Problem Set 3 Solutions

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1 Problem Set 3 Solutions ECE 551: Digital System Design and Synthesis Fall 2001 Final Version 1) For each of the following always behaviors: a) Does the given always behavior need a default statement as a part of the case? Explain your answer. All of the LHS variables have been declared as reg type. The first always block does not need a default entry in the case statement because the two assignments to z1 and z2 effectively act as a default entry. However, the second always block needs a default entry for the case statement because if y = 2 b11, then the previous value of z1 and z2 are latched. This leads to inferred latches in a design when it is synthesized. Actually, z1 and z2 have inferred latches due to the incomplete specification for the two branches of the if, but that was not the point of this problem. b) What is the result of the execution of the always for y = 10 and x = 0 assuming that if a default is needed it is z1 = z2 = 2 b00? 1) always@(y or x) z1 = 2 b0; z2 = 2 b1; case(y) 2 b00: z1 = 2 b01; 2 b01: z2 = 2 b00; 2 b10: if (x) z1 = 2 b11; z2 = 2 b10; case z1 = 2 b00; z2 = 2 b10; 2) always@(y or x) case(y) 2 b00: z1 = 2 b01; 2 b01: z2 = 2 b00; 2 b10: if (x) z1 = 2 b11; z2 = 2 b10; case 1 of 15

2 z1 = 2 bxx; z2 = 2 b10; Note that the value for z1 is unknown since z1 is stored in latches and its prior value has not been specified. 2) Write a Verilog task that uses a for loop to describe an iterative combinational circuit that compares two 8-bit operands A and B for equality E, and greater than G. Instantiate the task in a testbench and simulate it for operands such that every bit of A and B take on value 1 and 0 sometime during the test and the outputs E and G take on all four (actually three) possible combinations. Submission: Verilog code, testbench code and simulation results. Verilog Code module FOR (A, B, E, G); input [8:1] A, B; output E, G; reg E, G; always@(a or B) COMPARE(A, B, E, G); task COMPARE; input [8:1] A, B; output E, G; reg E, G; integer i; task module E = 1'b1; G = 1'b0; for(i=8; i; i=i-1) if ((A[i] > B[i]) && (E == 1'b1)) G = 1'b1; if (A[i]!= B[i]) E = 1'b0; //G = 1'b0; Testbench module tfor; 2 of 15

3 reg [8:1] A, B; wire E, G; initial A <= 8'b0000_0000; B <= 8'b0000_0000; #10 B <= 8'b0000_0001; #10 B <= 8'b0000_0011; #10 B <= 8'b0000_0111; #10 B <= 8'b0000_1111; #10 B <= 8'b0001_1111; #10 B <= 8'b0011_1111; #10 B <= 8'b0111_1111; #10 B <= 8'b1111_1111; #10 A <= 8'b0000_0001; #10 A <= 8'b0000_0011; #10 A <= 8'b0000_0111; #10 A <= 8'b0000_1111; #10 A <= 8'b0001_1111; #10 A <= 8'b0011_1111; #10 A <= 8'b0111_1111; #10 A <= 8'b1111_1111; #10 B <= 8'b1111_1110; #10 B <= 8'b1111_1100; #10 B <= 8'b1111_1000; #10 B <= 8'b1111_0000; #10 B <= 8'b1110_0000; #10 B <= 8'b1100_0000; #10 B <= 8'b1000_0000; #10 B <= 8'b0000_0000; #10 A <= 8'b1111_1110; #10 A <= 8'b1111_1100; #10 A <= 8'b1111_1000; #10 A <= 8'b1111_0000; #10 A <= 8'b1110_0000; #10 A <= 8'b1100_0000; #10 A <= 8'b1000_0000; #10 A <= 8'b0000_0000; #10 $stop; FOR inst(a, B, E, G); module List File ns A B E G St1 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St0 3 of 15

4 St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St1 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St0 St St1 St0 3) Write a Verilog function odd(f1,f2,f3,f4) for the following Boolean function where the operands and result are a single bit, instantiate it in a test bench, and simulate it for all possible 16 input combinations using a sequential circuit that counts up from 0 to 15 as the stimulus. Submission: Verilog code, testbench code and simulation results. ( F1 F2) F3 F4 Verilog/Testbench Code module todd; reg Y; reg F1, F2, F3, F4; reg clk; initial F1 <= 1'b0; F2 <= 1'b0; F3 <= 1'b0; F4 <= 1'b0; clk <= 1'b0; #310 $stop; always 4 of 15

5 #10 clk = ~clk; always@(posedge clk) {F4,F3,F2,F1} = {F4,F3,F2,F1} + 1'b1; always@(f1 or F2 or F3 or F4) Y = ODD(F1,F2,F3,F4); function ODD; input f1, f2, f3, f4; ODD = (f1^f2)^f3~^f4; function module List File ns Y F2 F4 F1 F3 clk of 15

6 4) The state diagram for an FSM is given below. The clock is clk and the output Y is two bits and output Z is one bit. a) Write three explicit FSM descriptions for this state diagram in Verilog: a) one with separate always behaviors for (1) the state register and (2) the combined next state logic and output logic; //Design #1 Code module FSM2 (clk, control, run, Reset, Y, Z); input clk, control, run, Reset; output [2:0] Y; output Z; reg [2:0] Y; reg Z; reg [3:0] state, next_state; parameter ST0 = 4'b0001, ST1 = 4'b0010, ST2 = 4'b0100, ST3 = 4'b1000; always@(posedge clk or posedge Reset) if(reset) Z <= 1'b0; Y <= 3'b100; state <= ST0; state <= next_state; or control or run) case(state) ST0: Z = 1'b0; Y = 3'b100; if(run) next_state = ST3; next_state = ST0; ST1: Z = 1'b0; Y = 3'b011; next_state = ST0; ST2: Z = 1'b0; Y = 3'b010; next_state = ST1; ST3: Y = 3'b001; if(control) next_state = ST2; Z = 1'b0; 6 of 15

7 next_state = ST1; Z = 1'b1; default: next_state = ST0; Y = 3'b100; Z = 1'b0; case module b) one with separate always behaviors for (1) the state register, (2) the next state logic, and (3) the output logic with registered outputs; and // Design #2 Code module FSM3 (clk, control, run, Reset, Y, Z); input clk, control, run, Reset; output [2:0] Y; output Z; reg [2:0] Y; reg Z; reg [3:0] state, next_state; parameter ST0 = 4'b0001, ST1 = 4'b0010, ST2 = 4'b0100, ST3 = 4'b1000; always@(posedge clk or posedge Reset) if(reset) Z <= 1'b0; Y <= 3'b100; state <= ST0; state <= next_state; always@(state or run or control) case(state) ST0: if(run) next_state = ST3; next_state = ST0; ST1: next_state = ST0; ST2: next_state = ST1; ST3: if(control) next_state = ST2; 7 of 15

8 next_state = ST1; default: next_state = ST0; case clk or posedge Reset) case(state) ST0: if(run) Y <= 3'b001; Y <= 33'b100; ST1: Y <= 3'b100; Z <= 1'b0; ST2: Y <= 3'b011; ST3: if(control) Y <= 3'b010; Y <= 3'b011; Z <= 1'b1; default: Y <= 3'b100; Z <= 1'b0; case module c) one with a single combined always for the state register, next state logic, output logic, and registered outputs. The registered outputs are permitted to provide an output for Z that is delayed by a clock cycle, but the output for Y must not be delayed. Use a case statement for determining the effect of state on the behavior. The state codes are: ST0 = 0001, ST1 = 0010, ST2 = 0100, and ST3 = // Design #3 Code module FSM1 (clk, control, run, Reset, Y, Z); input clk, control, run, Reset; output [2:0] Y; output Z; reg [2:0] Y; reg Z; reg [3:0] state, next_state; parameter ST0 = 4'b0001, ST1 = 4'b0010, ST2 = 4'b0100, 8 of 15

9 ST3 = 4'b1000; always@(posedge clk or posedge Reset) if(reset) state <= ST0; Y <= 3'b100; Z <= 1'b0; case(state) ST0: if(run) state <= ST3; Y <= 3'b001; ST1: state <= ST0; Y <= 3'b100; Z <= 1'b0; ST2: state <= ST1; Y <= 3'b011; ST3: if(control) state <= ST2; Y <= 3'b010; state <= ST1; Y <= 3'b011; Z <= 1'b1; default: state <= ST0; Y <= 3'b100; Z <= 1'b0; case module c) Write a testbench that can be used to simulate all of your circuits. The testbench should provide an input sequence and clk so that every transition in the state diagram is exercised. Perform the simulation and annotate results to show that the functions of each of the three designs match the state diagram. Submission: Verilog code for each design, testbench code and annotated simulation results. 9 of 15

10 //Testbench Code module tfsm; wire [2:0] Y1, Y2, Y3; wire Z1, Z2, Z3; reg clk, control, run, Reset; wire unequal; reg error, Z1d; assign unequal = (Y1!== Y2) (Y2!== Y3) (Y3!== Y1) (Z1d!== Z2) (Z2!== Z3) (Z3!== Z1d); always@(posedge clk) error = error unequal; initial clk = 1'b0; error = 1'b0; control = 1'b0; run = 1'b0; Reset = 1'b0; #3 Reset = 1'b1; #10 Reset = 1'b0; #10 run = 1'b1; #10 control = 1'b1; run = 1'b0; #10 #10 Reset = 1'b1; #10 run = 1'b1; Reset = 1'b0; #10 control = 1'b0; #10 #10 $stop; always #5 clk = ~clk; /* The following always provides a delayed version Z for Design #1 for comparison purposes */ always@(posedge clk or posedge Reset) if (Reset) Z1d <= 1'b0; Z1d <= Z1; 10 of 15

11 FSM2 inst1(clk, control, run, Reset, Y1, Z1); FSM3 inst2(clk, control, run, Reset, Y2, Z2); FSM1 inst3(clk, control, run, Reset, Y3, Z3); Endmodule List File ns /tfsm/clk /tfsm/y2 /tfsm/z2 /tfsm/reset /tfsm/y3 /tfsm/unequal /tfsm/run /tfsm/z1 /tfsm/error /tfsm/y1 /tfsm/z1d /tfsm/z xxx xxx 0 x x x ) An unsigned integer multiplier that multiplies the contents of two 8- bit operands A and B to produce a 16-bit result Y is to be designed. A is the mulitplicand and B is the multiplier. An add-right shift sequential algorithm synchronous with a clock clk that retires one bit of the multiplier B least significant bit first per clock cycle is to be used. A and B are inputs to the multiplier that are held during the multiplication by external circuitry. Y is a 16-bit register that holds the result and is used for temporary storage during the multiplication. The multiply operation starts in response to an input signal domu = 1 and when it is finished sets an output signal alldone to 1 on the same positive clock edge that the final result loads into Y. alldone is reset to 0 on the next positive clock edge after domu becomes 1. a) Write a Verilog description for the multiplier that uses a single always behavior for both the datapath and control. Additional 11 of 15

12 sequential components not described here will be needed for the control. Verilog Code module MULT (clk, reset, domu, A, B, Y, alldone); // A has been used as the multiplier and B as the multiplicand. input clk, reset, domu; input [7:0] A, B; output [15:0] Y; output alldone; reg [15:0] Y; reg alldone; reg state, C; reg [2:0] P; parameter IDLE = 1'b0, MUL = 1'b1; //assign alldone = ~ P; // state register always@(posedge clk or posedge reset) if(reset) state <= IDLE; case(state) IDLE: if(domu) alldone <= 1'b0; C <= 1'b0; Y <= {8'b0000_0000, A}; P <= 3'b111; state <= MUL; MUL: if(y[0]==1'b1) {C, Y[15:8]} = Y[15:8] + B; Y <= {C, Y[15:1]}; C <= 1'b0; if(p) P <= P - 3'b001; alldone <= 1'b1; state <= IDLE; case 12 of 15

13 module b) Write a testbench for your multiplier that applies operands A and B that are good values for testing operations (be sure that an overflow occurs in the add that gets handled correctly by the shift) and manipulates domu at the right times. Show what happens if domu changes during the multiply operation execution. Testbench Code module tmult; reg clk, reset, domu; reg [7:0] A, B; wire [15:0] Y; wire alldone; MULT inst(clk, reset, domu, A, B, Y, alldone); initial clk = 1'b0; domu = 1'b0; A = 8'h00; B = 8'h00; reset = 1'b0; #3 reset = 1'b1; #10 reset = 1'b0; #10 domu = 1'b1; #10 domu = 1'b0; #20 domu = 1'b1; #60 domu = 1'b0; #10 domu = 1'b1; A = 8'hff; B = 8'h10; #10 domu = 1'b0; #90 domu = 1'b1; A = 8'h10; B = 8'hff; #10 domu = 1'b0; #90 domu = 1'b1; A = 8'h09; B = 8'h0f; #10 domu = 1'b0; #90 $stop; always #5 clk = ~clk; module List File ns clk A B Y reset alldone domu xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX 13 of 15

14 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx StX St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St0 14 of 15

15 St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St St1 15 of 15

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