The Alpha Torque and Quantum Physics

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1 The Alpha Torque and Quantum Physis Zhiliang Cao, Henry Cao July 18, 010 Abstrat In the enter of the unierse, there isn t a super massie blak hole or any speifi energy holding the unierse together. The soure of this supposed energy is in the spae itself. The spae itself is not a omplete oid. In fat, spae itself has a simple moement. This ery moement dominates eery aspet of physial existene. Nothing an exist without it. The moement is alled the Torque. This theory an make it easier to understand Quantum Physis. KEYWORDS: Spaetime, Relatiity, Astronomy, Plank Equation, Partile Physis, Quantum Physis 1

2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Torque... 3 Four Dimensional Spae Spae Torque Definitions D Torque Moement Light Light Speed Energy in Moing Referene Massie Partile Partile Moement Spae Wae and Plank Equation Plank Equation and Spae Wae Partile Wae Light Speeds and Frequeny of Lights Referenes... 11

3 1 Torque The following piture illustrates the torque fore in Classi Physis. Tightening S Twist Torque Loosening Z Twist Torque will make the spae tighter and tighter, and the loosening torque will make the spae looser oer time. Fortunately, the moement of the spae torque does not limit itself to 3D spae. The spae torque extends itself to 4D spae. In 4D spae: Tightening Torque: Figure 3-1 Figure -1 Loosening Torque: The diagram on the left is a tightening torque, while the one on the right is a loosening torque. These two types of torques are twisting in different diretions. Tightening and Loosening are just terms to label the two different diretions of torques. The torque moement appears eeryday in one s life. Take for example the at of srewing a lid onto a jar. That is a tightening torque. When opening a door with a knob, a loosening torque is taking plae. Four Dimensional Spae Figure 3- We an only see objets in 3D spae. The spae torque is onstantly moing. If the spae torque moement is 3D only, the tightening torque In 3D spae: 3

4 This is a iew looking from the side of the 4D ylinder of the figure 3-1 or figure Spae Torque Assume that our unierse is based on the tightening torque. uniersal tightening torque is alled the Spae Torque. 3.1 Definitions The In order to understand the spae torque, we need to define the following terms: Figure 3-3 This is a iew of the torque looking from the front into the 4D ylinder of the figure 3-1 or figure 3-. Media (Void): The ideal spae where there is no spae torque. Spae Torque: The tightening 3D torque moements in 4D spae in the unierse. Unierse: The 3D spae bonded by the Spae Torque and surrounded by other torqued spaes. Torque Line: The main line the uniersal tightening torque goes along. Figure 3-4 3D spae is the shadow of 4D spae. In 4D spae, there is the Tightening Torque and Loosening Torque. When you obsere both Torques in 3D spae, they are the same. In 3D spae, you annot differentiate the aboe two Torques, whih are different in 4D spae. The torque moement beomes a wae moement or a irling moement. In the 3D shadow, the same 4D Tightening Torque an be seen as lokwise or ounterlokwise. It an also be the same as a wae going from left to right or right to left. The dynami wae in 4D an be stati in 3D sine the moement in the fourth dimension annot be seen. 3D Torque Cartesian oordinate: The 3D oordinate, whih the axes are fixed upon the spae torque lines. 3D Torque Grid: The 3D oordinate grid based on the 3D Torque Cartesian oordinate system. Absolute Spae Referene Frame (Inert Referene Frame): The spae referene frame that is based on the 3D Torque oordinate. Media Line: The referene line in the Media. Due to the torque moement, the media line is twisted. 4

5 Figure 4-1 Torque Field: When the torque moements stabilize, the Media Line will repeat itself, een though the irular moements ontinue. The media does not get bigger; instead, the torque moements keep the torque fore and Media Line twisted. The Torque Fore and the Twisted Media Line is the Torque field. Spae Torque: The stabilized 3D torque moements in 4D spae. In theory, the spae torque an be 3D in: 4D, 4D in 5D nd in (n+1) D. Stable Torque There is an inert referene frame. You an find a flat area in the inert spae referene frame, S, to hae snapshot of the torque fore T(s, t). s T( s, t) F( t) Media Line (4-1) k is the time it takes to omplete one yle of the torque wae. The frequeny of the wae is: f = 1/k (4-) Sine the torque wae moes at the speed of light, we an get the waelength: / f / is the angular speed. (4-3) If a torque field has a steady frequeny, it is a stable torque field. If you hae a snapshot of the stable torque in an absolute spae referene frame, the torque wae phase should be able to repeat itself at a fixed interal. Howeer, no matter how long you wait; the torque should not be able to hae a reerse torque. You an also express the phase of a plane torque wae as a omplex phase fator: i( k. x t) ( x, t) Ae (4-4) The aboe equation tells us that the torque wae phase repeats itself when: t t / F(t) is the total fore and t is time. In the stable torque field, you an find a minimum onstant time of k, we hae: F(kn) is a onstant. Where n=1,, 3 5

6 3. 3D Torque Moement Figure Light Speed The energy is onsered. When the torque moes slower, the photon irles the torque line faster to keep the same energy. Like wise, when the torque moes faster, the photon irles slower. Thus, make the light speed the onstant of. Figure 4- The aboe piture shows how the stable 3D torque moement works. It is simply a random yle that traels along all three axes in 3D spae. The irular moement in 3D keeps hanging diretion and eentually oers all three dimensions. At any giing time, the media moes at one diretion only. The torque moement seems random, but follows the pattern aboe. The aboe diagram is an ideal ase. 3.3 Light The basi 3D partile in the world is light, whih is also a photon. A photon is a irular media motion in the unierse. Light and torque work together. A photon has a irular motion like a nut irling along the srew. The diretion of the light goes along the torque line. Light is also the basi 3D energy form. The speed of the torque moement annot be measured. It is faster than the speed of light in order for light to be formed in Torque spae. The Torque moement has to shape the light when light traels in torque spae. 4 Energy in Moing Referene 4.1 Massie Partile The differene between massie partiles and the photons (or other torque fields) is that massie partiles hae 4D torques. The 4D moement of the partile fixes the partile in 3D spae. The axis of the torque moement is in 3D spae. The irular torque motion is split up. One remains in 3D spae. The other goes into the fourth dimension. 6

7 The irular moement is in two dimensions and one of the dimensions is in the fourth dimension. Fourth Dimension One of the 3D Dimensions 4. Partile Moement This setion shows the moements of partiles using the 3D Torque oordinate system. The torque spae has the following harateristis: 1. The light speed in the 3D Torque Coordinate is the onstant.. The spae-time measurement in a moing spae is based on how muh spae and time light takes to trael. 3. When a partile moes in 3D spae, the fourth dimension is not inoled in its moement. The fourth dimension partiipates in the torque moement. 4. One of the dimensions in 3D spae partiipates in the partile torque moement. When a partile moes at speed of in the Torque oordinate system from point B to A, it results in the following image. B Figure 5-1 Without the partiipation of the fourth dimension, the only partile that an exist in 3D spae is the photon. Spae itself is a 3D torque moement in 4D spae. Visible partile moement is limited to 3D spae. O A All partiles are ondensed torque energy. When the Spae Torque makes a partile, the main part of the partile has the same torque as the Spae Torque (tightening torque). The main part of the partile has more mass. Therefore, positiely harged protons hae a tightening torque, and negatiely harged eletrons hae loosening torques. Figure 5- In the moing referene, the light appears to moe from Point O to A. In the Torque referene, atually, the light moes from Point O to B. The distane of OB and the speed of are used to measure the torque moement in the moing referene. 7

8 It takes more time to trael from O to B than from O to A. In the moing referene, OA is the distane pereied in the moing referene. OB is the atual distane in the torque spae. The following defines the shrinking fator: or or d = OA/OB (5-1) d d= / (5-) Along the moing diretion, there are two speeds: + and - The strething fator for diretion moement: (5-3) d1=(+)/ (5-4) The strething fator for reerse diretion moement: d=(-)/ (5-5) The aerage shrinking fator is the aerage of the following multipliations: (5-6) In 3D spae, eah dimension is shrunken by the aboe fator; the light speed is also shrunken by this too. T=A (5-7) The torque energy an be alulated as follows: VTT fourth V is the olume of the dimensions partiipating in the torque moement. In the Torque referene, we will study a unit ube where eah dimension has one unit of length: V=1*1*1*1 = 1 E torque =TT fourth (5-8) To use the torque referene frame for the unit ube, the olume must be alulated. One of the dimensions is the fourth dimension; its length remains the same. The other two dimensions are shrunken by d in the moing referene. In the torque referene, the length is strethed by 1/d: V moing =1*(1/d)*(1/d)=1/d (5-9) T moing = A =Ad=Td (5-10) Emoing=VmoingTmoingTfourth=(1/d )TdTfourth=(1/d)TTfourth=(1/d)Etorque (5-11) We hae: Or: E Emoing=(1/d)Etorque (5-1) E torque moing (5-13) The Torque referene is the atual inert referene in the Theory of Relatiity. We an also hae: The torque moement of the partile is proportional to light speed: 8

9 E E 0 (5-14) The energy is proportional to the mass. E=Am (5-15) That is: E moing =(1/d)E torque (5-16) Or: A m moing =(1/d)Am torque (5-17) Simplified to: m moing =(1/d)m torque (5-18) Or: Relatiity form: m moing m m torque m (5-19) 0 (5-0) We an sole the fator A as follows: When is small, we hae: A(m-m 0 )=(1/) m 0 (5-1) or 1 1 Am0 ( 1) m 0 1 A m0 m 0 From (5-15) and (5-4): (5-) (5-3) A= (5-4) E=m (5-5) 5 Spae Wae and Plank Equation In Torque spae, the partile stops the Torque wae from moing past the partile. The amount of torque energy stopped by the partile is proportional to the partile s mass. When the stopped energy passes a fixed quantum limit, the torque wae moes past the partile. Eentually, a stati wae pattern forms. 5.1 Plank Equation and Spae Wae In water, the waes moe, but spae waes do not moe away or moe loser to the soure partile. The more mass the partile has, the less time the Torque wae takes to pass the partile. Or: Sine m is the partile mass T is the wae yle time K is a onstant Assume that is the frequeny: mt=k (6-1) 9

10 We know that: (Equation (5-5)): E= m Equation mt=k an be hanged to: Or: Assume that We hae: =1/T (6-) (E/ )(1/)=K (6-3) E=K (6-4) K =h (6-5) E=h (6-6) The aboe equation is the Plank Einstein equation. The spae wae is the soure of the wae harateristis of the partiles. A partile is surrounded by the spae wae as follows: The Torque wae in spae is faster then the speed of light. The speed of the partile is slower than light. Beause the Spae Torque moement is faster, the aboe wae struture an form. 5. Partile Wae When a partile is moing, the spae wae moes along with the moing partile. Let s study two partiles, A and B. Assume partile A is moing towards B: Figure 6- Assume that the speed of partile A is V, the waelength is L, and the time it takes to trael distane L is T. T=L/V (6-7) When the spae waes of partile A meet partile B, partile B interferes with the spae waes and generates a new moing wae traeling at the speed of the light. The new waes are alled partile waes. Assume that the waelength of the partile wae is : T ( L/ V ) (6-8) Figure 6-1 From the Plank equation (6-6): E=h 10

11 We hae: E=h(/L) (6-9) L=h/E=h/m =h/m Or: h/m ( L/ V ) V (6-10) mv h/ h (6-11) hosen diretion. The atual proess is more omplex, but as of now, we will stop here. 5.3 Light Speeds and Frequeny of Lights When light passes a media, the spae waes are distorted. New spae waes will be formed from the distorted waes and partile waes. Figure 6-3 In the aboe Double-Slit Experiment, the spae wae interats with the barrier and generates partile waes through two slits beyond the barrier. The partile moes through one slit only. After passing the slit, the partile pauses and allows the reation of a new stable spae wae. The partile waes of the partile and spae waes from two slits merge to form a new spae wae. The new stable spae waes hoose a diretion that makes the new spae wae the strongest and most stable with the aboe three waes. The diretion with the stronger partile wae, whih results from interferene, has a higher possibility to be the 11 The proess slows down the light. The shorter the waelength, the slower the speed is. This is beause there are more waes to be rebuilt during the same time frame. 6 Referenes [1] Zhiliang Cao, Henry Cao: The Alpha Torque and the Charged Field,

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