Verilog HDL. Gate-Level Modeling

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1 Verilog HDL Verilog is a concurrent programming language unlike C, which is sequential in nature. block - executes once at time 0. If there is more then one block, each execute concurrently always block executes continuously Modeling Levels Switch-Level, Gate-Level, Dataflow, Behavioral Assignments Blocking assignment: = executed in order they appear in a block Nonblocking assignment: <= allow scheduling of assignments without blocking execution of statements that follow in a sequential block Continuous assignment assign A = B; connects nets permanently. Example 1: #10 A = 1 b1; counter = 0; Example 2: A <= #10 1 b1; counter <= 0; //executed at 10 (after A assignment) // executed at time 0 (before A assignment) Sequential Black - Parallel Blocks fork-join Module definition: module <module_name> (<module_terminal_list>); <module_terminal_definitions> <functionality_of_module> module // semicolon required!!! // no semicolon!!! Gate-Level Modeling Example 1: Full Adder module FullAdder(X, Y, Cin, Cout, Sum); input X, Y, Cin; // input terminal definitions output Cout, Sum; // output terminal definitions wire w1, w2, w3, w4; xor #(10) (w1, X, Y); xor #(10) xor2(sum, w1, Cin); // internal net declarations // delay time of 10 units // with instance name and #(10) (w2, X, Y); and #(10) (w3, X, Cin); and #(10) (w4, Y, Cin);

2 or #(10, 8)(Cout, w2, w3, w4); module // 3 input or (rise time of 10, fall // time of 8) Example 2: 4-bit Full Adder module Adder4(A, B, Cin, S, Cout); input[3:0] A, B; input Cin; output[3:0] S; output Cout; wire c1, c2, c3; // 4 instantiated 1-bit Full Adders FullAdder fa0(a[0], B[0], Cin, C1, sum[0]); FullAdder fa1(a[1], B[1], C1, C2, sum[1]); FullAdder fa2(a[2], B[2], C2, C3, sum[2]); FullAdder fa3(a[3], B[3], C3, Cout, sum[3]); module Example 3: Stimulus Module for 4-bit Full Adder module stimulus; // declare variables reg[3:0] A, B; reg C_IN; wire [3:0] SUM; wire C_OUT; //Instantiate 4-bit Full Adder Adder4 FA1(A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); $monitor($time, A=%b B=%b Cin=%b, -> Sum = %b Cout=%b\n, A, B, C_IN, SUM, C_OUT); // stimulate inputs // sequential block s A = 4 d0; B = 4 d0, C_IN = 1 b0; // #10 A = 4 d2; B=4 d2; // #10 A = 4 d5; B=4 d8; // #10 C_IN = 1 b1 // module Dataflow Modeling Example 4: 4-to-1 Multiplexer module mux4_to_1(in, out, sel); input [3:0] in; output out; input [1:0]sel;

3 // continuous assignment with delay assign #10 out = (~sel[1] & ~sel[0] & in[0]) (~sel[1] & sel[0] & in[1]) ( sel[1] & ~sel[0] & in[2]) ( sel[1] & sel[0] & in[3]); module Example 5: 4-bit Full Adder with dataflow operators module Adder4(A, B, Cin, S, Cout); input[3:0] A, B; input Cin; output[3:0] S; output Cout; assign {Cout, S} = A + B + Cin; // concatenation module Behavioral Modeling All behavioral statements must be in or always blocks Example 6: Clock Generator module ClkGen; reg clk; clk = 1 b0; always #10 clk = ~clk; #1000 $finish; //or $stop to simulation module Example 7: Behavioral 4-to-1 Multiplexer module mux4_to_1(in, out, sel); input [3:0] in; output out; input [1:0]sel; reg out; or in) case(sel) 2 b00: out = in[0]; 2 b01: out = in[1]; 2 b10: out = in[2]; 2 b11: out = in[3]; default: out = 1 bx; case module

4 Example 8: D-Type Latch module Latch(D, C, Q) input D, C; output Q; reg Q; // output must preserve values Q = 1 b0; or D) if(c == 1'b1) #10 Q = D; module Example 9: D-type Flip-Flop (with clear and set inputs) module DFF(D, C, Q, QN, CLRN, SETN) input D, C, CLRN, SETN; output Q, QN; reg Q, QN; // output must preserve values Q = 1 b0; QN = 1 b1; CLRN or negedge SETN or posedge C) if(clrn == 1 b0) #10 Q = 1 b0; QN = 1 b1; if(setn == 1 b0) #10 Q = 1 b1; QN = 1 b0; #10 Q = D; QN = ~D; module Example 10: Ripple-Carry Counter (with active high reset) 4-bit Ripple-carry counter. Instantiates 4 negative edge triggered T-flipflops from D-flipflop module RCC(Q, CLK, RESET); output [3:0]Q; input CLK, RESET;

5 TFF tff0(q[0], CLK,!RESET); TFF tff1(q[1], Q[0],!RESET); TFF tff2(q[2], Q[1],!RESET); TFF tff3(q[3], Q[2],!RESET); module module TFF(Q, CLK, RESET); output Q; input CLK, RESET; wire D, QN; DFF dff(d,!clk, Q, QN, RESET, 1 b1); assign D = QN; module Example 11: 7-segment LCD Display Driver (for non-multiplexed LCDs) define DSP0 7 b ; define DSP1 7 b ; define DSP2 7 b ; define DSP3 7 b ; define DSP4 7 b ; define DSP5 7 b ; define DSP6 7 b ; define DSP7 7 b ; define DSP8 7 b ; define DSP9 7 b ; define BLANK 7 b ; module LCD_DRV(DATA, CLK, SEGMENTS, COM); input [3:0] DATA; // BCD input input CLK; // Hz clock input output [6:0] SEGMENTS; // LCD A-G segment lines output COM; // LCD COM line or CLK) assign COM = CLK; case (DATA) 4 b0000: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP0; SEGMENTS = DSP0 ^ 7 b ; 4 b0001: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP1; SEGMENTS = DSP1 ^ 7 b ; 4 b0010: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP2; SEGMENTS = DSP2 ^ 7 b ; 4 b0011: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP3; SEGMENTS = DSP3 ^ 7 b ; 4 b0100: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP4; SEGMENTS = DSP4 ^ 7 b ; 4 b0101: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP5; SEGMENTS = DSP5 ^ 7 b ; 4 b0110: if(clk == 1 b0)

6 SEGMENTS = DSP6; SEGMENTS = DSP6 ^ 7 b ; 4 b0111: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP7; SEGMENTS = DSP7 ^ 7 b ; 4 b1000: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP8; SEGMENTS = DSP8 ^ 7 b ; 4 b1001: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = DSP9; SEGMENTS = DSP9 ^ 7 b ; default: if(clk == 1 b0) SEGMENTS = BLANK; SEGMENTS = BLANK ^ 7 b ; case module Example 12: State Machine Two roads intersect: the highway and the country road. On the highway the green light is always on unless the sensor on the country road detects a car. The green light on the country road stays on until all cars leave that road. Model the traffic lights there. Set 3 clock cycle delay for yellow to red signal change and 2 for red to green for both directions. S0 Highway = Green, Country = Red S1 Highway = Yellow, Country = Red S2 Highway = Red, Country = Red S3 Highway = Red, Country = Green S4 Highway = Red, Country = Yellow define RED 2 d0 define YELLOW 2 d1 define GREEN 2 d2 define S0 3 d0 define S1 3 d1 define S2 3 d2 define S3 3 d3 define S4 3 d4 // delays in clock cycles define Y2RDELAY 3 define R2GDELAY 2 module sig_control(highway_signal, country_signal, sensor, clock) output [1:0] highway_signal, country_signal; reg [1:0] highway_signal, country_signal; input sensor, clock; reg[2:0] state, nextstate; state = S0; nextstate = S0; highway_signal = GREEN; country_signal = RED;

7 clock) state = nextstate; case (state) S0: highway_signal = GREEN; country_signal = RED; S1: highway_signal = YELLOW; country_signal = RED; S2: highway_signal = RED; country_signal = RED; S3: highway_signal = RED; country_signal = GREEN; S4: highway_signal = RED; country_signal = YELLOW; case or sensor) case(state) S0: if(sensor) nextstate = S1; nextstate = S0; S1: clock) nextstate = S2; S2: clock) nextstate = S3; S3: if(sensor) nextstate = S3; nextstate = S4; S4: clock) nextstate = S0; default: nextstate = S0; case module Example 13: Left/Right Shifter Using Verilog Functions module shifter; define LEFT_SHIFT 1 b0; define RIGHT_SHIFT 1 b1; reg [31:0] addr, left_addr, right_addr; reg control;

8 left_addr = shift(addr, LEFT_SHIFT); right_addr = shift(addr, RIGHT_SHIFT); // Define the shift function. The output is a 32-bit value function [31:0] shift; input [31:0] address; input control; shift = (control == LEFT_SHIFT)? (address << 1) : (address >> 1); function module

9 Example 14: Bitwise Operator Using Verilog Tasks module operation; parameter delay = 10; reg[15:0] A, B; reg[15:0] AB_AND, AB_OR, AB_XOR; or B) bitwise_oper(ab_and, AB_OR, AB_XOR, A, B); taks bitwise_oper; output [15:0] ab_and, ab_or, ab_xor; input [15:0] a, b #delay ab_and = a & b; ab_or = a b; ab_xor = a ^ b; task module Switch-Level Modeling Example 15: 2-to-1 Multiplexer module mux(out, in, sel); output out; input[1:0]in; input sel; wire sel_b; //declare power and ground supply1 pwr; supply2 gnd; // implement the NOT gate pmos(sel_b, pwr, sel); nmos(sel_b, gnd, sel); // implement 2 pass gate switch gates cmos(out, in[0], sel_b, sel); cmos(out, in[1], sel, sel_b); module

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