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2 2 VHDL & Verilog They are both hardware description languages for modeling hardware. They are each a notation to describe the behavioral and structural aspects of an electronic digital circuit.

3 3 VHDL Background VHSIC Hardware Description Language VHSIC is an abbreviation for Very High Speed Integrated Circuit. Developed by the department of defense (1981) In 1986 rights where given to IEEE. Became a standard and published in Revised standard we know now published in 1993 (VHDL ) regulated by VHDL international (VI).

4 4 VHDL Design Concept VHDL uses top-down approach to partition design into small blocks (i.e., components ) Entity: Describe interface signals & basic building blocks Architecture: Describe behavior, each entity can have multiple Architectures *Configuration: Specify different architectures for a single entity. The internals can change while the interface remains the same. It is not required to get a basic VHDL design running. *Package: Contain user-defined subprograms, constant definitions, and/or type definitions to be used throughout one or more design units.

5 5 Verilog Background Developed by Gateway Design Automation (1980) Later acquired by Cadence Design(1989) who made it public in 1990 Became a standardized in 1995 by IEEE (Std 1364) regulated by Open Verilog International (OVI)

6 6 Verilog Design Concept Verilog only has one building block: module Modules connect through their port similarly as in VHDL. There is only one module per file usually. A top level invokes instances of other modules. Modules can be specified behaviorally or structurally. Behavioral: Define behavior of digital system. Structural: Define hierarchical interconnection of modules.

7 7 HDL Modeling Capacity High-Level: VHDL is better. VHDL provides more features for high-level hardware modeling. Such as user-defined data types, package, configuration, library management. Low-Level: Verilog is better. Verilog is originally created for modeling/simulating logic gates. Verilog has built-in primitives or low-level logic gates. Verilog supports user-defined primitives (UDP). Graph source: Douglas J. Smith, "VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog, and C"

8 IC Design Flow 8

9 9 VHDL vs. Verilog Programming Style (in syntax) VHDL is similar to Ada programming language. VHDL is NOT casesensitive. VHDL is more verbose than Verilog. Popularity Verilog is similar to C/Pascal programming language. Verilog is case-sensitive. VHDL is more popular with European companies. Verilog is more popular with US companies.

10 10 VHDL vs. Verilog: In details Overall Structure I/O Declaration Process Block Bus Signal Assignment Nonblocking vs Blocking Statement Structural Design Finite State Machine Examples

11 11 VHDL vs. Verilog: Overall Structure VHDL Library Declaration library IEEE; Entity Declaration entity mux is end mux Architecture Body architecture arch of mux is begin end arch; Verilog One Module module mux (a,b,s,y); endmodule

12 12 VHDL vs. Verilog: I/O Declaration VHDL entity mux is port ( a,b,s: in std_logic; y: out std_logic); end mux architecture arch of mux is begin end arch; Verilog module mux (a,b,s,y); input a,b,s; output y; endmodule

13 13 VHDL vs. Verilog: Process Block VHDL architecture arch of mux is begin process (siga, sigb) begin end; end arch; Verilog module mux (a,b,s,y); (siga or sigb) begin end endmodule

14 14 VHDL vs. Verilog: Busses VHDL signal a,c: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); begin a(3 downto 0) <= c (7 downto 4); c(0) <= 0 ; c <= ; end; Verilog wire [7:0] a,c; begin assign a[3:0] = c[7:4]; assign a[0] <= 0; assign a = b ; ( b: binary) end;

15 15 VHDL vs. Verilog: Signal Assignment VHDL signal a, b, c, d: std_logic; begin a <= b and c; d <= (c or b) xor (not (a) and b); end; Verilog wire a,b,c,d; assign a = b & c; assign d = (c b) ^ (~a & b); assign: Continual assignment to wire outside an always statement. Value of LHS is updated when RHS changes.

16 16 VHDL vs. Verilog: Nonblocking vs Blocking Assignment Nonblocking Assignment: Schedule assignments without blocking the procedural flow. Works like a signal assignment (<=) in VHDL In Verilog: A nonblocking assignment (<=) samples right hand side (RHS) at beginning of timestep; with the actual assignment (LHS) taking place at the end of the timestep. Blocking Assignment: Executed before the execution of the statements in a sequential block. Works like a variable assignment (:=) in VHDL In Verilog: A blocking assignment (=) will evaluate the RHS and perform the LHS assignment without interruption from another Verilog statement.

17 17 Nonblocking Assignments in Verilog Should use nonblocking assignments in always blocks to synthesize/simulate sequential logic. module timetest (y1,y2,a,clk); output y1,y2; input a,clk; reg y1,y2; clk) begin y1 <= a; y2 <= y1; end endmodule

18 18 Blocking Assignments in Verilog Use blocking assignments for always blocks that are purely combinational. reg y, t1, t2; or b or c or d) begin t1 = a & b; t2 = c & d; y = t1 t2; end

19 19 Nonblocking vs Blocking (in Verilog) Nonblocking (Behavior Level) module Full_Adder( A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout ); Blocking (Dataflow Level) module Full_Adder( A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout ); input A, B, Cin; output Sum, Cout; input A, B, Cin; output Sum, Cout; wire W1, W2, W3; wire W1, W2, W3; A, B, Cin ) begin { Cout, Sum } = A + B + Cin; end endmodule assign W1 = A^B; assign W2 = W1&Cin; assign W3 = A&B; assign Sum = W1^Cin; assign Cout = W2 W3; endmodule

20 20 Structural Design (VHDL) Component A Related by port map in architecture Component B Component C

21 21 1) library IEEE; 2) use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; 3) entity and2 is 4) port (a,b: in STD_LOGIC; 5) c: out STD_LOGIC ); 6) end and2; 7) architecture and2_arch of and2 is 8) begin 9) c <= a and b; 10) end and2_arch; 11) ) library IEEE; 13) use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; 14) entity or2 is 15) port (a,b: in STD_LOGIC; 16) c: out STD_LOGIC ); 17) end or2; 18) architecture or2_arch of or2 is 19) begin 20) c <= a or b; 21) end or2_arch; Structural Design (VHDL) a) library IEEE; b) use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; c) d) entity test is e) port ( in1: in STD_LOGIC; in2: in STD_LOGIC; f) in3: in STD_LOGIC; g) out1: out STD_LOGIC ); h) end test; i) architecture test_arch of test is j) component and2 --create component k) port (a,b: in std_logic; c: out std_logic); l) end component ; m) component or2 --create component n) port (a,b: in std_logic; c: out std_logic); o) end component ; p) signal con1_signal: std_logic; q) begin r) label1: and2 port map (in1, in2, con1_signal); s) label2: or2 port map (con1_signal, in3, out1); t) end test_arch;

22 22 Structural Design (Verilog) One top module, several (sub) modules.

23 23 Structural Design (Verilog) (Sub) Module module Full_Adder( A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout ); Top Module module Top_Module( A, B, Cin, Sum, Cout ); input A, B, Cin; output Sum, Cout; input A, B, Cin; output Sum, Cout; wire W1, W2, W3; A, B, Cin ) begin { Cout, Sum } = A + B + Cin; end endmodule Full_Adder FAD(.A(A),.B(B),.Cin(Cin),.Sum(Sum),.Cout(Cout) ); endmodule

24 Finite State Machine in Verilog (1/2) 24

25 25 Finite State Machine in Verilog (2/2) module Finite_State_Machine( CLK, RST, State ); parameter State_A = 2'b00, State_B = 2'b01, State_C = 2'b10, State_D = 2'b11; input CLK, RST; output [1:0] State; reg [1:0] State; posedge CLK, negedge RST ) begin if(!rst ) State = State_A; else case( rstate ) State_A: State <= State_B; State_B: State <= State_D; State_C: State <= State_A; State_D: State <= State_C; default: State <= State_A; endcase end endmodule

26 VHDL LIBRARY IEEE; ENTITY Counter IS PORT( Clock, Reset,UPDOWN: IN STD_LOGIC; Max_count: IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); Count : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0) ); END Counter; ARCHITECTURE behaviour OF Counter IS SIGNAL internal_count: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 downto 0); BEGIN Count <= internal_count; PROCESS(Reset,Clock) BEGIN IF reset='0' THEN internal_count<=" "; ELSIF clock 'EVENT AND clock='0' THEN IF updown='0' THEN IF internal_count<max_count THEN internal_count<=internal_count+1; ELSE internal_count<=" "; END IF; ELSIF updown='1' THEN IF " "<internal_count THEN internal_count<=internal_count-1; ELSE internal_count<=max_count; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; END behaviour; Verilog MODULE counter (updown,clock,reset,maxcount,count); output[7:0] Count; input[7:0] MaxCount; input clock, reset, updown; reg[7:0] Cnt; assign Count=Cnt; 26 ALWAYS@(negedge clock or negedge reset) begin if(~reset) Cnt=8'b0000_0000; else if(updown) if (Cnt<MaxCount) Cnt=Count+1; else Cnt=8'b0000_0000; else if(~updown) if (8'b0000_0000<Cnt) Cnt=Cnt-1; else Cnt=MaxCount; end ENDMODULE Working Example: Counter

27 27 Working Example: Multiplexer VHDL library IEEE; use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL; entity mux is port (in1,in2,ctrl: in std_logic; out: out std_logic); end mux; architecture mux_arch of mux is begin process (in1, in2, ctrl) begin if ctrl = '0' then out <= in1; else out <= in2; end if; end process; end mux_arch; Verilog module mux( in1, in2, ctrl, out ); input in1, in2, ctrl; output out; wire in1, in2, ctrl; reg out; in1, in2, ctrl ) begin if(!ctrl ) out <= in1; else out <= in2; end endmodule

28 28 Wire vs. Register in Verilog (1/2) Wire: Has no memory Physical wire in the circuit A wire does not store its value, it must be driven by connecting the wire to the output of a gate or module assigning a value to the wire in a continuous assignment Cannot use wire in left-hand-side of assignment in procedural block. Register: Has memory Not register of CPU No guarantee to be a DFF (D-flip flop) Maybe a physical wire Holding its value until a new value is assigned to it (event-driven). Cannot use reg in left-hand side of continuous assignment.

29 Wire vs. Register in Verilog (2/2) 29

30 30 Conclusion Verilog and VHDL are equivalent for RTL modeling. For high level behavioral modeling, VHDL is better. Verilog does not have ability to define new data types Other missing features for high level modeling Verilog has built-in gate level and transistor level primitives. Verilog much better than VHDL at below the RTL level. Bottom Line: You should know both!!!

31 31 References VHDL & Verilog Compared & Contrasted - Plus Modeled Example Written in VHDL, Verilog and C. Verilog vs VHDL: Explain by Examples Verilog VS VHDL (By Kurt Leyba) Verilog VHDL vs. Verilog MWFTR Verilog Tutorial (Chao-Hsien, Hsu)

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