C++ PROGRAMMING SKILLS Part 3 User-Defined Functions

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1 C++ PROGRAMMING SKILLS Part 3 User-Defined Functions Introduction Function Definition Void function Global Vs Local variables Random Number Generator Recursion Function Overloading Sample Code 1

2 Functions in C++ 2 Experience has shown that the best way to develop and maintain large programs is to construct it from smaller pieces(modules) This technique Called Divide and Conquer Bad Development Approach main() Return 0; Easer To Design Build Debug Extend Modify Understand Reuse Better Organization Wise Development Approach main() function f1() function f2()

3 Function Calling Functions called by writing functionname (argument); or functionname(argument1, argument2, ); Example cout << sqrt( ); sqrt (square root) function The preceding statement would print 30 All functions in math library return a double Function Arguments can be: - Constant sqrt(9); - Variable sqrt(x); - Expression sqrt( x*9 + y) ; sqrt( sqrt(x) ) ; 3

4 Function Calling Calling/invoking a function sqrt(x); Parentheses an operator used to call function Pass argument x Function gets its own copy of arguments After finished, passes back result Function Name cout<< sqrt(9); argument 3 Output 4 Parentheses used to enclose argument(s)

5 Math Library Functions Revisited Method Description Example ceil( x ) rounds x to the sm allest integer not less than x ceil( 9.2 ) is 10.0 ceil( -9.8 ) is -9.0 cos( x ) trigonometric cosine of x cos( 0.0 ) is 1.0 (x in radians) exp( x ) exponential function ex exp( 1.0 ) is exp( 2.0 ) is fabs( x ) absolute value of x fabs( 5.1 ) is 5.1 fabs( 0.0 ) is 0.0 fabs( ) is 8.76 floor( x ) rounds x to the largest integer not greater than x floor( 9.2 ) is 9.0 floor( -9.8 ) is fmod( x, y ) rem ainder of x/y as a floatingpoint fmod( , ) is num ber log( x ) natural logarithm of x (base e ) log( ) is 1.0 log( ) is 2.0 log10( x ) logarithm of x (base 10) log10( 10.0 ) is 1.0 log10( ) is 2.0 pow( x, y ) x raised to pow er y (xy) pow( 2, 7 ) is 128 pow( 9,.5 ) is 3 sin( x ) trigonom etric sine of x sin( 0.0 ) is 0 (x in radians) sqrt( x ) square root of x sqrt( ) is 30.0 sqrt( 9.0 ) is 3.0 tan( x ) trigonom etric tangent of x (x in radians) tan( 0.0 ) is 0 Fig. 3.2 M a th lib ra ry func tio ns. 5

6 Functions Functions Modularize a program Software reusability Call function multiple times Local variables Known only in the function in which they are defined All variables declared in function definitions are local variables Parameters Local variables passed to function when called Provide outside information 6

7 Function Definition Function prototype Tells compiler argument type and return type of function int square( int ); Function takes an int and returns an int Explained in more detail later Calling/invoking a function square(x); Parentheses an operator used to call function Pass argument x Function gets its own copy of arguments After finished, passes back result 7

8 Function Definition Syntax format for function definition returned-value-type function-name (parameter-list) Declarations of local variables and Statements Parameter list Comma separated list of arguments Data type needed for each argument If no arguments, use void or leave blank Return-value-type Data type of result returned (use void if nothing returned) 8

9 Function Definition Example function int square( int y ) return y * y; return keyword Returns data, and control goes to function s caller If no data to return, use return; Function ends when reaches right brace Control goes to caller Functions cannot be defined inside other functions 9

10 // Creating and using a programmer-defined function. #include <iostream.h> int square( int ); // function prototype int main() // loop 10 times and calculate and output // square of x each time for ( int x = 1; x <= 10; x++ ) cout << square( x ) << " "; // function call cout << endl; return 0; // indicates successful termination Function prototype: specifies data types of arguments and return values. square expects an int, and returns an int. Parentheses () cause function to be called. When done, it returns the result. // end main // square function definition returns square of an integer int square( int y ) // y is a copy of argument to function return y * y; // returns square of y as an int // end function square Definition of square. y is a copy of the argument passed. Returns y * y, or y squared

11 compute square and cube of numbers [1..10] using functions #include<iostream.h> int square(int); // prototype int cube(int); // prototype main() int i; for (int i=1;i<=10;i++) cout<< i<< square= << square(i) << endl; cout<< i<< cube= <<cube(i) << endl; // end for return 0; // end main function int square(int y) //function definition return y*y; // returned Result Output 1 square=1 1 cube=1 2 square=4 2 cube= square= cube=1000 int cube(int y) //function definition return y*y*y; // returned Result 11

12 // Finding the maximum of three floating-point (real) numbers. #include <iostream.h> double maximum( double, double, double ); // function prototype int main() double number1, number2; double number3; cout << "Enter three real numbers: "; cin >> number1 >> number2 >> number3; Function maximum takes 3 arguments (all double) and returns a double. // number1, number2 and number3 are arguments to the maximum function call cout << "Maximum is: " << maximum( number1, number2, number3 ) << endl; return 0; // indicates successful termination // end main // function maximum definition. x, y and z are parameters double maximum( double x, double y, double z ) double max = x; // assume x is largest if ( y > max ) // if y is larger, max = y; // assign y to max if ( z > max ) // if z is larger, max = z; // assign z to max return max; // max is largest value // end function maximum 12 Enter three real numbers: Maximum is: Enter three real numbers: Maximum is: 3.333

13 Function Prototypes Function prototype contains Function name Parameters (number and data type) Return type (void if returns nothing) Only needed if function definition after function call Prototype must match function definition Function prototype double maximum( double, double, double ); Definition double maximum( double x, double y, double z ) 13

14 void Function takes arguments If the Function does not RETURN result, it is called void Function #include<iostream.h> void add2nums(int,int); main() int a, b; cout<< enter tow Number: ; cin >>a >> b; add2nums(a, b); return 0; void add2nums(int x, int y) cout<< x<< + << y << = << x+y; 14

15 void Function take no arguments If the function Does Not Take Arguments specify this with EMPTY-LIST OR write void inside #include<iostream.h> void funa(); void funb(void); main() funa(); funb(); return 0; void funa() Will be the same in all cases cout << Function-A takes no arquments\n ; void funb() cout << Also Function-B takes No arguments\n ; 15

16 Remarks on Functions Local variables Known only in the function in which they are defined All variables declared inside a function are local variables Parameters Local variables passed to function when called (passing-parameters) Variables defined outside and before function main: Called global variables Can be accessible and used anywhere in the entire program 16

17 Remarks on Functions Omitting the type of returned result defaults to int, but omitting a non-integer type is a Syntax Error If a Global variable defined again as a local variable in a function, then the Local-definition overrides the Global defining Function prototype, function definition, and function call must be consistent in: 1- Number of arguments 2- Type of those arguments 3-Order of those arguments 17

18 Local vs Global Variables #include<iostream.h> int x,y; //Global Variables int add2(int, int); //prototype main() int s; x = 11; y = 22; cout << global x= << x << endl; cout << Global y= << y << endl; s = add2(x, y); cout << x << + << y << = << s; cout<<endl; cout<< \n---end of output---\n ; return 0; int add2(int x1,int y1) int x; //local variables x=44; cout << \nlocal x= << x << endl; return x1+y1; global x=11 global y=22 Local x= =33 ---end of output--- 18

19 Finding Errors in Function Code int sum(int x, int y) int result; result = x+y; this function must return an integer value as indicated in the header definition (return result;) should be added int sum (int n) if (n==0) return 0; else n+sum(n-1); the result of n+sum(n-1) is not returned; sum returns an improper result, the else part should be written as:- else return n+sum(n-1); 19

20 Finding Errors in Function Code void f(float a); float a; cout<<a<<endl; ; found after function definition header. redefining the parameter a in the function void f(float a) float a2 = a + 8.9; cout <<a2<<endl; 20

21 Finding Errors in Function Code void product(void) int a, b, c, result; cout << enter three integers: ; cin >> a >> b >> c; result = a*b*c; cout << Result is << result; return result; According to the definition it should not return a value, but in the block (body) it did & this is WRONG. Remove return Result; 21

22 Function Call Methods Call by value A copy of the value is passed Call by reference The caller passes the address of the value Call by value Up to this point all the calls we have seen are call-by-value, a copy of the value (known) is passed from the caller-function to the called-function Any change to the copy does not affect the original value in the caller function Advantages, prevents side effect, resulting in reliable software 22

23 Function Call Methods Call By Reference We introduce reference-parameter, to perform call by reference. The caller gives the called function the ability to directly access the caller s value, and to modify it. A reference parameter is an alias for it s corresponding argument, it is stated in c++ by flow the parameter s type in the function prototype by an ampersand(&) also in the function definition-header. Advantage: performance issue void function_name (type &);// prototype main() void function_name(type &parameter_name) 23

24 Function Call Example #include<iostream.h> int squareval(int); //prototype call by value function void squareref(int &); // prototype call by reference function int main() int x=2; z=4; cout<< x= << x << before calling squareval ; cout << \n << squareval(x) << \n ; // call by value cout<< x= << x << After returning cout<< z= << z << before calling squareref ; squareref(z); // call by reference cout<< z= << z<< After returning squareref return 0; int squareval(int a) return a*=a; // caller s argument not modified void squarref(int &cref) cref *= cref; // caller s argument modified x=2 before calling squareval 4 x=2 after returning z=4 before calling squareref z=16 after returning squareref 24

25 Random Number Generator rand function generates an integer between 0 and RAND- MAX(~32767) a symbolic constant defined in <stdlib.h> You may use modulus operator (%) to generate numbers within a specifically range with rand. 25 //generate 10 random numbers open-range int x; for( int i=0; i<=10; i++) x=rand(); cout<<x<< ; //generate 10 integers between int x; for( int i=0; i<10; i++) x=rand()%50; cout<<x<< ;

26 Random Number Generator //generate 10 integers between 5 15 int x; for ( int i=1; i<=10; i++) x= rand()%11 + 5; cout<<x<< ; //generate 100 number as simulation of rolling a dice int x; for (int i=1; i<=100; i++) x= rand%6 + 1; cout<<x<< ; 26

27 Random Number Generator the rand( ) function will generate the same set of random numbers each time you run the program. To force NEW set of random numbers with each new run use the randomizing process Randomizing is accomplished with the standard library function srand(unsigned integer); which needs a header file <stdlib.h> Explanation of signed and unsigned integers: int is stored in at least two-bytes of memory and can have positive & negative values unsigned int also stored in at least two-bytes of memory but it can have only positive values

28 Randomizing with srand #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() int i; unsigned num; // we will enter a different number each time we run cin>>num; srand(num); for(i=1; i<=5; i++) cout<<setw(10)<< 1+rand()%6; return 0; Output for Multiple Runs Different-set of Random numbers 28

29 #include<iostream.h> #include<iomanip.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() int i; without srand for(i=1; i<=5; i++) cout<<setw(10)<< 1+rand()%6; return 0; Output for Multiple Runs Same set of numbers for each run 29

30 Recursion and Recursive Functions Main calls another function..normal A function calls another function2.normal A function calls itself?! Possible?? YES A recursive function is one that call itself. 30

31 Concept Of recursion A recursive function is called to solve a problem The function knows to solve only the simplest cases or so-called base-cases Thus if the function called with a base-case, it simply returns a result. But if it is called with more complex problem, the function divides the problem into two conceptual pieces, one knows how to do, and another doesn't know what to do. The second case/piece must resemble the original problem, but be a slightly simpler/smaller version of the original problem 31

32 Concept Of recursion (cont.) Thus the function launches (calls) a fresh copy of itself to work on the smaller problem this is related as a Recursive-call/recursive step. The function keeps dividing each new sub problem into two conceptual pieces until eventually terminates after converging on the base-case. The function thus recognize the base-case and returns a result to the previous copy of the way up the line until original call of the function returns the final result to main. 32

33 Finding Factorial Recursively 5! 5! Final value=120 5*4! 5*4! 5!=5*24=120 returned 4*3! 3*2! 4*3! 3*2! 4!=4*6=24 returned 3!=3*2=6 returned 2*1! 2*1! 2!=2*1=2 returned

34 Finding Factorial Recursively //Recursive factorial Function #include<iostream.h> #include<iomonip.h> unsigned lion factorial(unsigned long);//prototype int main() int num; cout<< enter a positive integer: ; cin>>num; cout<< factorial= <<factorial(num); return 0; unsigned long factorial(unsigned long n) if ( n <= 1) //the base case return 1; else return n * factorial (n - 1); 34

35 Function overloading Function Overloading Functions with same name and different parameters Should perform similar tasks I.e., function to square ints and function to square floats int square( int x) return x * x; float square(float x) return x * x; A call-time c++ complier selects the proper function by examining the number, type and order of the parameters 35

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