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1 Chip Design with FPGA Design Tools Intern: Supervisor: Antoine Vazquez Janusz Zalewski Florida Gulf Coast University Fort Myers, FL V1.9, August 28 th. Page 1

2 1. Introduction FPGA is abbreviation of Field Programmable Gate Array. It is a semiconductor device containing Configurable Logic Block, Interconnect Resource, and Input/Output Block that can be configured by the customer and designer after manufacturing. The Configurable Logic Block can be programmed to duplicate the functionality of basic logic gates (such as AND, OR, XOR, NOT) or more complex combinatorial functions such as decoders or simple math functions. In most FPGAs, these Configurable Logic Blocks also include memory elements, which may be simple flip-flops or more complete blocks of memories. FPGA has several advantages, such as a shorter time to market and ability to reprogram in the field to fix bugs, and lower non-recurring engineering costs. Applications of FPGAs include digital signal processing, aerospace, defense systems, etc... FPGAs are programmed using hardware description languages to specify how the chip will work. The most used language to program FPGAs is Very High Speed Integrated Circuits (VHSIC) Hardware Description Language, abbreviated to VHDL. The boards we have at our disposal are Altera (Cyclone 2) [1], Xilinx (Spartan-3E) [2] and National Instrument (CRIO) [3]. To program this board, we use three tools, depending on which board we want to work with: Altera Quartus II Xilinx ISE 10.1 National Instruments Labview 8.5 In the following sections, the use of all three tools is explained for a Serial Data Receiver [4] see section Page 2

3 1.1 Quartus II design example Quartus II is a software tool developed by Altera to manage projects, for which EDA (Electronic Design Automation) operations are made. The use of the software can be decomposed into three steps: Design entry two modes of seizure are available, Schematic (GDF or BDF files) or Textual (TDF and VHD files). Simulation the synthesized circuit is tested to verify its functional correctness; this simulation does not take into account any propagation delays. Synthesis the verified design is synthesized into a circuit that consists of logic elements provided in the FPGA chip Design entry First, you have to create a new project by selecting File -> new project Wizard. After that press next to continue. In the next window, enter your project name and location. Press next two times. Now you can specify the type of device in which the designed circuit will be implemented. Select as shown in figure 1. Figure 1 - Type of device you want to use Page 3

4 It is important to specify the family and name of your device correctly. You can find the family of the board written on the FPGA s board; here it is Cyclone II. As well, the Name is written on the FPGA, EP2C35F672C6. The name on the board may be ended with an N which does not matter. If the selected device is not the one for synthesis, your program will not be synthesized. Figure 2 - Altera Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6 After selecting the family and name, click on next and then finish. Your project is now created. The next step is creating a new file to develop your VHDL program by selecting File -> New. A new window appears. Choose VHDL File. Page 4

5 Figure 3 - Create a new VHDL File You are now able to edit your VHDL code. One has to enter the library you are going to use and describe your entity. Entity describes an external block view. You should know what you are going to do before creating it. Inside this block will be the circuit that you want to create in VHDL. So, define what your circuit does and how it will communicate with the board and devices. The entity should be described as followings: 1. Circuit s name 2. IN/OUT ports : Name, for example din, fclk, rst. Direction (IN, OUT, IN/OUT...) Type (BIT, BIT_VECTOR, INTEGER, STD_LOGIC, etc) For a serial data receiver, we need a serial input, a clock to synchronize the circuit and a reset to restart. On the output side, the serial input is converted to a set of parallel signals. Additionally, more output signals should be used to indicate errors. Page 5

6 In the following figure, we define first the schematic representation and then write it in VHDL code. din Data 7bit fclk test Err rst Data_valid Library ieee; Use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; Entity test IS PORT ( din, fclk, rst : IN BIT; data: OUT BIT_VECTOR (6 DOWNTO 0); err, data_valid : OUT BIT ); END test; Figure 4 Schematic representation and VHDL code corresponding Then, you can describe the architecture. The architecture is the internal description of the circuit. It is always associated with an entity. The same entity can have many structures. The mechanism of configuration allows indicating the architecture connected with an entity. In the body of the architecture (between begin and end), there are two types of instructions of VHDL that can be written in any order: Type 1. Type 2. Process with the keyword process. Instruction of affectation. Page 6

7 ARCHITECTURE rt1 OF test IS BEGIN PROCESS (rst, fclk) VARIABLE count: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 10; VARIABLE reg: BIT_VECTOR (10 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE temp: BIT; BEGIN IF (rst='0') THEN count:=0; reg:= (reg'range => '0'); temp := '0'; err <= '0'; data_valid <= '0'; ELSIF (fclk' EVENT AND fclk = '0') THEN IF(reg(0)='0' AND din='1') THEN reg(0) :='1'; ELSIF (reg(0)='1') THEN count := count + 1; IF (count<10) THEN reg(count) := din; ELSIF (count=10) THEN temp :=(reg(1) XOR reg(2) XOR reg(3) XOR reg(4) XOR reg(5) XOR reg(6) XOR reg(7) XOR reg(8) XOR reg(9)); err <= temp; count := 0; temp:= '0'; reg(0) :=din; IF (temp ='0') THEN data <= reg(7 downto 1); data_valid <= '1'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; END rt1; Figure 5 VHDL code of the architecture of the Serial Data Receiver To be sure the code is complete, double-click on compile design on the Task window. Figure 6 shows an example at a successful compilation. Page 7

8 Figure 6 - Compile design Simulation Before implementing the designed circuit in the FPGA chip on the physical board, it is prudent to simulate it to ascertain its correctness. The Cyclone II board has hardwired connections between the FPGA pins and the other components on the board. So, after compiling, we need to assign pins for simulation. Then, the simulation can be made. During the compilation, the Quartus II Compiler was free to choose any pins on the selected FPGA to serve as inputs and outputs. This part is very important because you are going to choose how your circuit will communicate with the extern world. You have to understand what your circuit is going to do before assigning pins! If you want to display your result, you can use the LCD screen, the 7-segments billsticker, or the green and red leds. You can also use USB connection, IDE, JTAG, VGA, Ethernet or every component that the board has. Input can be connected to those components except displays. It is possible to connect a temperature captor, a webcam or a microphone. There are also switches and push buttons, which will be used for the serial data receiver. Page 8

9 So each input and output must be assigned to a component of the board, and thus connected to one of the FPGA pins. Look at the Appendix to see the mapping between pins and components. To assign pins, select Assignments > Assignment Editor to reach the window in Figure 7. Under Category select Pin. Then double-click on the entry <<new>>. Assign the pin as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 - Pin assignment After the pins are assigned, you should create a simulation file (Vector Waveform File), by selecting File -> New then choose Vector Waveform File then press OK. See figure 8. Page 9

10 Figure 8 - New Vector Waveform File You can now include the input and output nodes of the circuit to be simulated, by clicking Edit > Insert > Insert Node or Bus open the window in Figure 9. Figure 9 - The Insert Node or Bus dialogue In figure 9, click on Node Finder. In the Node Finder window, we are interested in input and output pins, so set the filter to Pins: all. Then Select all the node found. Click OK when you have finish. Page 10

11 Figure 10 - Selecting nodes to insert into the Waveform Editor. To perform the functional simulation, select Assignments -> Settings to open the Settings window. On the left side of this window click on Simulator Settings, choose Functional as the simulation mode, and click OK. The Quartus II simulator takes the inputs and generates the outputs defined in the.vwf file. Press Ok to finish. Page 11

12 Figure 11 - Functional Simulator settings Before running the functional simulation it is necessary to create the required netlist which map pins to signals. This is done by selecting Processing -> Generate Functional Simulation Netlist. Additionally, use fclk as the clock. (din is read only when fclk falls.) You can now make your simulation! In the following, the input sequence is din = that is interpreted as follows: Start= Data= (binary) Parity= Stop=1. To display it on binary, hexadecimal or decimal, make a right click on the name and then choose Properties, followed by choosing unsigned decimal. Now simulation is ready! A simulation run is started by selecting Processing -> Start Simulation, or by using the icon. Page 12

13 At the end of the simulation, Quartus II software indicates its successful completion and displays a Simulation Report illustrated in Figure 12. Figure 12 Simulation results of serial data receivers After reception, data = 78 (decimal) = (binary). Data_valid is high and err is low which means the data reception has been successful Synthesis Now that the simulation has been done successfully, you can start to synthesize your circuit on the Altera Cyclone II board to actually see the output. To do this, click on the programmer icon, or select tools -> programmer. Figure 13 appear. If the device is not detected, make sure that the board is turned on. Page 13

14 Figure 13 - Programmer window When you are ready, click on the start icon. The FPGA will be flashed with your program. Afterwards, you can use SW[0] to modify din. When din is on the good position (high or low), press Key[3] every time you want to input your din position as Key[3] is your clock. Key[0] is reset For example, to input , you can switch SW[0] to generate either 1 or 0 sequentially. In order to be synchronized by the clock (Key[3]), press Key[3] every time SW[3] is switched, high or low. After the data are received leds between ledr0 to ledr6 will show you the results, LEDG0 (data_valid) is on and LED17 (error) is off. Try another sequence: and you will see that parity is false on that case. You will see LED17 (err) turn ON. You can also try and see that parity is true. You can observe your data display by leds, as shown in the box in Figure 14. The sequence is well shows. Moreover, Green led at the right corresponds to data_valid, so you have well received the data. Page 14

15 Data[0 to6] Din switch Fclk button Reset button Data_valid Figure 14 - Results on Altera board Page 15

16 1.2 Xilinx ISE design example Similar to Altera Quartus II, Xillinx ISE can help design circuits in VHDL, simulate the code, and flash the VHDL code to a board Design entry The first thing is to create a new project in Xillinx by selecting File-> New project. You need to give a name of your project, select the project location, and press next. Choose the options like show in figure 15 as an example. Figure 15 - New project Then you can choose the board you are going to use. Check on the board (wrote on the FPGA) the family and the device. Here we use a Spartan-3E XC3S100E. Now the project is ready to be created. Press for Next for three times and then Finish. Page 16

17 Figure *** - Project properties To create a VHDL file for your project, click on create new source : Figure *** - New HDL Module file A window will show up, asking for the type of the source code. Please select VHDL Module File, enter the File s name and the directory and press Next. Page 17

18 Figure *** - VHDL Module File Then you should describe your port entity. Define the direction (in or out), the port s name and if it is a bus or just a bit. Then press next and finish. Figure *** - Port entity s definition The first part of your VHDL code (the entity) will be automatically created based on the information which you entered previously. Page 18

19 Figure *** - VHDL code The architecture has to be completed by you. You must write your VHDL code between BEGIN Behavioral and END Behavioral to describe the inside of your circuit. Page 19

20 architecture Behavioral of test is begin PROCESS (rst, fclk) VARIABLE count: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 10; VARIABLE reg: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (10 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE temp: STD_LOGIC; BEGIN IF (rst='1') THEN count:=0; reg:= " "; temp := '1'; err <= '0'; data <= " "; ELSIF (fclk' EVENT AND fclk = '1') THEN IF(reg(0)='0' AND din='1') THEN reg(0) :='1'; ELSIF (reg(0)='1') THEN count := count + 1; IF (count<10) THEN reg(count) := din; ELSIF (count=10) THEN temp :=((reg(1) XOR reg(2) XOR reg(3) XOR reg(4) XOR reg(5) XOR reg(6) XOR reg(7) XOR reg(8)) OR NOT reg(9)); err <= temp; count := 0; reg(0) :=din; IF (temp ='0') THEN data <= reg(7 downto 1); END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; end Behavioral; Figure *** VHDL code of the architecture of the Serial Data Receiver On the process windows, double click on check syntax Figure *** Check syntax Page 20

21 1.2.2 Simulation Once the design is created and the VHDL code developed, you can simulate the behavior of the circuit. Change the source folder for Behavior Simulation Double click on Create New Source Choose TestBenchWaveform Enter a name for your file Figure *** Test bench new file Page 21

22 You have to define clock options. For this example, you can use a single clock, fclk in Falling Edge. You can choose the period, the length or an offset. Select options like show in Figure ***.[d1] Figure *** Timing option for simulation Press finish when settings are complete. Then the following window will appear. It is your simulation window. fclk is defined as a clock, so define your rst and din input sequence like for the preview example. Page 22

23 The input sequence for din is , which mean, for this protocol: Start = 1 Din = (binary) Parity = 0 Stop = 1. Rst has to be low for resetting the board. For using your program, set rst high. Figure *** Selection of the entries When you are ready, double click on Simulate Behavioral Model to start the simulation and to obtain your results in a new window with the setting you have set before. You can choose the format of the results, binary, decimal, etc. Page 23

24 Figure *** Simulation results of serial data receivers Data = 78 We can see that data, data_valid and err output do not change until every din bits have been sent. Then, after the complete reception, data = 78 (decimal) = (binary). It indicates that the data reception has been done successfully. Page 24

25 1.2.3 Synthesis You are going to see a new approach to assign pins that on section It is possible to assign manually the pins to the components. For that, you need to create a new file, an ucf file. Select implementation on the source window and click on your test.vhd file. On the project directory, create a new file by right clicking -> new -> test document. Rename the file to test.ucf. You will create your assignment manually! Open this file, every assignment file begins by: #PACE: Start of Constraints generated by PACE #PACE: Start of PACE I/O Pin Assignments Then you choose the pins that you want use. For our example, you need three switch inputs for din, fclk and reset. You also can use the led for the data output and the errors signal. On the Xilinx Spartan-3E board, pins are written close to the component like display on figure ***. Page 25

26 Figure *** - Switches and leds on Xilinx Spartan-3E For example, to use SW0, assign the input (rst) to the pin L13 and for the Led 7, assign to F9. NET "fclk" LOC = "H18" ; NET "fclk" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE; NET "data<0>" LOC = "E9" ; NET "data<1>" LOC = "D11" ; NET "data<2>" LOC = "C11" ; NET "data<3>" LOC = "F11" ; NET "data<4>" LOC = "E11" ; NET "data<5>" LOC = "E12" ; NET "data<6>" LOC = "F12" ; NET "din" LOC = "N17" ; NET "rst" LOC = "L13" ; NET "err" LOC = "F9" ; For finish write: #PACE: Start of PACE Area Constraints #PACE: Start of PACE Prohibit Constraints #PACE: End of Constraints generated by PACE Save and close the test.ucf file. On Xilinx-ISE click on add existing source on the process windows. Select test.ucf like shows on figure ***. Click OK on window ***. Page 26

27 Figure *** - Add Existing Sources Figure *** - Add Existing Files Then you can see your assignments on the FPGA by double clicking on Floorplan Area/IO/Logic - Post Synthesis found in the User Constraints process group. The Xilinx Pinout and Area Constraints Editor opens. Figure *** - Package Pins for Spartan-3E Page 27

28 You can observe the Location used in blue. The others Pins are all the pins of the FPGA 320, the Xilinx s FPGA. On the left, there are the correspondences between the Input/output of your program and the location where they are connected. Close the window when you have finished your observations. Double click the Implementation Design on the Processes. You show a warning because you are using a switch as a clock, the constraints file must be edited to explicitly allow it. This is why the line NET "fclk" CLOCK_DEDICATED_ROUTE = FALSE; is present on the test.ucf file. Without this line the warning is an error [5]. Now double click the Generate Programming File and then Configure Target Device. Figure *** - Project Navigator Figure *** - impact dialog box Page 28

29 Select Configure devices using Boundary-Scan (JTAG) and Automatically connect to a cable and identify Boundary-Scan chain. Click Finish. Open the test.bit file on figure ***, and Bypass the other files. Click Ok on the new window. Figure *** - Assign New Configuration File You are now able to flash you program on the Xilinx xc3s500e FPGA. Figure *** - Boundary Scan Click right on the Green icon (xc3s500e) on select Program. The board has been flashed! You can see a Yellow Led on which means that the Program succeeded. On the Board, use SW3 for din, SW2 for fclk and SW0 for reset. Data is displayed on led from LD0 to LD6 and the error signal is displayed on the Led LD7. Page 29

30 For example, to input , you can switch SW0 to generate either 1 or 0 sequentially. In order to be synchronized by the clock (SW2), switch SW2 to High then low every time you want valid din. After the data are received leds between LD0 to LD6 will show you the results and LD7 (error) is off. Try another sequence: and you will see that parity is false on that case. You will see LED17 (err) turn ON. You can also try and see that parity is true. Figure *** - Results on the Xilinx board. Between Led 6 and Led 0, you can read the sequence , that is the sequence you enter by Din! Page 30

31 1.3 Labview 8.5 design example LabVIEW is short for Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Engineering Workbench. It is a platform and development environment for a visual programming language developed by National Instruments. It is possible to program the FPGA of the NI crio For the CompactRIO, the embedded FPGA is a high-performance, reconfigurable chip which can be programed with LabVIEW and LabVIEW FPGA module graphical development tools Design entry When you open Labview, the Getting Started window appears. You can open a new VI (Virtual Instruments file), project or open an existing project. Figure *** - Getting Started window Page 31

32 To create a new FPGA project, click on More in the window called New. Figure *** - New file or project Select Labview FPGA Project to use the crio This will create a new project using the FPGA for running. Click on Ok, a new window appears. Choose CompactRIO Reconfigurable Embedded System and press next. Labview can discover an existing system automatically as the crio So, select Discover existing system as on Figure *** and click Next. Figure *** - Create New CompactRIO FPGA Project Page 32

33 The crio is detected, select it and click Next. Figure *** - Selection of the system Figure *** - Systems available When you can see this window, press Finish. You project is created and configured. Close the FPGA Wizard. The Project explorer appears. Save it and give it a name. Page 33

34 Figure *** - Project Explorer Page 34

35 Right click on crio (address of this device, here ) and select New -> VI. Your file appears on your crio project. Save it and give it a name too. Two windows appears, one is called Front Panel on Data-Receive and a second is called Block Diagram on Data- Receive : - The Block diagram is the program, it is the source code for the Front panel. Figure *** - Block Diagram - The Front Panel simulate the panel of a physical instrument like an oscilloscope for example. It is the interface between the user and the machine. Here is the bottoms, graphs and indicates. Figure *** - Front Panel Page 35

36 On the Block Diagram, add the HDL Interface Node by right click. If you do not find it, go to the help menu -> Search the Labview Help, make a research of HDL interface node and click on find on the Functions palette. Then add it to your Block Diagram file. Figure *** - Help Menu Figure *** - Hdl Nnterface Node on the Block Diagram Double click on the item, the properties window appears. Insert parameters, that means your input and output like shows in Figure ***. Page 36

37 Figure *** HDL Interface Node, Parameters tab On the Code tab, after architecture implementation of test is, enter the VHDL code. Figure *** - HDL Interface Node, code tab Page 37

38 PROCESS (rst, fclk) VARIABLE count: INTEGER RANGE 0 TO 10; VARIABLE reg: STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (10 DOWNTO 0); VARIABLE temp: STD_LOGIC; BEGIN IF (rst(0)='0') THEN count:=0; reg:= (reg'range => '0'); temp := '0'; err(0) <= '0'; data_valid(0) <= '0'; data0(0) <= '0'; data1(0) <= '0'; data2(0) <= '0'; data3(0) <= '0'; data4(0) <= '0'; data5(0) <= '0'; data6(0) <= '0'; ELSIF (fclk(0)' EVENT AND fclk(0) = '1') THEN IF(reg(0)='0' AND din(0)='1') THEN reg(0) :='1'; ELSIF (reg(0)='1') THEN count := count + 1; IF (count<10) THEN reg(count) := din(0); ELSIF (count=10) THEN temp :=((reg(1) XOR reg(2) XOR reg(3) XOR reg(4) XOR reg(5) XOR reg(6) XOR reg(7) XOR reg(8)) OR NOT reg(9)); err(0) <= temp; count := 0; temp:= '0'; reg(0) :=din(0); IF (temp ='0') THEN data0(0) <= reg(1); data1(0) <= reg(2); data2(0) <= reg(3); data3(0) <= reg(4); data4(0) <= reg(5); data5(0) <= reg(6); data6(0) <= reg(7); data_valid(0) <= '1'; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; enable_out <= enable_in; END PROCESS; Figure *** - VHDL Code You can check if your code is correct by clicking on Check Syntax. Then click on OK. You can now see all the connection on the HDL Interface Node. Page 38

39 Figure *** - HDL interface Node You need to wire the connection. Before that, create the interaction of your program on the Front Panel window. Right click on the Front Panel, and select Modern -> Boolean -> LED. Display nine Led, seven for the data and one for data_valid and err. Choose your input bottoms by select Modern -> Boolean -> Switch. Create three switches. Figure *** - Front Panel s interface When you add an item on the Front Panel, it is add on the Block Diagram too. Wire the input and output to their associate items. Page 39

40 Figure *** - Front Panel Synthesis Before to run the program, make sure the VI file is in the section FPGA Target (RIO0, crio- 9074) like shows on Figure ***. Figure *** - Project Explorer with file Page 40

41 Click on the Run Continuously icon on the Front Panel or the Block Diagram and press OK. Wait a couple of minutes, Labview is compiling your program on the crio FPGA. Figure *** - FPGA Compile Server Figure *** - Successful Compile Report Click Ok on the Successful Compile Report. You can use your program on the Front Panel renamed FPGA Target. As for Altera and Xilinx, use fclk for the clock when you choose din. For example, to input , you can switch din to generate either 1 or 0 sequentially. In order to be synchronized by the clock, switch fclk to High then low every time you want valid din. After the data are received leds Data-0 to Data-6 will show you the results while err is Off and data_valid is On. You can observe your data display by leds, as shown in the box in Figure ***. The sequence is well shows. Moreover, Green led at the right corresponds to data_valid, so you have well received the data. Page 41

42 Figure *** - Results for din = Try another sequence: and you will see that parity is false on that case. You will see LED17 (err) turn ON. You can also try and see that parity is true. Figure *** - Results for din = Page 42

43 2. Designing a bus interface in FPGA <TBD> References [1] Altera Corp, Literature: Cyclone II Devices, San Jose, California. [2] Xilinx Inc, Spartan-3E Starter Kit, San Jose, California. [3] National Instruments Corporation., CompactRIO Integrated Systems, Austin, Texas. [4] V. A. Pedroni, Circuit Design with FPGA, HIT Press, Cambridge, Mass, Page 43

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