omit A ] omit E, + (superlinear) A 1:17 Vs. 17 found only in mss DG 1:25 ] omit BDEFG ABDEFG ] omit D

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1 1:1 ] omit C 1:2 ] DEFG ] BEF 1:3 ] BDEFG 2 ] EF 1:4 ] ABDG ] ABDG ] ABDG ] omit A 1:5 ] omit A ] omit ABDEFG ] ABCDEFG 1:6 1,2 ] + A ] ABCDG ] F 1:8 1,2 ] B 2 ] EF ] EF 1:9 1 ] + ADG 1:10 1 ] omit EF 2 ] + G ] A, EF 1:11 ] A, EF ] A... ] omit EF 1:12 Beginning] + ADG ] A 1,2 ] A 1:13 ] ABDEFG 2 ] + DG 1:14 Beginning] + DG ] ABDEFG ] omit E, + (superlinear) A 1:15 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 1:16 ] ABDEFG ] + ABCDEFG ] A, DEFG ] ABDFG, E 1:17 Vs. 17 found only in mss DG 1:18... ] found only in mss DG ] G ] A 1:19 ] ABDEFGH ] 2 1 AH 1:20 ] ABEFG ] omit A ] BCDEFG 1:21 ] A ] A 1:22 " ] ' AB " ] G 1:23 ] A 1:24 ] omit G " ] F " ] G 1:25 ] omit BDEFG 2:1 ] BDEFG ] + A 2:2 ] + G ] A, BCDFG, D ] A 2:3 ] A 2:4 ] omit G ] A, B, D, E, F, G ] ABDEF, G 2:5 ] BDEFG ] A, BCDEFG 2:6 1 ] omit AB, DEFG (marg) 2,3 ] BDEFG ] ABDEFG ] omit D

2 2:7 ] 2 1 EF ] A, D ] read ] omit EF 2:8 ] + F ] AF ] A ] F ] A ] G 2:9 ] E, F 2:11 ] ADEF, BCG ] ABDEFG, C ] B ] EF ] ABDG ] omit EF 2:12... ] ABDEFG... ] ABDEFG 2:13 ] + DGH ] EF ] + DGH + DG ] ABCDEF, G 2:14 Beginning] + D (marg) G ] + A, DG 2:15 ] D ] G 2:16 ] DGH ] 2 1 ADEFG 2 ] D ] DH, + G 2:17 ] omit ABDEFGH ] omit FH 2:18 ] omit G... ] omit F ] + A 2:19 ] omit ABDEFG 2:20 ] A, BDG, 3 1 EF 2:21 " ] " ABDEFG 2:22 ] DG ] A, B ] BF, omit D ] ] G ] + A ] + A ] B 2:23 ] A, B, EF, CDG ] + A ] A, B, EF 3:1 ] BCDEFG 3:3 " ] ' A ] omit ABEFG... ] omit G 3:4 ] EF ] + ABDG ] G ] + ABDEF, + G 3:5 ] EF ] BDG ] A, FG 3:6 ] omit ABDEFG ] G ] + B 3:7 ] ADEFG ] ADEFG ] ABDEFG ] A,

3 DG, EF ] ABDEFG ] G 3:8 ] + DG ] ABDEFG 3:9 ] A, BDEFG 3:10... ] omit Brit. Lib. ms & C, Text = ABDEFG ] DG ] + A ] B ] D ] omit A ] omit AB, EFG ] + A, BDEFG ] A ] + G ] ABDEFG ] omit ABDEF... ] ABDEFG 3:11 ] EF ] DEF ] + ABDG, + EF ] ABCDEFG 3:12 ] D ] + ABDEFG 3:13 ] B 3:14 ] EF ] A 3:15 ] ABDEFG ] ADEFG, + BC 3:16 ] EF ] G ] + G ] A 3:17 ] ABDEFG ] G 4:1 ] B 4:3 ] ABDEFG ] omit DEF ] A, G ] A 4:4 ] A ] omit G ] + ABCDEF ] + ABEFG, D 4:5 ] G 4:6 ] EF ] ABDEF, G ' ] ABDEF... ] omit G ] + A ' BDEF 4:7 ] G ] + A, + " BDEFG ] + BEF ] A 4:8 ] + G 4:9 ] A, BDEFG 4:10 ] ADEFG ] AC, B, DFG ] ADEFG 4:11 ] ABCDEFG 4:12 ] + F ] omit A, B 4:13 ] omit F ] A, BD, C, F, G ] A ] A, B, D, FG, ]

4 BG, omit D ] AD, B, C, F G 4:14 ] ABEF ] omit FG 4:15 ] omit AEF 4:18 ] ADEFG ] omit A, B, CDEFG ] omit A, BG ] A, BDEFG ] A, BCDEFG ] BDG 4:19 ] A ] ADEFG ] AG, BDEF 4:21 ] omit G ] ACEF, DG ] A, BC, EF ] ADEFG, B, C ] ABDG, EF ] + ABDG 4:22 ] + G 4:23 ] A, DG ] AB ] omit DG ] AB, omit EF ] BG ] A DEG F ] AEF, BDG 4:24 ] B, ] B 4:25 ] + ABCDEFG ] A ] A, G ] AB G ] A, EFG ] A 5:1 ] ABDEFG 5:2 ] omit EF 5:3 Whole vs] omit Brit. Lib. ms BCDEFG; text = A 5:4 vs 4] omit G; placed after vs 5 A ] A 5:5 vs 5] omit Brit. Lib. ms BCDEFG; text = A 5:6 vs 6] omit all mss 5:7 vs 7] omit all mss 5:8 vs 8] omit G ] A 5:9 ] G ] A 5:12 ] G ] EF, G ] omit EFG ] + A 5:13 ] A ] A ] AEF ] ABDEF; omit G 5:15 ] B ] DEFG 5:17 ] omit EF ] A + D

5 5:18 ] omit D ] A; + BCDEFG ] A ] A ] B ] B ] A 5:19 ] + A ] ABCDEFG ] ABDEFG ] D ] ABDEFG 5:22 ] EF ] A ] ADG BEF ] ABEF ABCEFG 5:23 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 5:24 1,2 ] ABDEFG ] 2 1 A ] omit ABDEFG ] EF 5:25 ] ADEFG B ] A 5:26 ] ABDG, EF ] G 5:27 ] omit D 5:28 ] EF ] ABDEFG ] BDEFGH 5:29 ] EF ] AD ] AB ] A, B 5:30 ] B, CEF ] ABDEFG, C 5:31 ] DEFG ] AEFH, CDG ] omit DG ] omit A vs vs 31 ] vs 32 vs 31 (hap) F ] ADG, BE... ] omit H ] ' A, E 5:32... ] omit F (hap. see vs 31) ] GH... ] omit A ] omit DGH 5:33 ] B ] EF ] EF 5:34 ] A, G ] ABDEFGH 5:35 ] BD ] G ] BDEFG ] ABEFG ] A... ] omit (hap) D 5:36 ] ABEFG; omit (hap. see vs 35) D ] G 5:37 Beginning] + D ] A ] ADEF, omit BG ] BEF ] D 5:38 ] H ] omit (hap) EF 5:39 ] ABDEFGH ] omit (hap) DGH ] G 5:40 ] C ] A, B, CDGH, EF ] B, H 5:41 ] ABDEFG ] ABDG

6 5:44 ] B ] A... ] omit BDEFG ] A ] H ] A ] A ] A 5:45 Beginning] + (Dit) BDEFG ] G ] A 5:46 ] AC ] + A ] + G ] A 5:47 vs 47] omit all mss 5:48 ] ABCDEFG 6:1 ] A, B 6:2 ] ABDEF, G ] A ] A, BDG, EF ] ABC(?)DEFG ] G 6:4 ] ABDEFG 6:5 ] EF ] omit C ] ABD ] ABEF, DG ] DG 6:6 ] B ] B ] omit A ] + G 6:7 ] A 6:8 ] AB(?)EF, DG ] A ] + EF ] EF 6:9 ] + A ] omit DG ] EF 6:10 ] D 6:11... ] A, B, D, EF ] omit G ] C ] + G 6:12 1 ] omit ABDEFG 6:13 ] B ] ADE 6:14 ] ABDEFG... ] G 6:15 ] omit G ] ABD, omit EF ] omit G 6:16 ] omit A ] EF ] B ] D ] ABFG, DE ] + A 6:17 ] C 6:18 ] ABDEFG ] + A ] F 6:20 ] omit H 6:21 ] A ] + A, BDEFG

7 6:22 ] AB ] A, omit EF, G... ] ABCDEFG 6:23 Beginning] + ABDEFG, + C ] ABCDEFG... ] ABDEFG 6:24 ] + A ] D ] + B ] + A, G 6:25 ] EF ] A ] A ] omit B, EF ] A 6:26 ] DG ] ABDEF, G ] ABDEFG 6:27 ] EF ] EF ] G 6:28 ] A, BC, DG, omit EF ] ABDFG 6:29 ] B ] ADEFG 6:30 ] EF ] B ] A ] A ] B ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 6:33 ] DG ] A, G 6:34 Beginning] + ABDEFG ] ADEF, B 7:1 ] DG 7:2... ] omit B (hap) ] E ] ABCDEFG 7:3 ] BEF ] C 7:4 ] EF ] ABDEFG 7:5 1 ] AD, EFG ] DEFG " ] DEFG ] omit G ] G 7:6 ] + A ] BD ] AEF, BDGH ] A, H ] ADGH, EF 1 ] omit EF, H ] A, C 2 ] omit ADEFG 7:7 ] A 7:8 ] G ] B 7:9 ] + ABDEFG 7:10 ] + A 7:11 ] AEF, DG ] A, BDEFG ] ABDEFG 7:12 ] EF 7:13 ] G ] EF ] A, DEFG ] EF

8 7:14 ] 2 1 ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] AG, BDEF ] ABDEFG 7:15 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 7:16 ] G 7:17 ] omit D 7:18... ] omit C (hap) 1 ] EF 1.2 ] G 7:19 ] omit A, BDEFG ] BD 7:20 ] A 7:21 ] G... ] omit B (hap) ] + DEFG 2 ] + G 2 ] omit A, G 7:22 ] ABDEFG ] EF ] EF ] omit C ] ABDEFG 7:23 ] ABDEFG 7:24 ] ABCDEFGH 7:25 ] AH 7:26 ] EF 7:27 ] ACDEFG ] omit H ] H ] ABCDEFG, omit H 7:28 ] EF ] AH ] AH, BD ] H ] omit C ] ABCDEFGH 7:29 ] + ABDEFG ] 2 1 A 8:1 ] + A ] G 8:2 ] omit B ] D ] + A ] B 8:3 ] omit G ] DEF ] + A, + BDEFG 8:4 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 8:5 ] ACDG ] AEF 8:6 ] + G ] A ] ACDEFG ] A, B, DG (?) EF 8:7 ] ABCDEFG 8:8 ] + G ] omit G ] ABDEFG 8:9 ] ABDEF... ] ABDEF ] omit A ] + ABD, EF ] omit BEF 8:10 ] G ] omit EF ] omit G ] 2 1 A ] omit AG ] + ABDEFG

9 8:11 ] ABDEFG ] A, DEFG ] EFG ] omit EF 8:12 ] ABDEFG ] BDG, EF ] B ] ABDEFG 8:13 ] B ] B ] G ] G ] G 8:14 ] A ] ABDEFG 8:15 ] EF ] ADEFG 8:16 ] G ] A ] + A ] AEFG ] ABDEFG ] omit EF 8:17 " ] ABDEFG " ] omit A ] C 8:19 ] EF 8:20 ] G 8:21 ] ABDEF ] omit A 8:22 ] " G ] + A ] B 8:23 ] ABCDEFG 8:24 ] omit EF ] ABDEFG ] G 8:25 ] ABDEFG 8:26 ] A ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] omit A 8:27 ] omit G ] omit ABDEFG ] A ] A, G ] ABDEFG 8:28 ] EF ] ABCDEFG ] ABCDEFG ] BE, omit G ] A ] A, B, C, EF, D, G ] AEF ] EFG ] G ] omit C ] BG 8:29 ] + A ] A ] ADEF, B ] B ] omit EF ] G 8:30 ] G ] A, G 8:31 ] D, G ] G 8:32... ] omit (hap) EF ] B, G ] ABCD, EF 8:33 ] ABDG 8:34 ] ABDEFG

10 9:1 ] + A ] A ] CD 9:2 ] B ] A, B ] ADEFG ] A, C, DG, EF ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 9:3 ] A, G ] BEF 9:4 ] omit D 9:5 ] A, EFG ] G ] ABG ] ABDEFG 9:6 ] + BDEFG ] ABDEFG ] + EF ] B 9:7... ] G 9:8 ] B 9:9 ] 2 1 ABDEFG ] A ] ADEFG ] A, BDEF, C, G 9:10 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFGH ] omit H 9:11 ] + G 9:12 ] ABDEFGH ] A, BDGH ] ABCDEFG 9:13 ] A 9:14 ] + G ] omit G ] omit B ] A 9:15 ] + B ] G 9:16 ] A ] ABDEFG ] + ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] EF, G ] A, G ] A 9:17 ] + ABDEFG ] AEF 9:18 ] + EF ] omit B ] omit ADEFG ] 2 1 ADE, B, F, G ] omit C ] + G 9:20 ] omit A ] AD ] ADEF 9:21 ] ABDEFG ] A, EF ] B 9:22 ] ABDEFG ] omit G ] + EF ] E ] 2 1 G ] A, BDEF ] F ] ABCDEFG ] F 9:23 ] D, G ] A ] + G 9:24 ] ABDEF, omit G ] G ] ABDEF, G

11 9:25 ] EF 9:26 ] G ] G 9:27 ] A, BDEF G 9:28 ] + AB, + DEFG 9:30 ] A ] A ] + EF 9:31... ] omit B 9:32 ] A 9:33 ] omit EF ] omit G 9:34 ] omit A 9:35 ] + ABDEFH, + G ] A 9:36 ] ADEFGH 9:37 ] A 9:38 ] G ] A ] G ] A ] AEFH 10:1 ] G 10:2 ] A, B, D, G ] ABDG ] A, B, DG ] A, B... ] omit EF ] + (marg of Brit. Lib. ms) 10:3 ] ADG... ] omit EF ] A, B, C, D, G ] EF ] DEF, G ] AEG ] ABDEF, C ] DEFG ] A, BDEF, G 10:4 ] B ] ABEFG ] A, BCD EF, G ] A, EF ] A, B, C, D, EF, G ] omit B ] B 10:5 ] + A ] + G 10:6 ] omit G 10:7 ] ABDEFG 10:8 ] A ] A ] ABDEFG ] G ] EF 10:9 ] G ] A 10:10 ] DG ] omit DEFG

12 10:11 ] + G ] + ABDEF, G ] omit G 10:12 ] ABDEFG 10:13 ] G ] omit A ] " G 10:14 ] ABDEFG ] + A ] G ] + ADEF ] ABDEF, G ] G 10:15 ] AG ] G 10:16 ] EF ] EF ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] A ] ABDEFG 10:17 ] A ] G 10:18 ] 2 1 EF ] C ] EG 10:19 ] G ] ABDEFG ] AG 10:20 ] EFG ] EF 10:21 ] G ] G ] ABDEFG, C ] G 10:22 ] omit G 10:23 ] + G ] ABDEFG ] omit ABDEF ] ABDEF 10:24 ] ABDEFG 10:25 ] G 10:26 ] + ABDEF, + G 10:27 Beginning] + ABDEFG ] + (omit G) ( + G) (DG ) ABDEFG 10:28 ] + A, BEF, DG ] F ] BDG 10:29 ] ABDEFG ] G ] EF ] + EF (?) ] (?) G 10:30 ] E ] A 10:31 ] D ] A, BCDEFG ] ABCDEFG 10:32 ] + A, C ] G 10:33 All mss omit vs 33 except A which reads: 10:34 ] ABD, + EFG 10:36 ] DG ] ABDEFG

13 10:37 ] AD 10:38 All mss omit vs 38 10:39 ] DG ] ABDEFG ] AEF ] omit G 10:40... ] omit G 10:42 ] A 11:1 ] D 11:2 ] + EF (?) 11:3 ] A 11:4 ] omit A 11:5 ] BDE, F ] EF ] ABDEF ] EF 11:6... ] EFG (?) 11:7 ] omit A ] A ] B ] + A 11:8 ] omit D ] ADEFG ] A, omit G 11:10 ] A ] + AE... ] (?) E, omit F ] omit G 11:11 ] AH 11:12 ] G ] omit G ] + A, BDEFGH 11:13 ] DGH ] + A ] D, H 11:14 ] + (?) B ] ABDG 11:16 ] DEFG 11:17 ] ABDEFG ] ABEFG, D ] ABCDEF 11:18 ] A, EF 11:19 ] AG ] ABEFG 11:20 ] G ] ABCDEFG ] + A, + BDEFG 11:21 ] A, BEF, D, G ] DG ] ADG ] EF ] G ] B... ] A, BDG, EF 11:22 ] AB ] ADG, B, EF 11:23 ] A ] B ] A 11:24 ] omit G ] ABDG... ] omit E, F 11:25 ] + ABDE, + G ] omit ABCDEFG ] A ] AEF ] ABCDEF ] FG

14 ] A ] ADEFG, B ] ABCDEFG 11:26 ] + ABDEFGH ] A, H ] omit ABDEFGH 11:27 ] H ] B ] H ] + G ] omit GH ] H ] C, omit H ] H ] omit EF ] H 11:28 ] H ] AB ] DG 11:29 ] AB... ] omit C (hap) ] A, BDEFG ] B ] A 11:30 Beginning] + A, + BDEFG ] A 12:1 ] B ] C 12:2 ] + F ] F ] omit A ] F, omit G 12:3 ] B ] ABDG ] + A 12:4 ] A ] ABDEF ] omit G ] A B D EF 12:5 ] EF 12:6 ] + A, omit G 12:7 ] B, G ] ABDEFG 12:8 ] EF ] EF 12:9 ] A, D 12:10 ] A, EF 12:13 ] EF 12:14 ] EF ] omit D 12:15 ] EF ] 2 1 H ] H ] H 12:16 ] omit H ] EF, G, H ] DG, H 12:17 ] H ] AB, CDEFGH 12:18 ] DEFH ] EF 12:19 ] A, G ] + ABCDEF 12:20 ] ABDEFG ] 2 1 C 12:22 ] G ] omit H ] ABDEFGH 12:24 ] ABDEFGH ] omit ABDEFGH 1 ] BG ] ABDEFG 12:25 ] 2 1 ABDEFGH ] A, DEFGH ] A ] F, E ] A 12:26 ] A ] C ] A, BDEFGH 12:27 ] omit GH ] omit F ] ADEFH, G

15 12:28 ] omit EF ] A... ] G H... ] omit D ] + EF ] + A, B 12:29 " ] ABDGH ] ABDEFGH 12:30 ] AEF, BDG ] EF ] EF ] ABEF, DG 12:31 ] ABEF 1&2 ] B 2 ] DG 12:32 ] H ] EF ] ABD 12:33 ] D 12:34 ] A ] B ] A 12:35 ] ABDG, + EF 12:36 ] C 12:38 ] D ] ABDEFG ] A ] A ] ADEF ] B ] F 12:39 ] EF, G ] + A 12:40 ] G ] A, BDEG ] E, + F ] ABCDEFG 12:41 ] A ] + EF ] A 12:42 ] ADEFG ] A, B, D, EF, G ] + EF 12:43 ] AE ] BEF ] F ] + A ] EF 12:44 ] A ] ABDEFG 12:45 ] DG, F ] A 12:46 ] ABDEFGH ] EF... ] omit D (hap) 12:47... ] omit D 12:48 ] + ABDEFG... ] 2 1 A 12:49 ] ABCDEFG ] BEF 12:50 ] G 13:1 ] EF 13:2 ] A, B 13:3 ] omit EFG ] G ] omit F 13:5 ] AEF, DG ] + C... ] = D (marg) 13:6... ] = D (marg), ms G unclear

16 13:7 ] EF... ] A, B, C, DG, EF (hap) 13:8 ] EF ] EF 13:10 ] omit ABDEFG ] + C 13:11 ] G 13:12 ] + ABDG ] + ABDEFG 13:14 ] EF... ] omit G ] A ] AEF ] A ] + ABEF, + D 13:15... ] omit G ] omit AF 13:17 ] EF 13:19 Beginning] + B ] ADEF ] omit G ] EFG ] EF ] A, G 13:20 ] G ] + ABCDEFG ] ABDEFG 13:21 ] ABDG, EF ] EF 13:22 ] EF ] A ] EF, omit G ] + EF ] ABCDEFG 13:23 ] A ] omit AG " ] omit ABDEFG ] G ] " C, EF ] A, BDG, EF ] EFG ] omit B 13:24 ] + BEFG ] (?) A ] ABDEFG 13:25 ] A ] AD ] A ] ADEFG ] AEFG, C, D ] omit AEF 13:26 ] (?) B, G 13:27 ] A 13:28 ] ABDEFG ] G 13:29 ] FG ] A, omit G 13:30 ] D ] + B ] C ] EF, G ] + ABDEFG ] EFG ] ABDEFG ] omit A ] + A 13:31 ] B 13:32 ] ABDEFG ] + G ] ABDEF, G 13:33 ] + ABDEFG ] A ] ABDEFG 13:34 ] ABCDEFG ] G ] ABDEF

17 13:35 ] + D ] F... ] omit B 13:36 ] ABDEFG 13:37 ] omit G ] omit ABCDEF ] + A 13:38 ] F ] omit ABDG 13:39 ] omit A " ] ABDEFG ] A ] F 13:40 ] G 13:41 ] ABDG ] ABD ] omit G 13:42 ] ABDEFG ] G ] ABDEG ] B ] G 13:43 ] omit A 13:44 ] 2 1 A, 2 B ] ABDEFG ] A ] ABDEF 13:46 ] G 13:47 ] + ABEFG, D 13:48 ] EF ] DEFG 13:49 ] + G 13:50 ] ADEFG ] BDG ] AB 13:51 ] + A 13:54 ] A ] ABCDEFGH ] + A ] EF 13:55 ] 2 1 ABDEFGH ] DG, F ] ABCDEGH, F ' ] ABEFG, DH ] ABDEGH ] EF ] BCDEGH 13:56 ] D ] ABDEFGH 13:57 ] + BDEFG, + H " ] A 13:58 ] omit EF 14:1 ] B ] D, EF 14:2 ] D ] A, DG ] omit E 14:3 ] ABEF ] AB, D, EF, G 14:5 ] omit EF ] AG 14:6 ] ABDEFG ] omit ABDEFG ] AEF 14:7 ] ABDEFG ] omit ABDEFG 14:8 ] ABDEFG ] omit F " ] omit F 14:9 ] + G... ] omit F 14:10 ] omit EF ] ABDEFG 14:11 ] A ] A

18 14:12 ] G 14:13 ] BCDG ] A 14:15 ] + ABCDEFG ] G ] A ] + G 14:16 ] + A 14:17 ] ' A ] ABCDEFG 14:18 ] omit A 14:19 ] ABCDEFG ] G ] ' A ] A ] + G ] + ABDEFG 14:20 ] omit DG 14:21 ] AEFG ] BDEFG ] G 14:22 ] EF ] ADEF ] A, B, DEFG 14:24 ] G ] AB, C, D, EFG ] A ] + ' A 14:25 ] ADG, B, EF ] AG 14:26 ] ABDEFG ] omit ABCG ] ABDEF, G ] EF ] G ] A 14:27 ] G ] " B, CD, EFG ] 2 1 EF ] AEFG 14:28 ] A, BDG, CEF ] omit EF ] omit EF 14:29 ] A, BDG, EF ] G ] G ] A, BDG ] G 14:31 ] G 14:33 ] A, F 14:34 All mss lack vs :35 ] CDEFG ] + ABCDG ] omit EF 14:36 ] ABG ] AE ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 15:1 ] ABCDEFGH ] EF ] H 15:2 ] ABDEFH ] AH 15:4 ] EF 15:5 ] H ] H ] H ] H ] EFH

19 15:6 ] EF ] ACEF ] AEF ] ABDEFGH 15:7 ] ABCDG ] F ] ABCDEFG 15:8 " ] omit G " ] omit F ] omit B ] EF 15:9... ] omit G 15:10 ] H ] EF ] F 15:11 ] H ] A 15:12 ] A 15:14 ] omit EF ] F, E ] omit A 15:15 ] A, B, DEFG, + G 15:17... ] omit G (hap) ] E ] A ] EF 15:19 ] A 15:20 ] A, BCDEFG ] ABDEFGH ] omit G 15:21 ] E, FG 15:22 ] G ] B ] omit A ] A 15:23 ] + ABCDEFG ] EF 15:24 ] G ] A ] G 15:25 ] BDEFG 15:26 ] A ] A 15:27 ] EF ] ADG 15:28 ] ABDEFG ] + A ] + F ] EFG 15:29 ] A ] + A ] EF 15:30 ] A, BDEF ] 2 1 EF, 2 D ] A 15:31 ] G 15:32 ] omit EF ] A ] ABEF 15:33 ] EF ] A ] A ] ADEFG, + B ] G 15:34 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] omit A ] ABDEFG 15:35 ] F 15:36 ] + ABDEF, + G ] EF

20 15:37 ] DEFG ] ACDEFG ] ABDEF, G 15:38 ] A 15:39 ] EF ] A, C, D, EF, G 16:1 ] A ] ABEF, D, G ] A 16:2 ] A ] G 16:3 ] EF ] A ] + A ] ABDEFG 16:4 ] AEFG ] + A ] omit EF 16:5 ] + EF (between parentheses) ] G ] G ] EF 16:6-8a All MSS omit (hap). 16:8b ] A 16:9-12 ] AG ] D ] A ] AEF ] ABDEFG ] G ] omit ABDEFG ] omit C ] B ] omit A ] ABDEFG ] 2 1 BG 16:13 ] A, + B, + DEF, + G, H ] B ] omit H ] ABDEF, G ] + D ] EF 16:14 Whole vs omitted EF ] omit G ] BH ] BH 16:15 Whole vs omitted EF ] D ] + G... ] A 16:16 ] A, BDEFG, C ] omit H ] H ] B ] ADG, EF ] omit H ] A ] ACDEFGH 16:17 ] ' AFH, BCDEG ] H ] G ] " AH ] omit G 16:18 ] A, H ] BD ] A, G 16:21 ] omit G ] EF ] A

21 16:22 ] ADEFG ] A, B, DEFG ] G... ] G ] A... ] G ] omit C ] 2 1 A 16:23 ] omit D ] ABDEF ] ABDEFG 16:24... ] G ] + ADG ] EF ] omit AG ] ABD 16:25 1&2 ] G ] omit D " ] A, BEFG 16:26 ] D ] omit ABDEFG ] A ] EF ] AB ] EF 16:27 ] ABDEFG ] omit A ] ABDEF, G 16:28 ] + EF ] + ABDEF ] A, G ] omit BEF 17:1 ] ABDEF ] AH, BDEG ] ADH ] B ] B ] D, H ] G ] G, omit H ] omit AH 17:2 ] F... ] omit H 17:3 Beginning] + ABDEFG ] B, D ] AB, DEG, F ] + ABDEF ] A ] G 17:4 ] omit A ] A, BDEG, F ] + ABDEF, G ] omit A ] AEF ] ABDEFG ] BDEF, A 17:5 ] + ADG, + EF ] ADEF ] omit G ] omit AF 17:7 ] C ] ABDEFG ] omit C 17:8 ] EFG 17:10 ] ABDEFG ] A ] A 17:11 ] A 17:12 ] G ] AEFG, D ] ADG ] AEF 17:13 ] omit F ] G 17:15 ] + G ] B, G ] EF ] G ] B ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] + BDEFG 17:16 ] ADEF ] ADEF ] ADEF ] BD

22 17:17 ] ABDEFG ] omit ABDEFG ] ABDEFG MK 9:20 ] A... ] G ] G MK 9:21 ] + ABDEFG ] AG ] + ABDEFG MK 9:22 ] A ] A, G ] ABDEFG ] A... ] EF ] A ] ABCDEFG ] ABDEF ] A ] F MK 9:23 ] + ABDEFG ] + ABDEFG ] BDEFG MK 9:24 ] omit G ] A, omit B MK 9:25 ] omit G ] ABDEFG ] + A ] DG MK 9:26 ] C ] ABDEF, G MK 9:27 ] + ABDG, EF ] B MK 9:28 ] + G 17:19 ] + A ] omit AF ] + F ] A ] G 17:20 ] EF ] AB ] omit A ] AEF ] omit G ] ABEFG 17:21 ] A 17:22 ] ABDEFG 17:24 ] A ] ABCDEFG ] A, BDEFG, C ] A ] ABDEFG 17:25 ] A ] G ] 2 1 ABCDEFG ] A, BDEFG ] ABDEFG ] AD, BEFG, C... ] omit C 17:26 ] A ] ABDEFG 17:27 ] A, BDEFG, C ] G, EF ] EF ] ABDEFG ] DEF 18:1 ] G... ] G 18:2 By haplography (... ) all our mss, except A, omit 18:2b-5a. The text printed above in parentheses is according to ms A, which contains all but vs :5 ] EFG ] + A 18:6 ] BDG ] DG ] omit EF ] CG ] A ] BDG

23 18:7... ] omit British Library MS and C. Text printed in parentheses is according to A ] + D ] D ] + DEF ] A ] ABD, + G 18:8 ] A ] A ] B ] ABDEFG ] ABCDEFG ] A ] A 18:9 ] BCDEF ] A, BDEFG, C ] A ] B ] BDG ] BDE 18:10 ] BDG, ' A ] D ] ' A, BEF ] AB(?)CDEFG 18:11 ] omit A, BDEFG ] G 18:12 ] ABCDEFG ] DG 18:13 ] A ] A 18:14 ] ABCEF, DG ] EF 18:15 ] A, BDEFG ] D 18:16 ] A ] A ] A, BCDEF ] omit G... ] 1 2 (hap) CD ] B 18:17... ] 1 2 (hap) B 18:18 ] omit EF ] omit ABDEFG ] omit C ] 2 1 G ] A ] omit G 18:19 ] EF ] + ABDEFG 18:20 ] omit C ] ABDEFG 18:21 ] A, BDEFG 18:22 ] A ] + EF ] D ] + B 18:23 ] A, omit EF ] F 18:24 ] ABDEF 18:25 ] ABDEFG, G... ] 1 2 (hap) EFG 18:26... ] (B- ) (D- ) ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 18:27 ] F vss omitted in DG (hap.... ) 18:28 ] AEF ] omit EF ] All mss including DG contain a haplography from (18:28) to (18:29). For DG see notes on 18:27 and 18:31. 18:29 Beginning] see note on 18:28. ] + B 18:30 ] ABDEFG ] A ] omit ABDEFG 18:31 ] omit BDEFG ] + vss DG (see notes on 18:27 and 18:28 above). 18:32 ] ABDEFG

24 18:33 ] A, B 18:34 ] G ] omit A 18:35 ] A 19:1 ] B ] + G ] ABDEFG ] BCDEFG 19:3 ] DG ] omit ABDEFG ] omit DG ] + G ] omit A ] ADEFG 19:4 ] ABDEFG 19:5 ] G 19:7 ] A ] + ABDEFG ] G 19:8 ] ABDEG ] F ] omit A ] AB, DEFG 19:9 ] omit ABD ] A, EFG 19:10 ] G 19:12 ] B ] EF ] + ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] EF ] ABDEFG ] EF ] omit EF 19:13 ] EF ] G ] EF, DG 19:14 ] EF, omit G ] omit D ] DEFG ] omit D ] + ABCDEFG 19:16 ] ABDEFGH 19:17 ] EFG ] + H ] H ] H ] ABDEFGH ] omit G ] BDEFH ] + A 19:18 ] ABDEFGH ] + D 19:20 ] ABDEFG 19:21 ] EFG ] A ] G 19:22 ] ABDEFG ] + ABD(?)EF, G(?) ] A ] DEFG 19:25 ] ABDEFG ] omit G 19:26 ] A ] G 19:27 ] A, BDEFG, C ] A ] A 19:28 ] + AG, + BDEF... ] omit G ] omit D 19:29 ] ABDEFG ] + A, + BDEFG ] + ABDEFG 19:30... ] omit A (hap) 20:1 ] ABCDEFG ] + ABDEFG 20:3 ] EF ] 2 1 ABCDEFG

25 20:4 ] ABDEFG 20:5 ] ABDEFG ] A ] ABDEF 20:6 ] A ] EF, omit D 20:7 ] G ] + A, G ] AG ] omit G 20:10 ] DG ] omit G... ] G ] ABDEF 20:12 ] A 20:13 ] A ] omit G " ] omit G 20:15 ] ABDG, EF 20:16 ] AB 20:18 ] A ] A ] A ] ABCDG, EF ] A 20:19 ] A ] A, BDEFG ] + ABDEFG 20:20 ] omit AG 20:21 ] B ] B, DG ] D 20:22 ] A ] ABDEF, G ] C ] omit G 20:23 ] EF ] EF... ] 2 1 EF ] omit ABDEFG ] EF 20:24 ] ABDG, EF ] A 20:25 ] A ] ABEF 20:26 ] omit EF ] ABEF, D 20:28 ] ABDEFG ] AD ] omit ABCDEFG 20:30 ] ABCDG, EF ] ABDEF ] EF ] ACDG, B EF 20:31 Whole vs 31] omit G... ] ABDEF ] EF 20:34 ] F ] A, EF 21:1 ] AH ] omit H 21:2 ] G, omit H ] H ] + A ] A, + BEFG ] A ] EF 21:3 ] A ] ABDG, omit EF ] ABDEFG 21:5 ] EF ] omit G ] ABCDEFG ] AEFG ] BEF 21:6 ] omit G 21:8 ] G ] ABDEFG 21:9 ] A ] EF, B

26 21:10 ] + ABEF 21:11 ] A, B, DEF, G 21:12 ] AEF ] A ] A ] A ] omit A, G 21:15 ] EF ] 2 1 ABDEF ] omit A 21:16 ] omit A ] A ] A ] G ] omit A ] omit A 21:17 ] + ABDEFG ] BCDEFG ] ABDEFG 21:19 ] G ] omit G ] + EF ] B ] omit G 21:20 ] + G ] G ] A (?), omit G 21:21... ] G ] AEF, DG 21:22 ] BEFG 21:23 ] ADEFGH, B C ] + (- BEF) ABDEFGH 21:24 ] A ] omit C ] ABDEFGH ] AH, BDG, CEF 21:25 ] H ] H ] + F ] omit ADEFGH ] omit B ] H 21:26 ] A ] AH ] EF 21:27 ] + H ] A ] + H 21:28 ] A ] DG ] D ] 2 1 A ] G ] A, BDEFG 21:29 ] A 21:30 ' ] 2 1 A 21:31 ] omit EF 21:32 ] omit EF ] A, BDEFG ] ABDEFG ] ABDEG ] G ] A 21:33-46 Omit Brit. Lib. ms and C. Our basic text for these vss is D. 21:34 ] EG, omit B 21:35 ] G 21:36 ] omit A ] omit EF 21:37 ] ABEF ] G 21:38 ] omit A ] A ] + A 21:39 ] A 21:41 ] EF ] A

27 21:42... ] omit G ] B 21:44 ] EF ] EF ] A 21:45 ] omit EF ] 2 1 EF, G ] G 21:46 ] BEF ] A ] A ] G 22:1 At this point the Brit. Lib. ms again becomes our basic text; ms C also resumes at this point. Both number this " since the entirety of the last pereq was omitted. All other mss number this ". 22:3 ] ABDEFG, omit C 22:4 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 22:5 ] omit C, G ] D 22:6 ] ABDEFG ] G 22:7 ] A ] + ABDEFG ] A 22:9 ] + G 22:10 ] omit EF ] + G 22:11 ] G ] D 22:12 ] A ] A ] A 22:13 ] omit EF ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] C 22:14 ] EF ] A At this point the Brit. Lib. ms and ms C number this section ", leaving out ", thus bringing their numbering system into line with the other mss. See 21:33 and 22:1. ] D 22:16 Beginning] + EF ] CF ] omit D ] A ] A 22:17 ] + G ] omit G ] A, B, CDEG, F 22:18 ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG ] ABDEFG 22:19 ] + AG, + D, + EF 22:21 ] BG, EF 1,2,3 ] A, B, CDE 2,3 G, F 1 ] AEF ] omit A 4 ] omit ABEFG ] DEFG ] A 2 ] omit B 22:22 ] omit EF 22:23 ] H ] A 22:24 ] omit A ] omit G

28 22:25... ] omit G ] + G 22:26 There is confusion in the text of G. 22:27 ] B 22:28 ] omit A ] A, BDEFG ] G... ] A 22:29 ] H ] G ] EF ] A 22:30 ] omit G ] A ] A 22:31 " ] omit DG " ] omit H ] omit ABEFH, + G 22:32 ] omit G 1,2,3,4,5 ] A ] H " ] H 22:34 ] ABDG, EF, C 22:35 ] EF, + G " ] + A 22:36 ' ] A ] CEFG ] 2 1 A ] F 22:37 ] A ] omit G ] omit and add: ABDEF 22:38 ] + A, C, DEF, G 22:39 ] ABDEFG 22:40 ] A ] B 22:41 ] omit G 22:42 ] omit G ] omit A 22:43 ] BEF, omit DG ] A ] ABDEFG ] G ] omit EFG 22:44 ] A... ] omit FG 22:45 ] ABDEFG ] EFG 22:46 ] ABCDEG 23:3 ] EF ] ABDEFG ] G ] ABDEG, F ] E, F ] omit ABDEFG 23:4 vs 4] omit C ] + A, + BDG, + EF ' ] BG 23:5... ] omit C ] D, G ] A, BF, D, EG 23:6 ] A ] read ] ABDEFG ] A, BDEFG 23:7 ] EF, G 23:8... ] omit D (hap) 23:9... ] omit D (hap see on 22:8)

29 23:10 ] C ] omit EF 23:12 ] omit EF ] A 23:13 ] + A, + BDEFG ] + ABDEFG, DEF ] A 23:14 ] omit G ] omit EF ] ABC, omit EF 23:15 ] omit G ] EF ] EF 23:16 ] H ] A ] H 23:17 ] ADEFGH ] ABGH ] G 23:18 ] D 23:19 Beginning of vs] + ABDEFG ] ACDEFG 23:20 ] + A ] G ] A 23:21 Vs 21 omitted by all mss. 23:22 ] A ] A ] + G ] B 23:23 The Brit. Lib. ms and ms C break off at this point. Ms D becomes our basic text from here to the end. ] ABEF ] ABEF, G ] omit G ] + EF ] A ] B 23:25 ] A, G ] 2 1 A 23:26 ] A, B, EF ] B 23:27 ] ABEF ] EG ] ABF 23:28 ] F ] B ] A 23:29 ] ABEFG ] omit G ] A ] ABEF 23:30 ] A 23:34 ] EF ] F ] BF, + G ] B ] + A ] A 23:35 Beginning] + ABEF ] EF ] omit B ] A ] B 23:37 ] G ] A ] + G ] omit G ] BG 24:1 ] G ] + G ] G 24:2 ] EF, + G ] omit A 24:3 ] A ] omit ABEF ] A ] AG ] EF, G ] omit G ] + EF ] F ] A 24:4 ] + EF ] EF 24:5 ] omit A ] A 24:6 ] G

30 24:8 ] omit A 24:9 ] AEF 24:10 ] EF ] BF ] F 24:11 ] G 24:14 ] B ] A, EF ] + ABEFG ] omit A ] G ] G 24:15 ] A, EF ] A ] + AG, EF 24:16 ] G ] AEF 24:17 ] AB, G, omit EF 24:19 ] EF 24:20 ] omit G ] A ] BEFH ] A 24:21 ] F 24:22 ] A ] omit EF ] ABEFG 24:23 ] + ABEF ] omit G 24:24 ] G ] A ] F 24:26 ] A ] EF ] A 24:25 Vs 25 comes after vs 26 in Shem-Tob. ] omit A 24:27 ] omit A ] BG ] AEF 24:28 ] A 24:29 ] + ABEFG ] EF 24:30 ] A 24:31 ] omit E ] omit AEF ] EF 24:32 All mss jump from vs 32 to vs 33 (hap.). 24:33 See note on vs :34 ] omit B ] H ] H 24:37 ] ABEF 24:38 ] A 24:39 ] EF 24:40 ] B ] B, ' EF 24:41 ] AB, ' EF ] G ] A 24:42 ] G ] 2 1 G 24:43 ] + A ] A ] ABEFG 24:44 ] EF ] FG ] BG 24:45 ] omit G ] + A 24:46 ] ABEF 24:47 ] ABEFG

31 24:48 ] A ] AEF, B 24:50 ] A 24:51 ] A 25:2 ] A ] omit AG 25:3 ] A, G ] A ] omit EF 25:5 ] A ] B, EF, G 25:6 ] A 25:7 ] + ABEFG 25:9 ] + A ] BEFG ] EF ] + A 25:12 ] EF ] G 25:13 ] A 25:14 ] + A ] ' A ] ABEFG(?) 25:15 ] ABEF ] omit AEFG ] EF 25:16 ] omit F ] A 25:17 ] A, BEFG ] A ] A, \ E [supralinear correction] ] F 25:19 ] A ] omit F... ] F ] G 25:20 ] G ] omit G ] ABEFG ] A ] G ] + A ] A 25:21 ] G 25:22... ] " G ] ABEFG. After this word F has 3 garbled words and omits all else down to vs 24. ] omit A, ' B 25:23 Vs 23] omit F [see note on vs 22]. 25:24 ] omit G 25:25 ] + A 25:26 ] + ABEF ] EG 25:27 ] + G 25:28 ] AEF ] ABEFG ] A 25:29 ] ABEF ] G 25:30 ] ABEFG ] EF ] omit A 25:31 ] B 25:32 ] BEF 25:33 ] EF, (?) G ] BEF 25:34 ] B ] B ] + G ] G ] ABEF ] G 25:35 ] B ] G ] G

32 25:36 ] + G ] A 25:37 ] + ABEF ] + G ] G ] ABEF ] ABEFG 25:38 Vs 38] omit FG ] AB, E 25:39 Vs 39] omit FG 25:40 ] EF ] BEF... ] G 25:41 ] EF ] + (?) G ] G 25:42 ] G ] G ] ' G 25:43 Vs 43] omit G [see vs 42] ] + ABEF ] omit A 25:44 ] A ] B ] ABEF ] B ] omit EF 24:45 ] 2 1 A 25:46 ] + A, F 26:1 ] + H 26:2 ] G ] AH ] B 26:3... ] G ] A 26:4 ] + G ] G ] BEF 26:5 ] A 26:6 ] A ] ABEF 26:7 ] F ] AG ] A, G ] EF 26:8 ] G ] G 26:9 ] B, G ] omit G ] G 26:10 ] EF ] A ] A ] EF ] A 26:11 ] EF ] ABEFG 26:12 ] B 26:13 ] AG ] B ] EF ] omit E ] ABG, omit F ] A 26:14 ] " G ] FG ] AEF, G 26:15 ] A 26:17 ] ABEF ] BF 26:18 ] EF ] + EF ] ABEF 26:19 Vs 19] omit all mss 26:20 " ] " EF 26:22 ] + A ] A ] omit EF

33 26:23 ] AF ] A 26:24 ] omit G ] A, EF ] + G 26:25 ] omit G ] + ' or ' G ] EF 26:26 ] omit EF ] + H ] + EF, omit G ] H ] ABGH ] omit H 26:28 ] G ] H 26:29 ] omit G ] omit B ] omit EF ] A 26:30 ] ABEF 26:31 ] ABEFGH ] F ] AEFG 26:32 ] EF 26:33 ] A ] omit G 26:34 ] + ABEF ] AEF 26:35 ] A ] G 26:37 ] A ] A ] B 26:38 ] EF 26:39 ] omit G ] omit A ] F ] AEF, + BG ] omit AB ] F 26:40 ] E, FG ] omit AEF ] G ] 2 1 G 26:41 ] + G ] F ] A ] A 26:42 ] + AB ] A ] ABEFG 26:43 ] + A 26:45 ] omit G 26:47 ] omit EF ] + A ] omit F ] omit E 26:48 ] E, F ] + ABEFG ] A 26:50 ] EF ] A 26:51 ] A ] G ] + ABG 26:52 ] ABFG 26:53 ] AG 26:55 ] omit G 26:56 ] ABEFG ] + G 26:57 ] + G 26:58 ] A ] A... ] omit BF 26:59 ] omit BFG ] + B 26:60 ] omit G 26:61 ] ABG ] G

34 26:63 ] G ] A ] 2 1 ABEG, 1 F 26:64 ] omit A ] G ] + G 26:65 ] AG ] A, BEF, G 26:67 ] EF 26:68 ] G 26:69 ] A ] A ] omit G 26:71 ] ABEF ] ABEFG ] omit A ] A, BE 26:72 ] AG, G 26:73 ] A, EF 26:75 ] A ] omit B ] B ] omit A 27:1 ] A 27:2 ] omit EF ] AB, EF, G 27:3 ] EF ] G 27:7 ] EF ] F ] omit EF ] ABG, EF 27:9 ] omit G... ] omit G ] A ] ABEF ] + ABEF ] + EF ] ' EF " ] omit G ] AEF ] + EF ] ABEG ] BEFG 27:12... ] G 27:13 ] A 27:15 ] A ] EF ] + AEFG ] + G 27:16 ] A, B, EF, G 27:17 ] + A ] A ] A, EF 27:18 ] G 27:19 ] AEF, G ] EF ] omit G ] BG ] + ' A 27:20 ] B ] G ] ABEF... ] A ] A, B ] omit EF 27:21 Vs 21] omit EF... ] omit A (hap) ] B 27:22 ] omit A (hap. see on vs 21) ] omit G 27:23 ] A ] omit BEF 27:24 ] AEFG ] G ] omit A ] EF ] A ] + A ] EF ] ABEF, G ] EF 27:25 ] G ] G ] BEF

35 27:26 ] AEF ] A, EF 27:28 ] omit G 27:29 ] B ] AEF, G ] G ] ABEF, G ] + G 27:30 ] A 27:31 ] + ABEFG ] A ] ABEF ] A 27:32 ] ABEF ] A ] B 27:33 ] A, EF 27:34 ] ABEF 27:35 ] ABEFG 27:36 Vs 36] omit all mss 27:37 ] EF ] A ] EF 27:38 ] ' A ] E 27:39 ] A 27:40 ] A, BEF ] G ] F ] + A ] EFG 27:42 ] G ] + ABG 27:43 ] [to be read with vs 42; see above] ABG ] A 27:46 ] ' A 27:47 ] EF 27:48 ] EF 27:51 ] EF 27:52 ] B 27:53 ] E ] EF ] EF 27:54 ] G ] AG, E ] AB 27:55 ] G ] EF 27:57 ] omit G ] A, ' EF ] omit A 27:58 ] B ] A ] omit FG 27:60 ] omit B ] omit G 27:61 Vs 61] omit all mss 27:62 ] ABEF, +? G 27:64 ] B ] F 27:65 ] ABEFG 28:2 ' ] B, EF ] AEF ] + A 28:4 ] AE 28:5 ] G

36 28:7... ] G ] A 28:8 ] G 28:9 ] A ] EF, ' G 28:10 ] AEF ] EFG 28:11 ] G ] G ] B ] G 28:12 ] AE, G... ] G 28:13 ] G ] F 28:14 ] + ' G 28:15 ] A, F ] A ] omit BG 28:18 ] A ] H ] G, omit H 28:20 ] AB

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