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1 TechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSparxJava Java Question Bank TuitionsTechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSp arxjavatuitionstechsparxjavatuitions TechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSparxJava Tuitions Better than a thousand days of diligent study is one day with a TuitionsTechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSp Great Teacher Java Question Bank (version 5.3) arxjavatuitionstechsparxjavatuitions Saravanan.G TechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSparxJava TuitionsTechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSp arxjavatuitionstechsparxjavatuitions TechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSparxJava TuitionsTechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSp arxjavatuitionstechsparxjavatuitions TechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSparxJava TuitionsTechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSp arxjavatuitionstechsparxjavatuitions TechSparxJavaTuitionsTechSparxJava

2 Contents Modularization... 3 Most Simplest... 4 Decision Making Statements... 5 Switch Statement... 6 Looping Constructs... 7 Numbers... 8 Series... s... 2 Strings... 4 One Dimensional Array... 8 Searching and Sorting... 9 Strings and Arrays Classes, Objects, Functions and Constructors... 2 Two Dimensional Array Output Programs TechSparx Java Tuitions

3 Modularization Module Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 Module 9 Module 0 Module Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Module 8 Java basics Most Simplest Decision Making Statements Switch Statement Looping Constructs Numbers Series s Strings One Dimensional Array Searching and Sorting Strings and Arrays Classes, Objects, Functions and Constructors Exception Handling Encapsulation(Access Specifier) Scanner class Two Dimensional Array Output Programs Theoretical -BufferedReader -Input and Output Stream -Wrapper class -Math class 3 TechSparx Java Tuitions

4 Most Simplest. Write a program (WAP) to print Hello World. 2. WAP to print your name. 3. WAP to add two numbers and display the given numbers and the sum. 4. WAP to find the difference of two numbers and display the given numbers and the difference. 5. WAP to find the product of two numbers and display the given numbers and the product. 6. WAP to find the quotient of two numbers and display the given numbers and the quotient. 7. WAP to find the remainder of two numbers and display the given numbers and the remainder. 8. WAP to find the sum, difference, product, quotient and remainder of two numbers. 9. WAP to find area of a square. 0. WAP to find area of a rectangle.. WAP to find area of a triangle whose sides are given. 2. WAP to find the area of a circle. 3. WAP to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius 4. WAP to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit. 5. WAP to calculate the simple interest. 6. WAP to calculate the compound interest. Important formulas:. Fahrenheit = (Celsius *.8) Area of square = side * side 3. Area of Rectangle = length * breadth 4. Area of a circle = π * r * r 5. Area of a triangle = (s(s-a)(s-b)(s-c)) where s = (a + b + c)/3 6. Roots of quadratic equation X = (-b ± (b 2 4ac)) / (2a) 7. Simple Interest = (principal * rate * time) / Compound Interest = principal * ( ( + (rate/00)) time - ) 4 TechSparx Java Tuitions

5 Decision Making Statements. Write a program to find the largest of two given numbers. 2. Write a program to find the smallest of two given numbers. 3. Write a program to find if the given number is an ODD number. 4. Write a program to find if the given number is an ODD or EVEN number. 5. Write a program to find if the given number is DIVISIBLE by 7(seven). 6. Write a program to find the largest of three given numbers. 7. Write a program to find the smallest of three given numbers. 8. Write a program to find the real roots of a quadratic equation. (ax 2 + bx + c = 0) 9. Write a program to print the grade based on the marks obtained according to the following table Marks Grade >=80 A 60 to 79 B 50 to 59 C 40 to 49 D <40 E 0. Write a program to print the day of week. (using else if ladder) Example: day = dayofweek = Monday day = 2 dayofweek = Tuesday. Write a program to print the month of the year. (using else if ladder) Example: month = --> monthofyear = "January" month = 2 --> monthofyear = "February" 2. Write a program to check if the given character is a digit or upper case letter or a lower case letter or a special character. 3. Write a program to check if the given character is a vowel. 4. Write a program to check if the given number is a buzz number. (Buzz number: A number which is either divisible by 7 or ends with 7. For Example: 67, 49, 37, 2 etc 5 TechSparx Java Tuitions

6 Switch Statement. Write a program to input number of week s day (-7) and translate to its equivalent name of the day of the week. (Example: to Sunday, 2 to Monday 7 to Saturday) 2. Write a program to input number of month of the year ( - 2) and translate to its equivalent name of the month. (Example: to January, 2 to February 2 to December) 3. Write a program to check if the given character is a vowel. 4. Using a switch statement, write a MENU driven program to find the sum, difference, product quotient and remainder. OR Write a program to simulate a SIMPLE CALCULATOR. 5. Using a switch statement, write a MENU driven program to convert a given temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius and vice versa. For an incorrect choice, an appropriate error message should be displayed. 6. Using a switch statement, write a MENU driven program to calculate the AREA of square, rectangle, triangle and circle. 6 TechSparx Java Tuitions

7 Looping Constructs. Write a program to print 5 stars. 2. Write a program to print n natural numbers. 3. Write a program to print all even numbers from 50 to 500 (inclusive of 50 and 500) 7 TechSparx Java Tuitions

8 Numbers For Loop. Write a program to a. Calculate the nth repunit b. Calculate and display first n repunits. 2. WAP a. Calculate nth mersenne number. b. Calculate and display first n Mersenne number (binary repunits). 3. Write a program to display the divisors/factors of a given number. 4. Write a program to calculate the sum of factors of a given number. 5. Write a program to check if two given numbers are amicable. 6. Write a program to find the a. Factorial of n. b. Double Factorial of n. c. Triple Factorial of n. 7. Write a program to check if the given number is a Perfect square. 8. Write a program to find if the given number is one of the following: a. Perfect Number b. Deficient Number c. Abundant Number 9. Write a program to check if the given number is a Prime Number. 0. Write a program to display all the prime numbers from to n.. Write a program to display first 20 prime numbers. 2. Write a program to find the Primorial of the given number. While Loop 3. Write a program to check if the given number is a palindrome. 4. Write a program to check if the given number is an Armstrong/Narcissistic Number. 5. Write a program to convert a binary number to decimal number. 6. Write a program to convert a Decimal Number to Binary. 7. Write a program that accepts a number and checks whether it is an AUTOMORPHIC Number. 8. Write a program to calculate the LCM and HCF/GCD of two given numbers. 9. Write a program to check if the given number is a SPECIAL number. 20. Write a program to print first 0 buzz numbers. 2. Write a program to check if the given number is a MAGIC Number 8 TechSparx Java Tuitions

9 Definitions of different kinds of numbers:. Armstrong or Narcissistic Number: When the sum of the cubes of each digit in the number is equal to the number itself then the number is said to be an Armstrong/Narcissistic number. Example: 407 = = Repunits: The term repunits comes from the words repeated and unit, so repunits are positive integers in which every digit is one. Formulae: R n = (0 n )/9 Example:,,,, and so on 3. Mersenne Numbers: A Mersenne number is a number of the form M n = 2 n, where n is an integer. The Mersenne numbers consist of all s in base-2, and are therefore binary repunits. Formulae: (2 - ), (2 2 - ), (2 3 - ), (2 4 - ) (2 n - ) Example: The first few Mersenne numbers are, 3, 7, 5, 3, 63, 27, 255, corresponding to 2, 2, 2, 2, 2... in binary. 4. Prime Number: A number is said to be a prime number only if it is divisible by and itself. Example:, 2, 3, 5, 7,, 3, 7, 9 5. Multi-Factorial: a. n- Factorial -> n! = n * (n-) * (n-2) * (n-3) * (n-4) * * 2 * b. n- Double Factorial -> n!! = n * (n-2) * (n-4) * (n-3) * (n-6) * * ( or 2) c. n- Triple Factorial -> n!!! = n * (n-3) * (n-6) * (n-9) * (n-2) * * ( or 2 or 3) 6. Primorial(P#): is defined to be the product of prime numbers less than or equal to p. Example: 3# = 2 * 3 = 6 5# = 2 * 3 * 5 = 30 3# = 2 * 3 * 5 * 7 * * 3 = Perfect Square: A number is said to be a perfect square if and only if the square root of that number is not a fractional number. Example: 4, 9, 6, 25, 36, 49, 64, 8 8. Perfect Number: A number is said to be a perfect number if and only if the sum of all its divisors (excluding the number itself) is equal to the number. Example: 6 = = where, 2, 4, 7, 4 are divisors. 9 TechSparx Java Tuitions

10 9. Deficient, Perfect or Abundant Number: Suppose you take a positive integer n and add its positive divisors, example if n = 8, then SUM = = 39. In general, when we do this with n, the number n would be one of the following three kinds. If the SUM is n is said to be examples less than 2n Deficient Number, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 Equal to 2n Perfect Number 6, 282, 496 Greater than 2n Abundant Number 2, 8, 20, 24, Automorphic Number: is one which is present at the extreme right of its square. Eg: 5 2 = 25, 6 2 = 36, 25 2 = 625 etc.. Amicable Numbers: Two numbers are said to be amicable if and only if the sum of the factors of num is equal to num2 and the sum of factors of num2 is equal to num Example: The number pair of 220 and 284 is considered amicable, because the sum of the proper divisors of 220 is 284, while the sum of the proper divisors of 284 is 220. Number Divisors/Factors Sum of Divisors/Factors 220, 2, 4, 5, 0,, 20, 22, 44, 55, , 2, 4, 7, Special Number: Sum of the factorials of each digit of a given number is equal to the given number then the given number is said to be a special number. For Example: 45! = = 4! = 4*3*2* = ! = 5*4*3*2* = Buzz Number: A number which is either divisible by 7 or ends with 7. For Example: 67, 49, 37, 2 etc 4. Magic Number: A number whose sum of the digits until the sum is a single digit is equal to. For Example: = 0, further find the sum of 0 also since it is not a single digit number + 0 = 0 TechSparx Java Tuitions

11 Series. Program to find the sum and print the Series n terms 2. Program to find the sum and print the Series n terms 3. Program to find the sum and print the Series n terms 4. Program to find the sum and print the Series n terms 5. Program to find the sum and print the Series n terms 6. Program to find the sum and print the Series n terms 7. Program to find the sum and print the Series n terms 8. Program to find the sum n terms 9. Program to find the sum of (*2) + (2*3) + (3*4) + (4*5) n terms 0. Program to print the Fibonacci series. 0,,, 2, 3, 5... n terms. Program to print the Tribonacci series. 0,,, 2, 4, 7... n terms 2. Program to find the sum of the series x + x 3 + x 5 + x n terms 3. Program to find the sum of the series x - x 3 + x 5 - x n terms 4. Program to find the sum of series! + 3! + 5! +... n terms 5. Program to find the sum of series! - 3! + 5! -... n terms 6. Program to find the sum of series (x )/(!) - (x 3 )/(3!) + (x 5 )/(5!) -... n terms 7. Program to find the sum of series - (x 2 )/(2!) + (x 4 )/(4!) -... n terms 8. Program to find the sum of series + (+2) + (+2+3) + (+2+3+4) ( n) 9. Program to find the sum of series - (*2) + (*2*3) - (*2*3*4) (*2*3*4*...*n) 20. Program to find the sum of the following series ((+2)/(*2)) - ((+2+3)/(*2*3)) (( n)/(*2*3*4*... *n)) TechSparx Java Tuitions

12 s. Right Angled Triangle First * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Reversed Right Angled Triangle Eleventh * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Twelfth Thirteenth Fourteenth Fifteenth Sixteenth Combined Right Angled Triangles Twenty First Twenty Second Twenty Third Twenty Fourth * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TechSparx Java Tuitions

13 4. Equilateral Triangle and Rhombus with spaces in between stars Thirty First Thirty Second Thirty Third * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 5. Equilateral Triangle and Rhombus without spaces in between stars Forty First Forty Second Forty Third * *** ***** ******* ********* ********* ******* ***** *** * * *** ***** ******* ********* ******* ***** *** * 6. Equilateral Triangle and Rhombus without spaces in between Numbers Fifty First Fifty Second Fifty Third Equilateral Triangle and Rhombus without spaces in between Alphabets Sixty First Sixty Second Sixty Third A ABA ABCBA ABCDCBA ABCDEDCBA ABCDEDCBA ABCDCBA ABCBA ABA A A ABA ABCBA ABCDCBA ABCDEDCBA ABCDCBA ABCBA ABA A 3 TechSparx Java Tuitions

14 Strings. WAP to check if the given string is palindrome. 2. WAP to print the following patterns B L U E J B L U E J B L U E J B L U E J B L U E J B L U E J B L U E B L U B L B B B B B B L L L L U U U E E J 3. WAP to find the frequency of the given character in a given string. 4. WAP to find the frequency of each character in a given string. 5. WAP to input a string and convert upper case to lower case and vice versa. 6. Write a program that translates a word into Pig-Latin form. For example if the given word is trouble, then the Pig-Latin form is oubletray. Basically all the letters from the first character till you find a vowel is moved to the end of the word and ay is appended after that ( ouble-tr-ay ) 7. WAP to count the number of words and print each word in different line. 8. WAP to find the frequency of the given word in the given string. 9. WAP to input a string and display the longest word along with the number of characters. 0. WAP to input a string, count the number of words, blank spaces, vowels, uppercase, lower case, digits and special characters. Also display one word per line.. WAP a program to input a string "India is my country and print out the following sentences a. country my is India b. aidni si ym yrtnuoc 2. WAP to input a name and print its short form Example: Input Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi Output - M.K.Gandhi 3. Consider the following statement "May is celebrated as the workers day". Change to 4, May to November and workers to children and print the original string and changed string. 4. Write a program to accept a string and accept a character. Display all the words containing the accepted character. Example: Input String: AMIT AND SUMIT WERE VERY CLOSE WITH ARATHI AND AMAN Input Character: A Output: AMIT, AND, ARATHI, AND, AMAN 5. WAP to accept a string and display a new string after encoding = -3, which means each character moves three characters behind. Example: Input String: "JAVA" and encoding = 2, means each character moves two characters ahead. Thus, new string is: LCXC Input String: "ABACUS" and encoding = -3, means each character moves two characters behind. Thus, new string is: XYXZRP 4 TechSparx Java Tuitions

15 Theory Java offers 3 classes to work with character data.. Character class whose instances or objects can hold single character data. This class offers many methods to manipulate or inspect single-character data. 2. String class whose instances or objects can hold unchanging string (immutable string) i.e., once initialized its contents cannot be modified. 3. StringBuffer class whose instances or objects can hold (mutable) strings that can be changed or modified. Creating Strings. String name = I am a student ; 2. String yourname = new String( I do not know your name ); Accessor Methods: Methods used to obtain information about an object are known as assessor methods. Character class Sl.No. Function Prototype Description static Boolean isuppercase(char ch) Returns true if ch is an Upper Case character 2 static Boolean islowercase(char ch) Returns true if ch is a Lower Case character 3 static char touppercase(char ch) Converts ch to upper case and returns that character 4 static char tolowercase(char ch) Converts ch to lower case and returns that character String class Sl.No. Function Prototype Description int length() Returns the length of the string 2 char charat(int index) Returns the character at the specified index 3 int indexof(char ch) Returns the index of the first occurrence of the character ch 4 int lastindexof(char ch) Returns the index of the last occurrence of the character ch 5 int compareto(string str) Compares two strings lexicographically. 6 String concat(string str) Concatenates the specified string to the end of this string 7 str + str2 Concatenation operator(i.e., +), achieves same as concat method 8 boolean startswith(string str) Tests if the this string starts with str 9 boolean endswith(string str) Tests if the this string ends with str 0 boolean equals(string str) Compares the this string to the specified object str boolean equalsignorecase(string str) Compares the this string to the specified object str ignoring the case 2 String tolowercase() Converts all of the characters in the this String to lower case 3 String touppercase() Converts all of the characters in the this String to upper case 4 String tostring() Returns the String itself 5 String replace(char oldchar, char Returns a new string resulting from replacing all 5 TechSparx Java Tuitions

16 newchar) 6 String substring(int begindex, int endindex) occurrences of oldchar in the this string with newchar Returns a substring starting from begindex till endindex. Inclusive of begindex but exclusive of endindex. 7 String trim() Removes white space from both ends of the this String 8 static String valueof(all types) Returns string representation of the passed argument. Eg: 2 represented as 2 9 char[] tochararray() Converts this string into an array of characters and returns the array of characters. StringBuffer class int capacity() Returns the maximum number of characters that can be entered in the current string object(this) i.e., its capacity 2 int length() int capacity() StringBuffer append(string arg0) StringBuffer insert(int arg0, CharSequence arg) void setcharat(int arg0, char arg) StringBuffer delete(int arg0, int arg) void setlength(int arg0) StringBuffer reverse() StringBuffer replace(int arg0, int arg, String arg2) char int String String String int arg) charat(int arg0) indexof(string arg0) tostring() substring(int arg0) substring(int arg0, 6 TechSparx Java Tuitions

17 7 TechSparx Java Tuitions

18 One Dimensional Array. Write a program to read 0 numbers from user and store it in an array and display them. 2. Write a program to find the largest and smallest element of an array. 3. Write a program that quadruples every element of an array of size n. 4. Write a program to delete duplicate elements from an array of size 0. And display the resultant array. 5. Create two arrays of type char and initialize them with 0 characters each. And then check if characters in corresponding positions of the two character arrays are same. Display appropriate message after comparison. 6. Write a program that reverses an array and stores it in a new array. 7. Write a program that reverses an array and stores it in the same array. 8 TechSparx Java Tuitions

19 Searching and Sorting. State conditions under which BINARY SEARCH is applicable. 2. Write a program to perform a Linear Search 3. Write a program to perform a Binary Search 4. Write a program to perform a Bubble Sort 5. Write a program to perform a Selection Sort 6. Perform bubble sort on the following array elements and arrange them in ascending order (Do not write the algorithm, you need to write the trace) Perform selection sort on the above array and give the array status after every iteration. (Do not write the algorithm, you need to write the trace) 8. Write a program to search for 66 and 7 in the following array using BINARY SEARCH technique. Also write down the intermediate status of the array Write a program to initialize an array of 0 names and initialize another array with their respective telephone numbers. Search for a name input by the user, in the list. If found display Search Successful and print the name and telephone number, else display Search unsuccessful. 0. Write a program to read 0 names from the user and then arrange it in ascending order using selection sort technique and display the names before and after sorting.. Write a program to input 0 states and its capital. Display the states and capital in the sorted order of states. 9 TechSparx Java Tuitions

20 Strings and Arrays. Write a program to read the NAME and SALARY of 50 employees and perform the following activities using one-dimensional array a. Display the name and salary of the employee who is getting the HIGHEST salary. b. Display the name and salary of the employee who is getting the LOWEST salary. c. Display the AVERAGE salary. 2. Write a program to sort the characters of a string in the ascending order and display a string in which all the characters of the string are in ascending order. 3. Write a program to accept two words and check whether they are Anagrams. An Anagram is a word that is made with the combination of the letters present in the original word. Example: A word is FOWL and the other word is WOLF which is formed with the combinations of the letters present in the word. Thus FOWL and WOLF are ANAGRAMS. 4. Write a program to sort the words of a string in ascending order. 5. Program to accept a string and sort the words in the string based on the number of vowels in each word and display them in the ascending order. 6. Write a program that alters a string in such a way that the alphabet next to a vowel gets replaced by an equivalent opposite case alphabet. 20 TechSparx Java Tuitions

21 Classes, Objects, Functions and Constructors. Write a program using a class to calculate the volume, surface area and the diagonal of cuboid. 2. Design a class with the following specifications: Class Name: Emp Data Members/Instance Variables: String name, float salary, DA, HRA, PF, gross, net Member Functions: void inputdata(): to accept name and salary of an employee void calculate(): to find the following- DA = 20% of salary HRA = 5% of salary PF = 2% of salary gross = salary + DA + HRA net = gross PF void outputdata(): to display all the information 3. Design a class to enter the monthly salary of a person, calculate and print the annual tax payable by that person. Annual Salary (Rs.) Below 50,000 Tax Payable 5% of annual salary 50,00 to,25,000 0% of annual salary Above,25,00 20% of annual salary 4. Define a class Electricity described as below: Data Members: Name, Consumer Number, Units consumed. Member methods: i. To accept the name, consumer number, units consumed ii. To compute the electricity charges accordingly: upto 00 units : 80 paise per unit for next 00 units : Rs. per unit for more than 200 units : Rs..25 per unit iii. To display the details including name and consumer number 2 TechSparx Java Tuitions

22 5. BSNL charges for using telephone from their consumers according to the calls made (per month) as per the following tariff: Number of calls Up to 50 calls For next 00 calls For next 200 calls More than 350 calls Charge Rs..50 per call Rs. per call 90 paise per call 80 paise per call However, monthly rental charge is Rs. 80/- per month for all the consumers for using Telephones. Write a program in Java to calculate monthly telephone bill indicating number of calls, monthly rental and total amount to be paid. Take number of calls as an input. 6. Define a class Area that has the following members: Members Member Name Description private variables side, side2, radius Sides of rectangle and radius of circle Two parameterized To assign values to sides and radius constructors public method rectarea() Calculates area of rectangle public method circlearea() Calculates area of circle public method main() Invokes all member methods and prints the results 7. Define a class Compound that offers the functionality to calculate simple interest and compound interest using two functions. i. simpleinterest = (principal * rate * time) / 00 ii. compoundinterest = principal * ( ( + (rate/00)) time - ) 8. Write a program that implements a rectangle class. The rectangle class has fields: length, breadth, area and perimeter. It has methods: to obtain values of length and breadth, to calculate area and to calculate perimeter. 9. Write a program to implement checkeven() method that receives a number and then checks whether the given number is even or not. If it is, the method returns Boolean true otherwise Boolean false. 0. Write a program to implement a class Numbers having fields storing 3 integers and methods to find maximum, minimum and average of 3 numbers. 22 TechSparx Java Tuitions

23 Two Dimensional Array. Write a program to read the elements of a 3 x 3 matrix from the user. 2. Write a program to display the elements of a 3 x 3 matrix to the user. 3. Write a program to input two 3 x 3 matrix, find the sum of the matrices and then display the given matrices as well as the resultant matrix. 4. Write a program to input two 3 x 3 matrix, find the difference of the matrices and then display the given matrices as well as the resultant matrix. 5. Write a program to input two 3 x 3 matrix, find the product of the matrices and then display the given matrices as well as the resultant matrix. 6. Write a program to input two 3 x 3 matrix, and perform addition, subtraction and multiplication of the two matrices based on the user s choice. 7. Write a program to replace all the even numbers of 4 x 4 matrix with their squares and odd numbers with their square roots. 8. Write a program to accept the elements of (m x n) matrix and find the largest and smallest element of the matrix and print their position. 9. Write a program and do the following: a. Sum of each row. b. Sum of each column. c. Sum of principle diagonal elements. d. Sum of the other diagonal elements. e. Sum of all the elements f. Sum of boundary elements 0. Write a program to accept a 4 x 4 matrix. Print all the prime numbers present in it along with its location. Eg : Output: PrimeNumber RowNo ColNo Write a program a. To find the transpose of a given m x n matrix b. To check if the given matrix is an identity matrix 23 TechSparx Java Tuitions

24 Output Programs 24 TechSparx Java Tuitions

25 I am Saravanan.G, TechSparx is my start-up. I have completed Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science and working as a Senior Software Engineer in a MNC My passion is teaching! I love teaching programming languages like C, C++, Java, J2EE and Android My motto is to provide Corporate Level Training to School and Engineering College Students. If you want to learn the ART of programming in C, C++, JAVA, J2EE and Android easily!!! Then feel free to call me@ or mail me I conduct classes in the following locations Venkatesh Tutorials Wilson Garden, Bangalore - 27 Srushti Degree College #92, 2 nd Floor, Karthik Nagar, (next to Café Coffee Day, before HDFC Bank) Outer Ring Road, Marthahalli, Bangalore 37 For more information visit 25 TechSparx Java Tuitions


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