STUDENT PAGES GIS Tutorial Treasure in the Treasure State

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1 STUDENT PAGES GIS Tutorial Treasure in the Treasure State Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 1

2 Exercise 1: Make a Hand Drawn Map of the School Yard and Playground Your teacher will provide instructions for Exercise 1. Exercise 2: Make a Map of the Goldmine Sites in the 9 Mile Watershed For this exercise, you will be using ArcMap Before we can create maps and analyze spatial data, we need know a few things about how the software works. To begin, open ArcMap by going to the start menu, expanding ArcGIS, and clicking on ArcMap When finished loading you will be asked what type of template you want to use to begin building your map. Templates allow users to customize how maps are created. For now Check the do not show this dialog in the future checkbox and left click the OK button. This will bring up ESRI ArcMap Graphical Users Interface or ArcMap for short. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 2

3 TOC Menus & Buttons Map Window On the left side of ArcMap is a Table of Contents (TOC) window that displays all the layers within a given map (Blue Square). Above the TOC is a number of menus, toolbars, and buttons that we will learn about (Red Square). To the right of the TOC there is the Map Window which will display all the layers loaded into the TOC (Green Square). Let s learn a little about what the Standard and Tools toolbars do The Standard toolbar has buttons that can be used to create a new map, open an existing map, save a map, print a map, cut, copy, past, delete, undo, redo, add geographic layers to a map, and load additional windows to ArcMap. Three additional windows we will be using later can be accessed using this toolbar. These windows include the Catalog, Search, and Toolbox windows (circled in blue). The Tools toolbar has buttons to move around a map, zoom in and out, search for information, select features, and find out information about any object located within a map. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 3

4 Loading data into the Map Window Okay, let s add some layers and get started on our map! Remember, the goal is to make a map of the goldmine sites in the Nine Mile Watershed. All the map layers needed to create this map are located in the FrenchtownWaterQuality.gdb database, which will be pre-loaded for you on your pc. The layers we will be adding include: Roads Streams NinemileMines DEM NineMileWatershed NAIP2013 (aerial photgraphy) 1. With ArcMap open, left click on the Add Data button 2. In the Add Data dialog navigate to the FrenchtownWaterQuality.gdb database, double click on it, and select the Roads layer. Click Add and you ll see the Road layer added to the TOC and Map Window. 3. Use the same procedure to add the Streams, DEM, NinemileMines, NineMileWatershed and NAIP2013 layers. 4. Save your map using the Save button in the Standard toolbar ( ). Navigate to default working directory and save the Map (.mxd) with the name MapNinemileMines. Now that we have our map layers loaded into the TOC and Map Window we can begin to explore the information within our map layers. As we explore the Map, we will learn how to turn layers on and off within the Map Window, navigate around our layers, zoom in to areas of interest, and symbolize our data to highlight which mines are gold mines. Exploring the Map 1. Practice turning layers on and off by left clicking on the box of each of the spatial layers in the TOC. When finished turn all the layers on by right clicking the Layers data frame and left clicking the Turn All Layers On button. 2. Change the order in which layers are drawn in the map by first clicking on the List by Drawing Order button (top left of the TOC circled in red at right) and then left click hold on the NineMileWatershed layer and dragging and dropping (release the left click) that layer to the top to the TOC. Practice with other layers. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 4

5 3. Make the draw order NineMileMines, Roads, Streams, NineMileWatershed, NAIP2013, and DEM and turn the DEM layer off. 4. Right click on the Road layer. Left click on the Properties button to open the Layer Property form. Left click the Symbology tab and left click the Symbol button to open the Symbol Selector form. Left click the drop down next to the Color: button Select the color c o l o r b l a c black by left clicking on the black color. Left click OK within the Symbol Selector and Layer Properties forms to change the Road layer to black. 5. Follow the procedure laid out in step 4 to change the Streams layer to blue. 6. Right click on the NineMileWatershed layer. Left click on the Properties button to open the Layer Property form and left click on the Symbol button. Notice that this time the Symbol Selector form is a little different than last time. Change the fill color to No Color, increase the Outline width to 2, and change the Outline Color to orange. Left click OK within both the Symbol Selector and Layer Property form to change the NineMileWatershed layer to a transparent orange outline. 7. Now let s learn how to move the map around and zoom into and out of an area of interest. To do this we are going to use three buttons from the Tools toolbar; the pan (the hand), zoom in (the plus magnifying glass), and fixed zoom out (four arrows pointing towards the corner) buttons. The hand button allows use to left click and drag the map in any direction. The plus magnifying button allows us to zoom into an area of interest by left clicking, dragging a square around an area and releasing the button. Practice using these buttons to zoom in and out and move around the map. Don t worry if you move the map (pan) to a location with no data or zoom too far out or in. To center your map back on the NineMileWatershed and zoom to that layer s extent right click on the NineMileWatershed layer and left click on the Zoom to Layer button. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 5

6 8. Now let s look at some of the data (also called information or attributes) associated with the NineMileMines layer. You can get to the information associated with each mine in a number of ways but one of the easiest ways is to use the identification button ( ) within the Tools toolbar. Left click the identification button and then left click on one of the mines. These actions will open the Identity window which will show all the information associated with any given object in the map. The mine we selected was the ROBIN L. PLACER mine which has a type value of GOLD meaning that this mine is a gold mine. What type of mine did you select? 9. To look at all the mine attributes at once, right click the NineMileMines layer in the TOC and left click on the Open Attribute Table button to display the attributes related to each mine. This will open the Table window which shows all the information associated with each mine location. Each row or record in the table corresponds to one of the mine locations displayed on the map. To see where record 1 is located on the map left click on the recode selection box for the first record (OBJECTID=1). This action will highlight that mine on the map. Alternatively, you can use the record selection tool ( ) within the Tools toolbar to select a mine on the map which will then highlight the corresponding record in the table. Now let s scroll through the table to see what type of information is associated with each mine. The very last field in the table has a column named Type which identifies the type of mine. In the next exercise we will use this field to symbolize our mines as either gold, other, or unknown. Now that we know how to explore a map and learn about the information associated with features in a map (such as mines), it is time to learn how to organize your information and print a map. In the next exercise we will create a Layout that displays our map and print it out. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 6

7 Creating a Layout and Printing the Map 1. Close the Table Window 2. Switch from Data View to Layout View in the Map Window by left clicking the Layout View button ( ) located at the bottom left corner of the Map Window. The Layout View within the Map Window allows you to prepare map data for printing. 3. Switching to the Layout view will make the Layout toolbar active. These tools are a designed to help build your layout. Hover over each of the buttons within the Layout tools to find out what each tools does. 4. Now let s Display the GOLD mines as yellow, the OTHER mines as brown, and the Unknown mines as red by right clicking on the NinemileMines layer in the TOC, left clicking properties to bring up the layer s properties window. Make sure the Symbology tab is selected and left click on the word Categories in the left portion of the Symbology tab. This action Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 7

8 will expand the option within the categories. Left click on the Unique Values option and select the Type field in the Value field drop down. Left click the Add All Values button and change the color of each of the different types of mine categories (left double click on the point). Make the Gold mines yellow, the Other mines brown, and the Unknown mines red. When finished click the OK button to update the map. 5. Insert a North arrow by left clicking on the Insert menu and left clicking on North Arrow button. Select the ESRI North 7 compass rose and left click the OK button. 6. Drag the compass rose to the bottom right of the layout screen 7. Insert a Scale bar by left click on the Insert menu and left clicking on the Insert Scale Bar button. This will open the Scale bar selector dialog. Select the top scale bar and left click the OK button. 8. Drag the scale bar to the bottom of the map. 9. Add a legend to the map by left clicking insert and left clicking Legend. This will open the Legend Wizard. In the Legend Wizard select Image from the Legend Items and left click the over arrow (blue square) to remove this layer from the legend. Select NineMileWatershed from the Legend Items and left click the over arrow to remove this layer from the legend. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 8

9 Left click the Next Button for the next 5 forms in the Wizard to create a Legend for your map. 10. Resize and drag your legend to the bottom left corner of your map s boarder. When finishd your map should look similar to the image below. 11. Save the map using the save button in the Standard toolbar ( ). 12. Left click the Print ( ) button in the Standard toolbar and print your map to your local printer. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 9

10 Exercise 3: Make a GIS Map of the 9 Mile Watershed What is a watershed and why do we care? Overlaying a Digital Elevation Model 1. Change back to the Data View within your Map Window ( bottom left corner of the map). 2. Turn the Stream layers off. 3. Add the DEM (Digital Elevation Model) to your map using the add button ( ) from the Tools toolbar and select the DEM map layer. 4. What is a DEM? 5. Symbolize the DEM layer using the elevation color ramp. Right click on the DEM layer in the TOC and left click on the Properties button to open the Layer Properties form. Left click on the Symbology tab and left click on the Color Ramp dropdown. Scroll through the different color ramps until you find one you like. Left click on the elevation color ramp (example to the right) and then left click on the OK button to update the raster dataset. 6. From the map, try to guess where rivers and streams are located. You may want to turn some layers on and off and zoom/pan around the map. 7. Now, turn the Streams layer back on to see where the rivers and streams are located. In Step 6, did you guess right? 8. Save the map. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 10

11 Exercise 4: Make a GIS Map Predicting Where Undiscovered Gold Might Be Located You will be using data (information) about the 9 Mile Watershed to create a MODEL of gold mine site locations, and then you will represent your MODEL as a map using GIS. This GIS map will be your GIS Map Predicting Where Undiscovered Gold Might Be Located. What is a MODEL? A MODEL is a representation of a system or a process. We can build physical 3 dimensional models such as a smaller version of an airplane or building or we can build abstract models that describe a system or process. In this case, you will be making a model that predicts where undiscovered gold might be based on data about the location of existing gold mine sites. Ready? Let s get started! 1. Remember the rankings your class created? You will be using those rankings to help create your MODEL and your GIS Map of Undiscovered Gold. In the table below, fill in the rankings for each variable (use the rankings you and your class agreed upon): RANK TABLE Distance to streams Elevation Aspect Slope Vegetation Type Rank Ranking Values 4 = Highest importance 3 = Medium importance 2 = Low importance 1 = Not important at all 2. There are tools in Arc GIS software that you can use to calculate Distance to Streams from your Stream layer, but for this exercise we ve created the layer Distance to Streams for you already. We ve also created Aspect Slope and Vegetation Type layers. You already have the Elevation layer (it s called the DEM, which stands for Digital Elevation Model). Now, load the following map layers into your GIS: Distance to Streams Elevation (DEM, which is the Digital Elevation Model) Aspect Slope Vegetation Type Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 11

12 3. Next, we need to figure out the range of values for each variable. What does that mean? That means we need to figure out the lowest value and the highest value of Distance to Streams at gold mine sites, the lowest and highest value for Elevation at gold mine sites, etc. How do you do that? Follow Steps A-E below: Step A. Range of values for Distance to Streams: Open your GIS map, and make only Distance to Streams and NinemileMines visible. Zoom into the NinemileMines layer. Click the identification button and then click next to a gold mine site. You will see a table pop up that shows you the Distance to Streams for the gold mine site you just clicked near. Write this number down on a plain piece of paper. Repeat this process for all 17 gold mine sites. Now, find the lowest number and the highest number you identified. This is the range of values for Distance to Streams for gold mine sites. Write the range of values for Distance to Streams in your Student Pages: Ranges of Values. Step B. Range of values for Elevation: repeat the steps from A above with the DEM layer to determine the range of values for Elevation at gold mine sites. Write the range of values in your Student Pages: Ranges of Values. Step C. Range of values for Aspect: repeat the steps from A above with the Aspect layer to determine the range of values for Aspect at gold mine sites. Write the range of values in your Student Pages: Ranges of Values. Step D. Range of values for Slope: repeat the steps from A above with the Slope layer to determine the range of values for Slope at gold mine sites. Write the range of values in your Student Pages: Ranges of Values. Step E. Range of values for Vegetation Type: This map layer is different from the others because it includes names of vegetation types instead of number values. For this map, make only Vegetation Type and NinemileMines visible. Zoom into the NinemileMines layer. Click the identification button and then click next to a gold mine site. You will see a table pop up that shows you the Vegetation Type for the gold mine site you just clicked next to. In your Student Pages: Ranges of Values, write down all Vegetation Types you identified for the gold mine sites. 4. Now, we need to reclassify each of our layers so that we can use them to make our MODEL and GIS map. What does reclassify mean? Reclassify means to take a data set like the Distace to Streams layer and change the numbers to some other numbers. Why would we ever do this? A lot of times there s so much complexity in a system that we need to find a way to reduce the complexity in order to test ideas. Sounds confusing but hang in there, it will make sense soon. Let s think about an example: let s assume we want to identify all locations on a map that have a Distance to Streams value meters. Let s also assume that we want to reclassify all Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 12

13 areas meters and give them a value = 3. To do this, we can use ArcMap s Reclassification tool. Let s give this a try! For our MODEL, we will consider only the range of values we found for Distance to Streams at gold mine sites. We know the range of values for Distance to Streams = 0 to meters. So, any areas that are greater than meters will not be included in our MODEL and GIS map. So, let s incorporate the range of values for Distance to Streams into our reclassification. How? Follow Step F below: Step F. Reclassify Distance to Streams layer: Open ArcMap s ArcToolbox window by left clicking the toolbox icon (circled in blue above) in the Standard toolbar. Next expand the Spatial Analyst Tools by left clicking on the button next to the Spatial Analyst Tools toolbox (circled in blue). This will display all the different toolsets within the Spatial Analyst Tools toolbox. Expand the Reclass toolset by left clicking the button next Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 13

14 to the Reclass toolset. Now double left click the Reclassify tool to open the Reclassify user form. Apply your own RANK value where we have placed a 3. For example, if you gave Distance to Streams a RANK = 2, place a 2 where we have placed a 3 in this example. The reclassification tool allows you to specify a range of values (Old values) that will be reclassified into a New value. In the input field select the DistanceToSreams layer by left clicking on the dropdown arrow within the Input raster combo box. Make sure the Value field is selected for the Reclass field. Notice that there are now multiple rows or entries in the Reclassification table. For our purposes we will remove all but the first and last entries by selecting the 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 entries, and left clicking on the Delete Entries button. This will leave us with two entries which we can now edit to match our range of values. In the first entry edit the values by typing in for Old values and the Rank value chosen for Distance to streams for New values. In the next entry, type for Old values and 0 for New values. Store the new raster within your default database and call it DistToStreamRank. Congratulations! You have just created a new map that gives all the areas within meters to streams the rank value from your Rank Table. All areas that are greater than meters from streams have a value = 0. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 14

15 We ll use the same basic procedure to RECLASSIFY each of our layers. Follow Steps G-J below: Step G. Reclassify Elevation layer: To reclassify elevation we will follow the same procedure as identified in step E except we will be using the DEM raster layer and different cutoff points. Double left click the Reclassify tool to open the Reclassify user form. Select the DEM raster layer in the Input Raster combo box and make sure the Value field is selected in the Reclass field combo box. In the Reclassification table fill in the ranges as follows and apply your own ranking number in the second entry (New values). Apply your own RANK value where we have placed a 2. For example, if you gave Elevation a RANK = 1, place a 1 where we have placed a 2 in this example. In the output raster text box provide a path to your default database and name your new output DemRank. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 15

16 Step H. Reclassify Aspect layer: To reclassify aspect we will follow the same procedure as identified in step E except we will be using the Aspect raster layer and different cutoff points. Double left click the Reclassify tool to open the Reclassify user form. Select the Aspect raster layer in the Input Raster combo box and make sure the Value field is selected in the Reclass field combo box. In the Reclassification table fill in the ranges as follows and apply your own ranking number in the second entry (New values). Apply your own RANK value where we have placed a 1. For example, if you gave Aspect a RANK = 2, place a 2 where we have placed a 1 in this example. In the output raster text box provide a path to your default database and name your new output AspectRank. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 16

17 Step I. Reclassify Slope layer: To reclassify slope we will follow the same procedure as identified in step E except we will be using the Slope raster layer and different cutoff points. Double left click the Reclassify tool to open the Reclassify user form. Select the Slope raster layer in the Input Raster combo box and make sure the Value field is selected in the Reclass field combo box. In the Reclassification table fill in the ranges as follows and apply your own ranking number in the second entry (New values). Apply your own RANK value where we have placed a 4. For example, if you gave Slope a RANK = 2, place a 2 where we have placed a 4 in this example. In the output raster text box provide a path to your default database and name your new output SlopeRank. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 17

18 Step J. Reclassify Vegetation Type layer: To reclassify Vegetation Type raster layer we will follow the same procedure as identified in step E except we will be using the VegetationType raster layer and different cutoff points. Double left click the Reclassify tool to open the Reclassify user form. Select the VegetationType raster layer in the Input Raster combo box and make sure the Value field is selected in the Reclass field combo box. In the Reclassification table fill in the ranges as follows and apply your own ranking number in the second entry (New values). Apply your own RANK value where we have placed a 2. For example, if you gave Vegetation Type a RANK = 4, place a 4 in each place where we have placed a 2 in this example. Then, make sure to have one additional entry (after the entry 89-90) and make the Old values = and the New values = 0 In the output raster text box provide a path to your default database and name your new output VegTypeRank. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 18

19 5. Whew! You re are almost done! Now, you need to combine your Rank Layers to make a new map layer that displays the areas within the Ninemile watershed that are likely to have gold. You re going to combine all Rank Layers to create your GIS Map Predicting Where Undiscovered Gold Might Be in ArcMap using a really cool tool called Raster Calculator. How? Follow these steps: The Raster Calculator allows you to combine spatial operations as a mathematical function. To open the Raster Calculator tool expand the Spatial Analyst Tools toolbox, expand the Map Algebra toolset, and double left click on the Raster Calculator tool. Here s what you ll see when the Raster Calculator tool is open: In the expression text box type the following equation by clicking on layers and variables and the plus button (alternatively you could manually type the expression): "VegTypeRank" + "SlopeRank" + "AspectRank" + "DemRank" + "DistToStreamsRank" Store the output raster in your default database named Potential Sites. Left click the OK button. When you are all done, the new map represents the likelihood that any area in the 9 Mile Watershed will have undiscovered gold. Areas with higher values are relatively more likely to hold gold. Areas with lower values are relatively less likely to hold gold. Of course, this new map you created assumes that the variables you included in the MODEL accurately predict where gold might be. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 19

20 Exercise 5: Impacts of Mining and Study Design Your teacher will provide instructions for Exercise 5. Exercise 6: Field Trip Your teacher will provide instructions for Exercise 6. Exercise 7: Map Results from Water Testing in ArcMap Now, let s map the GPS points you collected for each of the water sampling sites. Open ArcMap and bring in the following layers: Streams NinemileMines NineMileWatershed NAIP2013 (aerial photgraphy) 1. Here s how you ll map the GPS points. Within ArcMap, data we collected for our water quality samples can be displayed in a spatial manner as long as the GPS spatial coordinates were recorded and are part of the data. Fortunately we have recorded those data so let s now display the locations we collected water samples and see if there are spatial patterns that we can identify. To load our water quality data into the Table Of Contents left click the add button ( ) from the Tools toolbar and select the FieldData table. After the table has been loaded into ArcMap, right click on the FieldData table within the Table Of Contents and select Display XY Data. This action will open the Display XY Data user form. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 20

21 In the X Field select Lon. In the Y Field select Lat. Leave the Z Field blank. Left click the Edit button to define the correct geographic projection. Expand Geographic Coordinate Systems, expand World, and select WGS 1984 located at the bottom. Left click the OK button to define the coordinate system of the data. Left click the OK button in the Display XY Data user form. The locations are now visible within the Table of Contents and the Map as a temporary dataset. Let s make them permanent by right clicking on the FieldData Event layer and left clicking on Data and left clicking on Export Data. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 21

22 In the Export Data user form select the data frame as the coordinate system to use, make sure All features is showing in the Export combo box, and store the new feature class in your default database named NinemileWaterSample. 2. Based on your water testing results, which streams do you think need remediation work? Let s make a map that highlights these streams. INSTRUCTIONS WILL BE FORTHCOMING Exercise 8: Prepare a Presentation About Your Findings For this exercise, you will be working with your classmates to create a presentation showing what you learned from your GIS work and your scientific experiment. You can take any map you create in ArcMap and export it as a pdf to use in powerpoint. How? When any map is complete, Go to File: Export Map. Name it and keep it as a PDF. Save it to folder you can find again. Copyright 2015 Bear Trust International GIS Tutorial 22

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