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2 1) PROGRAM TO FIND FACTORIAL OF THREE NUMBERS. public class Factorial int fact(int n) if (n<=1) return 1; else return(n * fact(n-1)); public static void main (String arg[]) int fa,fb,fc; int a=4,b=5,c=6; Factorial f; f= new Factorial(); fa= f.fact(a); fb=f.fact(b); fc=f.fact(c); System.out.println("Factorial of " + a+ " is " +fa); System.out.println("Factorial of " + b+ " is " +fb); System.out.println("Factorial of " + c+ " is " +fc); Out put Factorial of 4 is 24 Factorial of 5 is 120 Factorial of 6 is 720

3 2) PROGRAM FOR SUM OF SERIES USING MATH POWER METHOD. public class Sum public static void main (String arg[]) int n=10; int i=0; int sum=0; int x=2; while(i<n) sum += Math.pow(x,i); i++; System.out.println( "Sum of the series 1 + X+X^2+X^3+...="+sum); Output Sum of the series 1 + X+X^2+X^3+...=1023

4 3) PROGRAM ON COMMAND LINE ARGUMENT. class Comline public static void main(string args[]) int count, i=0; String string; count= args.length; System.out.println(" Number of arguments = " + count); while(i<count) string = args[i]; i=i+1; System.out.println(i+ " : " + " java is " + string + "!"); Out put C:\J2SDK1~1.0\bin>javac C:\J2SDK1~1.0\bin>java Comline Simple Robust secure Portable Number of arguments = 4 1 : java is Simple! 2 : java is Robust! 3 : java is secure! 4 : java is Portable!

5 4) PROGRAM TO PRINT THE FIBONACI SERIES. import*; public class Fibo /** Prompt user for a value of n, then print n Fibonacci numbers */ public static void main(string[] args) throws IOException BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Enter value of n: "); String ns = rd.readline(); int n = Integer.parseInt(ns); int p = 0, c = 1, a; while (n-- > 0) System.out.println(c); a = p + c; p = c; c = a; Out put Enter value of n:

6 5) PROGRAM ON CONSOLE INPUT AND OUTPUT import*; public class Helloi public static void main(string[] args) throws IOException String name; BufferedReader kb = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; System.out.print("Please enter your name: "); name = kb.readline(); System.out.println("Hello " + name + "!"); System.out.println("Well come to the world of JAVA!"); System.exit(0); Out put Please enter your name: Shivani Hello Shivani! Well come to the world of JAVA

7 6) PROGRAM TO PRINT MULTIPLICATION TABLE USING NESTED DO WHILE STATEMENT class DowhileTest public static void main(string args[]) int row,column,y; System.out.println("Multiplication table\n"); row=1; do column=1; do y=row*column; System.out.print(""+y); column= column+1; while(column<=3); System.out.println("\n"); row=row+1; while(row<=3); Output Multiplication table

8 7) PROGRAM TO FIND LARGEST OF THREE NUMBERS USING NESTING OF IF ELSE STATEMENT class IfElseNesting public static void main(string args[]) int a=325,b=712,c=478; System.out.print("Largest value is :"); if(a>b) if (a>c) System.out.print(a); else System.out.print(c); else if(c>b) System.out.print(c); else System.out.print(b); Out put Largest value is: 712

9 8) PROGRAM TO FIND AREA OF A ROOM USING METHOD OVERLOADING class Room float length, breadth; Room(float x, float y) length=x; breadth=y; Room(float x) length=breadth=x; float area() return( length * breadth); class moverload public static void main(string args[]) Room room1= new Room(25.0f,15.0f); float roomarea=room1.area(); System.out.println("RoomArea = " +roomarea); Output Room Area = 375.0

10 9) PROGRAM TO FIND AREA AND VOLUME OF A ROOM USING SINGLE INHERITANCE class Room int length,breadth; Room(int x, int y) length=x; breadth=y; int area() return( length * breadth); class BedRoom extends Room int height; BedRoom(int x, int y, int z) super(x,y); height=z; int volume() return(length *breadth * height); class SingleInher public static void main(string args[]) BedRoom room1= new BedRoom(14,12,10); int area1 = room1.area(); int volume1= room1.volume(); System.out.println("Area1 = " +area1);

11 System.out.println("Volume1= " +volume1); Output Area1 = 168 Volume1= 1680

12 10) PROGRAM TO OBTAIN MARKS OF A STUDENT IN DIFFERENT FIELDS USING INTERFACE class Student int rollnumber; void getnumber(int n) rollnumber=n; void putnumber() System.out.println(" Roll No :" + rollnumber); class Test extends Student float part1,part2; void getmarks(float m1, float m2) part1=m1; part2=m2; void putmarks() System.out.println("Marks obtained"); System.out.println("part1=" + part1); System.out.println("part2=" + part2); interface Sports float sportwt = 6.0F; void putwt();

13 class Results extends Test implements Sports float total; public void putwt() System.out.println("Sports Wt= " +sportwt); void display() total=part1+part2+sportwt; putnumber(); putmarks(); putwt(); System.out.println("Total score = " + total); class Hybrid public static void main(string args[]) Results student1 = new Results(); student1.getnumber(1234); student1.getmarks(27.5f, 33.0F); student1.display(); Output Roll No :1234 Marks obtained part1=27.5 part2=33.0 Sports Wt= 6.0 Total score = 66.5

14 11) PROGRAM ON OVERRIDING METHODS class Super int x; Super(int x) this.x=x; void display() System.out.println("Super X = " +x); class Sub extends Super int y; Sub(int x, int y) super(x); this.y=y; void display() System.out.println("Super X = " +x); System.out.println("Super Y = " +y); class OverrideTest public static void main(string args[]) Sub s1= new Sub(100,200); s1.display(); Out Put Super X = 100 Super Y = 200

15 12 PROGRAM ON CONSTRUCTORS class Rectangle int length,width; Rectangle(int x, int y) length=x; width=y; int rectarea() return( length*width); class RectangleArea public static void main(string args[]) Rectangle rect1=new Rectangle(15,10); int area1=rect1.rectarea(); System.out.println("Area1 = " +area1); Output Area1 = 150

16 13) PROGRAM FOR CREATING OBJECTS AND ACCESSING MEMBERS class Rectangle int length,width; void getdata(int x, int y) length=x; width=y; int rectarea() int area= length*width; return(area); class RectArea public static void main(string args[]) int area1,area2; Rectangle rect1=new Rectangle(); Rectangle rect2= new Rectangle(); rect1.length=15; rect1.width=10; area1=rect1.length*rect1.width; rect2.getdata(20,12); area2=rect2.rectarea(); System.out.println("Area1 = " +area1); System.out.println("Area2 = " +area2); OutPut Area1 = 150 Area2 = 240

17 14) PROGRAM FOR STATIC MEMBERS class MathOperation static float multi (float x,float y) return x*y; static float divide (float x, float y) return x/y; class MathApplication public static void main(string args[]) float a =MathOperation.multi(4.0f, 5.0f); float b = MathOperation.divide(a, 2.0f); System.out.println("b= " +b); Output b= 10.0

18 15) PROGRAM FOR NUMBER RSORTING USING ARRAY class NumberSorting public static void main(static void main(string args[]) int number[]=55,40,80,65,71; int n = number.length; System.out.println("Given List: ); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) System.out.print(" "+numbe[i]); System.out.println("\n"); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) for(int j=i+1;j<n;j++) if(number[i]<number[j]) int temp=number[i]; number[i]=number[j]; number[j]=temp; System.out.println("Sorted List:"); for(int i=0;i<n;i++) System.out.println(" " + number[i]); System.out.println(" ");

19 OutPut Given List: Sorted List:

20 16) PROGRAM ON MULTITHREADING WHICH SHOWES 5,7 AND 13 TABLE class FiveTable extends Thread public void run() for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) System.out.println(i+ " Fives are " +(i*5)); class SevenTable extends Thread public void run() for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) System.out.println(i+ " Sevens are " +(i*7)); class ThirteenTable extends Thread public void run() for(int i=1;i<=5;i++) System.out.println(i+ " Thirteens are " +(i*13)); class MultiThreading public static void main(string args[]) FiveTable five; SevenTable seven; ThirteenTable thirteen; five= new FiveTable(); seven = new SevenTable(); thirteen = new ThirteenTable();

21 five.start(); seven.start(); thirteen.start(); Output 1 Fives are 5 1 Sevens are 7 1 Thirteens are 13 2 Fives are 10 2 Sevens are 14 2 Thirteens are 26 3 Fives are 15 3 Sevens are 21 3 Thirteens are 39 4 Fives are 20 4 Sevens are 28 4 Thirteens are 52 5 Fives are 25 5 Sevens are 35 5 Thirteens are 65

22 17) PROGRAM ON EXCEPTION HANDLING class error public static void main (String args[]) int a[]=5,10; int b=5; try int x= a[2]/b-a[1]; catch(arithmeticexception e) System.out.println("Division by zero"); catch(arrayindexoutofboundsexception e) System.out.println("Array index error"); catch(arraystoreexception e) System.out.println("Wrong Data type"); int y=a[1]/a[0]; System.out.println("y="+y); Out put Array index error y=2

23 18) PROGRAM FOR DRAWING HUMAN FACE USING GRAPHICS import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; /*<APPLET CODE=Face.class WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=200> </APPLET>*/ public class Face extends Applet public void paint(graphics g) g.drawoval(40,40,120,150); g.drawoval(57,75,30,20); g.drawoval(110,75,30,20); g.filloval(68,81,10,10); g.filloval(121,81,10,10); g.drawoval(85,100,30,30); g.fillarc(60,125,80,40,180,180); g.drawoval(25,92,15,30); g.drawoval(160,92,15,30); Output

24 19) PROGRAM TO OBTAIN SUM OF TWO NUMBERS USING APPLET import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; /*<APPLET CODE=UserIn.class WIDTH=250 HEIGHT=200> </APPLET>*/ public class UserIn extends Applet TextField text1,text2; public void init() text1 = new TextField(8); text2 = new TextField(8); add(text1); add(text2); text1.settext("0"); text2.settext("0"); public void paint (Graphics g) int x=0, y=0,z=0; String s1,s2,s; g.drawstring("input a number in each box ",10,50); try s1 = text1.gettext(); x=integer.parseint(s1); s2=text2.gettext(); y=integer.parseint(s2); catch(exception ex) z=x+y; s= String.valueOf(z); g.drawstring(" THE SUM IS: ", 10,75); g.drawstring(s,100,75);

25 public boolean action( Event event, Object obj) repaint(); return true; OUT PUT

26 20) PROGRAM TO SHOW CROSS LINES USING GRAPHICS APPLET import java.applet.*; import java.awt.*; /*<APPLET CODE = "Crossed.class" WIDTH = 600 HEIGHT = 600> </APPLET>*/ public class Crossed extends Applet public boolean handleevent( Event e) if( == Event.WINDOW_DESTROY) System.exit(0); return(super.handleevent(e)); public void paint(graphics g) for(int i=0;i<400;i+= 10) g.drawline(0,i,i,0); g.drawline(i,400,400,i); for(int j=0,k=400;j<400;j+= 10,k -=10) g.drawline(0,k,400,j); g.drawline(0,j,k,400);

27 Out put of Crossed lines

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