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1 CS s Crosswalk with CSTA K-12 Computer Science s for State/District/Course s CS s Name Website Contact Info redacted redacted redacted Please indicate whether your standards are: State District XSchool or Institution (X) CSTA Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. K-3 Computational Thinking K-3 Computational Thinking K-3 Computational Thinking Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs) to solve age-appropriate problems. Use writing tools, digital cameras, and drawing tools to illustrate thoughts, ideas, and stories in a stepby-step manner. Understand how to arrange (sort) information into useful order, such as sorting students by birth date, without using a computer. CTL1-1 CTL1-2 CTL1-3 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 1

2 Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. K-3 Computational Thinking Recognize that software is created to control computer operations. CTL1-4 K-3 Computational Thinking 3-6 Computational Thinking 3-6 Computational Thinking 3-6 Computational Thinking Demonstrate how 0s and 1s can be used to represent information. Understand and use the basic steps in algorithmic problem-solving (e.g., problem statement and exploration, examination of sample instances, design, implementation, and testing). Develop a simple understanding of an algorithm (e.g., search, sequence of events, or sorting) using computer-free exercises. Demonstrate how a string of bits can be used to represent alphanumeric information. Notion of algorithms Grade 6, Topic 13, Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Notion of algorithms Grade 6, Topic 13, Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Coding letters with numbers ASCII and Unicode with binary & hex, RGB in HEX Grade 6, Topic 12, How Computers Think CTL1-5 CTL1-6 CTL1-7 CTL Computational Thinking Describe how a simulation can be used to solve a problem. CTL Computational Thinking Make a list of sub-problems to consider while addressing a larger problem. Creating a Strategy, writing steps to solve a problem Notion of algorithms Grade 6, Topic 13, Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms CTL1-10 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 2

3 Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. 3-6 Computational Thinking Understand the connections between computer science and other fields. Babbage (analytic engine), Von Neumann, Harvard Mark I, analog computers. Grade 6, Unit 1: Topic 1History of Computers and Computation CTL1-11 K-3 Collaboration Gather information and communicate electronically with others with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. COL1-1 K-3 Collaboration Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers, teachers, and others using technology. COL Collaboration Use productivity technology tools (e.g., word processing, spreadsheet, presentation software) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities. Notion of an editor Editing, formatting a project Using on line help, clip art Basic word functions Grade 6, Topic 6, Word Processing etiquette Grade 6, Topic 8, Electronic Mail COL Collaboration Use online resources (e.g., , online discussions, collaborative web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities for the purpose of developing solutions or products. Notion of an editor Editing, formatting a project Using on line help, clip art Basic word functions Grade 6, Topic 6, Word Processing COL1-4 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 3

4 Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. etiquette Grade 6, Topic 8, Electronic Mail 3-6 Collaboration K-3 K-3 K-3 K-3 Computing Practice and Programming Computing Practice and Programming Computing Practice and Programming Computing Practice and Programming Identify ways that teamwork and collaboration can support problem solving and innovation. Use technology resources to conduct ageappropriate Research. Use developmentally appropriate multimedia resources (e.g., interactive books and educational software) to support learning across the curriculum. Create developmentally appropriate multimedia products with support from teachers, family members, or student partners. Construct a set of statements to be acted out to accomplish a simple task (e.g., turtle instructions). Notion of an editor Editing, formatting a project Using on line help, clip art Basic word functions Grade 6, Topic 6, Word Processing COL1-5 CPPL1-1 CPPL1-2 CPPL1-3 CPPL1-4 K-3 Computing Practice and Programming Identify jobs that use computing and technology. CPPL1-5 K-3 Computing Practice and Programming Gather and organize information using conceptmapping tools. CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, mobile devices, videos, educational software, and web tools) for problemsolving and self-directed learning. CPPL1-7 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 4

5 Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. 3-6 Computing Practice and Programming Use general-purpose productivity tools and peripherals to support personal productivity, remediate skill deficits, and facilitate learning. Use proven typing program Grade 6, Topic 4,Typing Skills CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia and text authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, and scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities. Use Paint and web tools to build and create animation Grade 6, Topic 6, Elementary Computer Graphics CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Gather and manipulate data using a variety of digital tools. CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Construct a program as a set of step-by-step instructions to be acted out (e.g., make peanut butter and jelly sandwich activity). Notion of algorithms Grade 6, Topic 13, Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Implement problem solutions using a block based visual programming language. Using Alice visual programming Programming as steps to solve a problem Concept of an object, methods, looping Grade 6, Topic 14, Intro to Programming CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Use computing devices to access remote information, communicate with others in support of direct and independent learning, and pursue CPPL1-13 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 5

6 Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. 3-6 Computing Practice and Programming personal interests. Navigate between webpages using hyperlinks and conduct simple searches using search engines. URLS, domains, hyperlinks Comparison of search engines Relevance of search Boolean search strings Grade 6, Topic 9, WWW & Browsers CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Identify a wide range of jobs that require knowledge or use of computing. what computers are used for Grade 6, Unit 1 Topic 2: Computer Usage and Terminology CPPL Computing Practice and Programming Gather and manipulate data using a variety of digital tools. CPPL1-16 K-3 Computers and Communication Devices Use standard input and output devices to successfully operate computers and related technologies. CCDL Computers and Communication Devices Demonstrate an appropriate level of proficiency with keyboards and other input and output devices. CCDL Computers and Communication Devices Understand the pervasiveness of computers and computing in daily life (e.g., voic , downloading videos and audio files, microwave ovens, thermostats, wireless Internet, mobile computing devices, GPS systems). CCDL1-3 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 6

7 Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. 3-6 Computers and Communication Devices Apply strategies for identifying simple hardware and software problems that may occur during use. CCDL Computers and Communication Devices Identify that information is coming to the computer from many sources over a network. CCDL Computers and Communication Devices Identify factors that distinguish humans from machines. CCDL Computers and Communication Devices Recognize that computers model intelligent behavior (as found in robotics, speech and language recognition, and computer animation). CCDL1-7 K-3 K-3 Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts Practice responsible digital citizenship (legal and ethical behaviors) in the use of technology systems and software. Identify positive and negative social and ethical behaviors for using technology. CGEL1-1 CGEL Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts Discuss basic issues related to responsible use of technology and information, and the consequences of inappropriate use. CGEL Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts Identify the impact of technology (e.g., social networking, cyber bullying, mobile computing and communication, web technologies, cyber security, and virtualization) on personal life and society. CGEL1-4 Community, Global, and Evaluate the accuracy, relevance, appropriateness, CGEL1-5 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 7

8 Strand CS Level 1 (recommended for grades K 6) Computer Science and Me Elementary school students are introduced to foundational concepts in computer science by integrating basic skills in technology with simple ideas about thinking. The learning experiences created from these standards should be inspiring and engaging, helping students see computing as an important part of their world. 3-6 Ethical Impacts comprehensiveness, and biases that occur in electronic information sources. Understand ethical issues that relate to computers and networks (e.g., equity of access, security, privacy, copyright, and intellectual property). 3-6 Community, Global, and Ethical Impacts Personal safety Cyber Bullying Social Networking Concept of an object, methods, looping Grade 6, Topic 12, internet Safety CGEL1-6 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 8

9 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Use the basic steps in algorithmic problemsolving to design solutions (e.g., problem statement and exploration, examination of sample instances, design, implementing a solution, testing, and evaluation). Notion of algorithms Problem solving techniques Grade 6, Topic 14, Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Programming as steps to solve a problem Using Alice Visual Programming Looping Branching, Storyboarding Testing Grade 6, Topic 14, Introduction to Programming CTL2-1 Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking What is an algorithm and how can we represent it? Reading and Understanding a problem Designing Solutions Grade 7, Unit2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking Various Scripting Languages Revisited Introduction to SQL with databases Database Concepts Design, Reports, Forms Data Modeling Desktop Databases (MS Access) Database Queries Relate SQL with HTML + JavaScript Grade 8, Unit 4, Intro of SQL Fundamental Concepts Learning Algorithms in the world (Review of algorithms discussed) Python Programming Revisited Revisit more algorithm examples (e.g. Cryptology algorithms from CS Unplugged) CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 9

10 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Revisit Sorting Algorithms Notion of algorithmic complexity and CS Unplugged intractable problem games Relationship between algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo code and programs using Python Grade8, Unit 5, Computer Programming Using Python Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Web Site Storyboard/Map Designing navigation Defining Site Characteristics, Headings, Color Scheme Refining a Database Query Grade 10, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Describe the process of parallelization as it relates to problem solving. Various Scripting Languages Revisited Introduction to SQL with databases Database Concepts Design, Reports, Forms Data Modeling Desktop Databases (MS Access) Database Queries CTL2-2 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 10

11 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Relate SQL with HTML + JavaScript Grade 8, Unit 4, Intro of SQL Fundamental Concepts Revisit more algorithm examples (e.g. Cryptology algorithms from CS Unplugged) Revisit Sorting Algorithms Notion of algorithmic complexity and CS Unplugged intractable problem games Relationship between algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo code and programs using Python Grade8, Unit 5, Computer Programming Using Python Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Define an algorithm as a sequence of instructions that can be processed by a computer. Notion of algorithms Problem solving techniques Grade 6, Topic 13, Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Storyboarding Programming with Alice Grade 6, Topic 14, Programming What is an algorithm and how can we represent it? Grade 7, Unit 2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking CTL2-3 Learning basics of simple, intuitive scripting language JS Statements JS Comparisons Use functions to make objects and call methods Personal Webpage Development Project (HTML, CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 11

12 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the JavaScript) Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using NotePad++ Revisit more algorithm examples (e.g. Cryptology algorithms from CS Unplugged) Revisit Sorting Algorithms Notion of algorithmic complexity and CS Unplugged intractable problem games Relationship between algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo code and programs using Python Grade8, Unit 5, Computer Programming Using Python Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Web Site Storyboard/Map Designing navigation Defining Site Characteristics, Headings, Color Scheme Refining a Database Query Grade 10, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 12

13 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Evaluate ways that different algorithms maybe used to solve the same problem. Notion of algorithms Problem solving techniques Create a Strategy, Check for efficiency Grade 6, Topic 13,Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms CTL2-4 Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking What is an algorithm and how can we represent it? Designing Solutions Review of Sorting Algorithm Introduce Searching Algorithm Grade 7, Unit2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking Revisit more algorithm examples (e.g. Cryptology algorithms from CS Unplugged) Revisit Sorting Algorithms Notion of algorithmic complexity and CS Unplugged intractable problem games Relationship between algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo code and programs using Python Grade8, Unit 5, Computer Programming Using Python Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 13

14 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Web Site Storyboard/Map Designing navigation Defining Site Characteristics, Headings, Color Scheme Refining a Database Query Grade 10, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Act out searching and sorting algorithms. Notion of algorithms, sorting & searching Logic Problems Problem solving techniques Grade 6, Topic 14,Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms CTL2-5 Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Review of Sorting Algorithm, act it out Introduce Searching Algorithm Lab: Guessing a Number game (applying binary search algorithm) Grade 7, Unit2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking Revisit more algorithm examples (e.g. Cryptology algorithms from CS Unplugged) Revisit Sorting Algorithms Notion of algorithmic complexity and CS Unplugged intractable problem games Relationship between algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo code and programs using Python Grade8, Unit 5, Computer Programming Using Python CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 14

15 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Describe and analyze a sequence of instructions being followed (e.g., describe a character s behavior in a video game as driven by rules and algorithms). Notion of algorithms Problem solving techniques Grade 6, Topic 14, Designing Solutions, Pseudo Code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Designing Solutions Flowcharts basics, Pseudo code Grade 7, Unit2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking CTL2-6 Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Comparisons of various scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, and etc) Personal Web Page Project using HTML & JavaScript Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using NotePad++ Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 15

16 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Represent data in a variety of ways including text, sounds, pictures, and numbers. Web Site Storyboard/Map Designing navigation Defining Site Characteristics, Headings, Color Scheme Refining a Database Query Grade 10, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Files, folders & drives Basic folder structures Data organization Data compression Grade 6, Unit 3, Basics of Data Storage Binary representation of numbers Coding letters with numbers ASCII and Unicode with binary & hex, RGB in HEX Grade 6, Topic 12,How Computer Think CTL2-7 Hardware Overview: Simulate dataflow in a computer (using Adobe Fireworks). Grade 7, Unit 4, Introduction of Computer Fundamentals Comparisons of various scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, and etc) CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 16

17 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Personal Web Page Project using HTML & JavaScript Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using NotePad++ Review base 2 system Computations using other than decimal systems Grade 8, Unit 6, Data Storage and Manipulation in the Computer Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Use visual representations of problem states, structures, and data (e.g., graphs, charts, network diagrams, flowcharts). Web Site Storyboard/Map Designing navigation Defining Site Characteristics, Headings, Color Scheme Refining a Database Query Grade 10, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Storyboarding, Planning Grade 6, Topic 14,Introduction to Programming Flowcharts basics, Pseudo code Introduce Searching Algorithm Guessing a Number game (applying binary search algorithm) Grade 7, Unit2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking CTL2-8 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 17

18 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Review base 2 system Computations using other than decimal systems Grade 8, Unit 6, Data Storage and Manipulation in the Computer Real life examples using and, or, and not AND and OR logic gates Other basic gates such as NAND, NOR, XOR (exclusive OR), and XNOR (exclusive NOR) Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates DeMorgan s Law Use EasySim for Actual Simulation of Gates Grade 8, Unit 7, How Computers Handle Conditions Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Web Site Storyboard/Map Designing navigation Defining Site Characteristics, Headings, Color Scheme Refining a Database Query Grade 10, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Level 2/ Computational Interact with content-specific models and Concept of an Object with properties and methods CTL2-9 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 18

19 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the 6-9 Thinking simulations (e.g., ecosystems, epidemics, molecular dynamics) to support learning and research. using Alice Grade 6, Topic 14, Introduction to Programming Real life examples using and, or, and not AND and OR logic gates Other basic gates such as NAND, NOR, XOR (exclusive OR), and XNOR (exclusive NOR) Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates DeMorgan s Law Use EasySim for Actual Simulation of Gates Grade 8, Unit 7, How Computers Handle Conditions Review of World Wide Web, HTML and JavaScript Browser Differences, HTML s W3C Grade 10, Unit 1, Hardware and Software Overview Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Evaluate what kinds of problems can be solved using modeling and simulation. Real life examples using and, or, and not AND and OR logic gates Other basic gates such as NAND, NOR, XOR (exclusive OR), and XNOR (exclusive NOR) Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates DeMorgan s Law Use EasySim for Actual Simulation of Gates Grade 8, Unit 7, How Computers Handle Conditions Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics CTL2-10 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 19

20 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Review of World Wide Web, HTML and JavaScript Browser Differences, HTML s W3C Grade 10, Unit 1, Hardware and Software Overview Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Analyze the degree to which a computer model accurately represents the real world. Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Robotic Challenge Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics CTL2-11 Use abstraction to decompose a problem into sub problems. Concept of an object with properties and methods Grade 6, Topic 14,Introduction to Programming CTL2-12 Review basics of Alice and object-oriented concepts: Class Level and World Level Methods Grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice Python Final Project Grade 7, Unit 5 Programming with Python Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Mimic Web Page Layout Use Table Layout Grade 8, Unit 2, HTML Programming Personal Webpage Development Project (HTML, JavaScript) Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using Notepad++ Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 20

21 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Understand the notion of hierarchy and abstraction in computing including high level languages, translation, instruction set, and logic circuits. Basics of operating systems (layers of software, system utilities, account management) Grade 7, Unit 4, Introduction of Computer Fundamentals CTL2-13 Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Real life examples using and, or, and not AND and OR logic gates Other basic gates such as NAND, NOR, XOR (exclusive OR), and XNOR (exclusive NOR) Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates DeMorgan s Law Use EasySim for Actual Simulation of Gates Grade 8, Unit 7, How Computers Handle Conditions Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Examine connections between elements of mathematics and computer science including binary numbers, logic, sets and functions. Binary representation of numbers Coding letters with numbers ASCII and Unicode with binary & hex, RGB in HEX Grade 6, Topic 12, How Computers Think Use Python to Program using Advanced Concepts Use functions, lists, repetitions, relational /logical comparison Grade 7, Unit 5, Programming with Python CTL2-14 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 21

22 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Real life examples using and, or, and not AND and OR logic gates Other basic gates such as NAND, NOR, XOR (exclusive OR), and XNOR (exclusive NOR) Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates DeMorgan s Law Use EasySim for Actual Simulation of Gates Grade 8, Unit 7, How Computers Handle Conditions Level 2/ 6-9 Computational Thinking Provide examples of interdisciplinary applications of thinking. Project: Use Alice for inter-disciplinary projects to solve problems such as a Latin Word translator, acting out scenes from History or ELA books, vocabulary word projects Grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice Python Final Project Grade 7, Unit 5, Programming with Python CTL2-15 Level 2/ 6-9 Collaboration Apply productivity/ multimedia tools and peripherals to group collaboration and support learning throughout the curriculum. Use proven typing program Grade 6, Unit 4, Typing Skills Storyboarding, Planning for interdisciplinary projects, using Alice Grade 6, Topic 15, Introduction to Programming Internet Explorer vs. NotePad++, File extensions, Markup Languages Grade 8, Unit 1, Intro to HTML Programming Formatting, Colors, Layouts, Web Quality Assurance, COL2-1 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 22

23 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Web Page Project Grade 8, Unit 2, HTML Programming Level 2/ 6-9 Collaboration Collaboratively design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g., videos, podcasts, websites) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts. Internet Explorer vs. NotePad++, File extensions, Markup Languages Grade 8, Unit 1, Intro to HTML Programming Formatting, Colors, Layouts, Web Quality Assurance, Web Page Project Grade 8, Unit 2, HTML Programming COL2-2 Pair Programming, using, PIAZZA Grade 9, Unit 3, Computer Programming Level 2/ 6-9 Collaboration Collaborate with peers, experts, and others using collaborative practices such as pair programming, working in project teams, and participating in group active learning activities. Hardware Overview: Hands-on build of a PC: work in groups of 2 to install all hardware parts in a PC Grade 7, Unit 4, Introduction of Computer Fundamentals Python Final Project Using Robotics with Python Grade 7, Unit 5, Programming with Python Formatting, Colors, Layouts, Web Quality Assurance Grade 8, Unit 2, HTML Programming Intro to Web Page Development II OOP, JavaScript, Python, Java, C++ Comparisons of various scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, and etc) Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using NotePad++ COL2-3 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 23

24 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Level 2/ 6-9 Collaboration Exhibit dispositions necessary for collaboration: providing useful feedback, integrating feedback, understanding and accepting multiple perspectives, socialization. Intro to Web Page Development II OOP, JavaScript, Python, Java, C++ Comparisons of various scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, and etc) Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using NotePad++ COL2-4 Review of World Wide Web, HTML and JavaScript Browser Differences, HTML s W3C Grade 10, Unit 1, Hardware and Software Overview Select appropriate tools and technology resources to accomplish a variety of tasks and solve problems. Formatting, Colors, Layouts, Web Quality Assurance, Web Page Project Grade 8, Unit 2, HTML Programming Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics CPPL2-1 Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Use of Pelles C Source Code, Compiling, Debugging, Testing, Revisiting Pair Programming, Use of PIAZZA and online C tools to practice programming, codelab, Turing Craft Grade 9, Unit 3, Computer Programming HTML, XML, & JavaScript Review CSS, Syntax, Inline, External, Inheritance, Case Study Page Layout using CSS, the Box Model, Case Study Team Project Using PHP, HTML, CSS CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 24

25 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the PHP, syntax, embedded PHP in HTML, Expression Blocks, Server Side Basics, Print Statement, Types, variables, Boolean Logic, Control Statements, Case Study SQL, Relational Databases, Writing queries, Databases and PHP, Case Study Grade 10, Unit 5, Introduction to Languages of the Web Use a variety of multimedia tools and peripherals to support personal productivity and learning throughout the curriculum. Flowcharts basics (use Inspiration for flowcharts) Pseudo-code basics (use MS word and embed the flowchart from Inspiration) Grade 7, Unit2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking Review basics of Alice and object-oriented concepts Grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice CPPL2-2 Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Formatting, Colors, Layouts, Web Quality Assurance, Web Page Project Grade 8, Unit 2, HTML Programming Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics HTML, XML, & JavaScript Review CSS, Syntax, Inline, External, Inheritance, Case Study Page Layout using CSS, the Box Model, Case Study Team Project Using PHP, HTML, CSS PHP, syntax, embedded PHP in HTML, Expression Blocks, Server Side Basics, Print Statement, Types, CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 25

26 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the variables, Boolean Logic, Control Statements, Case Study SQL, Relational Databases, Writing queries, Databases and PHP, Case Study Grade 10, Unit 5, Introduction to Languages of the Web Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Design, develop, publish, and present products (e.g., web pages, mobile applications, animations) using technology resources that demonstrate and communicate curriculum concepts. Alice and object-oriented concepts Use Alice for inter-disciplinary projects to solve problems such as a Latin Word translator, acting out scenes from History or ELA books, vocabulary word projects Grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice Introduction to Python Programming: Introduce students to writing a program in Python (in comparison to Alice visual interface). Concept of input > processing > output of a program (input statements, print statements) Introduce data types (int, float, string) and arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /, %, **) Grade 7, Unit 5 Programming with Python CPPL2-3 Formatting, Colors, Layouts, Web Quality Assurance, Web Page Project Grade 8, Unit 2, HTML Programming Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 26

27 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Use of Pelles C Source Code, Compiling, Debugging, Testing, Revisiting Pair Programming, Use of PIAZZA and online C tools to practice programming, codelab, Turing Craft Grade 9, Unit 3, Computer Programming CSS, Syntax, Inline, External, Inheritance, Case Study Page Layout using CSS, the Box Model, Case Study Team Project Using PHP, HTML, CSS PHPCase Study SQL, Relational Databases, Writing queries, Databases and PHP, Case Study Grade 10, Unit 5, Introduction to Languages of the Web Demonstrate an understanding of algorithms and their practical application. Programming as steps to solve a problem Grade 6, Topic 14, Introduction to Programming CPPL2-4 Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Review of Sorting algorithm Act it to visualize different sorting algorithms Introduce Searching Algorithm Applying binary search algorithm) Grade 7, Unit2, Algorithms & Computational Thinking Alice and object-oriented concepts: Creating a World in Alice, Setting up a scene Adding and manipulating the object Advanced Programming with Alice Grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice Introduction to Python Programming: Grade 7, Unit 5 Programming with Python CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 27

28 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms HTML, XML, & JavaScript Review CSS, Syntax, Inline, External, Inheritance, Case Study Team Project Using PHP, HTML, CSS SQL, Relational Databases, Writing queries, Databases and PHP, Case Study Grade 10, Unit 5, Introduction to Languages of the Web Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Implement problem solutions using a programming language, including: looping behavior, conditional statements, logic, expressions, variables, and functions. Programming with Alice to solve a problem Looping, Branching, Sorting Grade 6, Topic 14, Introduction to Programming Alice and Object Oriented Concepts Creating a World in Alice, Setting up a scene, Adding and manipulating the objects (understanding object center, axes, motion, subparts), Manipulating the camera and light CPPL2-5 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 28

29 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Using properties and methods during scene setup, Storyboard design (flowcharts, pseudo-code) Do In Order and Do Together Class Level and World Level Methods Apply advanced programming logic: Variables and data types World level methods and functions (including relational and logical operators) Conditionals: the If / Else block Functions and parameters Repetitions: the Loop and the While blocks Extending classes and creating new properties, methods and functions Lists: For All in Order and For All Together Adding sounds to Alice Creating events / Interactivity in Alice Using Robotics with Alice: Grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice Introduction to Python Programming: Use Python to Write Programs Using Advanced Concepts Learned in Alice: Introduce relational (<, <=, >, >=, ==,!=) and logical operations (and, or, not) Using conditionals (if/else) Using lists and repetitions (while/for) Using functions and parameters Python Final Project Using Robotics with Python: Grade 7, Unit 5, Programming with Python CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 29

30 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Intro to Web Page Development II OOP, JavaScript, Python, Java, C++ Comparisons of various scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, and etc) Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using NotePad++ Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Team Project Using PHP, HTML, CSS PHP, syntax, embedded PHP in HTML, Expression Blocks, Server Side Basics, Print Statement, Types, variables, Boolean Logic, Control Statements, Case Study SQL, Relational Databases, Writing queries, Databases and PHP, Case Study Grade 10, Unit 5, Introduction to Languages of the Web types, operators, expressions CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 30

31 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the conditionals control structures loops correctness and test case design/debugging Grade 9, Unit 5, CS Programming Fundamentals Demonstrate good practices in personal information security, using passwords, encryption, and secure transactions. etiquette Hoax, virus, spam Grade 6, Topic 8, Electronic Mail Introduction to Python Programming: Grade 7, Unit 5 Programming with Python CPPL2-6 Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Comparisons of various scripting languages (JavaScript, Python, and etc) Personal Web Page Project using HTML & JavaScript Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming using NotePad++ Protocol hierarchy, the OSI reference model routing and switching, TCP/IP stack, network management protocols Grade 9, Unit 2, Introduction to Computer Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Identify interdisciplinary careers that are enhanced by computer science. Using Robotics with Alice: Grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice Introduction to Python Programming: Using Robotics with Python: CPPL2-7 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 31

32 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Grade 7, Unit 5 Programming with Python HTML, XML, & JavaScript Review Team Project Using PHP, HTML, CSS Grade 10, Unit 5, Introduction to Languages of the Web Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Demonstrate dispositions amenable to openended problem solving and programming (e.g., comfort with complexity, persistence, brainstorming, adaptability, patience, propensity to tinker, creativity, accepting challenge). Using Robotics with Alice: Add the robot object (like irobot Create, Finch, or Lego Mindstorms) to the Alice world Learn how to manipulate the real robot through the virtual robot object in Alice (using the robot class methods and functions) Create an interactive Alice program to manipulate the robot with key strokes and read data from its sensors.grade 7, Unit 3, Programming with Alice Using Robotics with Python: Grade 7, Programming with Python CPPL2-8 Personal Webpage Development Project (HTML, JavaScript) Grade 8, Unit 3, JavaScript Programming with NotePad++ Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 32

33 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms Level 2/ 6-9 Computing Practice and Programming Collect and analyze data that is output from multiple runs of a computer program. Various Scripting Languages Revisited Introduction to SQL with databases Database Concepts Design, Reports, Forms Data Modeling Desktop Databases (MS Access) Database Queries Relate SQL with HTML + JavaScript Grade 8, Unit 4, Intro of SQL Fundamental Concepts Revisit more algorithm examples (e.g. Cryptology algorithms from CS Unplugged) Revisit Sorting Algorithms Notion of algorithmic complexity and CS Unplugged intractable problem games Relationship between algorithms, flowcharts, pseudo code and programs using Python Grade8, Unit 5, Computer Programming Using Python Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics CPPL2-9 use high level programming language with simple syntax input and output CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 33

34 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the correctness and test case design/debugging arrays Grade 9, Unit 5, CS Programming Fundamentals CSS, Syntax, Inline, External, Inheritance, Case Study Page Layout using CSS, the Box Model, Case Study Team Project Using PHP, HTML, CSS PHP, syntax, embedded PHP in HTML, Expression Blocks, Server Side Basics, Print Statement, Types, variables, Boolean Logic, Control Statements, Case Study SQL, Relational Databases, Writing queries, Databases and PHP, Case Study Grade 10, Unit 5, Introduction to Languages of the Web Recognize that computers are devices that execute programs. Binary representation of numbers Grade 6, Topic 12, How Computers Think CCDL2-1 Level 2/ 6-9 Computers and Communication Devices Hardware Overview: Detailed overview of hardware: what each part is, what it looks like, and what is its function: Grade 7, Unit 4, Introduction of Computer Fundamentals Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 34

35 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Source Code, Compiling, Debugging, Testing, Revisiting Grade 9, Unit 3, Computer Programming Introduction to the Adobe Suite Dreamweaver environment, Setting up the Dreamweaver interface for Code View/Design View Using Fireworks and Flash to add rich media to a web site Testing pages in web browsers Connecting to an external Web Server Grade 10, Unit 3, Web Design Environment Identify a variety of electronic devices that contain processors. Hardware Overview: Detailed overview of hardware: what each part is, what it looks like, and what is its function: Grade 7, Unit 4, Introduction of Computer Fundamentals CCDL2-2 Level 2/ 6-9 Computers and Communication Devices Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics Introduction to the Adobe Suite Dreamweaver environment, Setting up the Dreamweaver interface for Code View/Design View Using Fireworks and Flash to add rich media to a web site Testing pages in web browsers CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 35

36 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Connecting to an external Web Server Grade 10, Unit 3, Web Design Environment Demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between hardware and software. Overview of hardware Overview of software Grade 6, Topic 2,Computer Usage and Terminology CCDL2-3 Level 2/ 6-9 Computers and Communication Devices Hardware Overview: Detailed overview of hardware: what each part is, what it looks like, and what is its function: Software and Operating System Overview: Detailed overview of software: what each type is and how it is used. Grade 7, Unit 4, Introduction of Computer Fundamentals Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics Use of Pelles C Source Code, Compiling, Debugging, Testing, Revisiting Grade 9, Unit 3, Computer Programming Introduction to the Adobe Suite Dreamweaver environment, Setting up the Dreamweaver interface for Code View/Design View Using Fireworks and Flash to add rich media to a web CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 36

37 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the site Testing pages in web browsers Connecting to an external Web Server Grade 10, Unit 3, Web Design Environment Use developmentally appropriate, accurate terminology when communicating about technology. Hardware Overview: Detailed overview of hardware: what each part is, what it looks like, and what is its function: Grade 7, Unit 4, Introduction of Computer Fundamentals Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics CCDL2-4 Level 2/ 6-9 Computers and Communication Devices PC Hardware and Software overview adding peripherals connecting the computer to a local area network and to the Internet Grade 9, Unit1, Advanced Hands On PC Operation Protocol hierarchy, the OSI reference model routing and switching, TCP/IP stack, network management protocols Grade 9, Unit 2, Introduction to Computer Networks Use of Pelles C Source Code, Compiling, Debugging, Testing, Revisiting Grade 9, Unit 3, Computer Programming Discussion of U Can Do It Writing procedures with not reinventing the wheel CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 37

38 Strand CS Middle school/junior high school students begin using thinking as a problem-solving tool. They begin to appreciate the Creating Repeat structures ( Loops) Identifying the Problem, Design, Code, Test, Revisit Making your code efficient Grade9, Unit 4, Designing Solutions, Pseudo code, Flowchart, Coding Algorithms use high level programming language with simple syntax input and output types, operators, expressions Grade 9, Unit 5, CS Programming Fundamentals Introduction to the Adobe Suite Dreamweaver environment, Setting up the Dreamweaver interface for Code View/Design View Using Fireworks and Flash to add rich media to a web site Testing pages in web browsers Connecting to an external Web Server Grade 10, Unit 3, Web Design Environment Level 2/ 6-9 Computers and Communication Devices Apply strategies for identifying and solving routine hardware problems that occur during everyday computer use. Advanced Programming Project (Using data flow/pseudo code, coding, testing) Programming a LEGO Robot (using Not-quite C) Grade 8, Unit 8, Programming Robotics PC Hardware and Software overview adding peripherals connecting the computer to a local area network and to the Internet Grade 9, Unit1, Advanced Hands On PC Operation CCDL2-5 CS K-12 s Curriculum Crosswalk 2011 CS K-12 s Page 38

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