SIMIT 7. Component Type Editor (CTE) User manual. Siemens Industrial

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1 SIMIT 7 Component Type Editor (CTE) Uer manual Siemen Indutrial

2 Edition January 2013 Siemen offer imulation oftware to plan, imulate and optimize plant and machine. The imulation- and optimizationreult are only non-binding uggetion for the uer. The quality of the imulation and optimizing reult depend on the correctne and the completene of the input data. Therefore, the input data and the reult have to be validated by the uer. Trademark SIMIT i a regitered trademark of Siemen AG in Germany and in other countrie. Other name ued in thi document can be trademark, the ue of which by third-partie for their own purpoe could violate the right of the owner. Copyright Siemen AG 2013 All right reerved The reproduction, tranmiion or ue of thi document or it content i not permitted without expre written authority. Offender will be liable for damage.all right, including right created by patent grant or regitration or a utility model or deign, are reerved. Siemen AG Indutry Sector Indutry Automation Diviion Proce Automation SIMIT-HB-V7CTE en Excluion of liability We have checked that the content of thi document correpond to the hardware and oftware decribed. However, deviation cannot be entirely excluded, and we do not guarantee complete conformance. The information contained in thi document i, however, reviewed regularly and any neceary change will be included in the next edition. We welcome uggetion for improvement. Siemen AG 2013 Subject to change without prior notice.

3 Content 1 PREFACE Target group Content Symbol 1 2 PRINCIPLES OF COMPONENT TYPES The SIMIT type-intance concept Propertie of component type The tak card component Updating the tak card component The preview for component type 6 3 USER INTERFACE Structure of the uer interface Menu bar and toolbar Project tree Keyboard hortcut 11 4 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF A COMPONENT TYPE Adminitration propertie Protection of the component type Specific Change 16 5 CONNECTORS OF A COMPONENT TYPE Special default etting for implicitly connectable input Complex connection type Defining connection type 23 6 PARAMETERS OF A COMPONENT TYPE Defining enumeration type 28 7 THE BEHAVIOUR OF A COMPONENT TYPE State Siemen Indutrial 32 Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page I

4 7.2 Initialiation, cyclic calculation and function The Signal tak card Topology 36 8 VISUALIZATION OF COMPONENT TYPES The baic ymbol Editing graphic Adding control Editing connector Editing propertie The link ymbol The operating window 45 9 BEHAVIOUR DESCRIPTION Converion of the behaviour decription to C# code The equation-oriented approach Local variable Contant The calculation order Operator Conditional expreion Enumeration type Vector Function call for mathematical tandard function Self-defined function Differential equation Notation for the differential Correction for the tate variable Acceing continuou tate variable Acceing dicrete tate variable The intruction-oriented approach Function Block Local variable Field Contant Loop DO loop FOR loop WHILE loop Conditional tatement IF intruction SWITCH intruction 62 Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page II

5 9.3.8 Sytem function Operator Acceing tate variable Internal variable and contant The characteritic parameter type 67 Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page III

6 Table of figure Figure 2 1: Two intance of the ame component type Figure 2 2: The tak card component in SIMIT Figure 2 3: Component type preview Figure 3 1: Selection dialog for the CTE Figure 3 2: Context menu of a component type Figure 3 3: The CTE uer interface Figure 3 4: The menu in the CTE menu bar Figure 3 5: Project tree for the CTE Figure 4 1: Editor for the general propertie Figure 4 2: Paword prompt Figure 4 3: Setting the number of input on the component ymbol Figure 4 4: The "graphically calable" property in the editor Figure 4 5: Defining a vector of connector of variable length Figure 4 6: Defining a dimenion parameter Figure 5 1: The table editor for connector Figure 5 2: Setting an input to a ignal by default Figure 5 3: Setting an input in the component intance to a default ignal Figure 5 4: Uing the ytem variable _INDEX Figure 5 5: Baic connection concept Figure 5 6: Extended connection concept Figure 5 7: Input of a connector in the property window Figure 5 8: Connection Type tak card Figure 5 9: Defining a connection type Figure 5 10: Connection type preview Figure 6 1: Editor for parameter Figure 6 2: The Enumeration Type tak card Figure 6 3: Window for defining an enumeration type Figure 6 4: Enumeration type preview Figure 7 1: Table editor for the tate variable Figure 7 2: Text editor for the behaviour decription Figure 7 3: Find and Replace in the text editor Figure 7 4: The Signal tak card Figure 8 1: Graphical editor for the baic ymbol Figure 8 2: Graphic element in the Graphic takcard Figure 8 3: Setting for caling graphic on component Figure 8 4: Component type with a puhbutton on the baic ymbol Figure 8 5: Poition of a connector Figure 8 6: Name of the baic ymbol Figure 8 7: Horizontally non-calable (a) and calable (b) ymbol Figure 8 8: Vertically non-calable (a) and calable (b) ymbol Figure 8 9: Graphic of the baic ymbol (a) i not caled with the baic ymbol (b) or i caled with the baic ymbol (c) Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page IV

7 Figure 8 10: Component i not rotatable (a) and i rotatable (b) Figure 8 11: Repreentation of the connector name on the baic ymbol Figure 8 12: Border of the baic ymbol Figure 8 13: Graphical editor for the link ymbol Figure 8 14: Editor for the operating window Figure 8 15: The extended operating window in the editor Figure 8 16: Operating window for opening the extended window Figure 9 1: Example of an equation-oriented behaviour decription Figure 9 2: Example of a defined calculation order Figure 9 3: Example of an undefined calculation order Figure 9 4: Parameteriing with an enumeration Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page V

8 Lit of table Table 3 1: Keyboard hortcut Table 5 1: Baic connection type Table 6 1: Data type for parameter Table 7 1: Data type for time-dicrete tate Table 7 2: Colour ued for the element Table 9 1: Data type for local variable Table 9 2: Data type for contant Table 9 3: Permitted operator Table 9 4: Lit of mathematical tandard function Table 9 5: Acceing continuou tate variable Table 9-6: Acceing dicrete tate variable Table 9 7: Data type for variable in block and function Table 9 8: Data type for contant Table 9 9: Sytem function Table 9 10: Operator Table 9 11: Operand data type Table 9 12: Data type converion in expreion Table 9-13: Acceing dicrete tate variable Table 9 14: Sytem contant Table 9 15: Sytem variable to determine a component ize Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page VI

9 Preface 1 PREFACE 1.1 Target group Thi uer decription i intended to help you, a a uer of the SIMIT imulation ytem, when you develop your own component type or wih to modify exiting component type. It decribe the variou apect of a SIMIT component type and how to ue the component type editor to implement thee apect. It aume thorough knowledge of the ue of peronal computer and the Window uer interface, plu baic knowledge of SIMIT. It will alo be ueful to have a knowledge of the tandard SIMIT library, i.e. practical experience in uing the tandard library to create imulation. Thi manual will merely enable you to implement an exiting functional model with the aid of a SIMIT component type. The objective of thi manual i not to decribe how a functional model i formed; it i aumed that you are already familiar with the baic principle of modelling. 1.2 Content The manual i alo intended a a reference work, and o i divided into manageable ection. Thee are combined to form meaningful, dicrete unit which will allow you to kip topic that are of leer interet to you at preent and then to look them up at a later date. Section 2 decribe the baic principle of the component type. The underlying typeintance concept i explained, followed by an overview of the propertie of component type. You will find detailed decription of the uer interface in ection 3. The individual editor for variou apect of a component type are decribed in the following ection 4 to 8: General propertie in ection 4, connector in ection 5 and parameter of component type in ection 6. Section 7 explain apect of the behaviour of a component and ection 8 how which ort of viualization can be created in a component type. Section 9 finally provide a detailed decription of the yntax for implementing a component type behaviour. Thi decription i ubdivided into decription of the equation-oriented approach and the decription of the intruction-oriented approach. 1.3 Symbol Particularly important information i highlighted in the text a follow: NOTE Note contain important upplementary information about the documentation content. They alo highlight thoe propertie of the ytem or operator input to which we want to draw particular attention. CAUTION Thi mean that the ytem will not repond a decribed if the pecified precautionary meaure are not applied. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 1

10 Preface STOP WARNING Thi mean that the ytem may uffer irreparable damage or that data may be lot if the relevant precautionary meaure are not applied. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 2

11 Principle of component type 2 PRINCIPLES OF COMPONENT TYPES In SIMIT, component are the mallet unit that make up a imulation. All component are intance of type that are made available in librarie. Component type are created and edited uing the component type editor CTE. Thi take account of all the apect that can be ued for component in SIMIT. 2.1 The SIMIT type-intance concept In SIMIT, the functional imulation model i made up of the functional behaviour of the individual component that are poitioned graphically on diagram, are aigned parameter and are interconnected. SIMIT bae thi on a type-intance concept: the parameteriable function i defined in the type, while the individually parameteriable intance of the type are added to diagram. We therefore peak of both component type and component a intance. Figure 2 1: Two intance of the ame component type Thi type-intance concept allow you to change a component type without changing the intance already created from it. NOTE After making change to a component type, if you want to update the intance you have already created in your imulation project, you imply ue the Find&Replace function in SIMIT to replace component type. Every component intance i identified by a eparate, unique name in SIMIT. Every intance can be parameteried individually, with repect to both the actual parameter, any preaigned input and the ymbol caling. 2.2 Propertie of component type A component type i a dicrete unit that can be created and modified with the component type editor. From the technical viewpoint, a component type i a file with the extenion.imcmp. SIMIT librarie are thu imply directorie in your file ytem in which component type are tored for ue. All the propertie that can be ued in SIMIT are implemented in a component type. The implementation of a component type comprie the following apect: General information Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 3

12 Principle of component type General information relate to the adminitration, protection and pecific of a component. Connector Connector are all the viible and inviible ignal input and output of a component type. The connector are defined with their propertie in the component type. Parameter Parameter are ued to cutomize the individual component intance. The component type define which of it propertie hould be parameteriable in the intance. Behaviour The definition of tatu variable and the functional behaviour decription define the functional behaviour of a component. The detail thu define the dependencie between the output ignal and the input ignal and parameter. Viualiation Component are graphically repreented on diagram with a baic ymbol. Optionally, component may alo have a ymbol for a link and an operating window. Every functional component type, i.e. one that can be ued in SIMIT, i automatically aigned a unique identifier (ID) when it i aved with the CTE. 2.3 The tak card component The tak card component of SIMIT conit of three palette: Baic component Uer component Project component and one palette for the preview (Figure 2 2). Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 4

13 Principle of component type Figure 2 2: The tak card component in SIMIT The baic component palette contain the component type from the SIMIT baic library. The baic library i created when you intall SIMIT. You cannot modify thee component type, nor can you add further component type to the baic library. You can, however, copy component type from the baic library to the other two palette. Uer component give you acce to your own librarie of component type, i.e. to component type that you have created yourelf or have been made available to you by other people. There you can create component type in the fixed Global component directory a a global library that i available in your SIMIT intallation and thu add to the working range of your SIMIT intallation. You can alo ue the command to open any Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 5

14 Principle of component type library directorie in thi palette and acce the component type tored in them. The command will remove the elected directory from thi palette. In the Project component palette you can connect component type to the opened SIMIT project. When you archive the project, all the component type in thi palette are archived with the project a the project library, and will thu remain available even when you dearchive the project. You can move component type anywhere within the two Uer component and Project component palette or add a copie. The component type from the baic component palette can only be copied to the other two palette Updating the tak card component When you tart SIMIT, the baic library, global library and project library are loaded and made available in the relevant palette on the Component tak card. If when you previouly cloed SIMIT there were library directorie open in the Uer component palette, thee will alo be opened once more. Now when you create your own component type uing CTE, you mut either ave them to a library directory or ave them under Global component o that they are available to you in SIMIT. To do thi, SIMIT automatically update the Uer component palette when you ave a component type there uing the component type editor The preview for component type In the preview for the Component tak card, the following information i diplayed for a elected component type (ee Figure 2 3): Symbol The baic ymbol for the component type Name The name entered in the component type Verion The verion information entered in the component type Library The information about the library entered in the component type UID The unique identifier that i automatically aigned to the component type Figure 2 3: Component type preview Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 6

15 Uer interface 3 USER INTERFACE The component type editor (CTE) i a tand-alone SIMIT application. You tart it from the Start menu in the Program SIMIT 7 CTE folder. Once it ha tarted, you have the choice of opening an exiting component type, creating a new component type or migrating a component type exported from SIMIT V5.4 SP1. You can alo acce thi dialog (Figure 3 1) at any time via the Component menu. NOTE In the CTE uer interface, the hortened term 'component' i ued, rather than 'component type' a the context in which it i ued i clear enough to avoid confuion. Figure 3 1: Selection dialog for the CTE Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 7

16 Uer interface NOTE The migration of component from older verion of SIMIT i decribed in the "Migration" manual. You can alo open component type for editing from the Component takcard. Double click the component type you want to open or elect the Open command from it context menu (Figure 3 2). If CTE wa not yet running, CTE will open automatically. Figure 3 2: Context menu of a component type Component type are tored on the file ytem in a file with a name ending with imcmp. You may alo open a component type in CTE by double clicking the file. Here, too, CTE i lauchned to open the component type, if CTE wa not running already. 3.1 Structure of the uer interface The CTE uer interface (Figure 3 3) i baed on the SIMIT GUI concept. It i ubdivided into the following palette: The menu bar and toolbar allow eay acce to the CTE function. There are additional function available in the pop-up menu. The project window how the open component type in a tree view. The editor are opened for editing in the working area. Every editor contain a toolbar for rapid acce to the editor-pecific function. The Tool window contain the tool that can be ued with the editor concerned, uch a connector type and graphic tool in tak card. The Property window how the propertie of an object elected in the working area. The editor bar at the bottom left of the GUI allow you to toggle between opened editor. The tatu bar at the bottom right of the GUI how information about the current tatu of the CTE. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 8

17 Uer interface Figure 3 3: The CTE uer interface All editor are opened in the working area. The tool window only contain the tak card pecific to the editor concerned. There are menu command that divide the working area horizontally (Window Tile horizontally) or vertically (Window Tile vertically) o that two editor can be opened ide by ide or one below the other in the working area. 3.2 Menu bar and toolbar The CTE menu bar contain all the command you will need to create or open and edit component type (Figure 3 4). Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 9

18 Uer interface Figure 3 4: The menu in the CTE menu bar Frequently ued function are alo provided on the toolbar. Specifically thee are the following function: (New Component) for creating a new component type (Open...) for opening a component type (Save) for aving a component type (Cut) for cutting elected object (Copy) for copying elected object (Pate) for pating copied object (Update) for updating a component type Some apect of a component type affect one another. The Update function enure that all information in one apect i compared with the information in the other apect. When you update, there i alo a check to enure that the component wa written to correctly. 3.3 Project tree The project tree lit all the apect of a component type (Figure 3 5). For every apect an aociated editor can be opened by double clicking the relevant entry in the project hierarchy. Formal error in the implementation of an apect are identified by an overlay in the project tree:. All the higher level of thi apect are identified with thi overlay a well. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 10

19 Uer interface Figure 3 5: Project tree for the CTE 3.4 Keyboard hortcut You can ue the keyboard hortcut lited in Table 3 1 to peed up the editing of a component type. All the keyboard hortcut are context-pecific, i.e. they can only be ued if the aociated editor ha the keyboard focu. Hotkey Ctrl-A Ctrl-C Ctrl-F Ctrl-H Ctrl-S Ctrl-V Ctrl-X F2 F3 F5 Table 3 1: Meaning Select all Copy Find Replace Save Pate Cut Rename Continue earch Update Keyboard hortcut Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 11

20 General Propertie of a Component Type 4 GENERAL PROPERTIES OF A COMPONENT TYPE General propertie of a component type concern Adminitration Protection Specific and Change of that component type. To edit the general propertie open the correponding editor (Figure 4 1) by double clicking the apect General in the project tree. The general propertie editor provide a fixed arrangement of input boxe to edit the individual propertie. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 12

21 General Propertie of a Component Type Figure 4 1: Editor for the general propertie 4.1 Adminitration propertie Adminitration information i the name and verion of the component type, plu the identifier and family of the library to which thi type i aigned. You can enter any name. Thi i ued to diplay the component type in the SIMIT Component tak card. It i thu alo ued a the bai for automatically aigning a name when the component type i intantiated on a diagram. The name i independent of the file name under which the component type i tored in the file ytem. The verion and library family of a component type can be defined arbitrarily, thee value are olely provided a information for the uer. They are diplayed in the Component tak card preview, but are not analyzed any further. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 13

22 General Propertie of a Component Type When chaning the name or verion of a component type, aving the component will automatically yield a file election dialog o that you can alo ave the component under a new filename. The default filename will match the component type name. Librarie that are included in the SIMIT product range have a predefined library ID. The library ID i entered in every component type in a library. When you create uer component, the library ID will be et to "0" automatically. The File location of the component type in the file ytem and it unique identifier UID are diplayed for information. 4.2 Protection of the component type You can aign a paword to prevent the component type you have created being opened in CTE by unauthoried peron. To do thi, imply enter a paword. You will be prompted to enter the paword again, jut to check that you entered it correctly. When you attempt to open a paword-protected component type, the prompt a hown in Figure 4 2 appear. Figure 4 2: Paword prompt The component type cannot be opened unle you enter the correct paword. The paword protection ha no effect on the ue of a component type in SIMIT; it can be dragged onto a diagram, intantiated and interconnected, jut like any other component type. STOP WARNING Keep the paword afely. Without the right paword, you will not be able to open thi component type in the component type editor, even though you created it! 4.3 Specific A component type may be aigned the pecial general property of "graphically calable". In thi cae, the component type ha exactly one connector (Graphically calable connection) defined a an input or output which can be changed to any number in every intance. The number of connector i et on the diagram by caling the ymbol vertically uing it grab handle on the election border (Figure 4 3). Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 14

23 General Propertie of a Component Type Figure 4 3: Setting the number of input on the component ymbol To et thi property, ue the I graphically calable option in the editor and pecify which connector can be caled graphically (Figure 4 4). Figure 4 4: The "graphically calable" property in the editor The graphically calable connection mut be defined a a vector of connector of which there i a variable number (Figure 4 5), wherein the number mut be created a a parameter of the type dimenion (Figure 4 6). Figure 4 5: Defining a vector of connector of variable length Figure 4 6: Defining a dimenion parameter A component type may have other connector in addition to the one that i graphically calable. The graphically calable connection mut alway be poitioned on it ymbol beneath all the other connector, however. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 15

24 General Propertie of a Component Type 4.4 Change The change in the component type are for documentation purpoe only and are not evaluated by SIMIT. They can be ued to keep the change hitory of a component type, for example. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 16

25 Connector of a Component Type 5 CONNECTORS OF A COMPONENT TYPE The connector of a component primarily define the interface that i ued to exchange information with other component. Connector are alo ued to incorporate ignal in their operating window. All the connector of a component type are edited in the connector editor, which i et out like a table editor a een in Figure 5 1. You can open the Connector editor by double clicking the apect Connector in the project tree. Figure 5 1: The table editor for connector Every connector i identified by the following propertie: Name Every connector mut have a unique name. The name mut contain only letter, digit and the undercore character, and mut tart with a letter. The name i cae enitive. Reference i made to the name of a connector in the behaviour decription, for example. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 17

26 Connector of a Component Type Connection type All connector in SIMIT are typed, i.e. the connection type preciely define which information can be exchanged via a connector of thi type. Connector mut alway be of the ame type o that they can be connected to one another on a diagram. The available connection type are uggeted in a election box. Direction The direction define whether the connector i defined in the IN or OUT direction. Binary, integer and analogue connector are thu defined a input or output. The pecial cae of a connector without a direction (NONE) i only of relevance in aociation with pecial librarie. You will find further detail in the manual for thee librarie. Number If you have entered a value other than the default number one, then you have a connector vector with the pecified number of element. Thee connector are imply numbered conecutively in the component intance by appending an index number tarting with one to the name. You can alo enter a parameter that determine the number of connector a the number. Thi parameter mut then be of the type dimenion. Default Connector that are defined a input can be given a default numerical value. Thi default etting can be overwritten in every component intance. Connector alo have other propertie that can be defined in the property window for every connector: Uage A connector can be ued in different way. The connector hould generally be viible on a diagram at the component ymbol and thu allow it to be interconnected with other component. Set the Uage to Symbol and property view to do thi. If you want the connector to only be viible in the property view for a component, and not on the component ymbol on the diagram, et the uage to In property view only. Thi connector will then be permanently identified a an inviible connector by the ymbol in the property window for the component. The In CTE only etting allow the connector to be ued in the component type, but not to be viible on the ymbol or in the component property window. Viibility Default If a connector ha the uage Symbol and property view, you can et whether it i initially viible ( ) or inviible ( ) after intantiation on a diagram. Implicit Connectable (for input ignal only) All connector that have the uage Symbol and property view can alo be implicitly interconnected in the property window for the component intance. The Implicit connectable property i permanently et for thi uage. Here you can define whether connector with the uage In property view only hould be implicitly connectable connector or not. If you et a connector with thi uage to not implicitly connectable, then only the default aignment for thi connector can be overwritten in the property window for the component. If you et it to Implicit connectable, then the Value/Signal Default i changed to Signal. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 18

27 Connector of a Component Type Value/Signal Default (for input ignal only) If the uage of the connector i et to Symbol and property view, you can determine whether the connector i et to Value ( ) or Signal ( ) by default in the component intance. If the default i Signal, the viibility default etting i automatically et to Not viible. I moveable Thi allow you to define whether the connector in the component intance may be moved on the outer edge of the component. Hold down the "Alt" button and drag the connector with the moue to move it. Decription The decription of a connector i for documentation purpoe only and i not evaluated by SIMIT. Connection type ID The name of a connection type doe not have to be unique, o the unique ID allow you to identify it if you are in any doubt. 5.1 Special default etting for implicitly connectable input Input are normally et by default to a numerical value for analogue and integer input or the value True/Fale for binary input. If the default etting for Value/Signal i et to Signal ( ), there i another option for the default etting: You can now et a default ignal name (Figure 5 2). Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 19

28 Connector of a Component Type Figure 5 2: Setting an input to a ignal by default The ymbol for thi input i then et to the ignal name pecified in the property window for an intance of the component. Thi input of the component i thu permanently interconnected to the output of another component. For the ample ignal illutrated in Figure 5 2, thi i the output T of a component with the name GlobalValue (Figure 5 3). Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 20

29 Connector of a Component Type Figure 5 3: Setting an input in the component intance to a default ignal Rather than fixed name for the ignal, you can alo ue parameter or the component intance name. To do thi, write the parameter name or _NAME for the intance name in curly bracket, preceded by the $ ymbol for the ource and/or connector of the ignal: {$Parameter name} or {$_NAME}. The parameter name and _NAME are thu merely pace holder in the component type for the value of Parameter value or Intance name aigned in the component intance. You can alo make up the ignal name a required from pace holder and fixed name. You may ue the ytem variable _INDEX to define implicit connection for individual element of a vector. Ue the expreion {$_INDEX} a hown in Figure 5 4 in an example. When intanciating the component thi expreion will be replaced in each element by thi element index, index counting tarting at one. Figure 5 4: Uing the ytem variable _INDEX When for a component according to the example in Figure 5 4 the value Parameter MaxObject i et to 2 and Parameter BaeName i et to LifterBae#1 Thi yield the following default value for the input vector XPoition: XPoition1: LifterBae#1 XPoitionOut1 XPoition2: LifterBae#1 XPoitionOut2 Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 21

30 Connector of a Component Type 5.2 Complex connection type In the baic connection concept, a ingle analog, integer or binary ignal i tranferred between connected connector of component. The ignal connection i alway directed from output to input, i.e. the direction i determined implicitly from the type of connector. Thi concept for connecting an output to an input i ketched out in Figure 5 5. Figure 5 5: Baic connection concept Connection of thi type are provided a baic connection type in SIMIT. Thee type are offered in the election creen a analog, integer and binary. The SIMIT connection concept i a little wider than thi baic concept: a connection may be ued to tranfer multiple ignal between connector in both direction. The direction of a ignal thu can no longer be derived from the connected connector, o it need to be defined a a forward or backward ignal in the connection type. Forward ignal are tranferred from an output to an input; backward ignal are exactly the revere. Such a complex connection i depicted in Figure 5 6. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 22

31 Connector of a Component Type Figure 5 6: Extended connection concept Thu both input and output ignal may reult for a connector of a complex connection type. Thee ignal are lited in the property window for the connector, where you can individually et default for the input (Figure 5 7). Figure 5 7: Input of a connector in the property window 5.3 Defining connection type The Connection Type tak card (Figure 5 8) lit all the connection type known in SIMIT and allow you to define your own connection type. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 23

32 Connector of a Component Type Figure 5 8: Connection Type tak card Thi tak card i divided into three palette: Baic connection type Thi ection how the connection type that are ued in the component type in the baic library. Thee are eentially the baic connection type a decribed in Table 5 1. Connection type Value Range of value binary Binary value True/Fale analog Floating point value ± to ± integer Integer value 308-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Table 5 1: Baic connection type You can ue the baic connection type a the bai for your own connection type. To do thi, copy the connection type to the Uer connection type palette and edit it. Uer connection type Thi palette allow you to create your own connection type. To do thi, copy an exiting connection type or click the New connection type entry. A window (Figure 5 9) then open in which you define the ignal. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 24

33 Connector of a Component Type Figure 5 9: Defining a connection type You can create any number of ignal in the Forward and Backward direction. For the ignal type, you can only chooe between the analog, binary and integer data type. If you want to allow a component output to be connected to one or more input, then you mut check the Multiple Connection checkbox in the connection type. Multiple connection are not permitted for connection type that contain backward ignal, otherwie multiple output ignal would be routed to the ame input. You can thu only check the Multiple Connection check box if no ignal are defined in the backward direction. When you cloe the dialog, a unique identification number (ID) i aigned to thi connection type. From Component Type When you create component and you want their connector to be compatible with the connector of other component, it i important to ue the ame connection type for them. To do thi, you can open any component type from thi palette on the tak card uing the command. The connection type ued in the component type will then not only be diplayed under thi component type, but will alo be included in the election lit of connection type. When you elect a connection type from one of thee three palette on the tak card, the ignal that can be tranferred uing thi connection type are lited in the preview at the bottom of the tak card (Figure 5 10): Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 25

34 Connector of a Component Type Figure 5 10: Connection type preview The ID of the connection type i alo diplayed in the preview. Pleae note that connection type are only identical if they have the ame ID. The name of the connection type i not a ufficient criterion. Connection type for which the ame ignal are defined are alo not identical. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 26

35 Parameter of a component type 6 PARAMETERS OF A COMPONENT TYPE Intance of component type can be individually configured uing parameter. To do thi, the relevant parameter mut be provided in the component type. To define the parameter, open the parameter editor (Figure 6 1) by double clicking the Parameter apect in the project tree. Figure 6 1: Editor for parameter You can divide your parameter into two palette: Primary and Secondary in order, for example, to be able to iolate a primary parameter eential parameter that are generally ued to parameterize the component from ineential and thu rarely ued econdary parameter. If you define econdary parameter here, SIMIT will take thi ditinction into account in the property window for the component intance. A further category (Additional parameter, which contain the econdary parameter) will then appear in the property window in addition to the Parameter category. Parameter are identified by the following propertie: Name Every parameter mut have a unique name. The name mut contain only letter, digit and the undercore character, and mut tart with a letter. The name i cae enitive. Data type Parameter can have one of the data type illutrated in Table 6 1. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 27

36 Parameter of a component type Data type Meaning Range of value binary Binary value True/Fale analog Floating point value ± to ± integer dimenion text characteritic Integer value Number of a connector or parameter vector Single line of text Characteritic 308-9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775, Table 6 1: Data type for parameter All the enumeration type are alo available for parameter. The enumeration type are decribed in detail in ection 6.1. Dimenion If you have entered a value other than the default number one, then you have a parameter vector with the pecified number of element. Thee parameter are imply numbered conecutively in the component intance by appending an index number tarting with one to the name. You can alo enter a the number another parameter that determine the number of thi parameter. Thi parameter mut then be of the type dimenion. Default Parameter can be aigned a default numerical value. Parameter alo have other propertie that you can edit in the property window for that parameter. Online-changeable Online changeable parameter are parameter that can be changed for a component intance while a imulation i running. Parameter of the type dimenion are not online-changeable. Unit The unit entered here only appear a an additional property of the parameter in the property window for the component intance. Comment The comment for a parameter i for documentation purpoe only and i not evaluated by SIMIT. All the name of parameter and connector mut be unique, i.e. a connector mut not have the ame name a a parameter and vice vera. 6.1 Defining enumeration type The Enumeration type (Figure 6 2) tak card contain all the enumeration type that can be ued for enumeration parameter. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 28

37 Parameter of a component type Figure 6 2: The Enumeration Type tak card Thi tak card i divided into three palette: Baic enumeration type Thi palette how the enumeration type that are ued in the component in the baic library. You can ue thee enumeration type a the bai for your own enumeration type by copying them to the Uer enumeration type palette. Uer enumeration type You can create your own enumeration type in thi palette. To do thi, copy an exiting enumeration type or click the New enumeration type command. A window (Figure 6 3) then open in which you define the enumeration type. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 29

38 Parameter of a component type Figure 6 3: Window for defining an enumeration type Enter the name for the individual element of the enumeration. From Component Type You can open any component type from thi palette on the tak card uing the command. The enumeration type ued in the component type will then not only be diplayed under thi component type, but will alo be included in the election lit of enumeration type. When you elect an enumeration type from one of thee three palette on the tak card, the element that can be contained in thi enumeration type are lited in the preview at the bottom of the tak card (Figure 6 4). Figure 6 4: Enumeration type preview The ID of the enumeration type i alo diplayed in the preview. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 30

39 Parameter of a component type In the behaviour decription you ue an element of an enumeration type by entering the name of the enumeration type, followed by a dot and the name of the actual element. The entire contruct mut alo appear in ingle quote, for example: CloedOpen.Cloed. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 31

40 The behaviour of a component type 7 THE BEHAVIOUR OF A COMPONENT TYPE The functional behaviour of a component type i defined by tate variable and the behaviour decription. The behaviour decription i divided into the individual apect of Initialiation, Cyclic calculation and Function. The component type editor provide uitable editor for all apect: a table editor for the tate and a text editor for the ub-apect of the behaviour decription. 7.1 State State variable of a component are the memory of a component, a it were. They contain value that, at any point in time, cannot be calculated from the input variable and parameter alone, but depend on what ha happened in the pat. For example, the fill level in a container cannot be calculated by imply balancing the inflow and outflow at a given point in time; it alo depend on the content of the container before the point under conideration. A table editor i provided for editing the tate (Figure 7 1). You can open the editor by double clicking the apect State in the project tree. Figure 7 1: Table editor for the tate variable A tate ha the following propertie: Name Every tate variable mut have a unique name. The name mut contain only letter, digit and the undercore character, and mut tart with a letter. The name i cae enitive. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 32

41 The behaviour of a component type State type There are two different tate type: time-dicrete and continuou. The difference i determined by how the new value of a tate i calculated: For time-dicrete tate, the value i calculated in every proceing cycle by a calculation rule in the form of an explicit equation that you define in the behaviour decription. The rule for calculating a continuou tate variable i defined by a differential equation. SIMIT calculate the tate value in every proceing cycle by olving thi differential equation uing a uitable numerical method. You will find detailed information about how to handle time-dicrete and continuou tate variable uing explicit equation and differential equation in the behaviour decription in the relevant ection in chapter 9.2. Data type Time-dicrete tate variable can have any of the data type lited in Table 7 1. Data type Decription Range of value binary Binary value True/Fale analog Floating point value ± to ± integer Integer value byte Byte 0 to ,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 Table 7 1: Data type for time-dicrete tate Continuou tate variable are alway of the type analog. Dimenion If you have entered a value other than the default number one, then you have a tate vector with the pecified number of element. Thee tate are imply numbered conecutively in the component intance by appending an index number tarting with one to the name. You can alo enter a the number another parameter that determine the number of thi parameter. Thi parameter mut then be of the type dimenion. State variable alo have other propertie that can be defined in the property window for the component type: Default Every tate variable ha a default etting uitable for it type. Thi default etting can be overwritten in the component intance. Only viible in CTE Set thi option if you do not want thi tate to be viible in the component property window. Decription The decription of a tate variable i for documentation purpoe only and i not evaluated by SIMIT. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 33

42 The behaviour of a component type 7.2 Initialiation, cyclic calculation and function The behaviour decription for a component conit of a part that i executed once during initialiation and a part that i carried out in every cyclic calculation tep. Calculation that are ued multiple time can optionally be defined a function. The component type editor provide a text editor for each of thee three ub-apect of the behaviour decription (Figure 7 2). The editor for any of thee ub-apect can be opened by double clicking the correponding ub-apect in the project tree. Figure 7 2: Text editor for the behaviour decription For eae of orientation, you can activate the Highlight yntax option in the property window. Important element of the decription yntax are then made eaier to identify by different colour. Table 7 2 lit the colour ued for the individual element. Element Input ignal Output ignal State Parameter Text contant Keyword Decription Table 7 2: Colour Green Red Olive green Pink Brown Blue Grey Colour ued for the element Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 34

43 The behaviour of a component type NOTE The ue of highlight colour increae the computing power needed to update the uer interface of the text editor, and the extra time needed i ometime ufficient to caue a hort delay while you are typing. You may therefore find it ueful to witch off the highlighting, at leat temporarily, if your text are very long. All three text editor have a function for finding and replacing text located beneath the icon. You can alo call up thi function uing the Ctrl+F or Ctrl+H hortcut. There are variou option you can ue for earching, a hown in Figure 7 3. Figure 7 3: Find and Replace in the text editor The yntax for the behaviour decription i decribed in ection The Signal tak card For every behaviour decription text editor there i a Signal tak card. Thi contain all the ignal that exit in thi component type. Here the "ource" of ignal i the actual component type, o you only need the name for the ignal in thi cae. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 35

44 The behaviour of a component type Figure 7 4: The Signal tak card The tak card ignal allow you to filter by name, ignal type and data type. It thu provide a rapid overview of the ignal available in thi component type. You can alo eaily drag a ignal name from the ignal tak card into the text editor, thu enuring that you do not make any typing error, for example. 7.4 Topology The topology decription i only meaningful in aociation with pecial librarie. You will find further detail concerning topology apect in the manual for thee librarie. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 36

45 Viualization of component type 8 VISUALIZATION OF COMPONENT TYPES A graphical repreentation of a component intance i created in the form of a baic ymbol for every component type. The baic ymbol i diplayed in the preview of the tak card component; it repreent every component intance on the diagram. Optionally a link view can be created for a component type. Thi provide additional acce to the component intance. It i alo poible to define an operating window for a component type that can be opened for every intance while the imulation i running in order to et and diplay component value. 8.1 The baic ymbol To edit the baic ymbol, open the graphical ymbol editor (Figure 8 1) by double clicking the Baic ymbol apect in the project tree. The Graphic tak card contain the graphical element of the diagram editor for deigning the graphical apect of the baic ymbol. You can ue thee graphical function to deign the baic ymbol a required in the available pace. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 37

46 Viualization of component type Figure 8 1: Graphical editor for the baic ymbol Editing graphic For editing graphic you have the full et of feature available that the graphic editor in SIMIT provide. You may drag and drop variou graphic element from the Graphic takcard (Figure 8 2) onto the ymbol view and edit them uing the feature a provided in the tool bar. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 38

47 Viualization of component type Figure 8 2: Graphic element in the Graphic takcard You may pecify the layout of any graphic object in the propertie window (Figure 8 3). Figure 8 3: Setting for caling graphic on component You may alo ue ignal of the component type to animate graphic object. You may chooe from the following type of animation Movement of the graphic element on the ymbol Rotation of the graphic element around the rotation axi Scaling, i.e. ize change of the graphic element Viibility to how or hide the graphic element Image Alternation and Image Sequence to how image contained in image file on the graphic object Adding control You may alo place control on the baic ymbol and connect them to input or output ignal. The takcard Control provide all control from the SIMIT baic library. For component type that ue control on the baic ymbol you can et and diplay value directly on the ymbol without having to open the component type operating window (Figure 8 4). Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 39

48 Viualization of component type Figure 8 4: Component type with a puhbutton on the baic ymbol Editing connector All connector a pecified in the connector editor can be automatically arranged on the baic ymbol. Jut click the ymbol in the toolbar. Connector are automatically arranged in a pecified order on the border of the baic ymbol: Input are placed on the left hand ide, output on the right hand ide. You may ue the moue to drag any connector to the deired poition within a rater of 5 pixel. A connector coordinate are diplayed in the propertie view (Figure 8 5), you can alo manually edit the deired poition there. In contrat to poitioning with the moue, manual input i not limited to the rater. Coordinate alo do not need to be integer value. Figure 8 5: Poition of a connector If there i a vector of input or output that ha a fixed, i.e. not variable dimenion, each individual connector of that vector can be freely poitioned. NOTE Change in the connector editor do not appear in the ymbol editor until you ave the component type or run an update from the toolbar ( ) or by preing function key F Editing propertie You can define propertie for the baic ymbol in the property window: Name If you enter a Name, thi appear centred at the top of the baic ymbol and i offet from the ret of the area by a horizontal eparating line (Figure 8 6). Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 40

49 Viualization of component type Figure 8 6: Name of the baic ymbol When combined with the Draw border option, thi repreent a rudimentary way to deign a component view. Width Here you can pecify the Width of the baic ymbol in pixel a a numerical value. Alternatively, you can hold down the left moue button on the left or right edge of the ymbol area in the editor window to move it. The numerical value for the width will change automatically a you do o. Height Here you can pecify the Height of the baic ymbol in pixel a a numerical value. Alternatively, you can hold down the left moue button on the top or bottom edge of the ymbol area in the editor window to move it. The numerical value for the height will change automatically a you do o. Horizontal calable The Horizontal calable option i ued to define whether the baic ymbol for the component intance hould be calable in the horizontal direction on a diagram. Suitable grab handle are then provided on the election border for the baic ymbol (Figure 8 7). Figure 8 7: Horizontally non-calable (a) and calable (b) ymbol Vertical calable The Vertical calable option i ued to define whether the baic ymbol for the component intance hould be calable in the vertical direction on a diagram. Suitable grab handle are then provided on the election border for the baic ymbol (Figure 8 8). Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 41

50 Viualization of component type Figure 8 8: Vertically non-calable (a) and calable (b) ymbol Minimal width The Minimal width of the baic ymbol cannot be underhot when caling the baic ymbol horizontally on the diagram. Minimal height The Minimal height of the baic ymbol cannot be underhot when caling the baic ymbol vertically on the diagram. Scale graphic If you deign a calable baic ymbol with graphic, thi option allow you to define whether the graphic hould be caled with the baic ymbol (Figure 8 9). Figure 8 9: Graphic of the baic ymbol (a) i not caled with the baic ymbol (b) or i caled with the baic ymbol (c) I rotatable Thi option define whether the baic ymbol can be rotated on a diagram or not. If it i rotatable, a uitable grab handle appear on the election border of the baic ymbol (Figure 8 10). Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 42

51 Viualization of component type Figure 8 10: Component i not rotatable (a) and i rotatable (b) Show connector name Thi option allow you to define whether the connector name of the input and output hould be diplayed in the ymbol. Pleae note that input can only be diplayed on the left-hand edge and output on the right-hand edge of the baic ymbol. Figure 8 11: Repreentation of the connector name on the baic ymbol Draw border Thi option allow you to define whether the baic ymbol hould appear with a black border. Figure 8 12: Border of the baic ymbol Proportional calable only Thi option can be ued to pecify that a component with and height cannot be caled independently but only proportionally, i.e. maintaining a contant ratio between width and height. Thi option can only be elected when the component i both horizontally and vertically calable! Scale Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 43

52 Viualization of component type When creating uer component type for material tranport (i.e. component type with library type CONTEC) you may pecify a cale for the baic ymbol. Thi cale fulfil two tak: 1. All ize and poition can be defined in millimetre according to the cale pecified when creating the ymbol of a material tranport component. 2. When creating the ymbol of a material tranport component the ize a reulting from the pecified cale i the default ize with which the material i placed into the material lit in SIMIT. NOTE The property Scale i available only if you have the CONTEC library licened in SIMIT! 8.2 The link ymbol The baic ymbol of a component type i ued to parameterize and link the component intance on a diagram. Optionally, a component type can have a link view. The ymbol hown in thi view (the link ymbol) may be deigned graphically entirely independently of the baic ymbol. It ha no connector, in contrat to the baic ymbol. Otherwie, the graphic element of the link ymbol can be freely deigned a in the baic ymbol, i.e. they can be animated, for example, to viualize current imulation tate of a component intance. Double click the Link entry in the project tree to open the editor for the link ymbol (Figure 8 13). The graphical editor that open provide the ame function a the baic ymbol editor, apart from the function that relate to connector. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 44

53 Viualization of component type Figure 8 13: Graphical editor for the link ymbol If you provide a link for a component type, you can create any number of link for an intance of thi component type on diagram in your SIMIT project. 8.3 The operating window An operating window allow you to et and diplay value of the component intance while the imulation i running. Double click the component in the diagram to open the operating window. To create an operating window, double click the Operating window entry in the component type editor project tree (Figure 8 14). Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 45

54 Viualization of component type Figure 8 14: Editor for the operating window You can ue all the control for the SIMIT baic library in an operating window. Thee control are provided on the Control tak card. You can drag thee control from the tak card onto the drawing urface of the editor and connect them to uitable input or output ignal for the component type. The Graphic tak card alo provide the SIMIT graphic function for graphically deigning the operating window. Pleae note that graphic object in the operating window cannot be animated. The property window contain further option for deigning the operating window: Extended window You can divide the operating window into two area in order to eparate frequently required control from thoe that are needed le often, for example. To do thi, activate the Extended window option. The editor then contain another area for the extended window (Figure 8 15). Thi area i jut a wide a the area for the operating window, and the height can be changed a required. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 46

55 Viualization of component type Figure 8 15: The extended operating window in the editor In the open operating window for a component intance, you can eaily open the extended window by clicking the bottom edge (Figure 8 16). Figure 8 16: Operating window for opening the extended window Width Here you can pecify the width of the operating window in pixel a a numerical value. Alternatively, you can move the left or right edge of the window area in the Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 47

56 Viualization of component type editor by holding down the left moue button. The numerical value i updated automatically. Height Here you can pecify the height of the operating window in pixel a a numerical value. Alternatively, you can move the top or bottom edge of the window area in the editor by holding down the left moue button. The numerical value i updated automatically. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 48

57 Behaviour decription 9 BEHAVIOUR DESCRIPTION The behaviour decription for a component conit of a part that i executed once during initialiation and a part that i carried out in every cyclic calculation tep. The ame decription yntax applie to both part. There are two different approache to the behaviour decription for a component: Equation-oriented approach The equation-oriented approach decribe every new tatu value or output value a an explicit function of the input, parameter and tate. It i particularly uitable for modelling phyical context. Thi approach allow you to decribe the change in continuou tate variable uing common differential equation a well. Intruction-oriented approach The intruction-oriented approach decribe the calculation of new tate variable or output in the form of programming intruction that are proceed equentially in the pecified order. Thi approach i particularly uitable for modelling technical behaviour. The two approache can alo be combined in a component type. 9.1 Converion of the behaviour decription to C# code Regardle of which approach i ued to define the behaviour of a component type, it i ultimately converted into C# code in the imulation project for every component intance. Thi converion take place automatically and cannot be een by and i of no ignificance to the uer. Not all yntax error are detected before the code i generated, o the compiler may alo generate error meage. Pleae note that the information in uch error meage relate to the generated code that differ from the behaviour pecified in the component type in term of both yntax and breakdown. 9.2 The equation-oriented approach In the equation-oriented approach, the yntax in which you et out the behaviour of your component type conit of relationhip in the form of equation, rather than intruction. Thee equation explicitly decribe how a tate variable or an output i calculated from other variable, for example a follow: Eentially: Output = Parameter * Input; Every equation contain the equal ign. On the left of the equal ign i the variable that i being determined. On the right of the equal ign are the variable that are read (explicit form of an equation). At the end of every equation there i a emicolon. Any variable may occur only once on the left of the equal ign, i.e. a variable may only be determined once. The following variable may appear on the left of the equal ign: Output Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 49

58 Behaviour decription State (for time-dicrete tate, only the new value; for continuou tate, only the differential, i.e. the change in value) and Local variable. The following variable may appear on the right of the equal ign: Input State (only the differential may appear here for continuou tate) Parameter Local variable and Contant Local variable You can define local variable a follow in the behaviour decription for initialiation or cyclic calculation: Data type Name[,Name]; Example: binary b1, b2, b3; The data type lited in Table 9 1 are permitted. Data type Decription Range of value Default binary Binary value True/Fale Fale analog Floating point value ± to ± integer Integer value -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to +9,223,372,036,854,775,807 0 Table 9 1: Data type for local variable The name of a local variable mut contain only letter, digit and the undercore character, and mut tart with a letter. Local variable are ued to ave interim reult that will be needed again in the ame proceing tep. In the ubequent calculation tep, local variable have their originally aigned value once more. If you wih to acce calculated value once more in the next calculation tep, alway create time-dicrete tate variable, rather than local variable Contant The contant you can ue will depend on the data type of the reult variable. The contant for each data type are decribed in Table 9 2. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 50

59 Behaviour decription Data type Contant binary "FALSE" or "TRUE" analog Decimal fraction with a decimal point a the eparator, e.g. "125.61" Exponential notation, e.g. 62.2e-4" integer Sequence of digit without a thouand eparator, e.g. "125985" Table 9 2: Data type for contant The calculation order The behaviour decription for a component type both for initialiation and for cyclical calculation conit of individual equation. With the decription you are only decribing relationhip and dependencie in thoe relationhip. In particular, you are not defining any order for the calculation. The order in which you write thee equation i of no relevance to the calculation. When you generate an executable imulation, SIMIT analyze all the equation in a component intance and determine the order in which they need to be calculated with reference to the interdependencie. SIMIT alway arrange the calculation order o that equation that define a variable are calculated before equation in which thi variable i needed. In the example in Figure 9 1, the local variable p i firt aigned the value 3.14, then the new tate Z i calculated and then the value of the newly calculated tate i aigned to the output. Figure 9 1: Example of an equation-oriented behaviour decription The calculation order i automatically obtained from the analyi of the dependencie and, in thi cae, i exactly the revere of the order in the decription. However, SIMIT doe not analyze the equation within a ingle component intance, but rather acro all the component intance with their reciprocal link in your SIMIT project and define a uitable calculation order for the project. In the example in Figure 9 2, multiplication i alway carried out before addition becaue the product i needed for the addition. Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 51

60 Behaviour decription Figure 9 2: Example of a defined calculation order Situation may occur in which no unique calculation order can be determined. In the example in Figure 9 3, the input value of the two AND operation are independent of the output value of the other operation. Thi feedback mean that one of the two AND operation i alway calculated with a non-current input value, i.e. with a value originating from the previou calculation cycle. Figure 9 3: Example of an undefined calculation order In uch cae the order in which the equation mut be proceed i not defined, but SIMIT alway attempt to maximize the calculation order, i.e. to ort a many equation a poible into an order. Thu, in the above example, SIMIT alway procee the "Switch - AND - NOT - binary indicator" equence in thi order. It i alo not defined whether the top or the bottom equence hould be proceed firt Operator The variable on the right of the equal ign can be linked to one another with operator. The operator lited in Table 9 3 are permitted, depending on the data type. Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 52

61 Behaviour decription Operation Operator Data type Priority Bracket (expreion) binary, integer, analog highet Function call Function name (parameter lit) binary, integer, analog Converion - integer, analog Negation NOT binary Multiplication * integer, analog Diviion / integer, analog Modulo % integer Addition + integer, analog Subtraction - integer, analog Comparion <, >, <=, >= integer, analog Equality = binary, integer, analog Inequality!= binary, integer, analog Logical AND AND binary Logical excluive OR XOR binary Logical OR OR binary lowet Table 9 3: Permitted operator Conditional expreion You can aign different value with the following yntax to a variable, according to one or more condition: y = {Condition1: Expreion1; Condition2: Expreion2;... ELSE Expreion0}; Example: m = {p<1: m1; p<0: m2; ELSE m3}; The condition are proceed from left to right. Once a condition i fulfilled, the aociated expreion i evaluated and aigned to the variable on the left of the equal ign. If no condition i fulfilled, the expreion after the keyword ELSE i evaluated. You can pecify a many condition/expreion pair a you wih. The "ELSE" expreion mut alway be pecified Enumeration type Parameter can have enumeration type a the type. You can then elect the deired entry from a lit in the property window of the diagram editor in order to parameterize the component intance (Figure 9 4). Siemen Indutrial Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 53

62 Behaviour decription Figure 9 4: Parameteriing with an enumeration You can look up uch parameter in the behaviour decription by relating the correponding lit entry to the name of the enumeration type, eparated by a dot, a hown in the following example: Vector You can alo define all input, output, parameter and tate a vector. You can then acce the element of the vector in the behaviour decription a follow: Individual element To acce an element of a vector, append the deired index in quare bracket to the ignal name. Pleae note that the firt element of the vector ha index 0. The index mut be a contant, non-negative integer value and mut not exceed the number of element that thi vector ha. Example: Output[2] = Input * 2.0; Range You can pecify an equation for multiple element of a vector by entering a range: Vector_name[Index1 TO Index2] SIMIT reolve thi vector equation o that the following two example are identical: Example 1: Output[0 TO 2] = 1.0; Example 2: Output[0] = 1.0; Output[1] = 1.0; Output[2] = 1.0; When you want to refer to the index in a vector equation, you can pecify an index variable: Vector_name[Index variable: Index1 TO Index2] Thi index variable can then be ued on the right-hand ide of the equation. It doe not alo have to be declared a a local variable. It name mut be a ingle character! Example: Copyright Siemen AG, 2013 Proce Automation Page 54

SIMIT 7. Component Type Editor (CTE) User manual

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