Oral Questions. Unit-1 Concepts. Oral Question/Assignment/Gate Question with Answer

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1 Unit-1 Concepts Oral Question/Assignment/Gate Question with Answer The Meta-Object Facility (MOF) is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard for model-driven engineering Object Management Group (OMG) is a consortium, originally aimed at setting standards for distributed objectoriented systems, and is now focused on modeling (programs, systems and business processes) and model-based standards. The Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) is a standard defined by the Object Management Group (OMG) that enables software components written in multiple computer languages and running on multiple computers to work together, i.e. it supports multiple platforms. The XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) is an Object Management Group (OMG) standard for exchanging metadata information via Extensible Markup Language (XML). It can be used for any metadata whose metamodel can be expressed in Meta-Object Facility (MOF). The most common use of XMI is as an interchange format for UML models, although it can also be used for serialization of models of other languages (metamodels). Class Responsibility Collaboration (CRC cards) are a brainstorming tool used in the design of object-oriented software. They were proposed by Ward Cunningham and Kent Beck. [1] They are typically used when first determining which classes are needed and how they will interact. CRC cards are usually created from index cards on which are written: 1. The class name 2. Its Super and Sub classes (if applicable) 3. The responsibilities of the class. 4. The names of other classes with which the class will collaborate to fulfill its responsibilities. 5. Author Using a small card keeps the complexity of the design at a minimum. It focuses the designer on the essentials of the class and prevents her/him from getting into its details and inner workings at a time when such detail is probably counter-productive. It also forces the designer to refrain from giving the class too many responsibilities. Because the cards are portable, they can easily be laid out on a table and re-arranged while discussing a design with other people. A common method to determine what cards should be created is to read a specification for the program being designed and consider if each noun should be a class and if each verb should be a responsibility of the noun or class to which it belongs. Naturally, the existence of a noun or verb does not require a class or responsibility in the program, but it is considered a good starting point. SEQUENCE DIAGS= NO OF USE CASES COLLABORATION IS ALSO KNOW AS COMMUNICATION DIAG Q1.Who were the three major contributors to the UML notation

2 - Booch,Rumbaugh, and jacabson. Q2.What organization oversees the UML specifications? - Object Management Group (OMG). Q3.What is the goal of OMG organization? - To standardize object technology for the development of distributed systems. Q4.What diagram is used to model business requirements? - Use case diagram. Q5. What are the two types of implementation diagrams? - Component and deployment diagrams Q6.What diagram is used to model complex use case? - Collaboration diagram. Q7.What should use case diagram illustrate? - Business requirement. Q8.In which phase of unified process use case diagram first appear? - inception phase Q9. What can be modeled with use case diagrams? - Functionality. Q10. What are four major components of use case diagram? - System, actors, use cases, relationships. Q11. What do actor represents? - Users of the system. Q12. What do use cases represents? - Functions of the system. Q13. What kind of relation ship indicates that one use case is compulsory required another use case for its operation? - Include relationship. Q14. What kind of relation ship is used to occasionally use another use case? - Extend relationship. Q15.What are two major roles of an activity diagram? - Complex object workflow. Q16. What are three reasons why we model activity diagrams? - To elaborate on a use case, to identify the pre and post conditions of a use case, and to discover new use cases. Q17.What is three reasons why we model activity diagrams? - To elaborate on a use case, to identify the pre and post conditions of a use case, and to discover new use cases. Q18.What are three major notational components of an activity diagram?

3 - Activities, Actions, and Transitions. Q19.What is the difference between an activity and state? - an activity indicates that an action is taking place,whereas a state indicates that a internal setting which changed due to action. Q20.What are two special state? - Start and end state. Q21.What is transition? - A representation of control flow from one activity or state to another. Q22. What are decision points? - Notation to indicate that a decision will be made and control can flow to different locations accordingly. Q23. What is Guard condition? - Expression that, when evaluated to true, allow control to flow across their transitions. Q24.what is events? - Events are activities that occur that force control flow from one activity to another. Q25. What is mean by swim lanes? - Swim lanes are compartments used to separate activities by their object or domain. Q26. What are fork and joins used for? - Forks are used to initiate parallel processing.and joins are used for multiple processes to catch up with to resume single processing. Q27.What are types of interaction diagrams? - Sequence diagram, Communication diagram, Interaction overview diagram, Timing Diagram. Q28. What are the two components of a sequence diagrams? - Active objects and messages. Q29. What do sequence diagram model? - Interaction between active objects. Q30. What is life line? - A dashed line extending vertically from an active object depicting time over the active objects life. Q31. How do active objects communicate with each other? - With messages. Q32. What are valid objects? - Actors and objects (class instances). Q33.What is the name of the message to create an object within a sequence diagram? What about the message to remove it? - <<create>>, <<destroy>>.

4 Q34. To what do states belongs? - Objects. Q35.What are the two types of control flow changes? - Branching and alternative. Q36. Why we model a class diagrams? - To show more detail about our product and to show the information needed to put together a map indicating the path through the available functionality. Q37.What are two main component of class diagram? - Attributes and operations. Q39.What is the difference between attribute and operations? - Attribute is used to represent the state information, while an operation is used to perform functionality relating specifically to the class. Q40.what do the attributes +,-, #, ~ represent? - Public, private, protected, package. Q41. What is package? - A way of grouping classes in to common categories. Q42. What are the three notations for objects instances in collaborations diagram? - Object name without a class name; Object and class names; class name without object name. Q43.What are associations roles? - A relationship between two classes roles. Q44. What are links? - A relationship between two objects. Q45. What are valid stereotypes for a link in a collaboration diagram? - <<Parameter>> and << local>>. Q46.What is synchronous, asynchronous and flat messages? - Synchronous communicating in steps, asynchronous communicate in parallel, flat is unknown or unimportant in model. Q47.What is aggregation? - An association where a whole is made up of parts, but the parts can exist without the whole. Q48.What is composition? - An association where a whole is made up of parts, but the parts can not exist without the whole. Q49.How is time modeled in sequence diagrams? - With the message slanting towards its called object. Q50.What is time constraint?

5 - A constraint that indicates the maximum time within which a single message can execute. Q51.What is time duration? - A constraint that indicates the maximum time within which group of messages can execute. Q52. What is difference between an activity diagram and state chart diagram? - An activity diagram is used to model how different areas of work behave with each other and interact, where as a statechart diagram is used to represent a single objects and how its behavior causes it to change state. Q53.What is state? - State is defined as a snapshot or a milestone of a objects behavior at a particular point in time. Q54. Why do we model statechart diagrams? - Primarily to model the changes in a objects state but they can also used to model complex use case behaviors. Q55.What are maximum number of start states that can be used in a state chart diagram? - There is no limit. Q56.What is synchronization of states? - Allowing more than one state to be valid at a time. Q57.What is an event? - A description place on a transition to indicate why state is changing in a class. Q58. What is action? - Behavior that is triggered by a condition in the state or by an event. Q59.What is substate? - State belongs to only particular state in diagram. Q60. Difference between synchronized states and composite states? - Synchronized state indicate that two or more states occur at the same time,where as composite show a hierarchical occurrence where state has other state. Q61.What is a component diagram? - A model of software components in a system. Q62.What is deployment diagram? - A model of how hardware is deployed in a system. Q63.What are the relationships between components called? - Dependencies. Q64.What does OCL stand for? - Object Constraint Language.

6 Important Question Q1. What is UML? Ans. Unified Modelling Language. It is a Industry standard graphical language for modelling and hence visualizing a blue print of all the aspects of the system, before implementing the system. It is an easy way to specify, visuallize, document and understand the structure and behaviour of the system. Q2.Goals/Benifits of UML? Ans. few Goals and Benifits of UML are: 1. Being independent of any particular programming language and development process its easy to understand. 2. To provide best engineering practices for large and complex system. 3. Encourage the growth of Object Oriented tools. 4. Provides a good way to gather requirements. 5. Improve software quality and decreases time and cost of the software. Q3. Name different UML diagrams available? Ans. Types of UML Diagrams with Static view are: - Class Diagrams. - Object Diagrams. - Component & Deployment Diagrams - Use Case Diagrams. - Package Diagrams (not official uml diagram). Types of UML Diagrams with Dynamics view are: - Collaboration Diagrams. - Sequence Diagrams. - State chart Diagrams. - Activity Diagrams. Q4. Explain core elements of UML diagrams? Ans. Core elements of Use Case UML diagrams are given below in table: Elements Name Description Use Case. Describes one of the Action of the system. Element Image Actor An Actor is the one who uses the System. Note: It may not always be a human being but can be another system Association. Links an Actor to the Use Case.

7 System Boundary. Represents the boundary between an Actor (External entity) and the System. Extend Links an Actor to the Use Case. Generalization. Basically describes "Inheritance" Object orientation terms. The arrow points to the base / parent class. Dependency. Explains dependency relation between two components. Arrow points to the component it depends on. Class. Class - the building blocks of Object Oriented language. A Rectangle divided into 3 parts horizontally, top gives the class name, middle to give the properties (main variables), the bottom to give the method names Object. Object is basically ONE instance of a class. Objects are displayed as a rectangle divided in two horizontal parts, with "instance name : class name: on top and properies "Name = Value" in bottom part. Lifeline. Represents the life time of an object. Activation. Represents when the object is performing some action. Message. Links the two objects and Describes the communication taking place between them. How usecase diagrams are used in software creation... Use case diagrams are very useful at the Inception Phase of software development. They are a visual way to epresent use cases. These usecases are collected from the stakeholders by technical people (in most instances). This inherently means that users and the people developing the software speak completely different language. As an example to a teller in a bank a Transaction means one specific thing but to a DB Admin or developer it means something ompletely different. This difference between the two languages creates a gap in understanding. UML Use-Case Diagrams are simple to understand and create which allows them to breach the gap between the developer's understanding and the stakeholder's understanding of a system. It also helps to identify the actors in each use case which is also very important. To summarize use-case diagrams are used mostly at the beginning of the SDL (software dev. life-cycle) to breach the communication gap between the people giving requirements and the people realizing them (developers).

8 1. How can I recognize components of a system? 2. How can I recognize interfaces of a component? 3. How can I know whether I should use Ports or not? 4. What is inheritance? While developing a system we analyze the system in terms of UML diagrams how should we proceed to explain these and draw them accurately. 5. Difference between Composition and Aggregation. 6. Difference: Sequence Diagrams, Collaboration Diagrams. 7. Difference: 'uses', 'extends', 'includes' 8. What shall I go for Package Diagram? 9. What is Polymorphism? 10. Is class an Object? Is object a class? 11. Comment: C++ "includes" behavior and java "imports" 12. What do you mean by "Realization"? 13. What is a Presistent, Transient Object? 14. What is the use of Operator Overloading? 15. Does UML guarantee project success? 16. Difference: Activity Diagram and Sequence Diagram. 17. What is association? 18. How to resolve many to many relationships? 19. How do you represent static members and abstract classes in Class Diagram? 20. Can we use UML for user interface (UI) design? 21. Every object has : state, behavior and identity - explain 22. How to reverse engineer C++ code in UML? 23. What are the tools you used for OOAD? 24. Difference: Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) and Object Oriented Design (OOD)? 25. What are the four phases of the Unified Process? 26. How do you convert uses cases into test cases? 27. Explain Class Diagram in Detail. 28. What are the Design Patterns you know. 29. When do you prefer to use composition than aggregation? 30. UML: IS it a process, method or notation?

9 31. Does a concept HAVE to become a class in Design? 32. What are the good practices to use while designing for reuse? 33. Can you think of some nice examples where *multiple* actors are associated with a use case? 34. How to use CRC Cards for Class Design? 35. What is the difference between static and dynamic Classificaition.Give some examples. 36. Explian following terms: Constraint Rules, Design by contract. 37. What is Object Constraint Language (OCL)? 38. Difference Between Attribute and Association. 39. What are associative classes? 40. By using Use Case Driven Object Modeling with UML. Unit-3 Design pattern Q. 1.. We want to work with employee data(name, salary and skill set) stored in one of the possible ways: linked list of employee structures, or in array of employee structures. Show a class structure(diagram) for Iterator pattern adapted for above example. Q. 2. Draw a sequence diagram to explain working of an observer pattern. Q. 3. write short note on PROXY patterns. Q. 4. What is design pattern and how is it documented, give examples. Q. 5. What is design pattern factory method and how does it appear in COM/ DCOM Q. 6. Consider an application where there is an excel sheet to hold exam results i.e. student wise marks. We would like to draw a Bar chart showing comparison of individual students as well as PIE chart to show comparison between total passed, failed and FIRST class students. i) What is an observer pattern ii) Show how observer pattern can be applied in above scenario(no code required)? Q. 7. Which design pattern will you choose to Convert the interface of a class into another interface clients expect. Why. Q. 8. what are design patterns, why do we need them give an example design pattern? Q. 9. Write short notes on design patterns(any Three) 12 Marks 1) Factory Pattern 2) Adaptor Pattern 3) Builder Pattern 4) Proxy Pattern Q. 10. Give sample implementation of singleton pattern in C++ or JAVA 8 Marks

10 Q.11. What is proxy pattern? What is remote proxy pattern? Show how remote proxy helps in marshaling/ unmarshaling. Draw a class/ sequence diagram to show how remote proxy patterns works. Q.12. What are design patterns? Discuss intent and application of chain of responsibility, command, mediator patterns. Q.13. IN CONTEXT OF OBSERVOR PATTERN answer the following. a) How does action listener (event listener) in java work. b) What is publish subscribe? c) What roles of subject and observer? d) Give a non-software example of observer pattern. Q.14. Give intent, application, advantage of following patterns: i) Factory Pattern ii) Event Listener iii) Adaptor Pattern Q.15. Define design patterns, discuss the characteristics of design pattern. 16Marks 10Marks Q.16. What are design patterns? How they are documented using a template? Explain the way they are documented with examples to illustrate from ITERRATOR pattern. 10Marks Q.17. Explain when proxy pattern will be applied. Give the solution of proxy pattern using UML diagrams. Unit-2 Architectural Design Q.1. write short notes on analyzing and evaluating software architecture? Q.2. Comment on statement that every computing system with software has a Software architecture. Q.3. Define and explain with examples the term software architecture? Q.4. Draw a neat diagram to illustrate the influence stakeholder have over Architecture. Briefly comment on what your diagram communicates. Q.5. Explain what you understand by MODULE based software architecture Structures? 8 Marks Q.6. Explain how an Architect (Civil) makes an impact for building houses in terms of quality of houses/ buildings built. Q. 7. Why is software architecture important? Elaborate on how software architecture Inhibits or enables systems quality attributes, help build systems using large, externally developed elements. Q. 8. Architecture documentation also involves use of Deployment diagrams to show some architecture decisions especially related to performance, fault tolerance,

11 explain with simple examples. Q.9. Explain 7 part document structure? Q. 10. Explain how to document module, components and connector and allocation views? 8 Marks Q.11. When and why software Architecture will choose following technology Choices for any system, justify with examples. I) java ii) Visual Basic Q.12. Draw diagrams for 4+1 View Architecture. Give a definition for software Architecture and explain the definition. Q.13. what do you understand by following concepts. i) Connectors and components. ii) Architectural structure modules: (decompose, classes) 6 Marks 6 Marks 6 Marks Q.14. What is a deployment diagram. What kind of architectural decisions/ scenarios does a deployment diagram depict? Show the following two tier web application scenario using a deployment diagram. Scenario: Browser based client using HTTP to access static web pages. 6Marks Q.15. Write short notes on architecture stakeholders. 6Marks Q.16. Consider Civil Engineering/ Architects profession of designing and constructing residential/ office buildings. What is the difference between the role of architect and civil engineer. Similarly a software architect also helps build software with quality like security, performance etc. what is the difference between roles played by programmer and an architect. Explain with examples how software architect and architecture contributes to any software System s quality. 6Marks Q.17. a) Explain the concept of Robust Software Architecture? Specify software architecture requirements. b) Discuss the Architectural structure and views? What makes a good architecture? Q.18. Explain with suitable example: i) Architecture is high level design. ii) Architecture is the overall structure of the system. iii) Behavior of each software element is a part of architecture. iv) Architecture has Components and Connectors. Q.19. Explain various documentations you require to do performance analysis of Software Architecture. Q.20. Explain various stakeholders for software architecture. 4Marks 4Marks

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