Advantech Windows Application Hand on Lab

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1 Advantech Windows Application Hand on Lab

2 Lab : Serial Port Communication Objectives After completing this lab, you will be able to: Create an application to open, initialize the serial port, and use it to transmit data to another computer. Prerequisites Before working on this lab, you must have: Familiarity with Win32 programming. Estimated time to complete this lab: 30 minutes 1

3 Exercise Implementing Serial Communication In this exercise, you will create a new application to communicate with another computer through serial port. To create a new application. 1. Start evc++ v On the File menu, click New. 3. On the Projects tab, click WCE Application. 4. Specify the project name as Serial. 5. From the CPU s list, select only the processor you wish to use. For this lab, use Win32 (WCE x86). 2

4 6. Click OK. 7. Select the A typical Hello World application and click Finish. 8. On the New Project Information window, click OK. 3

5 To modify the Serial application 1. In this demo, we want to create an application to transmit data to another computer through serial port. For this purpose, we have created a simple serial library for you to use. 2. Copy SerLib.cpp and SerLib.h from \Lab\ to your project directory. For example, C:\Lab\Serial\. 3. Select the FileView tab in the Workspace window. Navigate to the Source Files folder. 4. Right Click on the Source Files item, a menu will popup. Select Add Files to Folder. 4

6 5. A dialog box Insert Files into Project - will appear. Select SerLib.cpp and click OK to add this file into source files. 5

7 6. Right Click on the Header Files item, a menu will popup. Select Add Files to Folder. 6

8 7. A dialog box Insert Files into Project - will appear. Select SerLib.cpp and click OK to add this file into header files. 8. Double click on the Serial.cpp file to open it in the editor. 9. Include the header file SerLib.h into your source code as follows. #include "SerLib.h" 10. Select the ClassView tab in the Workspace window. Navigate to the Globals folder. 11. Double click on the WndProc item to change caret location. 7

9 12. Add a static handle variable for serial port. It s for use in the library we provide. static HANDLE hcomdev; 13. We need to initialize serial port when program starts and close it when program terminate, so we add code to the WM_CREATE message switch statement and to the WM_DESTROY message switch statement. case WM_CREATE: hwndcb = CommandBar_Create(hInst, hwnd, 1); CommandBar_InsertMenubar(hwndCB, hinst, IDM_MENU, 0); CommandBar_AddAdornments(hwndCB, 0, 0); InitRs232 (TEXT("COM1:"), &hcomdev); break; case WM_DESTROY: CloseHandle (hcomdev); CommandBar_Destroy(hwndCB); PostQuitMessage(0); break; 14. Finally, when we get keyboard input, we send the character through the serial port. To do this, we add a new WM_CHAR message switch statement as follows. case WM_CHAR: TransmitCommChar(hComDev, wparam); break; 8

10 To build the application 1. On the WCE Configuration toolbar, in the Active WCE Configuration dropdown, make sure your SDK name is selected. You can also set the SDK by clicking the Set Active Platform option from the Build menu. 9

11 2. To verify that you are building a DEBUG x86 application, from the Set Active Configuration dropdown, select Win32 (WCE x86) Debug. You can also set this by selecting the Set Active Configuration option from the Build menu. To build the application, on the Build menu, click Build Serial.exe. 10

12 To download the application 1. To start the executable, click Execute Serial.exe. The platform builder will notify you to launch CEMGRC.EXE on the device. 2. On the target device, run CMD.exe to get a console window. 3. In the console window, execute cemgrc /S /T:TCPIPC.DLL /Q /D: :5000 you should modify the ip according to the host ip shown on the platform builder. 4. On the platform builder, Manual Server Action, click OK. The application should download to the target and launch 11

13 5. On host computer, open hyper terminal and create an new session to com1, with settings N1. 6. On the target device, click any character and see if the character shown on the host. 12

14 Lab : Using Registry Objectives After completing this lab, you will be able to: Create an application to read data from registry and write data to registry. Prerequisites Before working on this lab, you must have: Familiarity with Win32 programming. Estimated time to complete this lab: 30 minutes 1

15 Exercise Implementing Registry In this exercise, you will create a new application to read data from registry and write data to registry. To create a new application. 1. Start evc++ v On the File menu, click New. 3. On the Projects tab, click WCE Application. 4. Specify the project name as Registry. 5. From the CPU s list, select only the processor you wish to use. For this lab, use Win32 (WCE x86). 2

16 6. Click OK. 7. Select the A typical Hello World application and click Finish. 8. On the New Project Information window, click OK. 3

17 To modify the Registry application 1. To demo the registry read/write function, we want to create a registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\LabReg and a value Count to retain a counter. When we want to increase the counter, we read the Count value from registry, increase it by one, and then write it back to the registry. 2. Select the ResourceView tab in the Workspace window. Navigate to the Menu folder. 3. Double Click on the IDM_MENU item to open it in the editor. 4

18 4. Click on the File item, then the menu will expand. Click on the Exit item, and press INS key to add a new empty one. 5

19 5. Double click on the new empty item, and a dialog box will popup. Enter IDM_FILE_INC as ID, and &Increase as Caption. 6

20 6. Repeat again to add a Reset item. Enter IDM_FILE_RESET as ID, and &Reset as Caption. 7. Now to modify the source code. First, we would like to change window attribute to WS_OVERLAPPED and size to 320x240. Select the ClassView tab in the Workspace window. Navigate to the Globals folder. 7

21 8. Double Click on the InitInstance item to open it in the editor. 9. The following is the code for the case modified. hwnd = CreateWindow(szWindowClass, sztitle, WS_OVERLAPPED, CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT, 320, 240, NULL, NULL, hinstance, NULL); 10. Double Click on the WndProc item to change location in the editor. 11. Add variables for registry operation, function return value and counter. 8

22 12. The following is the code for the case added. HDC hdc; int wmid, wmevent; PAINTSTRUCT ps; TCHAR szhello[max_loadstring]; HKEY hkey; DWORD dwret, len = sizeof(int); static int Count; 13. Add new message switch statement for IDM_FILE_INC and IDM_FILE_RESET that we created in the resource. Because the behavior of these two functions are similar, we write it in the same switch statement. 14. The following is the code for the case added. case IDM_FILE_INC: case IDM_FILE_RESET: RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\LabReg"), 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &hkey, &dwret); if (hkey) { if(wmid==idm_file_inc) { RegQueryValueEx (hkey, TEXT("Count"), NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)&Count, &len); ++ Count; } else Count = 0; RegSetValueEx (hkey, TEXT("Count"), 0, REG_DWORD, (const BYTE *)&Count, sizeof(count)); RegCloseKey (hkey); } InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, true); break; 9

23 15. To let this application can show correct value when it start, we need to modify the WM_CREATE message switch statement. case WM_CREATE: hwndcb = CommandBar_Create(hInst, hwnd, 1); CommandBar_InsertMenubar(hwndCB, hinst, IDM_MENU, 0); CommandBar_AddAdornments(hwndCB, 0, 0); RegCreateKeyEx (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, TEXT("Software\\LabReg"), 0, NULL, 0, 0, NULL, &hkey, &dwret); if (hkey) { RegQueryValueEx (hkey, TEXT("Count"), NULL, NULL, (BYTE *)&Count, &len); RegCloseKey (hkey); } InvalidateRect (hwnd, NULL, true); break; 16. Finally, modify the WM_PAINT message switch statement to show the counter value. case WM_PAINT: RECT rt; hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); GetClientRect(hWnd, &rt); wsprintf (szhello, TEXT("%d"), Count); DrawText(hdc, szhello, _tcslen(szhello), &rt, DT_SINGLELINE DT_VCENTER DT_CENTER); EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); break; 10

24 To build the application 1. On the WCE Configuration toolbar, in the Active WCE Configuration dropdown, make sure your SDK name is selected. You can also set the SDK by clicking the Set Active Platform option from the Build menu. 11

25 2. To verify that you are building a DEBUG x86 application, from the Set Active Configuration dropdown, select Win32 (WCE x86) Debug. You can also set this by selecting the Set Active Configuration option from the Build menu. To build the application, on the Build menu, click Build Registry.exe. 12

26 To download the application 1. To start the executable, click Execute Registry.exe. The platform builder will notify you to launch CEMGRC.EXE on the device. 2. On the target device, run CMD.exe to get a console window. 3. In the console window, execute cemgrc /S /T:TCPIPC.DLL /Q /D: :5000 you should modify the ip according to the host ip shown on the platform builder. 4. On the platform builder, Manual Server Action, click OK. The application should download to the target and 13

27 launch 5. On the target device, click on the menu, and use Increase and Reset the watch the action of read/write registry. 6. Close and re-execute the same program, and to see if the last counter value is retained. 14

28 Lab : Thread, Critical Section Objectives After completing this lab, you will be able to: Create and use threads in your application. Use critical section to synchronize multiple threads Prerequisites Before working on this lab, you must have: Familiarity with Win32 programming. Estimated time to complete this lab: 30 minutes 1

29 Exercise Implementing Threads In this exercise, you will create a new application with three threads to claim for a single critical section. To create a new application. 1. Start evc++ v On the File menu, click New. 3. On the Projects tab, click WCE Application. 4. Specify the project name as Thread. 5. From the CPU s list, select only the processor you wish to use. For this lab, use Win32 (WCE x86). 2

30 6. Click OK. 7. Select the A typical Hello World application and click Finish. 8. On the New Project Information window, click OK. 3

31 To modify the Thread application 1. Select the FileView tab in the Workspace window. Navigate to the Source Files folder. 2. Double Click on the Thread.cpp file to open it in the editor. 3. We need to add some definitions and global variables in the beginning of file. They are for critical section, font and window handle. 4

32 4. The following is the code for the case added. #define MAX_LOADSTRING 100 #define DEMOINTERVAL 500 // Global Variables: HINSTANCE hinst; HWND hwndcb; // The current instance // The command bar handle CRITICAL_SECTION GlobalCriticalSection; DWORD g_dwcsowner; // ID of thread that currently owns Critical Section. HFONT g_hfont; HWND g_hwnd; // Forward declarations of functions included in this code module: ATOM MyRegisterClass (HINSTANCE, LPTSTR); BOOL InitInstance (HINSTANCE, int); LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); LRESULT CALLBACK About (HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); DWORD WINAPI DemoThread(LPVOID lpparameter); 5. Select the ClassView tab in the Workspace window. Navigate to the WndProc callback function. 5

33 6. Double Click on the WndProc function to switch the file location. 7. We don t need szhello any more, delete it. Add some variables needed to the same place. 8. The following is the code for the case modified. HDC hdc; int wmid, wmevent; PAINTSTRUCT ps; DWORD dwthreadid; int x; TCHAR szbuffer[50]; 6

34 9. Create threads and critical section in message switch statement WM_CREATE. This message will be called when the window is created. case WM_CREATE: hwndcb = CommandBar_Create(hInst, hwnd, 1); CommandBar_InsertMenubar(hwndCB, hinst, IDM_MENU, 0); CommandBar_AddAdornments(hwndCB, 0, 0); g_hwnd=hwnd; CreateDemoStuff( ); InitializeCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection); for(x=0; x<3;x++) { CreateThread (NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DemoThread, (LPVOID)(x+1), 0, &dwthreadid); } break; 10. Modify WM_PAINT message switch statement to show the thread which currently own the critical section. This message will be called when the window need to be refresh. case WM_PAINT: hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps); SelectObject(ps.hdc,g_hFont); for (x=0;x < 3;x++) { wsprintf(szbuffer,l"criticalsection - Thread %d",x+1); ExtTextOut(ps.hdc, 30, (x+1)*30, ETO_OPAQUE, NULL, szbuffer, lstrlen(szbuffer), NULL); } ExtTextOut(ps.hdc, 0, g_dwcsowner*30, ETO_OPAQUE, NULL, L">>", 2, NULL); EndPaint(hWnd, &ps); break; 7

35 11. In WM_CREATE message switch statement, we call CreateDemoStuff function. This is not win32 api but our routine to change font and font size. 12. To implement it, add the following code to the end of file. void CreateDemoStuff( ) { LOGFONT lf; } memset(&lf,0x00,sizeof(logfont)); lf.lfheight=24; wcscpy(lf.lffacename,l"arial"); g_hfont=createfontindirect(&lf); 13. Finally, to implement the thread routine. Each thread try to get into the critical section, and do something, then leave the critical section. 14. The following is the code for the case added. DWORD WINAPI DemoThread(LPVOID lpparameter) { DWORD dwthreadid=(dword)lpparameter; while(true) { EnterCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection); g_dwcsowner=dwthreadid; InvalidateRect(g_hWnd,NULL,TRUE); Sleep(dwThreadID*DEMOINTERVAL); LeaveCriticalSection(&GlobalCriticalSection); } } return 0L; 8

36 To build the application 1. On the WCE Configuration toolbar, in the Active WCE Configuration dropdown, make sure your SDK name is selected. You can also set the SDK by clicking the Set Active Platform option from the Build menu. 9

37 2. To verify that you are building a DEBUG x86 application, from the Set Active Configuration dropdown, select Win32 (WCE x86) Debug. You can also set this by selecting the Set Active Configuration option from the Build menu. To build the application, on the Build menu, click Build Thread.exe. To download the application 1. To start the executable, click Execute Thread.exe. The platform builder will notify you to launch 10

38 CEMGRC.EXE on the device. 2. On the target device, run CMD.exe to get a console window. 3. In the console window, execute cemgrc /S /T:TCPIPC.DLL /Q /D: :5000 you should modify the ip according to the host ip shown on the platform builder. 4. On the platform builder, Manual Server Action, click OK. The application should download to the target and launch 5. The application will show the thread which is in critical section, and switch to and fro continuously. 11

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