Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer

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1 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer CHAPTER 6: DEFERRED REPORT WRITER... 1 DEFERRED REPORT WRITER OVERVIEW... 2 REPORT TITLE (TYPE 01 PARAMETER)... 3 Type 01 Parameter Fields... 3 EXPANDER OPTION (TYPE 02 PARAMETER)... 6 Type 02 Parameter Fields... 6 DELIMITED OUTPUT FILE OPTION (TYPE 03 PARAMETER)... 7 Type 03 Parameter Fields... 7 REPORT OUTPUT OPTIONS (TYPE 04 PARAMETER)... 8 Type 04 Parameter Fields... 8 PROCEDURE (TYPE 20 PARAMETER)... 8 Group Records Type 20 Parameter Fields Type 20 Parameter Input Transaction PRINT/EDIT (TYPE 3N PARAMETER) Detail Lines Heading Lines Accessing Date and Time Edit Code Totals Suppression Code Group Edit Code Type 3n Parameter Fields Type 3n Parameter Type 3n Parameter Input Transaction SORT (TYPE 40 PARAMETER) Type 40 Parameter Fields Type 40 Parameter Type 40 Parameter Input Transaction REPORT HEADINGS (TYPE 5N PARAMETER) Type 5n Parameter Fields Type 5n Parameter Type 5n Parameter Input Transaction TOTALS MANIPULATION (TYPE 10 PARAMETER) Type 10 Parameter Input Transaction TOTALS MANIPULATION HEADINGS (TYPE 7N PARAMETER) Type 7n Parameter Input Transaction SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 1

2 TABLE LOOK-UP CREATING INPUT TRANSACTIONS WITH THE DEFERRED REPORT WRITER Type 01 Parameter Type 20 Parameter Print/Edit Parameter Type 3n Parameter Input Transaction Deferred Report Writer Overview The Deferred Report Writer enables you to create Master Database reports in the format that best fits your needs. The output can be written as a character record to tape, 132 character record printed as a report, a delimited (CSV) data file, or written to tape or disk. If written to tape or disk, you must indicate the record size. Even if you do not have data processing expertise, you'll be able to learn and use the Deferred Report Writer. To assist you, Genesys provides model Job Control Language (JCL) or a BAT file that enables you to format and submit the transactions used to produce your reports. This chapter describes the transaction formats that let you specify the parameters for deferred reports from your Master Database. Note: You create your deferred report parameters through a text editor available on your system. Consult your information systems personnel for assistance in using the text editor. The Deferred Report Writer uses your Master Database, and it provides you with access to all of the data elements in your applications. By setting parameters, you can use the Deferred Report Writer to specify which information to print and which to suppress; you can manipulate totals, and you can access user tables. You can determine how your report is formatted and sorted, and you can create meaningful headings for your reports. The Deferred Report Writer lets you apply the same report specifications for up to 100 groups. This allows you to use the same parameters for every group. You can use eight parameters to specify a report. Every report must have a Type 01 and a Type 3n parameter. These two parameters contain the basic information that a report needs. You may use the other six parameters to further customize your report. Here's a description of the eight parameters: Type Description 01 The Report Title Parameter identifies the report and controls the basic output functions. A Type 01 Parameter must be submitted for each report. 02 The Expander Option Parameter identifies up to 100 additional groups for which the same set of report specifications apply. 20 The Procedure Parameter is used to select and manipulate data prior to editing it. There may be up to 999 procedures specified for a single report, but none are required. 03 The Delimited Output Parameter enables you to identify critical information when creating a delimited output file (when a value of '3' is specified in column 15 of the Type 01 Parameter). The Type 03 Parameter allows you to define the destination of the delimited data (that is, simply retain as a delimited data file on disk or export to a database table). If the data is exported to a database table, you must specify additional information. 3n The Print/Edit Parameter formats fields to be output on the report. At least one Print/Edit Parameter is required for each report; however, there are often at least three or more of these parameters used. 04 The Report Options Parameter enables you to specify specific report output options. (1) You may produce output in upper case by specifying a Y in position 11. All titles, literals, and data in the output will be converted to upper case characters. (2) You may produce embedded sign numeric values in file output in either ASCII or EBCDIC format. Enter a Y in position 12 to produce ASCII output. Any other value (omitting a type 04 transaction) will result in ASCII file output using the EBCDIC sign convention on embedded sign 2 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

3 numeric values. Note that this option is valid only on Windows Server systems, and only when producing file output. When applied, it is useful for producing file output to be translated into EBCDIC by another function, such as FTP. This option works only on base 10 earning, deduction, and taxable fields and on the numeric working storage fields. 40 The Sort Parameter places fields in sequence to create a sort key. 5n (55-59) The Heading Lines Parameter is used for additional report or column information about sort breaks. headings as well as 10 The Totals Manipulation Parameter is used to calculate percentages, averages, and perform other arithmetic operations that use totals. 7n (71-78) The Totals Manipulation Heading Lines Parameter is used to enter additional headings associated with Totals Manipulation Parameters. Report Title (Type 01 Parameter) The Type 01 Parameter specifies the report title and defines basic report format. The Type 01 Parameter is required for all reports produced by the Deferred Report Writer. This parameter is where the most necessary data for any report is specified. The list below contains a description of the Type 01 Parameter fields. Type 01 Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number. The major key starting in position 1 and followed by blanks if fewer than six characters. 7-8 nn Report number. This can be a combination of alpha, numeric, or blank characters. All blanks are invalid Transaction type/01 Parameter. 11 Group processing. 0 Process the groups specified on the report title and expander parameters. 1 Process all groups n Not used. 14 C Accesses pending (batch file) changes to update the master file and include on reports. Valid for Windows system only that use effective date processing. 15 Output type specification. 0 Report - Prints report (default). 1 Card - Writes 80 character records. 2 File - Writes on unblocked, unlabeled tape. 3 Delimited Files. 4 Under development. 5-9 Bypasses inactive groups. A value of 5 (for Report), 6 (for Card), 7 (for File), 8 (for Delimited Files), or 9 (for 4) produces the same report for all groups except inactive groups. S Suppresses reports for groups without data. This option produces reports only for those groups that have data to print. Groups without data are not included on the report. 16 Totals option for printed reports, including totaling/printing of the Rollup Feature. 0 Detail lines and totals (default). 1 Totals only. SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 3

4 2 Detail lines only. 3 Rolled up details and totals. 4 Totals only (of the rolled up details only). 5 Rolled up details only. 17 Major sort option. The Rollup Feature (values 3, 4, and 5) enables you to rollup multiple flag records for the same individual into a single set of detail records for both report and file output. When using the Rollup Feature, the totals include only the values displayed, not the values replaced, even when Totals Only (value 4) is selected. Within the rollup of records, control is available on a field-by-field basis to control whether to add to or replace the previous value. The field-by-field control is regulated on the 3n Transaction, position 24. For details, see the section titled Print/Edit (Type 3n Parameter). The Rollup Feature requires that all records for a particular key be extracted. Extraction logic on Type 20 Transactions must not exclude records based on FLAG logic, except to exclude applicants. Also, the multiple extracts per individual must be contiguous; their order must not be changed by any sort used. 0 Sort the results by group (ascending) and by user sort (40 transaction) in ascending order. 1 Sort the results by super group (ascending) and by user sort (40 transaction) in ascending order. 2 No major sort. Sort by user sort (40 transaction) in ascending order. 3 Sort the results by group (ascending) and by user sort (40 transaction) in descending order. 4 Sort the results by super group (ascending) and by user sort (40 transaction) in descending order. 5 No major sort. Sort by user sort (40 transaction) in descending order. 18 Headings option for printed reports. 0 Full standard headings of 2 lines that print at the top of the page. These headings consist of group no., report no., period ending date, page no., report title, group name, and one line of address. Also, specific headings can be input on Type Parameters. 1 Short standard headings that consist of group no., report no., page no. 2 Specified headings only. (Type Parameters.) 3 Full standard headings only. 4 Short standard headings only. 19 Top of page option for printed reports. 0 Between different reports (default). 1 After each level 1 break. 2 After each level 2 break. 3 After each level 3 break. 4 After each level 4 break. 5 After each level 5 break. 6 After each detail line. 20 Body of printed report spacing. 0 Single spacing (default). 2 Double spacing. 3 Triple spacing. 4 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

5 Detail lines per page. These do not include the headings and total lines. The default is Page totals option. 0 Totals at level breaks (default). 1 Totals at each page and at level breaks nn Level break 1 indicator. This is the position where the highest order break should occur, starting from the left of the sort control field. For example, if the sort control field is specified as Master Database sequence (TRAN key) and a totals break is required after each department, the break will occur at the position to the right of the left end of the sort key. 26 n Level 1 totals indicator. This contains the number of the heading line that corresponds to the second digit of the Type Parameter. This line will be printed after the detail line and above the associated total lines nn Level break 2 indicator. This is the position where the second highest break should occur, starting from the left end of the sort control field. 29 n Level 2 totals indicator. This contains the number of the heading line that corresponds to the second digit of the Type Parameter. This line will be printed after the detail line and above the associated total lines nn Level break 3 indicator. This is the position where the third highest break should occur, starting from the left end of the sort control field. 32 n Level 3 totals indicator. This contains the number of the heading line that corresponds to the second digit of the Type Parameter. This line will be printed after the detail line and above the associated total lines nn Level break 4 indicator. This is the position where the fourth highest break should occur, starting from the left end of the sort control field. 35 n Level 4 totals indicator. This contains the number of the heading line that corresponds to the second digit of the Type Parameter. This line will be printed after the detail line and above the associated total lines nn Level break 5 indicator. This is the position where the highest order break should occur, starting from the left end of the sort control field. 38 n Level 5 totals indicator. This contains the number of the heading line that corresponds to the second digit of the Type Parameter. This line will be printed after the detail line and above the associated total lines Any Report title. There are 38 positions that can be used to specify the report title on the second line of the standard headings. For centering purposes, positions are the mid-point XXXX Forms code. A four-character code that specifies the output to be a special format, such as making labels. When using the expander option, and the forms code is filled, make sure that all the expander parameters have the forms filled in. To process multiple delimiter files within one run, the form code is required for each report, and must be unique for each report. SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 5

6 In this example, the Type 01 Parameter was filled in to create a report that would produce a job/salary listing of permanent individuals. The Level Break 1 is specified as 029. The value of 9 in position 26 ties this break to a heading specified in a Type 59 Parameter. See the following example: Note: form. Examples throughout this chapter illustrating transaction forms show only the relevant portion of the Expander Option (Type 02 Parameter) The Type 02 Parameter enables you to apply the report parameters for up to 100 additional groups. These Type 02 Parameters must be processed immediately after the Type 01 Parameters. This tells the system to create similar sets of specifications for the groups on the Expander Option. This enables you to use the same report for every group. The Type 02 Parameter fields are: Type 02 Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number (left justified). This is the group for which the Type 01 Parameter already exists. 7-8 nn Report number Transaction type/02 Parameter Blank Not used CTRN Group number (left justified). This is the group that you would also like the report specifications to apply to Blank Not used XXXX Forms code. A four-character code that specifies the routing of the output. This can be different from the form code specified on the Type 01 Parameter. 6 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

7 Type 02 Parameter Delimited Output File Option (Type 03 Parameter) The Type 03 Parameter enables you to identify critical information when creating a delimited output file (when a value of 3 is specified in column 15 of the Type 01 Parameter). The Type 03 Parameter allows you to define the destination of the delimited data (i.e. simply retain as a delimited data file on disk or export to a database table). If the data is exported to a database table, you must specify additional information. The Type 03 Parameter Fields are: Type 03 Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number (left justified). This is the group for which the Type 01 Parameter already exists. 7-8 nn Report number Transaction type/03 Parameter. 11 Destination of delimited data file. A O S X Export the delimited data to a Microsoft Access table. Export the delimited data to an Oracle table. Export the delimited data to a Microsoft SQL Server table. Keep the delimited data in a disk file. NOTE: DO NOT specify any of the following fields unless the value specified in column 11 is either A, O or S Server Name. Name of the server where the destination database resides. Defaults to local server if left blank Database Name. The name of the database where the new table containing the delimited data will be created. The database must already exist. This process will not create the database. This process will only create the table in an existing database Table Name. The name of the table that will be created in the specified database. The delimited data will be loaded into this table. If a table with the same name already exists in the specified database, the existing table will be deleted and the new table will be created User ID. If access to the database is secured, then you must specify a valid User ID. The User ID is necessary in order to logon to the database and perform the required functions. This is not the User ID for logging onto Genesys. This is a separate User ID which allows access to the database. Contact your System Administrator for this information Password. If access to the database is secured, then you must also specify a valid password. The User ID/Password specified must be valid in order to logon to the database and perform the required functions. This is not the Password for logging onto Genesys. This is a separate Password which allows access to the database. Contact your System Administrator for this information. SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 7

8 72-80 Unused. Report Output Options (Type 04 Parameter) The Type 04 Parameter enables you to specify specific report output options. (1) You may produce output in upper case by specifying a Y in position 11. All titles, literals, and data in the output will be converted to upper case characters. (2) You may produce embedded sign numeric values in file output in either ASCII or EBCDIC format. Enter a Y in position 12 to produce ASCII output. Any other value (omitting a type 04 transaction) will result in ASCII file output using the EBCDIC sign convention on embedded sign numeric values. Note that this option is valid only on Windows Server systems, and only when producing file output. When applied, it is useful for producing file output to be translated into EBCDIC by another function, such as FTP. This option works only on base 10 earning, deduction, and taxable fields and on the numeric working storage fields. Type 04 Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number (left justified). This is the group for which the Type 04 Parameter already exists. 7-8 nn Report number Transaction type/04 Parameter. 11 Y Produce all output in upper case characters. 12 Y Produce ASCII file output using ASCII sign convention for embedded signed numeric values (overpunch) Unused. Procedure (Type 20 Parameter) The Type 20 Parameter defines the steps that select or bypass records, or calculate data to be used in the report. Note regarding the Rollup Feature: The Rollup Feature (activated when Type 01, position 16 is set to 3, 4, or 5), requires that all records for a particular key be extracted. Extraction logic on Type 20 Transactions must not exclude records based on FLAG logic, except to exclude applicants. Also, the multiple extracts per individual must be contiguous; their order must not be changed by any sort used. Nine of the ten procedure parameter operation codes perform operations between two operands. The tenth procedure parameter operation code releases to print and retains the record. Here's a description of the operation codes: 8 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

9 Operation Code E U G L A S M D T R Description Equal Unequal Greater Than Less Than Add Subtract Multiply Divide Transfer Release to print, retain record Comparison of Data The comparison operation codes are: E, U, G, and L. When two operands are compared, the next step is computed if the test is true. If the test is false, positions of the Type 20 Parameter are executed. If the sequence number is not specified and the test is false, the record is bypassed. The example below was used to produce a report on terminated individuals. Comparison tests enable you to provide procedure loops and code complicated tests. No thorough check for endless loops is provided in the Report Writer Subsystem. However, the system hardware normally provides a suspension in this instance when a time parameter is coded. Arithmetic Computation of Data The arithmetic operation codes are: A, S, M, and D. These operation codes perform computations on two operands, the second of which must be a Report Writer working storage field. For information on working storage fields, refer to Chapter 11: Format Types and Working Storage Fields, in this manual. Transfer Data Operation code T transfers the data of one field to another, which must be a Report Writer working storage field. For information on working storage fields, refer to Chapter 11: Format Types and Working Storage Fields, in this manual. Release Data Operation code R releases the report to print and retains the record. The release feature can be used to produce multiple groupings of lines for the same individual record. The specified Edit and Sort Parameters determine which individual records are output. When position 23 of the parameter contains an R, all output is released to the Type 3n and Type 40 Parameters. The release code is essential for proper packet record processing. An R code procedure must not specify data in any operand field except the operation code (position 23) and only can be used in individual-level procedures. The release code can also be used to produce any number of lines per individual record. You can create a variable number of lines per individual record. For example, suppose that a report should produce a line for each insurance deduction only if the year-to-date amount is non-zero. Presuming that deductions are used, the Type 20 Procedure would look like this: SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 9

10 Note that the last test is a bypass because the end of the procedure implies a release. A set of procedures should appear between each comparison and the release so that the same edit rules are used for each line. For example, the procedures between lines 100 and 110 might be: This procedure allows the use of common edits such as: Position Field Description 020 TRAN Employee Key 035 NAME Employee Name 055 RA Deduction Number 060 RS02 Deduction Constant 072 RS03 Deduction Limit 084 RS04 Year-to-Date Amount This procedure creates 0 to 6 lines for each employee. Note that totals on this report would not be particularly useful, except possibly for RS04. Further, it would probably be advisable to sort on deduction number within the fields NAME and TRAN to improve the readability of the report. The R operation code is established to allow information for tax packets to be edited in a consistent manner as the related accumulations in an individual's current record. PCTR must be used in bypass procedures in these reports. There are some basic rules associated with release code use. The most important rule requires that edit parameters be generalized to apply to all specific information for any possible lines within an individual record. The same edit parameters apply to all release records. If the edit parameters are not generalized and multiple edit lines have been coded, an R code will cause the multiple edit lines to be released for each individual and redundant data could be printed. In addition, RA and RS fields are still cleared after each individual record but not after each release record. Further, it is recommended that you use total suppress where totals of different fields would be meaningless. You should ensure that R does not produce an extra record; the end of the procedure is an implied release and should not contain an R code. When reports contain multiple lines per individual, you can force a blank line between the groups of related individual detail lines. 10 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

11 Group Records Group procedures will be executed only once per set of specifications regardless of the number of individuals. Since individual records are not available when group procedures are executed, these procedures must specify only group data elements, working storage fields, or values. One example of a group procedure follows: Sequence Number Comment Data Element or Value Position Start/Stop Op. Data Element Code or Value Position Start/Stop Jump if Fail to Sequence Number Record C S T T U I C C S T T U C C This test bypasses the entire group if CSTT indicates either the Inactive (I) or Conversion (C) status. If a group is bypassed or if no data is extracted for any set of specifications, a report is printed with the following message: ***NO DATA RECORDS FOR THIS REPORT*** Note: You can prevent this message from printing by setting the Type 01, position 15, to a value of S. Setting this value to S will suppress reports for groups without data, and will instead produce reports only for those groups that have data to print. Groups without data are not included on the report and the previous message is not included on the report. To avoid confusion, remember that procedures that normally apply to either individual records or an Edit or Sort Parameter are not restricted to individual record fields only. A group record field may appear in any procedure (except the R code) or an Edit or Sort Parameter. This use of a group record field is not recommended because data will be extracted from the group record whenever it is collected from an individual record. Group fields in reports for each individual can be done. For example, a report might show current earnings for all individual records with the earning headings printed for each record. Group fields are also frequently included in headings by using an Edit Parameter. Here's a description of the Type 20 Parameter fields: Type 20 Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number. The major key followed by blanks if fewer than six characters. 7-8 Blank-9, A- Z Two-position report number Transaction type/20 Parameter nnn Sequence number. Statements must be entered in sequence. 14 Blank or * Asterisk denoting comments First Operand 23 Operation Code Indicator E U G L A Data element or value. The system assumes two decimal positions in every numeric field. Multiplication and division round the result to two decimal places. Operation code. Equal Unequal Greater Than Less Than Add 35 SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 11

12 S M D T R Second Operand Subtract Multiply Divide Transfer Release to print, retain record Data element or value. The results of arithmetic operations or transfers are always stored in a Report Writer working storage field specified in positions nnn Sequence number to jump to if test fails. This jump feature allows looping as long as a sequence number has been inserted to create the loop. A closed loop may occur if one instruction refers to another in a way that forward progress cannot be made. 35 Record type. Blank C Individual records only. Group records. 36 Table look-up indicator. Blank T No table look-up. Table look-up XXX Table name for data element specified in positions nnnn Table look-up start and stop positions Blank Not used. Type 20 Parameter The following illustration is a Type 20 Parameter example that will report data for every individual record with the data element FLAG equal to 0. This is all permanent records. Of those records, only salaried records will be included on the reports. Type 20 Parameter Input Transaction Operation Codes are rejected if the class of the data element value of the operands is not consistent with the operation being performed on them. For example, a numeric field cannot be added to a non-numeric field. 12 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

13 Print/Edit (Type 3n Parameter) The Type 3n Parameter specifies where the fields print on the reports. At least one Type 3n Parameter is required to produce a report. The value of the Type 3n Parameter represents either the detail line number (1-4) or the heading line number (5-9). The simplest reports include a Type 01 Parameter and a Type 3n Parameter. Data element names are the only valid print input to these parameters. Any data elements on the Master Database or Report Writer working storage fields can be input. You can specify start and stop positions for the fields to be printed so that you can print partial fields on the report. Start and stop positions can be specified for data elements that are not numeric (Class C, *, or N). The maximum number of print positions is 132 for only printed reports, and 80 for 80-character records on tape or disk, as specified in position 15 of the Type 01 parameter. If tape output is selected, the maximum length is 999 per line. If delimited output is selected, the maximum number of fields that can be included on the file is 999. Furthermore, the maximum length for a delimited data file is 63,000 characters on Windows NT and 32,600 characters on mainframe platforms. The system rejects the print parameter if the sum of the starting point of the field and the length of the field is greater than the maximum number of print positions allowed by the system. Detail Lines Line numbers 1-4 (transactions 31-34) enable you to specify up to four detail lines for each record. You can select and organize large amounts of information and align the fields yourself. Transaction 31 is the first detail line, 32 is the second, and so on. Delimited data files will only contain one detail line. Heading Lines Line numbers 5-9 (transactions 35-39) enable you to insert data into heading lines. These lines of data are tied to Report Heading Lines specified in transactions For more information on Report Headings, see the section titled Report Headings (Type 5n Parameter). Heading Lines are not allowed when creating a delimited data file. Transaction 35 corresponds to the first heading line, 36 to the second, and so on. By specifying the n value of the Type 3n Parameter to match the n value of the Type 5n Parameter, you can tie the data specified on the Type 3n Parameter to the heading specified in the Type 5n Parameter. This causes the data line to always print with the corresponding heading line. If these lines are tied to level breaks specified by the Type 01 Parameters, then information from the sort key can be placed into lines 5-9. Accessing Date and Time You can access the special system data elements Date and Time to print the system date and time on your report. Date is a ten-position and Time is an eight-position alphanumeric, Class A data element. Edit Code The Edit Code is required for Class C, *, or N data elements, which are signed numeric fields. This code controls the location of the decimal point. The code is a one-position code that goes in position 23 of the transactions. The values are 0-8 and the default is 2. A value of * will print the unresolved value for an asterisk referenced field. Class A fields can be considered in this category if an Edit Code is provided. SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 13

14 Totals Suppression Code The Totals Suppression Code suppresses the automatic totaling of numeric fields. Also, Class A fields might need the totals suppressed if they have been specified as signed numeric fields. If the totals are not suppressed, they print right-justified on the total line associated with the field that created them. The values are:pmj 0 to print totals, and 1 to suppress the totals. Group Edit Code The Group Edit Code suppresses the repetition of a field for each successive individual record on a single page of a report. The field always displays at the beginning of a new page and at the level breaks. On subsequent individual records, the field value is compared to the previous printed value. If the values are identical, the field is not printed. When the field values are different, the field is printed. The values are: 0 to print the field for every line, and 1 to print the field at the top of the page and when the value of the sort key changes. Here's a description of the Type 3n Parameter fields: Type 3n Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number. Major key starting in position 1 and followed by blanks if fewer than six characters. 7-8 nn Report number. This can be a combination of alpha, numeric, or blank characters. All blanks are invalid. 9 3n Transaction type/3n Parameter. 10 Line number option for printed output only. This is the n of the Type 3n Parameter. The values are 1-9. The value specified must be 1 when creating a delimited output file. 1-4 Detail lines 5-9 Heading lines Beginning print position. For a printed report, the maximum is 132. For 80 character records, tape, or disk the maximum is 80. For tape (or disk) output, the maximum is 999. For delimited data files, this does not represent an exact location within the detail record. Instead, it represents a relative column number within the output record. For example, the first field within the delimited record would have a value of 001 while the second field would have a value of 002, the third field would have a value of 003, etc. Refer to position 15 of the Type 01 Parameter. 14 Blank or * Asterisk (comment) XXXX Data element of the field to be printed on the report nn Start extract position of the data element specified in positions nn Stop extract position of the data element specified in positions Edit code for reports. Specifies the number of decimal places of the field on the output. Blank Specifies 2 decimal places - 8 characters (default). * Will print the unresolved value for an asterisk referenced field. 14 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

15 0-9 Specifies between 0 and 9 decimal places (9 characters), (no sign). A - J K - T Specifies between 0 and 9 decimal places (9 characters), with trailing sign. Specifies between 0 and 9 decimal places (9 characters), with leading sign. 24 Group edit code for printed reports. 0, Blank, Space Print the field on each line. Required for a delimited data file. 1 Print only once until changed and at the top of the page. 2 Do not print. For detail lines, the numeric value is included in the total. 3 Totals numeric fields when using the Rollup Feature and prints that total. 25 Totals print option for printed reports. 0, Blank Print the totals for numeric field. 1 Do not print totals. 26 Table look-up option. Blank T No table look-up. Table look-up required XXX Table code for table look-up. Position 26 must be equal to T nn Table look-up start extract position nn Table look-up stop extract position. 34 Blank Not used nnnnn Output record length for tape or delimited output. Used only on the first Type 3n Parameter when tape or delimited output is selected on the Type 01 Parameter. Values are for tape output. Leave this field blank for delimited output. The system will use the maximum length possible (63000 for Windows NT and for mainframe). 40 Database Index option (when destination for delimited data is a database table). Blank Do not use field as an index to the database table. Y Use field as an index to the database table that will be created (specified on Type 03 Parameter). Up to five fields can be specified as an index to the table (creating a single index comprised of up to five fields). The column numbers of the fields within the delimited record will determine the sequence of the fields within the index Blank Not used. Please see the section titled Table Look-Up for more information. Type 3n Parameter The following is an example of a Type 3n Parameter: SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 15

16 Type 3n Parameter Input Transaction Sort (Type 40 Parameter) The Type 40 Parameter lists the fields on which the report will sort. You must create sequence numbers that start with the most important field you want to sort and end with the least important. The most important field is known as the major sort, the least important field is known as the minor sort. These sorts can create a sort key up to 48 positions long. If this parameter is omitted (it is optional), the sort will be in Master Database sequence. If length is not specified in the start and stop positions, the implied Master Database length of the field will be used for the field. The location of fields in the sort key is critical to the assignment of level breaks on the Type 01 Parameter. Also, the sort key is associated with the special data element Sort on the Type 3n Parameter (specifically transactions). The Sort data element is a special system data element that was developed especially for the Report Writer. This data element inserts information from the last detail line processed in the total line specified on the Type 01 Parameter level break. The data element Sort should be specified in positions of the Type 3n Parameter transaction and the start and stop positions should be specified in positions Automatic Routing of Deferred Reports You may automatically route deferred reports that are included as part of a processing run. The reports are sent to the SearchAll Library of Results for viewing after the process updates the database. To use this function, enter OPID0103 in the first sort position of the Type 40 Parameter represents the start and stop positions. The Sort field OPID (Operator ID) is identified on the 00 parameter during the processing run, and referenced in the report writer parameter as the first sort field. The report is written to the result file under the Operator's ID with the report number. When the OPID sort is used, the operator security file (SECOPER) is read to get the security key for each operator. The Security file is read and a list of groups that are allowed read access for the operators is created and sorted into group sequence. Because of the OPID sort, the report is sorted by operators for data belonging to groups that the operator can read. When the reports are written, a copy of each report is written to the result file to allow each operator to view the results for those groups he is allowed to read. Only a single iteration of these reports is stored. The old report will be deleted when the new report is produced. 16 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

17 Description of Type 40 Parameter Fields Here's a description of the Type 40 Parameter fields: Type 40 Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number. The major key starting in position 1 and followed by blanks if fewer than six characters. 7-8 nn Report number. This can be a combination of alpha, numeric, or blank characters. All blanks are invalid Transaction type/40 Parameter nnn Sequence number. 14 Blank or * Asterisk (comment) XXXX Data element of field used for sorting nn Start extract position of the data element specified in positions nn Stop extract position of the data element specified in positions Blank Not used. Type 40 Parameter The following is an example of a Type 40 Parameter: Type 40 Parameter Input Transaction Report Headings (Type 5n Parameter) The Type 5n Parameter (55-59) defines the headings for printed reports. These parameters also let you connect the Report Headings to the subtotals specified in the Type 01 Parameters. Sequence numbers for the Report Headings are similar to those on the Edit Parameters. If the n value of the Type 5n Parameter matches the n SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 17

18 value of the Type 3n Parameter, the data and the heading are tied together on the report. You decide whether to use lines as heading or totals lines. If a line is assigned to a level break, specified on the Type 01 Parameter, it is used as a totals line. If not, it is used as a column heading. This line appears at the top of every page and prints below the standard heading lines. Report Heading parameters can not be specified when creating a delimited output file. Here's a description of the Type 5n Parameter fields: Type 5n Parameter Fields Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number. The major key starting in position 1 and followed by blanks if fewer than six characters. 7-8 nn Report number. This can be a combination of alpha, numeric, or blank characters. All blanks are invalid n Transaction type/55-59 Parameter nnn Line to start print position. 14 Blank or * Asterisk (comment) Any Heading line Spacing control specifications. This specifies the line spacing before and after the line. The system will automatically double space. 0, Blank Single space 2 Double space 3 Triple space Blank Not used. Type 5n Parameter The following is an example of Heading Line input: 18 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

19 Type 5n Parameter Input Transaction Totals Manipulation (Type 10 Parameter) Totals Manipulation parameters can not be specified when creating a delimited output file. The Type 10 Parameter lets you access the totals at level breaks and at the end of the report, perform calculations using these totals, and display the results. To do this, you need to fill in a Type 10 Parameter to define the calculations, set up the headings in Type Parameters, and enter the fields used on a Type Parameter. The Type 10 Parameter defines the functions to be performed on the Totals fields. As many as 60 Type 10 Parameters can be submitted for a single report. These parameters must be submitted after the Type 01 Parameters and any Expander Options that have been submitted. The Type 10 Parameter allows up to six data elements or numeric values to be used in the calculation of the totals. To calculate these values, the Type 10 Parameter allows up to five operation codes. The operations codes are A = Add, S = Subtract, M = Multiply, and D = Divide. The final result of the calculation is stored in a P8 field (P801-P860). These fields must be established on the preceding Type 10 Parameter, and be submitted on a Type 3n Parameter, and used in ascending order. Here's a description of the Type 10 Parameter fields: Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number. The major key starting in position 1 and followed by blanks if fewer than six characters. 7-8 nn Report number. This can be a combination of alpha, numeric, or blank characters. All blanks are invalid Transaction type/10 Parameter nn Sequence number The heading line number that will correspond to the n value of Type 7n Parameters. 14 Blank or * Asterisk (comment) P801-P860 Determines which of the P8 fields is receiving the results of the calculation. 19 Blank Not used. SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 19

20 20-27 Data Element or Numeric value This is the first operand. The data element must be either a Report Writer working storage field or a P8 field that refers to a field defined on a Type 3n Parameter. Either a data element must be entered in positions with start and stop positions, or a numeric value must be entered in positions Operation code to specify the calculation. A S M D Data Element or Numeric Value Add Subtract Multiply Divide into This is the second operand. Same as positions in the first operand. 37 Operation code to specify the calculation. A S M D Data Element or Numeric value Add Subtract Multiply Divide into This is the first operand. The data element must be either a Report Writer working storage field or a P8 field that refers to a field defined on a Type 3n Parameter. Either a data element must be entered in positions with start and stop positions, or a numeric value must be entered in positions Operation code to specify the calculation. A S M D Data Element or Numeric value Add Subtract Multiply Divide into This is the first operand. The data element must be either a Report Writer working storage field or a P8 field that refers to a field defined on a Type 3n Parameter. Either a data element must be entered in positions with start and stop positions, or a numeric value must be entered in positions Operation code to specify the calculation. A S M D Data Element or Numeric value Add Subtract Multiply Divide into This is the first operand. The data element must be either a Report Writer working storage field or a P8 field that refers to a field defined on a Type 3n Parameter. Either a data element must be entered in positions with start and stop positions, or a numeric value must be entered in positions Operation code to specify the calculation. 20 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

21 A S M D Data Element or Numeric value Add Subtract Multiply Divide into Blank Not used. Here is an example: This is the first operand. The data element must be either a Report Writer working storage field or a P8 field that refers to a field defined on a Type 3n Parameter. Either a data element must be entered in positions with start and stop positions, or a numeric value must be entered in positions Type 10 Parameter Input Transaction Totals Manipulation Headings (Type 7n Parameter) Totals Manipulation Heading parameters can not be specified when creating a delimited output file. The Type 7n Parameter (71-78) is defined by the Totals Manipulation Headings. Specifically, these headings can be submitted on transactions. The n value in the Type 7n Parameter is 1-8 referring to the heading line. These parameters enable you to establish headings for the P8 fields only. More than one P8 field can be tied to the same heading line. The Type 7n Parameters must be submitted immediately following the Type 5n Parameters. Here's a description of the Type 7n Parameter fields: Position Value Description 1-6 CTRN Group number. The major key starting in position 1 and followed by blanks if fewer than six characters. 7-8 nn Report number. This can be a combination of alpha, numeric, or blank characters. All blanks are invalid n Transaction type/71-78 Parameter. The n represents the P8 field heading line Beginning print position. For a printed report the maximum is 132. For an 80 character record, 999 tape, or disk the maximum is Blank or * Asterisk (comment) Any Heading line Spacing control. 0 Single spacing (default). 2 Double spacing. SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 21

22 3 Triple spacing Blank Not used. Type 7n Parameter Input Transaction Table Look-Up Table look-up lets you store information in tables and recall the information by referencing a table entry key. The Report Writer allows you to print the literal for the code. The codes save time in data entry and enable you to have standard descriptions of common information. There is a separate table look-up file in which the descriptions for the codes are stored. The three-position table entry key must be specified on a Type 3n Parameter. In the sample Personnel Job/Salary Listing by Department report, the Type 3n Parameter referred to the data element field Jobt, had a T in the table position, and Job in the table entry key positions. Jobt is the data element that stores the individual's job title; T instructs the system to find the value of the data element field Jobt in a table and Job points to the name of the table where the values are stored. In the output of the report, the following job titles came from a table: Accountant, Engineer, Manager, Programmer, and Trainer. For more information on the Table File, refer to the GenTools Manual. Creating Input Transactions with the Deferred Report Writer You can use the Deferred Report Writer to build input transactions. Certain specifications are different for producing transactions than for producing reports. Sample parameters to build input transactions, and results are shown in the figures below. Type 01 Parameter The Type 01 Parameter is used to set up the report title and define basic specifications of a report. The following example parallels the one used previously. The deferred transaction represented in the following input transaction performs the same function as the Report screens. This input transaction was completed with the information found in the Type 01 Parameter Fields table located in the section titled Report Title (Type 01 Parameter). 22 Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

23 Type 20 Parameter Complete the Type 20 Parameter to extract only the records you need. The Type 20 Parameter performs mathematical and logical operations on data. This can be data from the Master Database, the Online Master Database, or literals. This input transaction was completed with the information found in the Type 20 Parameter Fields table located in the section titled Procedure (Type 20 Parameter). Type 20 Parameter Input Transaction Print/Edit Parameter The Print/Edit Parameters defined by the Type 3n Parameter specify how the transactions are going to output. This input transaction was completed with the information found in the Type 3n Parameter Fields table located in the section titled Print/Edit (Type 3n Parameter). SearchAll Report Writer Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer 23

24 Type 3n Parameter Input Transaction The sample input transaction shown is the result of the parameters used throughout this section. Sample Input Transaction Chapter 6: Deferred Report Writer SearchAll Report Writer

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