// Program 2 - Extra Credit // CIS // Spring // Due: 3/11/2015. // By: Andrew L. Wright. //Edited by : Ben Spalding

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1 // Program 2 - Extra Credit // CIS // Spring 2015 // Due: 3/11/2015 // By: Andrew L. Wright //Edited by : Ben Spalding // File: Prog2Form.cs // This class creates the main GUI for Program 2. It provides a // File menu with About and Exit items, an Insert menu with Patron and // Book items, an Item menu with Check Out and Return items, and a // Report menu with Patron List, Item List, and Checked Out Items items. // Extra Credit - Check Out and Return only show relevant items using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using System.IO; using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary; namespace LibraryItems

2 public partial class Prog2Form : Form private Library lib; // The library // Precondition: None // Postcondition: The form's GUI is prepared for display. A few test items and patrons // are added to the library public Prog2Form() InitializeComponent(); lib = new Library(); // Create the library // Insert test data - Magic numbers allowed here lib.addlibrarybook("the Wright Guide to C#", "UofL Press", 2010, 14, "ZZ225 3G", "Andrew Wright"); lib.addlibrarybook("harriet Pooter", "Stealer Books", 2000, 21, "AG773 ZF", "IP Thief"); lib.addlibrarymovie("andrew's Super-Duper Movie", "UofL Movies", 2011, 7, "MM33 2D", 92.5, "Andrew L. Wright", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.BLURAY, LibraryMovie.MPAARatings.PG); lib.addlibrarymovie("pirates of the Carribean: The Curse of C#", "Disney Programming", 2011, 10, "MO93 4S", 122.5, "Steven Stealberg", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.DVD, LibraryMovie.MPAARatings.G); lib.addlibrarymusic("c# - The Album", "UofL Music", 2011, 14, "CD44 4Z", 84.3, "Dr. A", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.CD, 10); lib.addlibrarymusic("the Sounds of Programming", "Soundproof Music", 1996, 21, "VI64 1Z", 65.0, "Cee Sharpe", LibraryMediaItem.MediaType.VINYL, 12);

3 lib.addlibraryjournal("journal of C# Goodness", "UofL Journals", 2011, 14, "JJ12 7M", 1, 2, "Information Systems", "Andrew Wright"); lib.addlibraryjournal("journal of VB Goodness", "UofL Journals", 2007, 14, "JJ34 3F", 8, 4, "Information Systems", "Alexander Williams"); lib.addlibrarymagazine("c# Monthly", "UofL Mags", 2010, 14, "MA53 9A", 16, 7); lib.addlibrarymagazine("c# Monthly", "UofL Mags", 2010, 14, "MA53 9B", 16, 8); lib.addlibrarymagazine("c# Monthly", "UofL Mags", 2010, 14, "MA53 9C", 16, 9); lib.addlibrarymagazine("vb Magazine", "UofL Mags", 2011, 14, "MA21 5V", 1, 1); // Add 5 Patrons lib.addpatron("ima Reader", "12345"); lib.addpatron("jane Doe", "11223"); lib.addpatron("john Smith", "54321"); lib.addpatron("juarez Waldo", "98765"); lib.addpatron("jean-luc Picard", "33456"); // Precondition: File, About menu item activated // Postcondition: Information about author displayed in dialog box private void abouttoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) MessageBox.Show(String.Format("Program 2 - Extra Credit0By: Andrew L. Wright0Edited By : Ben Spalding" + "CIS Spring 2015", System.Environment.NewLine), "About Program 2");

4 // Precondition: File, Exit menu item activated // Postcondition: The application is exited private void exittoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) Application.Exit(); // Precondition: Report, Patron List menu item activated // Postcondition: The list of patrons is displayed in the reporttxt // text box private void patronlisttoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // Holds text as report being built // StringBuilder more efficient than String List<LibraryPatron> patrons; // List of patrons patrons = lib.getpatronslist(); result.append(string.format("patron List - 0 patrons", lib.getpatroncount())); result.append(system.environment.newline); // Remember, \n doesn't always work in GUIs result.append(system.environment.newline); foreach (LibraryPatron p in patrons) result.append(p.tostring()); result.append(system.environment.newline);

5 result.append(system.environment.newline); reporttxt.text = result.tostring(); // Put cursor at start of report reporttxt.selectionstart = 0; // Precondition: Report, Item List menu item activated // Postcondition: The list of items is displayed in the reporttxt // text box private void itemlisttoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // Holds text as report being built // StringBuilder more efficient than String List<LibraryItem> items; // List of library items items = lib.getitemslist(); result.append(string.format("item List - 0 items", lib.getitemcount())); result.append(system.environment.newline); // Remember, \n doesn't always work in GUIs result.append(system.environment.newline); foreach (LibraryItem item in items) result.append(item.tostring());

6 result.append(system.environment.newline); result.append(system.environment.newline); reporttxt.text = result.tostring(); // Put cursor at start of report reporttxt.selectionstart = 0; // Precondition: Report, Checked Out Items menu item activated // Postcondition: The list of checked out items is displayed in the // reporttxt text box private void checkedoutitemstoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // Holds text as report being built // StringBuilder more efficient than String List<LibraryItem> items; // List of library items items = lib.getitemslist(); // LINQ: selects checked out items var checkedoutitems = from item in items where item.ischeckedout() select item;

7 result.append(string.format("checked Out Items - 0 items", checkedoutitems.count())); result.append(system.environment.newline); // Remember, \n doesn't always work in GUIs result.append(system.environment.newline); foreach (LibraryItem item in checkedoutitems) result.append(item.tostring()); result.append(system.environment.newline); result.append(system.environment.newline); reporttxt.text = result.tostring(); // Put cursor at start of report reporttxt.selectionstart = 0; // Precondition: Insert, Patron menu item activated // Postcondition: The Patron dialog box is displayed. If data entered // are OK, a LibraryPatron is created and added to the library private void patrontoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) PatronForm patronform = new PatronForm(); // The patron dialog box form DialogResult result = patronform.showdialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result if (result == DialogResult.OK) // Only add if OK

8 // Use form's properties to get patron info to send to library lib.addpatron(patronform.patronname, patronform.patronid); patronform.dispose(); // Good.NET practice - will get garbage collected anyway // Precondition: Insert, Book menu item activated // Postcondition: The Book dialog box is displayed. If data entered // are OK, a LibraryBook is created and added to the library private void booktoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) BookForm bookform = new BookForm(); // The book dialog box form DialogResult result = bookform.showdialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result if (result == DialogResult.OK) // Only add if OK try // Use form's properties to get book info to send to library lib.addlibrarybook(bookform.itemtitle, bookform.itempublisher, int.parse(bookform.itemcopyrightyear), int.parse(bookform.itemloanperiod), bookform.itemcallnumber, bookform.bookauthor); catch (FormatException) // This should never happen if form validation works!

9 MessageBox.Show("Problem with Book Validation!", "Validation Error"); bookform.dispose(); // Good.NET practice - will get garbage collected anyway // Precondition: Item, Check Out menu item activated // Postcondition: The Checkout dialog box is displayed. If data entered // are OK, an item is checked out from the library by a patron private void checkouttoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Extra Credit - Only display items that aren't already checked out List<LibraryItem> notcheckedoutlist; // List of items not checked out List<int> notcheckedoutindices; List<LibraryItem> items; List<LibraryPatron> patrons; // List of index values of items not checked out // List of library items // List of patrons items = lib.getitemslist(); patrons = lib.getpatronslist(); notcheckedoutlist = new List<LibraryItem>(); notcheckedoutindices = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < items.count(); ++i) if (!items[i].ischeckedout()) // Not checked out

10 notcheckedoutlist.add(items[i]); notcheckedoutindices.add(i); if ((notcheckedoutlist.count() == 0) (patrons.count() == 0)) // Must have items and patrons MessageBox.Show("Must have items and patrons to check out!", "Check Out Error"); else CheckoutForm checkoutform = new CheckoutForm(notCheckedOutList, patrons); // The check out dialog box form DialogResult result = checkoutform.showdialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result if (result == DialogResult.OK) // Only add if OK try int itemindex; // Index of item from full list of items itemindex = notcheckedoutindices[checkoutform.itemindex]; // Look up index from full list lib.checkout(itemindex, checkoutform.patronindex); catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) // This should never happen MessageBox.Show("Problem with Check Out Index!", "Check Out Error");

11 checkoutform.dispose(); // Good.NET practice - will get garbage collected anyway // Precondition: Item, Return menu item activated // Postcondition: The Return dialog box is displayed. If data entered // are OK, an item is returned to the library private void returntoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) // Extra Credit - Only display items that are already checked out List<LibraryItem> checkedoutlist; // List of items checked out List<int> checkedoutindices; List<LibraryItem> items; List<LibraryPatron> patrons; // List of index values of items checked out // List of library items // List of patrons items = lib.getitemslist(); patrons = lib.getpatronslist(); checkedoutlist = new List<LibraryItem>(); checkedoutindices = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < items.count(); ++i) if (items[i].ischeckedout()) // Checked out checkedoutlist.add(items[i]); checkedoutindices.add(i);

12 if ((checkedoutlist.count() == 0)) // Must have checked out items MessageBox.Show("Must have checked out items to return!", "Return Error"); else ReturnForm returnform = new ReturnForm(checkedOutList); // The return dialog box form DialogResult result = returnform.showdialog(); // Show form as dialog and store result if (result == DialogResult.OK) // Only add if OK try int itemindex; // Index of item from full list of items itemindex = checkedoutindices[returnform.itemindex]; // Look up index from full list //use this logic except replace checkout and return with book lib.returntoshelf(itemindex); catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) // This should never happen MessageBox.Show("Problem with Return Index!", "Return Error"); returnform.dispose(); // Good.NET practice - will get garbage collected anyway

13 // Precondition : A list of Library items // Postcondition : Saves the file to the folder //gotta redo private void savetoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); DialogResult result; string filename = "Gorbatron.dat"; using (SaveFileDialog filechooser = new SaveFileDialog()) //make all classes [Serializable] filechooser.checkfileexists = false; result = filechooser.showdialog(); filename = filechooser.filename; // FileMode.Create creates a new file if (result == DialogResult.OK) try FileStream filestream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create,FileAccess.Write);

14 formatter.serialize(filestream, lib); filestream.close(); catch (IOException) MessageBox.Show("Did not write to file try again."); this.close(); // Precondition : a save file from the serialization // Postcondition : opens the list and erases the old one to replace it with private void opentoolstripmenuitem_click(object sender, EventArgs e) //a formatter to deserialize with BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); // a new instance of the library to replace the old one and store the new one lib = new Library(); //clears existing lib // stores the result of the serialization DialogResult result;

15 //stores the file name string filename; using (OpenFileDialog filechooser = new OpenFileDialog()) //opens the file explorer result = filechooser.showdialog(); //sets the filename to the name of the file filename = filechooser.filename; // if the ok button was pressed if (result == DialogResult.OK) //if the file name is empty if (filename == string.empty) //closes the form this.close(); else FileStream input; input = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); //opens the file and reads it //deserializes the file

16 lib = (Library)formatter.Deserialize(input); input.close(); // Precondition : a patron list // Postcondition : replaces the index in the patron list with an edited one private void patrontoolstripmenuitem1_click(object sender, EventArgs e) //the list of library patrons List<LibraryPatron> patrons = lib.getpatronslist(); //an EditPatron form object EditPatron editpatron = new EditPatron(patrons); //a resuilt that whether tthey pressed ok or not DialogResult result = editpatron.showdialog(); //if they pressed ok if (result == DialogResult.OK) try //holds the index of the item you are editing int itemindex = editpatron.getitemindex;

17 LibraryPatron apatron = patrons[itemindex]; // makes a patron object to store the info in that index of the list PatronForm patronform = new PatronForm(); // opens the patron form //these next two lines fill the fields on the patron form with the // info stored in the apatron object patronform.patronname = apatron.patronname; patronform.patronid = apatron.patronid; //a second dialog result for the patron form DialogResult resulttwo = patronform.showdialog(); //did they press ok if (resulttwo == DialogResult.OK) //the next two lines will fill in the patron list apatron.patronname = patronform.patronname; apatron.patronid = patronform.patronid; //closes the form patronform.close(); //actually swaps the data in the selected index patrons[itemindex] = apatron; catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)

18 this.close(); // Precondition : a library item list // Postcondition : swaps the data of certain books private void booktoolstripmenuitem1_click(object sender, EventArgs e) //list of items List<LibraryItem> items = lib.getitemslist(); //a new EditBook form object EditBook editbook = new EditBook(items); //opens the editbook form and stores the result DialogResult result = editbook.showdialog(); //list of the indexes List<int> bookindexs = new List<int>(); //if they hit ok if (result == DialogResult.OK) try //list of library books List<LibraryBook> bookitems = new List<LibraryBook>();

19 //a loop that finds library books and stores them and their indexes in two seperate lists for(int i = 0; i < items.count(); ++i) if (items[i] is LibraryBook) LibraryBook newitem = (LibraryBook)items[i]; bookitems.add(newitem); bookindexs.add(i); //stores the partiicular item index int itemindex = bookindexs[editbook.getitemindex]; //a new library book object LibraryBook abook = bookitems[itemindex]; //a bookform object BookForm bookform = new BookForm(); //fills the text boxes with the properties bookform.itemtitle = abook.title; bookform.itempublisher = abook.publisher; bookform.itemloanperiod = abook.loanperiod.tostring(); bookform.itemcopyrightyear = abook.copyrightyear.tostring(); bookform.itemcallnumber = abook.callnumber; bookform.bookauthor = abook.author;

20 DialogResult resulttwo = bookform.showdialog(); if (resulttwo == DialogResult.OK) //sets the propeties equal to the new information abook.title = bookform.itemtitle; abook.publisher = bookform.itempublisher; abook.loanperiod = int.parse(bookform.itemloanperiod); abook.copyrightyear = int.parse(bookform.itemcopyrightyear); abook.callnumber = bookform.itemcallnumber; abook.author = bookform.bookauthor; catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException) this.close();

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