Convex Hull Representation Conversion (cddlib, lrslib)

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1 Convex Hull Representation Conversion (cddlib, lrslib) Student Seminar in Combinatorics: Mathematical Software Niklas Pfister October 31, 2014

2 1 Introduction In this report we try to give a short overview of the representation conversion problem of convex polyhedra with the aim of understanding the two mathematical software libraries cddlib and lrslib. The report is structured into three parts. First a short and basic introduction is given to convex polyhedra focusing on the two possible representations. In the second part a motivation for the theoretical algorithms used in cddlib and lrslib is presented. The final section contains an investigation of the details of the actual implementation of the cddlib library. We conclude by illustrating some of the functionalities of the libraries applied to examples. 1.1 Polytopes Let us begin by recalling the definition of a convex polyhedron. Definition 1 (convex polytope/polyhedron) Let A R m d and b R m, then a convex polyhedron P corresponding to the pair (A, b) is defined as P := {x R d : Ax b}. We call P a convex polytope if P is bounded. The pair (A, b) in the definition results in m linear inequalities, which should be understood as halfspaces of the R d. Therefore a convex polyhedron can be seen as the intersection of m halfspaces. To illustrate this consider the simple example of a square in R 2 given by S = {x R 2 : 1 x 1 1, 1 x 2 1} Figure 1: square in the cartesian plane 2

3 We can reformulate S to the form used in definition 1 using the following (A, b) pair: A = , b = In Figure 1.1 this example is illustrated. The dotted lines represent the halfspaces. 1.2 Minkowski-Weyl Theorem In the example of the two dimensional square it is obvious that we could also represent S by considering all convex combinations of the vertices of the square. In this section we will see that this is in fact possible for all polyhedra. The following important theorem illustrates this. Theorem 1 (Minkowski-Weyl) For a subset P of R d, the following statements are equivalent: 1. P is a Polyhedron, i.e., there exist A R m d and b R m such that P := {x R d : Ax b}. 2. P is finitely generated, i.e., there exist finitely many vectors v i s and r j s such that P = conv({v 1,..., v s }) + cone({r 1,..., r t }). Notice that conv denotes the convex hull, i.e. conv({v 1,..., v s }) := {x : x = i a i v i, a 1 = 1 and a 0} and cone denotes the nonnegative hull, i.e. cone({r 1,..., r t }) := {x : x = i λ i r i, λ i 0} Furthermore observe that 2 can be equivalently written in matrix form: P is finitely generated, i.e., there exists V R d s and R R d t for some s and t such that P := {x : x = Vµ + Rλ, µ 0, µ 1 = 1, λ 0}. 1.3 V- and H-Representation On the basis of the Minkowski-Weyl theorem we formulate the following definition. Definition 2 (H- and V-Representation) Halfspace-representation: A polyhedron has H-Representation or is given in inequality form if it is described as in 1. Vertex-representation: A polyhedron has V-Representation or is given in generator form if it is described as in 2. 3

4 Continuing the above example we get S is given in H-representation by S is given in V-representation by S = {x R 2 : Ax b}. S = conv({(1, 1), (1, 1), ( 1, 1), (1, 1)}). At this point we are confronted with the obvious question: How can we convert between the two representations of a Polyhedron? This problem of computing a (minimal) V-representation from an H-representation or vice versa is known in literature as the representation conversion problem for polyhedra. An important property of the representation conversion problem is, that it is in fact essentially the same converting from the V-representation to the H-representation of a Polyhedron as converting from the V-representation to the H-representation. In order to prove this non-trivial statement the concept of dual polytopes needs to be utilised. The main idea is that the H-representation of dual polyhedron can be easily converted into the V-representation of the original polyhedron and vice versa. As this goes beyond the scope of this short introduction to polyhedra we refer the interested reader to [3] which gives a full account on this topic. This allows us to reduce the representation conversion problem to finding an algorithm describing one direction of the conversion. The opposite direction is then given using the same algorithm applied to the dual polyhedron. 2 Theoretical Algorithms In this section we want to introduce the two algorithms that are used in the cddlib and lrslib libraries to convert from the H-representation of polyhedron to the V-representation from a theoretical viewpoint. Our focus will be on the double description method which is implemented in cddlib. 2.1 Representation Conversion Problem Let us begin by emphasizing the general property of the representation conversion problem that the size of the output is not easy to measure given the size of the input. For example the d-dimensional cube has 2d facets and 2 d vertices. This is important when constructing an algorithm and consequently a good algorithm should be sensitive to the output size. Ideally bounded by a polynomial function of both output and input size. An algorithm satisfying this property is called output polynomial. 4

5 be light on the memory usage. Ideally the required memory is bounded by a polynomial of the input size. An algorithm satisfying this property is called compact. Unfortunately for the general representation problem no such algorithm exist. However restricted to special classes of polyhedra this is possible. One example will be the pivoting algorithm described below which is output polynomial for polyhedra that are non-degenerate. Remark 1 We call a polyhedron P in R d non-degenerate if the number of edges that end in a vertex is d. Else we call P degenerate. 2.2 Double Description Method This is the algorithm that is implemented in the cddlib library. It is an incremental algorithm and turns out to be particularly efficient for very degenerate polyhedra in low dimensions. The underlying idea of the algorithm is to add the inequalities from the H-representation one at a time while in each step calculating the V-representation of the polyhedron given by the current set of inequalities. Input: Matrix A R m d Output: Matrix R R d n such that (A, R) are a DD pair, i.e. the columns of R generate C(A) := {x : Ax 0} General Step Let K be subset of row indices {1, 2,..., m} of A and let A k be the matrix of the rows of A indexed by K. Assume (A K, R) is a DD pair. If A = A K we are done. Else take i not in K and construct the DD pair (A K+i, R ). Notice that this algorithm only solves the simplified problem where b = 0. The set C(A) is called polar cone. The important step in the algorithm is the construction of R. We describe this by means of Figure 2, which shows the collection of critical points J of the polar cone C(A ). In each step the hyperplane corresponding to the newly added inequality separates the space R d into three parts: the open upper halfspace H +, the open lower halfspace H and the hyperplane H 0. Intersecting each of these with the set J leads to the three disjoint point collections J +, J and J 0. The new polyhedron is now simply the intersection of the previous polytope with the closed lower halfspace. Therefore all points that lie in J + have to be removed and replaced by new points in J 0. This is done by connecting all adjacent points in J and J + and finding where these lines intersect with J 0. Here two points are said to be adjacent if the common set of active inequalities is maximal among all other pairs of points. 5

6 Figure 2: construction of R Up until now we did not mention in which order the rows in A are selected. Although the algorithm will work for any order the following example illustrates that the computational complexity strongly depends on the choice of ordering. Figure 3 shows the size of the intermediate sets of generators for different types of row orderings in the calculation of the V-representation for the CCP6 polytope (a 15-dimensional polytope with 32 facets and 368 vertices). The following types of ordering were used: lexmin: refers to the lexicographic ordering of the rows in A random: refers to a random selection of the rows in A maxcutoff: refers to a dynamic selection for which in each step the row is selected for which the set J + is the largest mincutoff: is the same as maxcutoff with the difference of choosing the row for which the set J + is smallest As can be seen from Figure 3 the type of ordering used in the double description method has a huge impact on the size of the intermediate point collections. In practice it often turns out that lexmin is the most efficient order. However there is no result that proves that this is in fact the best ordering for any class of polyhedra. Furthermore it is also true that for polyhedra that have many redundant constraints in their H-representation maxcutoff can be substantially more efficient. 6

7 Figure 3: influence of ordering 2.3 Pivoting Algorithm A completely different approach is used in the pivoting algorithms where all vertices of a convex polytope are visited systematically. The main idea is that the graph of a convex polytope is connected and thus can be traced systematically until all vertices are visited (see Figure 4). Figure 4: pivoting algorithm We do not describe this algorithm in detail but only remark that this algorithm can be very efficient for non-degenerate polyhedra. In fact in this case the algorithm is output polynomial. However for very degenerate polyhedra the tracing of the graph becomes 7

8 quite inefficient. A version of such a pivoting algorithm is implemented in the lrslib library. 3 Implementations cddlib and lrslib In this section we will take a look at the C libraries cddlib and lrslib. Both libraries rely on the same input type which makes it possible to use both libraries in the same program. cddlib uses the double description method while lrslib uses the pivoting algorithm. Since these two algorithm are efficient for different types of polyhedra it is quite useful to be able to use both algorithms simultaneously. 3.1 Input The general input type for cddlib and lrslib is given in the following form for H- representations and V-representations respectively. Figure 5: input layout Both libraries have functions that are able to read in text files that are given in the format illustrated in Figure Implementation Details (cddlib) Let us focus our attention on cddlib and look at how this library works. The library defines many new types that are then used to perform the representation conversion. One important such type is the dd matrixdata type. It is used to save data related to a representation of a polyhedron given in one of the formats discussed in the previous section. The code fragment 3.2 is taken from the cddtypes.h file in which all custom types are defined. We can see how each bit of information from the input file is saved in a variable of a certain type. For example the actual representation would be saved in a variable of type Amatrix. In the same file one can check that this type is simply a two dimensional array of underlying type mytype (a type that is chosen at compile time). A 8

9 further example is the rowrange which is saved in a variable of type dd rowrange. One can check that every bit of information from an input file as in Figure 5 corresponds to a variable in the dd matrixdata type. This gives a compact and structured form to deal with the rather lengthy input in an intuitive fashion. Furthermore as we will see later on it allows to compile the library using different underlying number types (mytype can be for example the GNU GMP rational type) without making any changes to the library functions. typedef s t r u c t dd matrixdata dd MatrixPtr ; typedef s t r u c t dd matrixdata { dd rowrange rowsize ; dd rowset l i n s e t ; / a s u b s e t o f rows o f l i n e a r i t y ( i e, g e n e r a t o r s o f l i n e a r i t y s p a c e f o r V r e p r e s e n t a t i o n, and e q u a t i o n s f o r H r e p r e s e n t a t i o n. / dd colrange c o l s i z e ; dd RepresentationType r e p r e s e n t a t i o n ; dd NumberType numbtype ; dd Amatrix matrix ; dd LPObjectiveType o b j e c t i v e ; dd Arow rowvec ; } dd MatrixType ; Listing 1: cdd MatrixPtr in cddtypes.h In order to be able to understand a simple C program that uses the cddlib library we collect some important library functions: void d d s e t g l o b a l c o n s t a n t s ( void ) initializes global constants such as dd zero and dd purezero void d d f r e e g l o b a l c o n s t a n t s ( void ) frees the global constants again dd MatrixPtr dd PolyFile2Matrix ( f, dd ErrorType e r r ) read polyhedra data from stream f into matrixdata and return a pointer to it dd PolyhedraPtr dd DDMatrix2Poly ( dd MatrixPtr matrix, dd ErrorType e r r ) store the representation given by matrix in a polyhedra data and generate the second representation of *poly dd PolyhedraPtr dd DDMatrix2Poly2 ( dd MatrixPtr matrix, dd RowOrderType roworder, dd ErrorType e r r ) same as above with the extra argument roworder specifying the insertion order (eg. dd MaxCutoff, dd LexMin or dd RandomRow) dd MatrixPtr dd CopyInequalities ( dd PolyhedraPtr poly ) 9

10 copy inequality representation pointed to by poly to matrixdata and return a pointer dd MatrixPtr dd CopyGenerators ( dd PolyhedraPtr poly ) copy generator representation pointed to by poly to matrixdata and return a pointer A complete list can be found in the cddlib reference manual [1]. 3.3 GNU GMP As mentioned above one of the strengths of both cddlib and lrslib is that they can both be compiled with the GNU GMP library. This allows the conversion of polytopes with rational representation to be converted exact without the use of approximation by floating points. Although this might slightly slow down the program it can be essential to use this functionality as it can easily happen that calculations in the representation conversion lead to floating point errors. 3.4 Examples To illustrate the functionalities we refer to the examples included in the cddlib library files. Programs can be compiled in floating point arithmetic with the gcc compiler using the following syntax or with GNU GMP using gcc filename.c -lcdd gcc filename.c -lcddgmp -lgmp Notice that if cddlib or gmplib are not in the standard directory the directories have to be manually specified. One basic program that can be considered is for example testcdd1.c in the src folder. The folders examples-ine and examples-ext contain example polyhedra in the H- respectively V-representation. To see for example what effect the ordering has on the runtime. One can change the testcdd1.c file to use the function dd DDMatrix2Poly2 function described above. If the ordering maxcutoff is then used to calculate the V-representation for an 8 or 10 dimensional cross polytope (cross8.ine, cross10.ine) one can notice a dramatic increase in runtime compared to the lexmin ordering. It is also interesting to see when it can be useful to use cddlib in combination with GMP to get exact results. One example here would be the kkd18 4.ine polytope that cannot be converted to V-representation without the use of GMP due to numeric overflow. 10

11 3.5 Additional Functionality Both cddlib and lrslib contain many more functionalities apart from the basic representation conversion. One such functionality is that they both contain an LP-solver that can be used to solve linear programming problems such as maximize subject c x Ax b More details on additional functionalities can be found in the corresponding reference manuals (see [1], [4]). 11

12 4 References References [1] Komei Fukuda, cddlib Reference Manual [2] Komei Fukuda, Frequently Asked Questions in Polyhedral Computation [3] Komei Fukuda, Lecture: Polyhedral Computation, Spring [4] David Avis, User s Guide for lrs - Version 4.2b

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