Design for Test Methodology Case Study for Motorola C-5e DCP Using the Cadence Incisive Accelerator/Emulator

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1 Design for Test Methodology Case Study for Motorola C-5e DCP Using the Cadence Incisive Accelerator/Emulator Justin Hernandez SA837/CORP/GSG Philip Giangarra RU433/SPS/NCSG ABSTRACT VLSI designs, which consist of partial scan and BIST (built-in self test), often give rise to an area of circuitry that can only be verified after fabrication by functional manufacturing test patterns. The faultgrading process quantifies the ability of the entire test suite to detect a manufacturing fault in the circuit. Advances in technology and the ever-increasing size and complexity of VLSI circuits have proven the task of obtaining a faultgrading measurement within an acceptable period of time and level of cost a challenging one. This paper describes a faultgrading methodology that makes use of the Cadence Incisive accelerator/emulator in order to faultgrade the manufacturing test suite used for the Motorola C-Port c5 -dcp (digital communications processor). The Incisive accelerator/emulator provided the flexibility to faultgrade the c5-dcp in a period of 6 weeks, in comparison to the more than 4,000 years it would take to perform the same task on a software simulator. INTRODUCTION This paper describes the manufacturing test methodology used for the Motorola C-Port c5-dcp, presenting the issues faced, how solutions were created and results. BACKGROUND Faultgrading, FG, is a metric which measures the ability of a test suite 1, T, to detect a manufacturing fault in a circuit. The faultgrade process may be carried out in many different ways; the method that is discussed in this 1 Typically a suite of more than one test. paper is a serial fault simulation. This process involves taking a fault-free circuit, C, and modifying it by inserting a single stuck at fault, f, thus creating Cf. Then the test suite is simulated on the circuit, Cf, to ascertain the test suite s ability to detect the stuck at fault in the circuit. This process is repeated for a set of faults, F, in order to obtain a measurement of the number of detected faults, D. The faultgrading metric is calculated by the ratio of the total number of detected faults to the total number of inserted faults. FG T = D / F The faultgrading metric is extremely valuable because it allows us to quantify the quality of the manufacturing test suite, which is directly related to the quality of the shipped product. MANUFACTURING TEST METHODOLOGY The c5-dcp was designed using a mixture of standard cell blocks, full custom blocks and generated logic (for regular structures such as memories). The standard cell logic contained full scan flip-flops and scan chains; most memories (RAMs, CAMs and WCSs) contained BIST. The full custom logic had a nominal amount of extra test logic added. Therefore, the manufacturing test methodology that was used consisted of ATPG (automatic test pattern generation) and functional manufacturing test patterns. The c5-dcp has approximately 70 percent of the design covered by scan and BIST; the remaining 30 of the design was covered by functional manufacturing test patterns. FUNCTIONAL PATTERNS The functional manufacturing test patterns were written in c-code and then converted to an AVF 2 (ASCII vector file) pattern, which was then played on the Credence Tester, as shown in Figure 1. The flow for this conversion process consisted of compiling the c-code into a package 3. The package was then loaded into the instruction memory of the c5-dcp, and once the design was taken out of reset, the RISC core(s) began to fetch, decode and execute the functional manufacturing test. At the same time, test data was supplied at the appropriate input ports of the chip. The activity around the ports of the c5-dcp was then recorded into a VCD (value change dump) file. A software utility was then used to convert the VCD file into an AVF (ASCII vector file). Statement and toggle coverage measurements were 2 AVF is the native language of the Credence Tester. 3 A package file is essentially a binary image of instructions that can be executed by the RISC core(s) on the c5-dcp.

2 performed; the results were used to direct the functional manufacturing test writing team to either modify tests from the existing test suite or to add new tests. C - Code VCD CST Compiler Conversion Program Package AVF Test Generation Credence Tester Figure 1: Functional Manufacturing Test Pattern Flow ISSUES FACED AND SOLUTIONS CREATED The coverage of the ATPG vectors for the partial scan and BIST were known. However, the coverage of the functional manufacturing test patterns was unknown. Hence, there was a need to determine the quality of the suite of manufacturing test patterns in order to know how good the patterns were at detecting manufacturing faults in the c5-dcp. NEED FOR FAULTGRADE The intended purpose of the manufacturing test suite was to run on the pre-packaged parts. The expectation was that the test suite would remove the defective parts before they reached the packaging stage of the manufacturing process, hence reducing the overall cost of test. However, the early samples of packaged parts from the manufacturing plant were failing system-level tests. This implied that the manufacturing test suite was inadequate for removing all defective parts, demonstrating a need to faultgrade the manufacturing test suite in order to identify where the deficiencies lied. test suite to determine if the fault was detected. In addition to this, the Cadence software provided the capability to automate the faultgrading process. The most elegant feature of the emulation solution was the emulator s capability to achieve simulation speeds in the order of tens of thousands of cycles per second. In comparison, a software simulation of the c5-dcp gatelevel netlist could only reach tens of cycles per second. FAULT DICTIONARY CREATION Before the c5-dcp design could be faultgraded, a fault dictionary needed to be created. The fault dictionary describes the stuck-at-one and stuck-at-zero condition for each and every net in the circuit under test. The tool chosen to perform fault dictionary creation was Fastscan by Mentor Graphics. Fastscan classified each of the faults into one of several categories. The categories were then used to indicate: - if the fault was detected by a scan chain - if the fault was untestable 4 - if the fault was equivalent to another fault in the fault dictionary The fault dictionary was then collapsed, which is the process of removing all of the functionally equivalent faults from the total set of faults. For faultgrading it is sufficient to consider only one representative fault from every equivalent set of faults. In addition to this, the SOFTWARE FAULTGRADING SOLUTION Originally, the Cadence Verifault-XL concurrent fault software was chosen to faultgrade the suite of manufacturing patterns. However, after running a small manufacturing test case on a large Sun server, it became immediately apparent that this would not be fast enough. From the test case, we projected a total time of over 12,000 years (for a single computer). EMULATION FAULTGRADING SOLUTION The Cadence Incisive accelerator/emulator was chosen to perform the task of faultgrading the manufacturing test suite on the c5-dcp design. This involved the emulator behaving like a tester. However, the emulator provided the flexibility to modify the circuit to insert a single stuck at fault and then simulate the manufacturing 4 Fastscan defines an untestable fault as a fault that cannot result in a functional failure.

3 faults that were classified as untestable were also removed, thus creating a collapsed and testable fault dictionary, FDct. were then faultgraded against the functional patterns in the manufacturing test suite on the Incisive accelerator/emulator, shown in Figure 3. SAMPLING Due to the large size of the c5-dcp circuit, it was prohibitive with respect to both time and cost to faultgrade the entire fault dictionary, FDct. Hence, a random fault sampling technique [1] was used to create a smaller fault dictionary, FDsm, which could be faultgraded in an acceptable period of time. However, sampling creates a tradeoff between the accuracy of the faultgrade metric and the cost to perform the faultgrade measurement. Remove Detected Faults and Faultgrade Next Pattern Fault Dictionary, FD sm Get Next Fault Insert Fault Emulate Pattern on c5 Design Once the fault dictionary, FDct, was created and the maximum acceptable error was known, the size of the random fault sample dictionary, m, could be calculated b equation 2 in Appendix A: Sampling of Fault Dictionary. Since the random fault sample dictionary, FDsm, still contained the Fastscan classifications, the faults that were detected by partial scan were immediately considered as being detected by the manufacturing test suite. Similarly, the faults in the random sample covered by BIST were also considered as being detected, thus further reducing the simulation time needed to faultgrade the functional patterns in the manufacturing test suite. As shown by Figure 2, the remaining faults in the random fault sample dictionary, FDsm, were simulated on the Incisive accelerator/emulator to establish what additional coverage was gained, thus giving the final faultgrading metric. Fastscan C5 Netlist 100% Fault Dictionary, FD ct Random Sample Fault Dictionary, FD sm Yes Any Remaining Patterns to Faultgrade? No Faultgrade Metric Figure 3: Algorithm for Optimum Pattern Order The order in which the functional manufacturing patterns are faultgraded directly impacts the total amount of time needed. Appendix B: Optimum Faultgrade Pattern Order demonstrates that the optimum pattern order involves a tradeoff between the length of the pattern and the number of faults detected by that pattern. However, since the number of faults detected by a pattern is unknown until after the faultgrade, determining the optimum order involves predicting the future. Fortunately, statement coverage results obtained from simulating the patterns on the RTL assists in predicting the expected number of faults to be caught. ATPG and BIST Detected Faults Filter ATPG/BIST Remaining Faults for Faultgrading Faultgrade on Incisive Accel. In general, if two patterns, A and B, are such that pattern A is larger than pattern B, if the statement coverage indicates that pattern A has higher statement coverage than pattern B, then pattern A should be faultgraded first. Figure 2: Random Fault Sample Dictionary Generation Flow OPTIMUM PATTERN ORDER Once the random fault sample dictionary, FDsm, had been created, the faults detected by ATPG and BIST were immediately categorized as detected by the manufacturing test suite. The remaining faults in FDsm If (Statement Coverage B > (1+ ρ/α) * Statement Coverage A) Faultgrade order = Pattern B first, Pattern A second; Else Faultgrade order = Pattern A first, Pattern B second. Figure 4: Serial Faultgrade Flow

4 However, the order should be reversed when the statement coverage of pattern B is greater than the factor, which pattern B is larger than pattern A. This algorithm is shown in Figure 4. Note that this algorithm should be use only as a general rule of thumb. The error that is involved with this algorithm is specified in Appendix B. RESULTS The Incisive accelerator/emulator proved itself as being more than capable of faultgrading the manufacturing test suite on the c5-dcp within an acceptable period of time and at a satisfactory cost. CYCLES USED The faultgrading of the manufacturing test suite of the c5-dcp required 6 weeks of access to an Incisive accelerator/emulator. This equated to over 250 billion simulation cycles. In comparison, it would have taken more than 4,000 years to reach this volume of software simulation cycles to faultgrade the manufacturing test suite on the c5-dcp gate-level netlist. LESSONS LEARNED ON CUSTOM STRUCTURES The c5-dcp consisted of custom and semi-custom structures. The advantages of designing with custom structures were that the silicon area was greatly reduced and the maximum speed of the circuit was increased. However, since there was no scan logic included in the custom structure, automatic test pattern generation was not possible, thus creating the need for functional manufacturing test patterns and the need for faultgrading these patterns. The development of the functional manufacturing patterns proved to be the most challenging element of the manufacturing test methodology. This was primarily due to the functional manufacturing test patterns being written very late in the design flow, at which point it was very difficult to change the design 5. Hence, the lesson learned was that when custom structures are used in a design, additional engineering resources need to be employed very early on in the design flow so that the custom structure can be tested with ease by scan, BIST or functional manufacturing test patterns. CONCLUSION This paper has described the manufacturing test methodology used for the c5-dcp, presenting the issues faced, how solutions were created and the results. Since the c5-dcp design was covered 70 percent by partial scan and partial memory BIST, this created the need for functional manufacturing test patterns, which created the need to faultgrade the manufacturing test suite to quantitatively measure the test suite s ability to detect a defect in the manufactured part. We found that the emulation solution, which employed the use of the Incisive accelerator/emulator, provided the flexibility to faultgrade the c5-dcp in a period of 6 weeks. In comparison, it would have taken over 4,000 years to perform the same task on a software simulator. Other issues such as the creation and sampling of the fault dictionary and the optimum order to faultgrade the functional test patterns were also explored. The results showed that the Incisive accelerator/emulator proved itself as being more than capable of faultgrading the manufacturing test suite on the c5-dcp within an acceptable period of time and at a satisfactory cost. In addition to this, we found that if the functional manufacturing test patterns had been created earlier in the design flow, it would have become obvious that additional manufacturing test techniques such as scan and BIST were needed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank the Motorola VLSI design team in Mansfield, Mass. and the Cadence support team in Lowell, Mass. Philip Giangarra was responsible for uncovering the Incisive accelerator/emulator s potential to solve the problem of faultgrading the manufacturing test suite on the c5-dcp design. He was the primary contributor to the development of the automation software, which unleashed the capability of the Incisive accelerator/emulator to automate the faultgrading process. David Sallard and Jason Drew from Cadence provided support throughout the c5-dcp faultgrade project. REFERENCES [1] Digital Systems Testing and Testable Design, Miron Abramovici, Melvin A. Breuer, Arthur D. Friedman. 5 In this context, the term late in the design flow refers to a period after the first tape-out revision of the c5-dcp.

5 TRADEMARKS Motorola is a registered trademark of Motorola Inc. C-5, C-5e and C-Port are all registered trademarks of C- Port Corporation. Verifault-XL, Incisive and Incisive accelerator/emulator are all trademarks of Cadence Design Systems, Inc. Design Compiler is a registered trademark of Synopsys Inc. Fastscan is a registered trademark of Mentor Graphics. Credence is a registered trademark of Credence Systems Corporation. APPENDIX A: SAMPLING OF FAULT DICTIONARY When taking a sample from the fault dictionary, the maximum error, e max, of the measured faultgrade metric, F, is dependent on the size of the collapsed netlist, M, the size of the random sample taken, m, and the measured faultgrade metric, F. Definitions Equation 1: e max = 3 ( ( F.( 1-F ).( 1 m/m ) ) / m ) Due to the F.(1-F) factor that is in the numerator, this ensures that e max is at a maximum when F=0.5. Hence, if the size of the collapsed netlist, M, is known, and the maximum acceptable error of the faultgrade, e max, is known, then if we let F=0.5. The sample size may be computed by: Let F=0.5 e max = 3 ( ( 0.5.( ).( 1 m/m ) ) / m ) e max 2 / 9 = ( ( 0.25 ).( 1 m/m ) ) / m e max 2 / 2.25 = ( 1 m/m ) / m M.e max 2 / 2.25 = ( 1 m/m ) / ( m/m ) Let s = m/m ( which is the size of the sample as a percentage of the collapsed netlist ) Let a = M.e max 2 / 2.25 a.s = 1 s s = 1 / ( 1 + a ) s = 1 / ( 1 + ( M.e max 2 / 2.25 ) ) Equation 2: m = M / ( 1 + ( M.e max 2 / 2.25 ) ) APPENDIX B: OPTIMUM FAULTGRADE PATTERN ORDER This appendix describes the optimum order that patterns should be faultgraded in: Definitions ζ = Number of faults detected from first pass, when pattern A is run first ζ = Number of faults detected from first pass, when pattern B is run first α = Length of pattern A β = Length of pattern B γ = Number of faults to be inserted on first pass ρ = β - α = Number of additional cycles that pattern B is than pattern A If pattern A is faultgraded before pattern B then the total number of cycles, T, needed for faultgrading both patterns, T, is given by: Equation 3: T = γ.α + (γ - ζ ).β Substitute β = α + ρ into Equation 3 T = γ.α + (γ - ζ ).( α + ρ ) T = γ.α + γ.α + γ.ρ - ζ.α - ζ.ρ T = 2.γ.α - ζ.α + γ.ρ - ζ.ρ Equation 4: T = α.( 2.γ - ζ ) + γ.ρ - ζ.ρ If pattern B is faultgraded before pattern A then the total number of cycles, T, needed for faultgrading both patterns is given by: Τ = γ.β + ( γ - ζ ). α Substitute β = α + ρ Τ = γ.( α + ρ ) + ( γ - ζ ).α Τ = α.γ + γ.ρ + α.γ - α.ζ Τ = 2.α.γ + γ.ρ - α.ζ Equation 5: Τ = α.( 2.γ - ζ ) + γ.ρ Now let s create an inequality using Equation 4 and Equation 5 to determine the number of additional faults that pattern B needs to detect, ζ, when pattern B is run first, in order for the total number of cycles to be less. Τ < T α.( 2.γ - ζ ) + γ.ρ < α.( 2.γ - ζ ) + γ.ρ - ζ.ρ -α.ζ < -α.ζ - ζ.ρ Equation 6: ζ > ζ.(1 + ρ/α) In order to minimize the total number of cycles needed to faultgrade patterns A and B, in general pattern A should always be run before pattern B, unless pattern B shall detect more faults than the factor which pattern B is larger than pattern A. For Example, α = 10 (length of pattern A) β = 15 (length of pattern B) Then, ρ = β - α = 5 (Number of addition cycles that pattern B is than pattern A) Hence, ζ > ζ.(1 + ρ/α) ζ > ζ.(1 + 5/10) ζ > ζ.(1.5) So, in order to justify running pattern B before pattern A, pattern B must detect 50 percent more faults than pattern A on its first pass.

6 In should be noted that this result should only be used as a rule of thumb because it assumes that the fault is detected near or at the end of each of the patterns. This is a significant assumption because the point in the pattern at which the fault is detected is dependent on a number of variable factors, which include: - if the fault will be caught - the size of the fault dictionary sample - the stage at which the pattern is run in the overall faultgrade - correlation between the remaining faults and the area of circuitry being targeted by the pattern - the nature of the pattern (i.e. register write/read test pattern vs. a finite state machine test pattern).

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