AVR Programming in C. Topic/Week 9 ISMAIL FKE UTM

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1 AVR Programming in C Topic/Week 9 ISMAIL FKE UTM

2 C Development using Atmel AVR Studio 6.0 Why using C? C is a high-level programming language: C code is easier to understand compared to other languages. C supports low-level programming: We can use C to access all hardware components of the microcontroller. C has standard libraries for complex tasks: data type conversions, standard input/output, long-integer arithmetic. The Atmel AVR instruction set is designed to support C compilers: C code can be converted efficiently to assembly code.

3 C tools We need two tools for C development: Atmel AVR Studio and WinAVR. Atmel AVR Studio An integrated development environment for Atmel AVR microcontroller. It includes editor, assembler, emulator, HEX file downloader. Available at: WinAVR A C compiler for AVR microcontrollers. Can be used alone, or as a plug-in for Atmel AVR Studio. Available at: winavr.sourceforge.net Download setup files for Atmel AVR Studio and WinAVR Run setup file for Atmel AVR Studio. Accept default options Run setup file for WinAVR. Accept default options

4 AVR (Embedded) C vs ANSI C C (for desktop computers) and embedded C (for microcontroller) appear different but they have more similarities than the differences. The share the same keyword, structure, datatypes, qualifier, operators and same libraries names. C use resources that are OS managed which are transparent to programmer no constrain on size of program or architecture of peripherals but embedded C has to use with the limited resources (RAM, ROM, I/Os) on an embedded processor that should be self manage within the program (manage the code to optimise the use resources). Compilers for C (ANSI C) typically generate OS dependant executables that uses a common library since drivers for different peripheral are at OS level but embedded C executes program from reset. Embedded C requires that the drivers function be built within the program or use available library for some common device (e.g. lcd.h for HD44780). For this reason Embedded compilers give access to all resources (which is not provided in compilers for desktop computer applications). ISMAIL FKE UTM

5 GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection The GNU Compiler Collection is used by Atmel Studio at the build stage. The architecture specific versions of the GNU Compiler Collection supports c-code compilation, assembly and linking of C and C++. AVR C provide these libraries in the Atmel Studio and are listed at link Though many are available but not all may be immediately necessary for amature programmer. Note: the.h header files contain definition of identifier and prototypes of function declared in the libraries which are built-in the GCC compiler. ISMAIL FKE UTM

6 The AVR-Libc Libraries that of our amature concern for simplicity purpose <avr/interrupt.h>: Interrupts <avr/io.h>: AVR device-specific IO definitions <avr/pgmspace.h>: Program Space Utilities <util/delay.h>: Convenience functions for busy-wait delay loops ISMAIL FKE UTM

7 avr/io.h This header file includes the appropriate IO definitions for the device that has been specified in the project of Atmel Studio. Even a single line of code would require this particular header file. It resolves the problem of handling the registers and provides a convenient way to treat the registers as variables. This makes it simple to assign values to them. You can treat all other valid I/O register names of the device as specified in the device Reference manual.e.g. to write data into port B data direction register, the register can be addressed using the variable DDRB. In code, you can write an expression like this one (where all the Register s name and bit position are declared in avr/io.h : DDRA=0xff; //all DDDRA bits set PORTA=0xaa; //PORTA =0b TCNT0= ; //TCNT0=55 GICR=1<<INT0; //GICR = 0b DDRB =1<<PINB7; //DDRB = 1xxxxxxx x denotes value of the bit position //is not changed ISMAIL FKE UTM

8 util/delay.h The macro F_CPU is supposed to be defined to a constant defining the CPU clock frequency (in Hertz). This header file defines 2 delay loops. void _delay_ms(double ms)//perform a delay of ms The maximal possible delay is ms / F_CPU in MHz. When the user request delay which exceed the maximum possible one, _delay_ms() provides a decreased resolution functionality. In this mode _delay_ms() will work with a resolution of 1/10 ms, providing delays up to seconds (independent from CPU frequency). The user will not be informed about decreased resolution. void _delay_us(double us)//perform a delay of us The maximal possible delay is 768 us / F_CPU in MHz. If the user requests a delay greater than the maximal possible one, _delay_us() will automatically call _delay_ms() instead. The user will not be informed about this case. These delay loops are accurate if there is no interrupt being service (Interrupt service routine consume inhibit CPU time if executed in the delay loop thus corrupting the executing time of the delay loop. When these delay loops in an ISR, its timing cannot be corrupted (because in an ISR before it exit with a RTI, no other interrupt can be service). ISMAIL FKE UTM

9 util/delay.h Example On top of program #define F_CPU #include <util/delay.h> #define F_CPU must be before declaring #include <util/delay.h> to avoid following warning 1. #warning "F_CPU not defined for <util/delay.h> 2. "F_CPU" redefined [enabled by default]. //somewhere in program to get a 20ms delay _delay_ms(20); // function will wait 20ms before returning //somewhere in program to get a 20µs delay _delay_us(20); // function will delay 20µs before returning ISMAIL FKE UTM

10 avr/interrupt.h A micro controller has several interrupt sources. Each of them has separate interrupt sub-routine. In ANSI C, there are no interrupt handling schemes. But for micro controllers, interrupts are a matter of special significance! Many programs are very much dependent upon it! So to help users to implement subroutine codes more easily, there is a header file avr/interrupt.h It defines some functions and macros described below. ISMAIL FKE UTM

11 avr/interrupt.h sei() This function enables the global interrupt by setting the global interrupt mask. cli() This function disables the global interrupt by resetting the global interrupt mask. reti() Enables interrupts by setting the global interrupt mask. This function compiles into a single line of assembly code. ISR (INTERRUPT_vect) ISR stands for Interrupt Service Routine. Using this macro, users can write up interrupt sub routine associated with interrupts INTERRUPT. In the place of the argument of the macro, some symbols are supplied. Here, symbols are named after the interrupt vectors they are representing. For a particular micro controller, some specific symbols are valid. For them, look at the AVR GCC reference manual that comes with the AVR Studio. Let s see an example: ISMAIL FKE UTM

12 #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> ISR(INT0_vect) { PORTB =~PORTB; } void initinterrupt(void) { cli(); GICR=0x40; MCUCR=0x03; sei(); } avr/interrupt.h ISMAIL FKE UTM 2017 int main(void) { initinterrupt(); DDRB=0xff; PORTB=0x55; while(1) { /*If interrupt INT0 is triggered, here PORTB will be complemented in background when INT0 is serviced*/ } } ISMAIL FKE UTM

13 Symbol Names for ATmega32 ATmel Studio C/C++ Symbol Names Keywords No needed since it is by default assigned by C/C++ compiler referencing to main() function Interrupt Definition External Pin, Power -on Reset, Brown -out Reset, Watchdog Reset, and JTAG AVR Reset INT0_vect External Interrupt Request 0 INT1_vect External Interrupt Request 1 INT2_vect External Interrupt Request 2 TIMER1_COMPA_vect TIMER2_OVF_vect Timer/Counter1 Compare Match A Timer/Counter2 Overflow TIMER1_CAPT_vect Timer/Counter1 Capture Event ISMAIL FKE UTM

14 Symbol Names for ATmega32 ATmel Studio C/C++ Symbol Names Keywords TIMER2_COMP_vect TIMER1_COMPB_vect TIMER1_OVF_vect TIMER0_COMP_vect TIMER0_OVF_vect SPI_STC_vect USART_RXC_vect Interrupt Definition Timer/Counter2 Compare Match Timer/Counter1 Compare Match B TIMER1 OVF Timer/Counter1 Overflow Timer/Counter0 Compare Match Timer/Counter0 Overflow Serial Transfer Complete USART Rx Complete ISMAIL FKE UTM

15 Symbol Names for ATmega32 ATmel Studio C/C++ Symbol Names Keywords USART_UDRE_vect USART_TXC_vect ADC_vect EE_RDY_vect ANA_COMP_vect TWI_vect SPM_RDY_vect Interrupt Definition USART Data Register Empty USART, Tx Complete ADC Conversion Complete EEPROM Ready Analog Comparator Two -wire Serial Interface Store Program Memory Ready ISMAIL FKE UTM

16 avr/pgmspace.h - AVR Data in Program Space The AVR is a Harvard architecture processor, where Flash is used for the program, RAM is used for data, and they each have separate address spaces. To get constant data to be stored in the Program Space, and to retrieve that data to use it in the AVR application, AVR- Libc provides a simple macro PROGMEM that is defined as the attribute syntax of GCC with the PROGMEM attribute which are declared the avr/pgmspace.h system header file. ISMAIL FKE UTM

17 avr/pgmspace.h Storing an array of byte size data in the Program Space #include <avr/pgmspace.h> /*Declaring data that will be stored in Program Memory Address location will be assigned by handled by C compiler*/. unsigned const char SS_table[4] PROGMEM = {0x3f,0x06,0x5b,0x4f}; unsigned const char numbers1[3] PROGMEM = {0x10,0x1,0x12}; Retrieving a byte sized data in array identified as numbers1 the Program Space (as declared above) volatile char temppgmdata; temppgmdata=pgm_read_byte_near(&numbers1[i]); Note: Declaration of data in the Program Space must be made in global scope. ISMAIL FKE UTM

18 Generic C Program Structure Declare #define for F_CPU for operating speed of ATmega32 Declare #include of all Library headers used Declare #define of identifier that represent constant value Declare global variables (normally used for environment variables (may be used to passed data between functions) functions meaning main() ISR() and the other functions created/used in the program. Declare functions prototypes (to avoid warning errors) e.g. Warning 1 implicit declaration of function OutLED Declare ISR, Functions (with the codes in the {} structure) which are appended/added as program is being developed. Declare main program (generated by default when a C/C++ executable is created) In main Program Declare Local variables Intialise Environment variables Initialise I/O register if registers is operating or operated within main program Declare a shell loop (generated by default when a C/C++ executable is created) ISMAIL FKE UTM

19 Writing an C program for Embedded Reference System Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR, Second Edition.pdf which is located at ABNBw6CqnRMA8WJ1fDJv1B4a?dl=0 ISMAIL FKE UTM

20 Structure of a C program A C program typically has two main sections. Section #include: to insert header files. Section main(): code that runs when the program starts. In this example, header file <avr/io.h> contains all register definitions for the selected AVR microcontroller. #include <avr/io.h> // avr header file for all registers/pins int main(void){ unsigned char i; // temporary variable DDRA = 0x00; // set PORTA for input DDRB = 0xFF; // set PORTB for output PORTB = 0x00; // turn ON all LEDs initially while(1){ // Read input from PORTA, which is connected to the 8 switches i = PINA; // Send output to PORTB, which is connected to the 8 LEDs PORTB = i; } return 1; }

21 C comments Comments are text that the compiler ignores. For a single-line comment, use double forward slashes: DDRA = 0x00; // set PORTA for input For a multi-line comment, use the pair /* and */: /* File: led.c Description: Simple C program for the ATMEL AVR(ATmega32 chip) It lets user turn on LEDs by pressing the switches on the JTAGICE mk11 */ board*/ Always use comments to make program easy to understand.

22 C statements and blocks C statements C statements control the program flow. They consist of keywords, expressions and other statements. A statement ends with semicolon. DDRB = 0xFF; // set PORTB for output C blocks A C block is a group of statements enclosed by braces {}. It is typically associated with if, switch, for, do, while, or functions. while (1){ } // Read input from PORTA - connected to the 8 switches i = PINA; // Send output to PORTB - connected to the 8 LEDs PORTB = i;

23 #define Preprocessor Directive Preprocessor directives are not actually part of the C language syntax, but they are accepted as such because of their use and familiarity. The preprocessor is a step separate from the actual compilation of a program, which happens before the actual compilation begins. ISMAIL FKE UTM

24 A Few Syntactical Rules and Some Basic Terminology An identifier is a variable or function name made up of a letter or underscore (_), followed by a sequence of letters and/or digits and/or underscores. Identifiers are case sensitive. Identifiers can be any length, but some compilers may recognize only a limited number of characters, such as the first thirtytwo. So beware! ISMAIL FKE UTM

25 Reserved Words Which Have Special Meaning to The Compiler auto defined float long static while break do for register struct bit double funcused return switch case goto short typedef char else if signed union const enum inline sizeof unsigned continue extern int sfrb void default interrupt sfrw volatile Reserved word cannot be used as Identifiers ISMAIL FKE UTM

26 VARIABLES AND CONSTANTS Variables, as in algebra, are values that can be changed Constants are fixed. Variables and constants come in many forms and sizes; they are stored in the data memory in a variety of forms. Variables and constants are stored in the limited memory of the microcontroller, and the compiler needs to know how much memory to set aside for each variable without wasting memory space unnecessarily. A programmer must declare the variables, specifying both the size of the variable and the type of the variable. ISMAIL FKE UTM

27 VARIABLE TYPES Type ANSI C C99 Size (Bits) Range char int8_t to 127 unsigned char uint8_t 8 0 to 255 signed char to 127 int int16_t to Unsigned int uint16_t 16 0 to unsigned long uint32_t 0 to long int int32_t to float 32 ±1.175e-38 to ±3.402e38 The first C standard was released 1989 nationally in USA, by their national standard institute ANSI. This release is called C89 or ANSI-C. From this was "the C language". In 1999, the C standard was revised, lots of things changed (ISO 9899:1999). This version of the standard is called C99. From , this was "the C language". Most C compilers still follow this version. ISMAIL FKE UTM

28 VARIABLE SCOPE Constants and variables must be declared prior to their use. The scope of a variable is its accessibility within the program. A variable can be declared to have either local or global scope. Local variables are memory spaces allocated by the function when the function is entered, typically on the program stack or a compiler-created heap space and are not accessible from other functions, which means their scope is limited to the functions in which they are declared. The local variable declaration (using the same identifier) can be used in multiple functions without conflict, since the compiler sees each of these variables as being part of that function only. A global or external variable is a memory space that is allocated by the compiler and can be accessed by all the functions in a program (unlimited scope). A global variable can be modified by any function and will retain its value to be used by other functions. ISMAIL FKE UTM

29 CONSTANTS Constants are fixed values. Is Desktop computer constant are located in RAM which are initialise when the program is loaded but the values cannot be changed. In embedded system, constants must be located in readonly memory (ROM) or Flash memory. Constant cannot and should not be loaded in RAM since RAM is volatile. In embedded system data to be used as constant are declared in program memory. In AVR Atmel Studio GCC compiler, constant are declared using the PROGMEM macro defined in the avr/pgmspace.h library. ISMAIL FKE UTM

30 Constant Declarations Numeric constants can be declared in many ways by indicating their numeric base and making the program more readable. Integer or long integer constants may be written in Decimal form without a prefix (such as 1234) Binary form with 0b prefix (such as 0b101001) Hexadecimal form with 0x prefix (such as 0xff) Octal form with 0 prefix (such as 0777) There are also modifiers to better define the intended size and use of the constant: Unsigned integer constants can have the suffix U (such as 10000U). Long integer constants can have the suffix L (such as 99L). Unsigned long integer constants can have the suffix UL (such as 99UL). Floating point constants can have the suffix F (such as 1.234F). Character constants must be enclosed in single quotation marks, ' a ' or 'A'. ISMAIL FKE UTM

31 Character Constants Character constants can be printable (like 0 9 and A Z) or non-printable characters (such as new line, carriage return, or tab). Printable character constants may be enclosed in single quotation marks (such as a ). A backslash followed by the octal or hexadecimal value in single quotes can also represent character constants: 't' can be represented by 116 (decimal) or 't' can be represented by 0x74 (hexadecimal) Backslash (\) and single quote ( ) characters themselves must be preceded by a backslash to avoid confusing the compiler. For instance, \ is a single quote character and \\ is a backslash. ISMAIL FKE UTM

32 Data types and operators The main data types in C are char: int: long int: 8-bit integer in AVR 16-bit integer in AVR 32-bit integer in AVR The above data types can be modified by keyword unsigned. char a; // range of values for a: -128,, 0,, 127 unsigned char b; // range of values for b: 0, 1, 2,, 255 unsigned long int c;// range of values for c: 0, 1,, Examples of variable assignment: a = 0xA0; // enter value in hexadecimal format a = 0b ; // enter value in binary format b = 1 ; // b stores ASCII code of character 1 c = 2000ul; // c stores an unsigned long integer 2000

33 Enumerations Enumerations are listed constants. The reserved word enum is used to assign sequential integer constant values to a list of identifiers: int num_val; //declare an integer variable //declare an enumeration enum { zero_val, one_val, two_val, three_val ); num_val = two_val; // the same as: num_val = 2; The name zero_val is assigned a constant value of 0, one_val of 1, two_val of 2, and so on. An initial value may be forced, as in enum { start=10, next1, next2, end_val }; which will cause start to have a value of 10, and then each subsequent name will be one greater. next1 is 11, next2 is 12, and end_val is 13. ISMAIL FKE UTM

34 Enumerations Enumerations are used to replace pure numbers, which the programmer would have to look up, with the words or phrases that help describe the number s use. Definitions are used in a manner somewhat similar to the enumerations in that they will allow substitution of one text string for another. Observe the following example: enum { red_led_on = 1, green_led_on, both_leds_on }; #define leds PORTA. PORTA = 0x1; //means turn the red LED on leds = red_led_on; //means the same thing The #define leds PORTA line causes the compiler to substitute the label PORTA wherever it encounters the word leds. The enumeration sets the value of red_led_on to 1, green_led_on to 2, and both_leds_on to 3. This might be used in a program to control the red and green LEDs where outputting 1 turns the red LED on, 2 turns the green LED on, etc. The point is that leds = red_led_on is much easier to understand in the program s context than PORTA = 0x1. ISMAIL FKE UTM

35 Auto Storage Classes Variables can be declared in three storage classes: auto, static, and register. Auto, or automatic, is the default class, meaning the reserved word auto is not necessary. An automatic class local variable is uninitialized when it is allocated, so it is up to the programmer to make sure that it contains valid data before it is used. This memory space is released when the function is exited, meaning the values will be lost and will not be valid if the function is reentered. An automatic class variable declaration would appear as follows: auto int value_1; or int value_1; // This is the common, default form. ISMAIL FKE UTM

36 Static Storage Classes A static local variable has only the scope of the function in which it is defined (it is not accessible from other functions), but it is allocated in global memory space. The static variable is initialized to zero the first time the function is entered, and it retains its value when the function is exited. This allows the variable to be current and valid each time the function is reentered. ISMAIL FKE UTM

37 Register Storage Classes A register local variable is similar to an automatic variable in that it is uninitialized and temporary. The difference is that the compiler will try to use an actual machine register in the microprocessor as the variable in order to reduce the number of machine cycles required to access the variable. There are very few registers available compared to the total memory in a typical machine. Therefore, this would be a class used sparingly and with the intent of speeding up a particular process. The SRAM area of the AVR microcontroller includes a region called the Register File. This region contains I/O ports, timers, and other peripherals, as well as some working or scratch pad area. To instruct the compiler to allocate a variable to a register or registers, the storage class modifier register must be used. register int abc; ISMAIL FKE UTM

38 Volatile Storage The compiler may choose to automatically allocate a variable to a register or registers, even if this modifier is not used. In order to prevent a variable from being allocated to a register or registers, the volatile modifier must be used. This warns the compiler that the variable may be subject to outside change during evaluation. volatile int abc; When debugging a program, breakpoint breaks or single stepping on statement that uses variable not assign with the volatile modifier will not be seen thus the debugger will pass through the statement. So it is a good practice to assign the volatile modifier on every variables. ISMAIL FKE UTM

39 POINTERS Pointers to these special memory regions are each handled differently during program execution. Even though the pointers can point to FLASH and EEPROM memory areas, the pointers themselves are always stored in SRAM. In these cases, the allocations are normal (char, int, and so on) but the type of memory being referenced must be described so that the compiler can generate the proper code for accessing the desired region. The size of pointer is the size of the program counter of the AVR processor which is 16 bit for ATmega32. The PROGMEM and eeprom keywords in these cases are used to expound on the name, like this: /* Pointer to a string that is located in SRAM */ char *ptr_to_ram = "This string is placed in SRAM"; /* Pointer to a string that is located in FLASH */ char *ptr_to_flash PROGMEM= "This string is placed in FLASH"; /* Pointer to a string that is located in EEPROM */ char eeprom *ptr_to_eeprom = "This string is placed in EEPROM"; When debugging a program, breakpoint breaks or single stepping on statement that uses pointer not assign with the static volatile modifier will not be seen thus the debugger will pass through the statement hence not allowing you to see the execution of the statement. So it is a good practice to assign the static volatile modifier on every pointers. ISMAIL FKE UTM

40 TYPE CASTING To temporarily force the type and size of the variable. Allows the previously declared type to be overridden for the duration of the operation (ot the statement) being performed. The cast, called out in parentheses, applies to the expressio Type casting is particularly important when arithmetic operations are performed with variables of different sizes. In many cases, the accuracy of the arithmetic will be dictated by the variable of the smallest type. Consider the following: int z; // declare z int x = 150; // declare and initialize x char y = 63; // declare and initialize y z = (y * 10) + x; n it precedes. ISMAIL FKE UTM

41 TYPE CASTING As the CPU processes the right side of the equation, it will look at the size of y and make the assumption that (y * 10) is a character (8-bit) multiplication. The result will have exceeded the width of the storage location, one byte or a value of 255. and truncate the value to 118 (0x76) instead of the correct value of 630 (0x276). In the next phase of the evaluation, the CPU would determine that the size of the operation is integer (16 bits) and 118 would be extended to an integer and then added to x. Finally, z would be assigned WRONG!! Type casting should be used to control the assumptions. Writing the same arithmetic as z = ((int)y * 10) + x; will indicate to the compiler that y is to be treated as an integer (16 bits) for this operation. This will place the integer value of 630 onto the stack as a result of a 16-bit multiplication. The integer value x will then be added to the integer value on the stack to create the integer result of 780 (0x30C). z will be assigned the value 780. ISMAIL FKE UTM

42 List of I/O Registers ISMAIL FKE UTM

43 I/O OPERATIONS The #include <avr/io.h> will declare all I/O registers name (for Atmega32) is as given in Figure 2.7 as an 8 bit variable. The register are treated as variable and abide to all rules that applies to a variable in the C program. Example: #include <avr/io.h>. DDRB=0x00; PORTB=0xff; MCUCR =0b ;// MCUCR = MCUCR 0b MCUCR&=0b ;;// MCUCR = MCUCR&0b ISMAIL FKE UTM

44 C operators C has a rich set of operators: Arithmetic operators Relational operators Logical operators Bit-wise operators Data access operators Miscellaneous operators

45 Bit-wise operators These operators are applied on individual bits of a variable or constant. Operator Name Example Description ~ Bit-wise complement ~x Toggle every bit from 0 to 1, or 1 to 0 & Bitwise AND x & y Bitwise AND of x and y Bitwise OR x y Bitwise OR of x and y ^ Bitwise XOR x ^ y Bitwise XOR of x and y << Shift left x << 3 Shift bits in x three positions to the left >> Shift right x >> 1 Shift bits in x one position to the right

46 Bitwise Operators Bitwise operators perform functions that will affect the operand at the bit level. These operators work on integer constant (in an expression) or variables (in an operation) ISMAIL FKE UTM

47 Bitwise Operators Example: #include <avr/io.h> #define MaskOffLowerNibbleHigh 0b #define ActveLowOutput 0b MCUCR =0b ; //Set bit #3 of MCUCR, others unchanged MCUCR&=0b ; //Clear bit #2 of MCUCR, others unchanged PORTA=PORTA<<1;//Shift left 1 bit data in PORTA PORTB=~PORTB; //Invert data in PORTB PORTA=data^ActveLowOutput; //Port A = inverted value of "data" //Set lower nibble of MCUCR, others unchanged SWData=PIND MaskOffLowerNibbleHigh; ISMAIL FKE UTM

48 LOGICAL AND RELATIONAL OPERATORS Logical and relational operators are all binary operators but yield a result that is either TRUE or FALSE. TRUE is represented by a nonzero value, and FALSE by a zero value. These operations are usually used in control statements to guide the flow of program execution. Logical operators differ greatly from the bitwise operators in that they deal with the operands in a TRUE and FALSE sense. As in the logical operators, the operands are evaluated left to right and a TRUE or FALSE result is generated. They effectively ask about the relationship of two expressions in order to gain a TRUE or FALSE reply. Relational operators as in the logical operators use comparison operations evaluated left to right and a TRUE or FALSE result is generated. ISMAIL FKE UTM

49 Logical operators These operators are applied on logical variables or constants. Operator Name Example Description (Returns a value of! Logical NOT!x 1 if x is 0, otherwise 0 && Logical AND x && y 1 is both x and y are 1, otherwise 0 Logical OR x y 0 if both x and y are 0, otherwise 1

50 Logical Operators The logical operators in order of precedence. ISMAIL FKE UTM

51 Relational operators Operator Name Example Description (Return a value of > Greater than x > 5 1 if x is greater than 5, 0 otherwise >= Greater than or equal to x >=5 1 is x is greater than or equal to 5, 0 otherwise < Less than x < y 1 if x is smaller than y, 0 otherwise <= Less than or equal to x <= y 1 is x is smaller than or equal to y, 0 otherwise == Equal to x == y 1 is x is equal to y, 0 otherwise!= Not equal to x!= 4 1 is x is not equal to 4, 0 otherwise

52 Relational Operators Assume that x = 3 and y = 5. ISMAIL FKE UTM

53 INCREMENT, DECREMENT,AND COMPOUND ASSIGNMENT Increment operators allow for an identifier to be modified, in place, in a pre-increment or post-increment manner. For example, x = x + 1; is the same as and as ++x; // pre-increment operation x++; // post-increment operation For example, i = 1; k = 2 * i++; // at completion, k = 2 and i = 2 i = 1; k = 2 * ++i; // at completion, k = 4 and i = 2 ISMAIL FKE UTM

54 Arithmetic operators Operator Name Example Description * Multiplication x * y Multiply x times y / Division x / y Divide x by y % Modulo x % y Remainder of x divided by y + Addition x + y Add x and y - Subtraction x y Subtract y from x ++ Increment -- Decrement x++ ++x x-- --x Increment x by 1 after using it Increment x by 1 before using it Decrement x by 1 after using it Decrement x by 1 before using it - Negation -x Negate x

55 Decrement Operators Compound Assignment Operators Decrement operators function in a similar manner, causing a subtractionof-one operation to be performed in a pre-decrement or post-decrement fashion: j--; // j = j-1 --j; // j = j-1 Compound assignment operators are another method of reducing the amount of syntax required during the construction of a program. Examples: a += 3; // a = a + 3 b -= 2; // b = b 2 c *= 5; // c = c * 5 d /= a; // d = d / a ISMAIL FKE UTM

56 Data-access operators These operators are for arrays, structures or pointers. We ll learn more about them when required. Operator Name Example Description [] Array element x[2] Third element of array x & Address of &x Address of the memory location where variable x is stored * Indirection *p Content of memory location pointed by p. Member selection x.age Field age of structure variable x -> Member selection p->age Field age of structure pointer p

57 Miscellaneous operators Operator Name Example Description () Function _delay_ms(250) Call a library function to create a delay of 250ms (type) Type cast char x = 3; (int) x x is 8-bit integer x is converted to 16-bit integer This is equivalent to? Conditional evaluation char x; y = (x > 5)?10:20; if (x > 5) y = 10; else y = 20; commonly used by C coders.

58 OPERATOR PRECEDENCE the operator precedence establishes the order in which expressions are evaluated by the compiler. When in doubt, either nest the expressions with parentheses to guarantee the order of process or look up the precedence for the operator in question. The primary operators like dot (.), bracket ([]), and indirection (->) are used in ISMAIL FKE UTM Pointers and Arrays

59 Flow control in C By default, C statements are executed sequentially. To change the program flow, there are six types of statements if-else statement switch statement Conditional while statement for statement do statement Iterative goto statement Should be avoided!

60 WHILE LOOP CONTROL STATEMENTS When the execution of the program enters the top of the while loop, the expression is evaluated. If the result of the expression is TRUE (non-zero), then the statements within the while loop are executed otherwise will exit thus executing a statement or a statement block while the expression is TRUE while (expression) { } or statement1; statement2;... while(expression) statement; ISMAIL FKE UTM

61 while statement General syntax while (expression){ statements; } Example: Compute the sum of int sum, i; i = 1; sum = 0; while (i <= 10){ sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; }

62 DO/WHILE LOOP CONTROL STATEMENTS The instructions in a do/while loop are always executed once before the test on the expression determine whether or not to remain in the loop. or do { statement1; statement2;... } while (expression); do statement; while (expression); ISMAIL FKE UTM

63 do statement General syntax do { statements; } while (expression); Example: Compute the sum of int sum, i; i = 1; sum = 0; // Initialization do{ sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; } while (i <= 10);

64 CONTROL STATEMENTS FOR LOOP A for loop construct (structure) executes a statement or a statement block a specific number of times determined from a initialization, a test, and an action declaration. for (expr1; expr2; expr3) { } or statement1; statement2;... for(expr1; expr2; expr3) statement; ISMAIL FKE UTM

65 for statement General syntax for (expression1; expression2; expression3){ statements; } expression1 is run before the loop starts. expression2 is evaluated before each iteration. expression3 is run after each iteration. Example: Compute the sum of int sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++){ sum = sum + i; }

66 IF CONTROL STATEMENTS Determine to skip (if FALSE) the operation statement or block of statements of the program based on the evaluation of an expression ( condition) on the IF statement. or if (expression) { } statement1; statement2;... if(expression) statement; ISMAIL FKE UTM

67 IF/ELSE CONTROL STATEMENTS Determine to chose one of two statement or block of statements. Executes statement or block statements and exits if the IF expression is TRUE other wise executes the statement block of statement under ELSE statements. if(expression) { statement1; statement2; } else { statement3; statement4;... } or if(expression) statement1; else statement2;... ISMAIL FKE UTM

68 if-else statement General syntax if (expression) statement_1; else statement_2; Example char a, b, sum; a = 4; b = -5; sum = a + b; if (sum < 0) printf( sum is negative ); else if (sum > 0) printf( sum is positive ); else printf( sum is zero );

69 SWITCH/CASE CONTROL STATEMENTS The switch/case statement is used to execute a statement, or a group of statements, selected by the value of an expression. SWITCH identify the Variable and CASE test the variable. If test is TRUE the statement under the particular CASE is executed (block {} structure is not recognised) and proceed to execute next statement. A BREAK statement is needed to exit the SWITCH block (structure) ISMAIL FKE UTM

70 switch statement switch (expression) { case const1: statement1; statement2; case const2: statement3;... statement4; case constx: statement5; statement6; default: statement7; statement8; } ISMAIL FKE UTM

71 CONTROL STATEMENTS BREAK, CONTINUE,AND GOTO The break statement is used to exit from a for, while, do/while, or switch statement. If the statements are nested one inside the other, the break statement will exit only from the immediate block of statements. The continue statement will allow the program to start the next iteration of a while,, or for loop. The continue statement is like the break statement in that both stop the execution of the loop statements at that point. The difference is that the continue statement starts the loop again, from the top, where break exits the loop entirely. The goto statement is used to literally jump execution of the program to a label marking the next statement to be executed. very unstructured and is aggravating to the real programmer but in an embedded system it can be a very good way to save some coding and the memory usage that goes with it. ISMAIL FKE UTM

72 break statement in loop The break statement inside a loop forces early termination of the loop. What is the value of sum after the following code is executed? int sum, i; i = 1; sum = 0; while (i <= 10){ sum = sum + i; i = i + 1; if (i > 5) break; }

73 continue statement in loop The continue statement skips the subsequent statements in the code block, and forces the execution of the next iteration. What is the value of sum after the following code is executed? int sum, i; i = 1; sum = 0; // Initialization while (i <= 10){ i = i + 1; if (i < 5) continue; sum = sum + i; }

74 switch statement General syntax switch (expression) case constant_1: statement_1; break; case constant_2: statement_2; break; case constant_n: statement_n; break; default: statement_other; } Use break to separate different cases.

75 switch statement Example Example: Find the bit pattern to display a digit on the 7-segment LED. (a) 7 segments of the LED (b) Bit assignment on the 8-pin connector LED segment DP g f e d c b a Bit number To display To display

76 switch statement Example unsigned char digit; // input unsigned char led_pattern; // output switch (digit) case 0 : led_pattern = 0b ; break; case 1 : led_pattern = 0b ; break; case 2 : led_pattern = 0b ; break; //you can complete more cases here... default: } PORTB = led_pattern; // send to PORTB and 7-segment LED (CC)

77 C arrays An array is a list of values that have the same data type. In C, array index starts from 0. An array can be one-dimensional, two-dimensional or more. This code example creates a 2-D array (multiplication table): int a[8][10]; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) for (int j = 0; i < 10; j++) a[i][j]= i * j; An array can be initialized when it is declared. int b[3] = {4, 1, 10}; unsigned char keypad_key[3][4] = {{'1', '4', '7', '*'}, {'2', '5', '8', '0'}, {'3', '6', '9', '#'}};

78 C functions C functions are sub-routines that can be called from the main program or other functions. Functions enable modular designs, code reuse, and hiding of complex implementation details. A C function can have a list of parameters and produce a return value. Let us study C functions through examples.

79 FUNCTIONS A function is a group of statements that together perform a task. Every C program has at least one function, which is main(), and all the most trivial programs can define additional functions. The C standard library provides numerous built-in functions that your program can call. You can built your own function but you need to declare it before you can use it abiding to the format of the function. A function declaration tells the compiler about a function's name, return type, and parameters (the format). A function definition provides the actual body of the function. A function can also be referred as a method or a sub-routine or a procedure, etc. You can divide up your code into separate functions. How you divide up your code among different functions is up to you, but logically the division is such that each function performs a specific task. ISMAIL FKE UTM

80 Defining afunction The general form of a function definition in C programming language is as follows: ISMAIL FKE UTM

81 Defining afunction A function definition in C programming consists of a function header and a function body. Here are all the parts of a function: Return Type: A function may return a value. The return_type is the data type of the value the function returns. Some functions perform the desired operations without returning a value. In this case, the return_type is the keyword void. Function Name: This is the actual name of the function. The function name and the parameter list together constitute the function signature. Parameters: A parameter is like a placeholder. When a function is invoked, you pass a value to the parameter. This value is referred to as actual parameter or argument. The parameter list refers to the type, order, and number of the parameters of a function. Parameters are optional; that is, a function may contain no parameters. Function Body: The function body contains a collection of statements that define what the function does. ISMAIL FKE UTM

82 Calling a Function While creating a C function, you give a definition of what the function has to do. To use a function, you will have to call that function to perform the defined task. When a program calls a function, the program control is transferred to the called function. A called function performs a defined task and when its return statement is executed or when its function-ending closing brace is reached, it returns the program control back to the main program. To call a function, you simply need to pass the required parameters (same number same types) along with the function name, and if the function returns a value, then you can store the returned value to variable, pass it as a parameter to another function, use in an expression or ignore. ISMAIL FKE UTM

83 #include <stdio.h> Example /* function declaration */ int max(int num1, int num2); /* function returning the max between two numbers */ int max(int num1, int num2) { /* local variable declaration */ int result; if (num1 > num2) result = num1; else result = num2; return result; } int main () { /* local variable definition */ int a = 100; int b = 200; int ret; /* calling a function to get max value */ ret = max(a, b); printf( "Max value is : %d\n", ret ); return 0; } ISMAIL FKE UTM

84 Call by Value The call by value method of passing arguments to a function copies the actual value of an argument into the formal parameter of the function. In this case, changes made to the parameter inside the function have no effect on the argument. 84

85 Call by Reference The call by reference method of passing arguments to a function copies the address of an argument into the formal parameter. Inside the function, the address is used to access the actual argument used in the call. It means the changes made to the parameter affect the passed argument. To pass a value by reference, argument pointers are passed to the functions just like any other value. So accordingly, you need to declare the function parameters as pointer types as in the following function swap(), which exchanges the values of the two integer variables pointed to, by their arguments. 85

86 Call by Reference #include <stdio.h> /* function prototype*/ void swap(int *x, int *y); /* function definition to swap the values */ void swap(int *x, int *y) { int temp; temp = *x; /* save the value at address x */ *x = *y; /* put y into x */ *y = temp; /* put temp into y */ return; } int main () { /* local variable definition */ int a = 100; int b = 200; /* calling a function to swap the values. * &a indicates pointer to a i.e. address of variable a and * &b indicates pointer to b i.e. address of variable b. */ swap(&a, &b); return 0; } 86

87 Generic C Program //Headers of Library used //Declare #define for F_CPU for operating speed of ATmega32 #define F_CPU //Define CPU speed as 1MHz //Declare #include of all Library headers used #include <avr/io.h> #include <avr/pgmspace.h> #include <util/delay.h> #include <avr/interrupt.h> //Declare #define of identifier that represent constant value #define AsInput 0x00 #define AsOutput 0xff #define EnablePullUpResistor 0xff #define EnableINT0 1<<INT0 #define SetISC01 (1<<ISC01) #define ClearISC00 ~(1<<ISC00) #define NoSwitchPressed 0xff ISMAIL FKE UTM

88 Generic C Program //Declare functions prototypes void OutLED(uint8_t); //Declare Interrupt Service Routine INT0_vect() { GlobalCount++; } //Declare Function void OutLED(uint8_t OutData) { DDRB=AsOutput; PORTB=OutData; _delay_ms(500); } ISMAIL FKE UTM

89 Generic C Program int main(void) { uint8_t SwData; //Declare Local variables //Intialise Environment variables GlobalCount=0; //Initialise I/O register DDRA=AsInput; PORTA=EnablePullUpResistor; cli(); GICR=GICR EnableINT0; MCUCR =SetISC01; MCUCR&=ClearISC00; sei(); while(1) //Shell Loop } { } SwData=PINA; if(swdata==noswitchpressed) OutLED(GlobalCount); ISMAIL FKE UTM

90 Elements Significant Elements to Take Note Description ; A semicolon is used to indicate the end of an expression.an expression in its simplest form is a semicolon alone. { } Braces {} are used to delineate the beginning and the end of the function s contents. Braces are also used to indicate when a series of statements is to be treated as a single block. text Double quotes are used to mark the beginning and the end of a text string. // or /*... */ Slash-slash or slash-star/star-slash are used as comment delimiters. Comments are just that, a programmer s notes. Comments are critical to the readability of a program. ISMAIL FKE UTM

91 Exercise Write a C program which is to be loaded to an ATmega32 or ATmega32A chip. The program will display the count of 0 to 9 at a seven segment display and roll over to zero at a 1 second pace. The common anode active low single digit seven segment display is connected to port B with the d.p segment pin at the MSB of port B and the a segment pin at the LSB of port B. Data for the seven segment numeric character of display will be stored in flash memory. ISMAIL FKE UTM

92 Exercise LED1 11 S7 S6 S5 S4 S3 S2 S1 S0 PButton1 Figure Ex1 92

93 The Question Referring to Figure Ex1 and Appendix A for Laboratory sheet program Lab2Exp1.c, 1. Create a C GCC executable project 2. In the global scope, declare a variable that will store the look-up table for seven segment character of 0 to 9 at the Flash Memory. Before the Shell loop initialise all ports connected to switch and LEDs and Seven Segment appropriately using a function calls. Enable internal pull-up resistor on all input ports. 3. In the Shell loop read switch status. 4. By using switch-case control statement execute the following: a) If SW0 is pressed, call a function that will count at the seven segment from 0 to 9 and exit at a 500ms delay. The function will retrieve the character from look-up table. Call a function in this function to retrieve the character. Uses the delay function available in util\delay.h library. b) If SW1 is pressed, program will call another function which will display a Running Light sequence pattern at the LED. c) If other switch are pressed, its up to you what to do 93

94 SUMMARY Header files, variables, variable storage class, pointers, constants, bitwise/logical operators, control statements, functions. 94


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