devices and not merely Image 1. luminary connection diagram + switch It is recommended that you do not do this on the same line as booting the transformers. They deliver regulated voltages and currents and fan/extractor may damage the luminary driver. have direct current outputs, so respect connections and polarities. To easily check if it is neutral or phase, we can use a pole detector, or This can also occur when the power supply of the fan or any other CAUTION especially in installations which feature different Multimeter/Tester. equipment that needs high intensities to boot is close enough to the power luminary models. Check the driver, the type of current, the voltage Image 2. Condenser REF. DCCONDEN-1 wiring of the luminaries. This is because electromagnetic inductions can and the polarity, taking into account that the current can be - When you touch the phase conductor with a pole detector, the neon You can also use bipolar switches or contactors to count the current flow be generated which damage the drivers and generate flickers or residual 300mA, 350mA, 600mA, 700mA, 1000mA, etc., and that the light shines. In the new models with an LCD display showing the voltage, to the lighting lines. (Solution points 3 and 4 light in the luminaries, among others. output current of the driver is continuous. when you touch the phase it will read 220v. 3- Wiring. Splices and Connections. It is important to use suitable Which driver is compatible with the luminary I purchased? section wiring, considering that the current required is very small. The splices require welding and insulation with heat shrink Phase On p. 322 of the catalogue you can find the table showing the reference numbers of the drivers compatible with each luminary model. These drivers tubing or tape. Observe the connections, whether they are series or in parallel according to the manufacturer s installation recommendations. Neutral Relay can be either adjustable or non-adjustable. If you need a replacement driver or an adjustable driver compatible with any of the JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. luminaries, refer to the aforementioned 4- It may be that the luminary is giving off any light but always remember that current is still circulating in the system. - In pole detectors, neither the neutral nor the earth triggers the neon light. And in the pole detectors with an LCD display, no voltage is indicated Earth Phase Neutral 4 switches combined installation table in order to request the reference number that best suits your needs. Is it possible to leave the luminary hanging before placing it in its final If you encounter any issue, please give us the opportunity to resolve for the neutral or earth. Dimmable position? it before returning the product. Most technical assistance questions Auxiliaries Auxiliaries Auxiliaries NO. can be answered through our knowledge base on the website: www. Remember that when any equipment supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN is, or via the technical support service by The use of the electronic elements and parts of the installations can cause some very specific and sporadic incidents which do not damage the s but which are striking, such as Double Combined switch Double Combined or double inverter switch Double Combined or double inverter switch Double Combined switch being installed, it should be placed in its final position, attached to the ceiling, so as to avoid unforeseen stress on the connection cables between the driver and modules. residual luminescence (brightness), flickering or switching off shortly after Image 3. Contactor REF. DCCONTACT

165 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED LIGHTING General Issues General Issues LIGHTING Is it possible to use triple lighting luminaries with a commuting switch? It should be remembered that each luminary comes with its associated Is it possible to cover the luminaires with stone wool or another type depend on the type of installation, operating mechanisms, etc. In fact, in It depends. driver (or drivers). DO NOT connect one driver to several of our luminaries of insulating material? a line with different devices e.g. with light bulbs and downlights, the Commuted circuits, depending on the length of the wiring, can generate without the express authorisation of JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. NO. difference in the time it takes to switch on may be appreciable. electromagnetic induction that activates the drivers and, therefore, does All the recessed luminaires feature the following symbol which clearly not allow for the resetting of same after being powered off for between Where can I obtain the.ies or.ldt files for the luminaires from JISO indicates the NON- suitability of this type of product for covering with Is it possible to position the driver at a distance greater than the factory seconds. ILUMINACIÓN, SL? insulating material. setting? The consequence of this would be an incoordination between the On the website there are two ways to download NO. luminaries of the installation and its consequent inconvenience to the user. the lighting files in IES and/or LDT format. You can either download the The drivers are supplied connected to the downlights and this is how they individual file for each luminaire at each product link or you can directly should be installed. Any other type of installation is the responsibility of I have an installation with triple lighting luminaries and I would like the download all the files for the products from the catalogue in the download the installer. lighting cycle to start in position 3. Is that possible area. NO. What does it mean if a luminaire is UGR<19? Currently this type of function is not provided since the operation of the Below is a screenshot showing how to access the complete download of A luminaire is normally indicated as being UGR<19 if, in the Unified driver associated with this luminary is as follows: all the lighting files. Glare Rating parameterised table obtained according to the photometric 1st lighting: Power from the driver to the SMD strip (indirect light) examination of the luminaire in question in accordance with CIE 2nd lighting: Power from the driver to the COB chip (focused light) 1:2010, it is observed that most of the positions set in it have a value 3rd lighting: Power from the driver to the SMD strip and the COB Is it possible to connect a JISO ILUMINACIÓN downlight to a battery? of less than 19. chip NO. The downlights that JISO ILUMINACIÓN features in its catalogue operate This must be interpreted correctly since, unlike what is usually thought, this Due to the above, the design of the driver does not allow for start-up with a constant current driver and so they need a fixed current supply does not mean that UGR<19 will always be the case, regardless of the directly in the 3rd lighting. which is capable of bearing a load that varies within a set range. This is installation. The reference standard clearly indicates that the Unified Glare completely different from how a battery works. Rating must be calculated for each specific installation, according to the JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. is working to modify these features in the future number of units, their position, the position of the observer, the visual field but, to date, there is no way we can change the configuration outlined in For installations with a battery it would be logical to use 12V or 24V of the observer, etc. the catalogue. strips if the battery allows it, taking into account all the conditions set out Below we also show a screenshot of a specific product page where for the installation of strips. The luminaire concept UGR<19 and the associated UGR table helps the Is it possible to use switches with indicator lights on circuits with you can see the individual download area of the specific product file, designer or installer to distinguish some luminaires from others quickly but it luminaries? highlighted in red. Is it possible for my downlight to take more than 1 second to turn on? does not prove UGR<19 in a particular installation. For this, the designer Using these switches with the luminaries is NOT recommended since, YES. must carry out the appropriate calculations based on what was outlined due to the way the light-emitting diode works, a residual current capable Moreover, this is not just linked to the activation of the driver. It may also above: of activating the chips, albeit at low light intensities, will always reach the luminary and still generate residual light with the switches open. Is it possible to install luminaries and other kinds of luminaries (compact fluorescent, halogen, etc.) in the same circuit? NO. The mix of technologies in the same circuit can generate incompatibilities that cause serious faults both in the luminaries and in the other kinds of luminaries. I have a display and only half lights up. Is this normal? NO. Is it possible to keep my luminaires from JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. In those of 60x60cm the light is generated by two strips, with constant switched on 24h/day? current, connected in parallel and facing each other so that, if only half NO. lights up, one of them has stopped working and you should contact your As a general rule, continuous 24h/day operation is NOT possible since supplier in order to solve the problem. they are designed to be used for a maximum of 14h/day. In cases where you need the luminaires to operate for a greater number Is it possible to connect several luminaries by means of the same driver? of h/day, please consult us in order to receive personalised information. NOT recommended (even if technically possible). JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. supplies its luminaries with the appropriate driver according to their internal characteristics (Vdc and Idc). It is technically possible to use several luminaries, in series or in parallel, with a single driver that meets the needs of the designed installation. However, our past experience means that we DO NOT recommend this type of installation. If attempted, the warranty of the products supplied will no longer be valid

166 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED LIGHTING General Issues General Issues LIGHTING What should I do if my luminary has been turned off and will not turn on again? FAILURE GENERAL ISSUES CONCERNING DIM ADJUSTMENT WITH A TCI DRIVER (DALI//1-10V//) Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Restoring factory settings in luminaires with TCI driver. I have a luminaire connected to a switch but I want to change the dimmer switch for a 1-10V dimmer. Is this possible? Devices with 1-10V, and/or DALI dim adjustment, from our provider TCI, have the option of being able to be reset in order to change the function in which they were configured. In other words, if I have a driver that permits dim adjustment by means of 1-10V and and I have been using it for a while with a switch and later on I want to change it to a 1-10V dimmer, then it is possible to restore the factory settings so that the new dimmer switch can be connected with a change of function. 1. Disconnect the system from the mains in order to avoid the risk of electrical contact. 2. Connect the AC V input cables to the driver (L and N). 3. Make a bridge (short circuit) between the + and - terminals of the 1-10V dim adjustment control of the driver. 4. Connect the luminaire. 5. Supply the system with power for at least one second. 6. Eliminate the bridge (short circuit) between the + and - terminals of the 1-10V dim adjustment control of the driver. 7. The light of the luminaire will turn on and the factory settings of the device will be restored and it will be ready to be connected to a new dimmer switch. (see image on next page) Is there more than one luminary in the same circuit or installation? YES Do they all fail? YES Check the installation NO Reset the automatic cut-off switch of the line to which the luminary is connected since, due to the presence of residual currents and/or potential in the neutral, the driver may have been blocked Will it still not turn on? YES NO NO It may be that: - There are residual currents reaching the driver by way of the neutral and these are causing the block. The network has two active poles and when the circuit is opened, one active pole (phase) is still connected to the driver. The switch is cutting the neutral instead of the phase and, as in the previous case, there is still an active pole (phase) connected to the driver. Solution (choose one): - Add an omnipolar cut-off switch which, by cutting the two active poles in the switch, will leave the driver with no power whatsoever, as long as the light is switched off using the switch. Add a relay to generate an effect similar to that obtained by the omnipolar cut-off switch. For the above, it is important to be aware that: - The drivers do not in general have a preset function from the ones that are possible given their characteristics. When a dimmer switch is connected when it is powered on for the first time, this dim adjustment mechanism is the one that is set. - The driver can only dim adjust within the system that is indicated in its specifications. Therefore, if it does NOT feature the option of dim adjusting in a particular system (for example DALI), it will never be able to be adjusted using dimmers for control of that system. - When you wish to change the configuration of a driver which is being dim adjusted with a specific system in order to use another type of compatible dim adjustment mechanism or when you want to restore the factory settings because these, instead of coming with open configuration, come with a set dim adjustment configuration, the following should be done: Is there more than one luminary in the same circuit or installation? NO Replacing the driver: Before uninstalling the luminary, contact your supplier and ask for a replacement driver. On page of the catalogue you can find the reference of the driver number appropriate for your product. Image 4. Example connection with driver MmA YES Does it work with the new driver? YES END OF THE PROCESS Without disconnecting the driver, change the luminary for another one, with the same reference number that does work. NO Does it work? NO YES Contact your supplier to ask for a replacement and substitute it for the older one NO Does it work? Check your installation YES END OF THE PROCESS NOTE: Remember to perform the operations with the automatic circuit breakers of the affected lines disconnected so that there is no supply voltage in the affected circuits

167 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED Trailing Edge Dimmable Dimmable Trailing Edge DIM ADJUSTMENT USING PHASE CUTTING Which controller should I use to control TRAILING luminaries? The one to use with the TRAILING luminaries supplied by JISO The TRAILING controllable JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. products, in some cases, allow for control via cut-off at the beginning and/or end of This type of control, by push button, avoids having to add additional wires from the mechanism to the luminary. The wiring is modified in the interior Characteristics of Dim Adjustment using PHASE CUTTING ILUMINACIÓN, SL. must be for cut-off at the end of phase and phase. This depends on the type of product and the driver associated of the mechanism or in the connection box. - Dim adjustment is done by cutting the waveform from the network at the compatible with technology. This is extremely important as people with it. beginning (leading) or at the end (trailing) of the phase. usually try to use phase cut-off controllers used for old technology which These devices can be controlled via several push-buttons in parallel and - You can do it with different types of dimmer switch (option of using causes problems with technology. These old technology controllers Generally, when the driver that the luminaries include is TRAILING from so, during the design of the installation, consult the technical data sheets to ). have an operating power range that typically starts at 40W (minimum) the ELT brand, then the driver bears the inscription shown below and is check the characteristics of same as well as their connection requirements. - It can generate noise in the driver. up to about 200W-400W (maximum), while -compatible phase cut- therefore compatible with the two types of control. - At low light intensities, flickering can occur (dimmer switches usually off controllers have a minimum of 1W and a maximum of over 100W have a minimum selector). The minimum is normally set at 20%. (depending on the device to be used). Can I control using TRAILING dimmers from several points? NO. Conditions for Use When using an end of phase cut-off controller which is not compatible This type of control can only be performed from one point. The only thing - It only needs L and N power. An additional control cable is NOT with s, issues such as flicker, no dimming, excessive noise etc., may possible is, depending on the type of dimmer, to commute the ON/OFF necessary. occur. This is due to the fact that since luminaries operate at low with a conventional switch in such a way that it can be turned on and off - The dimmer switch must be compatible (from 0/4W - 100/200/ power, it is very easy to be below the minimum power of the controller and adjusted but from the other points it can only be switched on and off W). when dimming. For example, if we connect five 10W luminaries (50W at the last control setting. - It is NOT possible to reuse old technology dimmer switches (from 40W in total), with a dimming setting below 80% of the strength, the power Image 7. Symbol of compatibility with TRAILING and LEADING control to 200/400/ W). consumed would be inferior to 40W and, therefore, would be outside the systems To control the TRAILING controllable luminaries from several points, see - Dim adjustment recommended from 20 to 100% (below 20% possible control range of the mechanism. the previous frequently asked question. presence of flickering) The adjustable 7W bulbs DO NOT allow for LEADING control. - It is NOT possible to dim adjust using a rotary dimmer switch from On the other hand, the controllers to be used with TRAILING luminaries are Can I control TRAILING dim adjustable luminaires using KNX? several points when a direct dimmer switch is in place. Several switches usually marked as follows: Is it possible to control this type of luminary with push-button control pads? It depends. in parallel connected to a dim adjustment panel WOULD BE possible. It depends. It will be possible provided that a KNX-Phase Cut gateway added in the - Limited use with sensors (it is NOT compatible with twilight sensors, it The drivers compatible with TRAILING control that incorporate JISO installation and that it allows you to control loads with a driver dim is generally used with corridor function) ILUMINACIÓN, SL. luminaries can be used, along with control pads adjustable by means of phase cut at the end of the phase (Dinuy RE-PLA-LE1, ELT edim or similar), provided that these are compatible Recommendations for Use with TRAILING controllable luminaries (cut-off at end of phase). - Existing installations where NO wiring can be added. - When you need to save on dim adjustment. - Small and basic installations. Imagen 6. TRAILING and TRAILING & LEADING control symbols PHASE CUT installation diagrams (Trailing = end of phase) TRAILING: Compatible with control via cut-off at the end of phase. TRAILING & LEADING: Compatible with control via cut-off at start and/ or end of phase. Finally, it is recommended that the chosen controller feature a selector that allows one to adjust the light intensity to low intensities. This allows you Image 8. Push-button control pads compatible with TRAILING drivers to avoid problems with flickering since we will use the selector to set the minimum in the position immediately before the point where the flickering begins. Is it possible that the installation with TRAILING control flickers at low light intensities? Yes. Due to the characteristics of the type of control that is done, at low Image 5. Phase Cut connection diagram intensities, the control via phase-cut-off, both at the beginning and at the end, can generate flicker at low light intensities, which is why the dimmers Frequently asked questions (FAQ) suitable for this type of control usually feature a selector that allows the How is the TRAILING controller connected? minimum level of light control. (See TRAILING installation diagrams on page.) The TRAILING control does not need additional control wiring for its To avoid this flickering, the minimum light level should be set at just before connection since it connects directly, in series, between the power line the flickering begins. and the driver. This allows for control in zones where it is difficult for the wiring to reach Is it possible to control LEADING controllable JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. the point of light. products by cutting off at the start of phase? It depends

168 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED 1-10V Dimmable Dimmable DirEct 1-10V DIM ADJUSTING Characteristics of 1-10V Dim Adjusting Frequently asked questions (FAQ) To which driver terminals does the 1-10V controller connect? (See 1-10V installation diagram) DIRECT DIM ADJUSTMENT Characteristics of Direct Dim Adjustment Frequently asked questions (FAQ) In which terminals of the driver is the switch () connected? (See previous installation diagrams) - In 1-10V dim adjusting, the driver generates an analogue signal of 1V - In direct dim adjustment the driver internally adjusts its (minimum) to 10V maximum, which reaches the dimmer switch which potentiometer 1-10V, working in the same way as 1-10V dim adjustment IMPORTANT: This type of driver does not need any additional dim modulates it. but controlled directly using a switch. adjustment panel. Dim adjustment is done directly in the driver from the - It is possible to do it with different types of dimmer switch (possibility - It must be done with conventional switches (there is NO need for any impulses generated by the switch. of using ). additional dim adjustment panels). - It is possible to connect different types of sensors. - Dim adjustment is smooth thereby reducing the chances of flickering It is necessary to pass three cables to the luminaires: those indicated in the - Dim adjustment is done in a smooth way reducing the chance of occurring. This chance is always very slim when compared to other figure and, in reference numbers with BOKE driver, the neutral will need flickering occurring. This chance is always very slim when compared types of dim adjustment, such as phase cutting, for example. to be duplicated. to other types of dim adjustment, such as phase cutting, for example. - Desynchronisation may occur. This is usually reversed and generally - DOES NOT generate noise. by means of keeping it pushed down for a certain length of time or with a certain push sequence. Conditions for Use - DOES NOT generate noise. - Needs L and N power plus two additional cables with + and - Image 10. Example connection with driver MmA polarity for the analogue signal. Conditions for Use - The dimmer switch must be compatible with without indicator lights. The drivers supplied with 1-10V controllable luminaries have two terminals - It needs L and N power plus a return cable from the switch that is The characteristics of the dimmer switch must be taken into account in labelled 1-10V: + and -. These terminals are the ones that must be connected to L (normally). Also, depending on the driver, you may order to know the maximum number of devices to be connected. connected with the control cables coming from the 1-10V controller. need an additional neutral input as shown in the diagrams. - It is possible to reuse old technology 1-10V dimmers, as long as the Through these cables the controller increases or decreases the light - The switch must not have an indicator light. manufacturer recommends it. intensity from 1% - 100%. - It is possible to reuse switches provided they are in good condition. Image 12. Example connection with driver MmA - Dim adjusts from 1 to 100%. If no dimmer switch with ON/OFF Depending on the type of controller chosen, to handle the 1-10V control, it - It is possible to add several switches in parallel for dim adjustment from function is added it will NEVER turn off. will be possible to perform power on and off as well as dimming. several points (controlling distances and synchronisation). The drivers supplied with the adjustable luminaires have a terminal - It is NOT possible to dim adjust using a rotary dimmer switch from It should be noted that each luminary will have four cables connected to - It is possible to add several devices to the same switch. However, the identified as L. This terminal is where the switch return cable must several points when a direct dimmer switch is in place. Several switches it, one phase (L), one neutral (N), one + and one - (for 1-10V control). greater the number of devices there are, the greater the possibility of be connected. The switch sends the impulses to the driver through this in parallel connected to a dim adjustment panel for 1-10V driver control desynchronisation. cable in order to handle switching on and off or the adjustment of the via switch WOULD BE possible. Can I control using a 1-10V dimmer from several points? - Always follow the instructions from the manufacturer of the driver. light intensity. In addition to the switch return cable, a continuous supply - Allows for appropriate use with a variety of twilight sensors, presence NO. - If you decide to add several devices, the switch return cable must of power must be connected via the AC input connection (L and N) and, detectors, motion detectors, etc. This type of control can only be carried out from one point. The only thing enter each driver in parallel and must not be bridged from one driver where appropriate, a duplicated neutral input. that is possible, depending on the type of dimmer, is commuting the ON/ to another. Recommendations for use OFF with a conventional switch, so that from one point it can be turned - Dim adjusts from 1 to 100%. - New or existing installations, in which it is possible to install the control on, turned off and dimmed but from the other points, you can only turn it wiring. on and off at the last setting. Recommendations for use - When smooth dim adjustment is needed, generally controlled with - New or existing installations, in which it is possible to install the control rotary dimmer switch, without the presence of flickering. Is it possible to adjust 1-10V dimmable luminaires with a switch via a wiring. - When dim adjustment connected to twilight sensors or detectors of dim adjustment panel? - In installations where a switch is already in place and the wiring is presence, movement, etc. is required (educational use, offices...) It depends. available. - Professional installations. As long as the panel is compatible with 1-10V dim adjustment for - When smooth dim adjustment is needed, generally controlled by a Image 13. Example connection with driver MmA loads, it is possible to adjust by means of a switch connected to these switch, without the presence of flickering. panels that allow you to control the 1-10V drivers by means of two control - Small/simple installations but carried out by professionals who have How many devices can be connected in a circuit which is adjusted using Installation diagrams 1-10V (BOKE driver) cables plus two power cables and, in addition, to power on and off by experience with this type of dim adjustment. a switch ()? means of internal or external relay. Installation diagrams Direct (BOKE driver) WITH BOKE DRIVER The conditions indicated by the manufacturer of the dim adjustment panels In this case, the maximum number of drivers connected to the same switch must be respected, ensuring that the proper dim adjustment mechanism is is 20. In the event of desynchronisation, it is possible to re-synchronise by put in place and that no panels of one type are mixed with luminaires of keeping the switch pressed down until the devices maximum light intensity another type. is reached. Can I control 1-10V dimmable luminaires by means of KNX? WITH TCI DRIVER It depends. It is not usually recommended that you connect more than four devices per Image 9. Connection diagram 1-10V It is possible as long as a KNX-1_10V gateway for 1-10V dimmable switch. In some cases, when several devices are connected to the same loads is added in the installation. switch, system desynchronisation may occur. This problem can be solved Image 11. Direct connection diagram by doing the following: 1. Turn on the devices. 2. Press down the switch for more than one second followed by a press of <1sec

169 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED DirEct Dimmable Dimmable DALI 3. The devices should be turned off. 4. Press down for a longer time and then it will be synchronised again. As shown in the previous figure, when a switch with an indicator light is used, even if it is in the open position, intensity continues to enter the DALI Frequently asked questions (FAQ) In which terminals of the driver does the DALI dimmer switch connect? power supply circuit of the downlight. This intensity results in the Characteristics of DALI Dim adjustment (See previous installation diagrams) Some devices allow for the use of a synchronisation cable (Ref. function of the driver not working correctly or, directly, not working at all. -- In DALI dim adjustment the driver is controlled digitally by means of JISO_3SIN-C1,5 or 3SIN-C4,0) in order to handle the dim adjustment of specific software that transmits the commands to a DALI controller which the devices connected to a switch using the Master and slave system. In How does the switch dim adjust? transmits them through the DALI protocol to luminaires, blinds, doors, etc. this way, the switch return would be added to a single driver and the rest The dim adjustable luminaires with the option enable you to switch - It allows you to control different elements of a house from the same would be interconnected from this by means of the synchronisation cable. ON/OFF and to adjust using a switch without an indicator light. point. - It allows you to control luminaires of the same circuit, jointly or With this system it is possible to add up to 10 drivers per circuit (1 master This dim adjustment is done as follows: independently. Each luminaire has an address within the system. and 9 slaves). - A short press of the switch turns it on or off. - Dim adjustment is done in a specific way and a numerically determined - A long press increases or decreases the intensity of the light. value can be programmed. Image 16. Example connection with driver MmA This is an option with the luminaires that incorporate the drivers with - When the long press reaches the minimum or maximum, it stops - It is possible to control luminaires through this system with sensors, the following reference numbers: adjusting. control panels, dimmer switches, etc. The drivers supplied with the DALI dim adjustable luminaires have two Each bus (two wires) can manage up to 64 devices in a maximum of terminals identified as DA (sometimes also as DA 1 and DA 2). These MmA Can I dim adjust using a switch from several points? 16 groups. terminals are where the cables from the DALI BUS should be connected MmA Dim adjustable luminaires with the option from JISO ILUMINACIÓN, - With DALI, desynchronisation is avoided SL. do technically allow for dim adjustment by means of adding several The following should be taken into account in the options in which the NOTE: The synchronisation cable is supplied as a separate reference switches in the same circuit but, in this case, it is recommended, wherever Conditions for Use driver, in addition to DALI dim adjustment, also allow for dim number and should be taken into account when designing the installation. possible, to make use of the synchronisation cable in the reference numbers - Needs L and N power plus two control signal cables. adjustment: that have this option since, in this way, the risk of desynchronisation is - The control signal cable needs to be powered from a point (DALI bus). - If the driver is BOKE, the DA terminals become L and N. The Master and slave system is also compatible with the following reduced. - Access to the configuration software is necessary. - If the driver is TCI the terminal for this last type of dim adjustment is drivers, which are incorporated in the DALI and 1-10V luminaires: - The dimmer switches must indicate that they are compatible with the located next to the AC power supply (L and N) and, therefore, between For installation with this type of configuration, it must be taken into account DALI protocol. the DA1 and DA 2 input, and the AC power supply will always remain 1-10V DALI that the switch returns will be connected to the L terminal of the an intermediate terminal in which nothing will be connected and which circuit driver(s). Recommendations for Use will correspond to the connection MmA MmA - New or existing installations, in which it is possible to install the control MmA MmA Whenever possible, it is recommended that you dim adjust using a single cables. Is it possible to dim adjust DALI luminaires in an analogue manner? switch. - Installations in which the installer has sufficient knowledge in order to DALI is a digital and addressable communication interface for lighting Can I install a dim adjustable luminaire to a switch with position indicator? perform the installation and configure it. systems and so, by definition, it is not possible to use an analogue NO. My installation with Direct leaves a remnant of light when it is - Professional installations in which the client is willing to invest both in controller for DALI dim adjustment. The luminaires supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. that incorporate dim switched off. How do I fix this? the luminaires and in the control systems. adjustable drivers cannot be installed with this type of dimmer switch. Dim adjustable luminaires with the Direct option can on rare - In installations in which there is already a pre-established home I have purchased a DALI dim adjustable luminaire but I want to use a occasions give this type of problem. If this occurs, in order to avoid automation and that this is intended to be expanded with the lighting. switch to dim adjust it. Is this possible? this problem, you should use the 1-10V dim adjustment that this type of - Very professional facilities of a level and kind that require this degree It depends. luminaire allows, since they incorporate a driver with this other function of technology. JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. luminaires which are compatible with DALI dim and, by means of a 1-10V dim adjustment panel for, do the dim - In large installations with centralised control. adjustment systems, depending on the characteristics of the driver that they Resistance Neon adjustment with the switch. - Installations for clients who are conscious of saving energy and caring for the environment. include, can have, apart from the DALI dim adjustment option, the option of dim adjusting by means of a switch () or a 1-10V system. It should be borne in mind that the above requires adding another cable since four cables will have to reach each driver instead of three. Installation diagrams DALI (BOKE driver) This option is a feature of the DALI luminaires that incorporate the drivers with the following reference numbers: MmA MmA Image 14. Residual current due to switch with indicator light MmA MmA On p. 349 of our catalogue you can check which luminaires the drivers indicated above are used in. Image 15. DALI connection diagram Can I control DALI dim adjustable luminaires using KNX? It depends. It will be possible as long as a KNX-DALI gateway is installed in the installation for DALI dim adjustable loads

170 ANNEXED Information Led lighting courtesy Emergency cases Information ANNEXED Emergency cases Led lighting courtesy Led lighting courtesy for emergency cases INSTALLATION OF EMERGENCY KIT ASSOCIEATED TO LUMINARIES AND STRS (REF NO: 2DCK1 Y 2DCK2) Permanent use (the luminary operates normally with its driver and also under specific conditions when there is a general mains failure) (mm) L L1 B H Dimensions of 2DCK1 and 2DCK2 7,2V - 1,6Ah 300gr Battery 2DCK1 (mm) 7,2V - 4Ah 840gr Recommendations for Use The luminaire + emergency kit set is not an emergency luminaire according to regulations. It simply allows for courtesy lighting, between 3W and 7W, in situations in which a failure in the general power supply activates the set. It is therefore not recommended for emergency use, according to regulations. Frequently asked questions (FAQ) Are any of the JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. luminaries compatible with emergency lighting in accordance with regulations? NO. JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. luminaries are not, in any case, emergency luminaries in accordance with the applicable regulations. However, there is the possibility of connecting the luminaries to an Emergency KIT which allows a reduced illumination to be maintained during a fixed time in case of a general mains failure. I want to add an Emergency Kit to my luminary. Are there any limitations with regard to doing this? Yes. The luminary used cannot have a direct current (DC) voltage that is higher or lower than that indicated in the technical data sheets of the Emergency Kit (request a technical data sheet or look up www. If the voltage does not match that indicated, the luminary may not turn on when the mains supply fails and the battery should come into operation. Models of Emergency Kit also exist which have a maximum voltage selector per option selected (Ref. 2DCK1 and 2DCK2). In these cases, depending on the luminary, the selector should be set to the correct position. Non-permanent use (the luminary is installed without a driver and only works under specific conditions when there is a general mains failure) Battery 2DCK2 (mm) WARNING: Due to the aforementioned, it may be the case that, even if the luminary and the emergency kit are compatible, the unit and/ or batteries won t fit the cut-out hole made for the luminary, and therefore will not be able to be installed together. These Emergency Kits consist of a control device, which manages the power supply of the luminary, and one or more NiCd batteries, which accumulate energy to be released in the event of a general mains failure. These Emergency Kits, depending on the model, can keep supplying power to the luminaries with a power level between 3 and 7W for 1 hour or 3 hours, depending on the battery. In addition, it can be installed in the following two modes: Image 19. Example of selector settings in Ref. 2DCK1 and 2DCK2 In the frequently asked questions section, you can find information on technical and installation conditions. IMPORTANT: The luminary the emergency kit will be used for must be clearly indicated because when the luminary has been supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL., additional connector cables may be provided in order to avoid handling of the driver output and the luminary input. WARNING: The luminary set + emergency kit do not make up official emergency units according to regulations. They simply provide you with a back-up luminary of between 3W and 7W when they become activated during failures of the general power supply. Physical conditions The units used as an emergency kit (2DCK1 and 2DCK2), as well as the batteries which may be used, have the following dimensions: To avoid problems during installation, we urge you to pay attention to the following table of height restrictions of false ceilings in relation to the diameter of the hole. As well as the height restriction, you must allow for lateral access because if the false ceiling has obstacles, it may not be possible to insert the emergency kit. (See following page) HOLE H 6cm H 8cm H 10cm H 12cm H 16cm DIAMETER (mm) 2DCK1 2DCK1 2DCK1 2DCK1 2DCK1 2DCK2 2DCK2 2DCK2 2DCK2 2DCK2 Ø30 mm (ó #) NO NO NO NO NO Ø73 mm (ó #) NO NO NO NO YES Ø75 mm (ó #) NO NO NO NO YES Ø80 mm (ó #) NO NO NO NO YES Ø mm (ó #) NO NO NO YES YES Ø105 mm (ó #) NO NO NO YES YES Ø110 mm (ó #) NO NO YES YES YES Ø125 mm (ó #) NO NO YES YES YES Ø145 mm (ó #) NO YES YES YES YES >Ø165 mm (ó #) YES YES YES YES YES NOTE: Guideline values. If the hole diameter of your luminary is not shown in the table, please check the next lower figure (e.g. for Ø117mm refer to Ø110 mm). 1. Permanent use (the luminary functions as per usual with its driver and it also functions, under certain conditions, when there is a general mains failure) (see image on next page) Image 17.Connection diagram Emergency Kit for permanent use 2.2. Non-permanent use (the luminary is installed without a driver and only works, under certain conditions, when there is a general mains failure) Is it possible to add an Emergency Kit connected to strips? It depends. YES, this is possible in Ref. 2DCK1 and 2DCK2, but it is conditional on a maximum potential of strip installed depending on the voltage of same. - 12V 24W - 24V 30W In the case of Ref. 2DCK5, 2DCK6, 2DCK7 and 2DCK8, the limitation of the device is conditional on the operating current, and cannot exceed 2.5A. Is it possible to add a Courtesy Kit (emergency) connected to waterproof displays with reference number 00420, or 00450? NO. This type of product is not designed to be connected with a Courtesy Kit (emergency) because, due to its design and manner of placement, there is no space available for its coupling. Is it possible to add a Courtesy Kit (emergency) to installations that operate using an AC supply other than 230V, for example 110V or 277V? NO. The Courtesy Kits (emergency) that JISO ILUMINACIÓN connects with its luminaires only work with AC power supply between V. Luminary ceiling installation Image 18. Connection diagram Emergency Kit for non-permanent use Is it possible to add a Courtesy Kit (emergency) connected with light bulbs with GU10 base? YES. JISO ILUMINACIÓN has two products - Ref.: 1EH-3 (1h) and 1EH-4 (3h) - that allow you to connect GU10 bulbs to 230V from 3 to 8.5W

171 ANNEXED Information Led lighting courtesy Emergency cases Information ANNEXED General Issues STRS Image 20. Installation examples. 1EH-3 and 1EH-4 MODEL INTENSIDAD (ma) MODEL INTENSIDAD (ma) MODEL INTENSIDAD (ma) MODEL INTENSIDAD (ma) NO COMPATIBLE NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/2-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/2-OFF OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/2-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE NO COMPATIBLE ON/2-OFF OFF ON/2-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/2-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE NO COMPATIBLE NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/2-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/2-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF 246 NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/2-OFF ON/2-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/2-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/2-OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF OFF ON/1-OFF NO COMPATIBLE NO COMPATIBLE NO COMPATIBLE NO COMPATIBLE ON/1-OFF ON/1-OFF GENERAL ISSUES CONCERNING STRS Frequently asked questions (FAQ) What is the maximum power a controller can bear? It depends. Each controller model has power limitations connected with the amps it can bear per channel. For example, in the case of the controllers found in the JISO ILUMINACIÓN catalogue (CONTROL-V10, CONTROL-V-20 and CONTROL-V31), taking into account a 24V operation, the maximum power per channel will be that resulting from multiplying the 24Vdc voltage by the amps that each channel can bear. That is: CONTROL-V10 (1channel and 8A/channel) g Pmáx. = 24x8 = 192W/channel CONTROL-V20 (2channels and 8A/channel) g Pmáx. = 24x8 = 192W/channel CONTROL-V31 (4channels and 5A/channel) g Pmáx. = 24x5 = 120W/channel It must be taken into account that both the CONTROL-V20 and the CONTROL-V31 are designed for double colour and RGB/RGBW strips respectively. In addition, it must be taken into account that these strips have several internal circuits, depending on the number of colours of each, so that each circuit shares the + cable and has the negative independent (WW or CW in double colour and R, G, B or R, G, B, W in RGB/RGBW). Therefore, the total power of the strip is the sum of the maximum powers of each circuit, that is: - Double colour strip: TW of 19.2W/m, each circuit consumes 9.6W/m. - R/G/B Strip: R of 14.4W/m, each circuit consumes 4.8W/m. - R/G/B/W Strip: WW or NW of 19.2W/m, each circuit consumes 4.8W/m This means, for example, that a CONTROL-V20 can bear a load of 10m + 10m of a TW strip. 10m + 10m has been indicated instead of 20m since it should be clear that JISO ILUMINACIÓN NEVER recommends adding more than 10m of continuous strip. That is, two strips of 10m, four strips of 5m, or any other combination that consumes, in total, 192W/channel but which has no load of more than 10m continuously (e.g. 11m, 12m, 15m,...) may be added, for example. Is it possible to install an 20 strip with a length greater than 10m? NO. JISO ILUMINACIÓN never recommends adding continuous strips of more than 10m in length. There are many design options that can suit this type of situation without the need to exceed this limit. If this is your situation, please consult us in order to look at the options. This restriction is for two reasons: 1. The voltage drop and consequent loss of brightness in the final sections of the strip, which are more pronounced when this length is exceeded. 2. The increase of current in the circuit and as a consequence increase of temperature in the PCB that can end up damaging the first strip sections. Is it possible to install an 65 strip with a length greater than 10m? NO. In fact, in this type of strip the restriction is greater since JISO ILUMINACIÓN can, at most, supply 65 strips, in rolls or cut, of up to 5m. This is because we would not be able to guarantee the condition of 65 when splicing more than 5m. If the client, of their own accord, decides to do so, they should bear in mind that JISO ILUMINACIÓN is not responsible for the loss of the degree of 65 protection after ignoring our advice and manipulating the product. How does one install a signal amplifier in order to be able to repeat the commands between remote and controller? JISO ILUMINACIÓN has introduced a change to its products that allows the use of controllers independently without the need for amplifiers, so that the union between controllers, instead of being done by means of wiring, is done through the remote control zone to which the controllers are connected, that is, for two separate sections of strip to be dimmed at the same time, you just need to pair each of the two controllers in the same zone. Moreover, in each zone there is NO limit to the number of controllers that can be connected as long as they are within range of the remote control. In an installation of strips which are dim adjusted by way of controllers and remote control, how many controllers do I need to install? The number of controllers depends on the type of installation, the zones to be determined, the installed power, location of the power points, etc. That is to say, it is not possible to determine a fixed number of controllers without having information about the installation. JISO ILUMINACIÓN therefore recommends that our clients contact us in order to determine their needs before placing the material order. JISO ILUMINACIÓN always recommends good initial planning in order to avoid problems during and after the installation. For this good planning you need a good initial data collection regarding the installation and a good knowledge of the technical conditions regarding strip installations. Below we provide a list of initial data that it would be advisable to know before starting with the planning of any installation of strips. 1. Diagram of the premises with dimensions. 2. Power of the strip (4.8W/m, 9.6W/m, 14.4W/m, etc.). 3. Type of strip (Single colour, RGB, RGBW, TW, 20, 65). 4. If 65, why? (If 65 is not necessary, 20 should be recommended). 5. What power supply does it need, 20 or 65? 6. Distance > 3m between power supply and strip. Location of power outlets. 7. Profile with/without diffuser (corner, surface, etc.) or plate. Always Aluminum. 8. Is some kind of dim adjustment necessary e.g., DALI, 1-10V, RF, etc.? (If it is controlled by means of RF remote control, you need to know if there are several zones and how many sections are in each zone)

172 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED STRs General Issues General Issues STRS 9. Hours of continuous operation of the strips (never more than Is it possible to control different zones that have different types of strips regulated and, with the colour wheel, we will have a control as if we had 14h/day). (single colour, double colour, RGB/RGBW...) with the same remote a wheel with the following characteristics: control? Is it possible to use the TCCONTROLLER-03 connected to my home Wi-Fi YES. network? JISO ILUMINACIÓN has a universal remote control (MANDO32) that YES. allows you to determine and programme 4 independent zones either with There are two ways to control this device using the easylighting app, the same type of dim adjustment control or with different types of dim either individually or in an installation with several controllers in which adjustment. This is done with the universal remote control and with three Configuration ZONE 2 Configuration ZONE 4 you can differentiate between up to 8 zones, working in this case as an different types of controllers, according to the type of strip connected. Zone 2 must be configured in order to control Tuneable white-tw Zone 4 must be configured in order to control single-colour strips so, as 8-zone RF remote control but via WIFI signal. These are the CONTROL-V10, CONTROL-V20 and CONTROL-V31. strips so, as indicated in the instructions, you must press, at the same time, indicated in the instructions, you must press, together, the zone button( ) and To control a single TCCONTROLLER-03 individually, you should do the Here is a practical example of what may be done with this type of remote the zone button ( ) and the button ( ) until the remote control indicator light the brightness button ( ) until the remote control indicator light stays green for following: control and controllers: stays green for a few seconds (see images below). a few seconds. This process would be carried out in a similar way to the 1. Install the power supply, controller and strip set. configuration of Zone1 with the difference being that you press the Zone 4 2. Download the easylighting application from the App Store (ios) or PRACTICAL EXAMPLE: button instead of the Zone 1 button. the Play Store (Android). In a commercial premises, rectangular in shape, we have four defined 3. Feed power to the set referred to in point 1. The TCCONTROLLER-03 zones: In the case of needing any other type of control, not indicated in the will generate its own Wi-Fi network with the name EasyLighting_2... Zone 1: Displays (single colour strips) example, the process would be similar, pressing for each type the and a number. Zone 2: Side walls (tuneable white strips - TW) appropriate sequence indicated in the instructions. 4. Open mobile settings and search in Wi-Fi networks for the controller Zone 3: Decorative elements on the wall (RGB strips) network. Zone 4: Show-window (single colour strips) Once the configuration has been carried out, the pairing of the controllers 5. Connect to the NETWORK for which you need to enter the Password with the different zones of the universal remote control will be done in a Once this is done, the mobile and the controller will be simple way, following the contents of the instructions and which would be connected via Wi-Fi. as follows: 6. Open the APP and open Room. After performing this operation, Zone 2 of the remote control will only 7. Select a room and press setting until the colour wheel appears. control Tuneable white-tw strips so that you can adjust the brightness Matched ZONES 8. Press the Learning Key button on the controller and, within 5 intensity and colour temperature and, with the colour wheel, we will have For the matching of the controllers that are in each Zone, the following seconds, press down in the centre of the colour wheel and move it. a control as seen on the laterals thereof which, moreover, has the following operation must be performed: Once it has been properly matched, it will begin to change the colour. characteristics: 1. Short press of the controller s matching button (the blue light of the controller will flicker slowly) and then, within 5 seconds, press the Zone Once this is done, if we want to add the controller to the domestic Wi-Fi 1, 2, 3 or 4 button, depending on the zone to which the controller network we need to do the following, within the application: corresponds, until the blue light flickers with greater speed. 1. Go to setting and press Connect Wi-Fi controller to your home In this case we will use the four zones that the remote control allows us to 2. Once matched, you need to check that the controller responds. network. control although, in other cases, we could use 1, 2 or 3 zones, without Normally, when touching any button or the colour wheel, the matching 2. If a window pops up saying Is your mobile phone is already having to use all the zones, giving us the option of using those free zones button will flicker as it is receiving a control signal. If this does not occur connected to the WIFI controller? press YES. for possible extensions. and the controller does not respond to the remote, the matching operation 3. Search for the home network and press it. Enter the password too, if We will start with the management of the different zones for which, firstly, should be repeated. there is one, and, if you have done it correctly, the message configured we will configure each zone of the remote control depending on the type Configuration ZONE 3 successfully! Connect smartphone to router you want to connect! will of strip or lamp that is going to be controlled (single colour, double Zone 3 must be configured in order to control RGB strips so, as The matching button can be, depending on the type of controller, internal pop up. colour-tw, RGB, RGBW or RGB+CCT ). indicated in the instructions, you must press, at the same time, the zone (it will say match ), to be pressed with an awl or another implement which 4. Press OK in that message and then check to see if the mobile phone button ( ) and the button ( ) until the remote control indicator light stays fits the hole, or external (it is found by removing the covers and it lights blue is connected to the network in which we have added the controller. If Configuration ZONE 1 green for a few seconds (see images below). when it has power), to be pressed manually. the mobile phone and the controller are connected to the same network, Zone 1 must be configured in order to control single-colour strips so, everything will work correctly but if that is not the case, it will not work. as indicated in the instructions, you must press, at the same time, the zone button ( ) and the brightness button ( ) until the remote control indicator light To add more controllers to the NETWORK repeat each step from the stays green for a few seconds (see images below). beginning (individual and add to home network) for each controller that you want to connect. Why does my remote control not move the strips? The MANDO32 universal remote control has to be configured before INSIDE EXTERNAL use. The steps to follow for this configuration can be seen in the instruction manual that is supplied with the device as well as in the examples that can It will be repeated with as many controllers as are defined in each Zone. be found in our frequently asked questions. After performing this operation, Zone 3 of the remote control will only control RGB strips so that the intensity of brightness and the type of Can I dim adjust control an strip that I already have installed? Two simple steps are performed, the first to configure each zone with colour (R/G/B) can be adjusted and, with the colour wheel, we will It depends. the type of to be regulated and the second to match the controllers After performing this operation, Zone 1 of the remote control will only have a control like you see in the centre thereof that, in addition, has the It will be possible as long as an intermediate dimmer switch can be added connected in the zone selected. control monocolour strips so that only the brightness intensity can be following characteristics: between the strip and the power supply

173 ANNEXED Information Information ANNEXED STRs General Issues Design and Installation STRS This is the case for single colour strips. This type of dim adjustment this type of product and JISO ILUMINACIÓN does not have any power The non-compliance of these standard guidelines and recommendations protection class is concerned. can be done using the CONTROL-V10 that can be adjusted using the supply which is adjustable through this system. and technical instructions will result in the invalidation of the product - The strips are not designed to remain operational for a continued MANDO32 or by means of a wall switch (normally open) using two-wire warranty. period of 24H. cabling. What power source would it be advisable to use in order to install on This document annuls and replaces the previous ones. The company JISO (See After installation section) wood? ILUMINACIÓN, SL. reserves the right to effectuate technical, formal and There is also the possibility of performing the control using PANELTACTIL10 When we have to install a power supply, connected to an strip, which dimensional modifications at any given time and without prior notice. The Power supplies (Refer to point 3 in this document for further information on or SWITCH10. Consult the catalogue and/or the technical data sheet of will be placed on wood. We will have to consider whether the power complete or partial copying of the current manual is forbidden, unless the current document) the product. supply has the following marking: there is written authorisation from the manufacturer. - The strips connect to direct current and low voltage Check the most up to date information on the website: www. power supplies with voltages of 12V, 24V that should Is it possible to control the RGB and RGBW strips from JISO be supplied or validated by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. ILUMINACIÓN using DMX? JISO ILUMINACIÓN is not in any way responsible for errors that may The use of power supplies that do not comply with the aforementioned It depends. appear in this document. may be considered reasons for warranty invalidation with NO claims It will be possible as long as it is connected to a controller capable of being accepted. (See Table on compatibility between power supplies being controlled by a DMX Master. That is, it will not depend on the 1. BASIC STANDARDS AND RECOMMENDATIONS and strips depending on length in Annex I which shows the strip but on the controller connected. BEFORE INSTALLATION compatibility of the drivers supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. with the Use of different types of strips in the same installation strips according to their length). Currently, JISO ILUMINACIÓN does not have controllers which can be - The use of strips from other manufacturers in the same installation with - Always check that the voltage of the strip matches the voltage of the used with DMX. DESIGN AND INSTALLATION GUIDE FOR STRS strips supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. is NOT recommended. power supply. Strip 24V + Power Supply Unit 24vV INDEX The differences in design, component quality, s, PCB strip, tapes, - When using standard power supplies from the JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. Do the PCHANDSENSOR and PCDIMMER devices have polarity? 0. IMPORTANT NOTE (mandatory reading) etc., can cause major installation problems, strip damage, variations in catalogue, one should ALWAYS overcharge by between around 15% YES. 1. BASIC GUIDELINES AND RECOMMENDATIONS colour temperature or light intensity, damage to the power supplies or and 25% due to the efficiency of these types of power supplies. In fact, it is clearly stated in our catalogues. These devices have two PRIOR TO INSTALLATION control units. terminals where the power supply coming from the source ( + and - ) is -Use of different types of strips in the same installation - do NOT under any circumstances mix different models with different E.g. Installation of 5m strip of 14.4 w/m. welded and two other terminals where the supply to the strip ( + -Basic information on strips power capacities, voltages, chip types, colour temperature, protection, 14.5 x 5 = 72W 72 x 1.25 = W and - ) is welded. -Power supplies etc., including JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. strips. If it is connected with the polarity changed, it will not work properly. Also, - strip installation areas and/or power supply location Basic information on strips In the previous case the first possible power supply option capable of if the power supply is connected to the output, it will remain switched DURING INSTALLATION - Depending on the model as well as the packaging label, on the side providing W which coincides with a power supply of 100W will on without functioning properly and there is the possibility that internal AFTER INSTALLATION labelled PCB, where the electronic components are located, are some be selected (EX.: Ref V or V) (see Table of damages will appear in the electronic components. 2. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR ARRANGEMENT OF STRS basic captions that allow us to determine at the very least; compatibilities between power supplies and strips depending on DIAGRAM TYPE FOR STR INSTALLATION A. The power supply voltage. (In this example DV12V, Direct Current length in Annex I which shows the compatibility of the drivers supplied Can I add the PCHANDSENSOR in a cupboard so that it turns on and off 3. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF POWER of 12V) by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. with the strips according to their length). when the door is opened? SUPPLY UNITS FOR STRS B. Polarity for the connection of the supply line. It is extremely important that this is clear and understood, as the failure to NO. DIAGRAMS FOR THE CORRECT INSTALLATION C. Cutting line. comply with this condition may result in warranty invalidation. The PCHANDSENSOR works by detecting when a finger passes in front -Standard power supply of the optics of the device. -Adjustable power supply -Power supply 65 Polarity - With regards to the use of adjustable power supplies from the JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. catalogue, one should ALWAYS try to adjust the What type of power supply do I need in order to connect a PCHANDSENSOR or PCDIMMER? 0. IMPORTANT NOTE Before any installation with this product line, please consider the following Voltage charge level to the power supply capacity without overcharging, except in the case of reference no V and V, which These two devices work, simply, with a standard non-adjustable power instructions and recommendations in order to guarantee a correct and MUST be overcharged in the same way as the standard supplies. supply point. The devices themselves are responsible for turning on, off or long-lasting installation. - Bear in mind that excessive overcharging may result in a decrease of the dimming, depending on the model. The warranties for the strips supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. desired output. are subject to compliance with the warrantee conditions included in the - For large-space installations, it is preferable to use several standard Is it possible to dim adjust strips through DALI protocol by means of a controller? YES. current catalogue, to current technical-legal standards concerning these types of installations and to the considerations outlined in this guide, according to standards agreed upon by leading manufacturers and Indicates cutting line power supplies, rather than one high voltage power supply with several metres of cable from the power supply to the strips. - From the power supply to the strip, the less power cable you have, JISO ILUMINACIÓN has a controller (TCDALI) that allows you to control installers. Image 0. Strip features the better. This will ensure correct operation, avoiding voltage drops, 4 channels of DC output through DALI protocol. With this controller it is Reading of the information included in this document is mandatory for loss of intensity or differences in brightness between the different sets of possible to control the channels independently or jointly depending on the ensuring the correct design and installation of strips supplied by JISO - strips with a continuous length of more than 10m must strips, etc. configuration that is chosen. ILUMINACIÓN, SL., as the new lighting technologies, specifically NOT be installed when they have an 20 protection class. When all the channels are managed at the same time, the device only strips, require, on the art of the qualified professional, the necessary This is because a strip that is longer than the one shown, could generate When installing the power supply unit at greater distance from the receives one direction, whereas if the four are used, it receives four knowledge and careful attention and observations that we sum up in this a loss of light intensity in the end segments, and it may also overheat strip, the cable section must be increased exactly as indicated below, consecutive directions. document. the strip s PCB due to an excess of intensity circulating through the depending on the metre count: JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. WILL NOT be held responsible for any faults of printed circuits boards. Is it possible to dim adjust strips by phase-cut dim adjustment? their products, if they are the result of an installation that fails to take into - Led strips of more than 5m continuous length must NOT o 0.10 cm. to 1 m: Cable section 0.25mm² It will be possible as long as the power supply that added allows for this account the standard guidelines and recommendations and the technical be installed when they have an 65 protection class. o From 1 m to 3 m: Cable section 0.50mm² type of dim adjustment. It is not a dim adjustment system normally used for instructions stated in this manual. This is because connections of this type of strip are not recommended o Do not install at more than 3 metres without prior examination of the as they may cause a weak point as far as the conservation of the installation features

174 ANNEXED Information STRs Design and Installation Information ANNEXED Design and Installation STRS - It is necessary for the power supplies to have adequate ventilation in order to avoid overheating. Some of the power supplies include forced ventilation which may produce a disagreeable noise and this factor should be considered prior to its design and installation. This occurs in the standard power supplies with 240W voltages ( V) and 320W ( V). - Before any design or installation of power supplies, it must be taken into account that the number of units for installation on one single circuit depends on the type of circuit breaker (thermal magnetic) of the line where it is being installed. In the following table you can see the number of recommended units by the manufacturer of the power supplies provided by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. This information was taken from the current technical information sheets of the manufacturer. - The information shown on the above table must be taken into account because if the maximum amount of units per circuit breaker is exceeded, the circuit breaker will react during initiation as the current peak which limits it will be passed. This table references the adjustable power supplies and/or 65 power supplies. We do not have this information for the standard power supplies so you should check the technical information sheets for the power supply and the selected circuit breaker before installing them. Installation points of strips and/or location of power supply - To maintain consistency with regard to the light effect generated by the strips, it is recommended that you check that the surfaces where the strips will be laid out are even and consist of the same features (paint, material base, surface shape, etc.) before design and installation. This is because the same strip, depending on the type of surface over which the light reflects, can generate shades of light different to the one chosen in the design. - When choosing a strip model, you should consider whether it will be installed in a profile without a diffuser, with a diffuser or if those are strips with an level in which, due to the light reflection over the protective material that illuminates the white area of the strip, the colour tone may vary and change to colder shades. - Installation of any strip supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. MUST be carried out on a technical aluminium profile (see Jiso base board ref no: 700 or Jiso range profiles). - Installation of any strip supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. must NOT be carried out on other surfaces which are not a technical aluminium profile. This may include: wood, tiles, Pladur, Alucobond, plaster, iron or steel / stainless steel, etc. These have characteristics which are less favourable than those of aluminium in order to ensure heat dissipation from the high temperatures generated by the. - The room temperature of the location where the strips are installed must not exceed 60 C, nor should it fall below -25 C. If it does, the lifespan or operability of the strips could be affected in the short-term. - Preserve the strips in their original packaging and remove them only at the time of use, as the technology may be affected by static electricity and damaged involuntarily. - The optimal storage temperature should not exceed high temperatures (80 C), nor be below extremely low temperatures (-40 C). - It is NOT recommendable to place strips on the ground as they may be damaged by environmental factors as well as physically due to the use of the location where they are placed (human transit, cleaning products, etc.). DURING INSTALLATION - Installation of strips must be carried out by a qualified professional with experience in design and installation. Handling of strips during installation - Do NOT step on, fold excessively, damage, force, place on surfaces with static electricity, handle with hands/gloves with residue of solvents, adhesives or other products that may alter the functional features or damage the strips. - It should be taken into account that strips have, in their base support, where the chips, IC resistances or other components (known as PCB flexible) are welded, an electrical circuit (it is NOT an inert strip) that must maintain the proper continuity so that the energy flow runs adequately along the entire PCB. Precautions concerning installed strips - Once an strip is installed, it is recommended that they are adequately protected during painting work on nearby surfaces as they may suffer damage from direct contact with painting tools, the dripping of excess paint, paint fumes and/or sprays, brought about by mechanical painting tools. - The consequences of lack of protection will alter the functionality of the strips, changing their shading, producing continuity failures in the internal circuits and can even cause overheating that damages the chips, with failures in sections of the strips. WARNING: It is extremely important that those who are responsible for painting work are aware of the locations where strips have been installed, as they may not know of the existence of these types of installations and may cause them involuntary damage. This is quite common in locations like false ceilings, dark areas and other difficult to access areas. Locations of the power supplies - Power supplies should be located in open spaces and should not be enclosed, so that they are adequately ventilated and overheating can be avoided. - The polarity of the connection with the strip must be checked in order to avoid activation problems. This is because if it is not properly connected, they will not activate since the chips are polarised (pole + and - ). AFTER INSTALLATION - Adequate maintenance must be carried out, avoiding damage to the strips during the process and for this reason, in the entire installation, it must be noted that static electricity in the chips and components must be avoided, as well as residue deposits of any kind that can alter the lighting conditions of the strips. - It is of vital importance that the room temperature where the strips are installed does not exceed 60 C nor should it be less than -25 C. Otherwise, the lifespan of the strips may be shortened and may even lead to short-term failures and loss of functionality of the stripes. REMINDER: It is very important that those who are responsible for painting work in places where strips have been installed are informed, as they may not know of the presence of these types of installations and may cause them involuntary damage. This is quite common in locations like false ceilings, dark areas and other difficult to access areas. - All users of strips supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. should be aware that said strips are NOT designed to operate for a continuous period of 24 hours. - For optimum performance and durability, the strips should NOT be operational for a continuous period of more than 14 hours per day. Otherwise, it may lead to problems with the performance and operation of the strips, and may lead to failure and even loss of warranty. 2. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE FITTING OF STRS -- Correct fitting of strip-technical Profile, using the double-sided strip adhesive (3M) which incorporates the unexposed side of the PCB of the strip. Image 1. strip adhesive 1. With the top cover of the profile removed, clean the surface of the profile just before fitting the strip. It is of vital importance that there is no type of dust, humidity, residues of metallic materials, paint, etc., on the surface where the strip adhesive will be fitted. Remember, DO NOT stick strips on the profile without having first cleaned any residues of dust, humidity, metal chips, paint, plastic residue, lubricants, etc Image 2. Profile cleaning (OK=Correct and NOK= NOT OK =Incorrect) 2. We recommend that the removal of the adhesive s protective tape so that the active part remains visible is done while the strip is in the process of being fitted to the profile. Otherwise, suspended dust, clothes or any materials suddenly falling to the ground could leave bits sticking to the strip, thus causing it to lose its sticking capacity, which may in time cause this material to weaken and detach from the strip. Image 3. Fitting the strip while removing the protective adhesive 3.Apply pressure to the zones of the strip without chips in order to reach a better adhesion between the strip and the profile. Poor adhesion = POOR HEAT DISSATION/SHORTER LIFESPAN OF THE. This pressure may be applied manually, avoiding the transmission of static electricity to the strip, or by using soft rubber-rollers that cannot damage the chips or transmit static electricity. Image 4. Pressure on the gaps between chips in order to improve adhesion 4. We do NOT recommend the immediate activation of the strips after fitting them on the profile nor do we recommend the fitting of strips while they are turned on. - When the strips are fitted, forming a geometric pattern with angles like squares, triangles, rectangles, etc., the correct way to make the turns is by leaving a small amount of extra cable, of 5 to 10cm, which will allow you to make the turn correctly without having to force the strip. - We recommend that you avail of the personalized service for strips offered by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. Otherwise, you should follow the instructions below: REF. JISO FAN INRUSH CURRENT (A) T50 (us) B16 (Ud.) c16 (Ud.) V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO V NO B16 = Circuit breaker Curve B of 16A C16 = Circuit breaker Curve C of 16A Table 1. Power supply number by circuit breaker type

175 ANNEXED Information STRs Design and Installation Information ANNEXED Design and Installation STRS 1. Take the necessary measures for each section, bearing in mind the cutting lengths according to the model you have chosen 2. Cut the strips at the length chosen on the indicated areas only. WARNING: We do not recommend cutting, connecting or handling of the interior of the strips with 65 because this type of handling could affect the waterproofing capacity, as well as the warranty of the strip itself monocolor strips in parallel installation -- JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. has a range of CONNECTORS/ JUNCTIONS/SPLICES to facilitate the correct and simple performance of same. Various examples of these are shown below: Image 5. strip cutting OK y NOK 4. Installation of 4 strip lights making a Square shape 3.Cut and prepare the connection wiring between sections (5-10cm, or as required bearing in mind the possible problems with voltage drops). The appropriate connection wire should be used for each welded connection, avoiding overcharging so no overheating or short-circuits due to proximity are produced. Image 10. Examples, with their reference no., of non-welded connectors REMINDER: The 65 strip will no longer be classified as such after a connection is performed. In order to maintain its waterproofing capacity, we must apply a sealing product to the connection area. The JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. warranty will remain valid as long as said section is ordered with the connection which is custom pre-assembled in the factory. Image 6. Examples of OK y NOK weldings 4. Welding should be done correctly leaving the points with sufficient space between them and with wiring between the strips. TYPE DIAGRAMS FOR STR INSTALLATIONS Monocolor Strip RGB STR 1. Installation 2 monocolor strips to driver. 1. Installation of 4 RGB RGB Image 7. Preparation for corner, turn or direction change 5. Finally, protect the area of the connection by covering it with heatshrink material in order to avoid unwanted offshoots and contact. 2. Installation basic monocolor+ strip 2. 4 RGM Led strips in parallel installation Image 9. Examples of NOK corners, turns and direction changes Image 8. Protection of the strip - connector cable using heat-shrink material Below you can see several cases of incorrect fittings of strips in areas with angles and direction changes: -- Just like when strips are fitted in the previous situations, when it is necessary to perform cuttings, junctions and connections, we recommend that you avail of the personalised service for strips offered by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL. Otherwise, you should follow the instructions below, mentioned beforehand. Carefully observe the above and the images of the incorrect installations as these kinds of bad practices can cause problems in the installation and the devices, as well as loss of warranty for the products supplied by JISO ILUMINACIÓN, SL

176 ANNEXED Information STRs Design and Installation Information ANNEXED Design and Installation STRS 3. Installation of more than 20 meters of Led strips. Type 1 4.Installation of more than 20 meters of RGB Led strips. Type TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTALLATION OF STR POWER SUPPLY UNITS -- You must NOT connect the power supply to the strip without first checking that the voltages of both elements match. If this is not checked and the voltages are not the same, they may be damaged, the installations may overheat and result in greater damage. It is very important that this is clear and understood, as the failure to comply with this requirement may result in warranty invalidation. Normally, 12V or 14V strips are used and the power supplies must also be 12V or 14V respectively. -- We recommend the connection and location of the power supplies to be as close as possible to the strips in order to avoid unnecessary wiring and the possible voltage drops that this could lead to. -- We do NOT recommend using a cable longer than 1m from the power supply to the strip without calculating the possible voltage drops. Whenever you are going to make an order or connection with a longer cable length, you must calculate the voltage drops in order to avoid it causing substantial reduction in input voltage to the strip. When installing the power supply at a greater distance from the strip depending on the metres, you should increase the section of the cable exactly as is indicated below: o 0.10 cm. to 1 m.: Cable section 0.25mm² o From 1 m to 3 m: Cable section 0.50mm² o Do not install at more than 3 metres without a previous study of the characteristics of the installation. DIAGRAMS FOR CORRECT INSTALLATION Standard power supply NOTE: For more information, you can request technical data sheets of the selected product or check the website:. Diagram 1. Standard power supply connection (Ref no: 3***-2512V, 3***-2524V ó 3***- 2924V) Compatibilities between power sources and strips depending on length MODEL POWER (W/m) VOLTAGE (V) 1m 1m < L 2m 2m < L 3m 3m < L 4m 4m < L 5m 5m < L 6m 6m < L 7m 7m < L 8m 8m < L 9m 9m < L 10m 004 4, V 4.8x1x1.2=5.76W V 4.8x2x1.2=11.5W V 4.8x3x1.2=17.3W V 4.8x4x1.2=23W V 4.8x5x1.2=28.8W V 4.8x6x1.2=34.56W V 4.8x7x1.2=40.32W V 4.8x8x1.2=46.08W V 4.8x9x1.2=51.84W V 4.8x10x1.2=57.6W 009 9, V 9.6.x1x1.2=11.5W V 9.6.x2x1.2=23W V 9.6.x3x1.2=34.6W V 9.6.x4x1.2=46.1W V 9.6.x5x1.2=57.6W V 9.6.x6x1.2=69.12W V 9.6.x7x1.2=80.64W V 9.6.x8x1.2=92.16W V 9.6.x9x1.2=103.6W V 9.6.x10x1.2=115.2W , V 14.4x1x1.2=17.3W V 14.4x2x1.2=34.6W V 14.4x3x1.2=51.8W V 14.4x4x1.2=69.1W V 14.4x5x1.2=86.4W V 14.4x6x1.2=103.68W V 14.4x7x1.2=120.96W V 14.4x8x1.2=138.24W V 14.4x9x1.2=155.52W V 14.4x10x1.2=172.8W V 18x1x1.2=21.6W V 18x2x1.2=43.2W V 18x3x1.2=64.8W V 18x4x1.2=86.4W V 18x5x1.2=108W V 18x6x1.2=129.6W V 18x7x1.2=151.2W V 18x8x1.2=172.8W V 18x9x1.2=194.4W V 18x10x1.2=216W , V 19.2x1x1.2=23W V 19.2x2x1.2=46.1W V 19.2x3x1.2=69.1W V 19.2x4x1.2=92.2W V 19.2x5x1.2=115.2W V 19.2x6x1.2=138.24W V 19.2x7x1.2=161.28W V 19.2x8x1.2=184.32W V 19.2x9x1.2=207.36W V 19.2x10x1.2=230.4W x1x1.2=30W V 25x2x1.2=60W V 25x3x1.2=W V 25x4x1.2=120W V 25x5x1.2=150W V 25x6x1.2=180W V 25x7x1.2=210W V 25x8x1.2=240W V 25x9x1.2=270W V 25x10x1.2=300W

177 ANNEXED Information STRs Design and Installation Information ANNEXED Equivalence drivers table. Reference 65 Power supply RECESSED MODEL JISO (-29) ELT (-22) ELT TRAILING (-52) BOKE 1-10V / / DALI (-47) NOTE: For more information, you can request technical data sheets of the selected product or check the website: N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Connection block not inluded You must connect led strip cable to the power supply cable STRS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Diagram 2. > 65 Power supply connection MmA MmA Connection block not inluded (Ref no: 3***-6512V ó 3***-6524V) MmA N/A MmA Adjustable power supply Output 12 or 24 vdc Connection block not inluded PWN regulation,resistance, 1-10v or 0-10v depending on the model STRS NOTE: For more information, you can request technical data sheets of the selected product or check the website: MmA mmA N/A MmA N/A MmA MmA mmA N/A MmA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Input Vac Connection block not inluded PWN regulation,resistance, 1-10v or 0-10v depending on the model You must connect led strip cable to the power supply cable Diagram 3. Adjustable power supply connection (Ref no: 3***-4512V ó 3***-4524V) mmA N/A MmA x x mmA N/A 2x MmA mmA N/A MmA MmA MmA MmA MmA MmA MmA MmA MmA N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A MmA MmA MmA N/A MmA MmA MmA MmA MmA N/A MmA MmA MmA

178 ANNEXED Information Reference. Equivalence drivers table Information ANNEXED Equivalence drivers table. Reference RECESSED MODEL JISO (-29) ELT (-22) ELT TRAILING (-52) BOKE 1-10V / / DALI (-47) N/A MmA MmA MmA MmA N/A MmA N/A MmA N/A MmA N/A MmA mmA N/A MmA N/A MmA N/A MmA N/A MmA mmA N/A MmA RECESSED MODEL JISO (-29) ELT (-22) ELT TRAILING (-52) BOKE 1-10V / / DALI (-47) N/A N/A MmA N/A MmA N/A N/A MmA N/A 2 x x x MmA N/A 2 x x x MmA N/A 2 x N/A 2 x MmA N/A MmA N/A N/A MmA N/A MmA N/A N/A MmA N/A 2 x x x MmA N/A 2 x N/A 2 x MmA mmA N/A MmA MmA MmA INTERPRETATION OF THE WARRANTY MmA N/A MmA MmA Depending on the product, JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L. offers different periods of warranty (2, 3 or 5 years) that may affect to the complete product or just to the driver that goes incorporated. However, it must Ref. K W CLASE II 2years h 15º MmA be pointed out that the 3 or 5 years warranty are not added to the ELT No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,9 3 60º 1/ MmA N/A mmA N/A MmA N/A mmA N/A MmA N/A N/A MmA years basic warranty that has the fitting. During the first 2 years all the articles have the same warranty conditions. From the 3rd year, (we add 1 year in case of 3 years or 3 years in case of 5 years) the warranty is enlarged but with particular conditions JISO No Dimm. AC V 50/60Hz >0,5 2 60º 1/ ELT Trailing Edge AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/ BOKE AC V 50/60Hz >0, º 1/50 Picture 2. Table of features where it is possible to identify the commer MmA This information can be identified in the line of icons shown in the cial warranty of the driver and the icon of the warranty MmA MmA MmA mmA N/A MmA sheet where you will find also the table of specifications, with 2 years of warranty minimum. Therefore you will find, in picture 1, the icon regarding to the warranty period (2, 3 or 5 years) and, in picture 2, the column where it is In picture 2 is possible to see the icon for 2 years warranty products but, in the column of the driver warranty, in reference _-, for example, it is indicated 3 years. This must be understood as 2 years warranty of the complete product (fitting an driver), with MmA shown the commercial warranty of the driver according the features the conditions established in the Certificate of (constantly MmA MmA mmA N/A MmA N/A mmA N/A MmA of the driver used updated at the website of JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L.), but the driver has a 3 years Commercial, according particular conditions indicated in the Certificate of Commercial of the (constantly updated in the website of JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L.). Therefore, the product will have a warranty applied to the set and a MmA commercial warranty applied to the driver, with specific conditions, N/A N/A MmA Picture 1. Icons to identify the warranty period of each product depending on the driver or depending on the product MmA MmA policy is subject to the conditions provided at the website of JISO ILUMINACIÓN S.L. (/Garantia), mmA N/A MmA where it can be found the most updated information. Besides, ILUMI MmA MmA M NACIÓN S.L. reserves the right to make modifications at any time and without prior notice N/A MmA MmA MmA N/A MmA N/A MmA

179 ANNEXED Information LEGEND xxº CLASE II xxº xxº Máx. 50W RT2012 No eliminar con los residuos domésticos. Do not eliminate with the domestic wastes. Empresa adherida a ECOEMBES. Company adhered to ECOEMBES. Cumplimiento directiva 2002/95/CE de Restricción de ciertas Sustancias Peligrosas en aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos. Compliance with directive 2002/95/CE. Restriction of Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Indica el cumplimiento de acuerdo con las directivas de baja tensión compatibilidad electromagnética. Indicates the compliance with the low voltaje and electromagnetic compatibility. Luminarias no adecuadas para cubrirse con material aislante. Light should never be covered with any heat insulating material. Montaje empotrado. Luminaria prevista únicamente para instalarse en superficies NO combustlbles/inflamables. EN : Recessed assembly. Light to be installed on NOT combustible/inflammable surfaces only. EN : Montaje superficial. Luminaria prevista únicamente para instalarse en superficies NO combustlbles/inflamables. EN : Surface assembly. Light to be installed on NOT combustible/inflammable surfaces only. EN : Protección Clase II. Doble aislamiento Class II Protection. Double insulation. Protección Clase I. Toma-tierra Class I Protection. Earth plug. Protección Clase III. Baja tensión segur. Class III Protection. Low safety voltage. Ángulo de rotación, sobre eje central. Rotation angle. Ángulo de basculación, sobre eje central. Swivelling angle, over central main point. Ángulo de basculación interior sobre eje central. Interior angle of Swivel, over central main point. Potencia maxima de la lámpara. Maximum power of the lamp. Cet appareil répond aux exigences du label BBC (RT2012 France) 0 5m 111 Xyears h UGR 19 Formato bombilla dicroica MR16. Dichroic bulb MR16. Distancia mínima de seguridad entre la lámpara y una superficie inflamable. Minimal distance between the lamp and a inflammable surface. Bombilla halogena QR. 50W-70W-100W. Halogen lamp QR. 50W-70W-100W. Tipo de Portalámparas. Type of lampholder. Duración de la garantía. Consultar terminos y condiciones. Duration of the warranty. Consult terms and conditions. Vida útil de la luminaria funcionando en condiciones normales. Luminaire lifetime in normal conditions. Índice de reproducción cromática. rendering index Indice de protección contra humedad y partículas externas en la parte externa de la luminaria. Protection index against liquid and solid particles in the external face of the luminarie Solo bajo pedido. On request only. Luminaria con UGR < 19. Luminaire with UGR < 19. Eficiencia energétia entre A y A ++. Energy efficiency within A and A ++. Luminaria apta para uso en exteriores. Luminaire to be used outdoor. Luminaria apta para uso en interiores. Luminaire to be used indoor. Posibilidad de corte cada x metros. Option to cut every x meters. Capacidad por embalaje. Packing. Corte de empotramiento en mm. Recess in mm. Medida alto en mm. Height mm. Medida ancho en mm. Width mm. Condiciones Generales / General Conditions / Conditions Générales Todos los pedidos deberán ser formulados a JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L. por escrito vía fax o , quedando aceptadas por el comprador las condiciones descritas a continuación. La mercancía suministrada por la empresa, será propiedad de JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L. hasta el momento de pago, aunque dicha mercancía hubiese sido vendida a un tercero. Los plazos de entrega son aproximados y sin compromiso, JISO ILUMINACION, S.L. no admitirá demandas por daños y perjuicios por la demora en la entrega. El destinatario tiene la obligación de examinar la mercancía a su recepción y hacer constar las incidencias, si las hubiese, dentro del plazo de 24 horas, a JISO ILUMINACION, S.L., si el envío fue a portes pagados o bien a su agencia de transporte si fue a portes debidos. En caso de discrepancia entre el comprador y JISO ILUMINACION, S.L., ambas partes se someterán expresamente a los Juzgados y Tribunales de Valencia. Para la distribución y venta online de productos Jiso Iluminación, se precisa la autorización de la empresa. En caso contrario, la empresa se reserva el derecho de realizar cualquier acción legal y/o comercial. All orders sent to JISO ILUMINACION, S.L. are bound to the general sales conditions issued by the exporter, which will be accepted by the customer from the issue of his order. The goods are exclusive property of JISO ILUMINACION, S.L., until the full payment of the invoice amount even if the goods have been sold to a third part. All the goods supplied by JISO ILUMINACION, S.L. will be sent with incoterm EXW and at the customer s account and risk. Any other transport conditions will have to be previously agreed by both parts. The possible claims for damages, missing goods, etc. will have to be done during the next 24 hours from the receipt of the goods and duly written on the delivery note of the transport company. The sales are expressly under the legislation of the Convention for the International Sale of Goods of the UN (Vienna 1980) In case of dispute the parties shall go to the Arbitration Court of the Valencian Chamber of Commerce (Valencia-Spain). For online distribution and sales of Jiso Iluminación products, you must require the authorisation of the Company. Otherwise, the Company reserves reserves the rate to take any legal or commercial action. Toutes les commandes serons formulés à JISO ILUMINACION, S.L. et par êcrit, par fax ou par et c est compris que le client accepte les conditions dêcrites en suite. Les marchandises envoyées par notre entreprise, será propieté de JISO ILUMINACION, S.L. jusqu au moment d être payées; même si la marchandise auriait eté vendu à un troisieme. Les delais de livrasion sont seulement aproximatifs et informatifs, sans autres engagement. JISO ILUMINACION, S.L. n accepterà pas des demandes par des dommages et intérêts par ce concepte. Le destinataire est obligé d examiner les marchandises au moment de la réception. Toute détérioration survenue lors du transport devra être communiquée dans un délai maximal de 24 heures après reception de la merchandise et mentionnée sur le bon de livrasion de l agence. Les ventes sont reglementées sous les Lois de la Convention International pour la vente des marchandises de UN (Vienne, 1980). En cas de disputes, les parts en divergence doivent aller à la Court d Arbitrage de la Chambre de Commerce de Valencia (Espagne). Pour la distribution de vente en ligne des produits Jiso Iluminacion, vous devez solliciter l autorisation de la société. Dans les cas contraire, l entreprise se réserve le droit de réaliser toute action commerciale et/ou légale. Información General / General Information / Information Générale Todos los modelos presentados en este catálogo, cumplen las normas exigidas por la C.E. para aparatos de iluminación. La empresa se reserva el derecho de anular o modificar cualquier modelo sin previo aviso. Las descripciones y medidas de las luminarias y accesorios del presente catálogo son orientativas, pudiendo ser modificadas a fin de mejorar las características técnicas o de diseño. Para una buena conservación de las luminarias, no usar bombillas de potencia superior a las recomendadas y limpiar simplemente con un paño seco. No usar limpia metales, ya que pueden dañar la protección que garantiza la duración del acabado. Los acabados y especificaciones técnicas corresponden a los productos que se suministran en Europa, pudiendo éstos variar en otros mercados. En las luminarias en las que no se incluye el transformador o equipo de funcionamiento necesario, si éste no se solicita y suministra junto con la luminaria, ésta no estará sometida a la Directiva de Compatibilidad Electromagnética (EMC) y la responsabilidad final en cuanto a su cumplimiento recae en el instalador. All ítems meet the E.C. safety regulations. We reserve the right to cancel or change all models without prior notice. The descriptions and dimensions of the items in this catalogue are indicative and may be modified for the purpose of technical or design improvements. Do not use stronger bulbs than recommended, and always clean lamps with a soft dry cloth alone since metal polish will damage the protection. The finishes and technical specifications listed here are for the European market and may vary elsewhere. The necessary transformer or switchgear is not included with the luminaries, unless it has been requested and supplied with the luminary. The luminary will not be subject to the Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) directive) and ultimate responsibility as regards compliance lies with the fitter. Tou les modèles présentés sont conformes aux normes exigées par la C.E. L usine se réserve le droit d annuler ou modifier l un ou l autre de ses modèles sans avis préalable. Les descriptions et mesures des appareils de ce catalogue sont données à titre d orientation, pouvant être modifiées dans le but d améliorer les caractéristiques techniques ou de design. Ne pas utilitser d ampoules d une puissance supérierure à celle recommandeé. Pour un bon entretien, utiliser simplement un chiffon sec. N utilisez aucun produit pour métaux, ils abîment le protecteur. Les finitions et spécifications techniques correspondent à la demande du marché européen. Elles peuvent être modifieés pour d autres pays. Les luminaires n incluant pas le transformateur ou le dispositif de fonctionnement nécessaire ne sont pas soumis à la Directive de compatibilité électromagnétique (CEM) si ces dispositifs ne sont pas sollicités et livrés avec le produit, tandis que la responsabilité finale en termes de conformité incombe à l installateur.

180 GRADOS DE PROTECCIÓN El grado de protección especificado para cada luminaria fabricada por JISO ILUMINACIÓN, según métodos de ensayo normalizados, está representada con el código que está formado por dos números de una cifra cada uno y que son independientes uno del otro. Esté código se encuentra descrito en la norma UNE 20324, que es equivalente a la norma europea EN Mediante la primera cifra característica, indica la protección de las personas contra el acceso a partes peligrosas, limitando o impidiendo la penetración de una parte del cuerpo humano o de un objeto cogido por una persona y, garantizando simultáneamente, la protección del equipo contra la penetración de cuerpos sólidos extraños, mediante la segunda cifra característica nos indica la protección del equipo en el interior de la envolvente contra los efectos perjudiciales debidos a la penetración de agua. TABLA 1 GRADOS DE PROTECCIÓN INDICADOS POR LA PRIMERA CIFRA CARACTERÍSTICA X 0 No protegido. 1 Protegido contra cuerpos sólidos mayores de 50mm. 2 Protegido contra cuerpos sólidos mayores de 12 mm. 3 Protegido contra cuerpos sólidos mayores de 2,5mm. 4 Protegido contra cuerpos sólidos mayores de 1mm. 5 Protegido contra la penetración de polvo. 6 Totalmente estanco al polvo TABLA 2 GRADOS DE PROTECCIÓN INDICADOS POR LA SEGUNDA CIFRA CARACTERÍSTICA X 0 No protegido. 1 Protegida contra la caída vertical de gotas de agua. 2 Protegida contra caída de gotas de agua inclinación máx. de 15º. 3 Protegida contra la lluvia fina (pulverizada). 4 Protegida contra las proyecciones de agua. 5 Protegida contra los chorros de agua. 6 Protegido contra fuertes chorros de agua o contra la mar gruesa. 7 Protegido contra los efectos de la inmersión. 8 Protegido contra la inmersión prolongada. DEGREES OF PROTECTION The degrees of protection the light provides against the ingress of dust and moisture is classified according to the Ingress Protection () System. The protection degrees for each type of light we manufacture tells you the type of protection that we guarantee when a light comes in contact with either solid foreign bodies or from the ingress of moisture. This code is described in the Norm UNE 20324, which is equivalent to the European Norm EN TABLE 1 DEGREES OF PROTECTION FIRST CHARACTERISTIC NUMBER X 0 No-protection. 1 Protection against solid objects > 50mm. 2 Protection against solid objects > 12 mm. 3 Protection against solid objects > 2,5mm. 4 Protection against solid objects > 1mm. 5 Dust-protected. 6 Dust-tight. TABLE 2 DEGREE OF PROTECTION SECOND CHARACTERISTIC NUMBER X 0 No-protection. 1 Protection against dripping water. 2 Protection against dripping water tilted > 15 deg. 3 Protection against rain. 4 Protection against spraying water. 5 Protection against water jet. 6 Protection against heavy seas. 7 Protection against the effects of immersion. 8 Protection against submersion. Acabados / Finishing / Couleurs 00 Blanco / White Blanc / 01 Negro / Black Noir / 04 Aluminio / / 05 INOX / 16 Cromo Mate / Matt Chrome Chrome Mat / 69 Wengué / Wengue Wengué / 09 Oro Técnico / Technical Gold Or technique / 10 Oro / Gold Or / 11 Cromo / Chrome Chrome / 12 Niquel Satinado / Brus. Nickel Nickel Satiné / 13 Cuero Satinado / Brus. Antique Cuir Satiné / Blanc Technique / 92 Pan de Plata / Silver Leaf Feuille d Argent / 93 Pan de Oro / Gold Leaf Feuille d Or / - Normativas CE. EN , EN , EN-60529, EN , EN-55015, EN , EN Reference Page Watts Degree Diam. Cut Type Installation Tecnology swivel recessed COB *80*70 - fixed surface SMD *80*70 - fixed surface SMD *80*70 - fixed surface SMD m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile recessed w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface/recessed w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology m. - profile surface w/o technology *135*40 - swivel surface SMD *182*45 - swivel surface SMD *230*55 - swivel surface SMD *286*62 - swivel surface SMD fixed recessed COB 931D V máx.50w directional recessed w/o technology 941D V máx.50w * directional recessed w/o technology fixed pendant SMD fixed pendant SMD *289* - swivel surface SMD *314*99 - swivel surface SMD *370*123 - swivel surface SMD *170 - directional trimless COB *170 - directional trimless COB *120 - fixed surface SMD *180 - fixed surface SMD *220 - fixed surface SMD fixed surface SMD fixed surface SMD fixed surface SMD fixed surface SMD fixed Surface SMD fixed Surface SMD fixed Surface SMD fixed Surface SMD fixed Surface SMD fixed Surface SMD fixed Surface SMD *120 - fixed Surface SMD *170 - fixed Surface SMD *225 - fixed Surface SMD *300 - fixed Surface SMD *170 - swivel Surface COB *170 - swivel Surface COB directional surface COB * fixed surface SMD * fixed Surface SMD *595 - fixed surface SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed Recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD * *105 fixed recessed SMD * *165 fixed recessed SMD * *210 fixed recessed SMD * fixed recessed SMD * fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD

181 Reference Page Watts Degree Diam. Cut Type Installation Tecnology fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD *100 * fixed recessed SMD * *145 fixed recessed SMD * *200 fixed recessed SMD directional recessed COB directional recessed COB directional recessed COB fixed recessed COB fixed recessed COB fixed Recessed COB fixed Recessed COB *82 75*75 fixed recessed COB *105 95*95 fixed Recessed COB * *120 fixed Recessed COB * *145 fixed Recessed COB fixed Recessed SMD fixed Reccesed SMD * *105 fixed recessed SMD * *165 fixed recessed SMD * *210 fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed COB fixed recessed COB fixed recessed COB wallwasher recessed COB swivel recessed COB swivel recessed COB swivel recessed COB swivel recessed COB fixed recessed COB+SMD fixed recessed COB+SMD fixed recessed COB+SMD * *110 fixed recessed COB+SMD * *130 fixed recessed COB+SMD * *160 fixed recessed COB+SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed COB fixed recessed COB fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD swivel recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD fixed recessed SMD * 78*78 fixed recessed SMD * *130 fixed recessed SMD * *210 fixed recessed SMD directional recessed COB directional recessed COB * *100 directional recessed COB * *135 directional recessed COB * *92 directional recessed COB * *1 directional recessed COB * *250 directional recessed COB directional recessed/trimless COB directional recessed/trimless COB *92 115*115 directional recessed/trimless COB * *150 directional recessed/trimless COB *92 205*115 directional recessed/trimless COB * *150 directional recessed/trimless COB rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD Reference Page Watts Degree Diam. Cut Type Installation Tecnology rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD 104D V máx.50w *82 75 fixed recessed w/o technology 105D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 106D V máx.50w *82 65 fixed recessed w/o technology 107D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 1DH safety connector accessory w/o technology 1DH safety connector accessory w/o technology 1LHF bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHG bulb - COB 1LHX bulb - COB 1LHX bulb - COB 1LHX bulb - COB 1PHB lamp holder accessory w/o technology 1PHG lamp holder accessory w/o technology 1RLD V máx.50w swivel recessed w/o technology 221D V máx.50w * swivel recessed w/o technology 226D V máx.50w * swivel recessed w/o technology 2RLD V máx.50w * swivel recessed w/o technology 425D V máx.50w swivel recessed w/o technology 431D V máx.50w swivel recessed w/o technology 438D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 4D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 510D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 511D V máx.50w *82 75*75 fixed recessed w/o technology D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 604D V máx.50w *82 75 swivel recessed w/o technology 605D V máx.50w * swivel recessed w/o technology 630D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 631D V máx.50w fixed recessed w/o technology 634D V máx.50w swivel recessed w/o technology 635D V máx.50w swivel recessed w/o technology 639D V máx.50w swivel recessed w/o technology 700P m. - profile surface w/o technology 703D V máx.50w adjustble recessed w/o technology 704D V máx.50w * adjustble recessed w/o technology 724D V máx.50w *92 160*82 adjustble recessed w/o technology 014 RGB rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD 019 RGB+W rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD 019 Tuneable rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD RGB rolls 5 m. - strip light surface SMD DC * *615 Embedding frame accessory w/o technology DC *650 - surface frame accessory w/o technology DC *595*40 - Acc. UGR/Ambience accessory w/o technology DC * *315 Embedding frame accessory w/o technology DC *305 - surface frame accessory w/o technology DC * surface frame accessory w/o technology DC * *615 Embedding frame accessory w/o technology DC *650 - surface frame accessory w/o technology DC * surface frame accessory w/o technology DC *595 - pendant acc. accessory w/o technology DC *5 - set acc. accessory w/o technology DC small round trim accessory w/o technology DC round trim accessory w/o technology DC *250200* *240 square trim accessory w/o technology DCCONDEN condenser accessory w/o technology DCCONTACT relay accessory w/o technology

182 JISO ILUMINACIÓN, S.L. Cno. Viejo de Buñol, 6 (Polígono Industrial La Pahilla) Apartado de Correos Chiva - Valencia - Spain Fax: NACIONAL: Tel.: EXPORT: Tel.:

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