VERILOG HDL. 1 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

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1 VERILOG HDL 1 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

2 Some Reference Material (mostly advanced) \vspace{10mm} VerilogIntro SASAKI.pdf - Very simple introduction which emphasises the ground rules for good coding style coding and synthesis with verilog OREGAN.pdf - explains ways to build some common circuits 2 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

3 Ways to represent hardware Schematics Use Hardware Description Language 3 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

4 What are Hardware Description Languages (HDLs)? Textual representation of a logic design but has various levels of abstraction Not programming languages YOU MUST THINK DIFFERENTLY Similar development chain Compiler assembly code binary machine code Synthesis tool: HDL source gate-level specification hardware 4 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

5 Why use HDLs? Easier to make system abstractions (VIZ the combinational and sequential logic abstractions) Easy to write and edit Compact Don t have to follow wires on a schematic Easy to analyse Why not to use an HDL To avoid understanding the hardware A schematic can be a complex work of art 5 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

6 HDL HIstory 1970s: First HDLs Late 1970s: VHDL VHDL = VHSIC HDL = Very High Speed Integrated Circuit HDL VHDL inspired by programming languages of the day (Ada) 1980s: Verilog first introduced Verilog inspired by the C programming language VHDL standardized s: Verilog standardized (Verilog-1995 standard) Continued evolution (Verilog-2001 standard) ICARUS Verilog needs plenty of Verilog-2001 compliance - work in 6 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

7 About Verilog... A surprisingly big language lots of features for simulation and synthesis of hardware. We are going to learn a focussed subset of VERILOG Focus on synthesisable constructs Initially restrict some features just because they are not necessary If you haven t seen it in lectures, ask me before you use it 7 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

8 Why an HDL is not a Programming Language In a program, we start at the beginning (e.g. main ), and we proceed sequentially through the code as directed The program represents an algorithm, a step-by-step sequence of actions to solve some problem... for (i = 0; i<10; i=i+1) { if (newpattern == oldpattern[i]) match = i; }... Hardware is all active at once; there is no starting point... Y = X; Z = Y;... 8 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

9 A Block Schematic 9 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

10 Verilog Program Structure 10 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

11 What do you really have to know to understand and use VERILOG? VERILOG can be for SYNTHESIS or for SIMULATION: you must learn to distinguish them SYNTHESISABLE VERILOG runs CONCURRENTLY in hardware VERILOG has some basic properties: 1. COMBINATIONAL vs SEQUENTIAL 2. WIRES vs REGS (not important but basic) 11 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

12 What are the usual problems of VERILOG that you need to look out for? You are breaking with the COMBINATIONAL / SEQUENTIAL paradigm Your code is poorly synthesisable: Two ways: 1. You are using simulation-only constructs in your code for synthesis. 2. YOUR CODE IS FOR SYNTHESIS BUT TRANSLATES BADLY INTO HARDWARE - THE USUAL PROBLEM 12 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

13 WIRES and REGS Variables in VERILOG are either WIRES or REGS Neither of these is like a variable in C WIRES A WIRE is a through-connection within or to a module. The input and output ports are WIREs. ASSIGNS assign to WIRES REGS The combinational and sequential paradigms in terms of ALWAYS blocks imply a persistance to the variables they assign to Example: the variables on the left hand sign of statements inside ALWAYS blocks are REGS REGS have persistance and store VALUES from one event to the next REGS are not registers in the electronic sense 13 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

14 WIRES and REGS Circuit Schematic VERILOG Value: V = 8 h1a WIRE Component REG: V = 8 h1a WIRE Module 14 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

15 Modelling sequential and combinational circuits 15 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

16 VERILOG by example: MULTIPLEXER (combinational) module mux(sel, a, b, c); input a; input b; input sel; output c; reg c; or b or sel) if (sel == 1 b1) c = a; else c = b; // c = sel? a : b; endmodule a b c Sel 16 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

17 VERILOG by example: D-type Flip Flop (sequential) module dff(clk, d, q); input clk; input d; output q; reg q; clk) q <= d; endmodule d clk q 17 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

18 ASSIGNS... an alternative construct for treating SIMPLE combinational circuits module inv(a, y); input [3:0] a; output [3:0] y; assign y = a; endmodule module and8(a, y); input [7:0] a; output y; assign y = &a; endmodule; 18 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

19 Tristate Buffers Tristate buffers are multiplexers that have the possibility of producing an open circuit output Bus open circuit tristate tristate tristate 19 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

20 Tristate Buffers module tristate(a, en, y); input [3:0] a; input en; output [3:0] y; assign y = en? a : 4 bz; endmodule module mux2(d0, d1, s, y); input [3:0] d0, d1; input s; output [3:0] y; tristate t0(d0, s, y); tristate t1(d1, s, y); endmodule //Instantiation -> hierarchical //Instantiation -> hierarchical 20 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

21 Combinational logic // // Using a reg wire a,b; reg c; (a or b) c = a & b; // // Using a wire wire a,b,c; assign c = a & b; // // using a built in primitive (without instance name) reg a,b; wire c; and(c,a,b); // output is always first in the list // // using a built in primitive (with instance name) reg a,b; wire c; and u1(c,a,b); // output is always first in the list 21 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

22 Top module: Ledflasher module ledflash(clk,leds); input clk; output [7:0] LEDS; reg [23:0] counter; reg [7:0] LEDS; //A counter... clk) counter<=counter+24 b1; clk) begin if(counter[23]) LEDS[0] <= 1; else LEDS[0] <= 0; if(counter[22]) LEDS[1] <= 1; else LEDS[1] <= 0; if(counter[21]) LEDS[2] <= 1; else LEDS[2] <= 0; if(counter[20]) LEDS[3] <= 1; else LEDS[3] <= 0; if(counter[19]) LEDS[4] <= 1; else LEDS[4] <= 0; if(counter[18]) LEDS[5] <= 1; else LEDS[5] <= 0; if(counter[17]) LEDS[6] <= 1; else LEDS[6] <= 0; if(counter[16]) LEDS[7] <= 1; else LEDS[7] <= 0; end endmodule 22 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6


24 Example: Counter module cntr_3bit( clk, rst, count); input clk; input rst; wire rst; parameter zero = 4 b0000; parameter one = 4 b0001; output [3:0] count; reg [3:0] count; clk or rst) begin end if (rst) begin count <= zero; end else begin count <= count + one; end endmodule 24 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

25 Example: Counter: test bench module TB_cntr_3bit; reg clk; reg rst; wire [3:0] cnt; cntr_3bit c3b(clk, rst, cnt); initial begin clk = 0; rst = 1; #1rst = 0; $display("\t\t time \t clk \t rst \t count"); forever #2 clk = clk; end initial begin $dumpfile("cntr_3bit.vcd"); $dumpvars; end initial begin: stopat #100; $finish; end clk) begin $display("%d\t %b \t %b \t %b",$time,clk, rst, cnt); end endmodule 25 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

26 Example: Counter counter]$ more iverilog cntr_3bit.v TB_cntr_3bit.v./a.out gtkwave cntr_3bit.vcd lecture5_and_6_verilog]$ sh VCD info: dumpfile cntr_3bit.vcd opened for output. time clk rst count ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

27 Example: Counter 27 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

28 Design technique 1: Combinational Datapath Outputs determined instantaneously from the inputs Fastest response time large area consumption e.g LUTs 28 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

29 Design technique 2: Bit Serial Datapath Output bitstream produced synchronously with serial input bit streams. Low silicon area consumption E.g. Anlogue time serial systems - filters (convolution) Input data stream Processor Output data stream Clk 29 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

30 Block Schematic - 4-bit adder Z[4] X[3] Cout Y[3] Cin Z[3] C2 X[2] Cout Y[2] Cin Z[2] C1 X[1] Cout Y[1] Cin Z[1] Co X[0] Cout Y[0] Cin Z[0] 30 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

31 Top module - 4-bit adder module add4(x, Y, Z); input [3:0] X; input [3:0] Y; output [4:0] Z; wire Co, C1, C2; add1 a1(x[0], Y[0], 1 b0, Z[0], Co); add1 a2(x[1], Y[1], Co, Z[1], C1); add1 a3(x[2], Y[2], C1, Z[2], C2); add1 a4(x[3], Y[3], C2, Z[3], Z[4]); endmodule 31 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

32 1 bit full adder module add1(x, Y, Cin, Z, Cout); input X; input Y; input Cin; output Z; output Cout; reg Z; reg Cout; Y, Cin) begin Z =???; Cout =???: end endmodule 32 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

33 Four bit adder - output 33 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

34 Block Schematic - bit serial adder X Rst Z Y Cin Carry logic Cout 1-bit Delay Clk D Flip Flop 34 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

35 bit serial adder module bs_adder( clk, rst, X, Y, Z); input clk; input rst; input X; input Y; wire rst; reg Cin; wire Cout; output Z; reg Z; assign Cout =???; clk or rst) begin if (rst) begin Z <= 1 b0; Cin <= 1 b0; end else begin Z <=???; Cin <= Cout; end end endmodule 35 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

36 bit serial adder - output 36 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

37 Pitfalls of Treating Verilog like a Programming Language If you program sequentially, the synthesiser may add a lot of hardware to try to do what you say If you program in parallel (multiple always blocks), you can get non-deterministic execution - Which always happens first? if(x == 1) out = 0; if(y == 1) out = 1;// else out retains previous state? R-S latch! You don t realize how much hardware you re specifying e.g. x = x + 1 can be a LOT of hardware Slight changes may suddenly make your code blow up. A chip that previously fit suddenly is too large or slow 37 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

38 Structural vs Behavioral HDL Constructs Structural constructs specify actual hardware structures Low-level, direct correspondence to hardware Primitive gates (e.g., and, or, not) Hierarchical structures via modules Behavioural constructs specify an operation on bits High-level, more abstract Specified via equations, e.g. out = (a&b) c Not all behavioural constructs are synthesisable We ve already talked about the pitfalls of trying to program But even some combinational logic won t synthesise well out = a%b //modulo operation-what does this synthesise to? The following are discouraged for synthesis: %... <... <=... <... <=... <<... >> 38 ENGN3213: Digital Systems and Microprocessors L#5-6

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